Chapter 5 - Not Enough Apparently

- Saturday, February 15th, 2003, Snow, 10 am.

The next day, Zim was in the kitchen talking to Gir while he made waffles again, but this time square ones. Zim had arrived home rather late yesterday due to talking to Dib about the movie. It was a movie about an alien that came to earth and they got along, but the boy had to hide the alien to avoid people freaking out. They had an argument over the accuracy of the film, but it wasn't malicious. It was moreso a debate with some laughter.

"Gir, I watched the most ludicrous movie yesterday!" Zim said, "Dib showed it to me to get my response. Why wasn't I treated like that when I arrived to earth? All I got was yelling! Not a moment where I make a glowing ball of light via the fingertips!"

"I made square waffles today!" Gir exclaimed.

He shook his arms around while holding the spoon with the batter on it. Some waffle batter flew onto the purple walls of the kitchen and onto the floor.

"Gir... I need to ask you something. And be as honest and... as competent as possible..."

Gir nodded. Zim began to tap his foot, "Based on what you know... which isn't much but I'll work with it.... Do you think the Tallest sent me here to kill me?"

Gir tilted his head, "I thought you knew," Gir said. 

Zim's eyes widened.

"I thought we came here to prove them wrong and foooood!" Gir said.


"Wow, Dib brought some yummy chocolate!" Gir said. He then looked at Zim , "..... I ate all your chocolate...."

Zim stood up, his hands shaking a little. Gir began to drown his and Zim's waffles in maple syrup. Zim could feel his eyes burn and placed a hand over his mouth. He wanted to refute it, but it made a little sense. He placed his hand down and slowly sat. His face shifted from dread to neutral.

".... I have no real evidence of that... but  unfortunately, I don't have much against it either..."



Meanwhile in the Membrane house, Dib and Gaz were having cereal for breakfast. Gaz just stared at Dib. He had just got done explaining what had happened yesterday night.

"Sooo... what are you doing today then?..." Gaz asked.

"Well, we should be back to being enemies..." Dib said.


Dib rested his head on his arms, "Well... I feel like that wasn't enough time..." He admitted, "Maybe two days... Or a week?..."

Gaz stopped eating and began to stare off. Her brain was tinkering with this opportunity for peace of mind.

"If they get together, yes I'll have to deal with the mushy stuff, but that's ten times better than a Dib who yells throughout the night, doesn't shower daily, annoys me and dad, and especially...." Gaz thought to herself, "ESPECIALLY... A Dib who steals the last slice of pizza... because then he can just eat at Zim's house! I can't let him mess this up!"

Dib was poking his soggy cereal with his spoon. Gaz came back from her trance and looked at Dib.

"Hnn... I don't want this anymore... might go for the pizza..." Dib mumbled to himself.

"Hey Dib?~" Gaz started, "Wouldn't it be odd if your feelings for Zim was the reason the world would be saved?..."

Dib immediately looked at Gaz with a slightly red face, "Well... I don't know if it would go that far..."

"Why not? You'll have a boyfriend, Zim won't want to destroy the earth anymore, and you can get out of the house more," Gaz said, "I see it as a win really. You won't have to worry in the night as much. Plus you can learn about aliens and stuff."

"Gaz, I worry because no one believes me about anything I say..." Dib said, "It's not just Zim."

"Well, I believe if you go over to Zim's house for a while, maybe you can think about it over there," Gaz said, "One day a year is not realistic. Eventually you guys won't be able to keep it to just that... You like him too much..."

Dib was silent. She had a point. Anything could happen in the rest of the 365 or 366 days. One Valentine's Day they could be enemies and had quit the whole project, while the next time they could be celebrating as a couple. There's a possibility that one or both might not even be around for it. Dib stood up from the table and headed to the door.
