Chapter 3

Hannah P.O.V

"All I could do is stand there frozen, just looking at the guy that still has my heart..."


But while I stared into his eyes, I couldn't help but notice his eyes. They didn't have that love that they once had before, they we're this icy blue color, that just looks completely emotionless.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Juan stood up, and walked towards me. He grabbed my waist and I was pushed against his chest.

"Hannah, oh god, it's been way too long!" He yells and I laugh, he lets me go and soon all the others engulf me in a bear hug. Except for Kyle, he just gave me a stiff nod.

Who is this Kyle? The Kyle I knew always had such loving eyes, and was always so nice...

"Hannah, you want to join us?" Johan asked, and I wanted to deny and say I had to get going, but I decided against it, because I've actually missed all of them so much.

"Sure, why not!" The only seat left was between Frankie and Kyle, so I took my seat there. Ones I was done ordering something to drink, everyone started asking me questions.

"So Hannah, I've read three of your books, and let me tell you, I have an obsession with them!" Du Toit states, and I giggle at his words.

"Thank you, I'm really happy you like them" I thank him, and he asks.

"So when is your next book coming out?" He asks.

"Tomorrow" It's true tomorrow my next book is coming out, and the book I'm going to start writing about South-Africa is going to go out in a few months, well that is if it's good...

"What?! Oh my so going to go buy it!" Du Toit yells, and I can't control my laughing. I never thought guys would read my books. "Wait are you working on anything right now?" He asks.

"Jah! Actually it's about my time here in South-Africa." I state.

"Is there any chance that we'll be in your book?" Johan asks, and I think about it for a few seconds. I think there is actually a chance that will happen, sins there part of my adventure here.

I nod my head, and they all cheer...

Our drinks arrive, and we start drinking. "Your parents must be happy you're back!" Juan says, and my head snaps up.

"Am they actually don't know I'm back yet, I first want to get settled in before I go say hello" I explain, and they nod their heads slowly.

"Where are you going to stay then?" Frankie asks.

"Oh I'm sleeping in a hotel" I say. They all nod and change the subject talking about other stuff, when suddenly Kyle nudged my side.

I looked over at him, when he said,

"You aren't going to be sleeping in some ugly hotel room" He states coldly. "You can stay with me" He says and I just look at him for a few seconds, not sure what's going on.

"I can't do that" I say, not wanting to bother him.

"You will" He demands, and I shriek back into my seat...scared of him. His eyes soften, just a little, when he explained.

"You're not going to sleep in a hotel, besides it will give us some time to catch up." He flashes me a smile, and if I we're anyone else I would have thought that smile was real, but I know everything about Kyle, and I know for a fact that, that is one of his fake smiles.

But I decide to ignore that, and agree...

"Okay" I mumble, not wanting to put up a fight.

"Are all of your bags here?" He asks, and I nod my head. "Then let's go" He says while getting up from his seat, I follow his actions, and say my goodbye's to everyone.

After about 15 minutes of saying goodbye, Kyle says I should follow him, so I get in my car and start following him. On my way to his house I start to feel more and more nervous every second.

I have never felt nervous around Kyle, but this guy who I have been talking to isn't the Kyle I ones knew...and that makes me wonder what has happened to him in the last 5 years?
