Chapter 97

“I will go to the supervisor to receive the penalty tomorrow.”

Fang Chaozhou took over as soon as Xue Danrong’s words fell.

The instinctive sense of crisis made him feel that the punishment Xue Danrong said was not a good thing.

But Xue Danrong did not let him go, “You deceived me, why go to others to receive punishment?” The voice stopped, and at the same time he took a step forward, Fang Chaozhou couldn’t help taking a step back when he saw him approaching.

Xue Danrong saw Fang Chaozhou’s movements, his eyes darkened, and he took another step forward. Fang Chaozhou also took a step back, but he forgot that there was a case table behind him. This suddenly retreated, his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell to the case table. on.

I just wanted to get up immediately, but it was too late,

Xue Danrong was already in front of him.

Xue Danrong looked at the young man sitting at the desk and slowly put the bronze lamp on the corner of the desk. Because of this action, he needed to lean over.

When he leaned over and brushed Fang Chaozhou’s side, Fang Chaozhou smelled the cold fragrance on the opponent’s body.

He often smelled this smell, especially during the double repair, but it has been a month since the last double repair. In this month, Fang Chaozhou used the water spiritual power in the magic weapon of the water absorption system to survive the crisis.

At this moment, when he smelled this scent, Fang Chaozhou flashed some pictures in his mind, some pictures that made people blushing.

He couldn’t help but press his lips, and his body was even more stiff, sitting still.

After Xue Danrong put down the bronze lamp, he paused and looked sideways at Fang Chaozhou. From his perspective, not only could Fang Chaozhou’s trembling eyelashes be clearly seen, but also the opponent’s tight lips could be clearly seen.

“Thinking how I will punish you?”

Because of being close, the voice is very clear.

When Fang Chaozhou heard Xue Danrong’s words, his face suddenly became even hotter. He dared not look at the other side at all, and he didn’t know what to say.

Suddenly, he felt a hand touching his face.

That hand was cold, and the heat on his cheeks was completely opposite. The fingertips moved forward in the direction of the ears, and then down until they touched the back of the neck.

“Guess how I punish you, and there will be rewards.”

That hand was placed on the back of his neck lightly, fingertips pressed down, and squeezed again, not like punishing others, more like…

The actions taken by the opponent during double repairs.

Xue Danrong always likes to touch his neck like this, not only his neck but also his ears.

Fang Chaozhou closed his eyes, trying to suppress the thoughts in his mind as much as possible, but the more he wanted to make him think, the clearer he thought about it, as if the other party’s kiss had fallen.

Those warm and lingering kisses landed on his lips, earlobes, Adam’s apple, nape of neck…

Fang Chaozhou’s face became even redder, and when he was so red that he didn’t dare to open his eyes, he felt his lips touched by something hard.


Fang Chaozhou was stunned, and slowly opened his eyes to see that Xue Danrong had stood upright, and his slender fingers pinched a fire chestnut against his lips.

Xue Danrong saw him open his eyes and moved the fire chestnut away a bit, “Peel it, five hundred, and go back after peeling it.”

When the words were over, he took out a large pack of fire chestnuts and stuffed it into Fang Chaozhou’s arms.

Fang Chaozhou stared blankly at the paper bag in his hand, then looked up at Xue Danrong, who had a calm face. He opened his lips and stuttered, “No…no, you punish me… I peel the chestnut?”


“Is it really peeling chestnuts?” Fang Chaozhou asked again without giving up.

Xue Danrong said again, “It’s just peeling, not eating.”

Fang Chaozhou: “…”

He retracted his eyes and looked at the chestnut in his arms, he felt hard, his fists hardened.

“Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred, one hundred! Then there are… four hundred…” Fang Chaozhou’s expression of joy was lost all at once, and it cost him just to peel off these one hundred. After a lot of time, I have to peel another 400. He won’t peel it until midnight, right?

He also promised to go down the mountain with the brown horse chicken to eat. They can eat it in one store, but now he is peeling the fire chestnut here, smelling the aroma, and still can’t eat it.

Just as Fang Chaozhou was in trouble, he saw a hand reaching into the chestnut bag he had just peeled off. I followed my eyes and looked at that hand took a fire chestnut out.

“Teacher, let’s get here first today, leaving me tomorrow…” Before he finished speaking, Fang Chaozhou saw Xue Danrong eating a fire chestnut, and then said to him——

“It’s ninety-nine.”

Fang Chaozhou was angry, and when he saw Xue Danrong going to get it, he grabbed the bag and said, “You are not allowed to eat. If you eat again, I can’t go back tonight.”

“Then I won’t go back.” Xue Danrong’s expression remained as usual, “Stay and stay with me.”

Fang Chaozhou’s hand holding the bag moved slightly, and he withdrew his eyes from Xue Danrong’s face, “What do you stay for?”

“Peel the chestnut.”

Fang Chaozhou felt that his fists were hard again, and he even wanted to ignore his tears and tell the other party that he was the man who forced him to double repair.

No, be calm and not be dazzled by such trivial matters.

But the fire chestnut smells really good.

Fang Chaozhou raised his eyes again to look at Xue Danrong, hesitatingly asked: “Is it delicious?”

Xue Danrong took the unpeeled fire chestnut, peeled it, and stuffed the sweet fire chestnut meat into his mouth. After chewing, he nodded to Fang Chaozhou.

Fang Chaozhou ate another fire chestnut after watching him, which was even more greedy.

He had been aiming at the fire chestnut shop at the foot of the mountain for a long time, but there were too many customers in that shop, and the queues were always long each time, because each time he asked for leave was limited, he had no time to queue.

“Can I eat one?” Fang Chaozhou showed a pure smile, “Just one.”

At the same time, he stretched out a finger.

He has peeled so many, should he be able to eat one?

Xue Danrong heard the words and reached out and picked up the unstripped fire chestnut. His hands are slender and beautiful, and the action of peeling the fire chestnut is pleasing to the eye. Fang Chaozhou stared at him peeling the fire chestnut, his eyes gradually brightened, and after seeing that hand holding the fire chestnut meat to his side, he couldn’t help but open his mouth——

Then took a mouthful of air.

Fang Chaozhou: “…”

He looked at the chestnut meat in Xue Danrong’s mouth turning halfway, his eyebrows and heartbeat jumped, completely angry. If it had been before, Fang Chaozhou was not so easily irritated, but he hadn’t double repaired for too long, and the devilish spirit in Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly magnified his emotions.

Fang Chaozhou grabbed the bag of fire chestnut meat, opened it, grabbed three of them, and put them in his mouth together. While eating, he watched Xue Danrong and deliberately demonstrated.

After eating three, he didn’t stop and continued to eat until he couldn’t eat it himself. Then he threw the bag with not many chestnuts left on the desk.

Xue Danrong had a panoramic view of Fang Chaozhou’s expression and movements. He didn’t say anything, just took out a handkerchief and handed it to Fang Chaozhou.

Fang Chaozhou was stunned when he saw the handkerchief he was handing over. He thought Xue Danrong would get angry, and would say something to him if he didn’t help.

Because of his daze, Xue Danrong wiped his lips with a handkerchief very naturally.

Not only did he wipe his lips, but he also wiped his hands.

After Xue Danrong finished this action, his eyes settled on Fang Chaozhou’s face, “You guessed the punishment, so I should reward you.”

As soon as the words fell, Fang Chaozhou saw the opponent leaning over.

The long hair fell down and swept across his neck, leaving itching. Fang Chaozhou had to look up because he was sitting on the zizi and the opponent was sitting on the desk.

He raised his head and felt Xue Danrong’s fingers stroke his neck. The kiss was not fierce at all, it was gentle and slow, but the heat on Fang Chaozhou’s face still climbed a little bit.

Holding the rest of the fire chestnut back to Fang Chaozhou in the Shuiying Courtyard, there was still some confusion on the way and almost hit a tree. Seeing the tree that was almost hit, he finally became a little sober.

Fang Chaozhou raised his hand and touched his cheek. It was strange, but it was just a kiss. Why did he blush until now? He and Xue Danrong have done more drastic things.

But when he recalled being pressed on the desk, the bronze lamp was knocked over, and the whole body was plunged into darkness, the redness on Fang Chaozhou’s face became obvious again.

“Come to Zhichunzhou tomorrow night.”

Xue Danrong’s words seemed to be still in his ears.

Fang Chaozhou shook his head abruptly, speeding up his steps towards Shuiying Courtyard. Sure enough, as soon as he went back, he saw the brown horse chicken that was obviously very angry.

“Sorry, I came back late.” Fang Chaozhou shook the fire chestnut on his hand, “but I brought the fire chestnut back.”

The brown horse chicken stared at Fang Chaozhou and didn’t buy it. “Why did you come back so late?”

Fang Chaozhou paused before saying, “I fell asleep in the classroom.”

“Liar!” The brown horse chicken’s voice suddenly became louder.

When Fang Chaozhou heard that someone called him a liar, his heart trembled, “Huh?”

The brown horse was angrily, “You must have gone down the mountain alone, or where did you come from chestnut? Unless you take me with you tomorrow, otherwise I won’t forgive you, if I don’t forgive you, I will run away from home !”

Fang Chaozhou let out a sigh of relief and couldn’t help touching the brown horse chicken’s head, “Okay, we will go down the mountain together tomorrow.”

Fang Chaozhou, who was busy comforting the brown horse chicken, forgot what Xue Danrong said, especially since there was no swordsmanship class the next day, and he did not see Xue Danrong.

One person and one “chicken” ate to the bottom of the mountain and drank fruit wine before returning to Shuiying Courtyard.

Fang Chaozhou has the habit of bathing every day. Although he is a little drunk now, he still insists on taking a bath, while the brown horse chicken swims in the fish pond for a while, dried the feathers on his body, and went back to the room to sleep.

Fang Chaozhou stood drunk in front of the screen in the bath room, half-closed his eyes, untied his belt and took off his robe. When it faded to only the shirt, he suddenly paused and turned his head to look in a certain direction.

There was a person standing there.

The man’s snow-clothed and phoenix eyes, the mole on the eyebrows was stronger than the candle flame.

Fang Chaozhou tilted his head and carefully looked at the person who came. After staring at him for a while, he walked over there slowly. When he came to the front, he smiled at the visitor, “Can you do me a favor?”

The Xueyi youth’s eyes were very cold, and Fang Chaozhou’s smile was not alleviated at all, and Fang Chaozhou was probably too drunk, and he took the initiative to grab the opponent’s hand and put it on his stomach.

“My stomach feels a little uncomfortable. Rub it for me.”

Xue Danrong heard this, his long eyelashes drooped, and he moved manually when he was caught.

Fang Chaozhou felt comfortable being rubbed, and he felt tired from standing. Finally, he used his already drunk brain to think for a while, and put his arms around Xue Danrong’s neck, hung it on the other’s body, even leaning his head on the other’s. Shoulders.

He almost gave Xue Danrong his whole body weight.

Xue Danrong was hanging by Fang Chaozhou, but after Fang Chaozhou closed his eyes, he said a word very softly.

“Brother, I haven’t eaten longevity noodles yet.”
