
Evie drags Butchy, up to the roof of Big Momma's as mostly everyone else is still inside dancing.

Evie sits down on the roof, and Butchy sits down next to her. "This is what you wanted to show me Princess?" He asks.

"Yeah. I always come up here just to look at everything, and also if I can't find Seacat." Evie explains then giggles a little.

Butchy is surprised by how adorable he though her laugh sounded.

"That's sweet." Butchy replies. "Yeah, I guess. It's just nice to get away from everything some times you know? Just let yourself think in private." Evie adds.

"Yeah I get it." Butchy agrees.

A silence forms between the two, and Evie starts to think about what would happen and a Butchy liked her back.

The two then decide to get down from the roof, and is now on the side of the building, Evie still climbing down.

"Princess?" Butchy asks.

"Yeah?" Evelyn asks, now looking up into his eyes.

"I- I don't know how to say this, and I'm sorry I'm kinda nervous." Butchy says scratching the back of his neck.

"Wow, Butchy not knowing what to say. That's a first." Evelyn lightens the mood, and that makes Butchy laugh a little.

"Okay. In all seriousness, what's on your mind?" Evie goes back to the subject.

"Well Evie, uh- I was wondering if you maybe wanted to uh- goes on a dates with me..?" Butchy asks, which makes Evelyn fill excitement inside.

She can't believe that her crush just asked her out. That's never happened before for her. But all Evie does is smile at the handsome boy.

"Well, I dunno what you were nervous about, Butch. I'd love too." Evie answers, which makes Butchy smile.

"Well- whens should we do that?" Butchy asks, still smiling but thing to stop himself from it.

"How about tomorrow, at 7?" Evie asks, looking over at the boy.

"Okay. Tomorrow at 7." Butchy smiles.

"Great. See you tomorrow?" Evelyn smiles, patting Butchy's chest, then slowly walking backward.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow, Princess." Butchy smiles, they both are screaming inside, but obviously neither of them are going to show it.
