
-time skip to the shindig-
Narrator's POV:

(Evie's outfit at the top)

Music is playing, Giggles is dancing with Seacat, and Evie is sitting on the side of the table, dancing with her arms.

She hadn't noticed that the bikers walked in, including Butchy and that they're in a conversation.

"So boss, how we gonna get Big Momma's to be an only biker joint?" Lugnut asked, slicking back his hair. "Shut up i'm thinking." Is Butchy's only response.

"And how long is that gonna take?" CheeChee aske, loudly chewy her gum.

"Great, now I gots two things to think about." Butchy complains. "Let's go." Butchy insists, as he starts to walk down the steps with the other bikers behind him.

Evie finally notices them as they walk past her table, everyone including her, stops dancing. "Big Momma's is like a second home to me! If I had a first one." CheeChee says.

"I popped my first wheelie in here." Lugnut adds. They sit down in a booth, as Evie and her friends continue to dance.

"Hey did you see that surfer dude eyeballin' you?" Butchy asks. "Yeah, I saw him. I saw him, all right." CheeChee answers.

"Drinks for everyone." Lela says, putting a handful of drinks on the table. "Thanks sis." Butchy says.

"But did you see that surfer girl eyeballin' you too boss?" Lugnut asks Butchy. "What girl?" Butchy replies.

"The one that was sitting on the table or somethin'. She was staring atchu with them googoo eyes." Lugnut teases.

He was referring to Evie, and Butchy knew that, just didn't know how to react to it. "Yeah I saw that too." Struts agrees, then blows a bubble with her gum and pops it.

"Well I dunno what either of yous are taking about. But anyways we're those surfers bothering you sis?" Butchy asks, changing the subject. "No, not at all. They're not so bad." Lela insists.

"All surfers is bad." CheeChee reminds the girl. "Yeah all soifers is bad." Lugnut agrees.
"Maybe not alls of them." Butchy mumbles. "Huh? What'd ya say boss?" Lugnut asks. "Oh nothing." Butchy lies.

It obviously wasn't nothing, if he didn't like Evie back he would've sided with CheeChee and Lugnut about all the surfers being bad. But in his mind, Evie was way different.

"Ooh it's almost time, let's go let's go!" Lela exclaims, grabbing Struts' hand and running away from the booth.

-Back to Evie-

Evelyn is sitting down, she was dancing with Seacat, Rascal and Giggles, but she got tired and needed a break.

Lela starts to sing, and people in groups of two start to stand up and dance. Evie just ignoring it, doesn't notice Butchy walking up to her.

She then snaps out of whatever she was doing and looks up at Butchy. "Wanna dance, Princess?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

"I don't think that's aloud." Evie raises her eyebrows at the boy. "So what? Come on, let's dance." Butchy continues then holds out his hand.

"Mmm, I have a better idea. Come with me, I wanna show you something." Evie smiles, then grabs his hand and drags him across the room, and out the door.
