Y/n pov

After a bit we arrived to our destination. As we get off of the subway I feel Jungkook holding my hand. I smile and blush, but I want to show him that I care about our "relationship". So I naturally intertwined our fingers. He looks a bit surprised by my actions and whispers:

"You're so cute"

Uffff why am I always the one that blushes really hard? He's too good at this, even though he didn't date many girls. I feel really great with him, I feel safe.

As we go up the stairs, I see the sea from far away. Oh my god. A date. At the beach. Watching the sunset together. I think I can die in piece after that.

"I know it's early now, but we can wait for the sunset and go and dip our feet in the sea" Jungkook proposes. I'm really excited, as we reach the beach I quickly let go of is hand and start running.

"Try and catch me if you can!" I shout at him. But I'm dumb. I'm wearing high heels and I'm running on the sand.

I hear his laugh getting closer and closer until he reaches me and takes me in his arms, carrying me bridal stile.

"I won" he says with a cocky smile "I need a prize"

"Ummh, do you deserve it?" I say, still in his arms. He just nods trying to hold back his smile, but obviously fails. "Ok I'll give it to you"

"Yesss! Finally-"

"Later" I cut him off. I see him disappointed a bit, but I want to play a little. Also I want to find the perfect moment. "Come on! Let's dip our feet in the sea!" I say getting off of him and removing my heals.

"Ok princess" he whispers, but I could hear what he said. That made me blush very hard. I actually liked that.

As we dip our feet together, we start screaming and laughing. We ran and jumped for a bit, then he takes my hand and I rest my head on his chest as we keep laughing. It's a bit difficult to stand still, since I can feel my feet sinking down the sand. To prevent me from falling, he hugs me tight, holding my head with one hand and caressing my back with the other one.

"This is perfect" I whisper, so that he can't hear me.

"What did you say?" I can feel his heart beating so fast.

"Nothing" I say with a childish tone. He starts tickling me and now we're back to laughing out loud. We look like an actual couple. Except that we're not. I really wish things between him and me would be like this for forever.

About an hour has passed and now it's 7.30 PM.

"Let's go and eat dinner" Jungkook proposes as he puts on his shoes, after his feet were fully dried.

"Yessss, let's go!" I say "I'm really hungry right now!"

We're now at the restaurant, eating our food.

"You were really hungry y/n!" Jungkook says smiling like crazy, as he sees my already empty plate. Then he cuts a bit of his steak and stick it to his fork. "Here, say ahhh" he says bringing the fork close to my mouth.

"It's embarrassing..." I say blushing and checking around us if someone was looking.

"You still have to give me my prize" he says knowing that he was right. I give in and open my mouth. "Aaaaammmmmm" he says as he puts the piece of meat inside my mouth. "You're so cute y/n" he states as he looks at me chewing the piece of meat.

He gave me a pretty big piece and now my cheeks are full. I probably look stupid. But he seems to enjoy this, so it's ok.

After he finished, he asks the waiter for the bill and eventually he received it.

"How much is it?" I ask him "Should we pay half and half?"

He hides the bill inside his pocket and gives the waiter banknotes.

"Thank you so much" he says to the staff man as he goes away.

"Jungkook!! I wanted to pay too! You've already paid for the subway ticket and now you're also paying for the dinner" I say pouting.

"Y/n seriously. Stop it. I'm the man, I pay" he says smiling.

"But also women should pay..." say looking at the table. I feel a little bit guilty. He does so much for me, and the only thing I did to him was to hurt him.

"Ehi princess" he says patting my hair "Please don't be sad, I really want to pay"

After that we go out of the restaurant and decided to go to the beach again. As we get close enough the sea we decide to sit on he ground. But before doing that, Jungkook takes off his jacket and put it on the sand and gestures me to sit on it. I nod and smile. He's really kind and heartwarming.

While we admired the beautiful sunset, we started talking about random stuff, from school to my parents. We were laughing and smiling like crazy. I felt so happy, I really couldn't stop smiling. I felt the excitement running through my body.

It's very dark now so we decide to turn on our phones' flashlights.

"Oh I have a surprise!" I say searching for something in my purse.

"What is it?" Jungkook says laughing a bit.

"Ta-daaaa! Soap bubbles!" I say as I open the lid and making some bubbles.

"Wow it look so pretty" he says as he pops a bubble. "Like you" I choke a little, inhaling some soap, due to the surprise. I mean, he's been complimenting me all day, but I didn't expect it right now.

As we make some more bubbles, I look at Jungkook and suddenly feel something hitting my heart really hard.

It doesn't hurt, but it makes me cry without realizing.

"Y/n why are you crying?" Jungkook says worried "What happened?" he says rubbing my tears away with his thumb. I don't really pay attention to his question. I'm mesmerized by his self being. He's really perfect, in everything. I think I just fell in love.

"Y/n answer me! What's wrong?"

"O-Oh, sorry, I think some bubbles went into my eyes" I find an excuse. He seems to believe it, since he sighted in relief. Then he got back to making some more bubbles.

"Jungkook" I say. It's not like I'm the one who said it. It's more like my mouth spoke by itself.

"Yes?" he says without looking at me. He's too busy making bubbles.

"Do you want your prize?" I ask.

"What do you mean y/n? You already gave me the prize. When you let me feed you the piece of steak. I didn't win any other game" he says confused and now looking at me.

"You're right. You didn't win any other game. You won over my heart" and without thinking about it twice, I connect our lips. He seems shocked at first, but after a couple of seconds I feel his right hand on my left cheek.

Then we pull away and look at each other. But I want more.

I close again the space between us and give him a long kiss. I can feel him whining a bit and his tongue brushing against my lips, asking for entrance. I open my mouth, letting his wet tongue invading it.

Our tongues are now moving in sink at a slow pace. It's a very romantic kiss.

But things get heated pretty soon. I feel both of his hands on my waist and suddenly he lifts me up, making me sit on his lap, with his hips in between my thighs.

I fasten the pace of the kiss and I hear him groaning, as I deepen the kiss even more. His hands are now resting on my lower back, pressing my body against his, while I move my hips to the rhythm of the kiss.

I can hear him mumbling something in between the kiss.

"Y/ make me go crazy"

I go rougher on the kiss to make him stop talking. Not that I don't like it when he says these kind of things, but now I need him.

My hands trail from the back of is neck to his pumped chest. I press the right one against his left pectoral and I feel his heartbeat going crazy.

I feel him pulling away, but before he could do that, I bite his lower lip, making him moan.

"That's exactly how I imagined it, since the beginning" he says breathing hard and running out of breath.

We're both breathing hard and trying to calm down. He cups my cheeks with his hands and presses our foreheads together. We lock eyes together and just stare at each other. Before standing up, he presses our lips together one more time and kisses me passionately.

"It's time to go" I say smiling through the kiss. I hear him whining, but he keeps going. His hands are now all over my body and I feel like I can't contain my little moans. I slightly push him away and say:

"Jungkook, we're going to be late" and I stand up putting on my shoes. I see him leaning his body a little bit backwards and looking down.

"What's wrong Jungkook?" I ask a bit concerned. But then I notice where he's exactly looking. I can see something pocking through his white jeans. I widen my eyes and blush really hard. I turn around, giving him time and privacy to fix himself. I didn't think it was that easy.

I can hear him standing up and putting on his jacket and, still facing the other way, I say shyly:

"Let's go"

But I feel some arms around my belly.

"I'm sorry y/n" he says, but I can feel him smiling a bit "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable"

"Don't worry Jungkook. I-I'm also sorry, I didn't want to do....that" I say covering my face due to embarrassment.

After that we eventually got to the subway and after a bit, we arrived at our hometown. Now we're walking towards home on the dark and empty road. He insisted to get me home first, like always.

We're almost here, but before heading towards the entrance, he pulls me into a hug.

"I really hope you had fun today" he says caressing my upper back. I nod at his statement and hug him back.

"Can I have...." I whisper.

"Can you have...what?" he says confused. I don't answer and just hide my face in his chest. I'm too shy to say this out loud.

"Perhaps you want this" he says taking my face with his hands and lifting it up, so that now I'm looking at him. Before moving, he gives me a reassuring smile and then connects our lips together. This time, I'm the one who asks for entrance. As I brush my tongue against his lips I hear him chuckling a bit and eventually giving up, making his tongue meeting mine. As we deepen the kiss, we hear someone talking:

"Wow, so you guys are a couple uh?"

We quickly pull away and turn around to meet the person who just talked. I can't believe my eyes. Jungwook. What is he doing here, outside my house?

"W-What are you doing here?" Jungkook asks his brother.

"I could ask you the same, little brother" he has an evil smirk. Then his attention drafts to me. His gaze makes me remember all the things that happened between us and with that, my anxiety comes back and hits my body.

"I came here for a reason" the evil one says "You know that I love you, right?" he says looking at his brother, who's now crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. "I want to tell you the truth, because I don't want you to suffer anymore" and with that I feel like the world fell on top of me. I feel my legs shaking.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook says confused "Now I've finally found my happiness" he says referring to me.

"And I'm glad about that" his brother says smiling "But I want to tell you that, your happiness is just an illusion" he says pointing at me. Jungkook looks at me confused, but he changes expression as soon as he sees mine. All my facial muscles are clenched and my mouth trembles.

"Y/n. Is everything ok?" he says a bit worried. I don't answer and just look at Jungwook, who's now approaching us. He puts his hands on both of mine and Jungkook's shoulder and says:

"Did she tell you?" he locks eyes with his brother and I start to feel a bit dizzy. Jungkook shakes his head in response, not knowing what to expect.

"I guess I'm the one that has to tell you" Jungwook says glancing at me for a second and focusing on his bother right after. "One day I was at a café with Jimin and we coincidentally met Rosé and Y/n"

I feel my eyes wet as I remember about that day. All my emotion gathering up at my brain, giving me total confusion.

"Jimin and Rosé had to talk about something" the long haired guy continues "and left me and y/n alone. We talked for a bit, bickering a little. You know, she's a hot head. But then...I find her lips on mine"

I see Jungkook's face dropping and finally I feel a tear leaving my eyes.

"What? That's not true!" I say interrupting him "you kissed me!" I try to defend myself.

"It's that true y/n?" the poor guy asks me with tears in his eyes. I stay silent and Jungwook answers for me.

"Of course it's true, but she didn't want to tell you. I guess she thought you wouldn't believe her"

"Why....Why y/n?" Jungkook says stuttering a bit. He's not mad or sad. He's disappointed. His facial expression is killing me inside. I feel the guiltiness and the pain building up as the conversation goes on.

I know that's not how things went, but no words come out of my mouth.

"Oh and also Friday night, at Jimin's birthday." Jungwook continues grinning a bit. "She was staring at my body as I danced to the rhythm of the music. Her gaze didn't leave me for a second!" he says in disbelief, but he's faking it.

"Stop it..." I say at a low voice.

"Then she approached me" he says smirking.

"Stop it..." I repeat as he goes on.

"And she pressed her back against my body" he says now looking at Jungkook. I keep telling him to stop at a low voice, but he doesn't want to listen to me.

"Then I started kissing her neck and she even pressed my head deeper, in order to make her feel more pleasure"

"Please stop it..." I say sobbing silently.

"She didn't push me away" Jungwook continues. From his tone, it seems like he's the right one "I guess she really liked my dick rubbing against her ass-"

I slap him really hard on the face. He's looking at me smirking, as he cups his cheek with one hand. Jungkook is looking at the ground. None of us is saying a word. Until:

"Y/n... if you'd told me, I would have believed you. After all of this time. After today. After all of our hugs" Jungkook says as I start crying harder "After our kisses...I don't think I can believe you now"

With that I feel like someone hit my heart with a hammer. I felt a shot and then nothing for about two or three seconds. But right after it felt like hell.

I know it didn't go this way, but all that leave my mouth are only hums and stutters. I forgot how to speak. I reach out for his hand, but he quickly puts it in his pocket.

He looks at me, one more time. Shakes his head with his teary eyes. And leaves right after. I feel my legs shaking even more, till I can't stand and fall on the ground. Then Jungwook lowers his body at my level and says:

"I told you I wanted to do something fun" his smirk doesn't leave his mouth.

I see him walking away too, leaving me out of my house, still on the ground. I stay like this for a bout 5 minutes processing what just happened.

Rosé's pov

It's very late now, but for some reason I can't sleep. I'm still waiting for y/n to tell me about her day, when I hear a knock on my door. I quickly go towards the entrance, hoping that my parents won't wake up. I slowly open and...

Y/n is standing there, with her make-up all over her face and really red eyes. She doesn't say a word. I look around to see if my parents were somewhere near us and when I see no one, I quickly grab her wrist and drag her to my room.

She doesn't say a word. As she sits on my bed, I look for a pajamas to give her and after finding one, I ask her:

"Did you warned you parents that you're not going home?" she just shakes her head. I look for her phone in her purse and quickly send a text message to her mum, pretending I was y/n.

After she changed and I helped her taking off her ruined make-up, I make her sit on the bed again and ask her to tell me everything.

"Jungwook....that bastard" I say in between my teeth "I swear tomorrow I'll break his legs-"

"No Rosé" she interrupts me "He's right. It's my fault" it looks like she's hiding her emotion. I want her to open up and take out all the pain. At least for tonight.

"That's not true y/n. We all know how things really went. It was him all along." She knows I'm right, but I don't know why, she keeps blaming it all on herself.

I take her hands and look at the ground. The I finally hear her start sobbing hard.

"I know it's not my fault" she says showing me a really painful expression "But if only I told him..."

Maybe that's right. If she told him about the kiss, I think things would have been ok by now. Jungkook is not that type of guy who just gets mad and throw stuff. He would have listened to her and also believed her. But we can't turn back in time.

After crying for half an hour, she fell asleep and so did I. Now it's really early in the morning and me and y/n are heading out of my house before my parents could wake up. As we pass by her house she says:

"Today I feel like I don't want to go to school"

It's the first time she stays home from school. I guess this episode is really too much to handle for her. I nod and see her getting inside her house. I don't think she'll tell the truth to her parents. Maybe she'll just say that she feels a bit sick.

Now it's my turn.

I'm walking as fast as I can to school and once I entre my classroom, I surprisingly find only Jungwook and Jimin.

"You asshole" I say as I walk fast towards the long haired guy and punch him in the face. I feel Jimin's harms around my body and pulling my up so that now my feet are not touching the ground.

"Rosé, calm down!" my boyfriend says to me "What happened?"

"This bastard deserves a lesson" I say looking angrily at Jungwook, who's now smirking like crazy.

"So" he says "I guess your friend already told you everything" he's really cocky and bossy. I suddenly spit on his face, earning an evil laugh from him.

"Rosé!" Jimin calls my name "Stop it! Can you tell me what happened?"

"This son of a bitch ruined the relationship between y/n and Jungkook. He told his brother bullshits. We all know that's not how things went" I'm really angry and I think it shows. If Jimin lets go of me, I think I'll really beat Jungwook up.

"You told you brother about the kiss?" Jimin asks the evil guy.

"Not only that. I also told him about how me and y/n danced together, grinding at each other's body"

With that, I break free from Jimin's hold and push Jungkook against the wall. I was about to punch him again when I heard someone behind me talking.

"Stop this" it's Jungkook.

"Jungkook!" I shout turning to him "You know that's not how it really went! He told you the wrong version of the story! If you only listen to y/n, I'm sure everything will be alr-"

"Stop it. I've heard enough from everyone of you" he says. He's not mad. Not sad. I can't describe his state. He looks emotionless, but at the same time very hurt. I'd never expect our group to end up like this.

No words.
