Character Discription (WIP)

Name: Rosalia (Last Name Unknown)
Nicknames: Roza, Kuro Shin no Bara
Age: 21
Gender: Female
D.O.B: October 31
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lbs
Rank: Jonin/Rogue
Village: Hidden in the Mist
Blood Type: AB Negative
Weapons: Large Silver 3 Bladed Scythe with Black Rose Engraving
Looks: Long Silver Hair, Dark Red Eyes, Slim, Light Skin, Black wolf Ears and tail.
Attitude: very quiet and soft-spoken, but also very aggressive and cruel when angered, very hostile, sadistic and merciless in battle, often swears
Clothing: Open-Back black halter top, black mini skirt with silver chains, black ninja shoes, has scythe on back at all times, normal Akatsuki cloak, wears Jashinism pendant
Crush: Hidan
Friends: Itachi, Deidara, Kakuza, Hidan, Konan
Likes: night time, darkness, quiet, cold, snow, roses, wolves, blood shed, sweets
Dislikes: heat, bright light, loud, idiots, spicy food
Religion: Jashinism
