Jungkook's pov

It's been a few days now and I haven't seen y/n since the date night. I'm not mad at her. After all it's not the first time that my brother steals a girl from me. It actually happens all the time.

But this one was different. She made me feel some type of emotions, that I didn't even think they could exist.

That hurt me a lot. If she only would have told me.

Even now, I'm willing to listen to her. But I don't think I will believe her. It's not believing in her or no. I guess it's something else. But I don't know how to describe it.

It's really sad these days since y/n doesn't come to school and Rosé told me that she doesn't answer her text messages. She's planning on visiting her one of these days, without telling her. I think for now, is better this way. I think, it' would be too awkward if the two of us meet right away. We both need some time.

Honestly, I don't think I can face her.

Also my brother, Jungwook, seems different. Usually after stealing my girl, he would tease me for forever. But after that morning in class, when Rosé was that angry, he didn't do anything to me.

Perhaps because I don't leave my room when I'm at home and when I'm in class I'm always by myself in a corner, like the beginning of school.

I think Jungwook noticed that this time it was different, for every single one of us. In the past I've never really had feelings towards those girls. But this time I really fell in love with y/n. That's why it hurts more than ever.

I'm in my room now, and as I keep thinking about my life, I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in" I say.

I see Jungwook entering the room.

"You don't have to knock on the door. It's also your room" I say, now looking at the book I'm holding. I didn't even realize that for all this time I was reading a book, while thinking about all that mess.

"I prepared a sandwich. Here" my brother says putting that thing on my desk. And leaves right after, closing the door silently.

"What's wrong with him?" I question myself. He's strange. He's never done stuff for me. He also has never talked to me, if not for school stuff.

I slowly took the sandwich he made for me and look at what's inside, to see if he may poisoned it or not. It looks like a regular one, with a bit of salad, tuna and mayonnaise. I'm a bit hesitant at first, but eventually end up giving a big bite on it. it's actually good!

I smile a bit at my brother little present. I know it's only a sandwich, but it's actually the first gift I've ever received from him.

We don't hate each other. We just disagree with everything.

Another day has passed and now it's Thursday morning.

Y/n didn't show up at school today. Again. I think she won't come until next week at this point.

Now we're waiting for the teacher to come inside the classroom, but I start to feel a bit hot. I try to make some wind with my hands in front of my face, but I keep sweating. I suddenly choke on my spit and start coughing hard.

"Here" I hear Jungwook voice. I turn to face him and he's handing me a bottle of water. I quickly grab it and start drinking right away, to make myself calm down and be able to breath properly.

"T-Thanks..." I say surprised by his actions and hands the bottle back to him.

"you can keep it" he says, now looking at his notebook.

Everyone is looking at me and Jungwook shocked. My jaw drops. What? It's the first time ever he talked to me in front of our classmates. I guess everyone else is surprised about this, as I see their widened eyes and mouths opened.

I try not to think too much about this and keep doing the lesson.

As the class ends I feel someone calling my name:

"Jungkook, I didn't understand this part of the lesson. Can you explain it to me real quick?" it's Jungwook again. he doesn't look at me. His eyes are focused on his notes, in particular on a specific line at which he's pointing is finger at. I nod, but before explaining it to me, I look up worried, to see everyone looking at us again.

What's happening to him? Since when did he start studying?

Before leaving the classroom, I grip on Jimin's arm, hinting him that I needed to talk to him.

"Do you perhaps know what happened to my brother?" I ask a bit unsure of his possible answer.

"I honestly don't know Jungkook. Both me and Rosé were so shocked, when we saw his behavior today. I don't really know what got into him. But I guess it's better now, that he gives you some respect" he says patting my shoulder and leaves with his girlfriend.

Now I'm in my room, reviewing today's lesson, when...

"Jungkook!" I hear my brother screaming from downstairs "Come here please". Please? Did he really say 'please'? What is happening again.

As I make my way on the steps I see him on the couch, holding a pen and looking at a book, which is laying on his knees.

"Oh you're here!" he says enthusiastic "Come fast"

I quickly run to him and see him trying to solve a problem. As I look at the description, I notice that it's the homework that our professor gave to us. He's really doing homework?

"Did you hit your head or something?" I ask him confused.

"If you don't want to help me, you can go" he says to me. I slowly sit next to him and start explaining everything.

Once I'm done with my explanation, I hear him saying:

"Thanks brother" and going upstairs in our room. He's really strange. Not that I don't like this, but I think that there's some reason behind his behavior.

In a blink of an eye, it's Friday morning. I'm changing into my clothes and getting ready to go to school. After preparing all my stuff, I go downstairs to eat breakfast and I find Jungwook eating.

"I prepared some pancakes for both of us. Want some?" he asks me. I'm a bit hesitant but eventually end up sitting in front of him and trying the dish he prepared.

"It's really good!" I say widening my eyes and looking at him. And at that moment I freeze.

Is he really smiling at me? I mean, he smiled even before, but this time it's not one of his evil smiles or grins. I'm literally speechless. Did I really do something to him? I don't know if to be happy of afraid.

"Good, now I'll change into my clothes. I'll meet you at school" and with that he goes into his room.

I'm literally shocked.

Now I'm in class. It has already passed an hour and y/n hasn't shown up yet. This makes me feel sad a bit.

"Jungkook" I hear Rosé calling my name, so I turn to face her "I forgot to tell you that yesterday I went to y/n's house, to check on her" I can feel my eyes lighting up as I hear that name.

"How is she?" I ask a bit concerned.

"She seemed ok. She was wearing very baggy clothes. She said it was because she wanted to be comfortable around the house. But from her face I could notice that she lost a bit of weight. A part from, that she seemed fine"

I'm a bit revealed to hear that actually. I mean, after all I still love her. This feeling won't go away, but on the other hand I don't want to go back to her after knowing that she kissed my brother. Everybody says that it was Jungwook who first kissed her, but my brother didn't say so. After all there were only him and y/n at that moment, so anybody doesn't really know how things went. Except for Jungwook and y/n.

Who should I trust? My brother? The one who made my youth like hell? Or Y/n? the one who stole my heart and right after broke it, lying to me?

As I think about these questions, I notice that the professor is testing my brother on the problem I explained him yesterday. I don't know why, but I want him to get a good mark. As he writes on the white board, it seems that he got my explanation and that he understood the problem.

"Great Jungwook! Now you can go to you seat" says the professor after a while.

All eyes are glued on Jungwook, as he walks towards his chair and sits. I also look at him and I see him forming a kiss with his lips and looking at me.

What was that? Everybody are now looking at me, and I'm blushing really hard. Like what the hell? Am I really blushing because my brother just sent me a flying kiss? What is happening really.

Now I'm in my room, with my brother. I'm at my desk studying and he's laying down on his bed, watching some videos with his phone. I don't know why, but I really like this sensation. The fact that we're both in the same room and I don't have to be nervous.


I turn around and see him holding his belly and crying with laughter. I stand up and sit next to him, but I feel his arm around my shoulder and he makes me lay next to him, still with his arm around me.

"Look!" he says smiling like crazy. He shows me a really funny video. As much as I try to hold in my laughter, I explode and laugh with him.

I feel so happy right now, it's the first time I laugh like this with my brother. I don't want this moment to end.

We ended up watching funny videos all day long and laughing together, him still with his arm around me.

By the end of the day I look at him and realize how much time we've wasted over some useless and random fights.

And that's how we ended our day: laughing like crazy and holding each other.

A couple of days has passed and now it's Monday morning. I spent the rest of the weekend having fun with my brother, watching funny videos and studying together. I still don't know why he's changed so drastically, but I don't want to know. I'm afraid that if I ask him, something bad will happen. So I'll leave things like this and enjoy these precious moments.

Another class just started everyone looks shocked as I ask Jungwook to go shopping with me today. And they freeze even more after they hear my brother saying yes to me.

After classes, we headed to buy some clothes right away. I asked Jungkook for some advices. I wanted to try some new styles.

Now I'm in the changing room trying on other clothes, when I hear my brother saying:

"Wow Jungkook. You have a really nice body!"

I turn around seeing him looking at my body and quickly cover my self in embarrassment, looking away blushing. He insists to see my body and once I give in, he keeps complimenting me more. He's talking about how good my abs look and about my pumped chest and arms. It's not that I do much, I just some random exercises when I'm alone.

"Great, now you have a whole new wardrobe!" Jungwook says holding a couple of bags full of new clothes.

"Jungwook" I say firmly "Why did you change all of a sudden? Not that I don't like the situation right now, but I'm really curious. Please be honest" as I ask him that question I see his big smile becoming small.

"It's just..." he says looking down "I just think that we had no reason to fight over stupid things" he the continues with a sweet smile. It doesn't seem like he's faking it or forcing it. It rather seems like it's the truth and that there's something else, but I don't want to ruin our relationship, so I won't ask until he's fully ready.

Now we're back home and I'm putting my new clothes in my closet. Jungwook is helping me and in the meantime and he's singing a sweet and romantic song. The words he's singing reminds me of y/n. It hurts a little. No, very much. It really hurts like hell.

Why do I still feel this way towards her, even after what she did to me? Or maybe she didn't mean to cause all of this chaos. She lied to me, I get it, but for some reason, I've already forgiven her. Unconsciously.

Me and my brother decided to watch a horror movie. We're not afraid of these kind of movies, but I have to be honest, we both really hate jump-scares. Speaking of that, one of that comes right after and we both jump in surprise.

I find him hugging me tight and I freeze, without knowing what to do. His head is now resting on my chest and his arms are around my body. after a couple of seconds he slowly looks up at me and we lock eyes. It's actually really awkward but funny at the same time. I burst out laughing.


"That's not true!" he shouts back at me, making me flinch and become serious.

We're looking at each other. Him mad because of my teasing and me scared that I may ruined our relationship, until...

"Pff" I see him laughing a bit and then we both burst out laughing again and holding each other.

The days went by pretty fast and I really enjoyed my time with my brother. We really became close and talked about everything. Y/n didn't show up once and now I really miss her so much. I think this feelings towards her, will never go away. A part from that, things were going great, until Friday.

We're in class right now and I'm talking to Jungwook, explaining him another math problem.

"You need to do this, in order to solve it" I say.

"Ohh I see"

Now I'm used to everyone staring at us. I mean, as long as I'm happy with him, nothing else matters, right? I still think that there's something more behind his sudden change , but I don't really want to make him angry or sad, so I just stick with this and keep my doubt.

As the class ends, I start to think about y/n, again. maybe I should go and visit her. Or maybe she doesn't want to see me. Right. Wait, what? She's the one who lied to me, so it should be me the one that doesn't want to see her. But why do I feel this way? Is she really the right one for me?

I kept questioning myself the whole day, until 4 PM.

"Jungkook!" I hear my brother calling my name "I'm going to hang out with Jimin and Rosé. Do you want to come?" he says smiling brightly.

"No, I think I'll stay at home today. I'm really tired, I think I'll sleep a little"

"Oh..." I see him a bit sad "ok, make sure to rest well!" he then says, showing me a sweet smile.

He left, and now I'm alone in my room. I stayed in bed all day, thinking about my brother and y/n.

Now it's 8 PM and it's really dark outside. My brother will come home at any moment, so I'll prepare something to eat for both of us. I grab my phone and head downstairs. I open up the fridge and look what's inside. I see a bag with some steak in. As I take it in my hands, I remember the date with y/n and when I fed her a piece of the same steak. I smile a little at the memory, but then I feel a tear leaving my eyes. It keeps hurting even more than before. I really like her. No, I love her. Everything she does.

I hear my phone ringing and as I take it out I rub my eyes, making my tears disappear and then look at the screen. It's my brother.

"Jungkook, come to the hospital! Now!" he shouts. He seems out of breath, like if he ran.

"Why? What happened? Are you ok?" I ask really worried.

"I'm ok" he says and I sight in relief "But Y/n is not"
