Chapter 6

Hannah P.O.V

"Kyle still just stared into my eyes, and suddenly his eyes flickered towards my lap, and his expression went from concern to...anger?

And that's when I finally noticed something..."


I noticed my engagement ring, on my finger. And that's when I mentally wanted to slap myself for not taking it over before.

"It's not what you think" I started to explain to him. Not wanting him to feel betrayed. For a while he just looked down at my ring, and he suddenly took my hand in his examining the ring, when he suddenly started laughing, but it was half a sort of dry laugh.

I looked at him confused, until he said,

"I should have known," He stated. "You we're always the one to go from one guy to the next," He shook his head in disbelieve and I couldn't believe what I was hearing him say...

"Excuse me?" I ask, not believing what I was hearing.

"Hannah don't play dumb with me!" He snapped. "Sins we we're little you we're always interested in more then one guy at a time!" He says, and it felt like I wanted to start crying, and when tears fell from my eyes, I knew I have.

"You know what? Fuck you!" I was beyond hurt by know...So I stood up and pushed Kyle out of the way, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible.

Kyle grabbed my wrist, spinning me around so I was facing him. I tried to get out of his grip, but it was way too tight.

"I didn't say we we're done talking" He spat out, and I couldn't believe who he has become...I was tired of him making me feel like shit, so I decided to turn the table a little...

"Okay for your information, I'm not engaged!" I shouted.

"Oh jeah! Then why do you have a fucking engagement ring on our finger?" He yelled back, pointing towards my ring finger.

"I was supposed to get married yesterday, but I didn't." I said, and even more tears started to run down my face. I stepped back, my back hitting the bathroom door. I then slit my body down the door, until I was sitting down on the floor. Remembering what should have been my happiest day...

"What?" Kyle didn't yell this time, his voice was soft, and he must have realized I was really hurting right know.

"I was s-supposed to get married yesterday, b-but my so called 'fiancée' ditched me right before the wedding..." I explained softly, and I could just feel how quickly Kyle was feeling right now.

"I'm sorry..." He said softly.

I shook my head, and stood up from the floor. Kyle looked at me confusedly and that's when I said.

"Why should you be sorry? After all, I am just the little slut, aren't I?" I yell, referring to what he said before. He opened his mouth to say something, but I stopped him, by turning around and walking out of the bathroom, towards my bedroom.

Although I had a little problem, sins my foot was still sore from the glass, but I managed to get to my bedroom, so ones I was there I climbed back into bed.

I didn't need to brush my teeth sins I did it a few hours ago.

So when I was in my bed, underneath my sheets, I had the headache from all the crying, and there we're still dry tears on my cheeks.

After about 20 minutes I finally fell asleep, thinking about how screwed my life was...

