Chapter 1: the underground & a new home

Danielle's POV

I was at home with my older brother Levi, Isabel and Farlan. I had received news about my father becoming a doctor on the surface. He promised he wouldn't leave me here after mom died but he took off leaving me and Levi in the underground. We live in an abandoned house with 3 bedrooms. Me and Isabel shared one together. Me and her were like sisters since Farlan and Levi let her stay, she's amazing! She's so kind but knows when she needs to be cold hearted. "Hey guys let's go get some food" I hear Levi shout. It's the first time we decided to go out since we made a deal with the man in that carriage. We planned to stay as long as possible but we were running out of food.

Time skip brought to you by admin's laziness.

" Farlan, isabel go left Danielle, stick with me" shouted Levi as we soared through the underground with our 3DMG. We were running from the military police but something seemed off, they were much more skilled than last time, that's when i saw it "Levi look!" I pointed towards the jacket with the wings of freedom plastered on the shoulder. We were screwed. "Fuck" I hear Levi say as a man swoops down on top of him "LEVI!" I scream before everything goes dark.

Levi's POV

I see My 6 year old sister, Danielle laying on the ground unconscious. Just as I'm about to go get her, a man smashes my head into a puddle. I look up to see someone tall with large bushy eyebrows.

Erwin smith


"Levi could you watch Danielle for a few hours I need some rest" "yes mom" levi replies to his mother. He could tell something was off but he didn't mention anything.

*2 hours later*

"Mom" Levi says no reply. "MOM" still no reply. Levi starts to panic and runs outside and calls for help. "HELP" he yells until a man with long black/brown hair and a long jacket appears "what seems to be the problem?" He asks slightly annoyed. "My mom, kuchel, she went for a nap a few hours ago and she isn't waking up!" The man runs inside only to find the black haired woman dead. 'I can't just leave these kids here' he thinks to himself "tch" he scoffs. Eventually he speaks up "k. Here's the deal kid. Your mom isn't going to be waking up any time soon. So, you and your sister can stay with me for a while" "al-alright" Levi studders earning a "tch" from the man. Kenny Ackerman

Danielle's POV

I wake up in a room with a man with long, brown hair and glasses. 'He seems so familiar' he than speaks "hello Daniel, I don't know if you remember me but I'm Grisha Jaegar your father" he states. My eyes widen in shock as I look at the man before me. My father the one who left me and... wait a minute "WHERE'S LEVI!" I almost scream "calm down he's fine, he joined the survey corps. I'm sure he'll be fine-" i cut him off before he could continue "HE'LL BE FINE! WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE YOU! YOU PROMISED YOU'D SAVE US FROM THAT DUMP AND YOU DIDN'T! YOU WERE SO CAUGHT UP WITH YOUR OBNOXIOUS DIGNITY THAT YOU LEFT YOUR DAUGHTER AND HER BROTHER IN A CITY FILLED WITH RAPISTS AND PIGS THAT WOULD JUST LOVE TO GET THEIR HANDS ON INNOCENT LITTLE GIRLS!" i scream. He sighs "i guess i need to tell you eventually..." "tell me what?" I ask. "Danielle have you ever wondered about outside the walls?" He asks I freeze in place and he continues "well, I know they say that no one is alive out there but they are" my eyes widen "Danielle honey, i came from outside these walls in a place called Marley. I had a son there named Zeke, your brother. I think you should go live there with him and your grandparents. It would be much safer than here."my eyes widen even more until I snap back into reality and nod in agreement. "Good, I'll send him a letter and he should be here soon to pick you up. You should go pack your things."

Two weeks time skip brought to you by the worlds best father.

I grab my journal and run as fast as I can and jump off the walls and land on the monkey- like Titan. He soon pops his head out of the nape Zeke "you're Danielle I presume?" He asks I nod "and you're Zeke, correct?" "Yes. Well little sis we better get home before it's too late." He than pulls himself back into the nape.

5 years time skip brought to you by Zeke's harry Titan ass

"Danielle" Zeke calls "yes" I call back "your gonna make us both late hurry up" "I'm coming, I'm coming" i reply while giggling. " alright so here's the plan. You, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie and Marcel are going to infiltrate paradis by having Bertholdt and Reiner destroy wall Maria" I nod "I'm really gonna miss you just, be safe ok" he says with a soft smile and hugs me tightly "oh and one more thing. No boys" I laugh "way to ruin the moment, gorilla" I say with an idiotic smile plastered across my face. He scoffs and lightly punches my shoulder "see yah scientist" "peace out ape" I run away before he could scold me.

"Hey guys" I call out to them "hey Danny" they all say in unison. We have been good friends for a while now so this mission isn't bad for chemistry "so Danny, why did you decide to come?" Bertholdt asked me 'because I miss levi' i think to myself. "Because I need to study your movements so I can figure out how to improve your life span" I say I mean it's only partially a lie. I'm trying to figure how not only to improve their life span but duplicate their Titan powers. I look around and see Bertholdt, a blushing mess standing in front of a stoic faced Annie. I smirk and walk over to him ones he's done "hey Bertl can I talk to you for a moment?" "Yeah sure Danny what do you need?" He asks as he sits against a tree "When are you going to tell her?" I ask "I-I don't know yet" he says and looks down. I hug him tightly and than help him to his feet. Me being his best friend, I knew about his little secret. "If you need any help, I'm always here" I say before giving him a light punch in the arm. "Thanks Danny. I'm glad to have a friend like you" he says before smiling and walking away. "Let's go" I here the commander yell. I hop on the boat and we start making our way to the island. 
