Chapter 6: Alive Inside

3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven and Lars finally reached the ground. Steven has a hold of Lars and they gently float down to the ground softly. Steven is immensely scared for Lars because he's been bleeding inside the bubble and it was at the point where Steven had to close his bubble so Lars' blood was getting on his pants.

Steven is regretting removing that knife from his stomach.

(Steven) Just hang on, Lars.

He didn't respond.

(Steven) Lars?


(Steven) Lars?!


(Steven) LARS!

He felt stiff. Steven licked his hand and placed it on Lars' wound. It healed the wound, but he already lost too much blood and now he's dead.

(Steven) No! No, no, no, no, NO!

He cried. His friend is dead, and it's all his fault. He was supposed to protect him, and he failed.

The blood is on his hands, figuratively and literally. His tears land on Lars' corpse. Steven wipes the blood off of himself, it felt so unsettling.

He cried some more before he noticed something. Lars' body is glowing.

(Steven) What the--

He backs away from Lars' body. Is he a zombie? Finally, the glowing stopped and Lars' body was the same, just more pinker than ever.

(Lars) Ow! Steven...?

He rubbed his eyes.

(Lars) I feel... weird.

(Steven) Lars!

He hugs him.

(Lars) Hey, get off of me.

He pushed Steven away.

(Lars) Okay, how did I get here? Last thing I remember is being at that room with those chicks. Wait.

He looks down at his shirt to see blood on it, and blood on Steven.

(Lars) Is that my blood?

(Steven) Y-yes...

(Lars) What happened?

(Steven) You got stabbed by Blue Diamond. Well, she threw a knife at you and it hit your stomach. I pulled the knife out, and you bleed out. I'm so sorry!

(Lars) I died?

(Steven) Yes.

(Lars) If I'm dead, aren't I in heaven?

(Steven) N-no. You're on Homeworld. We both fell out of the courtroom. You were brought back to life.

(Lars) Am I zombie?

(Steven) No, if you were, you'd be trying to eat my brains right now. Do I look appetizing to you?

(Lars) Ew! No!

(Steven) Okay, that's good, I guess. I'm so sorry for letting you die! I didn't mean to, I was trying to protect you and--

(Lars) Hey, calm down before you pass out. Look, it's not your fault.

(Steven) (sniffles) It's not?

(Lars) No. It's that crazy blue chick with the robe. If she threw that knife at us, then it's her fault. Nobody could've stopped her except herself, right?

(Steven) I-I guess.

(Lars) Why is my skin pink?

(Steven) I don't know. Lion is pink and-- Oh, wait a second!

(Lars) What does that mean

(Steven) I think that meams Lion was dead and Mom revived him. And if that's true, that means I can go into your hair and come out through him.

(Lars) Wait, what?

(Steven) I can go in and out of Lion's mane whenever I want. I can store stuff in him, too.

(Lars) This is... this is getting too freaky.

(Steven) I know, I'm sorry. Look, maybe your head is connected to Lion's in some way. If that's true, I can get back on Earth through your head and come back with Batman and probably--

(Lars) Wait, did you say Batman?!

(Steven) Yeah. You know about him?

(Lars) Uh, yeah! I watched Gotham Gazette.

(Steven) (gasp) YOU DID?!

(Lars) Yeah. It was better than any other movie I had back at my house. Anyways, you know where to find Batman?

(Steven) Yeah. We met last week and he gave me a radio to talk to him with.

(Lars) Do you know who he is?

(Steven) Yes, but I don't think he would want me to tell you.

(Lars) Okay, that's fine. Besides, I prefer the mystery. Anyway, you can contact him, right?

(Steven) Yeah, but not from here. We're in space.

(Lars) I already know that but when you get back on Earth, you can, right?

(Steven) Yes, I should. It's worked before.

(Lars) Okay, what should I do while your gone?

(Steven) Don't die.

(Lars) Okay, not sure if I can since I already died eariler.

(Steven) Okay, I'll go back to Earth and come back later. Would you mind if I'm gone for a few hours, a day, maybe?

(Lars) Uh, as long as you can get me back on Earth. And it might get boring here.

(Steven) It's going to be a little while to get you home. Plus, I-I need some time alone because of...

He looks at his hands to see that Lars' blood is starting to dry.

(Lars) Oh, crap. I forgot you're still a kid. Look, take as much time as you need. I'm not going anywhere, even if I wanted to.

(Steven) You forgot that I was a kid?

(Lars) Well, I meant you're not very used to seeing stuff like this.

(Steven) But you?

(Lars) I've seen a lot of horror movies, and I've bleed before so this isn't much of a big deal to me.

(Steven) Okay, I promise I'll be back.

Lars leans his head and Steven climbs inside his hair and he's in the area where he can't breathe and the pink fields. He can see the little land where Lion's mane is. He rushes over there and jumps out of Lion's mane and it lands him inside the house.

Nobody is here. Only Lion was in the house. Steven looks at Lion.

(Steven) You were brought back to life, weren't you?

He nods.

(Steven) I wish you could've told me. Though, you can talk.

He looks to his left to see that it was dark outside. How long was he gone? It felt like days when he was taken.

He checked the time.

[1:03 AM]

Last time Steven checked the clock, it was at least 7:30 PM. He's been gone for under six hours? It's been a long night.

Is this what Batman feels when he's going through every night? To go through what feels like days, only to see like two hours pass? It must be hard.

Steven sits on the couch and tried to fall asleep but the door opens roughly.

(Pearl) We need to find something!

(Garnet) Pearl, there's nothing on Earth that can help us get to Homeworld. The warp is broken and without Steven, it cannot be repaired. And all the ships on Earth are broken to the point of beyond repair.

(Amethyst) We can't just give up! Steven could die on Homeworld.

(Pearl) Oh, if only we could stop him from making such a foolish decision.

(Greg) It's not like he wanted to do it.

(Connie) Getting himself killed isn't a good decision.

(Greg) Look, I'm not saying what he did was right, but he had his reasons for doing it. Garnet, can you look into the future and see if he's okay.

(Steven) No need to. I'm right here.

They all looked at Steven.

(Everyone) STEVEN!

They went to hug him but they stopped when they saw the blood on him.


(Steven) It's okay, it's not mine.


(Steven) Lars'.

(Amethyst) Wait, he never made it off the ship?

(Steven) No. He was hiding. I went to trial.

(Garnet) A trial?

(Pearl) What happened?!

(Steven) The Diamonds wanted to find me guilty. The zircon trying to defend me got hurt by Blue Diamond. She... She...

(Amethyst) What'd she do?

(Steven) She cracked the zircon's gem to prove that I'm Rose Quartz. And I had to save her.

Pearl covered her mouth. Garnet clenched her fists

(Pearl) Oh my stars...

(Garnet) I knew Blue was terrible, but I didn't think she would go that far.

(Steven) And when I tried to escape with Lars, she threw a knife at us and it hit Lars's stomach. I pulled it out but it only made things worse and he bleed to death. It's my fault.

(Connie) No, it's not. There's no way you could've known.

(Steven) Are you not mad at me leaving?

(Connie) Yes, but I'm just glad you're alive.

(Greg) We all are. We were scared.

(Pearl) How did you get back to Earth?

(Steven) I brought Lars back from the dead and I can go into his hair like I do for Lion's mane. I think they're connected because I went back to Earth through it.

Steven realized someone wasn't here.

(Steven) Where's Bruce?

(Connie) He's back at Gotham, I think. He hasn't said a word when you were taken. I think he blames himself for you being taken.

(Steven) I'll call him and tell him I'm okay.

He went to the door.

(Greg) You're going outside?

(Steven) Yes. I just need some air.

(Greg) Oh, okay. Just, don't go running off.

(Steven) I don't plan on doing that.

He went outside to feel the fresh breeze of the night air hitting his skin. Perhaps he should've worn a cost. It was even colder when the wind breeze was forcing his blood soaked shirt to make contact with his skin.

He tries to ignore that and used the radio.

(Steven) Bruce? Bruce, are you there?


(Steven) Bruce?

[Radio] Steven?

(Steven) Yes, it's me.

[Radio] I thought you were taken.

(Steven) I'm back. It's kinda hard to explain. Anyway, I want to talk to you.

[Radio] I'm on my way.

Within five minutes, Steven can see Batman gliding here. He lands on the ground without making a sound.

(Batman) Are you hurt?

(Steven) No.

(Batman) There's blood on you.

(Steven) Oh, it's not mine. It's Lars'.

(Batman) Wasn't he one of the kidnapped people? How did he get on that ship with you?

(Steven) He never left it. He was too scared so he stayed on the ship. What happened was that I was put on a trial and Lars was used as an example of the human race. Blue Diamond tried to kill me but she was stopped. Then, she attacked one of the gems in the room to prove that I'm Rose Quartz. And she was correct because I couldn't let an innocent gem get hurt because of me. Then when me and Lars tried to escape, she threw a knife and it hit Lars' stomach. I pulled it out but it only made him bleed more and then... he died.

(Batman) She must've hit an artery or a blood vessel. There was no way you could've known that. Did you try to heal him?

(Steven) I did but it was too late before I could. Then, I brought him back to life with my tears. I think I have another one of my Mom's powers.

(Batman) Bringing someone back from the dead? What are the side effects?

(Steven) So far, I can go into his hair into this void of pink where I can't breathe. And he's pink. I can do the same to my pet Lion. I don't know anything else aside from those facts. Have you seen something else to bring someone back from the dead?

(Batman) I know a man who lived for over 600 years due to a chemical called Lazarus.

(Steven) What does it do?

(Batman) It can heal any type of illness and injury to any organic creature. It can even make someone young again, as well as bringing them back to life. The side effects are temporary insanity. Prolonged exposure can lead to your body slowly degrading and corrupting your mind.

Steven tensed up but then relaxes.

(Batman) What is it?

(Steven) Nothing, I just thought of gem corruption when you said that.

Steven looks very sad, Bruce can see it.

(Batman) Is everything okay? I can see the look on your face.

(Steven) It's fine, don't worry.

(Batman) I know that's not true. You can talk to me, Steven.

That is true. Br-- Batman can understand what he feels, right? He must have gone through a time where he blames himself for something, especially in his career.

(Steven) I think it's my fault for everything that has happened. With the gems being scared and confused, the people getting kidnapped, and Lars dying. I... I'm scared that whatever I do, someone is always suffering and get hurt... Maybe I shouldn't exist anymore, that way, nobody can get hurt because of me.

(Batman) Steven... you shouldn't say or think about that...

(Steven) I'm just thinking out loud... I was hoping you would understand. You do understand, right?

Bruce crouched down to Steven's eye level.

(Batman) Yes, I know what it's like to feel guilt over someone's misery. It happens almost all the time.

(Steven) How do you get over it?

(Batman) It's not that easy, Steven. It hurts more when you know someone, rather than seeing a stranger die. It hurts regardless. I've lost the most important people of my life, and I still think I could've done something...

(Steven) Were they your parents...?

(Batman) Yes...

He sighs.

(Batman) It's hard to explain exactly how it feels or what to do to move on. But just don't even think about what it would be like if you didn't exist, it wouldn't get better and it will always make things worse for yourself. Dwindling on the negatives won't help you. Instead, focus on doing something that would benefit someone or youself.

(Steven) I guess that's what made you... well, Batman.

(Batman) Part of it is. But you can't just fix everything in one day. It takes time to heal those types of memories.

(Steven) I'm just scared.

(Batman) It's okay to feel scared. It's natural. Come on, let's get you some dry clothes.

He walked inside with Steven holding his hand.

Serveal days later

Steven has been getting better at letting go of some of the guilt he's been holding, but never 100%. After having that talk with Bruce about feeling guilty, Steven took his advise on focusing on the positive and doing things to benefit everyone and himself. Today, Bruce came over without Steven knowing.

Steven was surprised about Batman's suddenly showing up, but welcomed it.

(Steven) Hey, Bruce. What brings you here today? It's like eight in the morning, and you could've called.

(Batman) I have something important to discuss with you and the Crystal Gems.

(Steven) Sure. Hey, wait a second, did you just say Crystal Gems?

(Batman) Yes. Isn't that what you and the others are?

(Steven) Yeah, but you don't consider yourself a Crystal Gem?

(Batman) I'm not a gem.

(Steven) You're Batman. The most precious gem of a hero!

(Batman) I wouldn't say that.

(Steven) I say you earned to be a part of the team. You've shown promise and you helped deduce who was taking the humans.

(Batman) But I didn't stop her..

(Steven) It was your first time fighting a Homeworld gem. I wouldn't expect you to win. Like, when I tried to fight Jasper, I lost. It's okay that you didn't win the first fight.

Batman changed the subject.

(Batman) Can you get the gems? I have something important to show you.

After a few minutes, Steven got Pearl. Garnet, and Amethyst in the livingroom.

(Amethyst) Yo, what up, Bats?

(Pearl) What was so important that Steven was excited about? He said you said it was important.

(Batman) It is. Steven is a Rose Quartz, is that correct?

(Pearl) Yes.

(Batman) What does a Rose Quartz gem look like?

Steven lifts up his shirt.

(Steven) Like this.

(Batman) No, I mean a 3D perspective. The shape and size of it.

(Pearl) W-well it looked like this.

She showed a projection from her gem. Batman studied it, it wasn't what he expected.

(Batman) Interesting. That's not what I saw in Steven's body.

(Steven) Wait, you saw my body?

(Amethyst) How?

(Batman) I did explain Detective Mode to you all. I used it when looking at Steven and that's not what I saw.

(Pearl) W-what did it look like?

He hands them a photo.

(Pearl) (gasp)

(Amethyst) Whoa!

(Steven) Is that...?

(Garnet) Pink Diamond.

(Batman) Pearl, is there something you wish to say?

Everyone was looking at Pearl.

(Pearl) You really are the world's greatest detective.

End of Chapter 6


6 chapters in one week. How?
