
Percy's POV

I saw where they were and Chaos was calling for someone...for me! I left right away, I kinda felt bad about leaving everyone, but I had to. So I flashed onto Neptune. Holy Crap!

Annabeth's POV

Percy told what was happening, and immediately flashed away. We stared at where he was and sat and prayed to the gods he'll live. Suddenly, we heard evil cackling. We turned around slowly and saw the source. Misty.

Third Person's POV

Neptune was a complete MESS! There was a bunch of grooves and rocks thrown here and there. Percy looked for Chaos and finally spotted him. That was the good news. The bad news was that he was still fighting Order. And losing.


Annabeth looked shocked. "Misty, why are you laughing like that?". She had a crazed look in her eyes. "Why? Well maybe, and this is just maybe, it's because Chaos." Annabeth was thinking, you could practically see the gears turning. "Let's talk this out Misty..." she started. Then came the bang of a gun. A celestial bronze gun.
