^Up the outfit^

Yuri was wearing sweaters, a black crop top and a pair of sneakers. She was in front of a mirror with and seemed to be practicing.

She started her VLIVE with the iPad and had her phone in her hands.

"Blinks, hi~" She said and smiled as she saw the heart emijis in the comments section.

"I know this is unexpected, but I couldn't tell you about this before." She continued.

"When we were in Australia a fan gave me a letter and, honestly, I didn't know if I should cry or laugh after I read it."

She looked down at her phone screen and smiled before looking back at the iPad.

"This blink asked me to play a prank on the other members and I was excited about it but I felt like crying because I'm bad at making pranks."

She sighed and pouted before taking again.

"So I asked around to a few workers inside our company and they gave me a great idea."

She started to dial the first number and put it on speaker. She waited and smiled devilishly at the cam of the iPad.

"Unni." She said as soon as the other pick up.

"Oh Yuri. Why are you calling me?" Jennie's voice could be heard.

"Where are you?"

"I'm having lunch with the manager. Is there something wrong?"

"Not really, I was having a break from the practice and I wanted to ask you something." She stopped for a few second before continuing. "There's something that has been bothering me lately."

"What's it?"

Yuri tried not to laugh but it was hard, no one actually knew what was on her mind.

"I was thinking that I want a baby." She giggled after saying this.

On the other line Jennie gasped surprised by the younger's words.


"A dog baby? Or a human baby?" She asked and Yuri started to laugh. "Wait, you're not serious about this, are you?"

"No, don't worry. I'm not serious and I can't even take a dog baby, I still need to get along with Luca."

Jennie just laughed remembering how Yuri and Luca are not in good terms. Everytime she calls him, he just turns his head and walks away, unlike Leo who loves to cuddle with her when they meet.

"Un I, i need to hang up now, I still have to call the others."

The two laughed and the call ended.

"So, now we have Rosé unni. She'll probably freak out when I'll tell her." She said while waiting for her unni to answer.

"Yes?" The older answered and Yuri smiled.

"Unni, where are you?" She asked trying to sound serious.

"I'm getting ready for my workout. Why?"

"I just wanted an opinion. You see, lately I've been thinking about something. Last night I didn't even sleep properly, I was so worried."

"Whats wrong?" The girl on the other line sounded so worried and Yuri felt guilty for pranking her.

"I want a baby." She said fastly and there was a dead silence for a few seconds on the other line.

"You want what?" She asked hoping to have heard wrong.

"A baby."

"Oh my God!" She gasped and composed herself before speaking again. "Steal one."

"What?" Yuri was shocked and her eyes were wide open.

"I'm just joking, don't worry. How could you ever steal a baby?" She said and laughed awkwardly.

"Unni, I need to go, well talk about it later."

She said fastly and started to laugh.

After she calmed down she dialed another number.

"Unni?" Yuri said as soon as the other picked up.

"Yuri, how are you?" Lisa asked.

"I'm good, just tired due to the practice."She said." I was wondering if you could give me a suggestion."

"Of course, tell me."

"You see...I want a baby."

The other girl didn't know what to tell her. "Why are you telling me this? You like girls?"

"Unni!" She said and started to laugh.

"What? I don't understand why you're asking me this. You should ask this to him, not me."

Yuri became shy and hurried to shut down the speaker. She put the phone next to her hear and spoke for a few seconds before hanging up.

"Now, Jisoo unni."

Yuri dialed the number and it didn't took. Lot before she would pick up the call.

"This is Jisoo." She said and Yuri smiled widely.

"Unni, what are you doing?"

"I'm getting ready for yoga. You?"

"I'm taking a break from the practice." She said and hesitated a little before speaking again. "I was thinking about something but I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad one."

"You know you can tell unni everything."

"Yeah, and that worry me the most." She whispered the last part so the other girls wouldn't hear her. "I want a baby."

There was a long silence after the sentence and Yuri figured out that the older was thinking about an answer.

"You mean you want baby as in me, right?" Yuri smiled.

"No unni, I mean I want a baby."

"Whose?" She asked and Yuri was surprised.

"I don't know."


Yuri was a little confused. "Who's that?"

"That character from that film..." She said and stopped for a second. "The men in the film..." She stopped again. "Yes." She said again firmly.

"I don't know what film you're talking about."

"How can you not know it? We watched it last week when we were flying back to Korea."

"Oh, you mean that film. Now I know. I didn't know his name was Aquaman."

The older scolded her for not remembering it.

After the call ended, Yuri was thorned.

"I'll never do this again. Don't ask me to do it, because I won't."

She sighed and decided to start to practice again.

"So, see you next time blinks. Now I have to practice."

She pouted and waved her hand before endidn the live.


This WA sa little rushed idk why but I did my best😔
Here is almost 1am and I'm tired I hope there are a few grammatical errors and not too much.
Look forward to the next updates💞
