Chapter 2: attack on paradis

Reiner's POV

I run as fast as I can through the forest. Marcel, my best friend and partner, eaten in front of my eyes. I see blurry as I sit by the tree. I notice a black and white thing coming towards me. As my vision starts to come back I realize who it is. Danielle.

Danielle's POV

"Reiner!" I yell as I make my way towards him. I know he's clearly not ok considering what just happened. I see him slightly crying so I go over and hug him and try to comfort him. Bertholdt and Annie run up behind us "I think we should can the mission" Annie says. I nod and start to get up and walk away when a hand grabs my wrist "no" Reiner says. I'm shocked. "We're going to continue" he speaks up we all agree and run to the walls.

Levi's POV

I was on my way back from my mission when I saw it, a gigantic 60 meter Titan made out of pure muscle 'an abnormal?' No it's too large 'perhaps a new species?' No if it was there would have been more. I was lost in my train of thought before I realized, it had kicked a large hole in the wall and disappeared 'oh shit' I saw a girl with black hair and green eyes. It almost looked like Danielle?

Eren's POV

"I'm going to join the scouts and kill all the titans" I say to mikasa and Armin. "I am too" mikasa says "me too" says Armin. I freeze in place before nodding. "Let's do this" we all say in unison.

Grisha's POV

I've got to do it. I say to myself as I pull Eren into a forest. Maybe I'll just tell him about the basement? No. I need to tell him about Danielle, his sister. But Zeke, I'm sure Danielle can handle that explanation. It's time.

Danielle's POV.

'Come on reiner' I thought to myself 'you've got this'

He charges through the gate at full speed and destroyed it. 'Yes!' I think. Me Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie run onto a boat. I see a boy with brown hair and eyes that resemble mine along with a girl with raven hair that resembles mine. The boy looks too much like me actually 'creepy' I think to myself. Reiner seems to notice because his eyes grow wide and he looks back at me.

Reiner's POV

'Those eyes' I look back into Danielle's gorgeous green eyes than back into the boys eyes 'they're the same' but Danielle's green is filled with joy that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and the way her black hair shines makes me feel like there's no tomorrow 'wait reiner stop, no feelings like this, keep it together.'

"-ner, Reiner" I see a hand in front of my face "Bertholdt" I say a little too loud "reiner you seem off, what's wrong" he asks me "oh nothing, just lost in thought" I sigh. Danielle turns to me with a concerned look. I just look back almost saying 'I'm okay' and she smiles and brushes it off ' thank god
