Meeting Him

The young girl walked down the path leading from her village. As she walked, she could feel chakra coming towards her. Some one was following her, some one that she wasn't familiar with. She stopped and turned around to see no one behind her. Maybe it was her imagination or her mind was playing tricks on her.

*Hidan's POV*

        "Kakuzu, where are we going?" A silver haired man whined annoyingly to his partner.

       "....." Kakuzu didn't reply to his partner but stayed quiet.

       "Kakuzu, tell me dammit." The man growled.

       "Hidan, shut up. You're annoying..." Kakuzu growled at him.

      The two men continued walking up the forest path. They were after something or someone. Hidan took the time to look around before sighing. This was beginning to get on his nerves.

      "Seriously, why are we even fucking here?" Hidan asked, slightly glaring at his partner

      "A young girl that Leader wants." He finally informed Hidan, "Who goes by the name Rosalia. Her last name is not known."

     Hidan looked at Kakuzu. 'What could Leader-sama want with this girl?' He thought. 'What was so special about her?' Thoughts raced through his mind at a mile a minute.

     "She is also know as the Kuro Shin no Bara or the Black Rose of Death." Kakuzu continued, "She has a very high bounty on her head. If Leader didn't want her, I would find her, kill her and take her to a collection office."

     "Money hungry bastard." Hidan growled. That was the one thing he absolutely hated about Kakuzu.

     "Hidan shut up." Kakuzu grumbled, "You will alert her about us."

*Her POV*

      Two voices rang in to her wolf ears and she stopped. Rosalia looked around blindly to find the voices but nothing so she continued to walk until she sensed them. She paused again and turned around to see a strange man with green eyes and a mask. Another with silver hair and magenta eyes. He was quite handsome to her.

     "So is this her?" The silver haired male asked with a smirk. "She looks a little beat up."

     "Yes." The other spoke. "This is her." 

     A wolf like growl rolled from her as she took a fighting stance. She knew their cloaks. They were Akatsuki. Her vision began to fade in and out as she wobbled, she was losing blood and couldn't stop her bleeding.

    'Lord Jashin, am I going to die here?' She thought before she blacked out and collapsed. She didn't get a chance to hear what they were saying.

*Hidan's POV*

      His eyes landed on a young girl with striking silver hair and deep, dark red eyes. "So is this her?" He asked, smirking widely. "She looks a little beat up." He noticed that she was wobbling when she took her stance. Hidan noticed the necklace she wore. She was a Jashinist like him, which came as a surprise.

     "Yes, this is her." Kakuzu replied before the girl collapsed.

      "Why does Leader want her? She looks like a normal girl, except for the ears and tail." He looked Kakuzu before glancing at her. She was strange but it was nothing new to him.

       Kakuzu ignored his question and looked at him, "Let's get her back to the base." He picked her up and starting walking the way they came, "Hidan, grab her weapon."

    "Sure." He grabbed the silver scythe and followed Kakuzu. What was this girl? What happened to her? And why was she a Jashinist? Those were his questions about this. This girl seemed normal, maybe she was, maybe she wasn't. He didn't have a clue.

To be continued....

P.S. Sorry if it sucks. Please comment below any ideas you might have
