Chapter 11

There are still seven days before the top 100 game competition, and all members of Unicorn Studio are busy preparing for new games.

    Wei Hang was waiting downstairs in the studio.

    At this time, he was flustered and confused.

    It's normal for him to pick up people upstairs as an intern. The question is... why is Teacher Lan here? !

    Wei Hang wanted to have a few words with the idol, but the idol's aura was too strong, he could only hold the coffee milk cover and shiver.

    A cell phone bell broke the silence.

    Wei Hang took out his phone and glanced at it: "Teacher Lan, it's from Caiyu, he should be here soon."

    Lan Shuanghe frowned: "How come you have his number?"

    Wei Hang didn't understand why he asked this, but he honestly said, "Brother Ding Jiao gave it to me."

    "Ding Jiao... I see." Lan Shuanghe nodded: "You answer the phone first."

.Wei Hang didn't know that he sold Ding Jiao in just a few words, and answered the phone simply and cheerfully: "...Yes, this road is quite difficult, have you reached the traffic light? If you get there, it should be very close. Ah, ah! I see you!"

    Wei Hang happily waved to the young man who was answering the phone on the other side of the road, and saw the young man running quickly.

    The smile on Wei Hang's face froze when he saw the young man's phone case, and he looked at Lanshuanghe in horror.

    How is a rabbit phone case!

    Doesn't Teacher Lan hate rabbits the most?

    When Wen Anyu ran to the vicinity, Wei Hang's heart was full of fear, knowing that the last one who raised rabbits in the studio had been fired!

    He watched as Wen Anyu smiled and raised his phone. The rabbit metal phone case reflects the dazzling light in the sun, which is very eye-catching.

."Are you Weihang? I heard Ding Jiao tell me." Wen Anyu saw Lanshuanghe also present, and his mood subtly collapsed for a moment, but his attention was quickly covered by the coffee milk in Weihang's hand. Attracted, the smile deepened inadvertently.

    Wei Hang nodded indiscriminately and peeked at Lanshuanghe with his eyes.

    Ah, Teacher Lan is really looking at that rabbit phone case!

    Just when he thought Lan Shuanghe would be angry, the latter just glanced over the phone case lightly.

    "Let's go."

    ? ? What?

    Didn't it say that Teacher Lan hates rabbits?

    After the two of them went upstairs one after another, Wei Hang was still a little bit unable to react. Could it be that he was deceived by Ding Jiao and the others?

    Luckily, he took out the rabbit chain from his pocket, and Wei Hang followed suit and put it on his neck.

    Since Caiyu is fine, then he should be fine too, right?


    The unicorn body is in the UK. Most of the members returning to China this time are Chinese, and they basically have the idea of ​​saving relatives at public expense. Only a small number of foreigners want to come to technical exchanges.

    Therefore, most of the floors are Chinese.

    After Wen Anyu greeted them, he quickly went to the dedicated machine, inserted his ID card and put on a headset.

    He had to register on the unreleased game first.

    When he was operating, Ding Jiao came from a long distance with a miraculous look: "No wonder I saw him in the western restaurant yesterday and felt familiar, and I thought about it for a long time last night. Damn, I just realized it now! I didn't expect Caiyu to be the young master of Wen's family. Who would believe it if it spreads out? It is said that Caiyu is ugly. What the hell is ugly? Then what adjectives should I use to describe such a really ugly person? An old sow? .Some people say that the young master Wen's is not talented enough to post Wu Shengu. Let's just say a joke. Caiyu is not only not ugly, but also very beautiful. He is talented and rich. "

    After speaking, Ding Jiao sighed and said: "If this identity is exposed, it is estimated that all those who call Caiyu ugly and Wen Anyu's waste will be dumbfounded. In other words... I really don't know how he fell in love with Wu Shengu. , this must be true love."

    There were no more than ten people in the operating room. Although they all seemed to be busy, they were actually surprised for a while, but they were embarrassed to show it.

    Only Ding Jiao was stupid enough to say it.

    Therefore, Ding Jiao was caught without incident, and Lan Shuanghe looked at him expressionlessly: "Are you free now?"

    Ding Jiao was stunned for a moment, and his face changed suddenly: "No, I'm busy, I'm too busy to take off teacher, I'm too busy to take off!"

    He turned and walked back, his pace as fast as being chased by a beast.

."Wait." Lan Shuanghe stopped him.

    Ding Jiao didn't dare to stop, so he could only look back bitterly: "Teacher?"

    Lan Shuanghe's tone was cold: "The studio anchor signing regulations stipulate that the anchor's contact information cannot be distributed privately. Did you give his contact information to Weihang?"

    "!" Ding Jiao forgot about this rule.

    He immediately turned his face and said obediently, "I was wrong about Mr. Lan."

    Lan Shuanghe nodded: "I don't remember the first offense, I will write a three-thousand-word review myself and hand it in at night."


    Mom, three thousand words? !

    Ding Jiao wanted to cry but had no tears. He regretted and blamed himself. Why did he come to join in the fun!

    I didn't see the excitement, and I was fined 3,000 words for a review.

    Still three thousand words, he can't even write a hundred words!

.In order to prevent Weihang from being seated together, Ding Jiao hurriedly greeted Weihang to go together. At this time, Wen Anyu suddenly took off the headset: "I have registered, can Weihang be my DEF?"

    DFE is the abbreviation of defender. Generally, when the anchor is testing the game, there must be a DEF present, and this person must be a member of the studio. Generally, he introduces the game to the anchor, and can also play the role of guarding the anchor in disguised form in the game.

    The more powerful the anchors, the more they need the cooperation of programmers with deep work experience.

    Obviously, Weihang does not have this ability.

    Therefore, the people on the opposite side were stunned. Wei Hang waved his hands again and again, and said ashamedly, "But I'm not good at playing games, so I might drag you down."

    Wen Anyu: "It's okay, I can protect you."

.Ding Jiao also said enthusiastically: "He has only been here for a few days. I am not familiar with these games. Why don't I help you?"

    Lan Shuanghe raised his eyebrows: "You think the three-thousand-word review is too little, how about six thousand words?"

    Ding Jiao: "..." Oh no! ! !

    Fortunately, Lan Shuanghe didn't really care about him, and turned his head seriously and calmly: "How am I?"

    Wen Anyu was taken aback: "What?"

    Under Ding Jiao's surprised sight, Lan Shuanghe was rarely patient and asked again, "How about I'll be your DEF?"

    "...!" Playing games with you?

    I still remember the kick you kicked my eldest brother! Is it possible that you want to kick me into the zombie pile this time? !

    Wen Anyu's thoughts were like galloping horses bouncing on the grasslands a thousand times. After thinking for a long time, he didn't understand what Lanshuang River was doing.
.In the end, it can only be summed up as follows: He must want to avenge the first place and crush me in the game!

    Wen Anyu was determined not to give him a chance to despise him.

    "No, I think you all seem to be very busy. If the intern comes to help me, I will be less psychologically stressed." He smiled at Wei Hang, in order not to play games with Lan Shuanghe, he even used the handsome man's trick. He asked slowly, "Is it alright?"

    As soon as Wei Hang saw his beautiful brother smiling at him, his face turned red with a 'swoosh'.

    "..." Lan Shuanghe pursed her lips, her lips tightened and said, "It's up to you."

    The windows in the studio were obviously closed, but there was still an inexplicable cold wind, which made the backs of other people's heads feel cold.

    After he left, everyone felt better.

.Ding Jiao patted her small chest in horror, covered her mouth and whispered, "Teacher Lan, are you in a bad mood today?"

    Cao Lan also came over: "He was in a bad mood after returning to China, but he behaved exceptionally today."

    Wen Anyu taught Weihang to register the game characters, and when he heard the words, he raised his head: "Why is he in a bad mood today?"

    Shouldn't it be because of him?

    "I don't know." The two of them shrugged together, their faces blank. Cao Lan wentssip and said: "I know Mr. Lan's friend, the one named Song Chun. He came to our studio once, do you remember? Song Chun asked me on WeChat this morning."

    "Ask you what?" More members gathered around.

    Cao Lan's expression was strange: "He said that Teacher Lan had been checking some information last night, and it was already two o'clock.I stayed up all night and finished today's work ahead of schedule. Maybe if I have something to do today, Song Chun came to ask me what it was. But I remember that Teacher Lan has no schedule today. "

    Ding Jiao guessed: "Maybe he has any personal schedule, maybe he will leave later."

    "How do I know this." Cao Lan shook his head in confusion.

    Several people discussed for a while, and soon an older member reprimanded: "You are very busy, right, and now you dare to talk about Teacher Lan's private life behind your back!"

    The crowd quickly waved their hands and dispersed.

    They thought to themselves, since Lan Shuanghe stayed up all night to finish his work, he should be very busy today.

    After three hours, everyone realized that their idea was completely wrong.

    At that time, the Weihang game character died, and he took off the goggles in desperation, and was immediately horrified.

    When did Teacher Lan go back to the operating room? !

.Looking back, the seniors were full of grief and indignation, as if they had been devastated for a long time.

    Wei Hang panicked in his heart. He found that Lan Shuanghe seemed to be staring at him, so he took off the rabbit pendant on his chest with a guilty conscience.

    Wen Anyu didn't take off his goggles and comforted: "It's okay, just practice more about games like games. I'll teach you how to teach you later, you will definitely not die again."

    Wei Hang said gratefully, "Thank you Brother Wen."

    Wen Anyu smiled happily: "It's really good."

    Wei Hang held the rabbit pendant, and blushed again very spineless.

    Looking up again... Teacher Lan's eyes are even more terrifying!

    Wei Hang didn't know what was going on, but thought that Lanshuanghe really hated rabbits, so he secretly swore that he would never wear rabbit accessories in the future, and would not touch Lanshuanghe's bottom line.

    He nervously put on the goggles again.

.On this day, the Unicorn members were fortunate enough to witness Lanshuang River entering and leaving the operating room eight times in the morning, and each time they brought the game project files of "After Sunset" with no problems and asked them to change it.

    The eyes can be fierce!

    The whole staff collapsed in their hearts, how can they change things that have no problems?

    They were wrong, Lanshuanghe was not very busy.

    He is very free.

    Even if they have nothing to do to torture them!

    What the hell did they do wrong woohoo woohoo? !

    The author has something to say:

    I would like to call it a fanboy (fake fan) involution:

    Wei Hang: I will be killed by Teacher Lan

    Ding Jiao: No, I will!

    Wei Hang: I must die before you!

    Ding Jiao: Impossible, I must die first.

    Teacher Lan wears black eye circles and hates sharpening the knife.jpg

