
Narrator's POV:

(Evelyn's bathing suit is at the top)

"You know Seacat, we haven't been here in a month. We used to come here every weekend!" Evelyn whines, as her and Seacat are walking along the border of the sand, and the water.

"I know Ev. But we're here now!" Seacat replies.

"You're right. Oh wait look everyone's already here!" Evelyn notices, pointing to Giggles, Tanner getting out of a car. Everyone starts to sing, as Evie and Seacat run up to them.

All the guys take off there shirts, so now they're just in there swim trunks. And all the girls are now in there bathing suits.

Evie and Giggles start to do backhand-springs in the sand and then start to sing along too.

-time skip to after they sing-

Everyone runs into Big Momma's, cheering and smiling. Evie and Seacat run inside, followed by Giggles, then Tanner.

"Awh, that was awesome!" Some blonde dude says. Everyone stops cheering and dancing and looks back at him with confused faces.

"I mean.. Insane.." He corrects himself.
"Uhm.. what up dog." He keeps going, not knowing what to say.

Seacat walks up in front of everyone, Evelyn following. "Far out. He thinks we're animals." Seacat assumes, taking off his sunglasses.

"No, it's an expression. It means..." A brown headed chick starts, but whispers something that only the blonde dude can hear.

"And where you cats from?" Evie asks, her hand on her hip and she's standing next to Seacat.

They both continue to whisper to each other. The two then start to go back and fourth.

"We're from uh.. Not far away."

"Far away."

"Far away."

"Not far away."

"Right um.. not far but um..."

"But far.. Close far..."

"Hey rascal?" Seacat asks. "Yeah Seacat?" Rascal replies. "Seems to me we've got some unwanted hodads.." Seacat smirks.

"Hodads!" Rascal shouts which makes Evelyn and Giggles jump a little. "That we need to put the kibosh..." Evie tries to say. "Kibosh!" Rascal shouts once again. "No no, you've got it all wrong." The blonde dude explains.

"We don't jelly-"


Seacat and Evie look back and give him a "stop it" look. "-roll to outsiders." Seacat finally finishes, then bike sounds start fill the room.
