
Once we made it into the car he turned to me, smirk perched on his soft lips, "do you know where home is this time?" he asked, adding a chuckle at the end. I rolled my eyes at his comment before telling him the address my mum gave me.

The car ride was short, it had to be with the speed he was going. Windows down, Iron Maiden up. Michael would occasionally sneak a glance or too over to me, in-between yelling the lyrics and dodging cars and people. Thankfully we made it home in one piece. Thanking Michael as I got out of the car I expected him to drive off and go back to bed or something but instead he followed me to the path next to the brown broken fence and up to the house with chipped paint and curtains drawn, I knew my parent's had left for work due to the lack of cars.


Fumbling around in my bag I found my keys just as we made it to the door, I noticed Michael starring making me nervous, it wasn't nearly as nice as his but what could I do? It was out of my control. I quickly threw the door open before running upstairs and too my room, it was an old habit I haven't quite shaken yet. Once I made it to my room I threw my bag on the floor by my desk and began rummaging through the suitcases I'll unpack later I thought to myself as I grabbed today's

Grabbing everything I needed I turned to walk face first into a soft chest, arms wrapped around my waist to keep me steady, I looked up to see Michael with his famous smirk "you okay kitten?" again with the nicknames "yeah, sorry, I'm gonna go get changed in the bathroom" I replied before quickly heading over there I didn't need to look to know he was watching me walk away, just thinking about it brought a blush to my cheeks snap out of it Y/N, you're a badass not some frilly little girl I told myself as I shut the bathroom door behind me.


Once changed and refreshed I walked back into my room to find Michael's eyes wandering around the room, taking in every detail from the peeled off wallpaper to the crinkles in my bed sheets. "Ready?" I questioned, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. He looked down at me with a soft expression "we need to get Luke first" he announced, glancing down at his phone. Who's Luke? I thought, a part of me was hoping it would be the guy from art but it probably wouldn't be.
