Chapter 17

Kyle P.O.V

"Y-you slept together?" I hear Hannah mumble, and I slowly look up wanting to see her expression, but ones my eyes saw her teary ones, I felt so guilty!

Just as I wanted to try and explain to her what happened, she ran out if the hall. As I was trying to run after her, Harry suddenly stopped me.

"Stop! I think you've done enough, don't you?" I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but before I could he was already walking out of the door, towards Hannah.

When I looked around me I saw everyone was staring at me. "What you looking at!" I yelled and everyone went back to what they we're doing before.

When I looked to my left I saw Amber smirking at me. "You know, I can make you forget all about Hannah, if you want" She slowly traces her hands up my arms, but I quickly pull away.

"You know what Amber, go fuck somebody else!" I yell and walk out of the hall towards my car, when I got there, I rest my head on the steering wheel, and take a second to figure out what just happened...

God I'm such a big, fucking idiot!!! Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why did I fucking sleep with Amber! Well it's not like I was in the right set of mind, I was drunk...

See after Hannah's mom had told me Hannah ran away, I went to this bar, and sort of just drank! And somehow I ran into Amber after that I don't remember much, only me and her in her house and she was ons top of me. That's all I remember!

But oh god, I felt like shit that morning, and most importantly...guilty! Me and Hannah had never had sex before, and I would always imagine my first time with her, but there I was, in bed, with...Amber! I never thought my first time would be with the slut of the school...

I always wanted it to be with my gorgeous girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend! Ahh...I HATE saying that, it just doesn't feel right.

But after that night with Amber I haven't slept with anyone! I know what you're thinking how could I not have slept with someone in 5 years, especially between 18 and 23, but I did...It's just every time I'm close to a woman or touching her it feels like I'm betraying Hannah... 

After a while, I decide to head home...

**15 minutes later**

When I got home, I saw Hannah's car still parked in my driveway. I mentally sighed in relieve and thanked god, Hannah was still here and didn't just leave! I walked into the house and made my way downstairs, to her room.

When I got there I saw her light was turned off, and she was fast asleep. I stripped from all of my clothes, except for my boxers, and laid next to Hannah, pulling her closer to me, so her front was pressed against me.

She snuggled her head into my neck...I wasn't sure if she was asleep or not, but at this moment I couldn't care less. I kissed her forehead, and just as I was falling asleep, I heard Hannah whisper.

"I'm really, really mad at you" I opened my eyes, but I couldn't see hers, because her face was snuggled into mine.

"I know, Hannah I'm really sorry! I was drunk and hurt, and I felt terrible the next morning! I wanted my first time to be with you, not her! And I haven't even slept with anyone sins then!" I try to explain, and before I could go on, she places a finger over my mouth, shutting me up.

"Shh! It's okay!" She says. "Wait you've never slept with anyone sins then?" She asks confused, I nod my head, and it's quiet for a few seconds. "Aww" She says and giggles and I smile at her adorableness...

She snuggles further into me and says, "Goodnight Kyle" I kiss a forehead and say,

"Goodnight, my love"

Sorry this was a shitty chapter! But it will get better, but I can't update the next few days, sins I'm starting my first day of high school tomorrow! But I will try to update as much as I can...promise!

Wish me luck...Love you all

