The Sixth Song: A Bit Of Breaking News

Haruhi's POV

It's been two weeks since Novella came into our lives and caused the darker side of my sister to emerge. To everyone that didn't know her as well as I did, Harumi had gotten over whatever message that her biggest fan delievered. She returned to her normal, cheerful and apathetic self, but her songs became more powerful and her voice became stronger; she was focusing all of her attention on something other than whatever Novella had told her. She refused to talk about it to me or Dad, and we were starting to get worried. Dad told me over breakfast this morning," Harumi has always been the kind of girl who'd rather deal with her problems by herself than let other people get involved. I'm sure she'll tell us when she feels ready." "But what if she never feels ready Dad?" I had asked him. He sighed softly, resting his chin against his knuckles as he looked to the tea I made with a thoughtful and sorrowful gaze," ...Then she'll only come for help when it's almost too late." Those words weighed heavily on my mind, and as I watched Harumi prepare for another mini-gig at the front of the Host Club's music room, I prayed that she would come to her senses and finally make her way home to us.

"Wow Novella! You've known Harumi ever since she started out in Tokyo?" One of my customers exclaimed, enthralled by the newest member of the Host Club. She nodded, twirling a finger around a curl," I first saw her when she was playing  violin on the streets, and ever since I've been a fan of her's! I've never missed a single concert or free performance!" "Really? That's amazing Novella!" Another said with a large grin, looking over to the neon violet electric violin that Harumi was tuning," I'm so excited to see her play that instrument! I bet it's going to be amazing!" "Do you think she'll play something hardcore again?" The first girl asked, but Novella shook her head with a bright smile," Probably; she always brings out Lotti when she's going to play something super fun on her violin!" "Lotti? Is that what she named her instrument?" A third customer asked, setting down her cup of tea with a tilted head. Novella nodded," Everyone in Howaito Noizu does; it makes them feel closer to the instrument when they treat them with respect like a person rather than caring for them as an object, if that makes any sense." 'Maybe not to anyone else.' I thought to myself as I looked over to my sister, my eyes softening with worry as she knelt down beside the stereo, readying herself mentally and rolling her ankles around to avoid injury. I frowned when I saw her place her headphones over her ears as she always did,' But to me, it makes perfect sense...'

Kyoya's POV

The music began, and everyone watched intently with sparkling eyes or seething hatred as Harumi bobbed her head up and down, her eyes closed off from the world as she focused on her latest performance. Her black and violet fingernails fiddled with the violin's strings, her oversized white, shredded shirt and the chains of her black shorts bouncing along with the music. She finally pressed her cheek against the violin's support, allowing the bow to gracefully meet the strings and guide them to the perfect pitch and notes without ever once opening her eyes. She began to dance with the song, which I recalled her discussing with Tamaki and Renge. Oh, Renge.. She was so excited to know that there was a girl finally joining the Host Club, but I could tell that Harumi was becoming quite annoyed with her over-the-top personality. She opened her eyes only a few times during her performance, simply to allow the rare lyrics to slip past her lips before she returned to her own little happy place. She wouldn't let anyone see her anger, or whatever she was feeling.

My eyes shifted away from her reflection that was on my laptop's screen and back to the files I was gathering. It wasn't much of a lead, but Atsutomo had given me access to a hint, and this hint led me to places I wasn't afraid to go. Perhaps Atsutomo didn't know, or perhaps he did, but I found more information than I - in all honesty - bargained for. All of the news articles about Howaito Noizu, the photos of all of the bands including the mystery fifth, all of the interviews... I paused my search, bringing my knuckles to my lips as I frowned. I looked back to the twirling reflection of Harumi, who twirled her bow perfectly between her fingertips as she smiled to her crowd and sang, encouraging girls to come and dance with her; I wasn't surprised when a few - including Novella - came to join her. Honey dragged Mori with him, and Tamaki offered a few dances while Haruhi was pulled in against her will. The twins even came along, leaving me to silence and privacy at last. I returned my attention to the current article I was reading. Why was all of the information only connected to the name I was given? I couldn't find anything before; was this intentional? It was as if those involved with the band wanted to hide this person's existance from the world. I felt something bubble in the back of my mind and twinge in my heart; I diagnosed it as curiosity wanting to be satisfied.

The article I had stumbled upon had all five of the members of Howaito Noizu together. I recognized Atsutomo, with his raven hair and piercing golden eyes; he was dressed professionally but had his drum sticks in one hand. In front of him was a young woman with long, brownish golden hair with large, dull red eyes, dressed as a lady in a flowing dress complete with gloves and a guitar case over held in her hands; under her image was the name Yukina Satou. A young boy a few years older than ourselves was besides Harumi, and he had golden hair and chocolate eyes and a large, carefree smile on his face; he was holding a bass guitar in one hand and the other was in a thumbs up. According to the list of names, he was Hiro. Harumi was smiling happily - this made me pause for a moment. That smile... It wasn't anything like the one she wore right now. This one seemed foreign, brighter, and more lovely. Her hand was laced to a man's hand; that bubbling happened once more, and I had a harder time ignoring it. This man must've been my age, with dark chocolate hair and piercing, light green eyes. His smile was gentle and mature, compared to the Harumi's in the image, but there was love in his eyes when he looked down to her smiling figure. With a narrowed glance, I stared at his porcelain face, and then gazed to the article's title. I closed my eyes, saving the page and closing the window,' If this is what Novella was mentioning when she first arrived, then I can understand why Harumi is uneasy... Now, what to do with this information...'

Howaito Noizu Broken Up! Side Effect of Kizami's Disappearance?! 

I muttered to myself," Could it be that Novella saw Kizami? What do they mean 'disappearance'?" "Oi, boss, you okay?" I felt a familiar hand press itself against my shoulder. I looked up to find Harumi looking at me with a small frown; even now she was concerned with everyone else around her. "You've been looking at that empty screen for awhile." She commented before smirking playfully," Don't tell me you're going senile already, old man." With a smirk, I closed my eyes and reached up, flicking her forehead with a small sign of affection laced within; there was a spark the moment I touched her, and quickly pulled my hand away," I wouldn't make fun of me if I were you, Harumi. I am your boss after all." She grinned childishly and saluted me playfully," Yessir!" She turned away on her heel, and bounced right back to her admirers who were giving her lists of reccomendations for her next concert. My eyes shifted to Haruhi from behind my glasses, and I could see her staring at my computer. She had seen what I was investigating. But that wasn't irritation I saw on her face; perhaps I have made a new ally...
