The Sixteenth Song: Only A Bit

Harumi Fujioka's POV

The dance was in full swing by the time that I left the stage after the opening song. Everyone had been pulled down from their posts to join in on the fun, either dancing with the guests of the host club or to mingle among the groups along the sides. I had dragged my sister onto the dance floor, raising the heartbeats of all the girls as we brushed past. As we danced, I smirked to her," I figured you would've learned, but you're doing a great job." She smiled, twirling me once before returning me into her arms," Well, considering that I'm a member of the club now, I had to. I didn't know you could waltz." I shrugged slightly, shooting a look toward the captured Atsutomo," ... He and Kizami made me learn for an album release party." "Doesn't seem like something you'd do though." She commented, and I returned my gaze to her," Well... Since it was for the band, I thought it'd be a good idea to make an appearance other than being on stage. The lessons did irritate me to no end, but they were worth it." "Who was your partner during your classes?" Haruhi asked, but I figured that she already knew as I had fallen silent.

Haruhi gave me a gentle smile that caught my attention almost immediately," You know that you don't have to think about that anymore, right?" "Eh?" I murmured, tilting my head to the side in confusion as she twirled me once to avoid crashing into Hikaru and his dance partner. "You're home now." She told me, and I smiled faintly, giving her hand a soft squeeze. She was right. There was no point on dwelling on Kizami. Waito Noizu was back, and we were gaining popularity at one of the most high class high schools of Japan. Everything was fine. Everything was going good for me...

Suddenly, a familiar rabbit doll appeared between us," I wanna dance with Umi-chan!"

"Honey-senpai!" My sister scolded the Loli-boy," You shouldn't cut in so rudely!" He pouted cutely and began to whine," But Haru-chaaaaan! Umi-chan promised to dance with me!" "That's still no excuse to cut in like that!" Haruhi shot him a dirty look, and I simply rolled my eyes," Oh, chill out." I smirked, gesturing to the lovely girls that were just dying to dance with my sister," Besides, you've got a bit of a line going. I don't think you want to keep them waiting." I saw her eyes shoot me a tiny glare of annoyance, but she nodded and released me. She bowed, and I curtsied; we went our separate ways after that.

I've never danced with someone shorter than myself, but Honey didn't seem to mind the height difference one bit. I was expecting him to by hyperactive and just swing me around with that hidden strength I've heard rumors about, but he was a perfect gentleman. He was a different Honey-senpai than almost everyone was used to. I could feel envious gazes all around, but I paid no attention to them. I was more concerned about Honey, who had been acting off for quite some time now.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him. He blinked in an adorable manner before smiling," Uh huh! Why do you ask?" "You seem a bit... off." I replied, and I felt him squeeze my hand reassuringly," Everything's great! You did an amazing job on stage today, Umi-chan!" I smiled," Thanks. But we still have one more song to do before the night is over." "A finale?" He asked, and I nodded. His smile was charming and bright," I can't wait to hear it! Your voice is so beautiful! Can I know what song it is?" "Ah, ah!" I slid my hand away from his, and poked his nose gently. A blush formed on the older boy's cheeks as I brought my fingertip to my smile and winked," That would ruin the surprise." He grinned, his arm wrapping itself around my waist and pulling me close to him. I felt him give my chest a slight nuzzle, and I fought back my own blush," Umi-chan smells so nice..."

I don't know if it was because I knew that he was the cuddly type or because I was too surprised by his actions, but I didn't mind, and found that my chest had been invaded by a fluttering sensation. I felt myself shudder at his touch, and just as I was going to smile at him, a familiar King of Shadows caught my eye. I found him passing us by with Yukina as his dancing partner, and saw that his eyes were narrowed towards Honey. He met my gaze, and I shot him a dirty glare, fighting back a snarl. Even though I had come to terms as to how Kyoya acts, part of me was still just waiting for that apology. However, I doubt that I will ever get one. 

He shot me a smirk, and I turned my nose away from him.

So that's how you wanna play? Fine by me.

Kyoya Ootori's POV

"You seem bothered."

I smiled down at the woman in my arms," How so, Miss Yukina?" The beauty chuckled, her eyes shimmering and her smile knowing," That look you sent at Harumi? You seem a bit jealous of her partner." "Ah, I do believe that you are mistaken." I replied as kindly as possible, but a little voice in the back of my head wanted to agree with her full heartedly," I was merely making sure that she was on her very best behavior." "I am not like the girls you entertain, Mr. Ootori." Yukina reminded me, but I saw that she was being rather serious," It's obvious that you're very... fond of Harumi. I also heard about your little dispute." "It's a rather popular piece of knowledge nowadays." I answered, but I felt my smile falter just a tad," As of being fond of her, I see her as another asset to the club. Things would become quite complicated if she were to choose to no longer take part in activities." Yukina seemed to roll her eyes, her red lips curling up slyly," It's just a little bit, but sooner or later, you'll know exactly what's going on."

"Perhaps we can change the subject."

"To what?"

"What happened between the four of you and Kizami Sakuraba."

Her smile became strained," It's as Harumi told you. He simply left." "There must have been a reason behind it." I pressed on," You must be curious as to the true reason." "Whatever he wanted to do, he did." She said, her eyes clouding with what appeared to be a mixture of nostalgia and anger," What happened back then was no different than what he normally did." "Do you have any suspicions?" I asked; I needed to find out. I had to stop myself for a moment,' Why do I want to know so badly? To control Harumi? To seek justice for her? For curiosity's sake?'

Yukina simply looked out of the corner of her eye with a frown, and I followed her gaze. Honey was laughing as Harumi was stolen by Novella, and she was forced to lead her biggest fan in a strange waltz. Many people were surprised and had ceased their activities, watching as the two girls danced with elegance. Harumi smiled softly as Novella was beaming, her golden locks bouncing and barely showing the brown beneath her roots- wait. Did she dye her hair blonde? I looked back to Yukina, and saw that she was staring blankly at the young fan," ... If you must know, he didn't start acting strange until Yukina talked to him for the very first time." 

This caught my interest.

"Do you know what they talked about?" I asked, and she slowly shook her head. A sigh was released," ... Mr. Ootori-" "Kyoya, please." I stopped her, smiling gently. She weakly returned it," ... Kyoya then. I don't know what happened between the two of them, but Kizami changed because of it. I know that you want to find out the truth and..." My eyebrow twitched, and I had to contain my excitement," ... Are you saying you want to help find the truth?" She remained still for a moment before nodding ever so slightly, as if she didn't want to draw Novella's attention to her actions," Novella... Something has always been off about her. If I - we - could connect her to Kizami's disappearance, then maybe Harumi will feel... liberated." 

As I parted my lips to ask her another question, Novella's voice chimed in," Wow! You two look amazing together!" The two of us looked kindly to the big fan, but saw that Harumi was gazing at us suspiciously. The young blonde's hands were laced together as if she was praying, her eyes shimmering with such joy," You two look like one of those famous beautiful couples! I'm so jealous!" Harumi tore her gaze away from me, laughing as she pat Novella's head," I'm sure you'll find your Prince Charming." "Why not my Queen Charming?" She asked, hugging onto Harumi's arm tightly as she began to tug her away," Treat me like a princess for the rest of the night! You will, won't you? The only princess in the world!" Harumi was quick to protest, and luckily for her and unluckily for me, Honey had kidnapped her from the fan with a big smile on his face. Part of me wanted to thank him, and another wanted to punch the living day lights out of him.

Novella's face changed immediately. First, she appeared heart-broken. Then, her expression contorted into one of pure rage. She was snarling, her fists clenched tightly at her sides. Yukina and I exchanged glances.

She must've been involved... But how?
