Chapter 7 - That Music

As much as they tried, one grace day every year wasn't really sustainable for the two. Zim was beginning to run out of ideas, and Dib just stopped worrying as much about Zim as he would like. He saw that Gaz was kinda right. Zim didn't do much harm and got distracted quite often. Zim got so invested in learning how to blend in on Earth that he would sometimes forget that he's supposed to take it over soon. However, they still had their disputes.

Zim's skills with the Earth had indeed advanced a lot to where he could get social cues better. Dib did notice that whenever they would speak, Zim sounded more like a human. A cynical human, but that was up Dib and Gaz's alley. Zim's hair growth from his experiment also helped with his disguise and he started wearing more "normal" clothing. He just started wearing hats to hide his antennae, but they would still stick out. Ever since successfully replacing his pack, he had gotten taller over time, so strangers thought that he was just a short gothic-looking girl since his hair was on the long side under a hat, and he liked wearing dark colors.

Once February of 2006 rolled around, it became a lot harder for Dib to hate him. They've gotten to a point where they mostly just bickered.



- Monday, February 13th, 2006, Light Snow, 3 pm.

Zim was currently heading over to Dib's house with Gir, who had snacks to share in his head. Zim was wearing a black large-brimmed hat to block out the sun. He knocked on the door and in a few moments, Dib answered. He allowed Zim indoors since he was requested to come over.

"Hello Dib," Zim said, "It's nearing our day again." 

Dib nodded and sat on the couch with Zim following, "I'll be honest with you Dib... I don't have any evil plans for the 15th." 

"You have a plan maybe once every 3 weeks now?..."

Zim deadpanned while Dib chuckled,"I blame you...."

"Me? Why?" Dib asked.

"You've made me lazy..."

Dib smiled a little then looked away. Gaz was staring intensely from the stairs.

"Okaaaaay. Head out the door noooow," She thought to herself.

Dib then went over his idea again and looked at Zim.

"Zim... what kind of music do you like? I want to see something..."

"Uh...I don't really have a favorite?..." Zim responded confused.

After a few minutes of rummaging through CDs, Dib finally found a band that Zim could start listening to. He pulled out a Linkin Park CD and placed it in. Gaz decided to stick around for it, since this was one of the only bands she and Dib agreed on. Zim looked around worried and fiddled with his fingers.

"Dib, what's going on?..." Zim asked.

"I just want you to pay attention to how you feel when you hear any of the songs we play."

Zim gave a puzzled look at Dib, "I'm at a loss for why people on this planet get so worked up over music. It's not horrible, but I don't get why people cry over it."

"A variety of reasons honestly," Dib said, " I can't name them all. But for now, until you start choosing your own music, I'll start you off with some that most people know."

He placed on Numb by Linkin Park since it was a song that most people knew. It could give relatability points for Zim. After all, just knowing a song is beneficial. Liking or hating the tune didn't matter right now, so Zim folded his hands and listened to the lyrics.

He rarely listened to the words of a song unless they were the national anthem or were so repetitive that he couldn't help but sing it in his mind. Dib and Gaz glanced at Zim every now and again to see his general reaction. Zim felt his chest drop several times throughout the song about wanting to escape someone else's expectations. He had specific people in mind. Dib saw it in Zim's eyes.

"Reminds you of anyone?" Dib asked.

Zim took a moment before answering, "....Reminds me of the Tallest," Zim said, "It feels like I can never really please them."

"I reminds me of my dad," Dib said, "He hates that I'm interested in paranormal stuff instead of what he calls 'real science' stuff... So he hates that I want to hunt you down..."

Gaz wanted them to shut up so that she could listen to the music, but then remembered her plan. She took the remote and turned up the music on the stereo. The song then ended. No more played because it was the last song on the track. 

Zim looked at Dib,"That was a very weird feeling, Dib..." Zim said quietly.

"A good feeling or a bad one?"

"... I can't describe it well... It was good and sad at the same time," Zim said.

Dib couldn't help but smile at the answer.

"Yeah, the right music will do that..." Dib said. He went over to the radio to take out the CD and place in a new one. There were specific songs he wanted him to hear. Gaz looked at Gir, who was no longer smiling. She was a little on edge now.

"Oh no, are you gonna do that again??" Zim asked.

"Uh, yeah Zim," Dib answered, "That's why I called you over."

"To play with my emotions??"

Gaz just coughed. Dib shook his head and placed on another song.

"Do humans just play with their own emotions for fun??"

"Just listen to the songs, Zim," Dib said smiling a bit.

He placed on a known, but lesser appreciated song by Linkin Park called Papercut. Zim folded his hands tighter, afraid of that feeling again. His eyes widened when the guitar hit since he wasn't expecting it. Dib sat next to him, but a little closer than last time. Gaz just glared at Zim funny for overreacting. Zim went through the same process again and listened to the lyrics, noticing the paranoid and anxious meaning of the lyrics. He looked at Dib.

"This reminds me of how you're like..." Zim said quietly.

"Have you felt like this?"

"Eh... moreso lately than when I first got here... That's for sure..." Zim said.

"Some people feel like this their whole lives..."

Zim looked at him rather concerned, "I mean... you have good days, right?" Zim asked.

"....I mean... lately I have... but..." Dib just trailed off. Zim frowned, then made an angry face to control himself. Gaz got up and stopped the CD before the next song came on. Dib gave her a confused glance. She placed in one of Dib's Evanescence CDs and went to where it played 'My Immortal' on the radio. She wasn't a fan of her, but wanted to play a song that was opposite to the fast paced songs they were listening to. She went back to her seat. Zim glared at Gaz, ill prepared for another song.

The calmness of the song had made Zim anxious. He heard the lyrics loud and clear, as if he had to hear them. It struck a few cords with him at certain parts, causing him to squint to prevent tears. He didn't fully know the meaning of the song, but he had already made up a meaning for it.

He looked at Dib, knowing that he had been in a rather dark place for the past few years. He thought about losing him, and what meaning he would have on Earth afterwards. A tear then fell, but he looked away from Dib quickly. Dib froze at the reaction.

"I think I know why I've been lazy..." Zim said.

Dib looked at him as a way of asking why.

"I guess it would be really boring if you weren't around to mess with from time to time..." Zim admitted, "That, and if I were to take over the Earth, the Tallest would probably... brush over it anyway..." He groaned at the song making him admit things. Dib chuckled quietly.

"I mean... you could always just stay and... not destroy the place..." Dib said.

"Pfft..." Zim went, but it wasn't a bad idea to him either. Besides, he's already made himself comfortable here. Gir's eyes widened. In his mind, there were nachos and donuts on the Earth. If he and Zim lived here, then he could have them forever. His eyes were sparkling from the opportunity. He then came back to reality and looked at Zim.

"......Earth is niiiiiiice," Gir said.

Zim looked down at him and back at Dib, who was smiling. Zim blushed and groaned quietly. He sank back into the sofa. A variety of songs later, Zim was starting to get small preferences out of what Dib had. He repeated to himself that these were for educational purposes, but at times he would forget about it and dance a little.
