Chapter 32

In the forum.

    Last night's airport photo posts are still full of heat.

    After a night of fermenting, the post lined up unpredictably with scolding. However, different from other posts, which are all scuffles between fans of multiple parties, this post is all about scolding the landlord.

    "The photo must be fake. I have this professional friend. She took a look and said the photo is not very authentic."

    "+1 I found an appraisal shop on a certain treasure. The person said it was a P picture, and the chat record will be sent to you to see [picture] [picture] If the landlord is idle, find a class!"

    "No wonder, when I saw this picture yesterday, I felt that something was wrong. I always felt that someone was making a cp, and it really was someone who had a heart to make a picture. Stop it, can we not do the stinky fandom, don't think that if there is a conflict between Gu Yu, our fans will lose their fans. cp, these two feel unfamiliar, I don't know what you are excited about. "

    A few people retorted weakly: "It's delicious to put together hard, just hold a little hope, maybe there is such a 1% possibility that Teacher Lan and Wen Anyu are together? Industry pyramid Falling in love with a million-dollar anchor, strong and handsome, who doesn’t like to watch?!”

    Seeing the post here, Ding Jiao finally couldn't bear it anymore.

    Who is so bad, why is it still spreading the lace news about the teacher and the fish, don't you think it's fantastic?

    He rolled up his sleeves and tapped the keyboard, leaving a seemingly incomprehensible sentence:

."The unicorn insider refuted the rumor, they are impossible."

    His remarks immediately elicited a flurry of responses:

    "Leave far away."

    "Stop pretending to be an insider, everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, and you are still playing Liaozhai, get out."

    "Laughing to death, how old is my sister and a unicorn insider? Do you know how highly educated the unicorn members are?"

    Ding Jiao: "???"

    He really is a unicorn insider!

    Ding Jiao was really annoyed this time, staring at the screen of his mobile phone so angry that he fought with people for a long time.

    How could he fight against a group of stinking 'warriors' who have been on the forum for a long time, and soon the opposite side even came out with curses and personal attacks. In the end, even the owner of the post couldn't bear it, and came out to persuade him to be a tortoise.

    "mentally retarded, a group of mentally retarded!" .Ding Jiao suddenly threw the phone, and Cao Lan across the dining table asked with concern, "Who messed with you?"

    Ding Jiao said angrily: "Someone in the forum spread rumors about the scandal between the teacher and Caiyu, and I was scolded for refuting the rumors!"

    Cao Lan laughed: "After staying abroad for so long, your native language proficiency is enough for daily communication, and you even went to the forum to scold people, see what you can do."

    Ding Jiao was even more angry: "Didn't you hear the main point of what I said? Someone in the forum is spreading rumors and rumors!"

    Cao Lan has always suspected the relationship between Lanshuanghe and Wen Anyu in private, but she herself is not sure, she sat up straight with interest: "Rumors will never come out of nowhere, right? What are the rumors about their scandals on the Internet? ?"

    Ding Jiao handed over the screen of his mobile phone and said angrily, "Someone posted a picture of the airport and spread rumors maliciously. Let's sue him! Let's be an example, this time it's a scandal, and the next time it's a yellow rumor!"

.Cao Lan's heart skipped a beat when he saw that photo.

    It also seems...too close, doesn't it?

    Take off your jacket and put it on the others, it's not like what Teacher Lan would do!

    At this time, Ding Jiao took back his phone and lowered his head to send WeChat, "I will forward the post to the attorney and ask him to prepare a lawyer's letter. Let's strangle Miao Miao from the source."

    "Wait!" Cao Lan stopped immediately, and said strangely: "I need to correct you, it doesn't seem to be a rumor, at least the photos should be fine."

    "???" Ding Jiao looked at her, as if looking at a monster, "This is not a rumor, what else could it be?"

    Cao Lan: "Didn't you read the news in the morning group?"

.Ding Jiao was at a loss: "Look, everyone sent emojis to celebrate the safety of the people in group A getting off the plane."

    Cao Lan looked at him like a lunatic, "Are you a fool? What's there to celebrate when you get off the plane?"

    Ding Chili: "..."

    Ding Jiao felt that something was wrong, and quickly opened the studio's top group chat [unicorn unicorn global group (no screenshots and rumors, offenders will sit in jail!!!)]

    Sliding up along the emoji, there must be more than 200 chat messages, Ding Jiao flipped through it for a long time, and then turned to the top message - sent by Lan Shuanghe.

    Ding Jiao took a closer look, he was stupid.

    [After negotiating with Wen Anyu, the representative of Wen's Group, Unicorn decided to approach the company with Hua Guo. .In response to the request of the other company, this news is only allowed to be known by internal employees for the time being, and the dissemination of news before the official announcement will bear legal responsibility. The following is the work arrangement for the third quarter in China, please pay attention to all employees and familiarize yourself with the past works of Wen's Group in advance. 】

    After a long time, Ding Jiao's soul jumped back into his body, and he stared at Cao Lan in astonishment.

    The photo in the post is actually real... He was full of shock: "Teacher Lan has never been so gentle to anyone!"


    Since Xu Rong has heard the dark rain twice in succession, his career has suffered a major blow, and he has been scolded by the Internet for promotion.

    Even the streamers who were friends with him on weekdays didn't dare to interact with him at this time, they were avoiding suspicion. He had comments on the Weibo posts posted by the hosts, but those hosts replied to others, but skipped him and left his comments alone on the hot comments, which was completely public execution.

.He has been suffocating in his heart recently, and he is uncomfortably tight.

    Today's work is still a contract signed before, to interview a hot star in the entertainment industry.

    He cherished this opportunity very much. He went to the beauty room early in the morning and spent seven or eight thousand yuan to get himself a beautiful makeup and hairstyle.

    As soon as he arrived at the workplace, the director told him regretfully, "I'm sorry, you have been replaced."

    Xu Rong was stunned, "Why?"

    The director looked at him with a look of "don't you know the reason yourself", and said speechlessly: "The liquidated damages have already been charged, you can go home directly, and I will not consider cooperating with you in the future."

    Xu Rin was shocked and anxious: "What's going on? Does the artist's economic team know about this? Before, the artist named him and said he wanted to cooperate with me. How could you cancel the cooperation without telling her!"

."It's what the artist said." The director shrugged: "She said she was afraid of affecting her follow-up cooperation."

    Xu Rin was shocked and a little dazed.

    Follow-up cooperation, what follow-up cooperation?

    Soon he knew.

    At three o'clock in the afternoon, Wen's Group released a Weibo, which was pushed to the hot search by the rear marketing team as soon as it was sent, firmly occupying the first position in the hot search.

    It was the news that the celebrity endorsed "Listening to the Rain"!

    With a pale face, Xu Rin looked at the screen of his mobile phone, and immediately understood the ins and outs of the matter.

    He recently had a lot of trouble with his cousin. The artist was just about to endorse the game made by his cousin. If he was interviewed again, he might have a bad influence.

.Thinking about it this way, Xu Lin felt so remorseful that he wanted to chop off the hand that gave the thumbs up, just because of such a small thumbs up, how many business cooperation opportunities he has missed recently!


    On the first hot search, there were artists' popularity, and soon the pink and black gathered under Wen's official micro.

    Coincidentally, this artist is not a top performer in the entertainment industry, but her business cooperation is much better than that of many super first-tier actresses. In the beginning, it was indeed because of her good luck that she endorsed several brands with poor returns when they were not popular. These brands encountered new opportunities without exception. Suddenly, the fire suddenly became popular. The head spreads gradually.

    The brokerage company is also happy to create a unique character in the entertainment industry, so they are very careful in selecting business cooperation, for fear of breaking the character.

    However, she chose to endorse "Listening to the Rain", which no one thought of.
.The development team behind "Listening to the Rain" originated from Wen's Group, but the recent situation of Wen's Group is really embarrassing.

    There is no mention of the chaos in the company. Just talking about Wu Shengu, if Wu Shengu became angry because of the financial dispute, he resigned in a fit of rage, and took away the big IP game "Doomsday" by the way, then Wen's suffered a terrible blow Call it unprecedented!

    Because of this, Weibo is worried.

    "Hey, my sister is running! My sister has always been good, don't be dragged down!"

    "Why can't she think about it... Conspiracy theory, is it that the agency doesn't want to give her this character, and specially selected Wen's to speak for her, when Wu Shengu leaves, Wen's will collapse, and her character will also be able to do so. Broken."

    "What kind of mental retardation is a hot comment, which economic team is willing to destroy itself, and don't want to endorse it. . . I tend to think that the economic team has smelled some internal trends. It is possible that Mrs. Wen was reluctant to leave Wu Shengu and reached an agreement in private, so she endorsed it. "

    In fact, Wu Shengu also thinks so.

    After seeing the actress endorse Wen's, he became more certain of his thoughts: Wen could not leave him, and as long as "Doomsday" was still in his hands, Wen would beg him to stay.

    At this time, the screen of the mobile phone is slightly bright.

    Wu Shengu looked down and felt a headache.

    It was a video call from Father Wu.

    As soon as he saw Father Wu calling recently, he unconsciously began to feel guilty. Every time Father Wu asked about Wen Anyu, he didn't know what to say.

    But he didn't dare to tell the truth to Wu's father. Wu's father was discharged from the hospital a few days ago, and he did not dare to stimulate Wu's father.

    "Dad, how is your health?"

    "much better.".Father Wu is not a person who likes to chat on the phone. He went straight to the point and asked worriedly, "Has the second child's work problem been solved?"

    Wu Shengu's face stiffened: "Not yet."

    Father Wu frowned: "Why not yet?"

    Wu Shengu said with a guilty conscience, "He has been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. This time, let him think about it behind closed doors."

    Father Wu looked at him suspiciously, but didn't think too much about it, and said, "The exchange group helped to book a plane ticket back to China. I'll return to China the day after tomorrow, and I should be able to go home in the afternoon."


    The day after tomorrow, when I return to China, isn't this just the day of the court session? !

    Father Wu wondered: "What's the matter, what did you look like when you heard that I was going back to China?"

    Wu Shengu hurriedly put away his excess emotions, forced a smile and said, "Dad, you read it wrong, I'm just a little busy at work recently, and I haven't had a good rest these days."

.Father Wu advised him to take a good rest, and asked him as usual, "How is your home recently?"

    "Okay, it's fine."

    "Then your work is going well?"


    After a few more conversations, everything was fine. Just as Wu Shengu was about to hang up the phone, he saw a lot of people outside the office. Many employees stood up from their workstations. After hearing the intentions of those people, they were all overwhelmed with astonishment and subconsciously turned to him. Look.

    Father Wu wondered: "Why are you making such a fuss over there?"

    Wu Shengu was also puzzled, looked out blankly, and said, "It's from the Human Resources Department. Maybe someone in our department is leaving."

    Father Wu was at a loss: "The people under your command are going to resign, so they should also submit their resignation to you. . . This movement sounds like something wrong, and I should be fired from the company, but if it is fired, the person above should communicate with you in advance. "

    Wu Shengu was even more at a loss than him.

    The secretary knocked on the door oddly.

    "Boss Wu, cough..." After calling for so long, he suddenly wanted to change his tune. The secretary was still a little unaccustomed to it, "Mr. Wu, the Human Resources Department has something to ask you."

    "What's up?"

    "I need you to sign the resignation letter."

    Wu Shengu was even more at a loss: "Who am I signing the resignation letter for? Did they make a mistake? Wasn't this document signed by the resigned employee himself?"

    "This..." The secretary was even more embarrassed, staring at Wu Shengu more and more strangely, as if he didn't know what to say.

.The employees outside the office no longer had the attitude of licking dogs, and gathered at the door of the office to whisper, and some people even pointed at him. In Wu Shengu's opinion, it was simply daring!

    At this time, the crowd seemed to have reached some kind of consensus, and they avoided a path one after another. The Minister of Human Resources walked in with a smile, but his speech was very unfamiliar and indifferent:

    "Mr. Wu, we didn't get anything wrong. You do need to sign this document because you are the employee who left."


    Wu Shengu couldn't believe it, and suddenly stood up.

    On the phone, Father Wu's shocked inquiries came, but he felt soft all over, as if he was living in a dream, so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

    Everything around him became illusory, his eyes darkened, and his temples also throbbed.

.Wu Shengu couldn't figure it out anyway.

    Was he really... fired? !

    The author has something to say: The classic old show reappears!

    Wu Weiling: I was fired

    Wu Shengu: Coincidentally, me to
