The Fourth Song: The Change

Harumi's POV

It's been about a month since I first visited the Host Club and become their little Diva. A lot of the customers have gotten comfortable with my presence, now having an easier time talking to me and requesting songs, but there are still a few girls that shoot me disgusted looks and hiss behind my back. Some of the hosts have shown signs of concern, but I shrugged my shoulders and told them that I didn't really care about what people thought of me or did. Tamaki was the only one that wasn't convinced, and often flew off the handle, cradling me close and wailing about how amazing his "precious daughter" will always be in his eyes. Haruhi would yell at him, her wrath sending him either into his depression corner or crying to Kyoya. Hikaru and Kaoru would push the King's buttons, and I would be pulled away by Honey to join him and Takeshi for cake. This wasn't an every day thing, but it has happened enough that everyone has gotten used to it. My sister sees her time at the host club as a waste. I see it as a way to pass the time.

"Good work today, Umi-chan!" Honey exclaimed as I packed up my guitar. I looked up to the innocent senior with a smile, as I was down on the ground zipping everything up," Thanks; that was an interesting gig." "Have you never had your audience sing a long?" He asked as I rose to my feet, securing the case's strap across my front. "Nah." I replied, raising a hand to play with the star shaped hairclips I slipped on my bangs. I looked down into his big eyes that were filled with curiosity, and gave him a smirk. I knelt down to see him eye-to-eye, holding up a single finger," Back in Tokyo, my audience screamed along. They all sang at the top of their lungs; hell, almost half of the crowd lost their voice by the end of the gig." His eyes widened with amazement, and my smile grew," Watching them jump up and dance from the stage was like watching the movements of the ocean. Our speakers blew over their voices, rendering them silent. But you could tell by their faces that they were screaming their hearts out." "Oh wow! Really?!"  Honey exclaimed, his embrace around Usa-chan tightening as his grin widened and eyes sparkled. I nodded twice, standing up straight as I heard Haruhi's footsteps approach my side. She spoke," I remember you telling Dad and I that there's nothing like being on stage." "Oh yeah?" Hikaru asked, and Kaoru tilted his head to the side," Why's that?" I pressed my knuckles against my thoughtful frown as I looked up to the grand ceiling of the abandoned music room," Well..."

Kyoya's POV

Harumi's reflection on the laptop's monitor held a nostalgic smile," The rush you get from being under the spot light... It really can't be described. Your heart's pounding with anticipation; your entire body's shaking because you're both excited and terrified; the mind's racing cause you're afraid of messing up just the slightest and you can't believe that you're really about to sing your lungs out in front of hundreds of people." "But isn't that scary, Umi-chan?" Honey asked," I mean, you've got all those eyes on you! Don't you get nervous?" "I used to back when I was first starting out." Harumi confessed, lacing her fingers behind her head. There was a grin on her face," But thanks to that, I don't have a problem anymore. I hardly get nervous now."

"If that's the case-"

"-Why do you wear your headphones when you play?"

My ear twitched. I, too, had been wondering this. Every concert she plays, she always puts on her headphones and blasts music through the cans before playing. I had my suspicions that it was because it was a way to defend herself against nervousness, but she knew how to guard her secrets well. I had attempted to look up some information about her time in Tokyo, and yet I couldn't find any files. I knew that this was Atsutomo Nagamori's doing; he was the drummer and manager of her band. I could understand his purpose of destroying the files, but my curiosity still got the best of me. I often wondered what she could be hiding from her sister and father, who were so happy to have her back home. Tamaki shared my interest, not surprisingly. He's always curious about those around Haruhi, and Harumi's been a mystery despite being as open as a book. Perhaps there were some secrets hidden between the lines...

"I do it cause it makes me comfortable." She shrugged her shoulders, tucking her loose strands of hair behind her ear. She reached around, tugging at her guitar case's strap to make herself at ease," It helps me focus on the song rather than letting myself get lost in the adrenaline." From the corner of my eye, I could see Haruhi frown and gaze at the ground with narrowed eyes. Harumi had been lying to the Host Club, and I was more determined to discover the truth.

Harumi's POV

"Welp, I'm off." I raised a hand to my forehead, saluting everyone in a slight manner," Thanks again for having me." "Oh, right." Haruhi called out to me," Dad wants to come by to check out your place this weekend. That okay?" I shrugged my shoulders," Yeah, sure. As long as he's okay with the clutter." "And here I thought your cleaning abilities would've improved by now." Haruhi said with a dull stare, which I returned equally," It's called 'organized chaos' for a reason, Onee-chan." "What?" Tamaki asked, blinking in confusion," You don't live with Haruhi?" "Nah." I replied," The apartment's only two-bedrooms after all, and I'm fine with living on my own." "Do you work somewhere?" He asked, and I nodded," I'm going to be working at a family restraunt soon, but Atsu-san is paying for my place." "Wow, he must really care about you." Tamaki commented, and I smiled," Yeah; he's like the daddy of our little group."

I felt familiar arms drape themselves around my shoulders. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Hikaru on my right, and repeated the gesture to the left to see Kaoru; both had large grins on their lips. I raised an eyebrow," What now?" "So, when do we get to check out this place of yours?" Hikaru asked, caressing my cheek with the back of his fingers. "Yeah, we're curious to see where our little Diva stays when she's not with us." Kaoru added, his fingertips grazing small circles around my other cheek. "You guys." Haruhi frowned with narrowed eyes," Will you two leave her alone? She doesn't need you tricking her into letting you see her place." I saw that almost all of the hosts shuddered at a memory, but I hadn't been told that story yet. I made a note to ask about what happened.

"I don't have a problem with you guys coming over right now if you want."

My words must've caught everyone off guard, cause they all looked at me with wide eyes. I scratched the back of my head," I mean, I've got enough room for you guys to hang out, and I think Dad would want Onee-chan to come and check it out anyway before he came over." "Are you sure?" Haruhi asked with concern laced in her voice. "Course I am." I replied, and Honey was the first to jump on his feet and quickly approached me," So, we really get to see your house, Umi-chan?!" "I wouldn't call it a house, Honey-sempai." I said, planting a hand on his head and ruffling his hair affectionately," But, yeah. If you really wanna." "Ya hear that Mori?! We get to go to Umi-chan's house!" He exclaimed happily, looking up to his statue-like cousin with a large smile. "You got snacks?" Hikaru asked," It's pretty rude to invite some people over without having snacks." "It's only rude when those who force themselves into someone's home demands snacks!" Haruhi argued, but the twins swayed back and forth on either side of her," But Harumi said it was okay, so it's okay to ask questions like that, isn't it?" I was snatched into a bothersome tight embrace, and swung around like a ragdoll," I'm so excited! I get to see my beautiful baby girl's home!~" I simply allowed it to happen; I've learned to accept Tamaki's personality, unlike my sister. Though muffled by Tamaki's squeals of delight and the sleeves of his uniform, I could hear Kyoya speak to my sister.

"I'm surprised that she's already adjusted to Tamaki's personality. Is she truly alright?"

"Unfortunately, Tamaki's one of her easier friends..."


"Don't ask..."

Kyoya's POV

Harumi's studio apartment's location was chosen well. It was between the campus and her dad's and sister's place. It was also a fifteen minute drive to the subway, and only a few blocks away from a shopping district. Atsutomo must've been the one to have chosen this place; somehow I doubt Harumi would've been able to pick out an apartment by herself. "So a studio apartment is different than Haru-chan's?" Honey asked with his head tilted to the side. "A studio apartment is a one room apartment that acts as the living room, bedroom, and kitchen." I explained, and that got the Hiitachin Twins and Tamaki already visualizing how cramped her room must've been judging by their shudders and hushed voices. "Atsu-san was nice enough to find me a good place that's in a nice neighborhood, so I didn't want to seem selfish and ask for a full-blown apartment." Harumi explained with shrugged shoulders as she reached into her bag, fishing for her house key," He told me that if I wanted a bigger place he could find me one but I told him that he needed to focus on other stuff besides taking care of me." "It sounds like he really cares about you." Haruhi commented. I recalled that Haruhi had never met any of Harumi's friends from Tokyo, and had only gotten glimpses of them through images and videos of the old band. Everything else was just information that Harumi had sent her, and whatever else I was able to dig up. I slid my hand into the pocket of my blazer, my fingers brushing against my cellphone's cover; I had even uncovered his phone number, and could feel my curiosity wanting to come forth and be satisfied.

"Hey, you okay?"

I blinked out of my thoughts, looking down to Harumi, who was wearing a small frown," You've been spacing out for awhile." Her frown became a playful grin," Thinking about profits again?" I smiled kindly," Oh, just wondering how much longer it will be before you start demanding bigger venues and higher prices." "Well seeing as how I'm still an enemy of your customers I don't think it will be for awhile." She replied, running her fingers through her hair. That was true. Many of our customers were still uneasy around Harumi, and those feelings weren't just jealousy. She was the side of the commoner-class that no one really saw, and the new always terrified the rich. Well, most of the rich. Add those feelings of fear, astonishment, and envy together and you get the perfect blend of a bomb just waiting for that spark to set everything off. I couldn't tell if Harumi was hoping to prevent a catastrophe like that, or if she was hoping that everything would get a little more exciting in her own little way.

We all made our way up to the fourth floor of the building where Harumi and many others lived. She smiled brightly, pulling out her house key as the elevator doors parted and she led us down the hallway," Anyway, make yourselves at home! I've got plenty of video games and stuff and I was hoping to go to the grocery store later." She turned around to face back to where she was going," So what are you guys in the mood...for...?" Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, and her excited appearance became one of confusion, her eyes wide and lips parted. "Umi-chan, are you okay?" Honey had asked; we all gathered around her in concern and curiosity. I looked to a certain door - which I assumed would lead us to Harumi's apartment - and found that a young woman was staring at the numbers. She had golden hair that was curled and held up by roses into a strange hairstyle, her bangs shielding the right side of her face from the world. She was dressed in a short Lolita-like kimono of pinks, yellows, blacks, and violets, a paper umbrella supported on her shoulder. At the ground next to her feet was a guitar case, and a few files that were neatly organized but covered in Honey-like stickers: hearts, candy, ect. "Hey, do you know her?" Hikaru asked in a hushed tone as Kaoru frowned," I don't see how she couldn't; she sticks out like a sore thumb!" "No way... Is that really?" Haruhi muttered as she looked to her sister," But what is she doing here?" "Who is she?" Tamaki asked, and Haruhi pressed her knuckles to her lips," I remember Harumi talking about a self proclaimed number one fan who always brought her and the others gifts... No matter where they were having a concert, she'd always show up." "Is that really her? But why is she here?" Tamaki asked, and Haruhi shrugged," Beats me." "No...vella?" Harumi called out quietly, her tone filled with disbelief. 

The young girl looked away from the door, her honey-colored eyes meeting the curious stares. Her small frown became a large smile, and she dropped her umbrella as she ran towards us," Harumi!!!~" She tackled Harumi into a tight hug, rubbing her cheek against her own and locking her arms around her waist. The girl began crying; she was almost exactly like Honey. "I can't believe it! It really is you!" She sobbed, large tears trailing down her cheeks as she looked to the confused Harumi," You even remembered my name! I'm so glad!" "What the hell are you doing here Vella?!" Harumi asked, her eyes wide as she slid her hands onto the girl's shoulders," I thought you were studying abroad!" "Hiro called me and said that Howaitonoizu* was reuniting!  Of course I'd show up!" She exclaimed with a glare, releasing Harumi from her embrace and folding her arms over her chest," What, you really thought I wasn't going to show up?!" "No that's not it..." Harumi trailed off," It's just that... Howaitonoizu isn't reuniting." "What?! But Hiro told me it was true! He even said that those were the exact words Atsutomo used!" Novella exclaimed, waving her arms around like a little child. "Atsu-san said what?!" Harumi demanded, a new face appearing: one of pure rage. Novella began to tremble, noticing how much glitter was dancing in her eyes; her irritation became terror," H-Harumi...? W-What's wrong? What's going on?!" 

I glanced around from behind the shine of my glasses. Tamaki and the others were confused, all looking at each other for answers that no one had. Haruhi was staring at her sister, a frown planted on her lips as her eyes revealed concern. Harumi, on the other hand... Her entire form was shaking, her nostrils flaring as her nails dug deeply into the flesh of her palms. Her lips were curled into a snarl, and her teeth were grinding together. This was a side that no one has ever seen, and juding by Novella's and Haruhi's reactions, they had seen it before, and it wasn't a good sign. 'Yes Novella...' I thought to myself.

...I'd like to know what's going on too.

Author's Notes:

"Howaitonoizu" means "White Noise" in Japanese.
