Chapter 11 - Wishing

- 6 pm, Light Snow.

Zim and Dib were currently on a bus back home. Gaz had to quietly sneak on the bus between a few thick coats before it left. The bus was cold and dimly lit, hence they knew that it was a bus from their city. Dib was half asleep on the way back while Zim looked around on the bus. There was mostly sleeping people, some people sneaking a snack, and a few children with their parents. His stomach turned from the potential amount of germs present. Dib slightly woke up and looked at Zim cringing at things on the bus, mostly the people. Dib held his hand and massaged it.

Zim groaned a little from defeat, "You're my only exception..." Zim said.

"Zim, you're wearing gloves..."

"Still..." Zim said, "Germs are everywhere... I don't get why you don't mind it..."

"I do mind it... I just don't worry about it all the time..."

"That will come back with a vengeance..."

Dib chuckled and leaned against him. Zim groaned, then smiled again, "You're an idiot... Wash your hands more..."

"Hey, I always wash my hands..." Dib said, "Do you have hand sanitizer?"


Dib just went silent and shook his head. He then started thinking again.

"...I wish we could be free from that need to impress them..." Dib said.

"I heard wishing in a well granted that stuff," Zim joked.

"Those things aren't real..."

"I heard that one was... well a wishing pond of a sort..." Zim said. Oddly enough, a shooting star did pass by in the sky. 

"Jokes aside, let's... try.... I'll try not to be reliant on my Tallest's approval, while you stop being reliant on your dad's..." Zim said. 

Dib nodded and thought about what he would do, "Alright..."

And from that day on, they went through a back and forth between their old and new destinies. Sometimes they would break when a fight would arise, and other times they had true moments of peace. However, this cycle between being enemies and new lovers will soon be broken for good by the end of the school year. By that point, they both will be forced to make a very tough decision...

To Be Continued in the Next Book 



-If you made it this far, I would like to say thank you for your read. It means a lot, and I hope you enjoyed this prequel of how everything started. 

Note as of 7/24/20: There's currently a sequel to this story called Truce? ZADR on my page. That is the true start of the story. A reminder that this story you are reading right now is the prequel to Truce, although this is an important one. 
