Why she is like that?

"You guys go first to the cafeteria, I am going to see Shancai first to see if she's alright. " told Daoming Si soon the school's lunch time bell rang.

" yeah right... to see if she is alright or you just want to see her! " Ximen teased him.

" Whatever! But I think I better message her first. "

His friends left him and walked to the cafeteria,  Daoming Si walking to another direction, while messaging her.

DMS : Shancai, I'll meeting you in your class now. Don't go anywhere yet, wait for me.

SC : No, don't.

DMS : Why?

SC : just not now.

Daoming Si couldn't be more agitated, he rings her straight away.

" Shancai, are you okay? Anyone bother you? "

" No, I'm fine "

" Did you read Xin Bai apologies letter "

" yes, I did. In fact I'm on the way to the headmaster office now. The school staff summoned me to see the headmaster, something about another Xin Bai letter for me"

" you want me to go with you? I'm heading to headmaster office now!"

" No, no need ! XiaYou will accompany me there, but she needs to go to the toilet first "

" alright, I'm going there anyway "

" AhSi, please don't "

" Why? "

" AhSi, please not now, okay "

" but I need to see, if that bish write a proper apology to you "

" I will tell you later. But probably better not in school. "

" why ? Why you scare ? "

" ah, XiaYou here. Talk to you later AhSi, bye! "

That conversation didn't sit well in Daoming Si's mind.

He doesn't  know what to do. He then rushing to the cafeteria, he must talk to his friends.

" Wow, wow AhSi, what happened? " asked Ximen when he saw him almost run to their table. His face unreadable.

" I thought you were going to see Shancai? " said Lei.

" I did, but she said she's been called to see the headmaster about Xin Bai's letter for her. " Daoming Si replied.

" Well, that's good then. So that girl really write an apology letter to Shancai, you may get one too. " uttered Ximen.

" in a way yes, I guessed. " Daoming Si mumbled.

" So, what is the matter, AhSi? " Lei asked again.

" The thing is, she said something she doesn't want to see me at school. Or something along those lines. I don't understand why. I did not do anything wrong as far as I know. And also her tone voice, she sounded very very cold to me. " said Daoming Si his face looked like hurt and confused.

" AhSi, girls do that sometimes, all the times in fact. They're the most confusing creatures. Maybe she just has some other problem but not with you. Don't take it too seriously. She's still talking to you and answering  you phone. Now, go get your lunch. " Ximen tried to console his subdued friend .

"Okay.  "
