A vigilantes 1st night

Inazuma:understood sir I'll get right to it

Madara:laughs as he vanished I to thin air*

Inazuma:gets a hodie on and puts on a  mask over her mouth*

Inazumi:opens the window  and looks down*yeah nobady is present lets go

As she jumps out of it as her feet touch the wall she starts running  down  building to building as she finally  lands on one and looks down

Robber:hand over the purse*he said pointing a gun at her*

Woman:hands him the purse*ok ok youst please don't hurt me

Robber:good now don't move*he said as he went to run*

As a fist went right for his face and connected followed by a kick that was blocked as he was trown to the end of the alley

Inazumi:starts  heading towards him*

Robber:stands up and changes his arm to a whit like liquid and launches it at her*

Inazuma:blocksit using her arm*

As it hardens as her hand went down to her side

Robber:gets on his feet and starts to shoot at her*

Inazuma:activates her sharingan as she blocks the bullets using the hardened wax*

As he the gun dint shoot any more as he rushed at her and went for a punch

Inazuma:grabbed his hand and starts doing sings  using her own and his hand*

Inazuma:as her hand breaks  lose her hand and arm coated in electricity and the electricity moves to her arm and she trust her arm into his chest*CHIDORI

Robber:falls down to the ground*

Inazuma:grabs the  purse and trows it at her*

Woman:barely catches it*thankyou thankyou

Inazuma:says nothing as a swarm of  crows  makes her desapear*

In a random rooftop 

Inazuma:reforms from the crows*ok then it's gonna be  a long night lets get to it

As a long night later

Inazuma:was loking tired and made herself a bowl of cereal as she turned on the tv*

On the news

Reporter:now on some news of the vigilante world a new one has appeared and as witnesses have said this one wears a bird like mask has been said and have a surtain quirk related to cro....

As she had turned off the TV

Inazuma:augh  why does the news have to be the only thing on this TV plan*as she got a called from a number named mom as she picked up the call*

In the call

Inazuma:hy mom what do you need

Inko:hy honey umm so can we meet this Sunday on a our favorite Cafe

Inazuma:you don't even have to ask mom 

Inko:thanks honey that's great that was all I neded bye honey love you

Inazuma:I love you to*she said hanging up*

Meanwhile in a another place

As we se izumi  in a classroom a berry tired loking man infront

Aizawa:ok then so tomorrow we will have a new assignment as heroes in training 

As he pulls a rope  as a sing comes down that said "SUPERVISED WATCH"

As whispering was heard

Aizawa:silence or you are all expelled 

As then there was silence

Aizawa:do tomorrow you will have  a supervised watch whit a random pro hero and watch for a day a section of the city except for you izumi,bakugo,Kirishima you guys will be whit me

Bakugo:fuck you


Aizawa:no there are no buts in this you guys destroyed 1 building to get a mugger last time I'm not letting you guys be alone 

Kirishima:hey its not so bad  bakubro it will be some good bonding time 


As the bell rings

Aizawa:ok now go study section of law from chapter 12 to 16 

As everyone bigens to leave

Izumi:gets a call as she seas it has "dad"as its contact name and awnsers*

In the call

Izumi:hy dad how are you

Hoshi:good tell me how is my  little girl's doing

Izumi:im doing great great so are you gonna come back tomorrow  like you promised

Hoshi:sorry honey but I am not coming tomorrow 

Izumi:o ok

Hoshi:look  honey you're mom is gonna go to the caffe by manahashi street ok ho there 

Izumi:ok dad love you

Hoshi:hangs up*

Call end

Izumi:looks at her  phone gripping it whit anger*

As her eyes were covered by two pink hands as it said "guess who"

Izumi:smiles*ok let me guess kina

Mina:correct how do you always guess right when i do that

Izumi:a sweat drop appears*intuition 

Mina:well lets go hang out

Izumi:yeah youst no abandoned buildings I still remember what happened last time

The next day at night

Aizawa:ok then let's start you both are whit me Kirishima guard the stores


Izumi:yes sir 


Aizawa:grabs both of themand grapples himself whit the scarf and runs up onto the roofs*ok you to  go ahead and patrol the rooftops to the right and if you encounter anyone don't aproach

Izumi:yes sir*she said as she elbow she hits bakugo on the stomach*

Bakugo:yeah yeah*he said grabbing his stomach*

Aizawa:loked at them and pasted them on the shoulders before heading to the left*

Meanwhile in a nearby rooftop

Inazuma:few this night seems calm  and now that is done whit this zone


Inazuma:looks back and seas Izumi and bakugo

Bakugo:you're a vigilante right

Inazuma:and what if I am pomeranian 

As before she could react he was infront of her

Inazuma:upper kicks him*

Bakugo:spits out saliva before going to explote her*

As she was engulfed in flames

Inazuma:katon fire  dragon ball jutsu

As from the flames dragon heads come out of them

As a wall of rock covered in a green aura around it

Izumi:dammit this is why we should have listened to aizawa comr on let's go

Inazuma:KAMINARY SHUNPO NO JUTSU Sandāharikēndoragon

As the dragon rushed at them putting them against a roof
