It's a holiday time yeah! Or not?

The four of them walked together dropped their luggage and luckily because they had done their check in online they could went straight to the tickets and passport control, passed the security check and x-ray check.

The queue for the security quite long because it was holiday season after all.

Once they're in secured area inside the terminal, Daoming Si took out his phone and ring his mother's number.

Her mother pick up the call when she saw whose the caller was ," AhSi, what is it? Is this something really important. I am in the middle of the meeting? "

"I know Mother, I am sorry to disturb you. Is Mr He there? would you please to tell uncle He, control his daughter! "

" AhSi, what are you talking about? " Mrs Dong confused.

" ask him or ask him to ask his daughter. We were chased by reporters at the airport. Apparently according to some rumour those reporters got some tipped off, YuanZi and I going on holiday together. Absolutely bullshite ! "

" AhSi —-mind your language! " scolded his mother.

" sorry mother, but I really pissed off right now. " told Daoming Si.

" I can't talk much, I must go to the gate, our flight starting boarding now "

" okay talk later. Take care ". Said Mrs Daoming only half understand what was had happened.

The F4 rushed to the boarding gate which located almost at the other side of the airport.

When they reached the gate, AhSi saw a group of pretty girls with dressing up rather out of the ordinary and catching everyone's eyes. Obviously being new faces and popular models in the country, they still need to look their best even on their holiday. The 5 of them sitting in exclusive waiting area .

One of the is none other than He Yuanzi.

" Girls, girls , they're here! " he heard she telling them.

" oh my gosh, all four of them are gorgeous! " they're giggling sweetly.

" Yuan yuan, I envy you, you are so lucky. AhSi even look more dashing in flesh."

" will you introduce us to his friends. I don't mind either of them! " they're all laughing flirtatiously.

He YuanZi starred at Daoming Si face although she can't see his eyes which hiding behind his black sunglasses. In fact she should be lucky otherwise He Yuanzi would have been killed instantly if only she could see the burning of fire coming out Daoming Si's eyes.

" hi AhSi. " she said in sweet voice.

Daoming Si and the rest of F4 just carried on walking passed them and straight to First class gate, waiting to get boarding. They certainly ignored those pretty models.

" huh, they're so snob. " said one of the girl.

" who do they think they are ? "

" arrogant! "

" are you sure are you dating him, Yuan yuan? "

" well, he doesn't like to reveal on public, he is a private person. But trust me, he is different person when just two of us "

All the F4 could hear what's have been said.

Ximen , MeiZuo and Lei exchanged looked, no one said anything and at the same time they're glanced over AhSi's face anticipating if he would do or say something bad.

But he didn't say anything either. Phew, at least no more drama here, that would be a risk they could get excluded from the flight.

Being First class passengers, they have priority to enter the plane first, so they just boarded the plane straight away.

They're proceed to their designated seats.

" Finally, the vacation begins " Ximen cheering .

They all picked up their champagne glass, " Gānbēi! "

" we can leave all the trouble behind. "

All those chaos since arriving at the airport made Daoming Si forgetting about his worries about Shancai for awhile, until he sat down and checked his phone and about to switch off.

There's a message from her just now.

His heart almost stopped beating .

[' did you call earlier? Sorry I left my phone at home. I was going to ring back, but I guessed your plane almost taking off now. Have a good trip! ' Shancai]

" Stupid girl, I worried sick! She's better never does that again! "

AhSi checking the time ,' a few minutes before take off, I might still have a chance to call her '

" hello? "

" hello AhSi, I thought you should be inside your plane right now?"

" yes , we are about taking off in few minutes . I thought to check about you and what happened with your phone this morning . "

"Oh, it was nothing AhSi. Only this XiaYou and his brother surprised me this morning, they're kidnapped me and force me to go for jogging by the beach. The problem was the beach about one hour drive, by the time we finished our run, it's lunch time already. So I only got back home not long ago. "

" I see "

" and yes in a haste I left my phone at home. I had to borrowed XiaYou's phone to let my parents know "

" I see! "

"I only saw your message. I'm sorry for making you worry. I am fine. Anyway, you know what, it's a good news. Lin Gege, XiaYou's brother also interested to see Hangzhou. He suggested why not stay for one night, so we can explore more of the places that you recommended. "

" I SEE .."

" yeah, he said if he can take days off he will driving us there. " Shancai chuckled.

" COURSE HE WILL " his voice raising a sign that he's irritated .

Lei who's seating closer to him asked ' AhSi, are you ok? "

Oblivion to what AhSi feeling, " that'll be great,  right? " Shancai said.

" GREAT ??...."

" Sir, please switch off your phone for the plane taking off. Thank you. "
