Art Class

The end of the day rolled around and I found myself in art, I was good at art, I did it at school and was planning on doing it at college before my parents packed up and moved. I found an empty seat with an easel in front of it, I sat down without even bothering to see who I was sat next to. Mr Rhodes told us to paint how we felt and to 'let our emotions out'. I let out a sigh before leaning back slightly, quickly realising I was sat on a stool and there was no back to it. "Careful" a voice said with a quiet chuckle, I looked over to see a boy with short black/brown hair, fitted main shirt that showed off his bulky inked up arms and broad chest and ripped skinny jeans that bunched up at the top of his black and white converse, I smiled shyly, assuming he was friends with Michael from his appearance.

I looked back at my easel still not knowing what to paint, taking a deep breath I grabbed the red, black and white smearing them on a plait before taking the black, stroking from the bottom of the page up, stopping halfway, adding some white to make a dark grey, blending it into the black and slightly further up. I did this till my page was black to dark grey to white to pink to red at the top, I hated the way it looked and was ready to rip it off and start again. Mr Rhodes stopped me, telling me he liked the use of light and dark and some other bullshit in attempts to make feel better. Before I could reply the bell rang signalling the end of the day and the other students dropped everything before grabbing everything and leaving the room a mess, I quickly followed in case I was asked the help clean up, I wanted nothing more than a cigarette and to go 'home'.
