Chapter 6: the start of something new

Reiner's POV

I look her in her gorgeous green-blue eyes mouth slightly agape "i love you" we say in unison. I give her the biggest smile I could muster up and kissed her again. She wrapper her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist and deepened the kiss. Our night continued to be one of the best nights of my life.

*timeskip brought to you by Giant Titan*

Danielle's POV

I wake up to a warm feeling beside me in bed. I look over to see reiner asleep. I blush as I remember what had occurred the night before. I began to get up as I'm pulled right back into bed "where do you think your going?" Reiner says in a groggy voice. I giggle slightly at his messy hair and get up again only to fall back in bed in pain "guess I should have gone a little gentler" Reiner says with a laugh. I lightly punch his arm only to see his eyes widen "what?" I ask. He points to my neck and bursts out laughing. I slowly get up and look in the mirror to see purple and red bruises on my neck leading down to my chest "god reiner how am I supposed to cover these imagine if someone sees these! What if... what if eren or Levi see them!" I exclaim as he continues to laugh harder. "Well get up. The expedition's today!" I say as we both get ready and head down to the mess hall.

Bertholdt's POV

I'm kind of worried. Reiner didn't go back to our dorm last night and I recently found out Annie's, well, caught up in a relations ship with arlert. At least I lost my attraction for her over the years. She grew quite close to arlert and I'm quite concerned it might change the plan but she's agreed to go through with the plan as long as she can talk to Armin after and hopefully take him back with us. I hear the mess hall door swing open and look over to see Danielle and Reiner walk in. Danielle giving Reiner a glare as he helps her walk to the table I'm sitting at. I wonder why she can't- oh my god. I look to see bruises or- hickies on their necks and burst out laughing. "Jean you owe me $30" I hear Connie shout. I look over to see Levi and eren giving a death glare, harder than any other I've seen to reiner. He's so dead.

*timeskip to the day after the expedition*

Danielle's POV

I wake up violently vomiting and rush to the washroom. I guess I was loud because next thing I know reiner, levi and eren bust down the door. "Holy shit what happened! Are you okay?" Levi asks concerned "apport moi a hanji, levi" I say to him. He nods as Reiner stares at me confused "she's speaking French, Reiner" eren says. He nods and goes with me to Hanji's. "Holy hell what happened" hanji asks. "I was walking in the hall when I heard a loud noice coming from her room. She was violently puking" hanji looks over at me "I think I know what's going on but I just want to make sure, let's do some tests"

*20 minutes later*

Hanji's POV

"Levi, eren, Reiner, could you please leave the room?" They hesitate but Danielle nods and they leave. "Danielle, I know this is gonna be hard to take in but, you're pregnant" "WHAT" She yells. I quickly cover her mouth "shhh they don't know yet" I say quietly "I need to go. But do me a favour, don't tell anyone" I nod as she leaves the room.

Danielle's POV

"I guess it's time" I say to myself. I start writing letters. 6 to be exact. One to Levi, one to eren, one to zeke, one to Bertholdt, one to hanji and one to reiner. I walk into reiner's room to see him asleep. Now or never. I inject him with a serum to make sure he doesn't wake up and than I put a syringe into the nape of his neck and inject it onto my own. I strap on my 3DMG and leave HQ. I fly on top of the wall and get ready to jump. I jump of the wall and bite into my hand. A giant flash of lightning strikes from the sky and i turn into a 13 meter armoured Titan with a black ponytail and bright green eyes.
