Y/n pov

A couple of weeks has passed and I've given up with myself. As much as I try to be as emotionless as possible, I always finds myself trying new emotions. At this point I don't do it because I'm forced to, like at the beginning. Now I'm doing it because I'm curious. I've always lived inside my small bubble, afraid of everything and everyone.

Don't get me wrong, I still scold myself from time to time, but I don't listen to my subconscious anymore.

Things are going great, for real. Me and Rosé are always happy together, Jungwook keeps being mysterious, Jungkook keeps doing cute things, such as helping me with homework and holding my hands. He says that he does that because we are friends. It actually hurt a bit, now that I've finally accepted my feelings towards him. And then there's Jimin, who keeps hitting on Rosé.

Oh right I have to convince her to go on a date with him!! But how? I'm pretty sure she won't agree if I just tell her. I have to force her with some other way, or else Jimin will spill my secret.

Ok I got an idea! I decide to write it on a piece of paper and give it to Jimin now. As I secretly hand him, I see his face a bit confused. He pointed at himself like if he was questioning 'is this for me?' and I just nodded.

As he opens it and read it, I can see a smirk appearing on his face and gives a thumb up. The plan starts now!!

"Rosé" I say whispering "Why don't we meet up today afternoon at the same cafè? I have something to tell you"

"Yeah sure!! Let's meet there at 4 PM!" she says giving me a thumb up.

I laugh a bit, knowing how they do the same actions without realizing. That's kinda cute. I slowly turn to Jimin and mimic with my hand the fixed time.

I'm such a genius! Oh, what's this? I feel a new emotion. Is this what they call 'pride'? It's completely new to me. But I really like it! It makes me feel more confident.

I kept smiling all day until 4 PM. Now I'm a bit nervous. I'm afraid that things will not go as planned. But I don't have to worry, I'll leave everything to Jimin!

Rosé's pov

It's 4 PM, y/n should arrive any time soon.

I'm sitting at the cafè we agreed on meeting at. I feel a bit anxious. What will she tell me? Hope nothing bad.

It's been almost 15 minutes and she hasn't arrived yet. I start to worry a bit so I decide to text her. As I take the phone out of my purse, I hear someone talking to me:

"No need to text her. She's fine"

Even without turning I already know who it is.

"Jimin? What are you doing here? And how do you know y/n is fine?" I ask very confused. I guess he could see how fuzzy I looked, so he just laughed. As he sits next to me, he says:

"Me and her had an unfinished business. So I just asked for a favor" he's trying to hide his smile.

I quickly stand up and say:

"Why are you like this?! I'm going home!" but as I walk away he grabs my wrist.

"Rosé, please stop this" he says looking deep into my eyes.

"W-What are you talking about?"

"Oh? Did I hear it right? The confident Rosé just stuttered ahahah!" I swear he's so annoying. But his behavior make me smile every time.

"Rosé" he then continues "Can we just stop all this acting? I'm serious. I don't know what you did to me, but I'm changed. I noticed it by myself. At first I was like 'what the hell?!', but now I really like this."

"What are you talking about Jimin?" I already know what he's talking about, but I want to avoid this topic.

"That day. When we kissed" he says serious than ever.

I knew it. It all happened a year ago. I needed some money back then. So I agreed on helping him. All I had to do was to act as his fake girlfriend, in order to make a girl jealous. There were some rules, such as acting like we were dating only in front of her and no skin ship. But rules are meant to be broken.

I was with him that day and I felt nervous. I didn't understand why. He also seemed different. We were just talking alone in the hallway and suddenly I grabbed his shirt and kissed him. He wasn't mad at me, at all. Instead of stopping the kiss, he deepened it. After that he forgot about that girl and kept trying to hit on me.

Nobody knows about our kiss. Except for me, Jimin and y/n. Of course I told her, but I said that we kissed in front of the girl he was trying to make jealous. But I lied, there was only me and him.

Both him and y/n kept asking me why. Why don't I give him a chance if I like him? I've never answered that question. But it's pretty easy. I know his past and I don't want to suffer. Even if he's changed, other people aren't.

"I know what you're thinking Rosé" he says making me come back to earth "But you're making things even more complicated than they actually are. Since that day I felt the same towards you. No. My feelings grew even more. I'm not here to beg you. I just want to ask you out. Officially this time. If you want we can keep it secret at first"

I'm thinking at what he's saying and he's right. Even my feeling grew wider in the past year. But I don't want to give it to him right away.

"Can I think about this for a couple of days?" I ask blushing. I look at him and he's smiling so hard.

"Of course Rosé" his voice is so calm and soothing. It actually gives me chills.

He then puts on his sunglasses and asks me:

"Great, now where do you want to go?"

Jimin's pov

It's been a couple of hours now, and me and Rosé had a lot of fun. I didn't hit on her, I wanted to make her feel comfortable and just wait patiently for her answer.

She's different from other girls. She seems so strong and bad girl, but she's actually the sweetest. And her smile. Awwwwww I swear, she's going to kill me with her beautiful smile. She makes me feel some types of emotions that no one else was able to make me feel. I really changed a lot. The old me would have already punched himself by now.

Now I'm taking her home. I want her to be safe, so I stick to her and stay as near as possible.

I know she doesn't want people to know. Indeed I don't do nothing, just talking. Until we're almost at her house. The street in which she lives is not that much populated and there's no one else walking here, besides me and her.

I decide to take her hand and she doesn't do anything. She just keeps walking holding my hand. As she talks I admire her beautiful features. They are more visible thanks to her high ponytail. Suddenly I feel her tightening the grip on my hand and I can't help but smile at her cuteness. She makes me feel butterflies in my stomach.

Rosé. What have you done to me?

Y/n pov

I'm so happy! Rosé called me telling me everything that happened! Of course, she scolded me for not telling her about my secret plan. But while she was telling me every single detail, I could feel, by the way she was talking, that she was smiling like crazy.

Mission accomplished!

As I keep thinking about those two love birds, I suddenly feel guilty. I haven't told Rosé about my feelings towards Jungkook. I mean, I guess she already knows by now, because every time he does something I look at him smiling and when he talks to me I become nervous. But still, I have to tell her somehow.

I swear, by now, guiltiness is the worst sensation. Maybe because I'm doing something wrong to my best friend, the one who never let me down. I have to fix this.

I'm thinking about telling Rosé about my feelings, but I don't know when and how. But as I'm thinking, I receive a message from a stranger.

Hi y/n :)


Who is this?

I feel so nervous. I didn't give my phone number to anyone. Who is this person? And how does he or she have my phone number?


Oh sorry I forgot to tell you.

I'm Jungkook! 😊

I feel my heart skipping a beat. As I read his message twice, I find myself smiling at the screen. I look so dumb probably ahahah, maybe like a psychopath, but it's ok I guess.


Oh I Jungkook!! How did you get my number? 😊


Last week I asked Rosé if I could have your phone number. So here I am!! :D


Last week? How come you're only texting me now?


U-Umh, because I didn't want to bother you ahah :(


Don't worry! You'll never bother me :D


Happy to hear that! xD

We chatted for about an hour and now I'm laying on my bed looking at the ceiling and trying to sleep. It feels like I have something to say. To my ceiling. I feel guilty towards him too. So I just get it off of my chest.

"Sorry, I promised to be like you. White. But these days I'm all colorful. I know you'll be mad, but I want to be like a rainbow for a while. If it doesn't work for me, I'll go back to white, promise. I'm actually enjoying all these shades of color, it's not as bad as I thought"

And with that I drift to sleep, feeling lighter and at peace with myself.

I slowly wake up to the sound of my alarm. Without realizing it, I'm smiling like crazy. I feel like this week is going to be great!! My daily routine is still the same, but somehow it feels different. I have positive mind. The only emotions I'm feeling right now is happiness and excitement. I can't wait to tell Rosé about what happened last night. Oh right! And I can't wait to see her and Jimin!!

Now I'm waiting for her outside of my house. This time I went out earlier because I was in such a good mood, that I couldn't wait inside. I see her running towards me.

"Y/n!! Good morning" she says with the brightest smile ever.

"Someone is really happy today" I ask smiling even brighter.

"I could say the same" we exchange an accomplice smile. It's almost like a friendly competition. Who has the biggest smile.

"So, when are you going to give him an answer?" I ask my friend.


"Good-WAIT WHAT?! TODAY?! Already?" I ask a bit shocked.

"Yes. I mean, we all know my feeling towards him. I've already waited for and entire year. I don't want to waste any more time." She says while looking at the clear sky. "and why do you seem so happy? Do I need to know something?" she asks with a smirk.

"Actually yes."

"Oh what is it? I guess something nice, since you're smiling like crazy" she laughs a bit.

"I like Jungkook" I say right away.

"What?!" she widens her eyes. I then realize that I said that without thinking. I start to sweat, but I have to play it cool.

"Really y/n?" she asks with puppy eyes. I just nod in response.

"I'll tell him when I see him!" she says smiling.

"What? No!! Don't you dare" I look at her as I scold her.

"Why tho? It's obvious that you like each other. If I have to be honest, I already knew about your feelings. I mean, you're too obvious y/n"

"Am I?" I say scratching my temple. I hope Jungkook didn't notice anything. I feel actually nervous right now. I have to be more mysterious, but I don't know how to.

"Don't worry I won't tell him. By the way, did he text you?"

"Yes, he did. So it was you, right? The one who gave him my number?" I say crossing my arms trying to look intimidating. I know she finds me cute when I act like this. Indeed she bops my nose with her fingers and says:

"You caught me" then she takes out her tongue to tease me. She knows me too well, so she's really good at annoying me.

Now we're in class and I see Jimin looking at Rosé. I look at her and I see her smirking. I guess she noticed him too. I swear I really like this couple!! I'll route for you two guys :D

I feel kinda excited knowing that she's going to answer him today. But at the same time I'm afraid that something will go wrong. I don't understand why, but I'm more nervous than Rosé, who now is calmly listening to our teacher. And then there's me. I can't pay attention to the lesson, due to all the emotions I'm feeling at the moment. I hope this will be worth it.

"Ok guys" says the professor "Now it's break time, enjoy your time" he says as he leaves. All my classmates go outside of the classroom and go to the school canteen to have a snack. In class there's only me, Jungkook, Jungwook, Jimin and Rosé.

At that moment I see Rosé standing up quickly and heading towards Jimin. She's going to do it! It only took her a few seconds to reach the guy, but it felt like ages! My heart is beating so fast and my stomach feels heavy. Why do I have to be this nervous?

"Hi flower. Is everything ok?" the blonde guy says to my friend with a warm smile. She looks at him for a few seconds. I can feel the tension, and it's really killing me! Come on Rosé, give him an answer!

Suddenly she grabs him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him towards her, and kisses him in front of us! I scream a little, but I can feel someone putting a hand on my mouth, preventing me from ruining this moment. I turn around and it's Jungwook, who's now signing me to shush with his index finger in front of his mouth. As I nod a bit frightened, he smirks.

After pulling away, I see Jimin melting and smiling like crazy. He's so cute!!

Then Rosé comes to me and gives me a thumb up. With that, I hug her and start to freak out. I know it's not much, they just kissed, but I've only seen these scenes in movies, so I'm a bit excited.

"Now it's your turn" she says to me and everybody heard that.

"W-What?" I ask widening my eyes. I try to give her signals to stop, but she doesn't. I think she's doing this on purpose. She has like an evil smile on her face, it's kinda creepy, not going to lie ahahah.

"I'm just kidding guys" she then laughs "it's just a joke. Right Y/n?" she says raising an eyebrow to me and I'm more nervous than ever.

I have two secrets now that I have to protect. The first one is the fact that I really suck with people. Others think that I'm just shy and they don't think that it's an actual issue for me. Only Rosé and Jimin know about this.The second one is my crush. Jungkook. Only Rosé knows.

These days I'm trying to protect these two secrets with all my strengths. It's actually tiring.
