
Hazel's POV

I didn't like how much time Percy was spending with that new kid, Andy. I mean I just didn't trust him. I went to confront Percy when I heard Andy was gonna take a bath.
"Percy", I said. "Yeah." he said. "Well, do you trust Andy?". He just looked at me like I was crazy. "Of course I do, why?", was his response.
I took a deep breath and was about to list the reasons why I didn't trust him, when I heard screams. Percy and I looked at each other and sprinted to the bath house.
What I saw there was a mass of blood and bodies. I choked and almost puked. Percy was looking at something, so I looked at it to. There was writing in the blood.
If Percy Jackson does not get out there will be more death including his lovely girlfriend. He had tears in his eyes as he ran to a body. I followed slowly. I gasped, it was Andy and... Reyna, holding hands staring at nothing.

Percy's POV

When I saw all this blood, I knew I had to get out. I called all the gods in Greek form. They appeared and gasped at the massacre. They all asked what happened. Right then Frank ran in, and gasped. Later I would figure out that they were the last two Roman demigods.
I sighed and asked where I should go. Then I realized that Frank and Hazel were lost. Oh gods, I'm an idiot, I forgot to tell them why I'm here. I took a drachma. O Iris goddess of the rainbow accept this offering and show us Percy Jackson's memories.
When they were done, they were seething. I asked if they would stay here and they said no because they wanted to give Camp Half-Blood a piece of their minds.
I sighed I wanted to stay with them but I couldn't go back there. Then the least likely god/goddess said I could stay with them...Artemis.
