Chapter 3: Training

3rd Person P.O.V.

Gotham City

The Batwing returns to the Batcave. Batman hops out of the personal aircraft.

(Alfred) Welcome back, Master Bruce! I have recorded your Introductions with Steven Universe and his friends through your suit's body camera.

(Batman) Thanks, Alfred.

He took his mask off and then his belt.

(Alfred) Sir?

(Bruce) What?

(Alfred) Do you trust Steven?

He didn't respond.

(Alfred) I'm not saying you should, but I heard your conversation with Steven about your parents. That's information you never discuss with anyone but me.

He took off his chestplate.

(Alfred) Sir?

(Bruce) He doesn't have a mother... He wanted to know... He doesn't know how lucky he is to have his father...

(Alfred) I'm sorry...

He took off his boots.

(Alfred) When do you plan on returing to Beach City?

(Bruce) Friday.

(Alfred) Day or night?

(Bruce) Probably day.

(Alfred) The Batman spotted in broad daylight. A rare sight.

He finished taking off the suit. He went to the elevator that leads back up to the manor.

(Alfred) Have a nice nap, Master Bruce.

At Beach City

(Steven) (yawns) I hope Bruce comes back in the daytime. I don't think I can stay up all night again.

(Garnet) You might have to get used to it. He does perfer to come out at night.

(Steven) He (yawns) does that on purpose because he looks more scary in the dark. Anyways, what does Bruce do on Friday?

(Garnet) We send him on his first gem mission. He poofs the rest of the corrupted gems imprisoned by Jasper at the Beta Kindergarten.

(Steven) Wait, didn't we get them all?

(Garnet) We missed some after Peridot laughed at us.

[Reference to The Kindergarten Kid]

(Steven) Oh. Well, Bruce should be able to handle them just fine. He's fought monsters before.

(Garnet) Human monsters. I think it's good that you think Bruce is capable of handling anything, I think so, too. But you need to understand that these are gem conflicts we're talking about. I've watched all the episodes of Gotham Gazette. All the conflicts Batman has faced are all human problems. And we face gem problems. Humans and gems aren't the same. We may look, walk and talk similar, but we're different in a lot of ways.

(Steven) I know.

(Garnet) Don't think I'm trying to make him sound weak. I'm just trying to say don't overestimate him. We'll see how he does on Friday.


3:27 PM

Steven had contacted Bruce in the morning to ask him when he's coming back. He responded and said he'll be there in the late afternoon and/or early evening. The sun is still out, but is only a few hours from being dark.

Steven and Garnet are waiting for Bruce to show. The Batwing dropped Batman off at on top of the lighthouse.

(Steven) Wow, even in the day, you still look intimidating from afar. Come down!

He jumps down. He lands roughly on the ground, on his feet.

(Steven) Doesn't that hurt?

(Batman) I've trained to jump and fall from high places.

(Steven) I bet they hurt. Jumping and landing on your feet from high places must hurt.

He takes a look at the Dark Knight.

(Steven) You look a lot different when the sun's out. I guess it takes away the supernatural feeling you bring to people in the dark.

(Batman) What am I going to do today?

(Steven) Today, we plan for you to poof some corrupted gems. You remember what poof means in gem talk, right?

(Batman) Yes, but you never mentioned corrupted gems.

(Steven) Oh, right. Corrupted gems are like monster verisons of gems. They were created from the damage of the Diamonds. They're kinda scary.

(Batman) I've seen worse.

(Steven) I'll take your word for it.

Steven shudders at the thought of what he considered to be worse than corrupted gems.

(Garnet) Steven and I will be watching you clear the rest of gems out by yourself.

(Steven) I wanna record you doing it on my phone so I can show it to Pearl and Amethyst.

(Batman) Don't post it on social media.

(Steven) I won't I promise.

At Beta Kindergarten

They warped at the Kindergarten. Batman observed the environment with Detective Mode. He spotted a few entities inside the wall but they're blocked with bars, they're in cells.

(Steven) Be careful, they're very fast.

Garnet didn't used her future vision to see what happens, because she has faith he won't fail. He walks to the first cage to see a purple corrupted gem with a gem on top of it's head while the rest of the creature had four legs, it was like a spider. He plans on how he's going to poof it.

He steps back from the cage, not because the gem snarled at him, but because he needs to do something for his plan. Steven couldn't see what he was doing, other than he was leaning towards the ground. Then, he steps away from the area he was at and fired his grapple at one of the bars that kept the gem from escaping.

He pulled it off and the gem started charging at him. He stood very still, not moving.

(Steven) Uh, Bruce, anytime now!

He still hasn't moved. He raised his arm and did something.



The gem poofed and it's gem hit the ground, not cracking. He picks up the gem and pockets it in his belt.

(Steven) Wh-what just happened?!

Bruce lifted his arm to reveal the Explosive Gel.

(Steven) Oh! That makes sense.

(Garnet) Next gem is over there.

She points at the cage upper on the wall. Bruce grappled up there. He was nearly knocked off when the gem tried to attack him from the inside of the cell.

Bruce was only holding on to the cliff with one arm while the rest of his body is dangling on the side of the wall, he's that strong. He then used his free arm to grab a bar and pry it loose enough for the gem to destory. The gem rushed out after breaking through the bar and fell down.

The gem lands on the ground roughly, but it didn't poof. Not long after that, Batman lands on top of the gem, poofing it.


He picks up the gem from the ground. He placed it safely in his belt for now.

(Steven) That was so cool!

Garnet gave him a thumbs up.

(Garnet) The last one is--

[Metal clanging]

(Garnet) ...loose.

(Steven) Oh, gosh.

Bruce turned on Detective Mode. He searched the area. He heard something running behind him.

He jumps out of the wall before it could tackle him. Garnet grabbed Steven and jumped up to high ground. Batman watched as this last gem was running around like a bull chasing something or someone.

It changed direction and charged at Batman. He threw a Batarang at the gem's face and dodged it charging at him. The gem hits the wall, cracking the wall.

He runs toward it and jumps on top of it, riding it like a horse. The gem squirmed, trying to get him off. Eventually, Batman jumps, grabs it's head, and slams it against the ground as hard as he can, poofing it.


He remembered how to handle monsters like that when he fought the T.I.T.A.Ns back on Arkham Island. Garnet and Steven got down from the height. Batman gives Garnet all three gemstones from the monsters he just fought and she bubbled them before sending them back to the Temple.

(Steven) How did you do that?!

(Garnet) You've done very well, Bruce. Beyond our expectations.

(Steven) Yeah! Pearl and Amethyst are gonna be impressed.

(Garnet) Let's go home.

They went to the Warp Pad.

Beach City

They all warped in Steven's livingroom. Garnet sat down on the couch and Batman went to the door.

(Steven) Wait, you're leaving already?

(Batman) I did what you ask. Wasn't that enough?

(Steven) Well, yeah, but... I just wsnted to spend some time with you. It must be lonely at your house.

(Batman) I have Alfred.

(Steven) Who's Alfred?

(Batman) My father figure.

(Steven) Oh, he's like a Dad to you?

(Batman) Yes.

(Steven) Was he there for you when... the incident happened?

(Batman) Yes.

(Steven) Did he ever like you being... well, Batman?

(Batman) At the start, no. Over time, he accepted it.

(Steven) I bet you and him had a lot of fights about it.

(Batman) We had little spats about it. Although, there was this one time, he had enough.


(Alfred) (clears throat) Master Bruce. Stop! Master Bruce! BRUCE!

He got in front of Bruce.

(Batman) What are you--

(Alfred) I will not in good conscience allow you to go. You're outmatched by these assassins and--

(Batman) I'm what?

(Alfred) You're not some hardened vigilante! You're a young man with a trust fund and too much anger. You are in over your head and I don't want this to be your end.

He walked past Alfred but stopped.

(Batman) Alfred, who do you see, when you look at me? The boy whose shoes you used to tie every morning, the teenager you drove to his first date? While you are here every night, I am out there. The only thing between the innocent and the predatory.

(Alfred) You may be, but--

(Batman) No! Not 'may be.' I am. When the mugger or the thief stops to think twice, that is fear. That is what I am. That is why they hired assassins, because I am the reason the criminals breathe easier when the sun rises. So, no, Alfred, I am NOT in over my head. Tonight will not be my end, but it will be theirs.

He marched off.

End of Flashback:

(Steven) Wow... and that was the only time he did that?

(Batman) Only time I can remember.

(Steven) I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring any bad memories up.

"That's the second time I did that. Maybe I shouldn't ask him anymore questions about his life," Steven thought, panicking internally.

(Steven) You can go if you want.

He walked towards the front door. Very soon, he was out of sight, it just became dark, too.

(Garnet) I know you're a caring boy, Steven, but there are some questions that shouldn't be asked unless it's necessary.

(Steven) I know he's hurting on the inside, I just want to help him with that.

(Garnet) I think it's good that you want to help him. But if he doesn't want help, it's best to not bother him with it. Maybe one day he'll open up, but not now.

Steven sat on the couch next to her. He leans against her arm.

(Steven) I just feel very sad for him. He must miss his parents every day, and every night he spent in Gotham, he gets hurt, physically, mentally, or emotionally.

(Garnet) I know. He deserves some peace.

(Steven) I don't think what we're asking him gives him peace.

(Garnet) Not really. But he might enjoy being useful to us. Besides, I think he might enjoy being around a fan like you.

(Steven) (chuckles) Maybe.

At the Batwing

Bruce being reminded of the Night of Christmas Eve brought up some voices he's heard from people he's encountered that night as well.

"Don't add me to the weight you carry..."

"He is the worst kind of criminal. The one who thinks his actions are justified, who acts completely out of the system!"

"My side? My side works within the law. My side doesn't leave suspects with broken bones and missing teeth. We've earned Gotham's respect."

"A compassionate man would be at home, mourning over the loss of a lifelong companion right now. Yet, here you are."

"You leave me no choice, Mr. Wayne."

"Come! Batman! DIE!"

"Fresh off a kill, and back for more, eh?"

"All this, all this rage. All directed at me, and for what? You know, if you'd actually let me finish a sentence, you might learn something. You might learn we're not so different. You might even learn something about yourself."

"You know, it's sad, really. Makes me feel like you don't care to see the good side in me. Well, I guess learning is a lot to ask from you, meat-for-brains."

"Is all this for you or for me? You must know that I'm a lost cause. But there's still hope for you. Yes, I've got great hopes for you. So, c'mon, don't stop now! What are you waiting for?!"

"You just can't get it through your thick skull! WE BOTH EXIST BECAUSE OF THEM!"

"That's why you do it, isn't it? You like the way it feels, it's what you need! Come on, baby! Beat me 'til your knuckles bleed... and why quit there? You know there's only one way to stop me!"

He finally reached the Batcave. He got out of the Batwing and began to take off his suit.

(Alfred) Back before midnight. A first time in what feels like years.

He took off his mask and belt.

(Bruce) It's feel different everytime.

(Alfred) Indeed. When do you wish to return?

(Bruce) In a couple more days, or if Steven wants me to go through another trial.

(Alfred) Let us hope if you're prepared for another challenge. And... I heard what you said about me.

He took off his boots.

(Alfred) It's quite heartwarming to hear what you really think of me. I'm more surprised to hear you say it in front of a boy you just met three days ago.

(Bruce) He seems trustworthy. I'm not sure if I've been myself ever since Arkham City.

(Alfred) Well, you seem to be more opening to a hybrid boy than your allies who are older than him and are 100% human.

(Bruce) He hasn't gave me any reasons to not trust him.

(Alfred) Indeed. Sleep well, Master Bruce.

He went to rest upstairs.


Beach City

Steven went to the Big Donut to get donuts but it's closed. He saw Sour Cteam carrying paper.

(Steven) Oh, hey Sour Cream. Having a concert tonight?

(Sour Cream) No, these are missing person papers. Onion is missing.

(Steven) Missing?

(Sour Cream) Yeah, for several days now. My Mom and Yellowtail are worried.

(Steven) Did you check the arcade vending machine?

(Sour Cream) Yeah, blew a dollar checking, too.

(Steven) The forest?

(Sour Cream) Yep.

(Steven) That secret room in the house?

(Sour Cream) You mean his office? Of course.

(Steven) Ah, geez. I'll try to look for him.

(Sour Cream) All right. Just call me if you find him.

Steven tried to call Connie, no response. And a coincidence just showed up.

(Priyanka) Steven, have you seen Connie? She never came back from your house Wednesday morning last week and I'm worried. Where is she?

(Steven) She went home when the sun rised. I thought she made it home.

(Priyanka) Oh, dear! I hope she's okay. I'm worried sick. I wished Doug is a detective, he'd probably find Connie very quickly.

(Steven) Connie's not the only person missing.

(Priyanka) Oh, God. What is going on in this town?

(Steven) I don't know, but I'm going to find out, and I have a friend who can help me.

(Priyanka) I hope you and your friend can find those people soon. Who knows what's happening to them.

(Steven) We will, I promise.

She leaves.

(Steven) My friend just happens to be the world's greatest detective.

End of Chapter 3

