little chat in the bookstore

" hi 😚"

" hi AhSi! "

" ...mmm, are you okay Shancai? "

Daoming Si still not sure about how's her feeling towards him after that very awkward situation last night.

" hmm, yes I'm fine. Thanks! and you? "

(Daoming Si scratch his head, 'arghh are we going to this formality level again!' I thought we were already in moving forward status. I was hoping at least, we could hugged when we met,  like some other normal couple do, okay maybe not a kiss yet,  then walking hand in hand afterward. Shancai is a hardwork! She's not like a normal girlfriend. No PDA! )

" Yes, I will be fine soon. It depends on what we are going to do next! "

Daoming Si mischievous smiled.

" What do you mean? "

Daoming Si cringed. ( Why I feel nervous now? )

" nothing. " he tried to put his genuine smile best as he could muster.

" do you hide something in your left hand? " Shancai noticed Daoming Si hands holding something ( a box of chocolates for her )

" Shancai, why you ruin my surprise!  can you pretend not see it! " Daoming Si let it out his disappointment. He was hoping a kind of joy reaction from her, like a scene from a romantic movie.

" What is it? " she's curious.

Daoming Si gave up.

" Here's for you... part of I'm saying sorry "

A beautiful heart shape of dark and white chocolate in heart shaped purple box.

Shancai only looked at it, " why are you keep saying sorry? "

" Shancai, just accept it please. I am not a romantic boyfriend i know, but I'm trying. Can't you see? can you helping me and be a good girlfriend ? "

Shancai quickly accepted the chocolate then said, " Thank you! "

She added, " now you are make it harder! "

" I don't understand. Harder for what Shancai?  " muttered AHSi.

" can we go sit somewhere, drink coffee in a cafe? " he suggested.

They're have been standing and having conversation in that bookstore for awhile.

"Okay, but I'll get the pad and other stuffs first " replied Shancai.

Daoming Si quickly grabbed an empty basket nearby then following her around.

" Put all your stuffs you need here! " He said while carrying the shopping basket.

He's frantically looking for anything in the store, " you may need new pen for school, or this pencil case? or this, or that book? "

" Shancai, how about this bag? Suit you. Yellow, definitely. Do you like it? "

" No, Daoming Si. I don't need anything else. I only need these two things, pad and this type of ruler. My old one broken"

" okay, okay let me pay " He lead the way to the cashier.

" No! I can pay myself. " refused Shancai eargely.

" Shancai, please let me be a useful! " pleaded Daoming Si.

" I want to be a perfect boyfriend! " he blurted out, rather loud.

A few heads turned around, some couldn't help whispered with envy, ' what a lucky girl ! '

' He's seems familiar though '

' Yes, he looks like that rich Daoming heir '

' Gosh, that tiny girl can't be his girlfriend, can't she? '

' what's he looking in her? '

' she's not compatible with him at all '

' maybe she's blackmailing him '

' or he just playing a fool with her ... haha poor girl! She's deluded! she's only will get hurt! '

Unfortunately Shancai could hear those people chattering around about them.

( in her head she said to herself ' I am not a delusional. I will put things right, don't you all worry'. You can all have Daoming Si if you want! ) 
