
Misty's POV

I recognized two people instantly. One was my mother, who surprisingly had become a major god after the war with Gaea. The other was my old teacher, Chiron. He looked at me strangely, as if he knew who I was.
When I said my name those two gasped. My mother ran to me and hugged me. So did Chiron. So many surprises for my old camp today. I told Chaos to continue his speech, seeing as he looked quite miffed. He cleared his throat and right as he said, "Ok." there was yet another flash of light.
Out of this flash stepped a young girl in silver. She looked like one of those Artemis followers~ the hunters. All the hunters gasped and ran towards her. "Who are you", Chaos asked clearly annoyed for not being able to start his speech. "I am Allie, one of the original hunters. I've come here to warn you."
