1st Night

What this special is about is the very long nights Batman has endured through the story. Basically, how I written multiple chapters and time hadn't move hardly at all seems a little streched. So, I put all the long nights into special. This is the very first long night in the story and it involves the following chapters.

Chapter 7: The Question (partial/half)
Chapter 8: One Knight (all of it)
Chapter 9: Family Reunion (all of it)


3rd Person P.O.V.


(Alfred) Sir, your tuxedo is ready to wear at the wedding. It's quite humorous, I always wanted you to be at a wedding, not exactly as a guest, but it is better than nothing.

(Bruce) Why don't you come along, Alfred?

(Alfred) I would, sir, but if trouble were to arise while the wedding is happening, I wouldn't be able to deploy the suit for you. Master Tim is at college, and Ms. Gordon is at the GCPD. But if you were to wear your body camera and an earpiece, if would be as if I am there.

(Bruce) Okay. See you when I get back.

(Alfred) Good luck, sir.

Beach City:

The wedding has started. Bruce attended just a few minutes before the wedding started.

(Steven) Are you nervous?

(Sapphire) I'm not.

He looks down to see some ice form around her foot. They both patiently waited. Steven was probably more nervous than Sapphire since he's standing in front of a crowd of gems.

Peridot was throwing flowers at everyone as she was walking down the aisles.

(Peridot) Flowers for you, flowers for you, flowers for you.

She eventually ran out and walked to Steven.

(Peridot) Wedding commander, all flowers have been deployed.

(Steven) At ease. Take a seat.

She sat down. Ruby is walking down the aisle with a huge smile on her face. Steven opened the book and started the speech.

(Steven) Dearly beloved gems, and humans, we're gathered here today to celebrate Ruby and Sapphire, two gems were love each other dearly and can form into one unique gem that no other gem could replace. Some know her as Garnet. She is their love, given form. Now, it's their turn to talk about that.

(Ruby) I know this is all kind of silly. I mean, we've been together for 5,750 years.

(Sapphire) And eight months.

(Ruby) I used to feel like I wasn't much good, just one of me on my own. But when we're together, it feels like it's okay to just be me. So, I want to be me with you. And... and not even the Diamonds will come between us.

(Sapphire) Ruby, my future used to look like one single, obvious stream, unbending till the end of time. In an instant, you pulled me from that destiny and opened my eye to an explosion of infinite possible futures, streaking across space and time, altered and obliterated by the smallest force of will.

Stars appeared in Ruby's eyes.

(Sapphire) What I mean is, you changed my life. And then, I changed your life. And now, we change our lives.

Steven opened a box that had rings in it. Ruby puts Sapphire's ring on and Sapphire put's Ruby's ring on.

(Steven) Ruby, do you take this gem to have and to hold, on this and every other planet in the universe?

(Ruby) I do!

(Steven) Sapphire, do you--

(Sapphire) I do.

(Steven) You didn't let me finish! Then, I now pronounce you Garnet.

He stepped back and gave them space. They kissed, and then fused. Everyone clapped.

Later on, everyone was dancing, drinking soda, or chatting amongst themselves. Steven noticed Bruce was sitting by himself with no one to talk to him. But before Steven could talk to him, Garnet picks him up in a hug.

(Garnet) Steven!

(Steven) Hey, Garnet.

(Steven & Garnet) Thanks for everything. (Laughs) I needed this. (Laughs)

(Garnet) What a wonderful idea. Humans find a way to make a moment's decision last forever. I don't need future vision to know I'll always remember this.

(Steven) I'm so glad.

He looks over to Bruce's direction. He's just sitting there, watching everyone, alone.

(Steven) We should go talk to him. He must not attend parties much.

They went over to him.

(Steven) Hey, Bruce.

(Garnet) Hello, Bruce.

(Bruce) Hey.

(Garnet) Thank you for helping Steven put Ruby and Sapphire together.

(Bruce) Don't mention it.

(Steven) Why are you sitting alone?

(Bruce) I don't know anybody here. Other than you.

(Steven) But you were introduced to the gems before we did anything else.

(Bruce) I meant personally. Besides, no humans here know who I am. It isn't safe to discuss what I did a couple days ago.

(Steven) Well, we can talk to you.

(Garnet) Let's do that.

(Bruce) I have no choice, don't I?

(Garnet) Nope.

(Steven) But that's okay. We can about whatever you want to talk about. How's Gotham now that Arkham City is closed?

(Bruce) A city. A peaceful one.

(Steven) I suppose that doesn't mean you stop training in your home, right?

(Bruce) I have a daily routine of training to maintain my body to how it was during my time as Batman.

He spoken low to make sure nobody else is hearing their conversation.

(Steven) How about Alfred? Is he okay?

(Bruce) Alfred is fine.

(Steven) That's good.

(Garnet) What did you think of the wedding?

(Bruce) It was nice.

(Steven) Why don't you dance with us?

(Bruce) I don't know how to dance.

(Steven) That's okay, we can--

(Bruce) Steven?

(Steven) Yes?

(Bruce) Why are you crying?

(Steven) Huh?

He took his hand up to his face to feel warm tears.

(Bruce) Are you okay?

(Steven) Yes, it's just-- oh, no.

(Garnet) Blue Diamond.

(Steven) She's here?!

(Garnet) And she's not alone.

The entire place got darker than usual. Everyone looks up at the sky to see two giant arms that fly. One is yellow, and the other is blue.

(Steven) It's the Diamonds!

The humans ran away, excluding Greg and Bruce.

(Bruce) Alfred.

[Comms] I saw, sir.

(Bruce) I need you to deploy the suit now.

[Comms] The Batwing is on it's way.

The arm ships moved past them.

(Peridot) We're over here, you clods!

(Pearl) Where are they going?!

(Steven) If they're not here for us, they must be here for the Cluster!

(Bismuth) What's the Cluster?

(Steven) It's a huge Earth-destroying geo-weapon that the Diamonds made out of a bajillion gem shards!

The hands started digging in the ground.

(Peridot) Wait a second, where's Lapis?

(Amethyst) She said she had to do something before flying that way.

(Steven) I gotta keep it calm and in it's bubble! I can use my mind to connect with it, but only when I'm asleep. Bruce, I need you to knock me out for a short period of time.

(Bruce) I can't determine how long you would be unconscious. But once my suit gets here, I can use the shock gloves to wake you up.

(Steven) Alright. Come on, hit me!

(Bruce) Are you sure?

(Steven) Yes! We don't have a lot of time.

Steven closed his eyes and waited to be knocked out. Bruce hit a certain part of his neck and he was unconscious within seconds. He stopped Steven's body from hitting the ground and gently placed him on the ground.

In Steven's Mind:

Steven opens his eyes to see a glowing orb and whispering.

Steven: The Cluster! Stay calm. Try to keep from forming.

The bubble popped.

Steven: No, no, no, no, no, no!


(Steven) It popped!

He snapped awake. The ground was shaking. The ground opens up and these white things that look like souls grew and formed a giant hand, as if there wasn't enough hands.

It punched the yellow hand. Then it gave Steven a thumbs up.

(Steven) All right! Looks like it's in control of itself, and it's on our side!

The Cluster and the yellow hand started arm wrestling. The blue ship lands and someone comes out of it.

(Garnet) Blue Diamond.

She looks angry. Steven looks around to see that Bruce is gone.

(Steven) (thoughts) Where'd he go?! Right when we could need him the most!

(Blue Diamond) Rose Quartz... So you escaped Homeworld and crawled back here. This is Pink's world! How dare you use it as your hiding place?! COME! Answer for what you've done!

(Peridot) This is bad, this is bad, this is bad, this is bad!

(Bismuth) Come on, let's put her in a bubble.

(Everyone) Right!

(Steven) Wait! There's no reason to fight. Let me talk to her.

He approached her.

(Steven) Blue Diamond, please listen to me! I didn't shatter Pink Diamond. Pink Diamond's right here!

(Blue Diamond) Enough!

She shot an orb at Steven and it knocked him back far. The Crystal Gems has their weapons out and readied to attack.

(Blue Diamond) You cannot fathom how much I've mourned, what thousands of years of grief has done to me!

She used her power and everyone within a 500 foot radius can sense her power. She may be only six feet tall, but her power doesn't match her size. The Crystal Gems and Steven all dropped to their knees and cried as the power influences their emotions.

She approached Steven and grabbed him by the throat.

(Steven) (choking) Wait...

(Blue Diamond) You deserve this, all of you!

(Steven) (choking) Stop, please...

He couldn't breathe. Her grip was very strong. She twirled her knife in her left hand.

It still have Lars' blood stained on the blade. Steven was struggling, kicking her to let go, but, instead, she lets out a sadistic chuckle.

(Blue Diamond) So you finally squirm. Good, I want this to be as painful as possible. Any last words? Death wish?

(???) Behind you.

Both of them turned their heads, but they were too slow to see what happened. Blue was knocked off her feet and she dropped Steven. Steven grasped his throat and looked up.

(Steven) Bruce!

Blue got back on her feet.

(Blue Diamond) Who are you supposed to be?

(Batman) I'm Batman.

Steven smiled. Everyone who was still under the effects of Blue are looking up to see that the Dark Knight is here.

(Blue Diamond) What kind of hideous creature dresses up to be even more hideous.

(Batman) Worse than you?

(Steven) Ooh!

(Blue Diamond) How are you not on your knees?

Steven then realizes that. How is Batman not affected by Blue's power?

(Steven) Bruce...?

He looks over his shoulder to look at Steven and then back at Blue.

(Batman) We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice.

She looked disgusted as she was threatened by a "supposedly weaker" creature.

(Blue Diamond) Did you just threaten me?

(Batman) No, I made a promise.

(Blue Diamond) I have no quarrel with you. This is between me and Rose.

(Batman) Then you crashed the wrong party.

(Blue Diamond) If you dare to stand in my way, I will eliminate you, too!

She tried to stab him, but he caught her wrist and turned it to make her drop it. Then, he kicks her away which made her fall over. She was both surpirsed and scared at how much force he put in with that kick.

As well as that punch earlier made her drop Steven. Maybe she should give up now. But she won't back down to a human.

She gets back up to attack Batman. She charged at him with a fist ready to punch him. He ducks and used his leg to trip her.

She fell on her hands and knees and then Batman moved his other leg forward and thrusted it back which made his heel hit her face, bruising it. He didn't even use his arms to do that. Steven is grinning ear to ear that his hero is utterly mopping the floor with Blue Diamond.

He knew having him around was a good choice. Not only is his detective skills are useful, his combat is also appreciated and unmatched by anyone else's. At least, any other gem's combat.

Blue gets back up but was practically thrown across from Batman after a brutalizing punch. She landed near Steven. She saw Steven and her knife.

She grabbed Steven and her knife. She held it to his throat. Batman equiped a Batarang.

(Batman) Let him go.

(Blue Diamond) Cease your equipment and I'll consider it.

(Steven) Don't do it!

(Blue Diamond) Silence!

(Steven) She's going to kill me if you stop!

Batman remained still. If he puts up the Batarang, she'll probably kill him. If he throws it, she'll kill him.

Right now, they're at a stand off. He throws it. It went past Blue Diamond.

(Blue Diamond) You missed.

Suddenly, it turned around and hit the back of her head. She lets go of Steven. Batman sprinted to her, jumped, and his fist hit her head so hard she fell to the ground and lets go of her power.

Then, everyone saw the barn fall out of the sky and destroyed the blue hand. Then, they saw someone flying towards them.

(Steven) Lapis!

She flies to Steven.

(Lapis) I saw the Diamond's ship and went to find something hard enough to destory their ships. But the barn was the only thing I could find. I wanted to destroy both of them, but the Cluster seems to be winning against Yellow's ship.

Blue Diamond gets back up and uses her power again.

(Blue Diamond) Lapis Lazuli! Does every gem that comes in contact with this planet turn traitor?!

Everyone fell on their knees again except Batman and Lapis.

(Blue Diamond) What?!

(Lapis) I've felt worse.

Lapis used the nearby ocean to make a few water orbs. Batman used a Freeze Blast to make them into ice balls. Lapis commanded the frozen liquid spheres to attack Blue Diamond.

Blue Diamond was just physically dominated by a human dressed as a bat and now she's being pelted by ice balls. This was not her day. Once the ice balls were gone, she growled in anger.

(Blue Diamond) Pathetic! You are nothing!

(Batman) Do you want a one on one fight again? I don't mind.

She growls in frustration. Lapis used the water to splash her. She was distracted.

Batman used the grapple to grab a hold of Blue Diamond and yanked her towards him. He clotheslines her and whilst she was in the air, he slammed both of his fists down on her. He lifts her up in the air and throws her across from them.

(Lapis) You and I make a pretty good team. With me controlling the water and you turning it into ice.

They both looked to see the Cluster lifting Yellow's ship and slamming it onto the already-broken blue hand which caused pieces of it to fly from it. He debris crushed the house.

(Pearl) The house!

(Bismuth) Don't worry, I can fix it.

(Steven) My Dad!

(Bismuth) Uh oh... I can't fix that.

Greg comes outside with Cat Steven in his arms.

(Greg) All right, I'm sticking with you guys!

Steven looks at the Cluster.

(Steven) Cluster, you were amazing! Are you okay? Do you want to go back in your bubble?

(The Cluster) πŸ‘

(Steven) Okay, take it easy! You're the best!

It retreats back into the Earth's core. Batman walked over to Steven.

(Batman) Are you okay? No cuts?

(Steven) I'm fine. You were amazing! The way you punched her and... and... not affected by her power...

He looks at Bruce with concern.

(Batman) What?

(Steven) It's nothing.

(Garnet) So, that is a wedding reception. Nice job, wedding planner.


The yellow hand made noises. A yellow fist emerged from it and the pilot inside the ship revealed themself.

[No Picture]

She jumps off the ship and lands near where Blue Diamond was. Batman stood in front of everyone. Yellow looks at Blue.

(Yellow Diamond) What happened? Why haven't you shattered them all yet?

(Blue Diamond) That thing with the pointy ears. It calls itself Batman. It's stronger that looks.

(Yellow Diamond) Bat-Man? What the stars is a Bat-Man? It sounds like a hybrid of a human and a bat.

Yellow noticed her bruise.

(Yellow Diamond) It did that to you?

Blue nods in embarrassment.

(Yellow Diamond) (sigh) Fine. I'll slaughter it and them for you.

She draws a sword. Steven runs in front of everyone, including Bruce.

(Batman) Steven, what are you doing?

(Steven) Stop! Listen to me, I'm the one you're missing! I'm Pink Diamond!

Yellow finally spotted Steven.

(Yellow Diamond) You!

Steven was only 60 meters away from Yellow Diamond. She ran to him and got there within three seconds, nothing would be able to outrun her.

(Batman) Steven!

Her blade nearly decapitated him. She missed due to how fast she moved. She then gave Steven a swift kick, harder than it looked and it caused Steven to fly away.

(Everyone) STEVEN!

Batman used his grapple to grab Steven and pulled him towards him. He used Detective Mode to inspect the damage.

Identity: "Pink Diamond" Updated estimated two days ago.
Condition: Unconscious. Injured!

Injuries: Fractured skull, broken nose, and missing teeth. Bleeding from mouth and nose.

Yellow Diamond did all of that. How Steven is still alive is beyond him, no human could survive that type of damage all at once. Maybe it's because he's half Diamond which makes him more durable.

Hold on! Steven's skull is healing itself, how is that possible? Batman doesn't have time to process this when he can hear footsteps approaching him.

He turns off Detective Mode to see Yellow Diamond with her sword in her hand.

(Yellow Diamond) Get out of my way, before you join her fate.

(Batman) Never.

He gently placed Steven on the ground.

(Yellow Diamond) You may be able to defeat Blue, but I'm stronger and faster than her.

(Batman) Maybe you'll be a challenge.

(Yellow Diamond) No, I will.

(Batman) That makes the two of us.

She swung the sword at him but he ducked and tried to sweep her off her feet. She jumps and tried to stab him with the sword. She missed and the sword gets stuck into the ground.

(Yellow Diamond) Blast!

She tried to pull it out. Batman grabbed the back of her neck and forced her face to slam into the handle of her blade. Doing this loosened her sword from the ground and she pulled it out finally.

She spun and tried to attack his side with it. He slapped both of his hands on the blade and it stopped it. Both of them were in a struggle.

Bruce is preventing Yellow from using her sword by pushing it back, and Yellow is pushing the sword at him.

(Yellow Diamond) Give. In!

He quickly hits her face with his elbow and forced her arms to make the sword barely touching her own throat and he holds her arms there.

(Batman) Never!

In Steven's mind:

Steven wakes up to see every surrounding him.

Steven: Guys, what's going on?

He gets out to see that he is phasing through everybody. He looks at himself on the ground.

Steven: Oh, gosh! Yellow did that?!

Speaking of Yellow and looks to see that Batman and Yellow were in some sort of a hold. He lokks back at himself.

Steven: Am I dead?

He looks at himself to see that he's still breathing.

Steven: Am I some sort of ghost?

He looks at everyone around him. He can hear their thoughts.

Pearl: "Oh, stars , I was never prepared for this day! I never thought it would happen!"

Garnet: "We are not losing Steven to a Diamond. Not after all we've been through."

Amethyst: "Steven has faced worse things than a foot to the face. He should be fine. He'll be fine, I hope."

Lapis: "Steven, no! I should've stopped her. She was too fast!"

Peridot: "It should've been me instead. Agh! Why did Yellow had to be such a clod?!"

Bismuth: "Steven's a tough lil' guy. He should make it. Look, he's still breathing."

Greg: "Oh, God, please don't be dead! Please, stay alive, Steven! You're tough like your old man, maybe tougher."

He looks at Batman and Yellow. He tried hearing what they think. He couldn't hear anything from Bruce, but he definitely heard something from Yellow.

Yellow Diamond: "How is this abomination still standing? We've been at this for two minutes!"

Steven thought maybe he could try something. He touched Yellow's helmet, and she felt it. This shocked Yellow, it was enough to get her to loosen her grip on the sword.

Batman took the opportunity by making the blade still and he took one of his arms and slammed his elbow down on the blade, breaking it. Yellow was quickly brought back to reality.

(Yellow Diamond) (gasp)

She got punched in the face and then Batman uppercuts her, causing her helmet to come off.

Steven: Whoa!

He approached her while she was trying to get back on her feet again. He grabbed her head with both of his hands and headbutted her. Steven runs to Batman.

Steven: Bruce, stop! I got this!

He felt a hand touching his arm and he heard Steven's voice. He used Detective Mode. He can see Steven.

Steven: Before you ask, I don't know either. I think this is one of my powers when I'm asleep. I can talk to Yellow and Blue Diamond, just let me do it. I'll be fine, I'm like a ghost.

While he was unsure, he did listen because Steven is like a ghost since he can only see Steven in Detective Mode. It was very surprising to the both of them that Detective Mode can even see Steven. Batman steps back.

Steven walks over to Yellow who is now trying to get up. He touches her head and speaks,

Steven: Pink isn't gone! I'll explain everything if you just stop this fighting!

(Yellow Diamond) What the--?!

She looks around.

(Yellow Diamond) What was that?

Yellow was nervous now. All the gems behind Batman are even more confused than the Diamond herself, she looked scared.

(Yellow Diamond) It's you, isn't it?

Batman doesn't say anything.

Steven: It's not Batman

(Yellow Diamond) Stop it! Stop it right now! Get out of my head!

Blue rushed over to Yellow.

(Blue Diamond) What's going on?

(Yellow Diamond) I hear a voice talking to me! It won't go away.

Steven: Bruce, I need you to hold them together. That way I can talk to them both at once.

He used the Remote Claw to attach one end on Yellow and the other on Blue. It pulled them together and wrapped around them both. They both felt the back of their heads touching.

Now that they're trapped, Steven can talk to them. He held both of their hands.

Steven: Please, the fighting has to stop! We aren't enemies, we're family! Please, listen to me! I need you to know who I am!

He sent a powerful aura at them.

(Blue Diamond) Impossible...

(Yellow Diamond) This aura...


Steven wakes up. His wounds and injuries are gone. He moves past the shocked gems and looked at the two trapped Diamonds.

(Yellow & Blue Diamond) PINK?!

(Steven) It's Steven... heh.

They finally break out of the trap they were in by the Dark Knight. Blue rushed over to Steven and hugs him.

(Blue Diamond) Oh, Pink! I can't believe it! You've been here all along!

She cried tears of joy while she was nearly hugging the life out of Steven. Batman used Detective Mode.

Identity: Blue Diamond.
Condition: Hysterical.

Identity: "Pink Diamond" updated estimated two days ago.
Condition: Nervous.

Blue's power was affecting everyone around her. Yellow tried using her ship but the damage is too severe.

(Yellow Diamond) How could you do this to us, Pink? Why did you let us think you were shattered? Why the strange disguise? Why are you doing a voice? Why didn't you say something at the trial?

(Steven) Well, I didn't know at the time. And even if I did, you wouldn't believe me, or would you even listen to me. I was trying to tell you that earlier but you tried to kill me.

Yellow disregards the last past.

(Yellow Diamond) What do you mean you didn't know?

(Steven) I don't have any of Pink Diamond's memories. Just her powers. All I know is that she didn't want it to come to this but you left her no choice.

(Blue Diamond) No choice?

(Yellow Diamond) Elaborate on that.

Blue lets go of him.

(Steven) Didn't Pink try to go back on the colony?

(Yellow Diamond) Yes.

(Steven) But you wouldn't let her because she realized that the life here was going to die from the colony.

(Blue Diamond) We preserved quite a few specimens at the Human Zoo.

(Steven) You captured the humans and locked them away. That's not right, either.

(Yellow Diamond) Where are you getting at?

(Steven) What I'm saying is that Pink didn't want to kill off humanity because it wasn't fair to them. I heard that you had principal, right?

(Yellow Diamond) Yes.

(Steven) Well, you didn't know better about humans because you disregard them as animals. We can be just as intelligent as you. Take a look at Batman, he may look like a monster, but he's really smart and strong and a fantastic fighter. And it's because of him that you're listening to me right now.

They both looked at Batman.

(Steven) Batman is not even his real name. It's Bruce Wayne.

(Blue Diamond) Way-ne?

(Steven) Wayne. The point is, Pink really didn't want to do everything she did as Rose Quartz but she had to because you wouldn't take her seriously. And she didn't even wanted to fake her own death.

They both looked a bit disappointed that they were to blame for all of this. They didn't believe it at first, but after remembering the times Pink acted different after she was given Earth, it all made sense to them.

(Steven) Pink Diamond eventually decided to live in the human culture and began... reproducing.

(Yellow Diamond) Reproducing? Gems can't do that. They're made from injectors.

(Steven) It's wasn't just her. It was my Dad. I'm an offspring of Pink Diamond and Greg Universe. Pink Diamond is my Mom. And before you ask, a mom and a dad are human caretakers of the young humans. They're responsible of the child's wellbeing. And how I have Pink's gem is because... well, I don't know exactly, but she gave up her life for mine. And I'm sorry that I took her away from you, and I'm sorry I don't have all the answers to the questions you have...

He felt like he was the problem now.

(Yellow Diamond) It's not entirely your fault... I suppose we've pushed Pink for too long. Your memories are somewhere in you, Pink. We'll get them out eventually.

(Blue Diamond) Wait, how did you even survive? We blasted the planet, and obliterated every gem on it's surface.

(Steven) Actually...

Unknown location

Steven and Batman took the Diamonds to an area where one of the ships were stuck in the ground and rotting away. He opens the door. Batman looked like he was ready for a fight.

(Steven) Don't worry, Bruce. This monster is actually friendly.

He took his word for it. A giant green centipede crawls out of the ship.

(Yellow Diamond) What am I looking at?

The monster snarled in fear.

(Yellow Diamond) No one should have survived our attack.

(Steven) Tell that to the hundreds of gems who we poofed to keep the world safe.

(Yellow Diamond) There's hundreds?

(Steven) Hundreds we've found. We haven't seen any after a while so I think we got them all. Anyway, any gems who were unfortunate that couldn't escape Earth got reduced to primitive monsters after your attack. And they will kill and eat anything they find: gems, humans, animals, anything.

(Blue Diamond) How do you know this?

(Steven) I... might've seen an animal get ripped apart by a gem.

(Blue Diamond) Oh, my stars.

(Yellow Diamond) You must be joking.

(Steven) I wish I was.

(Yellow Diamond) Then how is that not killing you right now?

(Steven) I've tamed her. It was hard, but she likes me. I tried to heal her, but it didn't work.

(Yellow Diamond) Heal her?

(Steven) But maybe you two can help her. You're so much stronger than me. And I got close.

(Blue Diamond) Well, that's not something we normally do.

(Yellow Diamond) This is completely unprecedented.

(Steven) But creating these monsters was precedented?

(Yellow Diamond) No, that wasn't our intent.

(Steven) But you did this to her. You have to help her. All of them.

Yellow looked hesitant at first but after receiving a look from Batman, she changed her mind.

(Yellow Diamond) Hmm. Very well. I can try. But I make mo promises.

She rubbed her hands together to make a static. She touches the creature. The monster formed a body.

(Yellow Diamond) There. Good as new.

(Nephrite) (snarling)

The gem tried reaching out to anything within her reach.

(Yellow Diamond) She may be too far gone.

(Blue Diamond) Gently, Yellow.

She made her hand glow and touched the gem. The gem stopped growling.

(Blue Diamond) There we are.

(Nephrite) No! Please, no! No, no. We're all gonna be-- [silence]

Steven licked his hand and touched the gem. The gem stopped panicking and then looked at the Diamonds.

(Nephrite) Nephrite. Facet 413 Cavishon 12. I'm sorry for my failure to heed my Hessonite's evacuation orders. My team and I tried our best to make it out before the attack. But-- But you're here. It must have worked! You finally avenged Pink Diamond! You destroyed Rose Quartz!

They moved away and the nephrite had transformed back into a monster.

(Yellow Diamond) Oh, Pink. How many perfectly adequate gems did you have us ruin?

(Blue Diamond) Shhh, Yellow. Pink's been punished enough. She's been trapped here on this awful planet with these... creatures.

(Steven) Do it again. It was working.

(Yellow Diamond) How long do you expect us to hold her together?

(Steven) I don't know! What we just did was the biggest amount of progress we've ever made on curing these gems. You did this, so you have to do something!

(Yellow Diamond) We can only do so much. If it was the four of us--

(Blue Diamond) Oh, no. We can't let her see this.

(Steven) Who? Who do we need?!

(Yellow Diamond) What do you mean, who? White.

(Steven) We should just talk to her.

(Blue Diamond) I don't think you'll have much luck with that. White hasn't left Homeworld is eons.

(Steven) Then we're going to Homeworld.

(Yellow Diamond) In what? You and Wayne destroyed both our ships!

(Steven) Actually, Bruce didn't destroy your ships. It was Lapis and the Cluster.

(Yellow Diamond) Whatever. We don't have a vessel to use.

(Blue Diamond) Unless, you don't still have yours, do you?

(Steven) My ship?

(Blue Diamond) Your legs. The ship.

(Steven) Oh, um. Maybe. I think I know where we could find it.

At the desert.

(Steven) There it is!

Back at Beach City.

(Steven) Okay, we're all set. Let me check in on everyone first.

He went to Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth.

(Steven) Are you sure you don't want to come with us?

(Peridot) We'd like to, but we're too scared of Homeworld.

(Bismuth) You two are, I'm not. I'm here because I gotta rebuild your house. Can't exactly go back to home without a home, right?

(Lapis) And she could use our help. With the main Crystal Gems and Batman at your side, you should be okay.

(Steven) If all goes well, we'll be back in the morning.

(Bismuth) What makes you think that?

(Steven) Bruce always has these adventures in one night. And if things go well and smoothly, we may just come back sooner than expected.

(Peridot) I'm hoping you stay safe on Homeworld. It's not exactly human friendly.

(Lapis) Or traitor friendly.

(Steven) It's not like we're going alone. We have Yellow and Blue Diamond with us. They have the high authority of Homeworld.

(Peridot) Except White Diamond has more authority over them.

(Steven) Speaking of her, can any of you tell me what she's like? I would like to know beforehand.

(Peridot) Only that she's the most perfect gem in this era's standards. We don't know her exactly other than what I just said.

(Lapis) You're going to have to ask Yellow and Blue about that. Only they know White better than anyone else.

Steven walks to the Diamonds.

(Steven) Hey, whatcha guys talking about?

(Blue Diamond) We were talking about Wayne.

(Yellow Diamond) I don't think Wayne should come with us.

(Steven) Why? Are you scared of him?

(Yellow Diamond) No! I don't have fear of a human. I fear for what's going to happen to the human. No human has ever went to Homeworld and went out alive.

(Steven) But he isn't just some human. He's one of the best humans Earth has ever made. He's used to things like what we've done. He's better than me.

(Blue Diamond) Don't say that. You're a Diamond.

(Steven) Half of one. And even then, he's stronger, faster, and smarter than me. He was even able to beat you two.

(Yellow Diamond) Defeating Blue isn't that impressive of a feat.

(Blue Diamond) He was immune to my power.

(Yellow Diamond) What?

(Blue Diamond) He didn't cry. He hadn't shed a single tear, no matter how hard a tried. I haven't seen anyone immune to my power ever before, until a few hours ago.

(Yellow Diamond) The only reason he defeated me was because of your intervention, Pink. If you hadn't done what you did, I would've won.

(Steven) If you did win, then you would've shattered Pink's gem.

(Blue Diamond) She-- He has a point. We should be grateful to learn the truth instead of winning. I would've felt worse if we succeeded.

Steven was caught off-guard by Blue correcting herself before she admitted that he was right.

(Yellow Diamond) Fine. Is he ready?

(Steven) I'll go check.

Steven walks to Batman who looked like he was doing something.

(Steven) Bruce? Are you okay?

(Batman) Yes. I was talking to Alfred. I was letting him know we're leaving.

(Steven) How did he take it?

(Batman) He's worried. He says I should stay on Earth.

(Steven) Are you staying on Earth?

(Batman) No. I told him I had to go.

(Steven) You don't exactly have to go. You could stay here. Aren't you tired from earlier?

(Batman) I can rest on the ship while we're traveling. My energy will be replenished by the time we're there.

(Steven) Would you need me to wake you up?

(Batman) No. I can do that myself.

(Steven) Okay. Well, let's go.

Inside the ship.

Yellow and Blue are sitting in the chairs the ship provided, it looked like they were made just for them. Everyone else except Steven is standing to the side, patiently waiting. Steven steps on the feet on the floor and pink pants illuminated around his lower half of his body.

(Blue Diamond) Oh, it's been so long since we've been together in Pink's ship.

She cries a little, activating her power.

(Yellow Diamond) Please, Blue. If we could continue?

(Blue Diamond) (sniffles) Yes. Of course.

Pearl walks to Steven to instruct him.

(Pearl) For launching, just get a running start.

Steven did that, except, not exactly how you would expect. He is taking weird steps before jumping off into soace.

(Steven) I'll bet when Mom took off, it was pretty graceful, huh?

(Pearl) Heh, no. Not really.

(Yellow Diamond) Actually, you performed better than her.

(Blue Diamond) (giggles) Remember the time when she had misstepped and fallen?

(Yellow Diamond) And destroyed the new spire? I pitied the bismuths who worked hard for it.

They both chuckled. Good, they were laughing. If Steven was going to make this work, he needs them to be comfortable around him and the others.

It hasn't exactly been easy to do that when they recently learned about the truth of Pink Diamond just a little over two hours ago.

After a while.

Garnet and Amethyst were sitting down, waiting. Pearl stood next to Steven, and Batman was asleep. He's sleeping on his back with the suit on, that shouldn't be comfortable for him.

Steven wished he brought a pillow for him to rest his head on.

(Steven) S-Should I have brought a gift for White Diamond? We are dropping in unexpectedly, and I-I want to make a good first impression. Her help will mean everything for the corrupted gems.

(Pearl) Steven--

(Yellow Diamond) (scoffs) Good impression? We'll be lucky if she ever speaks to us again after this.

(Steven) But--

(Blue Diamond) The thing is, White can be difficult.

(Yellow Diamond) When we show up in this ship, it will be irrefutable that the last 6,000 years are now the biggest galactic embarrassment that's ever happened. And we're the ones to blame. If you don't want to be in a bubble for the next few millennia, I suggest you let me do the talking.

Steven remained silent.

(Blue Diamond) Yellow, may I speak to you in private?

(Yellow Diamond) Make it quick, we'll arrive shortly.

They both stepped into the next room.

(Yellow Diamond) What is it, Blue?

(Blue Diamond) It's Wayne.

(Yellow Diamond) What about him?

(Blue Diamond) What do you think White's going to do to him?

(Yellow Diamond) I don't know. Best case scenario, she mounts his head to her wall.

(Blue Diamond) Yellow...

(Yellow Diamond) I'm being realistic, Blue. There's no way she'll take him seriously. We didn't so why would she?

(Blue Diamond) We didn't take him seriously and look where it got us.

(Yellow Diamond) What are you saying exactly?

(Blue Diamond) I mean, if Wayne is capable of resisting my power, made fools out of the both of us by himself, then maybe he could potentially get White to cooperate.

(Yellow Diamond) When it comes to White, it doesn't matter how great your intelligence is or your strength. What matters is the mind, and that's where she strikes. If his mind is as strong as his emotions, then he may have a chance.

They both look to see that the ship has halted.

(Yellow Diamond) We're here.

They went back to the main room.

(Yellow Diamond) Everyone, wait here. Blue and I will return for you once White's temper has cooled.

(Blue Diamond) Which might take a while.

Batman woke up.

(Batman) What's that sound?

He stood up. Everyone went outside to see that a crowd of gems is cheering.

(Steven) Whoa. Maybe things won't be so bad.

Suddenly the crowd stops cheering. Then, a white bubble approaches them.

(Blue Diamond) (gasp) It's White's pearl.

(White Pearl) Pink Diamond, your presence is required.

(Yellow Diamond) Come on, Blue.

(White Pearl) Only Pink Diamond's presence is necessary.

She approached Steven and materialized a bubble surrounding them. It took them to a room and the pearl leaves.

(White Diamond) Pink! There you are.

Steven turns around to meet the 6' 7" white goddess whose light shines almost as bright as the sun.

(White Diamond) Hello, Starlight. You certainly gave everyone a scare. They're all just thrilled to see you safe and sound.

(Steven) Um, hi? I--

(White Diamond) As for this latest little game of yours, thank the stars it's over. Did you have fun? Did you get everything out of your system?

(Steven) I--

(White Diamond) Good, good. Everyone is so relieved. Welcome home, Pink.

A bubble formed around Steven and it took him to another room. This one actually seems like a room. It had a balcony and the view shows Steven White Diamond's ship, which is her head.

(Steven) I need a bed.

A bed magically appears from the floor.

(Steven) What?!

Steven noticed little people moving around inside the floor.

(Steven) I need a place to sit.

A platform builds up like a stool. He looks underneath to see the same little people again. They retreated upon spotting him.

(Steven) I need a shelf for my face.

A hole appears in the wall and he sticks his head in.

(Steven) Hey, who are you little guys?

They wimpered before retreating.

(Steven) Uh, thank you.

Pebble: "Thank you"?

Pebble: Is it?

Pebble: It is her!

Pebble: Why does she look different?

Pebble: She's back!

They came out of the wall and crawled all over Steven, loving him.

(Steven) Okay, who are you guys?

Pebble: Very funny, Pink!

Pebble: Always playing her games. Pretending she doesn't know us pebbles.

The door opens and the pebbles leave. It was Pearl and Batman.

(Steven) Pearl!

(Pearl) Steven!

They hugged.

(Pearl) Oh, thank the stars! You're okay! What did White Diamond do? Did she hurt you?!

(Steven) No, she was like, "welcome home." I don't think she understands that I'm not Pink Diamond. Where's everyone else?

(Pearl) They're still on the ship. I'm only here because I'm bringing your things. And they considered me one of your things.

(Steven) Yeesh. How did Batman come with you?

(Pearl) Well, Yellow and Blue vouched for him to be with you to protect you. They considered him to be your... well...

(Steven) My guard?

(Pearl) Your pet.

Steven laughed. Bruce rolled his eyes.

(Pearl) We can't blame them. You're the one here wearing an animal suit.

[Chime plays]

(Pearl) The Diamond chime, it's Yellow!

The door opens.

(Yellow Pearl) Pink Diamond, my Diamond has requested your presence in the extraction chamber.

(Pearl) Let's get you into a suit.

She gives Steven a pair of yellow swimming shorts. After that, he follows the yellow pearl with Pearl and Batman behind him.

(Steven) Swim trunks don't seem very formal.

(Pearl) Trust me, this will be more comfortable than jeans.

(Steven) What about you, Br--Wayne?

(Batman) I'll be fine.

They went further down the hall and stopped at the golden doors.

(Yellow Pearl) Pink Diamond.

(Steven) Please, call me Steven.

(Yellow Pearl) Pink Steven.

(Steven) No, just Steven.

(Yellow Pearl) Just Steven.

(Steven) Call me... lasagna.

(Pearl) Steven, stop, you're going to break her.

The doors open. Steven and Batman went inside.

(Yellow Pearl) Have a nice extraction, Pink Lasagna and Wayne.

They saw steam and Yellow sitting on a bench.

(Yellow Diamond) Pink, Wayne.

(Steven) Hi, Yellow. Cool sauna.

(Yellow Diamond) It's new. Have a seat.

Steven sits down. Bruce remains standing up. Yellow gives him an expectedly look of obedience.

(Batman) I prefer to stand.

She turns her attention to Steven.

(Yellow Diamond) So, you met with White. How was it?

(Steven) All I got to say was, "hi," and, "um," and, "I."

(Yellow Diamond) Two and a half words, that's a record.

(Steven) Two and a half words isn't enough. I still need to talk to White about healing all the corrupted gems!

(Yellow Diamond) Hmm, good luck. White never leaves her own head these days, and she never lets anyone in, except you, I guess. It's so unfair, I have hundreds of successful crystal system colonies, but you get to see her because your one colony is a failure!

(Steven) Maybe you should just... fail?

(Yellow Diamond) (laughter) Oh, Pink, you always did have quite a knack for making me laugh. You're almost worth the trouble. Speaking of which, Wayne, you are to be needed after a while.

(Steven) What for?

(Yellow Diamond) Both me and Blue's courts have discovered our bruises from the battle with Wayne. They want us to research him.

(Steven) You mean you're gonna hook him up to machines and read his mind?!

(Yellow Diamond) What? No! Although, maybe later. But that's not what this is for. We are going to test his physical properties, give him tests.

(Steven) Oh, may I come with?

(Yellow Diamond) It may be unprecedented, but if you can control him, then by all means, you are allowed to go with him. He'll be perfectly fine, if he surpasses the tests.

[Chime plays]

(Yellow Diamond) Already? Excuse me.

She makes the sweat off her magically bounce off. She walks to the exit.

(Yellow Diamond) I've got to check on the latest Citrine production reports.

(Steven) What should I do with White? I still need to talk to her about helping the corrupted gems.

She was gone before he finished.

(Blue Pearl) Pink Diamond, my Diamond has requested your presence.

They both walked out the sauna and followed the pearls. They're in a blue hallway now.

(Steven) We barely talked about White at all. And then she said she wanted Bruce to be a part of some research they plan to conduct on him. And then she had to rush to do a report and I couldn't go with her. I get they're, like, busy, 'cause they're dictators and everything but I need more time! I should have asked her what she was doing after the Citron thing!

(Pearl) She'll be at that for a while. Yellow Diamond oversees all aspects of gem production on every single one of her colonies. And when she's not doing that, she's off with her army, conquering the next one. And researching Bruce?

(Steven) Yeah, she said something about physical tests and that we shouldn't worry about it.

(Pearl) Oh, no!

(Steven) What? What is it?

(Pearl) Steven, she's going to put him in The Chamber.

(Steven) What's The Chamber?

(Pearl) The Chamber is a gem training room. It's where they give holograms with actual physical forms to fight whoever is training in there.

(Steven) You mean like those Holo-Pearls?

(Pearl) Yes, but they don't have pearls. They're mostly amethysts, rubies, jaspers, and lots more.

(Steven) I don't see anything bad about that.

(Pearl) The Diamonds are the overseers of The Chamber. Whenever they're training gems there, they increase the difficulty of the AI to be ridiculously difficult. Bruce could die in there. And if he doesn't, the Diamonds will review what he does and if it's not impressive enough, they'll kill him.

(Steven) What?! How do you know this?!

(Pearl) Me and your mother witnessed it many times.

(Steven) Wait, you said Diamonds. Does that mean all of them?

(Pearl) Yes, but I don't think White would bother to show up in there. It would just be me, you, the two pearls, Yellow, and Blue.

Steven looks at Bruce.

(Steven) How can you be so calm about this? You could die!

(Batman) I've faced death many times. It's gotten to the point it doesn't faze me anymore.

The blue pearl looked over her shoulder.

(Blue Pearl) The Chamber?

(Steven) Yes. I know all about how the Diamonds make it too hard for gems to survive it.

(Blue Pearl) We don't do that anymore.

(Steven & Pearl) You don't?!

(Blue Pearl) No. After losing so many gems, the Diamonds realized it was fruitless to manually manipulate the difficulty meter. Not all gems are built to go up to their standards. They eventually replaced it with an automatic meter that increases slowly. The Diamonds have a remote fail safe incase an accident were to happen or if the gem moves up to the predicted level and time.

Both Steven and Pearl sighed in relief.

(Blue Pearl) My Diamond is awaiting your arrival.

She opened the door.

(Pearl) Blue Diamond is just up the stairs. I'll wait for you two here.

(Steven) We'll be back.

They walked upstairs.

(Blue Pearl) Welcome back.

They walked all the way up the stairs to see Blue Diamond and a singing comb. She's brushing her hair with the singing comb.

Comby: 🎢 You'll never be alone-y. As long as you are combing 🎢

(Blue Diamond) (sighs)

She spots Steven and Batman.

(Blue Diamond) You're here! Come in!

(Steven) Okay.

He jumps into the water and swims up.

(Steven) Bruce, jump in here, the water's refreshing.

(Batman) No thanks.

Steven looks at Blue.

(Steven) It's funny, I live right next to the ocean, but I end up going to space to swim.

(Blue Diamond) (laughs) You haven't changed. So silly, so small.

(Steven) I'm not done growing. I'm not sure if I could catch up to you and Yellow, though.

(Blue Diamond) I'm so glad you're back... Steven.

(Steven) Y-you actually said my name!

(Blue Diamond) Steven. Steee-von. Wayne. Waaa-ayne. (Giggles) They're such a funny sounding names. You're so creative, Pink. Remember when I let you name that batch if pyrite "fool's gold"? (Laughs) White was furious!

(Steven) I'm sorry, I don't remember.

(Blue Diamond) Oh...

She looked disappointed.

(Blue Diamond) Do you remember the game we used to play here?

He shook his head.

(Blue Diamond) We had such fun together. You and I and Yellow and White.

(Steven) We were all together here?!

(Blue Diamond) You would stand under water, all the way at the bottom, and sing. And we would be above the surface trying to guess the song.

(Steven) Can we do that right now? Maybe after, we can talk White into coming back to Earth with us.

(Blue Diamond) No. We stopped coming here together after you left. That was the start of Era-2. No one wanted to be here, not with your empty spot.

Tears went down her face.

(Blue Diamond) (voice cracking) It was so quiet.

(Steven) I know you guys have colony stuff to do, but we should spend more time together.

(Blue Diamond) It sounds like a wonderful idea. Wayne, has Yellow informed you about the chamber?

(Batman) Yes.

(Blue Diamond) Excellent. Perhaps we could talk while you're being tested. Are you excited?

(Batman) ...

(Blue Diamond) I'll consider it to be no. If you're afraid of the old regulations, don't be. We changed the rules to be easier on those who train. You should be perfectly fine.

(Batman) So I've been told.

(Blue Pearl) My apologies, my Diamond, but your next appointment.

(Blue Diamond) (sighs) Of course.

(Steven) We'll see you at The Chamber.

Back at Pink Diamond's room

(Steven) This is so weird. Was this some sort of spa day or something? And what about Pink? Did she have a job here, or did she just sit in her room while they were off doing whatever?

(Pearl) Before her colony, Pink used to throw massive balls.

(Steven) She was a juggler?!

(Pearl) No-- Well, yes. But she would also throw partirs for the other Diamonds, to mark their many accomplishments. Every member of every court would show up to bask in the presence of all four Diamonds.

(Steven) Even White would come?

(Pearl) Oh, yes! Huh, I wonder what's even become of Pink's court?

(Steven) That's perfect. We can use that moment to talk to White, and we can throw a ball after Bruce gets done with The Chamber. That counts as an accomplishment, right?

(Pearl) Yes, kind of. But in this case, it may be an accomplishment if Bruce does a good enough job.

(Steven) You hear that, Bruce? Just gotta work hard and do your best and we'll to talk to White.

(Batman) Okay.

[Chime plays]

(Blue & Yellow Pearl) [Synchronized] Pink Lasagna and Wayne. Both of your presences are required at The Chamber.

(Steven) Here we go.

At The Chamber.

(Yellow Diamond) Here's what's going to happen: you are to fight off the holograms of the amethyst guards. They come with various qualities. Destabilizers, rejuvenater, spears, axes, swords, sheilds, and armor. Your task is to defeat 50 holograms.

(White Diamond) What a surpirse!

Everyone was dead silent after hearing her voice. Everyone looked at the door to see White standing there like an uninvited party guest.

(Yellow Diamond) W-W-White, you're here?

(White Diamond) Of course, Yellow. You thought I would miss training in The Chamber? It's one of my favorite activities. Especially with our visitor here. And I just cleared my schedule for the next 15 minutes, so I figured I could use that time here.

Blue looks at Steven and Pearl.

(Blue Diamond) We didn't plan on her being here.

(White Diamond) And why do you come up with that conclusion, Blue?

She was scared to speak.

(White Diamond) I asked you a question. I expected an answer.

(Yellow Diamond) We thought you would be too busy to join us on this.

(White Diamond) Oh, well, it's just a misunderstanding, no harm done, right?

(Yellow & Blue Diamond) Right.

(White Diamond) Good. Pink, you're here, too? This is going to be fun. We're all reunited together again, about to watch Wayne go through The Chamber. Let's see if he lives.

She sits down in her chair and the other three Diamonds did the same. The pearls lined up horizontally. The door opens up.

(White Diamond) Good luck, I think you're going to need it.

Batman walks through the door.

(Steven) (thoughts) Please live...

What everyone in the room sees in front of them a window that shows what inside the chamber looks like. It's a long rectangle empty room. They can see Batman walk into the room.

While they can see him, he can't see them, unless he uses Detective Mode. He did, in fact, used Detective Mode to find them. In the room, Batman heard this from the speaker,

[Speaker] The fight is about to begin in ten seconds.

It was Yellow's voice. He got himself ready to fight. Five holograms illuminated and they're amethysts.

[Speaker] Fight!

The first one ran at him with a fist ready to hit him. He grabbed her wrist, punched her abdomen which made her lean forward, and uppercuts her hard enough that she poofed. These are holograms, not actual gems.

Yellow, Blue, and Stevem were impressed that he took out one within a few seconds. White, on the other hand, wasn't impressed. Two amethysts came at him with spears.

One of them tried jabbing him with it but he kicks it and the amethyst accidentally poofed her hologram friend. He took the spear the amethyst had and broke it over his knee. She tried to kick him but he caught her ankle and flipped her.

She lands on her feet but he kicked her before she regain her balance and she fell to the floor. One of the remaining amethyst charged him, but he stopped her with a clothesline. That amethyst poofed and he stomps on the one he kicked to the floor eariler to poof her, too.

Now it's just him and the last amethyst. She didn't stand a chance, of course. She threw a right hook, he pushed her hand way with his right hand, turned his back so he can hit her abdomen with his eblow, and finally he turns around to get a direct uppercut, poofing her.

Ten more amethysts appeared, all holograms that look very realistic. Some of them had armor and some had destabilizers. It appears they don't know that humans are immune to destabilization, so it's pointless to have them against humans.

One of the few tried to zap him with the destabilizer but he caught her wrist, turned it to make the destabilizer touch her and zapped her until she poofed. He then broke the destabilizer. That was brutal, even by the Diamond's standards, except White.

White has yet to be impressed with the Batman. Sure, he's amusing when he makes the amethysts look like punching bag, but Yellow and herself can do half the things he's doing right now in The Chamber. Steven was very impressed that he's surviving, he thought this would escalate into something horrible.

Batman repeated what he did earlier to the second amethyst that carried a destabilizer. Eight of them remained. He leaps towards the one wearing armor.

He headbutts her, then he did it again but put his hands under her arms so he could yank her to the ground. He held on to one of her arms and stomped where the elbow is, breaking her arm. Except, gems don't have bones, their forms are practically bones, but the gem wouldn't feel pain, though.

The gem poofed once he broke the arm. Almost everyone's jaws dropped when he did that, White only raised a brow. He's slowly reaching to her expectations.

A second a amethyst guard was wearing armor. Batman punched her arm hard enough to make her spin around and facing the opposite direction. He wrapped his arm around her neck without facing towards her and pulled her forward, lobbing her entire form against the hard concrete ground.

She poofed when she hit the floor. White was starting to feel satisfied. Six amethysts left.

Batman grabbed one of them and threw her against the wall to poof her. He then runs to the wall, using the momentum and speed to run up the wall and jumping down to land on an amethyst to poof her. He threw a Batarang to knock over one of the amethysts.

He jumps over one of them and attacked her from behind. The amethyst he knocked over with a Batarang got back up and tried to attack, but he grabbed her arm and slammed her against the wall and she poofed.

He grabs another one of the amethysts and lifts her up in the air with both arms and slammed her back into his knee, breaking her in half before she poofed. The last two he grabs by the throats for the both of them with one hand per amethyst. He then smashed their bodys together to poof them both instantaneously.

15 amethysts spawned shortly upon defeating the last two. Most of them are wearing armor, only 13 out of the 15 are wearing armor. One of the armored amethyst went to attack him, but he headbutts her to disorient her.

Then, he grabs her legs and lifts them up to force her to fall on her head and then he twisted one of them to break it and she poofed. An unarmored amethyst with a destabilizer tried to attack but he made her zap herself and then she poofed. Instead of breaking the destabilizer, he used it to poof three of the armored amethysts before it broke on it's own.

The Diamonds most definitely modified it to limit use. Luckily the last unarmored amethyst had another destabilizer. He used it against her and three other armored amethysts before it broke again.

Six left, but not for long. He quickly equiped the REC to blast an electrical orb at one of them to knock her over. Surprisingly, the electricity poofed her.

While it may be easier for him to blast all of the rest, the Diamonds might consider it cheating and he doesn't want to push it. He quickly sprayed Explosive Gel on the ground and jumped over an amethyst. He hits detonate while he was in the air and explosion shockwave knocked them over.

He jumps on top of one of them and one-hits her head which poofed her and did the same to another one. He used a Freeze Blast on one of the amethysts to keep her still. He then started punching another one multiple times.

The amount of punches may seem excessive, but with that armor, it's hard to do damage. He finally does a round house kick and she was poofed. He used the REC once again to poof the amethyst and then poofed the last one by breaking her free from the ice and slammed her on the ground.

20 amethysts spawned. The last of them. All of them are wearing armor.

He jumps and throws a Freeze Blast Mine on the ground, it froze all of their ankles. He defeated five of them but grabbing them and slamming them to the ground. The rest got free.

He quickly grabbed the forearm of one of them, threw her over his shoulder but still held on to her and twisted her arm to poof her. He used the REC to poof four of them.

[It's very hard to fight this many armored enemies in the game and I want to move on with this so I'm sorry for being lazy at the last part.]

He threw a smoke bomb on the ground and the Diamonds couldn't see through it. They heard punches and thuds. One of the amethysts got thrown out of the smoke and hits the wall.

The smoke finally clears and Batman is the only one left in the room. Everyone was baffled at that, White turns on the speaker.

[Speaker] Technically, that was cheating. But we never instructed rules because we never thought anyone would do what you just did. In other words, you get a pass. Congratulations, Wayne. You passed the exam.

White spoke in a formal tone. Everyone else is surpirsed by her giving him a "pass."

(White Diamond) You all may report back to your duties.

She leaves. Batman entered the room through the door.

(Batman) Where's White?

(Steven) She just left.

(Batman) Why?

(Steven) She didn't say. But Yellow, Blue, can we please talk about what to do with White?

(Yellow Diamond) Better make it quick. We finished early, but we only have five minutes before we have to return to our schedule.

(Steven) We need to convince her to help us on Earth.

(Blue Diamond) But Pink, it is incredibly difficult to even see her anymore. We're lucky for her to even notice us.

(Steven) Well, we'll have to make her notice us. We're going to throw a ball to celebrate Bruce's victory.

(Yellow Diamond) A ball? We haven't had a ball in 6,000 years.

(Blue Diamond) We haven't had Pink in 6,000 years.

(Steven) Yeah. When White shows up, we can tell her why we need her help on Earth.

(Blue Diamond) And this could also mark the beginning of Era-3.

(Yellow Diamond) You're right. It's brilliant.

(Steven) Thank you, Yellow! Thank you, Blue!

(Blue Diamond) If White is going to be there, everything has to be perfect. Pink, can you manage this on your own? Our pearls can help you get started.

They teleported in the room.

(Blue Pearl) At your service, Pink Diamond.

(Yellow Diamond) Make sure you go over all of our customs with Pink since she has so much trouble recalling her past here on Homeworld.

(Yellow Pearl) Yes, my Diamond.

(Pearl) Era-3? Steven, you and Bruce are already changing the world.

(Steven) Yeah. Come on, party pearls!

(Blue & Yellow Pearl) [Synchronized] We are at your command, Pink Diamond.

(Steven) Just call me Steven.

(Blue & Yellow Pearl) [Synchronized] Whatever you command, Pink Diamond.

Steven sighs and starts brainstorming for ideas.

At the Palace

Steven got to see Garnet and Amethyst again and they're in the main room with the two pearls assigned to them.

(Steven) Balloons everywhere. Confetti cannons, too.

(Amethyst) Dibs on being the confetti cannon.

(Yellow Pearl) Cannons are forbidden inside the Palace walls. These balloons you're referring to are unprecedented and therefore out of the question.

(Steven) So, what is precedented and therefore, in the question?

(Yellow Pearl) You are to sit on your elevated throne while the members of your court indicate to you that they are present.

(Amethyst) Yikes. That sounds pretty dry.

(Yellow Pearl) Liquids are forbidden in the Ballroom.

(Steven) All right.

The pearls lead Steven to the pink chair that was meant for Pink Diamond.

(Yellow Pearl) From here, you can accept or reject the members of your court at your leisure. My Diamond will do the same, as will Blue Diamond. And if we are so lucky, all of us will enjoy the impeccable judgement of White Diamond.

(Steven) So, when she gets here, I'll just talk to her?

(Yellow Pearl) Oh, stars, no! I forgot how silly you can be. Everyone stayd where they belong.

(Steven) Oh, so, I'll just wait till I get a chance to talk to her on the dance floor.

(Yellow Pearl) Pink Diamond! Your subjects will do the dancing for you. Why would a Diamond want to dance?

(Steven) 'Cause dancing's fun.

(Yellow Pearl) What is fun?

(Steven) You know, it's when you do something you want to do, just because it feels good.

(Yellow Pearl) I don't think we do that here.

(Steven) Well, is there something you really like to do?

(Yellow Pearl) Oh, of course not. My feelings are irrelevant.

(Blue Pearl) I like to draw.

(Yellow Pearl) Wha--WHAT?

(Steven) Can I see some of your stuff?

(Blue Pearl) Um, here.

She opens a screen.

(Blue Pearl) My Diamond allows me to draw during court proceedings. They're nothing much.

(Yellow Pearl) Let me see that.

She took the screen.

(Yellow Pearl) You can't share these, they're are highly confidential.

She went through them until she found one of herself.

(Yellow Pearl) Hmm, not bad.

She returned the screen.

(Yellow Pearl) Try a different angle.

She poses.

(Steven) (laughs) That's it. You like being a model, and you like being an artist.

The pearls laughed.

(Blue Diamond) Pink? Why aren't you getting ready?

(Steven) I guess I am ready if all I have to do is sit in a chair.

(Blue Diamond) Are you really going to look like this? Even at the ball?

(Steven) I can't really help it.

(Blue Diamond) You aren't think of inviting your Earth friends, are you?

(Steven) Why wouldn't I?

Blue grabbed his arm and tugged him away from everyone else.

(Steven) They can't come? Aren't they my court or whatever?

(Blue Diamond) Pink, quit fooling around! White Diamond is going to be there. We have to present her with our best possible selves, just as our gems have to present us with their best possible selves. A ball is a chance to inspire everyone.

(Steven) But my friends are super inspiring. They'll inspire White, too. Together, we can make a case for Earth.

(Blue Diamond) Very well. You can bring your pearl, of course, and your pet.

(Steven) He's not my pet. He's my friend.

(Blue Diamond) As for this faulty amethyst...

(Amethyst) Oh, boy. Here it comes.

(Blue Diamond) She'll need limb enhancers to meet her height requirements. The sapphire will need to enter with the other sapphires, of course, and the ruby will need to enter with the guard.

(Steven) Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you talking about Garnet?

(Blue Diamond) Garnet? Does that call herself a garnet? (Laughs) What would you have her do? Enter with the Demantoids? The Hessonites? The Pyropes? Pink, I'm being very generous, but you can't expect me to--

(Garnet) I won't go.

(Steven) Garnet.

(Blue Diamond) At least the sapphire in there had some sense.

(Garnet) (groans in frustration)

(Blue Diamond) Pink, are you going to ring in the ball?

(Steven) What?

(Blue Diamond) Oh, I'll take care of it. I'll take care of everything. Come, pearl.

The pearls leave.

(Steven) Garnet.

(Garnet) I'll find you when it's over.

(Steven) I thought we'd get to do this together.

(Garnet) Steven. This is your chance to talk to White. She's not gonna listen to me, but she might listen to Pink.

(Steven) Then, she'll listen when I tell her about you. Once I talk to White Diamond, I'll change everything. I promise. By morning, everything will be different.

(Amethyst) Wait, it's still night?

(Steven) Back on Earth. It was sunset when we left and we left like three hours ago. So it's probably close to midnight.

(Pearl) That's a little concerning. Are you sure it hasn't been a day, at least?

(Batman) We left Earth three hours and seven minutes ago. It was 7:23 PM when we left. It's 10:30 PM right now.

(Pearl) That's... quite intriguing you know that.

(Steven) He's been through many long nights. He knows that it feels like.


The ball has started! Steven is sitting on the pink chair with Pearl and Bruce at his side. They stood still and patiently waited and spoke when spoken to.

(Gems) Pink Diamond! It's wonderful to be in your presence.

(Steven) Uh, thank you.

(Gems) Wow! So radiant and sparkling.

Another pair of gems approached them.

(Gems) Pink Diamond!

(Steven) That's me, your ding dang Diamond.

(Gems) Wow! So radiant and exquisite.

Pearl whispered to him.

(Pearl) Steven, you're doing great. White Diamond will be very impressed.

(Steven) Well, she better be.

(Amethyst) Yo! My Diamond!

Steven's attention is to the floor to see Amethyst wearing purple limb enhancers that look similar to Peridot's old limb enhancers.

(Steven) Amethyst. Is it okay if I say hi?

(Pearl) We're starting soon, but if you're quick about it.

(Steven) Okay.

Steven comes down in mannerly way to greet Amethyst.

(Steven) Amethyst, it is good to see you.

(Amethyst) Good to see you, my Diamond.

They both made mocking British accents to sound fancy.

(Steven) Sorry you have to wear those limb enhancers.

(Amethyst) Not sure how Peridot put up with these things, but I'm getting used to it. Yo, check out this cool party trick I taught myself.

She used one of the fingers to pick her nose.

(Steven) (chuckles) Amethyst, come on.

(Amethyst) I know. This is a serious party. Anyway, I'm gonna mingle with some, uh, quartzes.

Steven returns to his chair.

(Steven) I really hope this works out.

Steven saw a group of rubies and sapphires. The two in the front row are the ones he knows.

(Steven) Ruby and Sapphire are here.

They both winked at Steven (Sapphire just closing her eye). They went to the designated area for their groups.

(Yellow Pearl) Everyone, behold! The daunting beauty and elegance that is Yellow Diamond!

Yellow Diamond enters the room with her arms opened wide like a T-pose, similar to White Diamond's. She walks down the aisle and stops in front of Steven's chair.

(Yellow Diamond) Not a bad turnout, Pink.

(Steven) I appreciate your attendance, Yellow.

Yellow sits in her chair.

(Blue Pearl) Everyone, prepare yourselves emotionally for the overpowering elegance that is Blue Diamond.

She walks down the aisle. Much like Yellow, she stops to leave a comment.

(Blue Diamond) You're doing great.

(Steven) Thank you, Blue.

She sits in her chair.

The entire place went dark. Then, lights illuminated to the doorway.

(White Pearl) To those in attendance of the Era-3 ball, White Diamond is attending and she'll be here very soon. You may start the ball, Pink Diamond. White Diamond has something important to do first.

She teleports in White's chair to sit in and wait patiently.

(Steven) Okay, she's not here now, but she is coming, right?

(Blue Diamond) White is notorious for being late to the balls.

(Yellow Diamond) She always makes excuses to miss the first half.

(Steven) Why?

(Yellow Diamond) Because she hates dancing. She never told us why.

(Steven) But she'll come, right?

(Blue Diamond) Yes, there's nothing to worry about.

After a while of the gems dancing, it eventually stops and they're given the will to congregate. Yellow and Blue chatted with each other while Steven, Bruce, and Pearl patiently waited for White to show up. Steven talks to Bruce.

(Steven) Hey, how are you holding up?

(Batman) Fine.

(Steven) Are you sure? You haven't talked much. I mean, you don't talk much to begin with, but I just wanna know if you're okay. Penny for your thoughts?

(Batman) This plan, it's not going to work.

(Steven) Why do you say that?

(Batman) It doesn't take a detective to know this. Yellow and Blue don't care about Earth, or any of us.

(Steven) That's not true, they brought us here.

(Batman) Because you have Pink's gem. They call you Pink, despite you telling them that your name is Steven. If you hadn't had your mother's gem, we'd be dead a while ago.

(Steven) Stop that, why are you thinking about that?

(Batman) The Diamonds have shown more than enough evidence that they're only wanting Pink from you. Once they get Pink, they'll dispose the both of us.

(Steven) But that's impossible. They can't get Mom, she's gone.

(Batman) That doesn't mean they won't try.

(Steven) (sighs) We're going to die here, aren't we?

(Batman) Maybe.

They both noticed that Blue and Yellow were looking at them.

(Steven) What do you two want?

(Yellow Diamond) Pi-- Steven.

(Steven) No, you mean Pink.

(Yellow Diamond) Steven, don't doubt us just because you don't identify you properly.

(Steven) Why? Bruce is right, you only care about getting Pink back. You don't care about any of us two.

(Blue Diamond) That's not... entirely true.

(Steven) Then what is it?

(Blue Diamond) We're joyous that Pink wasn't shattered after all. But we're starting to realize that you're not really Pink. You missed all the cues we've given her.

(Steven) Why the sudden change of heart? You want to persuade me to be the new Pink Diamond?

(Yellow Diamond) Stop it.

(Steven) It's true, isn't it.

(Yellow Diamond) No.

(Steven) Then you tell me why you suddenly care about Steven instead of Pink. We've been on Homeworld for the past four hours and you've always called me Pink.

(Blue Diamond) We're just--

(White Diamond) Fighting in the Ballroom, are we?

(Blue Diamond) White!

(White Diamond) It seems you're falling into Pink's deluded game.

(Yellow Diamond) No, White--

(White Diamond) If you two wish to avoid punishment, I suggest you leave this room immediately. All of you, not you two.

She points at Steven and Batman. Everyone else flees the room. Once everyone was gone, White spoke.

(White Diamond) You have been nothing but trouble ever since you got back, Pink. You're trying to get Yellow and Blue to play along in this facade.

(Steven) It's not a facade, it's the truth.

(White Diamond) Oh, Pink, you never talked back unless you had someone like Wayne on your side. He makes you feel safe, that you're invincible and there's no consequences for your actions.

(Steven) What?

(White Diamond) So, I'll remove him from the problem.

Befor any of them tried to do anything, the room went dark. Batman used Detective Mode as night vision, but he was picked up by someone, it was definitely White. Steven looked around to see where Bruce was.

The lights came on and Steven can see White holding Bruce by his throat and taking him to the balcony.

(Steven) Bruce!

He tugged on her cape. It did nothing to her. She dangles Batman off the balcony.

She takes a knife and stabbed his ribs.

(Steven) BRUCE!

She drops him. Steven tried to reach for him to stop him from getting out of his reach but White grabbed the back of his shirt and held him up. Steven watched in horror that his friend was dropping at a high rate and he couldn't see him anymore.

(White Diamond) It's a pity that an innocent life was taken because of you. Much like all the gems that perished because of the war. They're suffering because of you. If you hadn't left, those gems wouldn't be monsters, Wayne might still be alive if it weren't for you.

Steven started to cry.

(White Diamond) There, there dry those tears. It's not exactly your fault that you're flawed. It's that human body.

She dragged Steven somewhere. She opens a door.

(White Diamond) You remember the tower, right Pink? Well, here it is.

She tossed him in there.

(White Diamond) Have fun in here. I have something to take care of. I'll be back for you in a moment.

She closed the door, leaving Steven trapped in the dark.

One hour later

Batman's location

Bruce isn't dead, though, he almost died. He doesn't remember what happened after White stabbed him, losing too much oxygen when she was choking him and the stabbing only made it worse. He wakes up on a bed.

(Batman) (groans)

He looks around but his vision is partially blurred.

(???) You've been bleeding for a while.

He rubs his eyes.

(Batman) Yellow? What happened?

(Yellow Diamond) White stabbed you and dropped you off a balcony.

(Batman) How did I get here?

(Yellow Diamond) I heard screaming and I saw your body falling out my window. I was fortunate enough that I caught you. I removed her knife, but I don't know what to do about the bleeding.

He grabs gel from his belt (not Explosive Gel) and sprayed the wounded area. He groans in pain but it slowly went away.

(Batman) Why did you save me? You could've just let me die.

(Yellow Diamond) You and Steven may not believe this, but me and Blue think that Steven isn't Pink.

(Batman) That's what the arguement was about before White stopped it.

(Yellow Diamond) Look, it's hard to look at Steven and not call him Pink. He's so much like her and we've spent far too long without her.

(Batman) You don't need to be telling me this, you need to tell Steven this.

(Yellow Diamond) Except I don't know where he is. White dragged him away somewhere.

(Batman) Think of any place in the Palace where White takes Pink.

(Yellow Diamond) Hmm... there's always the tower. But there's a good chance White is there.

(Batman) I'll handle White. You get Steven and Blue.

(Yellow Diamond) Are you certain? You're wounded.

(Batman) It's going to take more than a stab wound to stop me.

(Yellow Diamond) Be that as it may, you should at least give yourself some time to rest before going to White. You go get Steven, I'll get Blue and we'll talk to White.

(Batman) Fine.

(Yellow Diamond) Then it's settled. The tower is located at the left halfway down to the right after exiting this room. You understand?

(Batman) Yes.

(Yellow Diamond) Good. I'll see you two there.

They both separated. Batman listened to Yellow Diamond's instructions and found a large door. He used Detective Mode and he saw Steven's skeleton.

Identity: "Pink Diamond" updated estimated two days ago.
Condition: Distressed.

He can't open the door. But he noticed the door had some structural weakness to it, nothing like a little Expensive Gel can't fix. He sprayed Explosive Gel on the door.

He backs up before blowing up the door. He walks over to Steven to see him huddled in a corner.

(Batman) Steven?

(Steven) Bruce!

He ran to him and hugged him.

(Steven) White said you were dead.

(Batman) She thought I was dead. She was wrong.

(Steven) How did you survive?

(Batman) That doesn't matter. Are you hurt?

(Steven) Physically? No. Emotionally? Yes. White Diamond said everything that happened, you dying, the corrupted gems, it's all my fault.

(Batman) She's just trying to get to you, Steven. She'll say and do anything to get under your skin. Come on, we're going to stop her.

(Steven) Just us two?

(Batman) Blue and Yellow are going to help talk this out with White. If things fail, we'll have to fight her.

(Steven) Right.

They both ran to where White is. They can hear her in her room with two other voices. Steven opened the door.

(Blue Diamond) White, this isn't a game.

(White Diamond) It is to Pink and you're playing along, both of you.

(Yellow Diamond) No, we're not. It's not Pink, just Steven.

(White Diamond) Don't tell me you actually believe in her lies, do you? For all we know, this could be another trick. She made us all think she was shattered, and where is she now? In the tower inside a human body.

(Steven) I'm right here!

(White Diamond) Pink, how did you-- Oh, Wayne, you're still alive.

(Batman) I'm not giving up, White. What's going on here isn't a game, it's reality. You need to accept it.

(White Diamond) No. I'll prove you all wrong. Starting with you being under my control. Just like them.

She points at Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst who are pale white and is in the same pose.

(Steven) (gasp)

(Batman) What have you done to them?

(White Diamond) Stripped them from their will and made them my slaves. Just. Like. You.

She fired a beam out of her eyes and it hit Batman's eyes.

(Batman) (grunting)

(Steven) Bruce, no!

Yellow and Blue stepped back in terror. If Batman could defeat them without mind control, imagine what he can do while being controled. Except, they didn't have to find out because Batman stood back up on his feet.

He looked just fine.

(Steven) Bruce...?

(Yellow Diamond) Impossible...

(White Diamond) Why aren't you under my control?!

She fired another beam at him. This time, he just took it like a tank and continued to walk forward. She continued to attempt to control his mind only to fail again and again.

He eventually got close enough to grasp her throat. By then, White was drained half of her energy because of how much it took her to use her powers.

(White Diamond) (chokes) How are you doing this?!

She fired another beam, but this was meant to make him let go rather than control his mind.

(White Diamond) (panting) You've ingested enough of my power to control ten perfectly functioning gems!

(Yellow Diamond) Are you serious?

(Blue Diamond) Oh, my stars.

(White Diamond) What... are you?

(Batman) It's over, White.

(White Diamond) No, it's not.

She snapped her fingers and the Crystal Gems are commanded to fight Yellow, Blue, and Batman. While they were busy with them, White grabbed Steven. Batman just noticed White with Steven but Garnet punched him before he could stop her.

White held Steven up in the air with one arm and her thumb lifting the shirt up. Her other hand grasped his gem, and pulled it out of his body.

(Batman) Steven!

Steven left, numb, literal powerless. His vison went dark and he can't feel anything anymore. White tossed Steven's body to the side and held the gem in her hand.

Batman rushed over to Steven and used Detective Mode on his body while Yellow Diamond just finished poofing the mind-controled Crystal Gems.

(Blue Diamond) How is he?

Identity: Steven Universe.
Condition: Deceased.

(Batman) He's dead...

(Blue Diamond) (gasp)

(Yellow Diamond) N-no. No!

They looked at White and White was staring at the pink gemstone that's Pink Diamond. Batman marched to her and gave her a mighty punch to the face which caused her to drop the gem. Yellow caught it before it cracked on the ground, now that would've been worse.

(Batman) Was it worth it, White? Killing an innocent boy to see if someone was still there?

(Yellow Diamond) Oh... no...

The pink gem glew and floated up in the air and it made a body.

(Blue Diamond) (gasp)

(Yellow Diamond) (gasp)

(Batman) What?

(White Diamond) Pink!

(Pink Diamond) What am I doing here?! And where's Steven?!

(Blue Diamond) Right here...

She held the boy's corpse.

(Pink Diamond) (gasp) Steven!

She took him from Blue's arms.

(Pink Diamond) S-Steven, can you hear me? Steven? Steven?! STEVEN?! NO!

She cried. Her son, someone she created, is dead. Until... Steven's body glew pink and he came back to life.

(Batman) The healing tears.

(Steven) (gasp) Guys, what's-- MOM?!

Pink smiled.

(Pink Diamond) I'm so glad to finally meet you, Steven.

(Steven) But, Mom, if you're here then I shouldn't.

He lifts up his shirt to see that his gem is gone.

(Steven) How am I still alive?

(Batman) Pink's tears brought you back from the dead. Just like how you brought Lars back from the dead.

(Steven) Does this mean I'm human 100%?!

Batman used Detective Mode to see.

Identity: Steven Universe
Condition: Nervous
Species: Human.

(Batman) You're human all the way.

(Blue Diamond) This is amazing! Pink is back!

(Yellow Diamond) I knew she was in there somewhere.

(White Diamond) Pink, what do you remember?

(Pink Diamond) I saw everything.

(White Diamond) What?

(Pink Diamond) Everything you three did to my son. You injured him and almost killed him, he was lucky to have my powers at the time.

She's still holding Steven in her arms.

(Blue Diamond) But Pink, we didn't know it was you in him the entire time. Until he told us.

(Pink Diamond) In your heads. Don't try to twist the situation. Everything he saw, I saw. He tried to tell you and you wouldn't listen.

(Yellow Diamond) Pink, we apologize for our behavior. It's just that you've been gone for so long, we were desperate to avenge you.

(Pink Diamond) I get that, but you didn't listen to Steven, you just wanted a fight. And you!

She points at White.

(Pink Diamond) How dare you try to murder Steven!

(White Diamond) I was trying to get you back.

(Pink Diamond) You knew that Steven would die.

(White Diamond) So?

(Pink Diamond) SO HE'S MY SON! Someone I created!

The four of them kept arguing over and over. Steven didn't want to hear it anymore.


He broke the arguement up.

(Steven) I know you all are angry and confused about the situation. I'll try to dissolve it.

He gets out of his mother's arms and stood in the middle of the room.

(Steven) Yellow and Blue wanted to avenge Mom when they thought she was shattered. After convincing them, we wanted to heal the corrupted gems on Earth, but we need White. We came here to convince White to help us, but things got complicated when Yellow and Blue started confusing me with Mom. After I did all what they wanted me to, an arguement starts and White just so happens to walk in on it and punishes me and Bruce for fighting in the Ballroom. Then, after a while, we get to here and White pulls my gem out and you came out, Mom. All of this happened tonight and it's not even breakfast.

(Blue Diamond) "Breakfast"?

(Pink Diamond) Steven, what was the point of summarizing tonight's events?

[To basically show that it's still on one night]

(Steven) I'm setting it all straight and explaining why we're here.

(Pink Diamond) Okay, then let's do that.

(Yellow Diamond) Afterwards, you're coming back to Homeworld with us.

(Blue Diamond) So we can be together again.

(Pink Diamond) I'm not coming back.

(White Diamond) You cannot be serious, Pink.

(Pink Diamond) I am. Why should I come back? You three made me leave this horrible planet. You never took me seriously. And then you all tried to murder my son. If anything, I should be getting as far away from you as possible.

(Steven) Mom, we need them to heal the gems on Earth. That's why we came here.

(Batman) We need all four Diamonds to fix the damage they did on Earth.

(Pink Diamond) (sighs) You're right. We'll go to Earth and heal those gems. And we'll have a talk.

(White Diamond) What about?

(Pink Diamond) About whether or not if I should return to this place.

White sighed and agreed to the terms of this negotiation. Pink walks over to the Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst's gems and bubbled them. She sent them to the temple on Earth so she doesn't have to carry them on the way back and they'll already be there when they reach the Temple.

Then, she looks at Batman.

(Pink Diamond) So, you're the Batman.

(Batman) Yes.

(Pink Diamond) I want to thank you for protecting Steven on Earth and here from the other Diamonds.

(Batman) All in a day's work.

(Pink Diamond) Is that so? Well, you did a good job, then. Actually, I take it back. You've done a great job and I'm forever in your debt. You and Steven did all of this in a single night.

(Batman) Tonight's not over yet. There's more work to be done.

(Pink Diamond) You're right. We need to go back to Earth. We'll take my ship.

Back on Earth

Bismuth is hammering the wall to the house. Greg carried some wood up the porch.

(Greg) It's past midnight. I wonder if they'll be back before sunrise.

(Bismuth) Wait, did you actually think they'll get the Diamonds in one night? It's gonna take time, I should know. A Diamond is never easy to compromise with, especially White based on the stories.

(Greg) Well, Bruce is with them. He's done a lot of things within a night. Maybe he changed things.

(Bismuth) I reckon they'll be back after this place is built. Where's Peridot and Lapis?

(Lapis) Right here!

She comes flying towsrds them with more wood. Peridot is making a tool box float with her metal powers.

(Peridot) We got the supplies to rebuild the house. Now, let's get started.

(Greg) Oh, look!

They looked up in the sky to see pink legs coming down into the atmosphere.

(Greg) I knew they'll be back before sunrise!

(Bismuth) How did they do it?!

(Lapis) Looks like Steven was right. They're back at morning.

(Peridot) Actually, it's before morning. It's only 3:43 AM.

(Lapis) Isn't that still morning?

(Greg) They're coming out.

They went over to where the pink legs landed. The first few individuals who stepped out was Batman and Yellow with Blue behind them. But what shocked everyone the most is when Steven comes out standing right next to Pink Diamond.


(Greg) I thought she couldn't live since Steven has her gem.

White Diamond hesitantly follows them outside the ship. The four builders of the house race over to the group.

(Greg) Steven, Ro-- Pink, how are you two here?

(Steven) I kinda died.

(Greg) YOU WHAT?!

(Batman) White pulled his gem out.

(Bismuth) Why I ought to--

(Steven) No, no! It's okay! Look I'm fine.

(Pink Diamond) I accidentally used my healing powers to heal him and now we both can exist now!

She hugs the boy.

(Peridot) So, if you're here, is Steven still a gem?

(Yellow Diamond) No. After having the gem removed from his body and being resurrected by Pink made him 100% human.

(Steven) That means anything I did as a gem: fusing, using warps, and my powers, are no more.

(Bismuth) Okay, but when did that ever mean to us?

(Steven) What do you mean?

(Bismuth) Steven, we don't care about you because of your powers.

(Lapis) We cared about who you are, which is Steven Universe.

(Peridot) Human, gem, both. It never mattered to us.

(Steven) Thanks guys!

He hugged them. Greg approached Pink.

(Greg) Hey... Pink.

(Pink Diamond) Hey, Greg.

(Greg) It's so weird saying Pink when I'm used to saying Rose.

(Pink Diamond) Yeah, well, the truths out there now.

(Greg) So, are you gonna stay with me and Steven, or are you going back with the Diamonds?

(Pink Diamond) The Diamonds would want me to return to Homeworld. But all I care about right now is spending time with Steven. I just met him under 10 minutes ago. And 7 of those minutes I spent moving my ship.

(Greg) Hey, I understand that. Like, if I had a child and never met him or her for like years, I'd be eager to meet them, too.

(Pink Diamond) But right now, we have to heal those corrupted gems.

(Greg) Okay, you do that.

(Bismuth) Wait, where's Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst?

(Steven) They got poofed.

(Bismuth) What?! How?!

(Steven) It's a long story. Mom bubbled them and they're at the Temple. We plan on unbubbleing them when we fix the damage from the Diamonds. That way, we can surprise them.

(Bismuth) All right, let's go heal those gems!

Three hours later

The sun is finally rising! Three hours of healing those gems and fixing the Warp Pads to Homeworld. All the gems are being held at Homeworld until they're relocated somewhere.

Steven says that he'll have somewhere for them on Earth, but it'll be a while. Everyone, except Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst, are outside of the house.

(Blue Diamond) Pink, please return to Homeworld. We've changed, Steven and Wayne have changed us.

(Yellow Diamond) It won't be like before.

(White Diamond) You'll be treated fairly this time.

Pink sighed.

(Pink Diamond) I would like to come back, but I have a life here on Earth. I have a family.

(Blue Diamond) We're your family, too.

(Pink Diamond) Except you never treated me like family. Look, I won't abandon you like before. I'll come by to visit, and to help you three with the healed gems. Right now, I want to be with my family, it's been far too long since I've seen them.

(Yellow Diamond) Very well.

(Blue Diamond) You will return, right Pink?

(Pink Diamond) Yes, Blue.

(White Diamond) Pink.

(Pink Diamond) Yes?

(White Diamond) I'm sorry...

(Pink Diamond) It's okay. I forgive you.

They leave and Pink walks over to Steven. She joyfully picks him up with a hug.

(Steven) (chuckles) Hey, Mom!

(Pink Diamond) I'm so excited to be with you after all these years!

(Steven) Me, too. You sound more cooler than I thought you would.

(Pink Diamond) (giggles) You sound exactly how I thought you would.

(Steven) Let's go get the others and surprise them.

They went to the Temple and got the three bubbles that were left. They popped them and they formed bodys but with different attires.

(Pearl) Steven! Are you-- PINK?!

Ruby and Sapphire just fused as Garnet.

(Garnet) P-Pink?

(Amethyst) Whoa, hold up, what's going on?

(Steven) Long story short, we got Mom back and I'm fully human now.

Pearl jumps into Pink's arms.

(Pearl) (sobbing) Oh, Pink! I missed you very much!

(Pink Diamond) I missed you, too, Pearl.

(Amethyst) So Steven can't do gem things anymore?

(Pink Diamond) No. He's only human now.

(Steven) I understand if you guys don't want to talk with me anymore. I did take Rose away from you guys.

(Garnet) Oh, Steven, we could never turn our backs to you. We have both of the people we care more about anything. You and Pink Diamond.

(Amethyst) Yeah, we spent so many years with you to nevee forget you. You being human doesn't change a thing to me.

(Pearl) Me, too. (Sniffles) You are just as important as your mother.

(Steven) Thanks. I love all you guys.

(Crystal Gems, Pink & Greg) We love you, Steven.

Steven noticed Batman leaving the Temple and pressing buttons on his gauntlet. He runs over to Bruce.

(Steven) Hey, Bruce!

He turns around to see Steven hugging his leg (because he's so small).

(Steven) Thank you for helping me reunite with my Mom.

(Batman) My pleasure. It's good for you to be with your loved ones again.

(Steven) I wished the same can happen to you. Maybe one day.

(Batman) Me, too. I have a feeling I I won't be gone forever.

(Steven) Why do you say that?

(Batman) I'm sure there's plenty of gems who have a bone to pick with Pink Diamond and Rose Quartz. And if you ever need the help, you can call me.

(Steven) Thanks, Bruce. See you some day.

He grappled to the Batwing and it took him back to Gotham.

End of 1st Night
