EunRi Moments

[Yuri and Eunwoo moments that had fans in shock]

1. Acting like a couple already since My ID is Gangnam beauty

In the BTS video we can see Yuri feeding Eunwoo with pop corn while recording the cinema scene. In the scene of their first kiss we can see she's sitting on the couch and he's basically covering both their left sides. Well, in the BTS again we can see she grabbed his arm like there's no tomorrow.

"I'm not used to those scenes." Yuri said while talking to the camera while Eunwoo was talking with the director.

The scene was recorded four times.

Yes, you read correctly - FOUR TIMES

2. Yuri bandmates always teased Yuri about her relationship with Eunwoo

" We're really happy to be here with you tonight, Macao." - Jennie
"But there's someone who's also sad." - Rosé
"Yes, Yuri is missing her dovey lovey." - Jennie
[In Your Area Tour in Macao]

"There was a time when I was about to walk in Yuri's room without knocking. I was about to do it since the door was open anyway but I stopped when I heard her voice. She was talking on the phone with her dovey lovey and was acting cute. I didn't hesitate to take pictures of the scene." - Jisoo
" Oh my god, are you serious? Why did you never told me?" - Yuri
[In Your Area Tour in Melbourne]

"Yuri hates when we call him by his name." - Jennie
"That's not true." - Yuri
"Of course it is, that's why we usually call him dovey lovey, it irritates her even more." - Jennie
[In Your Area Tour in Sydney]

3. Yuri and Eunwoo couple items

In early February 2019 Yuri posted some photos where she was seen wearing a new ring. A lot of fans took interest in it and asked her where she bought it. Then she posted a photo with the caption 'secret' probably directed to the fans who asked about it. Fans searched for a long time for the bracelet but they never found it. Later on Yuri revealed that it was a gift and it was a special design made by someone whose she didn't mention the name. After the scandal about their relationship, Eunwoo was seen wearing a similar ring in some IG photos. Even during their couple shoot, the two were wearing them as we can seen in the BTS.

Other couple items are suspected to be a blue sweater Eunwoo was seen wearing since a long time ago and Yuri also posted a photo of herself wearing the exact same item, but fans suspect it might actually be his sweater since it looks big on her.

Lastly, Eunwoo changed his phone when Yuri started to sponsor Samsung and the two revealed to have couple cases. It was also said that Rosé was the one to gift them with it for Yuri's birthday.

4. ASTRO talking about Eunwoo being strange at the dorm

"Our Eunwoo has been acting really strange lately. Especially at the dorm. He's usually on his own meanwhile he used to spend a lot of time with us. We'd usually be the ones to ask him to leave us alone but now he's not even paying attention to us anymore." - Jinjin

"Eunwoo hyung has been acting different lately but I've always knew that he's a weirdo (insert malefic laugh by the maknae on top of ASTRO). But I actually feel a little worried since he also got home late last Saturday. I think it was almost midnight and he said that he went to eat out. It made me mad because he went eating chicken without me. Hyung!" - Sanha

"I asked Eunwoo if he wanted to have chicken but he refused because he said he already eat chicken the night before. I'm sad that he eat chicken without me. I tought we were chicken buddies." - Moonbin

Guess who loves chicken and eating out. Yuri.

"One time I was craving for chicken since I had a bad day and none of the members wanted to eat chicken with me nor go out. So I took Lisa's manager and asked him to take me to eat chicken since he was the only one avaible. I went back home with some chicken and Rosé was mad because I didn't share with her. I won't share my chicken with anyone if they're mean to me." - Yuri

5. Yuri wrote a song to Eunwoo?

"Yuri has been writing a lot lately, I think she's been writing a song but I'm not sure. She's weird lately, she even complimented me." - Jisoo
"I can hear you, I'm right in front of you." - Yuri
"Go back to write your love song." - Jisoo
[BLACKPINK diaries ep 10]

6. The way they acted when they were seen on a date

A fan said -

"So I happened to saw the EunRi couple at the cinema and they were like a real couple. For anyone who says they are fake, stop! They sure are a real one. They were sitting a few seats infront of mine but it was very clear what they were doing. She was so absorbed in the film and he was probably wither really scared or really in love because he was holding her tight."

7. Eunwoo and Yuri were together after her concert in France

"So I think I saw something strange as in Eunwoo and Yuri on a date in France. They were leaving the hotel and they were holding hands like there was no tomorrow. I swear he seemed scared that someone might take her away." - A reported who didn't made an article but posted this on her Twitter

8. Their secret 'I love you'

Yuri posted multiple photos on IG with the caption '143', at first fans tought it was a hint about her solo or the group comeback but soon they realized the meaning of 'I love you' when Eunwoo also updated a photo with the caption 143.

9. Eunwoo supported Yuri debut

On the same day of the girl's first day of promoting her debut, the boy was seen by multiple fans walking with a bouquet of flowers. The two were seen leaving together as the boy left less than half an hour from his arrive.

10. Their break up scandal

Almost a month after the two officially split fans still couldn't move on and tried to find evidences of the two actually being still together. Fans discovered that the girl still has his sweater and the couple bracelet he gifted her as we can seen in some photos took when she was seen arriving at the YG building.

More updates coming up in a few hours
