The Beginning

*Her POV*

The birds were silent as a young girl with silver hair and black ears and tail, almost wolf-like, stumbled across the forest floor. A large, bloody scythe in her hands. She stopped and looked to the sky.
The sun had already set and the sky was growing darker with each passing moment. The air becoming cold but she could no longer feel it. The emotions of fear, sorrow, and anger were gone. Replaced with nothingness, pure nothingness. She continued walking down the path quietly as the sky darkened. A pendant hung from the girl's neck. A special pendant. One that marks the path that she walks. It was given to her by her father. Before he disappeared. One that gave her a reason to survive .

Her blood red eyes were lifeless, hard and cold, just like the air around her. Her pure silver hair and claws were tainted with specks of blood. She wondered what would happen now. Life was not going to be easy now. She was now not only a rogue but a traitor and a murderer. Jonin from Kirigakure and other villages would be hunting her down and make her pay for her crimes. She would most definately have a high bounty on her head for slaughtering her clan. Would she live or would she die? The events that were to come would ultimately decide her fate.
