Chapter 64

Stupidly handed the ointment, not only that, Fang Chaozhou saw that the other party opened the medicine bottle and put some white ointment on his fingertips, which was still dull.

If it weren’t for the rash on his body, he would be quite itchy.

“Little Junior Brother, you can give me the ointment.” Fang Chaozhou said as he stretched out his hand to take it, but the boy in front of him avoided his hand and said in a calm tone.

“I helped the brother wipe, the brother took off the clothes.”

“No…myself…” Before Fang Chaozhou could finish his words, Xue Danrong’s fingertips had already touched his neck. After applying the clear ointment, the itchiness disappeared a bit instantly. He hid behind, stumbling and stumbling to pick up the words behind, “I’ll apply it myself, don’t bother little brother.”

The young man in front of him caught a glimpse of Fang Chaozhou’s avoidance, his dark eyes under his long eyelashes flashed slightly, and then he leaned over and leaned over.

“Master said that the fellow brothers should be friendly and courteous, but I am clumsy and don’t know how to do it. Today, it happened that the brother was in health, so I had the courage to try hard to learn to be friendly to the same fellow. Medicine is not willing to let me do it.”

As he spoke, he got closer and closer, and Fang Chaozhou couldn’t avoid it, and then he could only fall off the stool.

“I didn’t mean that, I just… I just think it’s too annoying Junior Brother, Junior Brother has helped me a lot today.” Fang Chaozhou thought for a while, then said, “It’s better for Junior Brother to go to the fifth Junior Brother and ask the fifth Junior Brother. Where can I help?”

Xue Danrong looked at Fang Chaozhou, who was almost falling off his stool, and simply moved closer, “Isn’t this brother sent me on purpose? If the brother asked me to apply the medicine, I would dare to believe that the brother didn’t dislike me, and I had the courage to go to the five Senior brother, otherwise the senior brother dislikes me and goes to the fifth brother, he also dislikes me.”

Fang Chaozhou reached out and grabbed the edge of the table, barely holding his body, “Why would he dislike you? It’s too late for joy.”

“Why is he happy?”

Xue Danrong asked suddenly, leaving Fang Chaozhou speechless, and he couldn’t say that Du Yunxi liked each other. One is that Du Yunxi didn’t say it himself, and he couldn’t let him say it. Second, if he said straight, if Xue Danrong silently stayed away from Du Yunxi, then it was his sin.

“If someone helps, anyone will be happy.” Fang Chaozhou reluctantly replied, but this sentence completely put himself in circles.

“Then brother shouldn’t have rejected me.” Xue Danrong leaned closer, and when Fang Chaozhou was too close, he could no longer sit securely, and fell straight down, but one hand supported his waist first. “The rash on the brother is really red. , If you don’t apply the medicine, I’m afraid the brother himself can’t help it.”

Oh, I can’t help it.

Fang Chaozhou wanted to cry, and cried.

“Little Junior Brother, you can return the ointment to me.” Fang Chaozhou said almost gritted his teeth.

“But I don’t worry about applying the medicine by myself. What if I don’t apply it properly?”

“No, I…” Fang Chaozhou’s words were cut off.

The boy’s voice was clear and clear, “Unless the brother asked me to watch, otherwise I’m still worried. The master heard the symptoms of the brother and was very worried. I must see the brother’s condition with my own eyes, so I can go back and talk back.” He paused. After a while, he smiled at Fang Chaozhou, “How about brother?”

Color fainted!

It is really fascinating!

Fang Chaozhou couldn’t help cursing himself while applying medicine. Obviously he shouldn’t agree to such a request from the responding party, but when he saw the other party’s smile, he nodded dizzy for some reason, causing a dilemma.

Even if he turned his back slightly, Fang Chaozhou was still very uncomfortable because there was a person standing next to the bed, especially Xue Danrong who was the other person. If it were someone else, he wouldn’t be like that.

But that person was born Xue Danrong.

Although Fang Chaozhou deliberately delayed time and painted his arms and calves for a long time, he couldn’t wait for a moment where it really mattered. He gritted his teeth and turned his face to look at the boy next to the bed. He wanted to force him out, but when he saw the other’s face, his arrogance disappeared in half and he turned into a negotiating tone.

“Little Junior Brother, I’m going to take off my clothes, why don’t you go out first?”

Xue Danrong’s brows frowned instantly, “Why do you want to guard me? Brother… Does anyone think I am inferior to a beast? Will it take advantage of the brother?”

“Of course not, I…I…” Fang Chaozhou sighed, because of his stupid mouth, he was a little angry, angry with himself, and also angry with Xue Danrong. He turned his face back angrily, and couldn’t help thinking–

Xue Danrong likes to watch it and let him look at it. Looking at so many small talking books, no spare tire attack has been suffered by the protagonist.

What’s more, Xue Danrong touched it all.

Thinking of this, Fang Chaozhou hypnotized himself as a faceless and skinless man, so he directly took off his pants. He deliberately responded to Xue Danrong and applied the medicine carelessly.

I wanted to apply the medicine carefully, but halfway through the application, he still couldn’t stand it. After applying it indiscriminately, he couldn’t help but want to pull his pants up, but at this moment, he heard a sentence——

“Brother did not paint it.”

Xue Danrong’s tone was the calmest, but Fang Chaozhou’s face instantly turned red because of these words. He didn’t dare to look back, he didn’t even dare to speak, he just wanted to put his pants on quickly.

Someone by the bed sighed and said, “No matter, brother is so careless, let me come.”

After half an hour.

Only Fang Chaozhou was left in the cave. He shrank under the quilt until a long time passed before poking his head out of the quilt.

His body was no longer itchy, but he was even more uncomfortable now. The heat on his face did not disappear within half an hour, and even rose midway, causing Xue Danrong to ask him if there was a problem with the ointment.

Where is the problem with the ointment, it is him.

All this is to blame for his own dazzling look.

If he hadn’t been stunned by Xue Danrong’s beauty for a while, he would not have been reduced to where he is now.

Fang Chaozhou glanced at the medicine bottle placed next to his pillow, and couldn’t help but raise his hand and hit his forehead hard, but he won’t lose the memory just now because of his shame. He even remembered it clearly because of shame. Vaguely felt that the other side’s hand temperature remained at the base of his leg.

No way! Can’t think about it anymore!

Fang Chaozhou got up abruptly from the bed. Xue Danrong obviously forgot the two years of memory with him. According to the other party’s temperament, it is impossible to help him with the medicine. Could it be that Zhong Liyue’s memory of Xue Danrong was not washed away?

No, how could Zhong Liyue water not wash off Xue Danrong’s memory?

But there must be something wrong. Fang Chaozhou felt that it was not his own illusion. Xue Danrong’s attitude towards him was obviously a little strange.

Fang Chaozhou didn’t want this special attitude, he didn’t want to get involved with Xue Danrong too deeply, not only because of the opponent’s suitors, but also because of the impending enchantment.

According to his calculation, the time when he was enchanted in the original book is getting closer and closer. If he likes Xue Danrong, he will not be able to escape that enchantment. Fang Chaozhou was unwilling to be in a demon. The original body was unable to control himself because of the demon. He did many evil things. If he was in a demon, I am afraid he could not control himself.

You have to think of a way. It’s not just that he can’t get close to Xue Danrong, Xue Danrong had better not come close to him again.

He is just an ordinary book wearer. Perhaps the protagonist Xue Danrong has found true love. After the story of the book is finished, perhaps he still has a chance to return to modern times.

In any case, he can’t be with Xue Danrong, he can’t protect each other.

But this allergic incident still turned Fang Chaozhou into a tortoise with a shrunken head. After hiding in the cave for nearly half a month, he went out to Master again.

He had signed up to go to the Underground Demon Realm.

In the past days, Fang Chaozhou would never go to such a dangerous place, but now he wants to break through Yuan Ying. As long as the monks who came out of the underground demon realm were alive, their cultivation base could reach another level.

The original body in the original book is not dead, he should be able to survive.

Fang Chaozhou went to the underground demon realm, somewhat embracing gambling.

When he went to Master this time, he was finally alone. After Fang Chaozhou expressed his intentions, the master didn’t say anything for a while, and only spoke after a long time: “Did you think about it?”

“Think about it, Master, I’ve always wanted to sign a contract with the monster beast, this time I might have a chance.” Fang Chaozhou did not directly express his goal of breaking through the Nascent Soul.

When the master heard the words, he slowly nodded, “It’s okay to go out and practice. There are not a few disciples from the other four peaks going to the underground demon realm this time. As my second disciple, naturally you can’t hide. There are still two months left. Yu, you practice hard. By the way, can you see that umbrella?”

“Look, thank you Master for giving me the magic weapon.” Fang Chaozhou said.

“Have you named that umbrella?” the master asked.

Naming the magical implement is almost to make the magical implement recognize the master.

When Fang Chaozhou heard this, he shook his head, “Not yet, would you like Master to pick one for me?”

“Your own magic weapon must naturally be named. If it likes the name you gave, it will respond to you and go back.” The master rushed to the guests after speaking. Fang Chaozhou thought there was still a test, but he knew it was not. With a sigh of relief, he quickly went back.

After returning, he saw the umbrella still on the table, thought about it, walked over, picked up the umbrella in the brocade box, and opened it.

The surface of the celadon umbrella looks like the color of the sky after washing. After being opened, there is a layer of cool blue light on the eaves of the umbrella. The handle of the umbrella is smooth, obviously finely polished, and the inner condyle is wrapped by almost transparent silk thread, giving a glimpse of the luxury of this umbrella.


What name is good?

Fang Chaozhou stood under the umbrella, staring at the inside of the umbrella. The sword of the big brother is called Wanjun Sword, and the sword of the younger brother is called Breaking Water Sword. They all sound very tall. He meditated and painstakingly, before uttering a sentence for a long time, “We don’t learn from others, we are still simple, or you call it oil paper umbrella? Simple and easy to remember.”

When the words fell, Umbrella didn’t respond.

Fang Chaozhou waited for a while, seeing Umbrella really didn’t react at all, and then he was sure that the other party did not like his name. He was a little confused, racked his brains, and finally suffocated another name, “Your umbrella is blue, why don’t you call you Daqing?”
