Chapter 29

As soon as Wen Anyu hung up the phone, he saw someone trotting over with an umbrella not far away. As soon as he saw that person, his face suddenly turned a lot colder: "Why are you so haunted?"

    Wu Weiling's face turned pale.

    These were the words he had just scolded Xu Rong, one thing fell into another, and Wen Anyu scolded him again.

    Now that he is in front of Wen Anyu, he always feels his head bowed, and he speaks cautiously: "I went to the company and your house, but I didn't find you. You blocked me on WeChat, so I thought about coming here to try my luck. , I didn't expect you to be here."

    Wen Anyu didn't want to talk nonsense with him: "What's the matter with me?"

    Wu Weiling felt a little uncomfortable: "Can't I find you if I have nothing to do?"

    Wen Anyu looked at him coldly: "No."

.Wu Weiling's heart tightened. He might have gotten angry immediately when he encountered such a situation before. But now, he just shrank his head and said, "Are you looking for unicorns to work with? Give it up, how many companies are looking for unicorns these days, not to mention that their studios have not disclosed that they want to do business in China. The willingness to develop, just speaking for their studio, Wen is not the first choice for cooperation."

    Wen Anyu frowned: "What does this have to do with you? You have already been fired."

    Wu Weiling was choked by the words.

    It was the first time he took a serious look at the person in front of him, and his appearance was naturally as good-looking as before, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that Wen Anyu seemed to be a different person.

    It became that he didn't even know him.

    Wu Weiling felt even more uncomfortable. He always felt that something was leaving him, and he couldn't catch it.

.Confused in his heart, he slowed down his voice and said, "Aren't you curious about how my elder brother is doing now?"

    Wen Anyu said expressionlessly, "I'm not interested."

    Wu Weiling froze all over, forced a smile and said, "Then what about my dad, my dad doesn't know these things yet, he even called to ask about you yesterday. And I haven't been fired, and the resignation report is still in your dad's hands. "


    "Big brother forwarded the resignation report to your father before, and it was temporarily detained there. You, do you still care about me, cough, I mean..."

    Wen Anyu was too lazy to listen to what happened next, he secretly frowned, and didn't know about it until now.

    Wu Shengu actually forwarded the resignation report to Wen's father, which is also due to his ability to do such a thing.

.This is like a fight with a child, but it is too shameless to go to the teacher and report it to the teacher.

    Wen Anyu didn't want to stay for a second, so he took big steps and walked out in the rain, heading straight to the parking lot.

    Wu Weiling was stunned for a moment, hurriedly chased after him, and carefully held an umbrella for him.


    When Lan Shuanghe went downstairs, he saw the backs of the two walking side by side, and he took a step.

    His expression changed and he stopped under the rain eaves.

    After a while, Wen Anyu got into the driver's seat, and Wu Weiling got into the co-pilot.

    Ding Jiao followed Lanshuang River downstairs worriedly, and saw the scene as soon as he stood there. After being stunned, he said regretfully, "It seems that Caiyu can't escape this iron law."

    Lan Shuanghe kept staring at the car, and when the car left, he tilted his head slightly: "What law?"

.Ding Jiao said honestly: "It's strange to say that many of my friends are in the same situation as Caiyu. They have been in a relationship for many years. Isn't he seven years old, and there are people around me who have been in love for more than ten years and broke up. These people, without exception, cannot escape an iron rule, that is, break up and then get back together."

    Lan Shuanghe: "..."

    If Ding Jiao were to observe Lanshuanghe's expression a little more carefully at this time, he would definitely find that Lanshuanghe's complexion was extremely ugly at this time, but he didn't notice it and continued to say carelessly:

    "But this is normal. After so many years of love, both families are too familiar with each other. Even if the lotus is broken, it is still connected. Maybe Wu Weiling is the 'silk' in the middle, and in the end, the lotus can be reconnected. ."

    At the end of the sentence, Ding Jiao felt a cold wind inexplicably.

.He looked at the sky strangely.

    Is the temperature getting cooler because of the rain?

    The air pressure of the Lanshuang River on the side has been low to the limit, and the voice is cold: "Have you finished moving your things?"

    "It's over." Ding Jiao replied unprepared.

    Lan Shuanghe nodded and said, "Cao Lan still has a lot of things to move. Go and help her finish it."

    Ding Jiao suffocated: "...!!!"

    Only then did he realize that Lan Shuanghe's brows were wrinkled, and his expression was not quite right.

    - Teacher Lan doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

    Ding Jiao is at a loss, why? ? ? !


    Wen Anyu drove for about ten minutes, parked the car somewhere, turned to look at Wu Weiling and said, "Get off."

    Just at this time, there was lightning and thunder outside, and the sky seemed to darken in an instant. .With his ruthless eyes, the scene looks particularly terrifying.

    Wu Weiling shuddered and was frightened.

    By the time he reacted, he was already standing on the side of the road, standing blankly facing the wind, rain and thunder.

    When you try to open the door again, the door is already locked.

    Wu Weiling's face was covered with rain, and the grievances in his heart suddenly widened. He shouted at the car window with a gap: "Do you think Lanshuang River is so friendly? His ice personality is only better than that of my eldest brother. It's even more irritating, you're just another person to lick it now!"

    As soon as the voice fell, Wen Anyu put the reverse gear on.

    The vehicle rushed back, and if Wu Weiling evaded in time, his toes would have been crushed by the vehicle.

    Wu Weiling panicked, only to feel that Wen Anyu really seemed to have changed a person.

.But he couldn't blame him yet, because his attitude towards Wen Anyu was not good before, and now this is retribution.

    Even if I know it in my heart, it still hurts.

    At this time, the slit of the window was opened a little bigger.

    Wu Weiling was overjoyed, and thought that the other party had something to say to him, but the umbrella that was thrown out just before he stepped forward smashed his head and covered his face, and the rain fell all over his head.

    This is the umbrella he brought.

    Wen Anyu didn't even want to keep an umbrella. Could it be that he was afraid that he would find him again in the name of an umbrella?

    The car sped away, and Wu Weiling stood in the wind and rain, only to feel that the whole body was completely cold from the rain.

    The owner of the shop next to him watched the whole process, and what was surprising was that his expression seemed to be accustomed to, and he shouted, "Young man, did you quarrel with your partner?"


."There are often young couples quarreling, and one of them specially left the other here. Your situation is not special."

    Wu Weiling ran to the shop to take shelter from the rain, turned on his mobile phone and asked for a private car to pick him up. At this time, he was already confused and had no intention of chatting, so he just replied casually: "It's not the object, it's the ex-sister-in-law."

    "Ex-sister-in-law?!" The shop owner was surprised at this moment, and his gaze was vaguely contemptuous: "Sister-in-law, let it go—sister-in-law! Scum, don't stay here for shelter from the rain, go out!"

    Wu Weiling: ? ? ?

    He was driven back into the rain by the boss with a broom, and Wu Weiling was still inexplicable in his anger.

    What happened to the ex-sister-in-law, what does scum mean?

    When he was at a loss, the driver of the private car called to ask for the specific location. Wu Weiling raised his head and looked around, and read out the words on the plaque of the temple in front of him: "I am in Liyiliantang."

.The driver smiled and replied, "Oh! Shameless!"

    Wu Weiling was stunned, thinking for a few seconds before he understood the meaning of the plaque, courtesy, righteousness, and shame. Isn't this just missing the word 'shame'!

    ... No wonder Wen Anyu was willing to take him, it turned out that he deliberately wanted to leave him in this place!

    Thinking of this, Wu Weiling's face turned green.


    Wen's house.

    In the past few days, Wen Fu and Wen Luo have been busy with venture capital and recruiting talents. They have been extremely busy. So the financial dispute case fell to Mother Wen.

    Wen's mother usually cares about Meimeimei and eating, how can she understand this. When the lawyer was talking about these things, she only felt sleepy when she dreamed back to the high school physics class.


    The door of the villa was opened at once, and then closed against the wind, and a huge sound resounded through the hall.

.Wen mother woke up suddenly.

    When he turned his head, he saw Wen Anyu coming in, his eyes were red, and he looked like he was forcibly holding back tears.

    He rushed to the room on the second floor at once, so fast that neither of the two in the living room could react.

    Wen's mother immediately found the reason for skipping class and said seriously, "Lawyer Zhang, I'm sorry, I have to go up and see my son."

    Attorney Zhang said with understanding: "Then I will wait for you in the living room. Please hurry up as soon as possible. We still have a lot of details to discuss. I'm afraid it won't be finished in one or two hours."

    Wen's mother also wanted to cry: "..."

    She went upstairs tremblingly and knocked on the door of her younger son: "Yaozai, can mother take refuge here?"

    Wen Anyu's voice was stuffy in the quilt: "Well."

.When Mother Wen entered the room, she saw that the room was dark and the lights were not turned on.

    She walked over to the bed with her eyes darkened and sat down, worried: "Are you influenced by online comments? Don't pay attention to what those people say, when our Wen's big moves are released, those people will know who is leaving No one is going!"

    "It's not because of this." Wen Anyu said gloomily, "I was scolded outside just now."

    "Who scolded you?!" Mother Wen was angry.

    "Wu Weiling." Wen Anyu shrugged his nose. He was really pricked by Wu Weiling's words, "He said I'm going to Lanshuanghe to cooperate now, but it's just another person to lick it."

    Mother Wen frowned: "Do you think so too?"

    Wen Anyu was in chaos: "I don't know."

    Wen's mother thought for a while and asked, "Then what do you think about the embrace, embrace you just said..."

.Wen Anyu added: "Lan the Shuang River."

    Mother Wen continued: "Then do you think Lanshuanghe and Wu Shengu are the same people?"


    Wen Anyu was startled, she sat up directly from the bed, and said without hesitation, "It's different, of course they are different!"

    He couldn't say what was different, but he subconsciously felt that Lanshuanghe was much better than Wu Shengu.

    At least Lan Shuanghe respects him very much and understands him very well.

    Therefore, Wen Anyu reiterated seriously: "They are not the same kind of people at all, they are very different."

    Wen's mother was convinced: "Then Wu Weiling is talking nonsense, he is deliberately mad at you."

    Wen Anyu leaned against the edge of the bed, still feeling unhappy.

    Of course he knew that Wu Weiling was deliberately angry with him, but even if he knew, he was still angry.

.Often this happens because of utter self-doubt after being stepped on a sore foot.

    Wen's mother continued to ask, "How is Lan Shuanghe's attitude towards you?"

    Wen Anyu said this more sadly: "His attitude towards me has always been very good, and I feel that it may be because he is good at self-cultivation. But... He had a holiday with Wu Shengu, so he even had an opinion on me before, although he didn't. Show it directly. After the Big 100 he said he'd try to take me in."

    Wen's mother wondered: "This is not enough."

    Wen Anyu shook his head: "But he bought a ticket for 11 o'clock tonight, and he's going back to the UK soon. It's seven o'clock now, and there are still four hours left to board the plane. Maybe he has already left for the airport now. Where can I get a chance to contact him again?"

    Mother Wen looked at him for a while, and saw the point at a glance: "You can't bear him."

.Wen Anyu: "..."

    Mother Wen pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Right?"

    "No." Wen Anyu said right and wrong, and then explained: "I'm just afraid of messing up business cooperation because of his prejudice against me. And I don't know how to get him not to be biased against me."

    The latter words were indeed what he had in mind.

    With the precedent of Wu Shengu, Wen Anyu found that it was useless for some people to come. He was afraid that he would be injured again as before.

    And he was even more afraid of being told by Wu Weiling that he would change from licking one person to licking another person, so he didn't even want to say goodbye, and directly eliminated this possibility from the source.

    Mother Wen didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only say a lot of poisonous chicken soup in a mess, such as:

    "People who don't like you will only dislike you more than you think."

."Sometimes persistence may not work."

    Wen Anyu was even more heartbroken, and helplessly pushed Mother Wen out of the room: "Forget it, I'll be alone."

    He glanced at the clock by the bed, it was eight o'clock, and there were still three hours before the plane took off.

    Gee. so annoying.

    Wen Anyu was lying on the bed tossing and turning.

    Five minutes later, Mother Wen pushed the door open again and complained, "Your phone has been ringing in the car for a long time. If the housekeeping aunt saw the light in the car, you wouldn't even want to find your phone tonight. "

    Wen Anyu looked up, a little surprised.

    It's Weihang.

    Why did Wei Hang make a video call?

    Just thinking about it, Mother Wen has pressed the answer button for him and pointed the camera at him.

.Wei Hang on the other end of the phone looked a little surprised: "Brother Wen, are you sleeping?"

    "Well..." Wen Anyu nodded vaguely: "What's the matter?"

    Wei Hang said excitedly: "I discussed it with my family, and they all agreed that I would work for Wen's. I think I will be able to sign a contract in a few days and receive Wen's induction training."

    Wen Anyu smiled and said: "Then I will tell my brother at night and push your WeChat to my brother."

    Wei Hang nodded again and again: "Okay, thank you Brother Wen!"

    Just as he was about to hang up, Mother Wen stepped forward and said with a smile, "Are you Yaozai's friend, hello."

    Wen Anyu introduced Mother Wen to Wei Hang, and Wei Hang blushed when he saw the elder: "Hello, Auntie."

    Wen Anyu said to Wen's mother again: "Mom, this is the child I told you before, the genius young producer who helped me repair "Listening to the Rain"."

.Wen's mother was surprised: "So powerful!"

    While the two were still talking, Wei Hang was stunned. He wanted to interrupt but was too embarrassed to open his mouth.

    After waiting until the other side was quiet, he whispered, "Brother Wen, you seem to have misunderstood something."

    Wen Anyu: "?"

    Wei Hang's face was full of guilt, and he blamed himself: "It's all my fault. I was interrupted in the middle of the last time, so I forgot to tell you."

    Wen Anyu was even more at a loss: "What did you say?"

    This time no one will interrupt again, Wei Hang said quickly: "I did not repair "Listening to the Rain", but Teacher Lan. After he took the engineering documents, he stayed up for a few nights to repair it, and he seemed to be in good spirits in those days. Neither was great. When he showed me the game files, he said it was a great game, and he appreciated the game and the people who made it."

.After that, Wei Hang smiled again: "Teacher Lan seems to be partial to you. Brother Ding Jiao said that he has never done any private work for others. I really envy you!"


    After hanging up the phone, Wen Anyu was slow to respond, and sat on the bed for three or four minutes.

    Lanshuang River to enjoy "Listening to the Rain".

    Appreciate him more?

    This, this completely subverts what he has always thought! Didn't Lan Shuanghe hate him? !

    Not only is he not annoying, he even secretly repairs Listening to the Rain, breaking the norm he's always been!

    Mother Wen glanced at the time, and the plane took off in three hours.

    She smiled helplessly: "What are you still doing here?"

."..." Wen Anyu suddenly sat up from the bed, ran out of the door like a fly, and passed through the hall under the terrified eyes of the lawyer, slamming the door of the villa with a loud noise.

    After a while, the sound of a car starting came from the garage.

    Mother Wen rushed out anxiously: "Umbrella! You forgot to take the umbrella!"

    By the time she came out, people would have long since disappeared.

    The lawyer followed and wondered, "What's wrong with him?"

    "What else could it be."

    Wen's mother smiled obscurely and jokingly, and said happily: "I must have fallen in love!"

    The author has something to say: Mother Wen: Let’s remove the 300 blind date objects and arrange them all for the eldest son.

    Wen Luo (broken voice): Mom? ? ? !

