Chapter 54

Fang Chaozhou straightened his neck and looked outside. After Zhong Liyue’s screaming, there was no sound outside. He pursed his lips, drove away Cha Bai who was still leaning on him, got up and walked out.

He walked very slowly. When he reached the curtain of the door, he opened the curtain first, poked his head out, and when he poke out, he met two eyes.

One pair belonged to his master, and the other pair belonged to Zhong Liyue Water. There was obviously anger in Zhong Liyue Water’s eyes, like flames rolling inside.

Fang Chaozhou met those eyes and quickly retracted his head.

Is he angry with Zhong Liyue? No, what does Li Yiye’s proposal have to do with him?

“Fang Chaozhou.” Zhong Liyue’s water voice came over again, and this time the anger of the voice increased. Fang Chaozhou raised his hand and touched his forehead, the expression on his face was a little sad, nothing more, Zhong Liyue Shui wanted to anger him, he couldn’t help it.

Thinking of this, Fang Chaozhou only walked and moved out at a very slow speed, and then stood some distance away from the Zhong Liyue water, cautiously said: “Master, you call me?”

Zhong Liyue stared at him without speaking, and the flame in his eyes turned over, feeling that in the next instant he would be able to transform from the mighty power of the fairy wind into a man-eating monster. Fang Chaozhou was uneasy and went to safety secretly——

His master moved.

If Zhong Liyue hit him with water, his master would stop him.

His master couldn’t watch Zhong Liyue hit him with water and was still indifferent. He believed his master.

Two steps were not enough, and three more steps, Fang Chaozhou felt that most of his body was blocked by the master, and he felt a little relieved.

When Zhong Liyue saw Fang Chaozhou’s movements, his brows curled up, and the flames under his eyes became more vigorous. “Fang Chaozhou, what is your relationship with Li Yiye of the Dark Soul Gate?”

When Fang Chaozhou heard this question, he barely hesitated and replied: “It’s okay. I swear that Li Yiye’s proposal to his junior brother has nothing to do with me. Master, I am innocent.”

He wanted to pick himself clean, but when this sentence came out, he felt that the surrounding atmosphere had changed.

“Who told you that Li Yiye proposed to Dan Rong?” His master turned his head and looked at him with a strange expression on his face.

Fang Chaozhou was stunned for a moment, “If he doesn’t propose to the younger brother, who else can he talk to…” Before he finished speaking, some memories that shouldn’t be remembered appeared in his mind.

——"…If you are with me, you must tell the whole world to take the initiative to go to Heavenly Water Sect to propose to my master… and then I will be beautiful and beautiful, beating the gongs and drums all the way to marry your dark soul door, and become yours Mrs. Master…"

Fang Chaozhou’s expression froze, and then he suddenly reached out and grabbed his master’s sleeve, “Master, shouldn’t Li Yiye be…is to propose marriage to me, right?”

His master did not speak, but did not refute, the meaning was obvious.

After Fang Chaozhou knew that Li Yiye had proposed marriage to him, he took action in an instant. He held his master’s thigh and whimpered and said, “Master, you must not agree. The Dark Soul Gate is full of demons. How can I marry? Besides, Li Yiye, his… his son is so old, I… I won’t be a stepmother if I kill!”

The master looked down at Fang Chaozhou who was holding his leg, his eyes were very sad, “Don’t hold me, speak well, stand up.”

Fang Chaozhou let go of his hand in a jealous manner, and turned to look at Zhong Liyue water. Zhong Liyue Shui is his master’s master. Zhong Liyue Shui disagreed. His master definitely couldn’t send him to the Dark Soul Gate. Moreover, Zhong Liyue Shui’s tone clearly seemed to disagree just now.

Thinking of this, Fang Chaozhou thumped and ran to Zhong Liyue Shui, “Master, I don’t agree with this marriage.”

Zhong Liyue glanced at him, then turned away, without speaking for a long time, Fang Chaozhou looked at him several times, and couldn’t help turning his head to look at the master.

The master cast a look at him, then took another look at Zhong Liyue water. Fang Chaozhou instantly understood it, and then walked two steps forward. He sat on his hips, hugged his hands and held Zhong Liyue’s calves, “Master , Save the disciple, if the disciple marries, it is estimated that he will not live for half a month.”

Zhong Liyue’s face darkened when he heard the words, “Why would he not survive for more than half a month? Li Yiye married my sect, and dare to kill the disciples under my sect?”


It doesn’t have to be intentional…

Fang Chaozhou has not forgotten the size of the “warm baby”.

If Heavenly Water Sect really agreed to this marriage and allowed him to form a dao companion with Li Yiye, then he would no longer have an excuse to stop Li Yiye’s actions, and he would definitely die.

The method of death is estimated to be extremely tragic, not to mention the blood flow, it is particularly embarrassing to spread it out.

The famous and authentic monks and magic cultivators in the cultivation world in this book are not incompatible with fire and water. They can even co-organize a cultivation conference. As long as the magic cultivator does not do anything too out of the ordinary, the famous authentic sect will basically open a glance. It can also maintain the surface peace.

Listening to the meaning of Master’s words, Li Yiye’s proposal of marriage this time is probably very public, and the publicity reached the point where Heavenly Water Sect found it difficult.

But this involves Li Yiye’s sex, Fang Chaozhou still wants to point his face, so I dare not say it clearly, only to go elsewhere, “The demon practice has always been perverse, and Li Yiye is even more so, if I form a dao companion with him, in the future There must be no good fruit to eat.”

“Then why does he propose to you?” Zhong Liyue asked.

Fang Chaozhou paused, “It must be for our Heavenly Water Sect. Li Yiye must be ill-intentioned. The proposal is false, and the trial is true. Maybe it is the secret method of our Heavenly Water Sect.”

After hearing this, Zhong Liyue was silent for a while and grabbed Fang Chaozhou, who was holding his calf, “If that’s the case, then go and meet.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Chaozhou found that Zhong Liyue had turned into an ordinary-looking young man, and his clothes had also become the uniform of Heavenly Water Sect’s disciple.

Before leaving Huali Mountain, Zhong Liyue asked.

“Where is Dan Rong at this time?”

“He should be in Zhichunzhou at this time. He has never been interested in foreign affairs.” Fang Chaozhou’s master replied.

Outside the Gate of Heavenly Water Sect, the voices were full of voices. The elders of the four peaks of Heavenly Water Sect gathered outside the gate for an unprecedented time, looking at the misty smoke on the opposite side with unhappy expressions.

It is indeed a miasma.

All the demons on the opposite side wore red, knocking on the gong, drumming on the drums, and another demonic screaming–

“The Dark Soulmen came here to get married. Our master is handsome and extraordinary, wealthy, with a giant body, everything goes well, but one dao companion is missing. I heard that Fang Chaozhou, a disciple of the noble sect, is both talented, virtuous, virtuous, and moral. It’s a perfect match with our sect master, so I came here to ask for marriage, and I would like to marry the Qin and Jin dynasties with the nobles.”

After saying this, the magic repair opened the red paper in front of him again, and read—

“Dark Soul Gate is to welcome the lady of the gate master, and is willing to hire 99 rare monsters, ninety-nine volumes of jade slips, ninety-nine top-grade spirit swords, ninety-nine spirit stones, and ninety-nine lifts. Gold, ninety-nine pearls of the deep sea, ninety-nine South Sea shark silk satin…”

The number of everything in the offer was ninety-nine, and he reported a long list, which made people listen to the ears and at the same time was amazed by the wealth of the dark soul.

Surrounding the mountain gate were not only the Heavenly Water Sect and the Dark Soul gate, but also disciples from other sects and some casual cultivators. They saw this scene and talked.

Heavenly Water Sect is the world’s first sect, and the Dark Soul Sect is the largest sect in the magic repair. These two sects have never had much communication, but this time the Dark Soul Sect actually proposed to Heavenly Water Sect.

This is almost the most sensational thing in recent hundreds of years.

After reporting the list, the magic repairer turned around and walked to the only man in the team wearing a black robe. His voice was flattering, “Sect Master, do you think you have to report a few more times? Madam hasn’t appeared yet.”

The man in the black robe pulled his lips and smiled softly, “Read it, say it loudly, Heavenly Water Sect won’t let us go up, we just read it at the mountain gate. The little guy has a thick skin, and only read it a few times, I’m afraid it won’t lead to it. he.”

demon cultivator nodded when he heard the words, “Yes, the subordinates must read it until Madam is ashamed.”

He walked back to his previous position and raised his hand to the group of drumming and gongs behind him, “Brothers, speak up again, let Madam listen to our sincerity.”

The Maoyan teenager standing next to the black robe man curled his lips, “Father, is it necessary? You are so upset, you are not afraid of the Heavenly Water Sect’s people getting angry and attacking our Dark Soul Gate?” He paused, " And why do I want to get married by my father alone."

The man turned his eyes to look at him, and there was a little irony in his eyes, “Then you mention it yourself, and Xue Danrong mention it.”

When Mao’eryan boy heard these words, his eyes became distracted instantly, and it took a long time before he mumbled: “I’m not father, you have a thick skin, I must first be in love with each other before mentioning the dao companion. "

Fang Chaozhou came down with Zhong Liyue Shui and Master when he heard demon cultivator Nian’s betrothal gift. He was taken aback for a moment, then he couldn’t help but poke his head out of his cloak, wanting to hear more clearly, but after listening for a while, his head was Was pressed back.

“What are you doing?” The voice from above was extremely cold.

Fang Chaozhou shrank his neck, dare not say that he was a little curious about how much he was worth.

Master’s flying sword landed, and Fang Chaozhou was held down. He wanted to go to the ground, but Zhong Liyue didn’t seem to have this plan. Fang Chaozhou had to continue to lie in the opponent’s arms, his eyes turning boringly.

The elders of the other four peaks saw Fang Chaozhou’s master coming, and they came along together. They did not notice the Zhong Liyue water standing behind.

I have to say that Zhong Liyue’s water cultivation base is very high, so high that he wants people to ignore him, and he can do it. Obviously, there is no invisibility technique, but the people around him seem to have not noticed him.

“Growing old, you have to ask Master, what is Master’s attitude?” Erzhifeng’s elder asked in a low voice.

Growing old is Fang Chaozhou’s master.

He shook his head and looked at the group of demons opposite, “They still don’t want to leave?”

“No, if you keep shouting like this, the whole world will know it.” The elder of Sanzhifeng was the hottest in temper. “In my opinion, why do we want to show the face of the dark soul? The last time they were in the cultivation conference, they deceived us in public. The affairs of the young disciple of Heavenly Water Sect are not over yet, so I dare to propose to us this time and shamelessly!

The elder of Four Finger Peak said: “If you want to fight, my magic weapon is being maintained. You have a magic weapon to take advantage of it. Please lend me.”

As soon as his words fell, the elders of Five Fingers Peak attacked him, “The surname is Song, you are deceiving the magic weapon again. The magic weapon you borrowed from me last time has not been returned.”

“Hey, they are all the same sect, why divide you and me? You all know that I have the poorest Four Finger Peak, and I have so many disciples that I can’t afford it.” The elder of Four Finger Peak cried poorly.

The master of Fang Chaozhou saw that Elder Four Finger Peak and Elder Five Fingers Peak were about to fight again, and he quickly called to a halt, “Enough, I didn’t ask you to come here for you to fight. There are still many disciples here. You have to fight, wait a minute. Go back and make noise again.”

The elder of Erzhifeng nodded, “Yes, today is not the old day of quarreling, Elder Song and Elder Lin, you will quarrel another day. By the way, grow old, is your disciple here?”


As soon as this sentence fell, Fang Chaozhou, who was lying on his stomach, instantly felt a lot of eyes falling on him. He paused, then turned his head and met five pairs of eyes.

Except for his master’s eyes, the emotions in the other four eyes were different.

The first to break the silence was the elder of Sanzhifeng, “This is your disciple Fang Chaozhou? Is it three years old this year?”

“He has no cultivation base, how could he be your disciple?” said the elder of Five Fingers Peak.

At this time, Zhong Liyue, who was holding Fang Chaozhou, said suddenly, “I sealed him.”

Zhong Liyue water used his own voice. This voice caught the attention of several elders. When the elders saw Zhong Liyue water, their eyes became surprised, and then they were about to salute, but they were stopped by Zhong Liyue water.

“No need to salute, Cheng Hongyi, you go and tell Li Yiye at the Dark Soul Gate that our Heavenly Water Sect will not agree to this marriage.” Zhong Liyue said coldly.


Fang Chaozhou’s master walked out. He looked at the demons on the opposite side and said loudly, “Sect Master Li, my disciple is young. I’m afraid I can’t stand the love of Sect Master Li. Take the disciple under the door and go back quickly.”

Hearing this, Li Yiye raised his right hand, and the beating of gongs and drums behind him stopped instantly. He looked at Fang Chaozhou’s master with a smile but a smile, with a gentle tone, “Is an adult brother ever heard a word? The marriage is ruined, and the sky is thundering. What’s more, Chaozhou and I are in love with each other. Idea.”

As soon as this sentence came out, Fang Chaozhou felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot.

Fang Chaozhou’s master frowned, “Where is the love between the two? My disciple has been staying in the sect recently, practicing with great concentration, how can Sect Master Li talk about it?”

“Are I just talking about it? Just ask your disciple Fang Chaozhou to find out. Ask him if he said he wanted me to propose marriage. Ask him if I already have a token of love with him.” Speaking of this, the smile on Li Yiye’s face became extraordinarily brilliant, “By the way, the original letter of love was passed on by my brother.”

When Fang Chaozhou’s master heard these words, it seemed as if he had thought of something, his face suddenly became particularly ugly, and Fang Chaozhou, the party involved, also reflected what the so-called token of love was.

It’s the “warm baby”.

“Fang Chaozhou, what kind of token of love?” Zhong Liyue’s voice came from above his head.

Fang Chaozhou reluctantly squeezed a smile, “Master, don’t listen to him nonsense, there is no token of love.”

Hey, he shouldn’t have felt that the “warm baby” was warm at the beginning, and should not accept it. When his master gave it to him, he should push it back.

Fang Chaozhou’s master frowned and said, “At the beginning, Sect Master Li gave me the thing and said that he was apologizing to my disciple, but my disciple didn’t accept it, so all the tokens mentioned by Sect Master Li are false.

The elder of the Three Fingers Peak who listened to the ear beside him couldn’t bear it anymore, “Li Yiye, we, Heavenly Water Sect, never get married with Moxiu, so you should go back as soon as possible.”

When he interrupted, the cat-eyed teenager standing next to Li Yiye couldn’t help it anymore, “Hey, did my dad talk to you? Who are you? I’m here, my dad wants to marry me. Mother, what does it have to do with you? What about Fang Chaozhou? Tell him to come out by himself.”

“Li Zhu, be polite.” Li Yiye glanced at the Maoyan boy next to him, and then patrolled the audience. He seemed to be looking for someone. After a while, his gaze stopped somewhere.

And that place is exactly where Zhong Liyue Shui stood.

Li Yiye raised his eyebrows, his expression turned a little strange, and even curled his lips, as if he had discovered something extremely interesting. Li Zhu glanced at him and found that he was staring somewhere, followed his gaze curiously, and also looked over. After watching for a long time, his expression suddenly changed.

After a while, Li Zhu uttered a loud voice, so loud that everyone present could hear him, “Father, that… the little thing that ugly monster is holding is like Fang Chaozhou!”

The smile on Li Yiye’s lips deepened, “Yes.”

Fang Chaozhou realized that he was seen, and couldn’t help but whisper to Zhong Liyue Shui, “Master, they saw us and they called you ugly.”

At the same time, Li Zhu’s voice also rang, “Damn, my brother has grown up that much!”
