
It had been a week since the party and nobody mentioned anything about what happened, Michael continued to drive me to and from school and we'd have the occasional small talk whilst at the side of the building smoking. He wasn't mad at me so that's good, right? Luke would still talk to me, more than he did after our kiss and thankfully he hadn't mentioned how we almost fucked, neither has Calum.

Calum and I have got rather close since then, I found myself coming up with excuses to talk to him and spend time together, even if it was only for a minute in the hallway. Am I getting feelings for Calum? I saw him by his locker as I went to mine, choosing to ignore him, maybe if I don't go to him he won't come to me. I was wrong, he came over with a smile stretching from ear to ear, looking like an excited puppy, he looked cu- no stop that. "Hey, hey hey! Guess what!" he almost yelled "you got my name tattooed in an arrow heart and a shiny diamond ring with my name on it?" I joked, he just looked confused.

"What happened?" he snapped out of his thoughts "we have a gig booked!" I couldn't hold in my excitement, he's in a band with the boys and they've been working really hard to try book a gig "that's amazing!" I squealed jumping into a hug which he happily returned. "I'm so happy for you guys!" I added when we let go "thanks, I'm excited but also fucking nervous!" he chuckled "when and where is it?" I almost yelled at him "it's tonight at the vault, you're coming with and we're going to a party after. You'll have to be our date though" he smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck "wait, all of your dates?" I asked shocked and confused "yeah, only one of us was going to take you as their date but then we all started fighting over it so Ash said to just see if you'll be all our dates" I could tell he was nervous, it was written all over his face. "Sure, I'll be your dates" I smiled sweetly, his face softened and a small smile crept up "great, we'll pick you up at 6" he confirmed before the bell rang "I'll see you tonight" he commented as he made his way to his next class.

What the fuck did I just agree to?
