The thunder awakens

As we are now in a alley as we se 3 people  cornering someone 

Izumi:hy loser back for more*she said  punching her hand*

Inazuma:why Izumi why do you gotta do this we are ducking sisters

Izumi:I am not related to a dam quirkless loser so guys shall we get started whit this beating 

3 people:yeaaaa lets go

1 long beating later

Inazuma:was on the ground laying down spiting out blood*

Izumi:spits on her*and stay down or next time it will be double as bad bitch come on guys  let's go pizza is on me

Prople:pizza pizza*they were saying*

As then they leave

Inazuma:why why  why does she do this*as here eye turns red a circle spearing on her eye and a tomoe appearing along side of it tears running down her face*

"Because you're weak and don't defend yourself "

A voice said as inazuma looked up as she saw a man whit samurai style armor and long black hair

Inazuma:coughing loudly*who are you

Madara:madara uchiha your ancestors and I can't believe you are my decendant no attempt  to defend yourself

Inazuma:whit what she has telekenisis and she is my sister*she said tears still runing down her eyes*

Madara:makes hand sings making a puddle infront of her*whit those

Inazuma:looks into the puddle as she saw her eyes*my...... eyes what happened to them?

Madara:your sharingan the power passed from uchiha to uchiha now lets make a deal

Inazuma:she was quiet looking at him*

Madara:I shall train you to not be so weak and to be able to defend yourself and in return you will help avenge the clan do we have a deal*he said extending a hand*

Inazuma:grabs his hand*

Madara:whit no warning he pulls her to her feet*good now head home we need a more private place to talk*as he desapears into smoke*

As her eye turns back to normal as she heads to her house and opens the door as a woman cane rushing at her

Inko:o inazuma what happened why do you have a black eye and bruises

Inazuma:looks towards the side*

As on the kitchen table Izumi and her dad was there

Izumi:makes a talking motion whit her hand and then drags her thumb across her kneck*

Inazuma:I fell down the stairs when I was in school 

Inko:looked at her not believing her*ok come on let's bandage you up

As they headed to the bathroom 

In the bathroom 

Inko:puting a bandage over Inazuma's arm*honey what happened  

Inazuma:I told you I fell down the stairs

Inko:honey I can tell when you fell and I can tell the mark of a boot

Inazuma:grabs her arm and pulls it away*thanks mom*as ahe got out and went to her room*

As she went and locked her room

Inazuma:umm hey Mr. madara are you there*she said as her eyes went back like before*

As from mist he re-apears

Madara:yes so are you ready for your training 

Inazuma:yes I am ready to sir

Madara:ok then first we will focus on Chakra  awakening

Inazuma:ok what do I have to do*she said confused*

Madara:gets in a meditation stand*first you get in a meditation stand

Inazuma:gets in the meditation stand eyes closed*

Madara:ok then now imagine your Chakra as a pond and the wave points for the connections as paths in the dirt and then let it flow through and outside your body

Inazuma:breaths in and out as a blue aura appears around her*

Madara:well seems we have some potential now that we are done whit the basics lets get done with the harder aspects

Let's get to the time skips 

11 to 12:trained on taijutsu and on the basics of Chakra control  and awakened  the second tomoe

13 to 14:trains on lightning and flame release and gains the soumoning jutsu of crows

15 to 16:trains on her sharingan abilities and on more jutsu and swordsmanship

17:mastered most lightning release jutsu and gained more control over her sharingan and over izanagi and awakened her 3rd tomoe


Madara:good you have finished your training  and now for your end of the deal

Inazuma:yes sensei madara what do I need to do

Madara:killed those who finished destroying our clan the OTSOTSUKI hunt them down and then kill them

Inazuma:yes sir
