Battle of the crimson eyes

Inazuma:dint even activate them and there already done*dhe said as her handwas caught*

As she was pulled back into a kick to the stomach

Inazuma:spits into the mask as she is left out of air for 5 seconds*

Aizawa:right hooks her in the face back into a left and hoes like that for a solid minute*

Inazuma:activates her sharingan and catches one of the punches and then the second one*

Aizawa:kicks her in the ribs as they crack up to then pull back and headbutt her*

Inazuma:her heads go back asher nose started to bleed as whit that impact she headbutted back*

Aizawa:gets trown back*

Inazuma:starts doing sings whit her hands quickly*

Inazuma:FIRE STYLE PHOENIX FLOWER JUTSU*as she launches small amounts of fire bullets*

Aizawa:uses his scarf to box most of them*

Inazuma:was breathing heavy as she did quick hands sing as her hand turns into lightning  as she trusted into Aizawa's chest*CHIDORI

Aizawa:falls down to the ground*

Inazuma:breathing heavy*there now time to make a

As then a feather pases by her check and leaves a deep cut as it draws blood and the feather goes back

Inazuma:looks in that direction*hawks

As he was flying 

Hawks:yep well seems you got to ereaser head  so that is a charge of assault*he said writing it on a notebook*so turn yourself  in and I can cut the assault on aizawa and the attack of both students 

Inazuma: starts doing quick hand sings*

Inazuma:WATER STYLE  U~ōtādoragon

As the dragon rushes at him

Hawks:uses is feathers to block teh dragon as when he uncovered them the was no longer there as he said to a ear piece*they scaped also get me an 3 ambulances 

As he put aizawa over his shoulder 

Hawks:come on buddy let's go*he said as he flew towards izumi and bakugo*

Meanwhile in a abandoned building

Inazuma:takes off the mask as the blood flops out as she starts coughing*dammit ereaser head he gave me a beating and then Hawks had to come fuck it hurts

As she wipes the blood off her face

Inazuma:ok then  I need to bandage up*as she got bandages her check*ok then back to my house 

As she tried standing up but fell clutching her ribs 

Inazuma:fuck forgot about the dam rib*as she does quick  hand sings  and stands up*cuagulating  my blood was a good trick to learn

As again she fades into crows mask in hand

Inazuma:appears ontop her bead*breathing heavy*and tomorrow I have to go whit mom to our caffe

As the exausment finally got to her as she drifted to sleep 

The next day 

Inazuma:was running towards  the caffe As she gets  to the cafe as she speaks to the receptionist*hy  I am inazuma whit inko  tokusaku

Receptionist:checks a tablet*o yeah come on mam ill get you to it in a minute follow me
