Chapter 21-30

Chapter 21

Learned, learned waste.

Li Shuxin was so tired of Shao Ling's appearance.

Shao Ling couldn't hold back himself, and laughed, and the two parents-in-law went to the watch shop together. Shao Ling wanted to buy a watch, but Li Shuxin didn't stop him. Although he just wanted to brag, but what does it matter.

Shao Ling is twenty-four years old, not fifty-four years old, so naturally he can't be calm without desire or desire.

The couple went to a watch store, Shao Ling listened to Li Shuxin and bought a green water ghost, which is not difficult to buy at this time. Li Shuxin and his wife got a good discount, which is much cheaper than when they bought it back in Pengcheng.

Shao Ling looked left and right, unable to put it down.

Li Shuxin was puzzled, and asked curiously: "I never heard that you like watches before."

Shao Ling glanced at his wife and said seriously, "It's so expensive, I must like it."

Li Shuxin burst out laughing, and figured it out, Shao Ling liked this watch because it was expensive!

Hearing Li Shuxin's laughter, Shao Ling was very calm, and said bluntly: "Even if I want to pay attention to taste, I don't have it. But it's expensive, so I know it's a good thing."

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows.

Shao Ling became more confident, and he said: "Look at Hong Kong movies, the protagonists who have finished their lives have no money, don't they all take Rolex, which means that even if they don't like this thing, they can be exchanged for money. That can be pretending It can be realized again, of course it is a good thing."

Li Shuxin: "Pfft!"

She couldn't help laughing, and said, "You can do it, Comrade Shao Ling, you can think fast enough."

Shao Ling smiled, very proud: "So even if I want to pretend, I will buy a watch."

He complained: "If I wear Armani like Shao Peng or something, I'll be thankful. If you wear it for a while, it will be old and outdated. It's a waste of money to pretend."

Li Shuxin: "...Shao Peng knew you said that behind his back, so he must have secretly scolded you."

Shao Ling: "What's the matter, anyway, our relationship is normal, and we compare each other every day."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Why didn't she realize that Shao Ling was so good at escaping the summer heat!

Shao Ling hugged his son, tossed it back and forth, and put his son on his shoulders with a flick, Xiao Jiaxi giggled, very happy, grabbed his father's hair, and squeezed it!

Shao Ling: "Damn it, I'm teasing you, but you still squeeze me, let me go quickly, if you keep squeezing me like this, I'll be bald before I'm old."

Little Jiaxi didn't understand her father's complicated words, he burst out laughing, but he was determined not to let go. Li Shuxin looked at the little guy, and suddenly said: "Is he afraid that you will throw him, so he firmly grasped your hair?"

It has to be said that the mother really knows the child better, she stretched out her hand to support the little one, and the little one's claws that were holding Shao Ling's hair loosened a bit, Li Shuxin said in surprise: "Look, I guessed it right!" !"

Shao Ling: "As expected of my son, so cautious."

Li Shuxin: "Put him down and hug him, after all he is outside."

Shao Ling thought about it, nodded and said yes, he was in a good mood, and the husband and wife went shopping together. Shao Ling said, "Daughter-in-law, why don't you buy anything? Clothes, shoes, bags and jewelry?"

Li Shuxin looked at him: "Didn't you just say that buying clothes is inappropriate?"

Shao Ling: "What's the same? I'm a man, I don't pay attention to good looks, I just want to show off. After wearing it for two and a half days, I can turn into shabby clothes. No matter how well I wear them, it's a waste; but you are not. You look good when you wear them. I don't want my daughter-in-law to lose face with others."

As if he didn't know, that Zhang Yaxin was mentally ill, and he was comparing with their Ah Xin all day long.

This person neglected to compare himself with Shaopeng.

Li Shuxin looked at the clothes in the window and said, "I will not lose face, and face is not supported by one piece of clothing."

She turned around suddenly and said, "Shao Ling, what do you think we do wholesale clothing?"

Shao Ling: "Huh?"

He was dumbfounded.

Isn't this about buying clothes for his wife?

Changing the subject so suddenly?

"What? Why did you suddenly think of doing this?"

Li Shuxin: "We have an advantage, we have sufficient funds in our hands. I just looked at these boutiques and felt that if I came to choose products, I would definitely be no worse than them."

When Li Shuxin said this, she was not talking big. She had sold clothes in her previous life, so she was quite clear about this business, and now she had the advantage and vision of being reborn. If they are engaged in clothing wholesale, the selection of styles is very important, and this shopping gave Li Shuxin a lot of confidence, she believes in her own vision.

Shao Ling looked down at her, and saw Li Shuxin's eyes were shining, and he laughed softly.

He said, "So what are you going to do?"

Li Shuxin almost didn't even need to think about it. She said: "We can rent a shop in Nanyou and do wholesale. We will do it for a while to see the situation. Then we can develop styles according to the needs and find a small factory to make boards."

Shao Ling pondered.

At this time, Li Shuxin smiled and said: "Look at me, I'm obviously out to play, but I want to talk about this. Let's talk about these serious things when we get home. Now let's go around, let's go to Ocean Park?"

Shao Ling: "That's fine, we'll talk about it when we go back."

The two were about to board the bus when Li Shuxin suddenly stopped, looked not far away, and waved: "Su Xuelian!"

Su Xuelian didn't expect to see Shao Ling and his wife here, she was surprised, then stepped forward and said with a smile: "Come and play."

Li Shuxin nodded: "Yes."

There was also a strange man beside Su Xuelian, who nodded at them and didn't say much.

This person was so indifferent, Su Xuelian didn't introduce him. Naturally, Shao Ling and Li Shuxin wouldn't put their faces on someone's cold ass, so they nodded their heads just like him to say hello, Li Shuxin: "What a coincidence, are you...?"

Su Xuelian smiled in response, and said: "I'm here to deal with some things, I'm still in a hurry, so I won't..."

Some words can be understood without words, Li Shuxin nodded: "Then you are busy, we are going to Ocean Park."

Su Xuelian: "Okay, we'll talk about it when we get home."

She was really busy, she didn't even exchange pleasantries, and left quickly, Li Shuxin and Shao Ling looked at each other, Shao Ling shrugged and said, "Let's go, let's play with us."

But it was a coincidence that they just got into the car when they saw Su Xuelian crossing the road with that man and walked into the police station across the street. Li Shuxin leaned over the window curiously and whispered, "She is going to the police station." ."

Shao Ling: "What is she doing here?"

Li Shuxin spread her hands: "I don't know."

This little episode was quickly forgotten by the couple, and the family of three went to Ocean Park. Little Jiaxi was so young that she could play very little. Although he could play very little, Li Shuxin and Shao Ling had a lot of fun.

They are born in the 1970s, and not born in the 1970s. They generally don't have interesting childhoods, let alone parks. Most of the families are free-range, not to mention that neither of them are in good condition.

These are really never played before. Shao Ling and Li Shuxin sat on the merry-go-round with their son in their arms, which made the couple smile happily.

Li Shuxin's face was flushed, she said excitedly: "This is my first time sitting."

It was the first time in her two lives that she came to the playground. Li Shuxin hummed a little tune and walked briskly.

Shao Ling also smiled, unable to hide his joy.

Although buying an expensive watch is very happy, it is far from making him feel better now. The family of three went to see the dolphin show in the afternoon. Xiao Jiaxi was bouncing and stretching happily The little hand is scratching in the air, he wants to take the cute little dolphin away.

In the end, I bought a little dolphin doll, and the little guy smiled. The little man was held in his arms by his father, and he was holding a little dolphin. His big happy eyes were like a little moon.

Li Shuxin: "Our little Jiaxi is really a beautiful baby."

Although Xiao Jiaxi couldn't understand the words, she could hear her mother's tone. The child was brought up by her mother since she was a child, so of course she knew that what her mother said was praise. The little guy wheezed, and happily called to his mother: "Mom, mom, mom!"

Li Shuxin: "So good, so good!"

Shao Ling: "The next trip is to see the night view of Victoria Harbor!"

Li Shuxin corrected: "The next trip is for dinner."

"While watching the night view, have dinner."

They are all here, of course they have to eat something good.

Li Shuxin: "Let's go!"

Xiao Jiaxi clapped her little hands: "Wow wow wow."

Happy to express their echo.

The family of three went out early in the morning, and when they returned to the hotel at night, it was already night, Li Shuxin went straight to the bed, snorted, and said, "I'm so tired."

Since "coming back", she feels that she is full of energy and physical strength, just like Popeye eating spinach, super powerful. But it turned out that she felt that her physical strength was limited to taking care of the children, and it was only when she really went out that she felt quite tired.

From going out early in the morning till now, Li Shuxin only feels exhausted.

Little Jiaxi was also put on the bed by his father. The little guy was still hugging the little dolphin at this time. He looked left and right. He didn't seem to know why this place was different from home. He tilted his head and looked around. , move your butt, and continue to look at it from a different angle.

Otherwise, the father and son had a tacit understanding.

Compared to Li Shuxin who was already lying on the bed, Shao Ling also looked around, and even went to the bathroom to look around. Just like his son, he was curious about everything. After he came back, he said: "Not to mention, although this place is small, it is full of things."

But after finishing speaking, he sighed again: "It's just too damn expensive."

Li Shuxin said weakly, "Don't swear in front of the baby."

Shao Ling: "..."

What a swear word.

But the little chubby boy heard "baby" and looked at his mother. He has already called "baby", "little cute", "little boy", "little fat boy", "little guy" and "little Jiaxi". He feels everything.

He knows it all, these are called him.

There are many differences, but they are all called him. The little guy showed his small teeth and smiled.

The little guy poked his little face down to look at his mother's face condescendingly, as if he didn't understand why his mother was lying on the bed without moving.

His little butt was leaning forward, his big black eyes were like black grapes, he looked at his mother, "Oh, Bara", and he didn't know what to say. The little guy is teething now, and when he talks, he drools a lot.

Seeing that his saliva was about to drip, Li Shuxin quickly rolled over and got up in a second.

The little chubby cub tilted his head, and asked his mother, "Huh?" in doubt.

Li Shuxin: "Come on, give the baby a bath."

When Xiao Jiaxi heard that she was taking a bath, she groaned and kicked her legs happily.

Adults are so tired, and children are naturally tired too, but little Jiaxi is a very resistant child, after a day of shopping with his parents, he still has energy. Hearing one of his favorite activities, "Take a bath", the little one is happy again.

Li Shuxin: "Why isn't our cub tired?"

Shao Ling sneered and said, "I hugged him all day, of course he isn't tired anymore, and besides, he always sleeps more energetically than us."

The husband and wife put water on one and stripped the little one naked before taking him to take a bath.

Li Shuxin: "Baby put the little dolphin down."

Xiao Jiaxi: "No."

He tilted his head and didn't let go.

Li Shuxin: "This is a puppet, you can't put it in the water, Xiao Jiaxi, be good, put it down. If you don't put it down, you can't take a bath."

The little guy looked at his mother dumbly, showing a cute smile, trying to capture his mother.

Li Shuxin: "Baby!"

She was a little fierce, the little guy finally let go of the grievance, Li Shuxin put the little dolphin down, and then put the little guy in the bathtub, the little guy slapped the water surface wheezing when he got out of the water, the fleshy little The arms and legs are like small swimming rings.

Li Shuxin: "Oh."

Her clothes were splashed wet, but little Jiaxi didn't know, he sat in the water, swaying happily, the fat baby likes to play in the water, enough pats, the little hands mischievously threw water at daddy, Shao Ling: "Oh, I'll go~"

Li Shuxin laughed at him: "Look how much your son loves you, he knows how to coax his father to play at such a young age."

Shao Ling looked at her delicately, and Li Shuxin was immediately alert: "You are not allowed to splash on me."

Shao Ling's innocent face: "I'm not that kind of person, am I?"

But silently put her hand into the water, Li Shuxin yelled: "I saw it, you are not allowed to sneak attack."

Shao Ling's wet hand reached into Li Shuxin's clothes, and said with a smile, "Look at my magic attack!"

Li Shuxin: "Shao Ling, I knew you were doing it on purpose, watch me fight back..."

The two of you splashed on me, and I splashed on you. Little Jiaxi grabbed the bathtub happily, and kicked her legs happily, with great joy, her little mouth beeped: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... "

Followed by want to participate.

Li Shuxin laughed, poked his little flesh, and said, "You take a bath for me obediently."

"Ah, blah, blah, blah..." He knew how to please people, and immediately yelled at his father, Shao Ling: "Hey baby, I want to join my father and help my father deal with my mother, right?"

The chubby cub was grabbing the edge of the bathtub with one small claw, and imitating his father with the other hand, splashing water and spraying wildly. He shook his head and tail happily, with boundless joy.

Shao Ling: "Oh, I'll go~ we are together."

Li Shuxin sneered: "He knows what a ghost, it's clearly an indiscriminate attack."

Little Fat Boy: "Ahhhhhhh!"

The little meaty hands don't stop, and the little mouth doesn't stop.

"Ah wow!"

Shao Ling: "You little rascal, watch Dad clean you up!"

The little one didn't understand at all, kept on ahh, Li Shuxin laughed enough, and said: "Okay, it's almost done, you wash him and carry him out, don't catch a cold. "

Shao Ling: "It's the end of June, why is it so cold, it's such a hot day!"

Li Shuxin: "It's not that he's cold, but I'm afraid he'll catch a cold, so hurry up."

Shao Ling raised her eyebrows: Cold and catching a cold are not the same thing?

He met his daughter-in-law's eyes and said, "All right, all right, listen to you."

The little chubby boy took a bath, like a war, both father and mother made a fuss about the water, it was wet, and the two of them finally washed the little guy clean, the father took a bath directly, and the mother was serious I put prickly heat powder on the child, little people, it smells delicious.

Xiao Jiaxi finally got a little sleepy, and said to Li Shuxin, "Mom, mom, wow..."

Li Shuxin was stunned for a moment, then turned around to react, and said, "Did you say you want to drink milk, baby?"

Little Jiaxi couldn't even lift her eyelids, she muttered softly, "Grandma..."

Li Shuxin hurriedly said, "Baby wants to drink grandma, so mother will make it for you."

She was busy immediately, and Xiao Jiaxi was holding the bottle, gurgling and gurgling, and the baby's essential "activity" before going to bed-drinking grandma.

With a bottle of milk, the little guy died in a short time. He threw the bottle away and fell asleep on his back. Li Shuxin watched the little guy fall asleep and let out a soft sigh. Only then did she take off her wet long skirt and only put on her underwear, she regretted it.

They didn't buy any clothes today. Her clothes are so wet that they don't know if they will dry tomorrow.

Besides, after wearing it all day today, it also feels wrinkled, Li Shuxin sighed softly.

People, there are always things that are not thoughtful, and she can feel it now?

Li Shuxin was feeling emotional, Shao Ling did not know when he came out of the bathroom, hugged Li Shuxin from behind, rested his chin on her shoulder, and whispered: "Wait for me?"

Li Shuxin said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, I regret that I didn't buy clothes today, look, these clothes are wet..."

Shao Ling's hands were dishonest, and he didn't pay much attention to Li Shuxin's words. He muttered, "What's the matter? I'll go downstairs tomorrow morning and buy you one before I come up. Anyway, I know your size."

They live in a more prosperous place, surrounded by shopping malls.

Li Shuxin looked at him suspiciously, not trusting this man's vision, Shao Ling was not convinced, and said, "My vision is better than yours, and I have evidence."

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

Have evidence?

Is there any evidence for this kind of thing?

Shao Ling smiled triumphantly, and said, "The person you choose is me, and the person I choose is you. Who do you say has good vision? I don't have good vision. Can I choose you?"

Li Shuxin was stunned for a long time, feeling: "How can this be said?"

Shao Ling: "Why not?"

Li Shuxin bit her lip and said, "My vision is also very good."

Shao Ling smiled meaningfully, and said, "Then, let me prove how good your vision is..."

He hugged him horizontally, Li Shuxin: "I haven't showered yet..."

Shao Ling: "Wait a while before washing!"


"Okay, let's wash together later..."

It rained at night, and the rain hit the windows, making a pattering sound, but the room was not affected at all, it was as warm as fire...


In the early morning, it was still raining patter outside, Li Shuxin felt very tired all over his body.

She turned over lazily, and was surprised to find that there was no one around, oh, it wasn't that there was no one, the little chubby boy was still there, and the little guy was sleeping in a big font, but Shao Ling was not there. Li Shuxin sat up and said softly: "Shao Ling Ling?"

Sure enough, Shao Ling wasn't in the room, Li Shuxin frowned slightly, then thought of what he said last night, guessing that this person was out shopping. It's so early, I don't know if there are any stores open. Li Shuxin rubbed her eyes lightly, then looked at the time, half past ten!

She slept for so long, the room was dark, she thought it was early in the morning.

Li Shuxin was a little tired after working around for a whole day yesterday, and her plasticity collapsed again. Sitting would be better than lying down.

The same is true for little Jiaxi, although the child was quite energetic yesterday, but he was also exhausted. It was already this time, and the little guy didn't wake up, and slept soundly. The couple found a comfortable position, and both of them went back to sleep again.

As for Shao Ling, Li Shuxin is not worried.

Sure enough, Li Shuxin squinted for a while, then heard the sound of the door opening, she called: "Shao Ling."

Shao Ling: "Did I wake you up?"

Li Shuxin's voice sounded a little bit soft after waking up, "No."

She sat up, and sure enough, she saw Shao Ling carrying a shopping bag, and he said, "I'll go down in the morning to buy clothes for you, see if you like it."

Speaking of this, he smiled ambiguously in a low voice, and said, "Don't worry about the size. I measured it myself last night. I'm sure it fits."

Li Shuxin: "..."

She hid her head under the pillow for a second, like an ostrich.

Shao Ling: "You are too thin-skinned."

He opened the bag and said, "Come and see."

Li Shuxin just put down the pillow, she was really curious what kind of clothes Shao Ling would buy her, huh? It is a long skirt.

Shao Ling bought a long dark green dress, the style was quite satisfactory, and the clothes looked ordinary, but Li Shuxin's skin was better than the snow when she put it on.

Li Shuxin saw the amazement in Shao Ling's eyes through the mirror.

This dress is hanging in the window. Seven out of ten people will not try it, but it looks very good on it.

Li Shuxin is not a twitchy character, she will say it when she thinks it looks good, Li Shuxin gave a thumbs up and said, "It's very good."

Shao Ling was so proud that his tail was about to curl up, and he said proudly: "My eyesight, that's great. I can tell you look good in this dress when I look at it."

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Yes, yes, you are the best."

Shao Ling: "As long as you like it."

Li Shuxin said sweetly: "Of course I like it, how could I not like what you bought?"

Shao Ling smiled and said, "Your mouth is so sweet, did you eat honey in the morning?"

Li Shuxin coquettishly said, "You're not happy with the nice words."

She flipped through the labels, looked at Shao Ling in surprise, and said, "This dress belongs to Celine."

Shao Ling: "What Lin?"

Lai Shuxin: "It's a quite famous foreign brand."

Shao Ling: "Hey, I don't know about these women's things. I just think this dress will look good on you. Besides, as long as it looks good, don't worry about it."

Li Shuxin nodded and didn't say any more.

"Ah woo."

Li Shuxin was swaying from side to side in front of the mirror, his little one woke up, and the little guy wobbled around and rubbed his eyes. If she went back to the time when her mother woke up, she would find that both of them were doing the same movements.

"Come on, dad hugs you to wash your face, let's go out for dinner later."

Food is the most important thing for the people. When they come out, eating is the most important thing.

Little Jiaxi pursed her lips and hugged her father's neck.

Shao Ling: "Today I'll take you to buy milk powder and supplementary food..."

Little Jiaxi pursed her lips and clicked.

In fact, they also bought some in Pengcheng last time, but it's still the same sentence, it's all here...

Anyway, it's cheaper, and it saves money to buy a little.

Don't look at the accommodation and meals here in Hong Kong City are much more expensive than theirs, but branded things will be cheaper because of policy reasons. Like watches, like cosmetics, including imported milk powder.

The family of three rested all morning and went shopping in the afternoon. Yesterday they mainly went to play, but today they had a lot of fun shopping. Even Shao Ling bought a set of clothes. Although he thought it was unnecessary, it was still the same. In a word...

Come here!

The Almighty is here!

The family of three didn't return to Pengcheng until the evening of the second day. Shao Ling and the others didn't want to rush home, so they went directly to their new home.

This place is clean and spotless, Shao Ling put down his son and things, and went to open the window. Pengcheng is already very hot at the end of June, and the window doesn't get much coolness, but Xiao Jiaxi likes this place very much. Crawling all over the floor wheezing.

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Why doesn't this kid know how tired he is?"

Little Jiaxi twisted her little butt, shook her head, left and right, and crawled.

Li Shuxin: "It seems that our baby likes this place very much."

Shao Ling: "I like it too, how comfortable it is here."

There is still an essential difference between this building and the private houses they live in. They live in the village. Although everyone is old acquaintances and down-to-earth, they are not as convenient and comfortable as commercial houses. In terms of living experience, it is still quite a bit worse.

Shao Ling leaned lazily on the sofa, took off his clothes directly, and wandered around the room in big pants.

Li Shuxin: "You have hot eyes."

Unconvinced, Shao Ling said, "Can you do it? Look at my muscles!"

Really, I don't understand at all!

He showed off his abs to Li Shuxin, blushed abruptly to Li Shuxin, she pushed Shao Ling and said, "Go to the side."

At this time, the little chubby cub finally had enough crawling, sat down on the floor, and stretched out his hand: "Yeah, yah yah."

Shao Ling: "What does he want?"

Li Shuxin didn't get up either, and kicked him: "Go make milk powder for your son."

Shao Ling: "This little ancestor..." He murmured: "I treat him so well now, seeing Tian'er doing this and that for him, I don't know if this brat can treat him like me when he gets old. Same to me."

Li Shuxin didn't want to listen to his nagging, so she took the initiative to bring up another topic, saying, "Shao Ling, let's go and see the car tomorrow."

Shao Ling: "Huh?"

Li Shuxin: "Don't you want to buy a car?"

She said, "Since you have to buy it anyway, why don't you go and see it tomorrow?"

After saying this, Shao Ling became excited, as if he had been beaten, and said happily, "Okay. What car do you think is better?"

Li Shuxin: "..."

She blinked innocently, and Shao Ling immediately understood, and said, "That's fine, I'll take care of this, heh."

He was happy and said: "We can buy a good one. The car is very practical and can be driven for many years. If we buy a better one, we don't need to change the car all the time."

Li Shuxin: "Okay."

Shao Ling: "Hey daughter-in-law, you said we..."

Li Shuxin didn't know what Shao Ling was going to say, so he interrupted him directly: "Don't float away."

Shao Ling paused for a moment, then withdrew his embarrassed expression just now, and said, "I'm not that kind of person either."

Having said that, Shao Ling was still in a good mood, whistling, milked his son, and said, "By the way, what do you think about setting up a wholesale clothing store as you mentioned?"

Li Shuxin sat cross-legged on the sofa, staring at her son, but she was thinking about this matter. She said: "I think so. You must not thump too much at the beginning, otherwise the pressure will be great at first. I can first Wholesale, if the business is booming, we will take the next step, establish our own brand, find an OEM, open a direct store, and recruit franchisees. But these are all things to come. In the early stage, we need to find a store to find the source of goods. The store In this regard, we can inquire with an intermediary. As for the source of goods, I know that some factories have good goods. If we decide to do it, we have to go there and talk. We are newcomers and want to get super low prices in garment factories. It's up to the conversation."

Everyone knows the good things. Although they are in the lower reaches, they still have the upper hand.

Fortunately, Li Shuxin didn't need to screen one by one. She knew which of the many clothing factories at this stage was good, which was bad, and which was dishonest.

If you tell Li Shuxin twenty years later, she really doesn't know much about it. After all, she has been a housewife for more than ten years at that time, but if you tell her something about these years, she is still pretty good .

Back then, she was selling mobile phones in Pengcheng, and after less than a year, she switched to selling clothes. This job lasted for four or five years, even if she was not a caring person. Which garment factory has good styles, which garment factory has good quality, and which garment factory does its work carelessly. She also understands everything in her heart.

Even what kind of lowest discount anyone can give, she is very clear in her heart.

But she remembered it, but she wasn't sure that the proprietress Aqiu could get this price. If you really want to do this business, you have to talk about it.

Li Shuxin fell into deep thought, while Shao Ling looked at her in surprise, and asked, "When did you inquire?"

She even knows the supplier?

Li Shuxin raised her head and said angrily, "Can't I know?"

She smiled half-truthfully and said, "Do you think that I usually only take care of the children at home and don't pay attention to anything?"

Shao Ling nodded, but he also said bluntly: "Since you have thought it through clearly, you can do it naturally. But I thought about it, you will definitely be too busy at the beginning, let me help you. The two of us, husband and wife, can do it too." Let you relax a bit. When the store is up and running, I will withdraw and not be with you anymore, do you think it is okay?"

Even though they have a good relationship as husband and wife, they don't plan to do business together. When they first got married, they could quarrel about the small hotel. Both of them have lingering fears! At that time, the two of them had made an agreement for three chapters, so don't get mixed up on this matter.

Shao Ling and Li Shuxin said: "This is your business, I'm just helping you, and I'm at your command!"

Li Shuxin heard the meaning of Shao Ling's words, laughed, and said, "Okay."

She stretched out a finger, nodded to herself and said, "I'm in charge."

But she also said: "We promise not to quarrel."

Shao Ling glanced at her: "Am I the kind of person who quarrels with women?"

Li Shuxin nodded: "You are."

Shao Ling: "..."

This is so... It really is his daughter-in-law.

He said, "Okay, okay, we promise not to quarrel."

Li Shuxin laughed and said, "Then, are you looking for a shop? It would be best if you can buy it. If no one sells it, then you can only rent it. It depends on the actual situation."

Shao Ling also agreed to buy it, even though they could be divided into three big shops after relocation, but whether it is Li Shuxin or Shao Ling, they don't mind buying another shop here. It will take three or four years at the earliest for the shops in their hometown to move back, and they cannot go back to their hometown to sell clothes.

Since you want to do business here, it is natural to buy a shop here is the most suitable. It's just that, although they think so, the facts may not be as they wish. It's like Nanyou, where the business is very good, generally speaking. No landlord will let go of the shop.

Even if there is, it must be a very bad position, the worst can't be worse.

That's it, not necessarily there.

So they didn't put too much hope in it, they bought it if they could, and it didn't matter if they couldn't buy it for the time being, they opened a store there, and they would know if anyone wanted to open a store. The couple discussed it and felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Shao Ling asked worriedly: "Over there, you really don't need me to talk about it?"

This Li Shuxin shook her head resolutely, and she said: "It's not necessary, I will discuss it myself and choose the money myself. It's women who understand women better."

Shao Ling was noncommittal, but he also made things difficult for her daughter-in-law. He had thought about it, and there was nothing he would not do if he wanted to do business. Since Ah Xin wanted to do it by himself, Shao Ling didn't rush to do it.

Besides, his shot is not necessarily better than Ah Xin.

He still recognized her daughter-in-law's vision and level.

Li Shuxin glanced at Shao Ling and sensed what he meant. She had some indescribable feelings in her heart.

how to say?

Shao Ling when he was young is really different from Shao Ling twenty years later.

Shao Ling when he was young, Shao Ling at this time, has always believed that she, Li Shuxin, is a very capable woman, and he agrees with whatever she wants to do, and everything is negotiable. On the contrary, when he gets older decades later, he won't think so.

Of course, when he got older, he didn't trust her because of her poor health. Shao Ling took her health into consideration.

But now it is always joyful to be unconditionally affirmed and believed by others. The corners of Li Shuxin's lips curled up, and she said, "When you choose a shop, let me take a look."

Shao Ling: "I know."

After discussing the business, the husband and wife turned on the TV, the little chubby boy immediately crawled over when he heard the movement, moved his buttocks, and sat down, watching the TV with his little hands in his pockets. If there is anything best about a big house, it is very suitable for little chubby kids to play.

The size of the previous houses was not small, but the concrete floor could not be placed on the ground for children. But it is different now, their house is not small, but the rooms are not too many, because the furniture has just been set up, and there are not many messy things, so it feels very empty, which is very suitable for the little fat boy.

Shao Ling: "Look at him."

Li Shuxin followed his words and saw the little chubby boy leaning on the sofa, the little guy's fleshy folds were exposed...


Li Shuxin stepped forward to pick up his son and put him on the sofa. The little guy cocked his feet and watched the fight on TV. He opened his little arms and imitated others. Li Shuxin: "Hey Yo hello."

Shao Ling laughed loudly: "My son is learning Kung Fu."

"The Great Master of Tai Chi" was being broadcast on TV, and the main character was Master Wu, who was still very green. At this time, he was performing a martial arts competition in the pagoda, punching and kicking. The little chubby boy couldn't understand, but his little arms and legs dangled, as if he was learning kung fu again.

Li Shuxin laughed, poked his little flesh, and said, "Baby."

The little chubby boy turned his head: "Yeah?"

Looking at her mother with big eyes flickering, Li Shuxin said, "Are you sleepy, mom will take you back to your room to sleep, okay?"

The little guy flicked his head, and his eyes fixed on the TV again. On the TV, Wu Zhenghuan was more joyful than the little guy's little feet.

Li Shuxin: "Cut~"

Shao Ling smiled: "You women don't understand our men's love of martial arts."

Li Shuxin: "..."


Shao Ling: "Let me tell you, look at me, then at my son, we are... I'll go~"

He was bragging, when his son's disheveled little feet hit his mouth, Shao Ling was instantly stunned.

Li Shuxin was also stunned by this turn of events. She paused briefly, and then laughed out loud. She was out of breath from laughing, and laughed at Shao Ling: "Your son is really good at kung fu, oh, he's so good."

Shao Ling: "..."

Being a father is not easy.

What else can I do?

Forgive him of course!

The author has something to say:

Shao Ling and Li Shuxin: Ordinary secular men and women.

Chapter 22

Shao Ling bought a car, bought a German-made car, and could pick up the car on the spot, and the full set cost more than 300,000 yuan.

The couple parked the van in the community near Pengcheng and drove home in a new car. There was no secret in the village. As soon as they got home, someone came to see the car. During this period of time, there were no fewer than twenty households in the village just to buy cars.

Prices range from high to low, and Shao Ling's is above average, but some people say: "Your family has paid a lot of compensation, right? Why don't you buy a better one? Look at Shao Peng's Mercedes-Benz trot, which is so cool? You Can't be worse than him, right?"

When such a person speaks, it is somewhat provocative.

But Shao Ling doesn't know how to show anything, and he won't fall into the trap of provoking with malicious intentions.

He wanted to show off that it was his business, but he didn't want to follow other people's words. The men naturally paid the most attention to the car, while the women in the village were curious about what Li Shuxin bought, but because Li Shuxin put all the things she bought in Pengcheng, no one saw anything.

The second aunt and the others were extremely disappointed and blamed Li Shuxin.

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Actually, I didn't buy anything, I just bought some daily necessities."

Everyone can't believe this.

Who doesn't go shopping in Hong Kong City!

Besides, where can't I buy daily necessities?

Speaking of this, the second aunt immediately said: "By the way, have you bought the beauty capsules sold in the village? It's really good. It's been the fourth day since I bought it, and I feel that my complexion has improved a lot." Woolen cloth."

Hailan, who came to watch the fun together, hurriedly asked, "Really? I wanted to buy it a few days ago, but my man said it was all fake. I can't believe it."

The second aunt stared, and said: "Why is it fake? If I use it, can I know? It's really good, and the man in his family used it. I bought it for my old man. Hehe, it's really good. of......"

The corner of Li Shuxin's mouth twitched: "..."

Hailan's eyes flickered, she hadn't made up her mind yet, but Xiuchang's sister-in-law next to her hurriedly asked, "Is this really easy to use?"

The second aunt laughed and said, "Of course, I'm not lying."

Li Shuxin hesitated for a moment, and said, "It may not be a good thing if this thing works well, who knows what is added in it." She couldn't help but remind everyone.

But the second aunt spoke first and said: "That's not what I said. This thing works well because it contains several precious Chinese herbal medicines. It's Tibet. You know, there are very few herbal medicines in Tibet." .Tibetan medicine is very powerful and mysterious, and it's not something casual. If you don't understand it, don't talk nonsense. Besides, I spent money to buy it, so don't I know it myself?"

She smiled mysteriously, winked at everyone, and said, "That's right, it's really convenient."

Xiuchang's sister-in-law couldn't sit still, she couldn't wait to get up immediately, and said, "Then I'll take a look."

She asked Hailan, "Are you going?"

Hailan hesitated for a moment, shook her head and said, "I want to sit with Ah Xin for a while, you go."

Second aunt: "Let's go, I'll take you there. I'm an old user. I recommend you to buy it. I'll give you an extra box."

"Ah, is there such a good thing?"

Second aunt: "Yes, give me a small box too, let's go."

She asked again: "Ah Xin, why don't you go and see? Young people can't be narrow-minded, they have to be brave enough to accept new things."

Xiuchang's sister-in-law was anxious, and said: "The couple are still young, and they are just at the time of being brave. They don't need it, and they can't appreciate our eagerness. Let's go quickly."

Li Shuxin: "..."

The effect of the medicine made everyone extremely anxious. They were here to watch the fun, but since Li Shuxin didn't bring back anything, they were naturally not interested. As soon as the second aunt greeted them, everyone followed them out.

There are so many people, only Hailan is left.

Li Shuxin looked at everyone's figures, and asked Hailan with a smile, "Aren't you going?"

Hailan shook her head, and said very calculatingly: "No, if I buy it, I won't go with my second aunt, why do you want her to take advantage of it? I can find my natal sister-in-law, she also bought it, it's old Customers. Of course, if you are cheap, you have to be cheap for your own people."

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows, and didn't say anything more about the efficacy of the medicine. She was determined to go into details, so why should she be that bad person? It wasn't her money that was spent.

But, she asked curiously: "Sister-in-law Xiuchang and his second brother Zhu have reconciled?"

I have to buy "that" medicine.

Hailan shook her head: "What's the reconciliation? Not at all. Brother Zhu wants to divorce, but he doesn't want to give sister-in-law Xiuchang the money. Isn't it procrastinating?" At this point, Hailan poohed and said: " This is not a thing, I used to think that Brother Zhu was a good person, honest and honest, but now I can see that there is no such thing as a good person, rubbish! It was not because he was poor and had no money that he was honest and responsible before!"

In Zhu Erge's view, it was his house that was relocated. It was the place where he had lived since he was a child. Although Xiuchang's sister-in-law had been married to him for more than ten years, he felt that after so many years of marriage and no children, if Xiuchang had the face, she should leave the house by herself instead of waiting for him to evict her.

But no matter what Brother Zhu thinks, the law will not say that these things belong to him. Not to mention that sister-in-law Xiuchang also has several powerful natal brothers, so even though Second Brother Zhu desperately wants to divorce now, he still lives under the same roof as sister-in-law Xiuchang.

Hai Lan is very calculating, but she is also very jealous. She and Brother Zhu's family are neighbors, and she knows it best. She scolded: "My mother-in-law used to say that Brother Zhu is such a coward. It's not a good thing. I still think she speaks harshly, but now it seems that she is not fake at all. Only sister-in-law Xiuchang is stupid, and she still wants to make it up. Her natal brothers persuaded her to divorce, but sister-in-law Xiuchang Scolding her natal brothers for uneasiness is kind."

Li Shuxin: "How do you say that?"

Hailan: "Sister-in-law Xiuchang said that if she gets a divorce and divides half of the family property, she has money in her hands but has no children of her own. In the end, the money will fall into the hands of her brothers? They didn't persuade her to divorce for the sake of Well, she's actually trying to get her money, I can't tell if what she said is true...Thinking about it, it's possible."

Li Shuxin was taken aback, thinking that she had never heard of this in her previous life.

But she had already gone to Pengcheng in her previous life, so she didn't know the inside story of many things. So I dare not just say what other people think is good or bad.

"Oh, by the way, your front yard is Lao Li's family, and their family has already sued. The old couple in his family are really cruel. This relocation, it is obvious that the daughter used the money to build the house, and they didn't pay a penny. To the daughter. No, Li Ping of his family is mad, and she must file a lawsuit with her parents. Now Li Fei is still going around saying that his sister is not human. In fact, I think he is the most inhuman! Be good!"

Hai Lan also knew all the gossip in the village, and she talked about the farce of several families. Li Shuxin was amazed when she heard it.

Money is really a good thing, but sometimes it really tests human nature.

Li Shuxin listened to the gossip on his forehead, and asked, "What about you? Has your family signed it?"

Hailan shook her head: "Not yet, the small house we built in a hurry, people don't recognize it. If it is not recognized, how can my family sign it? It was built with a lot of money. Let's procrastinate. Anyway, there are still many people in the village None signed."

Seventy to eighty percent of the people in the village did not sign, but not many signed.

Hailan asked, "Are you moving away soon?"

Li Shuxin nodded: "That's right, I can't make it if I don't move. We have already paid the rent during the relocation period. They will give you an extra month, and it won't be long."

Their house is really clean and tidy, Hailan said enviously: "That's great, if we had known that building the house would be difficult, we wouldn't have done this work in the first place, now we have to pay for it, right? "

Li Shuxin nodded slightly, the two were talking, when Shao Ling entered, Hailan got up with a wink, and said, "Okay, I'm leaving too."

She smiled and said, "Come to chat with you tomorrow, it's better to come to your place, clean."

Li Shuxin laughed and said, "Okay."

She got up to send Hailan out, and when she turned around, she grabbed Shao Ling's old man's shirt and said, "Shao Ling, you can tell you that you are not allowed to associate with someone like Brother Zhu, it's really disgusting."

She let go of Shao Ling, and added: "It's really disgusting, super super disgusting."

Shao Ling burst out laughing, and said, "Daughter-in-law, don't you understand me? How can such a shrewd person like me get together with such a fool? I play with Shao Peng, and I don't know how to play with Zhu Er Let's get together. He's out of his mind."

As far as Brother Zhu's style of play is concerned, even men are looked down upon.

If you want to get a divorce, you can happily give half of the son to your daughter-in-law, and it will not waste more than ten years with you. That's good, but you still want to let people leave the house?

This kind of operation is a scum among men. It's not a good thing to say.

Really, to be a heartless person is to be the most despicable.

Who can afford it.

What's more, he still eats the grass of turning back. His foolishness of turning back is obviously for money, but he feels that true love has returned. This kind of IQ is basically out of reach for normal people, and Shao Ling knows without thinking too much that this person will not end well.

Sooner or later one day let myself die stupidly.

He snorted and said, "Daughter-in-law, don't mention this idiot, I feel bad luck even mentioning him."

Li Shuxin nodded: "I also feel unlucky."

She also poohed.

The husband and wife looked at each other, and with a snort, they both burst out laughing.

Li Shuxin: "Look, sister-in-law Xiuchang hasn't complained yet? We're going to fuck up."

Shao Ling: "She doesn't complain because she doesn't have more choices. If there are more choices, she may not hang on to the crooked neck tree of Brother Zhu."

Shao Ling didn't think that Xiuchang's sister-in-law had to be Brother Zhu. She was holding on to Brother Zhu like this, and she had no other better choice. This choice does not refer to the man, but to the way.

She has no better way out, and her natal brothers are not very trustworthy, so she has nothing to do.

Li Shuxin: "Maybe she really has a deep love for Brother Zhu?"

Shao Ling sneered and said, "If she has no choice but to carry me temporarily, I think she is not stupid enough; if she is sincere to Brother Zhu, I will actually look down on her."

Li Shuxin was surprised: "Shouldn't you men like women who are loyal to each other and regard their husbands as heaven?"

Shao Ling looked at Li Shuxin strangely, and said, "Who told you that? No one wants the person they like to be a fool. How unconfident is that, that you have to show your presence from your daughter-in-law?"

Li Shuxin's eyebrows were raised high, Shao Ling smiled, pinched her cheek, and said, "I just like you who are smart and smart."

When Shao Ling said this, Li Shuxin believed that, after all, they had known each other for a long time, and she could tell a little about his taste. A few years ago, The Legend of Condor Heroes was broadcast on TV, just in time for their class reunion, and all the male students in the class liked Xiaolongnv.

Only Shao Ling, he admired Cheng Ying the most.

So Shao Ling's words still have some credibility, Li Shuxin snorted when he thought of how this person said he liked Cheng Ying the most.

Shao Ling was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

All right, why did he suddenly hum.

Li Shuxin: "I want you to take care of it!"

Shao Ling: "???"

Sure enough, a woman's mind is not easy to guess.

He followed behind Li Shuxin and said, "You're a person, you get angry when you disagree, and you don't say why when you get angry. That's not good. Isn't it important to be frank between husband and wife? You say you..."

Rory chattered, following Li Shuxin.

Li Shuxin: "I'm thinking of Cheng Ying, okay?"

Shao Ling was taken aback for a moment, never expecting such an outrageous reason, and then laughed out loud, very proud: "You're so jealous."

Li Shuxin: "It's not."

Shao Ling couldn't stop smiling, with a long smile, and turned around and called her jealous, Li Shuxin was so angry that she wanted to hit someone.

Li Shuxin didn't admit that she was jealous, anyway.

Shao Ling: "Hi, you, you know that I like you the most..."

Shao Ling: "Hey, how about I tattoo your name on my chest?"

Shao Ling: "I write you a love letter every day?"


Li Shuxin: "Why didn't I realize that you owed me so much before?"

With an innocent face, Shao Ling said, "You can't wrong me, I'm expressing my love."

Li Shuxin: "You are very annoying."

Shao Ling didn't believe what she said, and kept quacking, saying, "Just say what you mean, I know you love me to death."

Li Shuxin: "..." Make up your face!

But having said that, Li Shuxin couldn't hide her smile.

Shao Ling: "Look, look, secretly happy."

Li Shuxin: "You can go to the other side."

The two laughed and made a fuss, Li Shuxin poked him: "We're moving the day after tomorrow, will you notify your parents?"

This is a change of topic, Shao Ling gave her a smile knowingly, Li Shuxin: "Hey, I'm asking you."

Shao Ling laughed and said, "Notice, I welcome them very much."

What happened last time allowed Shao Ling to find a way to deal with his parents. It's no use getting angry every time. On the contrary, this is very good, killing two birds with one stone, he relieved his anger and gained benefits.

He will not do things that harm others and benefit himself.

He thought for a while and said, "Do you think my parents will come?"

Li Shuxin: "I guess not."

Wasn't her mother-in-law, Fan Lian, injured and hospitalized? How come? Without this old lady who can "perform" the most, no one else would have come. Besides, she felt that her mother-in-law didn't dare to let the others in, because they all had no EQ. What's more, Li Shuxin still knows her mother-in-law a little bit, she won't be there, so she won't be at ease if someone else comes.

When the eldest son's family came, she was afraid that the eldest daughter-in-law would get an advantage by pretending to be a good person.

If it was the third son's family, she would be even more worried. Among the children, except for Shao Ling, she ignored Shao Jing the most.

As for the youngest daughter Shao Zhi, she might still be worried that Shao Zhi would suffer.

So if she can't come, others probably won't either. Fan Lian would not allow it.

But Shao Ling laughed silently, and said, "Just a bet? I bet they will come. Even if my mother is sick, she can come. Not to mention who knows if she is really sick or a fake one. It's just a way to make sure that it's not complete. ."

Li Shuxin immediately said, "Then you are not allowed to make small moves."

Shao Ling raised his hand: "No! I'll call in front of you, what do you think?"

Li Shuxin nodded.

"Then, what are you betting on? There must be something to win, right?"

No matter what the bet is, it's more interesting if it's a bit of a jackpot.

Li Shuxin pursed her lips: "..."

The two of them are a family, what else can they bet on?

Li Shuxin's eyes naturally fell on his son, the chubby boy was the most suitable.

She said decisively: "Whoever loses, give the little chubby a bath for a month!"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "What kind of punishment is this? It was originally done by the two of us."

The two of them, husband and wife, took care of their son, and it was always the two of them who came when they were free. It really wasn't a punishment at all. He thought for a while and said, "Let's bet on taking a bath. If I win, you will bathe me; if you win, I will bathe you."

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling silently: "..."

Silence, endless silence.

She asked seriously, "Shao Ling, do you think I'm a fool?"

Shao Ling: "No way."

Li Shuxin suddenly stepped forward, bumped him with his shoulder on purpose, and said, "No! You still said no, what kind of punishment are you doing? It's all cheap for you! Don't even think about it! Don't gamble, don't gamble, you are too bullying people!"

Shao Ling laughed and said, "Oh, look at you... Overthinking, I'm the most innocent person!"

Li Shuxin: "...vomit!"

Who wants to believe it.

Shao Ling smiled: "Look at you, you get angry when you don't agree with each other. It's easy for a woman to get old when she is so angry."

Li Shuxin looked at him: "Then don't be mad at me."

Shao Ling immediately circled the man in his arms, and said, "Am I kidding you? Besides..." He whispered a few words in Li Shuxin's ear, and Li Shuxin's face turned red again . She bit her lip, looked at Shao Ling with big watery eyes, and Shao Ling smiled: "Is that okay?"

Li Shuxin pursed her lips and hesitated.

There was a smile in Shao Ling's eyes: "What? You dare not bet? Oh, Li Shuxin, you can't do it, coward."

Li Shuxin's eyes widened. Shao Ling was still making sarcastic remarks. Li Shuxin knew that he was trying to provoke the opponent on purpose, but he still got ahead and didn't care about getting entangled. He said proudly: "Okay! Bet, bet, whoever is afraid of whom!"

Although she agreed, she said very seriously, "No tricks are allowed."

Shao Ling said righteously: "I am not that kind of person."

Li Shuxin didn't really believe it, and stared at him with the corner of her mouth curled up.

Shao Ling chuckled and spread his hands.

Li Shuxin: "Then you call in front of me now."

Shao Ling: "Success."

He picked up the phone and dialed it in front of Li Shuxin. The phone rang for a long time, and finally someone picked it up. There was a hard voice on the other end of the phone: "Hello?"

When Shao Ling heard that it was his father's voice, his expression changed, but he quickly said, "Dad, I'm Shao Ling. I'm moving the day after tomorrow. Are you coming?"

He really did what he said, and promised Li Shuxin not to do small things, so he wouldn't say more. Shao Guowei paused, and then cursed: "You little bastard, tell me, are you trying to trick us into going to work for you? ? I knew that you were a person with bad intentions, not a good person. Last time you asked us to work and kill the donkey. You..."

Shao Ling took the receiver a little farther away, Shao Guowei yelled even louder, but almost quickly, the person on the phone was changed, and a gentle voice came from the other end of the phone: "Ah Ling."

Shao Ling: "Mom?"

Fan Lian: "Hey, it's mom, don't listen to your dad, your dad actually likes you in his heart, it's just a duplicity."

The corner of Shao Ling's mouth twitched, thinking that this was just to fool the second idiot, but he waited for her mother to continue, Fan Lian smiled: "Since you are moving, why don't we go, your father and I, we must go Yes, we'll be there in the morning."

Shao Ling: "...OK."

Fan Lian: "Mom is not in good health..."

Li Shuxin heard it from the side, and muttered softly: "If you are not in good health, don't come here."

Lose, lose, she is going to lose!

Why is her mother-in-law still sick!

Fan Lian heard Li Shuxin's muttering in a low voice, and Fan Lian's voice became more determined: "Don't worry, Ah Ling, we must go, will your in-laws go? Li Shuxin, uh, are Ah Xin's parents going too?"

Fan Lian hurriedly asked, for fear that the other party would take advantage of something first.

Shao Ling: "Ah...we forgot to tell them about buying a house and moving."

Fan Lian: "..." After a second of silence, Fan Lian said happily, "Oh, look, this is the disadvantage of your juniors not having your elders around you. You are not doing things well."

Shao Ling: "What's so thoughtful about this? It's alright, alright, since you guys want to come, that's it, hang up."

Fan Lian said with a happy tone, "That's fine, hang up."

She hung up the phone and said earnestly: "His father, you can't be so fierce. You have to show fatherly love, just like I show motherly love. Only in this way will he let go of his guard and hostility towards us step by step."

Shao Guowei snorted and said, "How can I be a kid for a kid?"

Fan Lian said softly: "Why did your parents not give us a good foundation? They must have spoken ill of us back then, who knows our difficulties."

After a pause, Fan Lian said again: "However, I don't think it's bad now. You see, my son hasn't been in contact with his daughter-in-law's natal family, so it's better than us. We have more opportunities than there."

Thinking about it this way, Shao Guowei also nodded and said, "Not bad."

Fan Lian proudly said, "My idea is useful. You see, he has softened towards us, huh."

The two were triumphant, but they didn't know that Shao Ling was even happier. He looked at Li Shuxin with a smile and said, "You lost."

This tone is almost as good as winning a lottery ticket.

Li Shuxin: "..."

Shao Ling chuckled and said, "We must be willing to admit defeat..."

Li Shuxin was very helpless, she said: "What's the matter with your parents, why don't you have any principles at all, they all know that you are a pit and jump into it."

What made her even more speechless was that they even wanted to compare with her natal family. Don't they know their family's "family style"?


Li Shuxin was muttering, and she felt that what she asked had the opposite effect.

It's really sad for the listeners and tears for those who hear it.

Li Shuxin sighed sadly, Shao Ling: "Then tonight..."

He is in high spirits!

This is the happiness of the successful.

Li Shuxin glared at him and said, "I will never admit defeat until the last moment!"

Shao Ling: "..."

He had a half-smile: "Okay, I'll see how hard your mouth is."

Shao Ling was in a good mood, humming a little tune, and said, "It just occurred to me that you haven't told your parents to move yet, so let's talk about it."

Li Shuxin nodded: "Okay."

Li Shuxin was actually very timid to call her parents. She didn't care about her parents-in-law. That's because although they were also called "parents", it was out of public order and good customs, not because she really regarded them as parents in her heart.

But her own parents always feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Even the "family tradition" has been like this since she was a child, she has long been used to it, but thinking about the little chubby boy in her previous life, Li Shuxin still feels somewhat uncomfortable. She dialed the number with a dumb face. In fact, not every household has a telephone now. It is not cheap to install a telephone.

But fortunately, there are both Shao's and Li's.

The Shao family is because Shao Guowei is very particular about arranging noodles, and he has to pretend to grit his teeth.

As for the Li family, it was because Li Shuxin's second elder brother insisted that the old couple serve their son wholeheartedly. He wanted the moon, but they wouldn't give him the stars.

The call was connected, and it was her mother, Liang Chunyu. Compared to her mother-in-law, Fan Lian, who had to put on a warm face, Liang Chunyu was much colder: "Axin, why are you calling? What's the matter?"

Li Shuxin: "We bought a house in Pengcheng and plan to move the day after tomorrow. Can you come?"

Liang Chunyu: "Shall we help move?"

Li Shuxin: "...If you think so, it's fine, in fact, it's just a helping hand."

Liang Chunyu came to her senses and said, "That's considered helping to move, can I give you money?"

Li Shuxin: "..."

She was calm and decisive: "No."

Liang Chunyu frowned, and said, "Let us help without giving money? Then what are we going to do? Oh yes, do we need to warm the pot with courtesy?"

Li Shuxin: "...That's not necessary."

Liang Chunyu: "Since there is no money and no gift, then we won't go, and there will be a fare for the car."

Li Shuxin: "Okay, whatever you want."

Li Shuxin: "Oh, then I'll give you the address, you can write it down."

Liang Chunyu looked around and said, "I don't have a pen and paper, so I can't remember it. That's all right. After you call your second brother again, ask him to write it down. But it doesn't matter if you remember it or not, and we don't." Go to your home."

Li Shuxin: "...Mom, you are so straightforward."

Liang Chunyu: "To talk about money is to talk about money, and to talk about feelings is to talk about feelings. Only when we don't confuse everyone can we be clear."

Li Shuxin: "Okay, okay..."

Liang Chunyu hung up the phone resolutely. Even her own daughter was not in the mood to greet her. Li Shuxin spread her hands: "Actually, I didn't expect her to come."

Shao Ling couldn't hold back, stepped forward to hug Li Shuxin, and said, "She doesn't love you, I love you."

Li Shuxin muttered: "What are you talking about? There are many people who love me, and my eldest sister loves me too."

Shao Ling: "Well, eldest sister is very good."

How many boxes of lunch did he eat from his eldest sister back then?

Thinking of this, Shao Ling laughed and said with emotion: "Actually, your parents and elder brother are not bad. Compared with other people's nonsense, and my parents' fake warmth, they are real and give us love. Save yourself trouble."

Li Shuxin pouted.

Although her parents seem to be selfish and innocent, but they really took the money, and they wouldn't try their best to take care of it seriously, so it's hard to say that they...

Li Shuxin shook her head, not wanting to talk about her parents anymore, and said, "Okay, let's tidy up things these few days."

Shao Ling: "It seems that there is nothing to prepare."

The furniture and home appliances of the new house are all bought, and even the pots and pans are bought new. There is really nothing to move in the old house. It's just some quilts and clothes, and a few more things have been added to the quilts.

Li Shuxin: "Then we need to tidy up."

Two days passed by in a flash. They, Lin Cheng, believed in Feng Shui very much.

Shao Ling specially asked someone to look at the moving day, and Li Shuping and his wife came over early in the morning.

Shao Ling: "Brother-in-law, why are you here?"

Zhou Wei scratched his head and smiled honestly: "It's okay, the factory doesn't have much work right now, I'm asking for a day off. Now move to the car?"

Shao Ling: "Wait a minute, I borrowed a pickup truck from Fatty Yu, and Erhei went to drive. We'll all move to the pickup truck later."

Although the breeding circle was buried, Shao Ling introduced Erhei and the others to the surrounding circles. Regardless of the fact that everyone agrees with this relocation, there is always a fast and a slow time. Fatty Yu and Shao Ling was the fastest, and Shao Peng was close behind.

Of course, there are still slow ones. Although the seafood in the breeding circle will be compensated according to the price when the compensation is made, they will not be taken away. This has always been the policy. Therefore, except for the newly planted seedlings that there is really no way to get them, even if they are a little smaller, generally speaking, everyone will pick them up.

So Erhei and his group found temporary jobs in the surrounding circles, but Erhei and Shao Ling had a good relationship, so they came to help again today. Speaking of which, it was the Shao family who came late.

Because it wasn't the weekend, Shao Guowei and the others both went to work, but Shao Guowei still asked for leave.

But he didn't ask his eldest son and daughter-in-law to ask for leave. No, it was Shao Guowei and his wife and Shao Jing who came here. They probably thought of coming to work, but Shao Zhi didn't come. The four of them came over, and Shao Ling smiled and said, "Parents, you can really dawdle, and we'll be done moving later."

Fan Lian immediately showed weakness: "Mom is not in good health..."

"Don't come if you are not healthy."

Fan Lian: "..." This little bastard knew he was unreliable.

She smiled "weakly", hoping that Shao Ling's heart would soften and say nice things, that's something she didn't even think about. She is used to putting on a kind gesture in front of outsiders. Seeing that many people came to watch at this time, she quickly got busy.

This also commanded Shao Jing and his wife.

Shao Ling and his family of three were the first ones to move out in the village, so there were quite a lot of people who came to see the excitement. The second aunt was a relative of Fan Lian who had traveled thousands of miles away, but she saw Fan Lian making a face. Intimacy: "Old sister, you are here too. You are a rare visitor. Shaoling and I have been neighbors for so many years, and I really haven't seen you a few times."

Fan Lian: "..."

This rural man just doesn't listen to his words.

She said softly: "The family is really too busy. His father is at work. I have too many things to do outside the house, so few come here..."

Second aunt: "Old sister, you see that you are fooling me. Who doesn't know that you are the best at calling out your daughter-in-law!"

Shao Jing's daughter-in-law Ah Hui was helping, when she heard this, she staggered and nearly fell, she quickly lowered her head, pretending that she didn't exist.

The second aunt ran against Fan Lian, and Li Shuxin was also watching the excitement happily. Li Shuxin realized that her mother-in-law's family had no upper hand in the village. How do you say that? Shao Guowei is a teacher, and they live in the family courtyard of the school. No matter what, they are more or less educated, so naturally they can't speak so bluntly. And more or less pay attention to a little "face", not too embarrassing.

But, the village is different.

The villagers care about you?

No one expects you to do anything, so naturally you have to say what you have. Besides, Shao Guowei and Fan Lian caused a lot of trouble in the village for not raising their parents and not raising their son, and their reputation was very bad. Of course, everyone would not be polite when they spoke.

If Fan Lian wanted to pretend to be a white lotus, she had to have an environment where she could pretend to be a white lotus.

This is in the village, there is no loaded soil at all.

The second aunt: "Oh, yes, I heard that you are not feeling well this time because you fought with your eldest daughter-in-law? What's the matter, you can't beat her and someone beats her up?"

The second aunt asked again: "You said that you were able to bully your mother-in-law when you were young. Why do you let your eldest daughter-in-law bully you when you are old? You can't beat the eldest daughter-in-law so you can vent your anger on other daughter-in-laws." ."

She really picks people up to say something bad.

Shao Jing's daughter-in-law was about to applaud her, so she felt so refreshed.

Li Shuxin... Li Shuxin was holding back her laughter, almost internally injured.

Fan Lian's complexion is really colorful. Fortunately, the second aunt did not continue to say bad things, but took the initiative to say: "Recently, a health care product seller came from our village. Men and women are good after eating it. Men are revived." Xiongfeng, women are forever young. How about it? I think your eldest brother is not good enough, why don't you buy some? I recommend you."

Shao Guowei was furious: "You fart, you are not good, you are not a man, your whole family is not good!"

He became angry all of a sudden, and he could pretend not to hear anything else, but it was about his dignity, so why not?

"I also think you can't do it." Aunt Hu didn't know when she came to see the excitement, and said, "The last time we fought, I could put you down."

"You wicked old bitch, shut up."

"Who are you scolding?"

The two quarreled, and Old Haishu also came to watch the excitement. Seeing the situation, he persuaded him. After all, Shao Guowei is still his brother-in-law.

"Sister Hu, please don't say a few words."

"Bah, what's the matter with you? Hai Laojiao."

Old Uncle Hai: "Oh, no, you are still going after me? You are still scolding me! What face do you have to scold me? You can just send your daughter to do cuckoo. That girl of yours stole (fork) in Hong Kong City. The customer was arrested, and I didn't know? Your family is really a bad family."

"Huh? And this thing?"

"No wonder they found Su Xuelian a few days ago. They must have asked someone for help."

"Su Xuelian is also unlucky. With such relatives, Su Xuejiao is also quite miserable, and she has been chasing her cousin to suck blood all day long..."

Aunt Hu: "You bastards..."

The scene became chaotic again in an instant, and Shao Ling shouted: "Shut up!"

He clenched his fists and said, "I'm in a hurry to move. If you want to gossip, quarrel, or fight, go outside and find an open space. Don't affect my moving. Whoever affects my good time to move, I You're welcome."

"Yes, yes, don't delay other people's business..."

"Let's go out and talk, hey, tell me about his family..."

Shao Ling was driven away, sighed, and said with emotion: "These people are really..."

I didn't know what to say for a while, but Li Shuxin laughed and said, "Okay, when we move to Pengcheng, we won't see such lively things anymore. We're almost done moving, lock the door and leave."

There are many people and strength, and they loaded the car quickly. Compared with others who still have a heart to read gossip, Shao Ling and Li Shuxin suddenly felt a little desolate. After all, this is where they lived, Shao Ling and Li Shuxin, they got married here, and now they have completely moved out.

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling, and at this moment Shao Ling was also looking at Li Shuxin, and he said, "We will get better and better in the future."

Li Shuxin nodded slightly. Although it was still inevitable that they would return to the village, Li Shuxin also knew that there would be a lot less of them coming back in the future. At this time, it is quite interesting to watch the noisy quarrels in the village.

In their previous life, their husband and wife left the village very quickly, but they did not expect to be like this in this life.

But even though it was the same behavior, the state of mind when leaving was quite different.

Shao Ling looked at Li Shuxin in a daze, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Shuxin: "A little emotional."

Shao Ling laughed softly, stretched out his arms to wrap her around her, and tightened his arms, but didn't say anything.

Erhei probed: "Boss, are you leaving?"

Shao Ling turned back: "Let's go!"

He was very straightforward, although he was a little nostalgic, but he always had to go!

Run to a new life!

Chapter 23

There is great power in numbers.

It was especially obvious when we moved, and everyone sorted it out almost in the morning.

Fan Lian was afraid that Li Shuping would grab the credit and rush to work, making Li Shuping feel like she had seen a ghost. Of course, she knew what kind of mother-in-law her sister was. This sudden diligence is really scalp-numbing.

But even if her scalp was numb, Li Shuping didn't compete with her. Since she wanted to work, it was natural to satisfy her.

On the other hand, Shao Ling and Li Shuxin were very calm. Li Shuping felt emotional: My sister and brother-in-law are really well-informed, and they can pretend that such a weird scene has not been seen. Since Fan Lian was rushing to work, she naturally stopped arguing with others. She took her younger sister to gossip and said, "Didn't you tell me last time that you could let me try selling fish eggs?"

Li Shuxin nodded, and asked, "Has Eldest Sister already started?"

Li Shuping nodded: "It's started, the business is pretty good."

She had a smile on her face and eyes, and she didn't expect that the business would be so good.

She said: "I sold it at the gate of Yongni's school. Actually, I was worried about hurting the child's self-esteem. But I didn't expect that Yongni is very sensible. She advised me not to think too much. I sold it for three times in a row. God, business is getting better every day."

Li Shuxin was really happy for the eldest sister, and said, "This is pretty good."

Li Shuping also nodded, she was quite confused at first, she is thirty-eight years old, laid off at this age, it is really a lot of pressure, there are old and young, it is the most difficult time, but fortunately her craftsmanship is still recognized of. Although she has only been working for three days, her net income in these three days has actually caught up with her usual weekly income, so Li Shuping is still very confident in herself.

While the two were talking, Li Shuxin saw her mother-in-law poking around, as if she really wanted to know what their sisters were talking about, Li Shuxin smiled sweetly and said, "Mom, you just happened to be here, come on, let's have a chat, Dad You're pretty cool at school, right?"

Fan Lian smiled smugly, and said unceremoniously: "That's natural. When Director Shao's name is mentioned, no one should be polite."

Li Shuxin smiled brighter, and said: "You are so kind, isn't my eldest sister laid off? She can't stay at home, and she just came out to set up a stall to sell fish eggs. Isn't this sold at the gate of my niece's middle school? I don't think it's appropriate. Dad has a lot of face in the elementary school, why don't you let my elder sister sell fish eggs at the gate of the elementary school? If someone comes to chase someone away, you can ask Dad to help talk. It would be even better if you can help promote the publicity alright."

Fan Lian was dumbfounded.

She subconsciously picked her ears, unable to believe what she heard.

Li Shuxin smiled: "Mom, thank you."

Fan Lian: "Wait!"

At the critical moment, Fan Lian waved her big hand, reached out to stop Li Shuxin, and said, "Selling fish eggs?"

Li Shuxin nodded innocently, Fan Lian quickly said, "No!"

Li Shuxin became even more innocent, and said, "There's nothing wrong with that, isn't it making money with craftsmanship? It's not shameful."

Fan Lian: "Why don't you be ashamed!"

She yelled, and after she finished speaking, she looked at Li Shuxin's slightly hurt expression, and said quickly: "Your father wants to save face, I'm afraid it's not very..."

Li Shuxin: "Mom, please tell me, Dad will definitely listen to you."

Fan Lian: "It's not... about this matter, let's take a long-term view, and we still have to take a long-term view."

Li Shuxin: "It's okay, I'll call Dad over here, let's discuss it, and there's nothing long-term to discuss, after all, it's such a trivial matter..."

Seeing that Li Shuxin was about to call for someone, Fan Lian hurriedly said, "Although your father has face, he is not. I'm really embarrassed to do this, oh yes. I have to visit relatives when I come to Pengcheng this time, so I won't be here." You stay here. His father, Ah Cheng's father..."

Fan Lian called people quickly, and a series of movements were like scud, extremely fast.

She quickly stopped Shao Guowei, solemnly: "Aren't we still going to a relative's house? Let's go now?"

Shao Guowei: "???"

Fan Lian winked: "It was agreed when I came here."

Shao Guowei finally understood what his old woman meant, and said, "Okay, let's go now."

Shao Jing and his wife: "???"

Haven't heard of it?

When did this relative come out?

His family has no relatives in Pengcheng.

But it doesn't matter how you think about it, the young couple just got kicked out by Shao Guowei and Fan Lian, and went downstairs, Shao Guowei was puzzled: "Why are you leaving all of a sudden?"

Fan Lian said mysteriously: "Let's not leave, what if we fall into the pit later? That good second daughter-in-law of yours is such a badass bastard. She actually wants you to help..."

She babbled, and recounted the matter emphatically, and then said: "We don't find a reason to leave, and Li Shuping is here, so they force you to express your opinion, what should I do? What if I encourage you when you are drunk? Isn't this because you are afraid of losing money?"

Shao Jing: "Mom, it's okay to help a little."

Fan Lian was angry: "It's nothing, I gave birth to such a stupid son like you. Why should I help the Li family?"

Shao Guowei nodded: "Your mother is right, what is my identity, the director of the teaching office, although there is still the word "agent", but the removal of the agent is just around the corner. My relatives sell fish eggs at the door? Am I ashamed? Can this agent still be taken away? I can't be laughed at to death?"

Fan Lian: "That's the truth!"

Shao Jing: "..." Are you thinking too much?

Although he disapproved very much in his heart, he didn't dare to say much on his face, and could only look back sadly. Woohoo, such a nice house, I will be leaving soon.


Shao Guowei and Fan Lian thought they were getting a good deal, but as soon as they left, Shao Ling said meaningfully: "Did you do it on purpose?"

Li Shuxin: "Your mother has eavesdropped, what else can I say? It's better to be straightforward."

She clasped her hands together and said embarrassingly, "Sister, I'm sorry, I'm talking about you."

Li Shuping laughed, and said, "It's nothing, I'm just selling fish eggs. Besides, when it comes to helping with such things, it's a matter of love, and it's okay if you don't want to. I can understand it."

Li Shuxin nodded, and said softly: "Actually, I know he won't help. What I think is, if we hide it, she might think how much money you make from selling fish eggs. When the time comes, everyone who spreads it will know about it." It's very annoying. So I did it on purpose just now, and ah, I don't want to eat with them." She made a very mean expression, and said with a smile: "Scare them away!"

Li Shuping was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Shao Ling.

After all, those are his parents.

She was also afraid that her younger sister's family would not be in harmony. Who knew, Shao Ling smiled and said, "My wife is really amazing."

Li Shuping: "..."

You husband and wife can do it.

No matter what other people think, Shao Ling and Li Shuxin can make themselves happy.

Li Shuping: "You two, you are still so childish when you are so old, and you are doing these little tricks. By the way, what are your plans for the future? Are you looking for a place to contract a breeding circle or do something else? You can't be so idle, right? ?"

She sincerely hoped for the well-being of these two people, and persuaded: "You can't always be at home at a young age."

Li Shuxin: "Sister, don't worry, we have plans, and we may start wholesale clothing later."

After hearing this, Li Shuping did not breathe a sigh of relief, but instead asked with some concern: "Clothing wholesale? There are so many people in this industry now, and you entered the market late, and you don't know anything, can you succeed? You still have to be cautious when doing business. "

Li Shuxin understood the elder sister's worry, and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, elder sister, we will start small and see the market conditions, and we won't make it big all at once."

With that said, Li Shuping was somewhat relieved.

Li Shuping: "I don't know how to do business, but I also know that it is definitely not easy. If it is easy, everyone will get rich. But how many people are really rich? You must not be too blind and arrogant when doing business. "

Li Shuxin: "Okay, okay."

Li Shuping knew the plan of Li Shuxin and his wife, and she gave a lot of advice. Li Shuxin also listened very seriously. She assured her elder sister seriously: "Don't worry, elder sister, I will be careful. By the way, elder sister, I will go to Hong Kong City to bring you gift."

Li Shuxin quickly took out the gold pendant she had bought. All three members of her elder sister's family had it.

Li Shuping felt very sorry for her sister's spending money, but thinking that it was only like this once, she still accepted it. This was her sister's wish. Li Shuping took it back, and also warned: "Don't spend money indiscriminately, and don't buy us anything in the future. Your brother-in-law and I don't need anything, and your family has to raise children. Raising children now is better than we were at that time." It costs more."

There is no such thing as a "little gold-swallowing beast" yet, if there is, Li Shuping can use this word all at once.

Li Shuxin raised her hands in surrender.

Her eldest sister is the best at nagging, and she can't bear it anymore.

On the other hand, Shao Ling looked at them like this, smiled and didn't speak, and listened with gusto.

It was not easy for Li Shuping's family to leave. Li Shuxin let out a long breath and said, "Hey, my eldest sister is so good at chattering."

Shao Ling smiled and said, "You're acting like a good boy because you're getting cheap. Someone really cares about you, so you can have some fun."

Li Shuxin laughed softly, stepped forward and leaned on Shao Ling, and said, "Are you envious?"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows, very arrogantly: "What am I envious of? That's also my eldest sister, do you think you care about me?"

Li Shuxin burst out laughing, Shao Ling looked at her little fox-like smile, and suddenly said: "Look, you lost the bet, shouldn't you be willing to admit defeat?"

Li Shuxin blushed slightly and said, "Night!"

She got up immediately.

Shao Ling: "Where's your son? Are you still sleeping? My son is sleeping, what's wrong?"

The little chubby cub played for a long time, lying on the bed with his little feet in his arms, sleeping soundly. Li Shuxin surrounded him with a quilt to prevent the little guy from falling off.

After hearing this, Li Shuxin gave Shao Ling another look, and said, "Bai Rixuan (cross), no!"

Shao Ling smiled, and asked back: "What's wrong? Anyway, the baby will sleep again, so don't try to renege..."

Shao Ling stared at Li Shuxin, with those eyes, Li Shuxin would expose her if she lied, Li Shuxin: "Hey, you're so angry."

Shao was very proud, he said: "There is no way, who let us Ah Xin lose? But I welcome you to come and bet with me next time!"

Li Shuxin hesitated for a moment, and then said unconvinced: "Next time will be the next time, I don't believe that your parents can still step on the pit endlessly."

Shao Ling smiled meaningfully...

That smile is really confusing.

Li Shuxin snorted softly, and secretly swore in her heart that she wouldn't gamble anymore, betting on dogs would not end well.

Li Shuxin looked at the sky silently, and then said: "Let's go, accompany me to organize the closet."

Although everything has been moved here and many things have been tidied up, the clothes of the husband and wife have not been moved. Shao Ling: "Look at you, you will talk about him from left to right."

For so many years, he has seen through her.

Li Shuxin pursed her lips, swished back to the room, and pretended not to hear.

"Shao Ling, Ah Ling..."

Shao Ling: "Here we come."

The husband and wife sat on the floor together, and the carton box Li Shuxin unpacked first happened to be underwear. Shao Ling raised his eyebrows subtly, and said, "You did it on purpose..."

Li Shuxin finally couldn't bear it any longer, reached out and pinched Shao Ling, Shao Ling said, "Ah!"

Li Shuxin hammered him: "Keep your voice down, baby sleeps again."

The husband and wife turned their heads together in a tacit understanding, and at a glance, they saw the little guy twisted his buttocks, changed his position, and continued to sleep. The strange movements of mom and dad didn't affect the little cutie's sleep at all.

Li Shuxin: "This drawer is yours, this one is mine, and the underwear is separated."

Shao Ling hummed and said, "Daughter-in-law, go and buy me some big red underpants."

He has his own requirements: "The kind with the word Jinfu."

Li Shuxin: "...Oh, good."

Shao Ling thought for a while and added: "You can buy some purple ones."

Li Shuxin: "???"

She asked suspiciously, "Why is it purple?"

Shao Ling: "Hey, didn't you hear Erhei say this? Erhei said that big purple pants are equal to purple buttocks, which means designated row! It sounds like an accent in his native dialect, what a good meaning you see."

The corner of Li Shuxin's mouth twitched for a long time, she nodded silently, okay! Purple ass!

Shao Ling also gave Li Shuxin an idea, he said: "Ah Xin, we are all natal years this year, although it is also a lucky demolition. But natal years are generally not very lucky, we should pay more attention. Like Go ahead, wear more bright red too. Good luck, suppress all the bad things."

Li Shuxin: "..."

"Did you hear that?"

Li Shuxin: "I heard that, all right, then I'll go buy it soon."

Shao Ling: "Put on your gold jewelry too, it's golden, you're very lucky."

Li Shuxin surrendered: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you."

Shao Ling patted her on the head and said, "Good boy."

Li Shuxin bared her teeth at him, and was grabbed by Shao Ling and kissed him a few times.

Li Shuxin, a fiasco!

Li Shuxin muttered: "You will use force to win."

If he said this, Shao Ling would not be convinced. He said, "Are you talking nonsense? When I bet with you, I obviously relied on my brain."

Li Shuxin shook her head: "No, it's luck."

Shao Ling sneered and said, "I'm lucky, and I've also used my brain."

He put his arms around Li Shuxin and said, "I welcome you to bet with me again."

Li Shuxin: "..."

She broke free and said, "You can go aside for me and pack your clothes quickly."

Shao Ling shrugged and said yes, the husband and wife tidied up several boxes of clothes together. Although Xiao Jiaxi still sleeps with his parents now, he also has his own room. Li Shuxin tidied up his clothes and milk powder In the little guy's room, he said, "I don't know when our baby will be able to live by himself."

Shao Ling: "Hurry up, this little bastard always delays my affairs."

Li Shuxin: "..."

She poked Shao Ling's chest and said, "You, don't say this in front of the baby and bully our baby."

Shao Ling whispered: "Actually, I just want to bully you..."

Li Shuxin snorted coquettishly, the husband and wife were like two koalas, embracing each other, running from room to room, Li Shuxin: "You are so naive..."

Shao Ling laughed and said, "Although I've been here many times, I don't know why, but I'm still very happy to move here officially. It feels very different."

Li Shuxin: "Of course."

She was also very happy, Li Shuxin happily asked: "Then the first meal in the new house, shall we go out and have something good?"

Shao Ling shook his head: "That's not okay, we have to eat our first meal at home. Shall I buy a Dongxingban?"

Li Shuxin snapped her fingers: "Okay."

Both Shao Ling and Li Shuxin are in a good mood, but as an adult, it won't be very obvious that they are in a good mood, but the little fat boy is different.

After waking up, the little guy twisted his little butt and crawled out again. Li Shuxin didn't care about the child, as long as he didn't go into the kitchen, it didn't matter if he crawled around in the living room. The little guy liked that he could "play wild", happy Drooling, waving the chubby hand, and oh hello to mom and dad.

This excitement lasted for a week.

The week is not over, but it's not surprising, because the little chubby boy is usually very busy and can't stay at home. If you can stay at home, the little guy will soon get used to it, but now the little chubby boy always asks his parents to go out, so the little guy can't climb every day.

That is definitely not enough.

During these days, Shao Ling found an agent to look at the house, and had to go out every day, although they really wanted to buy it. But it's exactly what I thought it would be at first. Sellers rarely put it outside, and the only one is still in the corner of the highest floor, next to the toilet.

Whether it was Shao Ling or Li Shuxin, neither of them liked it at all.

If renting, the choice is much better than buying, and the price is different depending on the location. If you want to say that you are perfect in every aspect, it is not possible, and it is impossible. No matter when it is like this, there are some small flaws, and it is the same when buying a house or renting a house.

They made their request very clear to the agency, and the manager acted quickly, and quickly found a few alternatives for them. Shao Ling and his wife looked at each other. how to say? Neither is the best location.

I think so, if it is very superior, it is impossible for the previous tenant not to rent.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the price increase and the tenants really have something to do. Most of them are because the business is not as good as expected. But having said that, Li Shuxin quickly settled on it after looking at a few of them.

In the end, I still thought she was quite familiar with this place, and she might not know it when she first arrived, but she really didn't count.

The position that Li Shuxin chose was not the best among these shops, but it was still one of the best. As for the one with the best position, Li Shuxin knew it. Although that position was good, almost everyone left after working for one year without renewing their contracts.

how to say?

There are bad neighbors around, staring at other people's money to get goods, and such trivial things as sweeping garbage at the neighbor's door, countless. Like cockroaches, it is really annoying. Li Shuxin didn't want to have such neighbors.

And the shop Li Shuxin chose also has shortcomings. His disadvantage is that he has to sign a three-year contract at once, which is much longer than most one-year contracts. But this was nothing to Li Shuxin, and it was settled soon.

After the two parties signed the contract, Shao Ling started to decorate it.

Li Shuxin had never done decoration before, so she left it to Shao Ling, but the decoration style was determined by her, it was not complicated, and it didn't take long. Throwing it to Shao Ling, Li Shuxin was not idle, and used his spare time to pass the driver's license test.

Fortunately, she signed up early, and now there is only one tail left. After the test, she can concentrate on getting her driver's license.

Li Shuxin was a proficient at first, she just had no ability to learn, she learned faster than others, and she passed the exam smoothly. Of the group of people led by their coach, Li Shuxin was the fastest to finish the exam.

Li Shuxin has been learning to drive these few days and has no time to take the little chubby boy with her, so Shao Ling can only take her with her, and Shao Ling dare not let go even a single step.

How could Shao Ling dare to let go of his daughter-in-law talking about human traffickers?

The little chubby cub is used to being brought up by his mother. He has been following his father for the past few days, his little face is bulging, and he is not very happy.

Fortunately, the little guy is a happy-go-lucky little boy, although he is a little unhappy and awkward. But not crying or fussing.

Well, barely give Dad face!

Not long after, although Shao Ling and Li Shuxin's shop hadn't opened yet, many people here knew that there was a chubby boy in their family. This little guy comes here with his father every day.

Wholesale markets like theirs don't have particularly luxurious decorations, as long as they are suitable.

It took Li Shuxin and the others more than 20 days to complete the renovation. As soon as the renovation was completed, the business license and related procedures were all down. Instead of going through the formalities directly, the couple found an agency.

Pengcheng is such a city, as long as you have money, you can get a very comfortable experience. It's the same no matter what they do, for example, Li Shuxin and the others didn't choose to go through the formalities by themselves this time.

But it's really comforting to spend a little money and get everything done.

As soon as Li Shuxin got the business license, she was ready to talk about the goods. They are engaged in wholesale, not retail, so the price difference is very important. So Li Shuxin was actually a little nervous.

No, I made an appointment early this morning to see the goods, but in the early morning, Li Shuxin nervously went to the toilet three times in a row.

Shao Ling was sitting at the dining table having breakfast, and seeing her going back and forth like this, couldn't help saying, "Daughter-in-law, why don't I go talk about it."

Li Shuxin shook her head decisively and said, "No, I'll go."

She said seriously: "I was the one who made the call. Changing people rashly makes people feel very unprofessional. Moreover, the women's clothing industry is different from other industries. As far as the selection of styles is concerned, we women have more advantages."

It cannot be said that men's aesthetics are not good.

Aesthetics only look at people, not gender.

Those gay men who have bought goods for a long time are also very powerful, but this does not include Shao Ling.

The clothes Shao Ling bought for her were beautiful because he was willing to spend money and knew her well enough, but in general, he was actually a straight man of steel. If you let him choose the money, it will definitely not work. At least not right now.

Li Shuxin took a deep breath and said, "A Ling, can you encourage me?"

Shao Ling laughed. Stepped forward and hugged Li Shuxin's neck, patter, patter, took several mouthfuls!

"My wife will do it!"

Li Shuxin hummed solemnly, and Xiao Jiaxi, who was on the side, saw her father's movement, kicked her little feet, and yelled out, Shao Ling: "Okay, okay, kiss you, I really can't miss you anywhere."

Shao Ling quickly smacked the little chubby kid's face a few times. The little guy was not satisfied, so he raised his little face and yelled at Li Shuxin.

Li Shuxin moved her face closer, and the chubby boy immediately kissed his mother, said wow, and shook his little hands happily.

Li Shuxin laughed and said, "Since you two are encouraging me, then I will definitely do it today!"

Shao Ling: "I'll drive you off."

Li Shuxin nodded lightly, said yes softly, and then got up: "I'll change clothes."

Shao Ling looked sideways at Li Shuxin when he returned to the room, wondering what his wife would wear, would she wear what he bought? He was thinking about it when he saw Li Shuxin coming out, oh, she didn't wear the one he bought, she was wearing a knitted top, the collar and sleeves of the black knitted sweater were trimmed in dark red, and underneath was a pair of Sleek trousers. The top is tucked into the trousers.

A few months ago, the curly-haired poodle's hair had grown long, and Li Shuxin tied a rabbit tail, which was much more natural than the previous short rabbit tail.

She put on some makeup, willow leaf eyebrows, and berry red lip color. Li Shuxin is a tall man, dressed like this, he looks tall, slender and elegant. She stood in front of Shao Ling and said, "Is this okay?"

Shao Ling swallowed, and silently stretched out his thumb. Li Shuxin smiled softly, and raised his chin triumphantly.

But, Li Shuxin said: "I'm still short of a big bag, I can't fit all my things."

Shao Ling immediately said, "Buy it, it will always be useful."

Li Shuxin nodded and said, "Today first."

The family of three went out, Shao Ling was driving, and the chubby boy was babbling all the way, when the car encountered a traffic light, Shao Ling stopped and waited for the light, and looked sideways at Li Shuxin. At the next intersection, Shao Ling looked sideways at Li Shuxin again, and after several times, Li Shuxin smiled and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Shao Ling was serious: "Of course it's because you look good, but you still lack an earring."

Li Shuxin raised her hand to touch her ears, and said, "My ears are pierced, so I don't need to wear them."

She had her ears pierced when she got married, but she was always a little allergic. Later, she got pregnant and didn't want to feel uncomfortable, so she took them off. And then, the little chubby boy is so lively, she dare not take him with him, if he hurts him, it will not be worth the loss.

"It's pretty good like this. It looks good, and you don't need to decorate it with that thing." Li Shuxin boasted a little bit of bragging.

Shao Ling laughed in a low voice, his eyes fell on her hand again, and he said, "You don't wear a wedding ring, don't you like it? The gold ring does look a bit tacky, otherwise let's buy another diamond one .Didn't it all be said on TV? When you get married, you need to buy a diamond ring. Let's buy one, and you can wear it."

Shao Ling's tone was very caring, but Li Shuxin smiled at him, she said slowly, "Shao Ling~"

Shao Ling: "Huh?"

Li Shuxin propped her chin up and smiled, "The clothing factory I went to today has a female boss."

Shao Ling's eyelids twitched, and then he said calmly, "Well, I see."

Li Shuxin: "You know? I think you are quite worried."

Shao Ling said righteously: "I didn't! I just want you to be more beautiful, so don't think about it."

Li Shuxin let out a long sigh, raised her eyebrows and said, "So, you're not jealous?"

Shao Ling opened his eyes wide: "How can you insult people's innocence out of thin air!"

Li Shuxin: "Tch!"

Shao Ling: "I'm not the kind of narrow-minded man."

Li Shuxin: "Oh~~~~"

With an "oh", she also turned the eighteenth bend of the mountain road. Shao Ling didn't blush at all, smiled calmly, and said, "You just like to think too much."

Li Shuxin: "Hehe."

At this time, she suddenly understood the essence of the word "hehe".

The car drove all the way to the industrial area in the suburbs. Li Shuxin actually didn't know the way, but it was not difficult to find. It was easy to find this garment factory. Li Shuxin had several garment factories to choose from, but she chose this Jixiang garment factory first.

It is her first time to get goods, even if it is the same quantity as others, she may not have an advantage. You can get anything, but Li Shuxin wants a good price. And the boss of Jixiang Garment Factory is one of the more talkative people in these families. As women, we can communicate better.

Li Shuxin didn't intend to compete for cheap, she just hoped that she could get the same wholesale price for the same quantity of goods. Instead of giving a "newcomer price".

Li Shuxin arrived at the Jixiang Garment Factory very quickly. Because she had made an appointment in advance, Li Shuxin registered with the guard and was let in. Shao Ling didn't get out of the car and said, "I'll wait for you in the car with my son."

After a pause, he clenched his fists: "Come on!"

Li Shuxin nodded heavily, and with a hum, she entered the office building, which is not too big, and the girl at the reception on the first floor said politely, "Hello."

Li Shuxin: "Hello, my surname is Li, and I have made an appointment with Mr. Chen in advance."

"So it's Miss Li, Mr. Chen said, please go upstairs."

Mr. Chen's office is on the second floor, and Li Shuxin was ushered into the office soon after going upstairs. Mr. Chen's name is Chen Liling. She is about forty years old and has short, capable hair. When I first saw Li Shuxin, I was surprised for a moment. But soon greeted warmly.

Their factory is not big, but it is definitely not small in terms of the entire industrial area. Because the quality is well controlled, and Chen Liling has a good vision, there are still many customers. However, regardless of whether a big or small client, old or new client, Chen Liling always treats her warmly when they come. After all, no one hates money.

They earn more or less.

Chen Liling: "Miss Li, right? When I answered the phone, I thought Miss Li must be very young, but I guessed it right."

Actually not, when she communicated with Li Shuxin on the phone, she felt that she must have some experience. If you have experience in this industry, you won't be a little girl after all, and her voice is delicate and gentle. She guesses that this person is about thirty or so, and she is more likely to nod her head.

But I didn't expect that I was so young and beautiful.

Li Shuxin: "Mr. Chen is exactly what I think, capable and capable."

Chen Liling laughed and said, "Ms. Li is here for the first time, why don't you read the board first?"


To put it bluntly, each place has its own style, and some places pay attention to connecting with each other first, and then discussing business. But they are not here, it may be that the pace of the city is faster, and everyone pays more attention to time is money.

Generally, they don't waste other people's time, and they don't talk too much nonsense, like Chen Liling.

Although it was Li Shuxin's first time here, there were always a lot of people who came to buy goods wholesale in a clothing factory like theirs, so she wouldn't be surprised. Since it was her first time, she naturally had to look at the goods first.

She led Li Shuxin to the sample room, and said, "I wonder how much Miss Li knows about our products?"

Li Shuxin blinked: "Sweet style?"

Chen Liling laughed sincerely at this moment, and said, "Yes, although we are close to Hong Kong City, our family's clothing is not traditional Hong Kong style, but has a bit of sweet little lady style. This is also the difference between my family. It's about the style of other houses. I'm not saying that under this style, my house's styles are the latest and most complete, and others' copying is not as good as ours, nor can it catch up with ours."

Li Shuxin: "I know, otherwise I wouldn't have come."

Both parties have "confirmed" each other that they are indeed knowledgeable people, so there is no need to say more. Chen Liling brought people to the sample room, which was an empty warehouse, and there were many mannequins standing on them, all wearing different clothes, and each piece of clothing had an item number for recording.

In fact, not every family does this, but Chen Liling is very careful.

It is always more convenient to look at the goods in this way, and it will feel very professional psychologically.

When I get the goods now, the basic choice is autumn clothes. If you are in a hurry, you need winter clothes. It is normal for them to grab goods one or two seasons in advance. Li Shuxin immediately took a fancy to a few styles, she quickly took out her notebook, and brushed the records.

Chen Liling stood aside and did not disturb her.

Even though she is the boss, the factory is not small, but everything is still very hands-on, hiring someone extra and spending money, so there is no need for that. She watched Li Shuxin look at the money very quickly, thinking deeply.

Although Li Shuxin came to pick up the goods for the first time and looked very young, she was obviously a veteran.

Li Shuxin looked at the money, then looked at Chen Liling, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, I don't know, what is the price?"

She handed over her notebook and showed the selection to Chen Liling. After seeing it, Chen Liling said in surprise, "You want so much?"

It's the first time I get goods, and there are rarely so many of hers.

Li Shuxin smiled sincerely: "I don't take much, how can I negotiate the price with Mr. Chen?"

Chen Liling: "Miss Li is really straightforward."

Li Shuxin: "If you don't do it directly, you will delay other people's money."

Chen Liling laughed: "Miss Li is really more forthright than many boys, but I like to hear what you say. We are really doing business, and there is not so much water. It is better to just say the psychological price to go back and forth and delay each other. time."

She quickly started marking prices on Li Shuxin's selection. Li Shuxin watched quietly. Seeing that Chen Liling had finished marking, she said sincerely: "Mr. Chen, I know this is the first time I have bought a product. But this price is a bit high. You can see that I get a lot of goods here."

After a pause, she pointed to one of them and said, "To show my sincerity, I will pay for this one."

Chen Liling was taken aback, and said, "You pay for everything? This is the autumn style, and I have a lot of goods. I can't cheat you just because you are a new customer."

Li Shuxin: "I know, so I ask Mr. Chen to give me the lowest price."

Even though it is only the beginning of July in summer, the general wholesalers who come to the factory to pick up goods may not necessarily get a lot of autumn clothes. Because when you go to get goods from them in other places, there will be a lot of advance. Everyone rushes forward and advances. Naturally, each batch is earlier than the next batch.

They will get the goods, but they dare not cover all at once. It's a big deal, I don't dare to press too much in my hand before taking it out.

Although there are autumn clothes in July and August, autumn clothes are not very popular, and more people will choose winter clothes. Li Shuxin wants to take all this money now, but she is actually taking a risk. In other words, if there are fewer people from all over the country to pick up autumn clothes, then she is likely to sell them.

Novices are the most taboo to press goods.

Chen Liling is happy to make money, but she has to say something to avoid trouble later.

But since Li Shuxin understands it very well, she is naturally very happy. Chen Liling lowered her eyes...

Shao Ling was waiting for Li Shuxin in the car, and he didn't know how long it had been before he saw Li Shuxin coming out arrogantly. He got out of the car and said with a smile, "Everything is going well?"

Li Shuxin sat in the co-pilot's seat, and the chubby boy was not honest at all in the child seat, struggling to run forward: "Ah, ah, mom, mom, mom!"

Li Shuxin quickly got out of the car and sat in the back seat of the car, hugged her son, took a big sip, and said, "Baby cheers for mom, it's the most useful!"

Shao Ling: "..."


My refueling is useless?


Chapter 24

Li Shuxin's shop was quickly set up.

She and Shao Ling tidy up, and they have full rights to follow what they want. Shao Ling touched his chin and stood at the door, looked up and down, and nodded silently. You can't tell what is good about the storefront arranged by his wife, but it is better than others. It is indeed his wife.

The chubby cub was sitting in the stroller, imitating his father's stroking his chin, ahh mama

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Not bad, right?"

Shao Ling: "Why is it not bad, it is quite good!"

Li Shuxin let out a chuckle, and she was in high spirits. She felt a little apprehensive in her complacency, but she still maintained her momentum and said, "Our business must be very good."

Shao Ling saw her bluff, although Li Shuxin has always been very strong and confident from the beginning until now, but they are all people lying in the same bed, who knows who, Shao Ling still sees Li Shuxin's confidence tension.

Shao Ling said firmly: "Daughter-in-law, you have such a good eye, our products must sell well. However, there are still some things."

Li Shuxin hurriedly asked: "What else is there?"

She looked left and right, wondering what was wrong?

Shao Ling smiled: "We missed a good day for opening."

Li Shuxin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled instantly, nodded and said, "You're right!"

Seeing Li Shuxin relax, Shao Ling also laughed, and said, "When will you hire someone? Only the two of us are too busy?"

Although their store is not too big, it is only more than 100 square meters when it is full, if it is an ordinary clothing store, two people can handle it. But their family is not, they are all engaged in wholesale, so two people are not enough.

Not to mention, they still have to take care of the little chubby cub.

There are people coming and going here, which is always worrying. Children must be looked after, so it will always involve a lot of energy. Moreover, they buy a lot of goods, and many goods cannot be released here, and they are all placed in nearby warehouses. If the goods here are not enough to go to the warehouse to dump them, people are also needed.

Li Shuxin: "Let me go to the labor market."

She also knew about the lack of people, and the reason why she was not in a hurry was because she had thoughts in her heart. In fact, she has a suitable candidate, but it will take three to five days for this person to come to Pengcheng, so Li Shuxin has been "waiting".

"Don't worry, I'm always on the lookout for recruiting people."

Shao Ling nodded, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Why don't you look for Eldest Sister?"

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling in surprise, and said, "Eldest sister?"

She looked at Shao Ling wonderingly, and said, "My eldest sister Yudan's business is very good, why should she help me? Although the small stall is a bit harder, the income is real. My eldest sister is living very well." Plenty. If I ask her to help, she will come without saying a word, but believe it or not, if I give my eldest sister a high salary, she will definitely not want it. Maybe our work here is better than hers. Selling fish eggs is tiring, and she will never ask me for a high salary. In the heart of my eldest sister, no matter how old Ah Yue and I are, we are her little sister who needs to be taken care of. She will not want to take a penny from us, Even if she does come, she must have the minimum salary. I guess I can't resist her. So I didn't plan to ask my elder sister to help from the beginning. I will definitely come to help on the day of the opening, but if you hire Man, I'm sure I won't look for Eldest Sister."

Shao Ling thought about it, the eldest sister is really such a person, he laughed out loud, and said, "Your eldest sister is really a good person."

Li Shuxin immediately retorted: "Why is she my eldest sister?"

She said angrily: "It's the eldest sister of the two of us, that's my eldest sister, and also your eldest sister."

Shao Ling: "Okay, okay, I was wrong."

"Ahhhhh!" Mom and Dad kept talking, ignoring the baby. The little chubby boy waved his little paw anxiously to signal his existence. Shao Ling laughed and said, "Oh baby, come on, Dad hugs."

Little Jiaxi immediately opened her small arms. He didn't like baby carriages. When someone hugged him, his little claws stretched out high.

Xiao Jiaxi used to like strollers the most, because when she sat in the stroller, the mother would push the baby out of the house, but now that she can go out every day, Xiao Jiaxi doesn't like strollers. The stroller was not hugged well.

Hugs are the happiest.

Xiao Jiaxi shook her little head, lay on her father's shoulder, and happily vomited bubbles. After a while, Shao Ling's shoulders became wet, and Shao Ling said disgustedly: "Li Shuxin, look at your son, he has been doing it all day long. Drooling, oh, I'm going~"

Li Shuxin snorted and said, "How can you say that about our baby, isn't the baby your cub?"

She took out a cotton towel and wiped the little chubby boy's mouth, and said, "Our baby is teething, and when the teeth grow out, it will stop drooling, right baby?"

"Ahhhhhhh." The little chubby cub didn't know what to say, but he responded to his mother with enthusiasm, and his drooling little mouth was about to move close to his mother to kiss her. Li Shuxin immediately screamed: " Don't kiss me~"

The little chubby boy showed a big smile.

"No, no, no, no matter what, be good to me!" Li Shuxin pointed to her face and said, "Mom is wearing powder today, so I can't kiss."

"Oh oh oh." The little chubby cub stretched out his hand to hook his mother, and hooked and hooked.

Li Shuxin: "Don't let me kiss you!"

She is super fierce: "You play by yourself!"

Little Fat Boy: "Ahhhhhhh."

The little chubby boy didn't understand, his little butt sprinted and wanted to rush to his mother, Li Shuxin: "No way!"

Shao Ling couldn't hold back, he laughed hahaha, raised his eyebrows, and said, "What did you say about me just now? Oh, isn't the baby your cub? Hahahaha."

Li Shuxin blushed: "..."

Just, speechless.

Li Shuxin touched her nose silently, and then said in a low voice, "Isn't everyone like this? Be stricter with others than self-discipline."

Shao Ling snorted and said, "You are quite unreasonable."

Li Shuxin pursed her lips, and pretended to be nonchalant and started to arrange the hanging clothes again. Shao Ling raised her eyebrows subtly and let out a long oh.

Li Shuxin pretended not to hear, but her exposed ears were flushed red, which was very obvious.

Shao Ling laughed again, almost making Li Shuxin laugh out of embarrassment.

What kind of man is this, he keeps making jokes when he catches a "little problem", it's so annoying!

But with Shao Ling there from the beginning to the end, Li Shuxin felt that she was not very tired and felt a lot more relaxed. If she didn't see that he was still useful, she would have kicked him out, hum!

Shao Ling didn't know that he was "almost" kicked out, and he laughed loudly at Li Shuxin. Li Shuxin hummed a few times, and Shao Ling asked, "Daughter-in-law, why are you like a little pig? gone?"

Li Shuxin turned her head and said fiercely, "Do you believe that I will pinch you?"

Shao Ling: "Just pinch it? Your strength is like scratching an itch."

Li Shuxin: "..."

I really want to fight!

What a man!

Very angry!

Shao Ling smiled: "Okay, okay, daughter-in-law, I was wrong, you can see that you have wrinkled lines between your brows, but it's not good, you will have wrinkles."

He put one hand on Li Shuxin's shoulder and said, "Let's go, brother treats you to lunch."

Li Shuxin coquettishly said, "Who are you brother?"

Shao Ling took it for granted: "You, brother Qing is also a brother."

Li Shuxin: "...thick-skinned."

The husband and wife are like two elementary school chickens, you nagging me, I nagging you, the two quickly pulled down the shutter and left together.

Well, she is just looking at the face of eating, eating is bigger than the sky, nothing is more important than eating.

Little Fat Boy: "Oh?"

Li Shuxin: "Your father hugs you!"

Little fat boy: "Oh oh oh..."

The family of three just went out like this, but after going downstairs for a while, Shao Ling found something. He whispered: "Daughter-in-law, I think the business here is really good, and many foreigners come to grab the goods."

Li Shuxin: "That's for sure. Generally, when you come here, you either go to the Thirteen Lines in Yangcheng, or you come here... Haven't you been here many times before? You should know."

Before the couple settled down, they had to figure it out for a while.

Shao Ling was blunt: "I do know, but I'm still surprised."

Li Shuxin clasped his hands together and said softly, "I hope we can sell well."

Shao Ling took a deep look at her and said, "Definitely."

Li Shuxin laughed lightly...

Shao Ling quickly found someone to look forward to the day, and the first thing before the opening was to find a salesperson. Li Shuxin was not ambiguous, and soon brought back a girl from the talent market. The girl's surname was Wang, and her name was Wang Di. .

She wore two long braids, was petite and had dark skin.

You know, it's 1998, not 1988, and no one knows how to wear this hairstyle anymore. Pengcheng is a special economic zone and has always been a fashionable city. It's hard to find a girl dressed like Wang Di on the streets.

This way, the rate of return is really quite high.

Only those who have just come to Pengcheng from other places will be like this.

Wang Di is not stupid, she knows in her heart that she looks weird, but she doesn't have money to cut her hair, and she doesn't know if hair is recycled here. Wang Di tugged at her clothes, trying to be as natural as possible. She stood in the labor market for two days, but no one cared about her. She doesn't know what to do anymore.

Fortunately, today she met a kind boss.

Wang Di doesn't want to be "returned". If she can't find a job again, she will pick up trash. So she cherishes this opportunity very much.

"Boss, I will work hard!" She tried to show her cost-effectiveness: "I have great strength, I can work well, and I don't eat much."

Li Shuxin twitched the corners of her mouth lightly, lying!

She knows that Wang Di can eat very well.

Speaking of which, to Wang Di, she is a stranger. But to her, Wang Di is no stranger.

In her previous life, Li Shuxin went to Qiujie's place to sell clothes, and it was Wang Di who took her. At that time, Wang Di had more than a year of work experience than her, but she was the most capable salesperson at Qiujie's place. It is also very good that she is capable and willing to work hard .

After getting along for a long time, Li Shuxin learned about Wang Di's situation.

Wang Di lives in a small mountain village on the other side of Sichuan Province. The family gave birth to three daughters and is still giving birth, just to fight for a son. Wang Di's two elder sisters are called Wang Zhaodi and Wang Laidi. When it comes to her, the name is not good. The village usually calls it Wangdi, but her family name is Wang, Wang Wangdi, which sounds like a dog barking. It's not like a proper name. Father Wang had no choice but to seek help from the witch in the village.

The sorceress did some calculations and said that it could be homophonic, so Wangdi called Wang Di directly.

This Wang Di uses a homonym, and it also contains another meaning, that is, there will be a younger brother in the future, which can be "Wang Di". As soon as Dad Wang heard that this was good, Wang Di called him this name. Coincidentally, his parents gave birth to a son in the second year, and the whole family "served" for this boy from then on.

Both the elder sister and the second sister got married for the bride price, and when it was Wang Di's turn, Wang Di escaped.

She studied a little more than her two elder sisters, met a very good teacher, and learned a lot of truths. Knowing that fate is in her own hands, she sneaked out and fled all the way here. The money in her hands had been spent. Fortunately, she met a kind person on the way who pointed her to the labor market.

However, because Wang Di is thin and small, and looks very unreliable, no one cares about her. If she hadn't met Li Shuxin, she would have found a place to sell her hair, sold her long hair for a few more days, and then spent a while picking up trash, and finally found a cleaner in Nanyou. The sanitation work took about two months, because I accidentally picked up Sister Qiu's mobile phone and returned it to the original owner. Sister Qiu thanked her for letting her sell clothes at home, which was considered a better job for her.

At first, Sister Qiu just wanted to thank Wang Di, but unexpectedly, Wang Di is very talented in this area, and she also has some experience in cleaning, seeing that others sell a lot of goods, she got started very quickly, and has always been a The best salesperson.

When Li Shuxin was there, she got along well with Wang Di. Later, when she fell ill, Wang Di came to visit her. At that time, she already had her own shop, and the two of them were considered friends.

But that happened in the previous life. In this life, Li Shuxin hired Wang Di the next day, so she didn't have to sell her hair to support her, and she didn't have to do cleaning work. Without the experience of "stealing teachers" in cleaning during those days, she didn't know whether Wang Di would be as capable as in her previous life, but she still wanted to help her friend a little earlier so that she could adapt to the city earlier, and it would be even more painful to miss that period. day.

Li Shuxin looked at Wang Di's nervous look, and said, "Don't be nervous, I'll take you to the store to have a look first, and then I'll give you five hundred yuan in advance..."

As soon as he said this, Wang Di looked at Li Shuxin in shock, unable to believe what he heard.

Give money before work?

She stared at Li Shuxin warily, for fear that she might be a bad person.

Although, she looks so beautiful and kind, but people should not be judged by their appearance.

Li Shuxin was aware of Wang Di's vigilance, and continued: "I gave you five hundred yuan in advance, not for you to save. First of all, you have to find a place to live. This is a new store here, and you are the first one I recruit. Salesperson, so I don't have a dormitory for you here, but fortunately, there are many such situations in the mall. The high-rises behind the mall are rented. Wait a minute and I will take you to the service center on the mall. They know Quite a few, you choose a place and live temporarily. If there are too many people here in the future, I will rent a room and arrange dormitories for you. In addition, you have to apply for a temporary residence permit, which is a must. Finally, you take a shower and tidy up Treat yourself and buy some daily necessities. It is estimated that there is not much money left."

Although Li Shuxin said so, Wang Di was relieved, as long as there was a reason, she would be really scared if she was given money for nothing.

She seriously took Li Shuxin's words to heart, and then she heard Li Shuxin continue to say: "I will provide two meals here, lunch and dinner, and you can take care of breakfast yourself. The salary is as we agreed in the labor market, five hundred Basic salary plus commission. If you want to earn more, you must sell more goods. If not, you can see how others sell them. You should familiarize yourself with all the goods in the past few days."


Wang Di replied firmly. After finishing speaking, he hesitated for a moment, looked at Li Shuxin, and asked, "Boss, can I ask you a question?"

Her voice was a little timid, but she was still very serious.

Li Shuxin: "Tell me."

Wang Di: "There are so many people who are cleaner than me, better looking than me, more decent than me, and more fashionable than me. Why did you choose me as soon as you passed by?"

Li Shuxin's eyes flashed, and said, "Because I know you can do it."

She smiled, and said to Wang Di seriously, "I know, you will do well, you are very good."

Wang Di looked at Li Shuxin in surprise, as if she couldn't understand such an answer, but seeing Li Shuxin's firm eyes, she gradually became firmer. He nodded heavily and said, "I will work hard!"

The first person Li Shuxin hired was Wang Di. After Shao Ling saw it, he didn't understand why Li Shuxin chose her. Although it didn't mean that selling women's clothing had to be good-looking, Wang Di was a little different from what he thought.

And she looks like a timid country girl, especially the two braids, she is so scumbag, I can't believe how capable this person is.

But Shao Ling changed his mind the next morning. Why?

Early the next morning, when Wang Di went to work, she had short hair, which looked completely different from yesterday.

Although Wang Di is very thin, she is very energetic, and she followed Li Shuxin to get familiar with all kinds of goods early in the morning. At this time, Shao Ling felt that Li Shuxin might be right. Although it hadn't officially opened and Wang Di hadn't started selling it yet, she remembered it very quickly and got started very quickly.

Shao Ling hugged the chubby boy, somehow feeling that he was a bit redundant.

Wang Di got used to it for two days, so I can't say that I can remember it completely, but I can still remember it.

Li Shuxin's store opened soon. Their store is on the third floor of the shopping mall. Naturally, shops in the city cannot set off firecrackers at the entrance of the store. However, Shao Ling set off firecrackers at the entrance of the shopping mall as a good meaning, and also set up a "Rainbow Bridge" publicity.

This is a shopping mall activity, as long as the new store opens, there will be a one-day discount, but if you want to use it at other times, you have to spend money. When the Rainbow Bridge was hung, everyone knew that a new store had opened on the third floor, and new stores opened almost every now and then in their shopping mall.

This industry is like this. There are always people entering the market and others leaving the market dimly.

However, there are usually newly opened stores, and there are still quite a lot of customers. It is a new store! There should be some activity.

Li Shuping came over early in the morning. She doesn't know how to sell clothes, but she can help look after the children.

Little Fat Boy: Just, wronged!

The little chubby boy doesn't want to be with his aunt!

Although they didn't plan to open with much fanfare, some friends knew about it and sent flower baskets. Shao Ling placed them at the door of the store. It looked like a bunch of flowers, and Li Shuxin took a deep breath.

As soon as Shao Ling turned around, he saw her daughter-in-law inhaling and exhaling in circles. Without saying a word, he stepped forward to circle her and said, "Are you nervous?"

Li Shuxin: "A little bit."

Shao Ling laughed softly and said, "It's not like you. You have been very confident since you planned to open a store. Have you forgotten? Even the purchase price is the lowest you negotiated. You are so good, why not ?"

Li Shuxin looked up at Shao Ling, Shao Ling: "Anyway, I really believe in my wife's ability."

Li Shuxin muttered in a low voice: "I'm a little worried myself, but you are blind."

Shao Ling retorted: "What is blindness? I know my daughter-in-law is very good at it. Well, you can see that everyone looks at you."

As soon as Li Shuxin turned her head, she saw her eldest sister, chubby boy and Wang Di all looking at her, Li Shuxin was a little embarrassed, but she clenched her fists to cheer herself up and said, "Okay, I'm good at it I can be my best! Come on!"

It's a shame to cheer yourself up, but it works!

After cheering herself up, Li Shuxin also laughed.

However, Li Shuxin was not given a chance to calm down, and customers soon came to the door. Their main business here is wholesale, and there are endless clothing dealers from all over the world every day. Naturally, there will be people coming here for the opening.

They have been decorating before, and many people have noticed it, but people don't care much about the decoration. After all, their side is not retail, but wholesale, and decoration is the least of their fancy.

It mainly depends on the type of their goods. To be honest, there are also some who come to find out.

No, as soon as it opened, people came in one after another. Once they came in, they felt that this store was a little different.

Lao Li is a wholesaler, he is local, and he also buys goods here. Retailers like them will not go to the factory to get goods. , because they simply can't get large quantities of goods.

Retail investors like them also get their goods from these second-level wholesalers. In fact, let's talk about Pengcheng. Many people know that clothing is cheap here, but can they buy it? They can't buy it at all. If they want to come here and buy one at the wholesaler's price, that's impossible. No household entertains them. It's not really getting the goods, even the real price can't be asked.

And Lao Li has his own little tricks. His little trick is to grasp the hearts of many stores that have just opened and are eager to sell goods, and he is the first to get big discounts. Although this kind of cheapness does not last long, but once is counted as once. Small business can save a little bit.

But as soon as he entered this house, he felt that this house was different from other houses. Generally speaking, wholesale shops are almost full, the walls are covered with clothes, and the room is also full of models. Even the four walls The next is also the goods. This old Li understands that as long as it can be put in the house, try to put it as much as possible, which also saves the money of renting a warehouse. In short, the first thing many people see when they enter is chaos.

But this one is not, the whole is in the style of lush green, the color is light but very fresh, and it feels comfortable at first glance. The whole room is also covered with clothing, but the shop is not dark at all. They actually put plastic models, but they are all by the glass window next to the door, four on each side, and there are no more in the room.

As for the store, there is not a single gray cardboard box. Instead, wooden box stools are made on both sides of the entire room. In the middle of the store is a prototype column. A lot of shirts and T-shirts are folded and placed, and the patterns of the T-shirts are all facing up, so that people can see clearly and accurately.

I don't know if it's an illusion in my heart, but Lao Li always feels that the things in his house are extraordinarily bright, and he can see them extraordinarily clearly. Not to mention the other things, the white T-shirts in the glass cabinet seem to be whiter than other people's houses .

He looked around and found that the house had several headlights, and the lights were bright, making the house look more upscale.

He looked at the girl Gao in the store, who was wearing a red T-shirt tucked into her jeans, looking quite capable. He is different from customers from other places. Local customers like him can get summer goods. He looked at it and immediately rushed forward and asked, "How do you get this T-shirt?"

Li Shuxin: "One-color ten groups of fifteen, fifty groups of fourteen, one hundred groups of thirteen. Single color does not mix colors, but can be combined."

A group is equivalent to one piece of each of the full size.

Lao Li pursed his lips, thinking that this price is not a particularly heavy bleeding for a newly opened company, but it is still a very reasonable price. These veterans also know that these wholesalers can't get the best price from the manufacturer if they don't buy a lot of goods.

At this time, he heard Gao Mei tell another wholesaler: "Actually, it's not that you can't wear T-shirts in autumn. You see, when the weather is a little cooler, you can still be hot in thick ones, but thin ones won't work. At this time Wouldn't it be nice to wear a T-shirt over a denim shirt?"

Li Shuxin said again: "Look, it looks like my Wendy."

Wendy equals Wangdy.

Wang Di doesn't like the name her parents gave her. Every time she calls it, it always makes people feel that she is "wanting" her younger brother, but she also knows that it is too difficult for her to change her name. She is an adult, and changing her name as an adult is not like a child As a child, it is not something that can be done casually.

Besides, she didn't want to go back to her hometown and change her name.

It may not be possible to change it to alarm those people, she doesn't want it.

Since it couldn't be changed, and she didn't want to be called "Wang Di", after much deliberation, at Li Shuxin's suggestion, she decided to give herself a similar English name, which sounded foreign and convenient, and also avoided calling herself name.

No, she chose Wendy for herself.

Wang Di didn't expect that the first thing she did when she escaped was to have an extra foreign name.

She secretly thought, her parents always wanted her to be "Wang Di", but she wanted "Wang Di"!

But of course, she also liked the name Wendy very much.

When Wendy heard the boss calling her, she immediately turned around to show everyone. She was wearing a white shirt and a thin long-sleeved denim shirt. very energetic.

Although Wendy is dark, her facial features are good-looking. Even with short hair, she can be seen as a good-looking girl at a glance.

"It does work."

Li Shuxin smiled and said: "Yes, you know that you buy a lot of goods. The price here is definitely not bad. And there are many clothes that can be worn in one. Many girls don't know how to wear them. You know it well. Ah, you can teach them. It's like my family has a denim dress, which can be worn for four seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter."

"The boss can really talk right away, can't he? Can he still wear four seasons?"

Li Shuxin smiled: "Yes."

She ordered one of the denim dresses hanging in the corner of the wall, and said, "This one is fine. Look, when you wear it in summer, just fold up the sleeves like this, and put it down in spring and autumn to become long-sleeved dresses." , and paired with bottoming socks, isn't it very foreign? It's also possible in winter, change the leggings into thick ones, and put on a cashmere coat on the outside, it's the most beautiful boy on the street."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Generally speaking, there are not so many pleasantries when buying goods. Basically, you choose the money, pay the bill and leave.

However, it is the first day of their opening, which is very necessary in order to gather popularity. Li Shuxin: "Wendy, go and try one on. You'll know when I try on one for you. It's really tall, short, fat, and thin, and you can wear it in spring, summer, autumn and winter. You don't choose anyone."

Shao Ling smiled: "How about I choose a plus size for you to try?"

A group of small wholesalers turned their heads silently. Who wants to see this eye-catching picture?

Wang Di came out quickly. She chose the smallest size and rolled up her sleeves. She really looked youthful and energetic, even though her skin was dark, she was not at all inferior, and she was still a little special. But Li Shuxin didn't roll up her sleeves after putting it on. Not only did she not, but she also added a silk scarf to her collar, making her look like a beautiful woman.

Sure enough, with the blessing of their two reality shows, this one was the most ordered.

Shao Ling stood at the counter to order goods for them. At this time, Lao Li and the others found that the cabinets by the wall and the pleasant oval pillars below were filled with goods, but it was expected.

"Boss, can you mail it?"

Li Shuxin smiled: "Of course it's possible, but we don't include shipping costs here, and there is not such a big profit..."

"I know this, then I want this one, and I want five hundred sets of this one."

Li Shuxin: "Okay."

"Boss, hey, come on, little girl, show me, can I see the details of this model?" Although more people circle around Li Shuxin, there are also people who like Wang Di who looks so unfamiliar.

Wang Di: "Okay."

She quickly unfolded the T-shirt: "This pattern is absolutely infatuated, it is two hearts. We have T-shirts with various patterns. Although it is not suitable for autumn clothes now, it is also very good if they are sold in season. of......"

"Give me one hundred for this group, this group..."

The scene was very busy. Li Shuxin, Wang Di and Shao Ling were so busy that their feet didn't touch the ground. Li Shuping didn't understand this, and she didn't try to be brave. She helped take care of the little fat boy, poked his little fat, and said, "You Look, your mother and the others are very busy, our baby is obedient."

The little guy was holding the bottle, gurgling, his big eyes were curiously looking at the people coming and going, and he stretched out his little hand: "Yeah."

Li Shuping: "Baby wants it too, be good!"

She looked at the time and said, "Ah Xin, I'm going to buy some lunch."

Li Shuxin: "No need, there are lunch sellers here, and there are many kinds of them back and forth."

Sure enough, a short while after he finished speaking, someone came to sell vegetable buns, and a short while later, someone came to sell stir-fried vegetables... Sure enough, he had everything, and Li Shuping also sold food. Seeing that the lunch business here was very good, she nodded silently.

This food business is indeed done.

Li Shuping has been working in the factory all these years, and the factory is like a small society. She was facing the one-third of an acre of land, and she was suddenly laid off, and she was completely dumbfounded. Who would have thought that the country's enterprises would still be laid off.

Although it is possible to earn income from selling fish eggs these days, she is quite uncertain in her heart.

There is a feeling of floating in the air, but for my sister, she feels that it floats to the ground all of a sudden. Everyone is working hard for life, everyone is doing their best, some people sell clothes, and some people sell snacks, no matter what they do, they work very hard.

Since everyone else can, why can't she?

Li Shuping took a deep breath, lowered her head to tease the little chubby boy, the little chubby boy groaned, avoided Li Shuping, looked at her mother, and played tricks with her little hands.

The baby will turn over the flowers.

Li Shuping laughed, touched him, and praised: "Baby is so smart!"

Xiao Jiaxi: "Awwhhh."

Li Shuping looked at the child, thought of something, and frowned...

Li Shuxin and the others were busy until the afternoon. After four o'clock, the number of people gradually decreased. Li Shuxin took a deep breath, sat on the chair, leaned on Shao Ling, and said, "I'm quite tired."

After a busy day, he was naturally tired. Shao Ling held Li Shuxin's hand, turned her around, massaged her shoulders, and said, "Please invite two more people, I'm too busy." Now, the eldest sister is not coming tomorrow, there is always someone who has to be distracted to take care of the little fat boy.

Li Shuxin nodded. Although they may not have so many customers after the opening period, they still don't have enough people.

"I'll find two more people."

Both of them were a bit tired, but Wang Di diligently started ordering, ordering the goods, and was full of energy.

Seeing that the young couple were quite tired, Li Shuping hesitated for a while, and said what she wanted to say. She coughed and said, "Ah Xin, are you going to keep doing this?"

Li Shuxin nodded lightly and said, "Yes."

Li Shuping shook her head: "No, you can't do this. The air here is not so circulated, there are too many people, and it's a mess. The chubby cub is so small, so it's easy to get sick. Children are no more than us adults, and their bodies are very fragile. ."

Li Shuping knew that Shao Ling and Li Shuxin had no elders around to help them, or even give them advice. They were both parents for the first time, so they didn't know much about it, so they didn't know that children's immunity is very low.

Li Shuping: "Once and a half, that's okay, but if it takes a long time, you still have to find a way."

Li Shuxin was stunned, she really didn't expect the eldest sister to say this.

But she immediately knew that what the elder sister said was very reasonable, and the joy that had been generated because of the good business just now dissipated a little bit. She pursed her lips, not knowing what to do for a while. Although it was only the first day, she faced a dilemma.

In fact, Li Shuxin blamed herself a bit, she kept saying that she would take good care of her children after she was reborn, to make up for the regrets of her previous life. But actually, she couldn't stay at home. Although she also worked as a housewife for more than ten years in her previous life, she was not in good health at that time, and she was not as lively as she is now. Tired and full.

And I haven't brought up a child for more than eight months in my previous life, so I don't know much about taking care of children. Even children with low immunity, which is not suitable in such an environment, did not react.

Li Shuxin pursed her lips, feeling indescribable, lowered her head dejectedly.

Seeing that her sister was sad, Li Shuping said without hesitation, "How about I help you..."

"Elder sister." Shao Ling stopped her. He knew what elder sister was going to say, but he didn't want her to sacrifice his life.

Li Shuxin also reacted, and immediately said: "Sister, I will figure out a way for myself, you do your own thing, don't need to worry about me, I..."

At this moment, a big hand grabbed Li Shuxin's hand, and Shao Ling took his wife's hand and said, "It's okay, I'll take care of the child."

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

She looked up in surprise, she didn't expect Shao Ling to say that.

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "Why, don't you believe it?"

Li Shuxin: "No, I'm just..."

I didn't say the rest of the words, I just felt that I didn't expect him to say such a thing. You know, in his previous life, Shao Ling was not in good health and refused to retire. This person's ambition is so great that it makes people feel terrible, and his goal in life is only to make money. But it's just such a person who now says he can take care of his children?

For a moment, Li Shuxin didn't know if she was sleepwalking.

She looked at Shao Ling without saying a word.

In other words, there is no "losing money" full of calculations in the previous life, and Shao Ling was not stimulated. Shao Ling is actually not a person who will fight madly for his career and blindly make money.

Shao Ling rubbed her head, saw her dumbfounded expression, pinched her tender face again, and said, "Are you crazy about being moved?"

Li Shuxin nodded reflexively, she looked at Shao Ling in disbelief, and couldn't help herself.

Shao Ling laughed in a low voice, very calmly: "The home belongs to the two of us. It doesn't matter that you must be a housewife at home. I will work hard outside. It is the same for anyone at home. Now that your If your business has started, then you should do it first. Anyway, I don't know much about this industry. It's okay to ship and order goods for you back and forth. I'm not good at selling things. It's better for me to focus more on us On Xiao Jiaxi. Hey, I heard that it is better for the father of a male doll to take him. In this case, I will take him for two or three years, and when he goes to kindergarten, I will come out and do something."

Li Shuxin was still in a daze, Shao Ling pinched Li Shuxin's face again, raised eyebrows at her with a smile, and said, "You save me more money, I will make a big deal then."

Li Shuxin's long eyelashes trembled, and her big eyes looked at Shao Ling brightly.

Suddenly, she put her arms around Shao Ling's neck, and leaned directly up to it-what!

Chapter 25

Li Shuxin thinks that human beings are really the strangest "advanced animals". With the changes of personal experience, the nature of mind is also different.

If this was put on hold in his previous life, Shao Ling wouldn't be able to say that even if he was killed. But in this life, he decided to take care of the little chubby boy without hesitation, which is really unexpected. The little chubby cub rolled Xiaohua's hands and whined, not knowing that he would be taken by his father next.

Originally, this was a very big matter, but under Shao Ling's understatement, it seemed to be a very simple small family matter.

The husband and wife both made up their minds quickly, and Li Shuping was dumbfounded, but since they both made up their minds, she, the eldest sister, is not just a blind adviser.

On the first day of opening, it was a great success and sales were booming. Everyone went out to eat to celebrate. Shao Ling chose an old-fashioned restaurant, and Li Shuxin ordered six dishes and one soup.

Li Shuping: "We are only four adults, are we eating late?"

Li Shuxin: "Of course I've finished eating, I'm so tired today, I think I can eat a whole cow."

Shao Ling nodded, smiled, and said, "Eat it, if you can't finish it, you can take it away, and it won't be wasted anyway."

He hugged his son by his side, the fleshy little guy was quite heavy, patting the edge of the table with his little fleshy claws, staring at Wang Di sitting opposite, this is a strange elder sister.

Although Wang Di has been here for three or four days, the little chubby boy doesn't have much contact with her. Sitting across from her today, he tilted his head to look at her curiously, and stretched out his little hand: "Oh."

Wang Di was also really tired all day. At the beginning, she was very nervous. She was afraid that she could not do well, and she was even more afraid that she would not be able to sell a single piece of clothing. I tossed and turned last night and didn't fall asleep until the second half of the night. Fortunately, today's business is better than I thought.

Later, she didn't know what nervousness was, she was just busy introducing orders and looking for goods.

It was a tense and busy day, she finally took a rest and was in a daze, when she saw the little chubby cub barking at her, and even stretched out his little hand, very friendly. She smiled lightly at the little fat boy, and the little fat boy said, "Ahhhhhh!"

He started chatting with the big sister who was unfamiliar with him. As for what he said specifically, oh, only God knows.

Li Shuxin looked at her son and said, "That's a lot to talk about."

She poured herself a cup of herbal tea and drank it in one gulp. After talking for a whole day, she felt that her throat was about to smoke.

Shao Ling frowned slightly, and asked, "Is your throat uncomfortable? When we go back, we pass by the pharmacy and buy some medicine."

Li Shuxin grinned bitterly, but nodded and said, "Okay."

She said softly: "It's too difficult for me."

Shao Ling laughed and said, "When you open the store tomorrow, you can buy some herbal tea. I think there are people pushing carts in the mall to sell it. It's also good to drink some to relieve the heat, otherwise your body won't be able to bear it."

Shao Ling is a man with fine details.

Li Shuxin nodded again and said yes.

"By the way, big sister, you can go out of the stall tomorrow as usual. You don't need to come here. I'm busy here."

Pengcheng and Lincheng are close to each other, and it takes two and a half hours to drive. Li Shuxin is really worried that Li Shuping will go out early in the morning.

Li Shuping: "But you are too busy..."

Li Shuxin: "Sister, how can I earn enough money? Besides, if you are willing to come to our house to order, you should be able to wait a little bit. Don't worry."

In the end, Li Shuping was persuaded by her younger sister, and she even firmly rejected Shao Ling's offer to drive her back to Lincheng, and left by herself in a bus after dinner. Wang Di also rejected Li Shuxin, and wandered back to the residence by herself.

After everyone had left, Shao Ling drove home. As soon as the family of three entered, Li Shuxin fell down on the sofa and said, "Ah, I'm tired."

The little chubby cub imitated his mother's movements, and also walked on the sofa, ahh: "Tired!"

He is almost one year old now, counting for eleven months, the little guy can speak a few words like Beng Xinger. The little guy imitated his mother and lay sprawled on the sofa, thanks to the fact that his sofa was big enough, otherwise it would have been impossible.

Shao Ling looked at the big and the young, and said, "Give me a place."

He found a suitable angle, chirping, um, a family of three chatting together.

Li Shuxin didn't look up, but smiled silently.

But even if she didn't look up, Shao Ling felt her smile and said, "Why are you having fun?"

Li Shuxin didn't know what she was happy about, but she just felt so relieved. She turned her head, looked at Shao Ling and said, "I'm a little happy."

Shao Ling stretched out his hand and wrapped his big hand around Li Shuxin's little hand. He said, "Be happy when you are happy. Don't tire yourself out like this every day. I will feel bad."

Li Shuxin looked at him with watery eyes, and Shao Ling said, "Think about it, when I was in the sea cucumber circle, I went out early and came back late every day. When I came back, I was exhausted. Don't you feel bad?"

Li Shuxin felt distressed. In the previous life, the couple was so unhappy later on. Wasn't it because they had paid a lot in the sea cucumber circle?

They paid so much, but were tricked away.

How could it be unintentional.

But it's all over.

This time and that time.

"I know, I'll take good care of myself."

Shao Ling nodded and said, "It's good if you can think so."

The corner of Li Shuxin's mouth twitched, hesitated for a moment, and asked Shao Ling: "Those three gangsters in Tangkou Village? What's the situation now?"

Shao Ling's expression was calm, and he sneered and said, "What can people like them do? Or do they dominate the village all day long? But now they don't harass other people in the village very much, and they have been staring at their village all the time. The patriarch and his family, the other one is staring at Wang Axing who worked in our sea cucumber circle at that time."

Not only Tangkou Village knew why they were staring at these two people, but Shaojia Village also knew it.

No matter how Tang Weijian, the patriarch's son in Tangkou Village, defends, he can't cover up the fact that he poured so much alcohol into people and tricked them into going to the sea cucumber breeding circle. Whether he wants sea cucumbers or his life, or kills two birds with one stone .

Who can't see it.

If there is no calculation, there is no need to ask Wang Axing for internal response.

The three gangsters in Tangkou Village hate dogs, but they don't want to kill themselves, so everyone still tends to believe that this is true. Even if their character is not good, they will not be crazy enough to make false accusations.

So now Tangkou Village is still very delicate to Tang Weijian and Wang Axing.

However, some people think that even if Tang Weijian has such an idea, he is not wrong. He is eliminating harm for the people, and these three little gangsters are not good things. As for going to the breeding circle, isn't that the way to hug the grass and beat the rabbits as a piggyback? They have so much money for the relocation of the breeding circle, what's wrong with helping the poor with water?

There are such people in this world, and such voices account for a large part of Tangkou Village, so it's no wonder that so many people came to make trouble together in their previous life.

Li Shuxin curled her lips and said, "It's better to torture them every day, it's best to torture them for ten or twenty years."

Shao Ling glanced at Li Shuxin.

Li Shuxin: "You think I'm too cruel?"

Shao Ling shook his head: "No."

He said, "I won't forget about this matter!"

Li Shuxin sat up with a grunt, and looked at Shao Ling.

The little chubby cub was startled by his mother's action, poked his head like a little turtle, and bleat, Li Shuxin patted his little butt, the little chubby cub fell down again on the sofa rolling around.

Li Shuxin kicked Shao Ling, but Shao Ling didn't move: "What are you doing?"

Li Shuxin stared at Shao Ling and said, "What do you want to do?"

Although she was also very angry, she wished that those people would be killed by Lei Pi, but she didn't want Shao Ling to do anything, if she got involved with her, the loss would not be worth the gain. Those people are not worthy!

Li Shuxin stared at Shao Ling, Shao Ling saw her nervous appearance, and laughed, he got up and hugged her in his arms, Li Shuxin snorted, and said in a dull voice, "I hope you are well."

Shao Ling: "Of course I'll be fine. I'm a good citizen and I won't be as shameless as Tang Weijian."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Shao Ling: "Do nothing."

He is serious: "He is like this now, I don't have to do anything, he is already very unlucky. Do you think they will be easy to get rid of those three little bastards? It's like the asphalt on the street, wet It's not easy to pull it off when you step on it. Even if he really pulls it off one day, it will have to pay a big price. I don't know if he can afford it. I don't mind helping him It is publicized. So, we don't need to do anything, as long as we keep an eye on him, we will find an opportunity sooner or later."

Li Shuxin nodded.

She put her arms around Shao Ling, leaned on his shoulder, and said, "It's good if you can think like this, I'm afraid you will do something impulsively."

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows and asked, "What can I do?"

Li Shuxin pursed her lips, smiled, and said, "That's right."

Shao Ling hadn't experienced her previous life, so even people who hated Tangkou Village wouldn't be as deep as she was. And she can tell the difference clearly, so Shao Ling can naturally do it. Li Shuxin relied on Shao Ling not to let go.

Shao Ling: "I don't want these unlucky things. Today is a good day for opening."

Li Shuxin nodded: "That's great, that's great. Let me tell you, I didn't expect the business to be so good today."

She curled up her mouth happily, and said excitedly: "If our business is so good every day, then it's really a success!"

Seeing her happy little face flushed, Shao Ling couldn't help but bowed his head and pecked.

The chubby cub was lying on the sofa, holding his little feet and nibbling, seeing if his parents were relatives, he put down his little feet, sat up on the sofa, looked at his parents in a daze, hesitated for a moment, and let out an ah.

Okay, no one cares about him.

The little guy wheezed and twisted his buttocks, and quickly climbed onto his father's body, squeezing Li Shuxin hard. Li Shuxin held onto Shao Ling firmly, "Don't try to squeeze me away!"

Little fat cub: "Oh oh oh~"

With a small grin, he scrambled towards his mother again, hooking her to make a living. Li Shuxin smiled and pulled the baby into her arms like a big doll, and said, "Baby is such a good boy."

As if thinking of something, Li Shuxin raised her head and said, "A Ling, let's change the guest room into a baby playground?"

Shao Ling: "Baby Paradise?"

Li Shuxin nodded: "Yes, there are small slides and balls, oh, and building blocks."

She remembered seeing this kind of thing before, Shao Ling thought for a while and nodded and said, "Okay, I'll arrange it."

Li Shuxin: "Do you know what is suitable?"

Shao Ling shook his head resolutely. He said, "I don't understand, but it's okay if I don't understand. Don't all those high-end shopping malls have that kind of children's area? I'll learn and buy accordingly."

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Awesome."

Shao Ling lowered his head slightly and smiled, then said triumphantly, "Of course you are a good man, when will I not be good? Can you name one?"

Having said that, he blinked ambiguously, and there was something in his words.

Li Shuxin...Understood, she let out a coquettish voice: "Crazy line!"

Shao Ling laughed out loud, he had laughed enough, and said, "Take a bath?"

Li Shuxin immediately became vigilant: "I still have to settle the accounts, you have to do the laundry yourself." Speaking of this, she immediately said: "You take a bath, don't bother me."

She immediately stuffed the chubby boy into Shao Ling's arms and said, "Give him one too."

Immediately after finishing speaking, she rushed to the study room, as if someone had pushed her away, Shao Ling shrugged and said, "Hi, you..."

He laughed and shook his head, and quickly took the little chubby boy to take a bath. The little guy loves taking a bath very much. As soon as he entered the bathroom, the little person would sway, which is a happy swing. Li Shuxin looked back at the two of them, and smiled even more happily.

When she came to the study, she checked the accounts in the notebook. Although it was only one day, there were still quite a lot of accounts. Li Shuxin checked it out and felt very good. Who is not happy to see making money, Li Shuxin is also an ordinary person.

At this time, Li Shuxin once again felt the convenience brought to her by rebirth. She had a general impression and judgment on the goods, so she dared to buy in large quantities. The price could be negotiated if the quantity was large. It seemed that she bought a lot of goods this time. It is not at all higher than some old customers' prices.

In particular, the price of her bagged denim dress is even lower than that of other stores, and when she ships it, she sells it at the same price as others, so she naturally earns more. This is the vision brought about by rebirth.

At the same time, Li Shuxin also lamented why rich people have more channels. Let's just say it's buying, and you can see it. Only when the capital is sufficient and you can buy in large quantities can you lower the price. .

If you don't buy big goods, how can they give you the lowest price.

Li Shuxin felt emotional for a moment, then put the notebook back into the bag, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "A Ling, baby, I'm here to take a bath with you..."

It's her who turns back on what she says!

Let's be together!


Li Shuxin's clothing wholesale business is in full swing. Every morning, the three of them will go to the store together, then Li Shuxin will take care of the children, and Shao Ling will bring out the goods from the warehouse to fill up what was sold yesterday.

At this time, Wang Di will clean the store to make it clean.

After that, Li Shuxin will bring Wang Di to open the shop, while Shao Ling will leave with the baby.

Li Shuxin's business here is good, and she has always wanted to recruit a few more salesmen, but she hasn't been to the labor market yet, but she has hired someone. And there are three tricks, one is Erhei's cousin Yingzi, this girl came from her hometown to defect to Erhei, Erhei can do manual labor, but his cousin, a girl who just turned eighteen, can't. Erhei had nothing to do, so he asked Shao Ling and Li Shuxin for help, and Li Shuxin asked her to work as a salesperson in the store.

Except for Erhei's cousin, the other two are familiar hands. One was introduced by the property manager of the shopping mall. She is a distant relative of his family. The one near home is Wang Lingyu. The other one came from another shop in their shopping mall, without mentioning the reason.

But Li Shuxin knew why, because the boss, who happened to be called Chen Zhen, had a bad temper, so he resigned immediately. I just heard that Li Shuxin was still recruiting, so I came here.

Wang Lingyu is a local, so naturally she doesn't need to arrange a place to live, but the other three always have to be arranged.

Not far behind their shopping mall is an apartment building. This kind of apartment building has a general layout, poor orientation, and a lot of small areas. Although it is for civilian water and civilian electricity, it is also not selling well. The developer simply handed it over to its own property management company and made it a rental house.

The property over there and the property of the shopping mall belong to the same company. Many shop owners have found this place suitable, so they have rented rooms for these small bosses as staff rooms for a long time. Li Shuxin did the same this time, and she rented one of them. A room of more than 30 square meters is used by employees.

Many buildings in this period were not of very good type, not to mention such an apartment. As soon as you enter the door, there is a simple kitchen counter on the left, and the bathroom behind it. Going inside is a small living room with a small round coffee table and a few chairs. The room is in the same line as the living room, but it is partitioned by frosted glass.

Inside, there are two beds on the left and the upper and the upper and lower beds, which can accommodate four people exactly.

But there are not four of them here, Wang Lingyu doesn't need to live here, there is an empty upper berth.

Although Wang Di rented a house before, she can just move here. Although the bed she rented before was less than a month, it can be transferred here. Li Shuxin also borne this part of the expenses for her. Wang Di and the newcomer Yingzi were very excited because they had packed the house and packed two meals.

The veterans Wang Lingyu and Chen Zhen were a little better, not as excited as the two young girls.

Li Shuxin recruited four people at once, each of them had one day off a week, and each other took turns off.

In fact, no matter where they live or rest, these are small things, but these small things are actually related to people's lives. Among these people, only Wang Lingyu is older than Li Shuxin, and the rest are younger than Li Shuxin.

No matter as a boss or as a woman, Li Shuxin is willing to sort out these things for them.

Li Shuxin doesn't care about their private lives, but they are absolutely not allowed to bring anyone back to the dormitory, regardless of gender, even if there is an empty bed. This is the principle. Fortunately, several people seem to have listened.

However, with more people hired, the cost increased, but Li Shuxin found that her net income did not decrease, but increased instead. Yingzi looks quite big, maybe even bigger than Wang Di, but he really doesn't learn things as fast as Wang Di. Wang Di almost got used to it very quickly, and he was very proficient in just a week or two.

And Yingzi is obviously much weaker.

Fortunately, both Wang Lingyu and Chen Zhen are very capable.

And with a few of them, Shao Ling doesn't have to come over in the morning to restock the goods. This is all handed over to Wang Di. Wang Di will take Yingzi to the warehouse to deliver the goods to the store early in the morning. Don't look at Wang Di's small size. She eats more than a big man and has great strength.

Yingzi is not as good at selling goods as the other three sisters, but she still has strength. Usually, when encountering a large order in the store, she asks her to help pick up the goods from the warehouse, and Yingzi is also in a hurry. Not to mention, the background of the four people is different, but it is because they think that each other's experience is quite different, but there is no contradiction.

As the boss, Li Shuxin is very happy to see such a situation. She doesn't want to watch "Gong Dou" all day long.

When she and Shao Ling first came out to work, an old classmate introduced her to a mobile phone shop. She had worked as a paging lady.

So Li Shuxin joined the job very quickly.

The owner of that store is called Sister Hua, and Sister Hua has five people under her command, and Li Shuxin is the sixth. There are six people in total. There are just six people, three men and three women, who can suddenly stage a drama in the workplace.

Steal each other's customers, talk small things to each other, and engage in petty tricks with each other.

In particular, there is a man who secretly complains against time even when his female colleagues spend a lot of time going to the bathroom. Well, yes, I feel that the female colleague has been in the toilet for a long time; what's more, this person deliberately took the toilet paper outside to calculate how many compartments the toilet paper was torn.

Another time, Li Shuxin was in charge of ordering lunch, and the fried cucumber in his lunch box had less meat than others, so he felt that Li Shuxin was targeting him. Annoyed, Li Shuxin directly put the lunch box on the chicken thief's head, and directly offered to resign.

Facing such a person every day, she really felt that her blood pressure would rise by three points.

At that time, Sister Hua still wanted to persuade her to go back, but in Li Shuxin's determination of "with her but without him, with him without her", she fell silent. After all, Li Shuxin had sold things for so long, and she could see what he was thinking, so she resolutely left.

No matter what the original boss Sister Hua thought, Li Shuxin didn't like that kind of atmosphere anyway. So she felt that the current state of their store should be very good. There is always competition, but it is normal competition.

In fact, Li Shuxin bought more than 300,000 yuan for the first time, and nearly 400,000 yuan. This is definitely a customer with a relatively large one-time purchase of secondary wholesalers. Otherwise, Jixiang Garment Factory would not give such a good price.

However, the nearly 400,000 goods have only been sold for more than half a month. Li Shuxin quickly replenished the goods again, but before leaving, she squeezed her notebook. Besides stocking up, she had one more important thing to do this time.

Chen Liling was quite surprised that she replenished the goods so quickly. You must know that she bought a lot for the first time, not to mention that she even made the payment.

But this time goodbye, she was more polite to Li Shuxin. Wouldn't it be better if the big client was a long-term client?

This time, she also took the initiative to express her intentions when she came here, and she asked: "Mr. Chen, is Jixiang an OEM?"

Chen Liling was surprised: "OEM?"

Immediately reacted, nodded and said: "It is done, our family naturally also does it, is Boss Li planning to do OEM? But if it is an OEM, it may not be suitable. You eat all the goods, we will not underwrite the sales ."

Li Shuxin nodded: "I know."

Chen Liling: "Then there is no problem, let's go to the office to talk."

Don't look at Chen Liling's business is not small, but she doesn't use any secretary. Speaking of which, Ah Guang's boss is probably the least particular about ostentation. But Li Shuxin didn't care, instead she gave Chen Liling her picture.

"I'm going to make this sleeveless turtleneck sweater."

The corner of Chen Liling's mouth twitched, she looked at Li Shuxin without words, and said, "This kind of clothes won't sell well."

She has also been making clothes for more than ten years, and she has good eyesight. Although she doesn't make all kinds of styles, she can always look at them well. If the clothes can sell well.

She doesn't believe it.

This kind of high-necked and sleeveless sweater is cold in winter and hot in summer. I feel that there is no suitable season to wear it all year round. How can it be sold? Those vendors are not fools, how could they buy goods.

She felt that Li Shuxin was drifting away because of the momentary success, and she thought about it as soon as she got out. Sure enough, a good start can make people blind.

She hesitated for a moment, and said seriously to Li Shuxin: "Boss Li, I don't know why you want to make this style, but in my opinion, this style is not suitable for the season. If you make this, it will be easy to overwhelm the stock." in hand."

Li Shuxin was firm: "I believe in my own vision, and I am very persistent. Mr. Chen, please tell me if you can do it."

Chen Liling smiled helplessly, and said: "I will do it for sure, and I am naturally happy to make money, but you have to give me 80% of the payment. This is also to guarantee our factory."

If she regrets not picking up the goods, at least she will fight for the money back.

Li Shuxin: "Yes, it's the first time after all, if it's the next time, we'll have to do business."

Chen Liling smiled awkwardly. Normally, it is 60% of the payment, but she also has her own concerns. After all, Li Shuxin only took the delivery twice, and this item is not popular. In her heart, she was really not optimistic.

But people insisted on spending money, so she didn't say much.

She said, "Okay, let's decide the material. Generally speaking, we have three kinds of wool, good, medium and poor. Look..."

Li Shuxin: "Choose and wait, I want to control costs."

She took the initiative to say: "In terms of color, I only make two colors, one is sky blue and the other is pure white. The size of knitted sweaters doesn't need to be too complicated, just three sizes..."

Her request was over, and she took the initiative to say, "I want 100,000 groups."

"Pfft!" Chen Liling spat out a mouthful of water, staring at Li Shuxin in disbelief.

Li Shuxin: "We have a formal contract..."

Of course Chen Liling knew that she had to go through the contract, but it was a payment of several million. To be honest, their family actually has a lot of orders, but such a big business is really rare. Chen Liling looked Li Shuxin up and down, lowered her head, took a sip of water, and said, "Okay!" After a pause, she asked, "Do you want to buy out this style? If you buy it out, I'll finish the batch for you, and I won't Do it. We write it in the contract. If not, I can do it for someone else or do it myself."

Although Chen Liling didn't fancy this style at all, and she didn't even know what kind of madness Li Shuxin was thinking about, but she still said everything that needed to be said.

Li Shuxin shook her head, "No buyout."

It's useless for her to buy out the whole family. Others can do the same.

So Li Shuxin simply wanted to make a one-shot deal. After discussing all these, it is natural to talk about the most important price, which is also the most important. After some haggling between the two, the price was finally set at eighteen. Of course, the wool Li Shuxin wanted was a little below average.

That's the price only if you buy in large quantities.

Now that everything has been discussed, both parties breathed a sigh of relief and smiled a little more at each other.

"In this case, I will prepare the contract here. Boss Li will take a look at what needs to be revised, and we will confirm it as soon as possible."

Li Shuxin: "Okay, but I want to deliver the goods as soon as possible, is this possible?"

"Of course, as long as the contract is signed, I promise to deliver in half a month."

Li Shuxin laughed, and the two shook hands.

Eighteen pieces, her 100,000 sets are 300,000 pieces, and the payment alone is 5.4 million. Li Shuxin almost took out nearly a quarter of the family's cash flow. After she came out, she got into the car and sat in the car alone in a daze.

This is the first time she has made such a big decision...

three days ago.

Li Shuxin has been very busy recently. After all, her shop has just opened, and the staff is chaotic. Every day when she comes home, she lies on the sofa and pretends to be dead.

Shao Ling massaged her shoulders distressedly. Li Shuxin kept yelling, and Shao Ling almost hugged her into the room. He didn't want to hear her acting like a baby. Li Shuxin said, "Where's the baby?"

Shao Ling pouted his chin and said, "At the playground."

Although Li Shuxin was busy these days, Shao Ling was not idle either. He really set up a "playground" for the little chubby boy in the guest room at home. Fortunately, this room didn't buy any furniture, and it was empty at first, otherwise it would really be trouble.

Now as soon as you come in, you can feel the soft colorful foam cushions. There are small slides in the room, and a small castle that can be drilled around. There are many ocean balls in the corners. Under the castle, there is a box of round building blocks.

It was the first time for Shao Ling and the others to raise a child, and they didn't understand anything, so they naturally had to ask more and more questions, so these children's things were bought, which were expensive and environmentally friendly, and would not affect the baby.

It is said that the foam cushions are several times the price of ordinary ones.

And sometimes it is expensive for a reason. Small castles and the like are all done very smoothly, ensuring that babies will not be injured by toys in all aspects. Little Jiaxi likes it very much, and plays for a long time every day.

Little Jiaxi was playing, Li Shuxin struggled to take a look, Shao Ling smiled and squeezed her shoulder, saying, "Be honest."

His hands were down, and he had already started pinching his waist.

Li Shuxin: "No."

She muttered softly: "Shao Ling, take it easy, oh yes yes yes, turn to the left, this side feels weak..."

Shao Ling pursed her lips: "..."

Li Shuxin said softly: "I stood for a day today, and after a while, all of them can take care of themselves, and I can relax. Uh... don't let your hand down any further."

Shao Ling cleared his throat and said, "Why don't you use your throat? You still talk."

Li Shuxin: "It's okay, I drank herbal tea..."

Shao Ling couldn't bear it anymore, lowered his head and bit her ear, and said, "You're talking so softly, I'm going to..."

His voice became low, with a bit of charm.

Li Shuxin silently covered her head and said, "I'm tired, I don't want to..."

Shao Ling raised her eyebrows, Li Shuxin smiled softly, and acted like a baby: "Husband~"

Shao Ling: "You."

He poked her on the forehead, and Li Shuxin immediately diverted her attention and said, "Watching TV, is there any good drama recently? Has the Tai Chi master finished a few days ago?"

Shao Ling: "It should be over, I don't watch TV dramas."

Shao Ling watched TV, and what he liked to watch was football, drinking beer and watching football was refreshing.

He is not interested in TV dramas or anything like that at all.

But since Li Shuxin asked, he picked up the remote from the coffee table, turned on the TV, and tuned it casually.

"... Let us live together in the world of mortals in a chic and unrestrained way, and ride horses and gallop to share the prosperity of the world..." ①

"This is...Huanzhugege?" Shao Ling frowned and said it.

Li Shuxin sat up with a whimper, and said, "Huanzhugege?"

Shao Ling looked at her in surprise, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Do you like to watch?"

Li Shuxin pursed her lips, watching the TV show that the little swallow had just entered the palace, and when Ziwei cried, "I stole my father", Li Shuxin instantly thought of a business opportunity.

Yes, a business opportunity, a big business opportunity.

At that time, she went to work in Sister Qiu's store, and often heard the little sisters in the store gossip about their shopping malls, and the biggest gossip was the summer of 1998. In the summer of 1998, an upsurge of returning the princess swept across the country.

But any TV series must be Little Swallow Ziwei;

But whenever you listen to a song, it must be the theme song of Huanzhugege;

The topic of everyone's discussion is always Huanzhugege. It seems that if you haven't watched Huanzhugege, you don't even have a topic to discuss with others. But what does this have to do with their business? That's because in mid-August, Dazhong TV used Huanzhu Shuangmei as the cover. On the cover, Xiaoyanzi and Ziwei were dressed in modern clothes, one of them was wearing a sky blue half-sleeved turtleneck sweater, and the other was wearing a white Half-sleeved turtleneck sweaters, two people standing together, full of youth, fresh and pleasant.

This is the first magazine cover of Huanzhu Shuangmei, which immediately ignited a sales boom. How many wholesalers flocked into their shopping malls to get goods, but who would buy such impractical sweaters? None.

At this time, many companies rushed out to find OEM factories, and many garment factories saw business opportunities and quickly opened funds. At that time, many people waved banknotes to order. It is said that this batch of goods has been sold until the end of the year, and there are rumors circulating privately that their mall has wholesaled millions of pieces just for this one.

Not to mention other shopping malls.

At that time, Li Shuxin was speechless, and couldn't believe that such a model could sell so much?

But now, this opportunity suddenly fell in front of her, and Li Shuxin suddenly became excited: "Shao Ling!"

She grabbed Shao Ling, Shao Ling: "Huh?"

It's so good, why are you so excited all of a sudden?

Shao Ling: "Did you get bloody all of a sudden?"

Li Shuxin grabbed Shao Ling's hand seriously, thought about it tremblingly, and stammered, "Shao Ling, if I ask you for a few million, maybe a little more, maybe a little less, I'm not sure. You can let me use it first ?"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows, looked at Li Shuxin, and waited for her to continue.

Li Shuxin pursed her lips and said, "I want to order a batch of clothes. Because the quantity is relatively large, it may cost a lot of money. It may be a little risky, but I still have some confidence in myself."

Shao Ling looked at the TV and said, "Is it related to the TV series?"

Li Shuxin nodded: "The same style as celebrities."

She also knew that she was too impulsive to make such a big deal all of a sudden.

However, with such a good opportunity in front of him, it was really hard for Li Shuxin not to be moved.

She said seriously: "Can you let me try?"

Shao Ling looked at Li Shuxin and said, "Do you still remember what we discussed when we first moved?"

Li Shuxin blinked.

Shao Ling: "Save one third to Xiao Jiaxi, who cannot move; one third to you, and one third to myself."

He is serious: "You can use your deposit to buy goods, I have no objection. If you make money, it will be better. If you lose money, we will learn a lesson. Anyway, I still have part of it. It is enough for us to make a comeback. Do something else."

Li Shuxin stared blankly at Shao Ling.

She didn't expect Shao Ling to be so open-minded. Every time she thought she would spend a lot of talking, it turned out to be nothing. She hugged Shao Ling, rubbed his head, and said, "A Ling, why are you so nice?"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows, smiled triumphantly, and said, "Your man is naturally nice to you. If I treat others nicely, wouldn't you go crazy?"

Li Shuxin laughed softly, staring at Shao Ling with her big watery eyes, and said, "Are you really not afraid that I will lose money?"

Shao Ling said as a matter of course, "I'm afraid."

He rubbed Li Shuxin's head and said, "I'm afraid, but I believe in my wife's ability."

He hugged Li Shuxin, his eyes were deep and bottomless: "It doesn't matter if we lose, anyway, we didn't have so much money before. At worst, we can go back to the old days..."

Li Shuxin said in a low voice, "No way, we still have two-thirds of it. There are still houses and shops."

Shao Ling laughed: "That's right, so it doesn't matter if you lose, just take a gamble! Daughter-in-law, come on!"

Li Shuxin gave a heavy hum, and said, "I will!"


The scene three days ago was vivid in his mind. Li Shuxin raised his head, looked ahead firmly, and started the car...

She can!

The author has something to say:

①: Excerpted from the theme song "When" by Yu Huanzhugege

Chapter 26

In August, people who are exposed to the sun will melt.

This month, Li Shuxin paid the final payment and took away all the goods.

When she picked up the goods, she felt that Chen Liling looked at her with sympathy, but Li Shuxin was arrogant, and she bet that the cover of the magazine would not change.

Although many big and small things in life have changed, Huanzhu is so far away from them, and she doesn't think her little wave can affect others. So Li Shuxin was somewhat confident in her judgment.

Of course, no matter how confident you are, there is always some pressure. But Li Shuxin can bear it.

She picked up the goods in a hurry, and immediately arranged for someone to match the clothes with jeans, put them on the models and put them by the window, not to mention that Chen Liling didn't understand, and neither did the waiters. They all think this dress is not good.

How much is it?

Chen Zhen stared at it for a long time, then said hesitantly, "Boss, this money..."

She considered what to say, but she felt that it was not appropriate to say it. After all, it was the boss's own money. She has been in the business for many years and has a little more experience. She knows that there are so many goods and a lot of money. If you pour cold water at this time, I really don't know what to say.

Seeing that she didn't know how to speak, Li Shuxin took the initiative to say, "When you recommended it recently, you don't have to push this model."

She stabilized her morale and said with a smile, "I have a secret weapon. You guys have to wait for three days. I will surprise you when the time comes."


Several people didn't understand, Li Shuxin blinked at them and said nothing.

Some words, needless to say too clearly, probably because Li Shuxin's self-confidence has affected the others, everyone looked at each other and nodded. That's right, with so much money, the boss will never let his money go to waste.

Everyone was relieved, and Li Shuxin was also relieved, why did she insist on picking up the goods in half a month, in order to pick up all the goods before the magazine was released on the street. The cost of her shipment has been kept to a minimum due to the large quantity.

But if this style becomes popular, Chen Liling can sell it at a more expensive price.

They have a contract, but the lawsuit is not a one-off, and if Chen Liling sells the clothes at a high price, there is a high probability that the liquidated damages can be covered. Although, based on her past experience, she felt that Chen Liling's character was good. But money touches people's hearts, Li Shuxin does not dare to gamble and does not want to gamble.

When she gambled this money, she was already a big gambler, and she would never let herself fall into a dilemma again. So Li Shuxin hurriedly received the goods, and in order to release the goods, she even rented a warehouse for a short period of time.

And as the popularity of Huanzhugege gradually heats up, it seems that the finale is coming. Princess Saiya enters Beijing, Little Swallow's identity is overthrown, and the popularity of Huanzhugege continues to rise. "Rain Butterfly" has started to be displayed in the shopping malls, and the "Love to Heartbreak..."

That is, at this time, it was the day when this issue of Volkswagen TV was released.

Early in the morning, Li Shuxin was about to go out. Shao Ling wore big pants and no shirt, went out to see her off, and said, "Let's have dinner together at noon."

Li Shuxin nodded: "Okay!"

She bit her lip, puffed up her cheeks, and said in a rare childish way: "I'm going to the battlefield!"

Shao Ling laughed, picked up someone and kissed her before letting go of her.

Li Shuxin went downstairs to drive, and when she got out of the bus stop not far from the community, she stopped and said loudly, "Uncle, here is a popular TV."


The old uncle handed the magazine in along the car window, and Li Shuxin looked at it immediately without pausing for a second.

Two girly smiling faces!

Two familiar tops!

At this moment, Li Shuxin knew instantly, it's steady!

The heart that had been hanging in fear all the time was stabilized at this moment!

She smiled and said, "Uncle, there are still a few public TVs, I want them all."

Uncle: "Hey, you girl is a star chaser, right?"

He counted out: "Twenty books, all of them are given to you."

Li Shuxin raised the corner of her mouth and stepped on the gas pedal.

At this moment, she felt that she was about to float. You must know that when making clothing, you can meet a big hit and stock up early. Li Shuxin is in such a situation now.

How could she not be excited?

Li Shuxin drove all the way to the shopping mall, carrying a large stack of magazines into the door, Wang Di saw Li Shuxin carrying a lot of books from a distance, hurried over to pick up the person in doubt, and said: "Boss, you are... ah! Ahhhh! "

Wang Di glanced at the cover of the magazine and screamed.

She was so excited that she almost threw the magazine out, and turned into a screaming chicken on the spot, causing everyone to look up: "What's wrong?"

Wang Di was so excited that she almost passed out, and said, "No, it's okay! I'm just too excited."

The two entered the store, everyone was in the store today, Wang Lingyu laughed and teased Wang Di: "Why are you crazy?"

Wang Di slapped the magazine on the table: "Look!"


"My God, isn't this Little Swallow and Ziwei? Ah, they look so well dressed!"

"Isn't this dress so pretty? It looks so elegant!"

"Yes, yes, the white color is beautiful, it looks so gentle and pure."

"Nonsense, it's sky blue, it's beautiful! It's fresh and lively, it's very suitable for the little swallow."

Li Shuxin watched several waiters arguing with magazines, the corners of their mouths twitched. A few days ago, that was three days ago. How stupid of you guys to secretly discuss these two dresses while I'm out.

Yes, stupid!

What now?

Li Shuxin looked at them and said, "Okay, let's change into this dress. Oh yes, tear off the cover and stick it on the window."



"The boss is amazing!"

"Ah, can I wear the same style as Little Swallow?"

"Hurry up."

At this time, Wang Di had sharp eyes and hurriedly said, "Boss, there is no need to tear off the cover! There is a poster inside."

Li Shuxin: "Quickly post it."

With this heat, she's going to rub it off!

Yingzi acted quickly, and soon, posters were pasted on the windows on both sides. At this time, the waiters didn't mention that it was hot to wear in summer, and they quickly changed into it, feeling very happy. Their reaction really made Li Shuxin sigh again for this whirlwind.

Sure enough, the craze of Huanzhugege was nationwide. Soon, the waiters on the opposite side saw it, their eyes lit up, and they chattered. If it wasn't because of work, they would probably rush over.

The first person to see the poster here was a female wholesaler. She is a loyal audience of Huanzhugege. She has such a keen sense of smell. Originally, she planned to go to the one she often went to. Now that she sees this, three steps are not the same. It took two steps to come over.

"This is......?"

"This is the public TV this morning. Little Swallow and Ziwei have the same style." Wang Lingyu stepped forward first and said, "Look, we both have the same style."

"How do I get this dress?" She is not only a loyal viewer of TV dramas, but also a businessman, so she still has a keen sense of smell. Needless to say, she knows how promising this is.

Wang Lingyu: "We have three pieces in one set, three sizes, one hundred sets, and the wholesale price is thirty-eight. Five hundred sets is thirty-seven, and if you can make one thousand sets, it will be thirty-six."

As long as there is enough money, anyone will settle accounts. She immediately said, "Of course I want a thousand groups. I don't have enough money. You can keep it for me. I'll go get the money. You can't give it to others." Old customers.

Wang Lingyu: "Don't worry, we have enough supply here, and you are the first customer today, we will definitely keep it for you..."

"Hey, isn't this Ziwei? How did your family approve it? What, one hundred? Come one hundred!"


Soon, this place gradually became lively.

Don't look at the fact that information in this year is not as developed as it will be more than ten years later, but no matter what time it is, people have their own contact channels. Sure enough, soon, people came to their house to pick up the goods one after another.

They haven't stopped since early in the morning, and even Yingzi is dizzy because she is a newcomer, and many old wholesalers don't like to look for her. But don't care about that this time, they are dizzy selling.

"Boss Li, Boss Li." No, there are people from the shopping mall to join in the fun.

Li Shuxin was approached by the logistics director of the shopping mall, and the logistics had nothing to do with them, they all served the shops, but the property management knew how to behave, and they got along well with each family. Li Shuxin squeezed out: "Director Zhang?"

Director Zhang smiled: "Boss Li's business is really booming."

Li Shuxin smiled: "Isn't it a coincidence that I met a celebrity with the same style?"

Director Zhang doesn't believe in coincidence, who could have prepared so many goods in advance by chance. But don't tell me it's broken.

He smiled and asked: "Actually, I came to you this time to get some goods for a friend of mine. He is in Beijing and it's too late to come here. Look, let's get more. Can you give me a little discount?"

Li Shuxin: "This style is not complicated. If you want to be cheap, it is more suitable to find a factory than me."

Director Zhang: "Oh my sister, time is money when doing business. If you do it now, there is no one who can't make it in a week. I want 5,000 groups here."

Li Shuxin: "I don't have to worry about selling this one. It's too cheap and I can't afford it... But since you asked, I'll be one yuan cheaper for one piece, and three yuan for a set."

Director Zhang thought about the price of the cheap price, and he thought it was okay. Under normal circumstances, they make thousands of sets, and the general factory would have to quote a price of 21 or 2. The current popularity, if there are many people doing it, it will basically be twenty-five or sixty, and it cannot be obtained immediately.

It's the same even when selling clothes. The first wave of people sold a lot of money, the second wave was a little bit worse, and the third wave was even worse...

He nodded: "Success, come over here tomorrow, Brother Shao, I'll treat you to dinner, thank you."

Li Shuxin smiled: "Okay."

In fact, Li Shuxin also hoped to come out earlier to make a time difference.

Even if someone prints immediately now, it will take three or four days at the earliest, so in these few days, it can be said that Li Shuxin is the only one, and Pengcheng and Yangcheng, she is the only one. Her advantage is early!

"Boss, boss, this big brother said he wants 5,000 sets and wants us to help transport them to the station."

In order to save time, this elder brother has already planned to carry the work back by himself, and send it? wasting time!

Li Shuxin: "Call your brother and ask him to come and help."

She handed the mobile phone to Yingzi, and Yingzi immediately yelled, darling, this is the first time for her to use a mobile phone. Her family didn't even ring the phone, but at this time, how could she care about it? She shipped 5,000 sets at once, and her salary this month...

Don't let this big brother run the bill!

When Shao Ling came over, he saw the whole shopping mall. His family had the best business, and his wife was busy walking around. The little chubby boy raised his face and let out an ah-oh.

Shao Ling laughed softly and said, "Your mother won the bet."

Little Fat Boy: "Ah, oh, oh, oh."

Shao Ling: "Your mother makes a lot of money, and then buys delicious food for the baby."

The chubby cub's saliva flowed down silently, he tapped his little mouth, raised his head, and said to his father, "Eat!"

Don't look at the little guy who doesn't know anything else, but he knows about "eating".

Shao Ling smiled and said, "Yes, eat!"

Li Shuxin's business is booming here, she was busy, when she felt a gaze, she raised her head instantly, showing a sweet smile. Li Shuxin put down the things in her hands and hurried out, took the little one, and said, "Is the baby here?"

Little Jiaxi was so proud of herself, she jumped out and said, "Mom!"

With a grunt, he added, "Eat!"

Li Shuxin poked his chubby little flesh, and said, "You're still so fat?"

The little guy couldn't understand, tilted his head, and looked at his mother incomprehensibly, but he still let out a groan and reiterated firmly: "Eat!"

Li Shuxin laughed, touched his double chin again, and laughed even harder.

Shao Ling stood on one side, quietly: "Ah Xin, I have been standing for so long, do I still have no sense of existence?"

Li Shuxin glared at him, bumped his shoulder lightly, and said, "You want to argue with the baby?"

Shao Ling raised her eyebrows: "I'm not fussing with the baby, I'm fussing with you."

Li Shuxin said angrily: "Why are you willing to argue with me?"

She acted like a baby: "I like you the most."

Li Shuxin was in a good mood, and even had good things to say, she smiled and said angrily: "Why are you willing to blame me!"

Shao Ling laughed in a low voice. He looked at Li Shuxin and saw that her face was full of smiles, and her whole body was full of passionate joy. He couldn't hold back, stretched out his hand and squeezed her face, and said that his son's face was fleshy, She also has an oval face, which is easy to pinch.

Li Shuxin: "It hurts..."

Shao Ling: "I'm not working hard at all, don't you know if I'm working hard?"

Li Shuxin blinked at him, then pursed her lips.

The husband and wife laughed, and Shao Ling looked at the heat in the store and said, "This one is so easy to sell."

As a man, I really don't know what "the same style as a star" is, so what if it's the same style as a star? Isn't clothes all supported by the face and figure? And what's the point if everyone wears the same clothes?

Shao Ling really doesn't understand, but Li Shuxin thinks this is very common. In a few years, the Spring Festival Gala every now and then will bring out some popular models, isn't it the same reason?

And opportunities like this one may be rarely encountered in the future. This model is easy to sell because of the right time, place and people. It will be difficult for a drama like Huanzhu to have such a wide coverage in the future, and now that the paper media is developed, the cover is so effective. Although there will be other popular dramas in the future, the social environment is different, and it will not be able to reach this state from time to time.

"Are your goods enough to sell?" Shao Ling mentioned a key thing. Although Li Shuxin has bought a lot of goods, judging by the hot sales, it may not be enough to sell.

Li Shuxin whispered: "I have a total of 100,000 sets of goods, and I have sold nearly 30,000 this morning. Now I am the only one in the entire mall, and I should be able to sell for a few days, but wait a few days everyone They all started to stock up slowly, and I don't think they will be able to sell so fast here."

Rumor has it that this model sold millions of pieces in only one of their shopping malls, but this is untestable. In fact, Li Shuxin was also afraid that this number was too false, so when she started ordering, she chose 100,000 sets. That's 300,000 pieces. Unexpectedly, it was still conservative.

Li Shuxin is a bit hesitant to add more now, because if she adds more now, even Chen Liling will never be able to offer the price of 18, and it is impossible for her to order too much.

So she was a little hesitant.

"Husband, what do you think?"

Although Shao Ling is taking care of the children at home for a while, Shao Ling always had to consider the market when he was in the sea cucumber breeding circle before, and he discussed these matters by himself. So Li Shuxin still wanted to hear Shao Ling's opinion.

Shao Ling didn't know much about the clothing industry, but he did understand another truth. He said: "If this model is a super hit, then even if you have 100,000 sets of goods in your hand, it shouldn't be enough to sell. I am It is recommended that you restock even if it is expensive. You think, if someone wants to buy this model in your store, but your store does not have this model, will they leave, maybe even other models? I won't read it. While deciding on this one, they will also look at other styles. After all, it's impossible for those vendors to sell only one style of clothes, right? Even if there are not many follow-up orders for this style, but because You were the first to sell it, and I believe that if someone gets the goods, they will definitely come to you."

Li Shuxin nodded and said, "Indeed, the jeans I matched with are selling well."

In fact, this poster only has the upper body, and I still can't see what the lower body is wearing. Only the waist edge of a pair of jeans is exposed. Li Shuxin wears jeans of the same color that look similar. I didn't expect that many people who took the top also took the jeans. .

Li Shuxin: "You are right."

She drooped her eyes: "Then I will go to the Jixiang Garment Factory in the afternoon."

Not only the tops, but also the jeans, she still needs to buy another batch.

Li Shuxin made up her mind and settled down. She looked up at Shao Ling and asked, "Aren't you coming in?"

Shao Ling tapped his watch: "It's noon, I'm looking for you for dinner, what are we going in for?"

Since there are more salespeople in the store, Shao Ling usually doesn't come here very often, and when he comes, he calls Li Shuxin and leaves, rarely staying. Li Shuxin looked at the business in the store and hesitated for a while, but soon she said, "Okay, wait for me to explain."

Shao Ling nodded, but Li Shuxin didn't hesitate, the husband and wife quickly went out together with the child in their arms.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Erhei rushing over, and he greeted him from a distance: "Boss, lady boss!"

In fact, most people in the store will call Boss Li Shu Xinli, but she is the boss's wife only in front of Er Hei and the others who used to work in the breeding circle.

Erhei was in a hurry, he was the first to work in the breeding circle, and when the breeding circle broke up, he went to other people's circles with a few other people. Now all circles are in a hurry, so the salary is higher, he naturally Just earn more, no, the jobs in these relocated breeding circles are almost the same. Everyone else looked for a similar job, but he didn't. He listened to Shao Ling's words, and brought his two brothers who had a good relationship with him to this place, and started delivering goods.

Don't underestimate this job, delivery is also a circle, Er Hei is new to the business is not a lot, but because he looks like a big and three rough, he is strong, but some people like to find him.

The work of delivering goods here is not as easy as that in the breeding circle, and the income is similar, but the work is a little more free, and Erhei got used to it in a short time.

Erhei said loudly: "Yingzi said let me come over and help deliver the goods."

Li Shuxin nodded: "Go up and go directly to the store."


Erhei smiled honestly and said, "Boss, I'm going up."

Shao Ling waved his hand, and Er Hei rushed in like a gorilla.

The husband and wife went to lunch together, Shao Ling: "Go eat pork belly and drink some soup to make up for it."

Li Shuxin shook her head: "It's hot."

Shao Ling: "How about some herbal tea?"

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling inexplicably, and said: "Think carefully, I will make up for the fire on one side, and drink herbal tea to reduce the fire on the other side... Isn't it a bit unnecessary?"

Shao Ling: "What's the matter? I also saw you trimming and thrushing your eyebrows..."

Li Shuxin's eyes widened: "What's the matter?"

Shao Ling: "Isn't it?"

Li Shuxin: "Absolutely not!"

That's a big difference!

Li Shuxin stopped being stubborn with Shao Ling, she said decisively, "I want to eat grouper fish pot!"

Shao Ling looked at her: "Is this not angry?"

Li Shuxin asked back: "How can fish get angry? Only chicken soup can get angry."


The childish duo finally set off, because now Li Shuxin often drove to and from get off work, so Shao Ling drove back to the van when he went out.

Li Shuxin: "Husband, shall we buy another car?"

Shao Ling: "OK."

Li Shuxin said with emotion: "I didn't expect that our family would have three cars without having three suites."

Shao Ling laughed and said, "What three cars? If I buy a car, I'll exchange the van for the price. In the past, I didn't sell it for convenience, but now it doesn't seem to be very useful."

Li Shuxin and the others usually hire a small van to purchase goods. Although a van is larger than a family car, it is not enough to purchase goods. Instead of leaving it there to depreciate and become worthless, it is better to cash it out.

Li Shuxin didn't know much about this, and said, "Just watch."

Their husband and wife are like this, they don't know how to point out things that they don't understand, but the little guy, sitting on the safety chair, huh huh, huh, huh, don't know what to say .

"Baby language" is really difficult to understand.

In fact, their little chubby cub is eleven months old, and some children can already say they can go, but the little chubby cub is not a fast learner, jumping out word by word, like a little parrot He also learns the tongue, and his articulation is clear, but he can't speak a lot.

As for walking?

He can't do it anymore, the little chubby boy is super lively, but he prefers to use his hands and feet, crawling and crawling. I can stand still while holding on to the armrest of the sofa, but I can't walk, and I haven't taken the first step yet.

Li Shuxin teased the child and said, "What will the baby do this afternoon?"

The little fat cub whimpered, vomited a small bubble.

Shao Ling: "Take him to swim in the afternoon."

Shao Ling enrolled his little chubby cubs in a baby swimming class, and the little ones had swimming rings on their heads, flopping about in the pool like water ducks. Shao Ling himself is very skeptical about being able to learn swimming, but he has heard that children who learn to swim early can develop their intelligence.

Shao Ling didn't know if there was any scientific basis for this thing, but regardless of whether there was any scientific basis, Shao Ling still signed up his son based on the principle of not letting it go. Today is the second class.

But the little chubby boy likes it very much.

Shao Ling: "Here we are."

Shao Ling drove all the way, but Li Shuxin didn't pay attention to where he was driving. After she got there, she realized that this was a restaurant she liked very much in her previous life, and it mainly specializes in grouper fish pot. Li Shuxin likes this one the most, and the taste of this restaurant is quite good. Twenty years later, it is still thriving.

But it should have just opened not too long ago.

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling in surprise, and asked, "How do you know about this store?"

Shao Ling got out of the car, hugged his son, and said casually, "When I was going out, I received the opening leaflet from their family. Let's go, try it!"

Li Shuxin's eyes turned into the moon with a smile, she said, "I can eat a lot."

Shao Ling looked at her up and down, expressing his disbelief, Li Shuxin snorted and walked briskly.

Speaking of which, human body functions are really miraculous. She was obviously reborn, but Li Shuxin felt that although she had all the memories of her previous life, her personality still seemed to have returned to her teenage years.

Oh no, it's the young...women...period.

Whether it's state, emotion or state of mind, it seems that they have not become mature due to experience, but are in this state in their twenties. She also understands why some protagonists who read novels back then would be childish when they revisited when they were young, because their body functions are irresistible.

Li Shuxin is like this, she clearly feels that her mentality is not stable, but what does it matter? The most important thing is to live a happy life, Li Shuxin is very happy now. The family of three sat down, and Xiao Jiaxi was put on the baby chair. Or if Li Shuxin likes this store, it is very considerate.

The little boy was sitting on the baby chair, his big eyes were staring at the pot in the middle, and his little hands were clenched into small fists in front of him, like a little squirrel waiting to eat. Li Shuxin looked at his son, feeling that he was too cute, and couldn't help leaning forward to kiss his son, the little guy gleefully yelled at his mother.

Li Shuxin: "Aren't you happy to be kissed?"

Xiao Jiaxi said in a childish voice, "Heart~"

Li Shuxin: "Happy~"

Xiao Jiaxi: "On~"

Just don't connect the two words together.

Li Shuxin laughed, and the little guy followed his mother's smile, the fat baby's big smiling face was extraordinarily ignorant and cute.

Li Shuxin touched the baby's head and said, "Today is eating fish."


Li Shuxin: "That's right, fish."

One big and one small parrot learned their tongues. At this time, the dishes were already served. Shao Ling cooked a piece of fish, checked it carefully, and handed it to Xiao Jiaxi's mouth. The little guy immediately tilted his head hard to avoid his mother's face, ah! With a sound, he opened his mouth wide.

It's more important that mom doesn't eat!

Li Shuxin: "This little heartless person."

The little heartless guy doesn't understand at all. He ate the fish fillet. The deliciousness of the fish fillet made the little guy squint his eyes, let out a satisfied sigh, and smacked his mouth after eating, with endless aftertaste. .

Li Shuxin: "Let me feed him."

Shao Ling shook his head: "You eat yours, don't you have to go to the Jixiang Garment Factory in the afternoon?"

Li Shuxin: "Alright then."

The two had lunch together, Shao Ling's phone rang, and he picked it up: "Brother Yu?"

It was Fatty Yu who called, and Fatty Yu smiled and said, "Brother Shao Ling, let me guess where you are, are you eating grouper fish pot again?"

Shao Ling immediately turned his head and looked out the door, and saw that Fatty Yu and his wife had also come in. Fatty Yu hung up the phone with a smile, and said, "What a coincidence."

Shao Ling got up and greeted: "Yeah, have you met Brother Yu? This is my wife, Ah Xin."

After finishing speaking, he introduced to Li Shuxin: "Ah Xin, this is Brother Yu, and this is sister-in-law Cui, sister-in-law is the eldest daughter of Sixth Uncle Cui in our village, and the eldest sister of Cui An."

Li Shuxin suddenly realized, and politely called: "Brother Yu, sister Cui, hello."

Why Fatty Yu, a man from other provinces, raises sea cucumber rings in their village? It's not because he found such a place casually, but because his wife is from Lincheng and also from their Shaojia Village.

However, this sister-in-law went to work in Pengcheng in the early years and met Fatty Yu. After marrying Fatty Yu, she went to his hometown. In previous years, not many came back. The reason for coming back these years is because Uncle Cui is in poor health and is about to die.

As the eldest daughter, Cui Tao came back to take care of her parents, and Fatty Yu followed.

They bought a house in Lincheng City and took Uncle Cui over there. Uncle Cui passed away two years ago, but they didn't leave. have stayed. But as far as Fatty is concerned, even with Uncle Cui's relationship, he is not familiar with the villagers.

"Sister A Tao, we haven't seen each other for many years, right?"

Cui Tao was ten years older than Shao Ling. She was classmates with Shao Peng and Su Xuejiao, so she was not familiar with Shao Ling. Picking up junk to save tuition.

"Yeah, it's been four or five years, and you weren't married at that time." She looked at Li Shuxin and said with a smile, "You are lucky, Ah Ling."

Shao Ling: "Is my vision good?"

His tone was so flamboyant that everyone laughed.

Oh no, there are exceptions. The little chubby kid just waved his little hands and retorted unhappily. His mouth was like pouring beans, and he couldn't hear what the cub said.

Fatty Yu looked at the little fat boy in surprise, and said, "Your baby is quite lively."

Shao Ling looked down and didn't understand, but Li Shuxin, a mother, knew the child better. She said, "He should be in a hurry to eat."

The adults were taken aback for a moment and then laughed.

Fatty Yu also laughed, having laughed enough, and said, "Then hurry up, don't delay the little guy."

Shao Ling glanced at Li Shuxin, and then said, "Why don't we go together?"

Fatty Yu hesitated for a moment, but for some reason, he sat down and said, "Then we won't be polite."

Two more people were added, and Shao Ling added a few more dishes. It turned out that Fatty Yu and the others came to Pengcheng this time to visit the shop. He planned to buy a shop and then sell seafood and dried goods. Although they don't raise seafood anymore, he is still familiar with this business and naturally wants to continue doing it.

He talked eloquently: "Soup cooking is still very popular here, and the business of dried seafood is very good. I have also met many farmers in these years. I think it is good to buy semi-finished products and sell them in packaging stores."

After a pause, he said with a wry smile: "It's just that the shops are hard to find. The shops here are really much more expensive than those in Lincheng."

Shao Ling: "Did you watch it yourself or did you find an intermediary? Although the intermediary will cost a little agency fee, it is more convenient than casting a wide net by yourself."

The shop Shao Ling and the others are looking for is an intermediary. They made their requirements clear, and it was quite easy to find them. So Shao Ling also recommended an intermediary to them: "Spending money is spending money, but it saves trouble."

Fatty Yu: "We searched, and there are always good ones, but the price really doesn't matter."

Although they all guaranteed to lose a lot of money, they are always under great pressure because they have a lot of money.

While he was talking, he saw that Shao Ling kept feeding the little chubby boy, and the little guy took big mouthfuls after big mouthfuls, eating very well. But Shao Ling's daughter-in-law ate quietly by herself, Yu Fatty was a little surprised. Fatty Yu's wife was also curious, Cui Tao smiled and asked, "Ah Xin, are you living in Pengcheng now?"

She doesn't live in the village, so naturally she doesn't know that Li Shuxin's family moved to Pengcheng a long time ago.

Li Shuxin smiled and said: "Yes, we also thought that Pengcheng would have more opportunities, so we came here directly."

Cui Tao: "That's great, I can go shopping with you in the future. Our family of four also lives here. These years, I have always been running around, and I changed after a few years after I stabilized. Place, it's really difficult to change places as soon as you start interacting with friends. Fortunately, with you here, I don't need to find any circle of wives."

She said: "Hurry up tomorrow, let's go shopping in Hong Kong City together?"

Li Shuxin smiled: "Okay."

She and Cui Tao met for the first time, and they were not familiar with each other at all, but it's okay to agree first.

"Ring ring ring." The phone rang, and Li Shuxin immediately picked it up, "Hello?"

The call came from the office of the shopping mall. It was Manager Zhang. Manager Zhang said, "Boss Li, I am Zhang, are you busy? Is it convenient to talk?"

Li Shuxin: "Manager Zhang? Tell me, it's okay."

Manager Zhang: "Didn't I talk to you about 5,000 groups this morning? My friend thought it was not enough and wanted to add a little more. Is it convenient for you to come back here? The prices are different, and the girls in your family are also Don't dare to take the goods for me."

Li Shuxin: "I have to go to the factory in the afternoon, so I probably won't be able to go back. That's all right. Can you call Wendy for me? I'll tell her."

Manager Zhang: "Okay, then I'll call you later."

Shao Ling: "If you are busy, go first, I will sit with Brother Yu for a while."

Li Shuxin smiled apologetically, and then said, "It's nothing, it's about getting the goods."

Fatty Yu and his wife were very surprised, and Shao Ling said with a bit of pride: "My daughter-in-law has rented a shop to do clothing wholesale, and she is quite busy."

This time Yu Fatzi and his wife are really surprised, can they not be surprised?

Most people in their village are still immersed in the turmoil of relocation and have not calmed down. Shao Ling's wife and daughter-in-law have already started business? Fortunately, he still feels that he is fast. He gave a thumbs up and said with emotion: "My brother and sister are really amazing."

Li Shuxin: "Actually, our husband and wife don't know what to do. We are young and we can't just stay at home just because of a few compensations. It just so happens that I am a little interested in this business, and Shao Ling is also very supportive of me, so I will do it first... ..."

"My brother and sister are right." Fatty Yu laughed, but what he thought was, no wonder Shao Ling took care of his son. But he was very happy to see Shao Ling, so of course he wouldn't say much.

While talking, Li Shuxin's phone rang again, and Li Shuxin explained a few words through the phone.

In the end, within two minutes, the call came again, and she quickly picked it up: "Mr. Chen?"

Li Shuxin laughed softly: "It just so happens that I'm going to visit you in the afternoon...well, let's meet."

Li Shuxin hung up the phone and said embarrassedly: "I have to go first."

Fatty Yu and his wife immediately said: "You are busy with your work, let's sit with Brother Shao for a while."

"Brothers and sisters, let's talk back."

Li Shuxin smiled and said goodbye, and drove away quickly. She actually didn't expect Chen Liling to call, but it's not surprising after thinking about it. That is to say, she is not the only one who buys goods from Chen Liling's house in their mall. Isn't sister Qiu just getting the goods there?

She drove quickly to the garment factory, and Shao Ling was also chatting with Fatty Yu. Speaking of which, Fatty Yu was looking for Shao Ling. If I didn't meet by chance today, I should call and meet up.

It's a coincidence that we just met today.

He wouldn't sit down to lunch if he didn't really have something to say.

Fatty Yu thought about it for a while, and then said: "Brother Shao, have you been back to the village recently?" After a pause, he changed the phrase: "Has Shao Peng contacted you?"

Shao Ling shook his head frankly: "No."

He asked curiously: "What?"

Fatty Yu was speechless for a moment...

Chapter 27

Fatty Yu was a little speechless.

Shao Ling felt strange, Fatty Yu was very smooth and would come to trouble, but it was rare to see him with such an expression. He asked curiously, "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

This tone is somewhat gossip.

Fatty Yu hesitated for a moment, and said: "A while ago, Shao Peng contacted me. He has a friend who is doing investment. It is said that he can make a lot of money. He wants to invite me to do it together. I asked, the person we moved together at the time, He has found several. But this matter, I am a little hesitant. I don't know much about investing in this kind of thing. If you tell me to raise a sea cucumber, I will. But you tell me about stocks, funds, and futures , I don't understand. I always feel uneasy in my heart, so I just want to ask you if you will participate. I didn't expect that he didn't look for you..."

Shao Ling laughed and said, "He won't look for me."

Fatty Yu looked at Shao Ling suspiciously, he really didn't understand.

At the beginning they were relocated together. During the demolition, we all discussed together. It seemed that they had a good relationship, and even arranged a patrol team together. But after the relocation, he felt that something was not right.

how to say?

Shao Peng organized them, the relocated households who contracted the breeding circle, to go to Hong Kong City to kill chickens; and to Macau to play money, none of them called Shao Ling. At that time, he felt that something was wrong, but he never heard of any conflict between the two of them.

Now that Shao Peng has a way to make money, he is also not called Shao Ling.

Fatty Yu really didn't understand, he smiled, and couldn't help asking: "What's your holiday?"

Shao Ling shook his head: "No."


Fatty Yu was a little dumbfounded by these words, didn't he?

Since there is no such thing, why does Shao Peng reject Shao Ling?

Fatty Yu doesn't think that Shao Peng is a snake spirit, and he excludes Shao Ling for no reason. He looked at Shao Ling, thinking maybe he didn't want to say it?

However, Shao Ling was very calm, and said with a smile: "We have no holidays, but it is normal for him to look down on me. When we are relocated, everyone has to twist together. We are all relocated households in the breeding circle, so naturally we have to Together, it's impossible to break the stage. But if it is possible, I believe he doesn't want to associate with me very much. It's not that there is any enmity, but it's pure, and it's annoying to see."

Fatty Yu was even more confused, he always thought he was quite smart, why couldn't he understand it?

At this time Cui Tao spoke, and she said: "If you say this, I understand a little bit. Old Yu, you go home and ask Cui An. He doesn't like Shao Ling very much. The young men in the village don't like Shao Ling." How do you like Shao Ling?"

Fatty Yu: "Huh?"

He thinks that Shao Ling is a nice person, he has brains, understands things clearly, and is cautious in doing things.

Cui Tao left home quite early, but she thought about some things back then. She said: "If your family tells you all day long, it would be great if so-and-so's children are more sensible. Year after year, how do you feel?"

At that time, Shao Ling was not with his parents, and Shao's grandfather and grandmother were also in very ordinary conditions. Shao Ling would go out to pick up junk to make money since elementary school, and he even saved his tuition by going out to pick up junk. Just like this, his primary school grades have not declined, and he has always been among the best.

At that time, the adults in every household in their village used Shao Ling to teach their cubs a lesson.

This person has listened too much, and he will rebound to some extent. Even though Shao Peng is more than ten years older than Shao Ling, he has also suffered from this kind of abuse.

After listening to his wife's analysis, Fatty Yu looked at Shao Ling in surprise, and Shao Ling nodded: "That's the reason, so Shao Peng won't come to me if he has anything to do."

The corner of Fatty Yu's mouth twitched, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

But soon, he was a little embarrassed. He didn't bring Shao Ling with him for such an investment matter. He asked Ai Ai expectantly: "This matter is passed on to you..."

Shao Ling knew what he meant and said, "I know, just pretend not to know."

Fatty Yu smiled awkwardly.

Fatty Yu's daughter-in-law, Cui Tao, didn't expect that her man asked Shao Ling for this. If she knew it was such a thing, she would definitely not let Lao Yu come over and ask nonsense. Shao Ling himself didn't care much, but he also pointed out: "Don't take it to heart, I just pretend that I don't know, but it's just that you should think about this kind of thing yourself, and invest in this kind of thing. After all, children are not trivial matters. I don't know others, but the principle of my doing things is not to do things that I don't understand at all."

Fatty Yu nodded, deeply convinced, why he was very happy to associate with Shao Ling, because this person could think of him together. He thought so too.

"Brother, do you mean I shouldn't participate?"

Shao Ling didn't want to make decisions for others, and said, "What brother Yu said, I don't know if it's good or not. I can't be someone else's decision."

"What about yourself?"

Shao Ling didn't hide it, and said, "If it were me, I wouldn't do it."

He smiled slightly and said: "This year is my natal year, and the old saying says that things are inappropriate in natal years, so I naturally don't participate in these things. It's best to live in peace and contentment."

Fatty Yu: "..."

This reason, for a while, made people wonder how to answer it.

Regardless of whether Shao Ling's words were true or not, he was right in one sentence. To be a human being, you have to do what you know, and it's not good to blindly participate in things you don't understand. Thinking of this, Fatty Yu knew something in his heart, and said with a smile: "Then I'm thinking about it. We will all be in Pengcheng in the future, so we have to move around frequently."

Shao Ling poked the chubby boy's fleshy double chin, and said, "Okay, Brother Yu is busy, I have a lot of time, and I've been at home looking after the children recently."

Fatty Yu: "..."

I have to say that Shao Ling is really incomprehensible.

How can a man be able to take care of his children at home with peace of mind?

Fatty Yu felt that he didn't understand Shao Ling very well.

Shao Ling was quite calm. He looked at the time and said, "It's almost time. I have to go too. My son has a swimming lesson in the afternoon."

"Swimming in elementary school?"

Shao Ling smiled slightly, showing off a bit, and said: "It is popular to raise babies scientifically, and more activities in infancy are very beneficial to children's intelligence. My family's Ah Xin and I are not bad in appearance, so there is no need to worry about appearance. Yes. If you develop more intelligence, my baby will be invincible."

Fatty Yu Cui Tao: "..."

Cui Tao looked at the little baby, the little guy was already held in his arms by his father at this time, the little guy was full, and filled another bottle of milk, leaning against his father's arms and drowsy, his little head froze. Little by little.

I really didn't see where it was invincible.

But Shao Ling can say: "Don't look at this little guy, but others don't learn as well as him. He is definitely the best among them. I can tell at a glance..."

Fatty Yu Cui Tao: "..."

Shao Ling: "I've thought about it, our family..."

"Shao Ling!"

Fatty Yu finally couldn't bear it anymore. He said, "If you don't leave, you will be late, right? Shall I see you?"

Shao Ling smiled: "Okay."

He hugged the little cub, the little guy felt his father's breath, grunted, found a more suitable position, nuzzled his little mouth and fell asleep. Fatty Yu glanced at it and deeply felt that he really didn't see anything clever at all.

The husband and wife sent Shao Ling off, and Fatty Yu said, "I really didn't expect Shao Ling to be such a person."

He used to think that Shao Ling was very manly, but now it seems... It's weird anyway.

Thinking so, naturally said so.

On the contrary, Cui Tao disagreed with Fatty Yu's thoughts, she said: "I don't know what you thought Shao Ling was like before, but I think he is really a man like him now, he doesn't care about outsiders' opinions, he can let go of big men It's really a man to take care of the baby in face."

Fatty Yu laughed: "You women, this is the knowledge..."

Cui Tao suppressed her smile, and said stiffly, "We women are no worse than you."

She looked at Fatty Yu coldly and said, "Don't think I don't know what to do with Shaopeng in Hong Kong City!"

Fatty Yu hurriedly redressed his grievances: "I went there, but it was just a simple massage, you can't wrong me. What they do is theirs, but I am innocent..."

"Do you think I believe what you say?"

"Hey, what's the matter with you, didn't I explain it to you? Why don't you believe it..."

The two started arguing, and Cui Tao looked at Fatty Yu, thinking that this was not the case when she first got married. At that time, he gave way to her and treated her well because he was ten years older than her, but not now. Outsiders only see that she is living well, and only know that she is a smart man who can make money, but they don't know that she also has her own difficulties.

When you don't have money, you want to be rich, and having money is not everything that goes your way.

Suddenly, she suddenly thought of Shao Ling's daughter-in-law. It's different if a woman has a career, right?

She looks strong, but she is actually very hypocritical; but Shao Ling's daughter-in-law looks gentle and gentle, but in fact she is very confident and capable. Just by looking at her phone calls one after another, you can tell that she is not a limp woman.

She really envied such a woman who had her own career.

Cui Tao didn't want to argue with Fatty Yu, so she looked out the window and didn't speak.

After a long time, he said, "I forgot to ask for Ah Xin's phone number, please ask for me later."

Fatty Yu looked at Cui Tao in surprise, but Cui Tao fell silent again.

Li Shuxin didn't know that someone was already envious of her. When she came to Jixiang Garment Factory, Chen Liling was really convinced. Can you not be convinced? I also want to know that Li Shuxin is making a lot of money now. Although it is only the first day, they are the most traded, and vision is very important.

When the two met, Chen Liling greeted her personally, and Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, you are too polite."

Chen Liling smiled with seriousness: "I have always been very polite to those who are capable."

Li Shuxin burst out laughing, and said, "What you said makes me feel really good."

Chen Liling: "Of course you are amazing."

She said: "The same starting point, there may not be anyone like you."

She firmly believes that Li Shuxin must know the news, but even if she knows the news, so what, not everyone has the courage to order so many goods at once. If it's easy to sell, you can do whatever you want, but if it's not easy to sell...that's a serious blow to your vitality.

It seems that she was not very optimistic about this one at the time?

So no matter what the situation is, Chen Liling has to say a word of admiration.

Chen Liling smiled and said: "You come here at this time, but it will give me an illusion that you have sold out all the stocks..."

There was a bit of temptation in her words, but she was really curious. It's only been one morning, why are these dealers so frantically buying goods? Chen Liling runs a garment factory, so she doesn't know much about the situation at the secondary wholesaler. Customers who come to their factory to buy goods rarely meet together, but when you go to the wholesale market to do wholesale, everyone can see it. You see her taking this model, and someone sees you taking it This one, then it is easy to cause competition for goods.

Another one, who doesn't know the popularity of Huanzhugege now?

Now that you know it, you can't miss it, so Li Shuxin and the others quickly became popular.

When Chen Liling asked tentatively, Li Shuxin couldn't help laughing, and said, "Mr. Chen, how much did you drink this afternoon? Is that too much? No matter how good my business is, I can't sell so much."

Chen Liling laughed and said, "Look, you can't let me have a dream?"

Li Shuxin: "You can dream, I want to order some more."

Chen Liling was taken aback. In fact, she had already informed her to start work. Of course, it was not for Li Shuxin, but there were always other wholesalers who came to buy the goods. She had to fight for the money. But Li Shuxin wanted to get the goods again, she didn't expect it, and even she couldn't help but marvel: "How much did you sell, and you still get it?"

Is this too exaggerated?

Li Shuxin naturally wouldn't tell the truth, she said with a smile: "I'm still early, but I have to prepare in advance, it's not like I'll be here as soon as I come here, right?"

Chen Liling smiled: "That's true."

She said bluntly: "Now there are four wholesalers in front of you who have ordered."

Li Shuxin: "I knew it, so if I order now, how long can I get it?"

Chen Liling: "It depends on how much you want to order. It will take a week at the earliest."

Li Shuxin hesitated for a while, and Chen Liling said honestly: "You were a big product here before, and I won't follow you. My side is already fast. Other garment factories are also doing it, but it shouldn't be as expensive as you are." I'm early."

She said with a smile: "Our garment factory also has a very sensitive sense of smell."

Li Shuxin sighed: "Looks like I'm a bit late."

Chen Liling: "You don't have to worry about it. No one has any stock now, only you have it. Even if it's sold out for a few days, it won't have much impact. But how much do you want to order? As far as I know , now many companies are making this one, you have a count in mind."

Li Shuxin nodded: "I know."

This business is not run by her family, Li Shuxin: "I will replenish 10,000 sets of goods."

Chen Liling exclaimed, "You are really courageous!"

Li Shuxin: "The discount is huge, I understand. Besides, no matter how much it is, I always have the goods, even if the sales are not much, I can attract others."

Chen Liling laughed, and the two of them settled the conversation. Li Shuxin ordered another batch of jeans. She chose four styles herself, and she didn't miss out. This Chen Liling is not surprising, let alone Li Shuxin, most wholesalers dare to buy jeans.

After all, jeans are the most popular item without any seasonality.

"You're out of jeans for me."

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "It's not good to make money!"

Chen Liling raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Of course, so thank you, Boss Li."

Li Shuxin smiled slightly.

Although Chen Liling didn't get along with Li Shuxin for a long time, Li Shuxin can be regarded as her big customer here. The goods she gets alone are as good as what a small wholesaler gets in a year. She was naturally happy to make friends with such a person, and said, "I'll ask the driver in our factory to deliver the goods to you later, and you can give me the address."

Li Shuxin: "Okay."

Sure enough, if there are more orders, the treatment will be different.

Li Shuxin came to place an order directly after lunch. It was already mid-afternoon when she went back. She had just gone upstairs to go to the store when she saw a familiar person standing by the fire exit. It was Chen Zhen, the waiter in the store. Opposite a short man, eyes full of frost.

Li Shuxin's footsteps slowed down, and Chen Zhen said coldly: "Don't dream, it's fine if I don't beat you up, and help you? What do you think you are!"

The little man showed his side face, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and said with a playful smile: "Ah Zhen, look at you, you are so indifferent, don't you? After all, we are fellow villagers. Besides, think about who brought you out? But I gave you a chance to work, and you will leave now that you have finished your studies. Have I ever blamed you? I never blamed you from the beginning to the end, and now I just ask you for a little help, and you are not willing? "

Li Shuxin's steps became slower and her ears perked up. Intuitively, she felt that this matter was related to herself.

After all, the one who talked to Chen Zhen was also a wholesaler in their mall, and it was Chen Zhen's former boss, Boss Song.

Boss Song said earnestly: "Ah Zhen, you must not be ungrateful."

Chen Zhen: "Fuck you, the one who brought me out was your wife, not you. You really put powder on your face, and you don't see what kind of trash you are. You let me steal the boss's goods. Dreaming go you!"

She knew that this guy had nothing good to do with her. Sure enough, a bitch is always a bitch and can't do anything.

"Ah Zhen, I know you have misunderstood me. You hurt my heart too much by saying that. What is stealing? I asked you to sell it to me at cost price. Anyway, your boss is not here. If she Fire you, you just come back to me..."

This remark is to deceive a three-year-old child. If Chen Zhen really does this, she will never be able to sell things in this mall again. But this does not prevent Boss Song from fooling people. Boss Song probably also knew that Chen Zhen couldn't be fooled around safely, and said, "You don't want to work here, I also have a shop over there in Shisanhang, you go over there."


Chen Zhen pushed people, Boss Song grabbed her by the neck and scolded: "You bitch, tell you carefully, you don't understand, right? If you help today, you have to help, and if you don't help, you have to help , do you believe I went back to my hometown to spread the word? I said that you didn't work here because you seduced me and let me drive you out. Do you think the people in my hometown believe you or me? You will stink when you are in your hometown Already!"

He sneered: "As many goods as there are, you prepare them and sell them to me at cost price! Then disappear!"

Chen Zhen trembled angrily, pointing at him: "You, you villain..."

Li Shuxin really saw that this person is such a villain. She knew that Boss Song was not a good guy, but she didn't know that this person could be so shameless that a big man bullied a little girl, and he was proud of it.

However, it was obvious that Chen Zhen wouldn't be overwhelmed by just a few words. She would resign immediately when she met a swindler, so she knew that her temper was still a little hot. At this time, she was trembling with anger, and couldn't hold back, she suddenly slammed hard, and hit the thin Boss Song directly against the wall, stepped forward and slapped him twice, and cursed loudly: "I asked you to frame me , I let you plot against me, and I will kill you, the scourge!"

"Damn it!" Boss Song cursed, followed by two streaks of blood on his face, which were scratched by Chen Zhen.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

With so much commotion, several families gathered around. Seeing that Li Shuxin was also there, he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Shuxin: "I also heard the sound of beating people just as I came here! I only heard Boss Song asking Chen Zhen to steal my goods..."

"Ah..." Everyone looked at Boss Song in unison.

"Damn it! Lao Song, you are wicked, right?"

As soon as Chen Zhen turned her head and saw Li Shuxin, she said loudly, "Boss, this man threatened me to steal all your goods!"

Boss Song didn't expect Chen Zhen to explode suddenly, he yelled: "Nonsense, nonsense, I want to sue you..."

Chen Zhen: "You go! You go and sue! I'm not afraid of you, you'd better sue me and keep me out for the rest of your life, or I'll settle accounts with you sooner or later!"

She even slapped Boss Song twice in the face when she spoke. It can be seen that the backlog is too long, and she is so angry that she wants to hit someone!

Li Shuxin: "Ah Zhen, don't hurt yourself."

Chen Zhen: "It's okay, he can't beat me. When my mother was fighting with the boy all over the mountains, he didn't know which latrine he would hide in to pretend to be his third grandson."

Although it would be wrong to laugh at such a time, Li Shuxin really almost made the words laugh. She tried to persuade: "You let go first! I know you are angry, but let's hit it twice, and let it go when you get angry."

"Chen Zhen, you little bitch, I'm going to sue you!" Boss Song screamed: "Boss Li, you can't talk nonsense, I didn't say stealing goods, you two can't partner to frame me!"

Li Shuxin is not a soft girl who is easy to bully, and she can't agree to make trouble in front of her, she said stubbornly: "Okay, you can sue, you can sue Chen Zhen. I don't believe it What kind of crime can you be convicted of with such a small injury! Just in time, you also accused me of slandering you by the way. Just in time, I wanted to call the police and arrest you. But you, you threatened my clerk to steal my things, treating me as a soft persimmon! What's the matter? Doing small tricks when you can't do business aboveboard? Song, don't think I don't know your details, you make me uncomfortable, and I'll make you look good too!"

"you you you......"

"What are you, don't think that women are easy to bully!"

"It's really hard to raise only women and villains!" Boss Song was not sure whether Li Shuxin really knew his details, so he just cursed.

Li Shuxin sneered: "Aren't you born to a girl yourself? What kind of cultural person are you pretending to be? You haven't graduated from elementary school, don't think you can get rid of it just by knowing a few words!"

Boss Song was startled, but then realized that Li Shuxin really knew him!

It stands to reason that he and Li Shuxin just met each other, they didn't know each other at all, and they didn't even talk to each other. Although she opened a store in a shopping mall, Li Shuxin came later, and it wasn't long ago, so she didn't have any contact with them.

But she even knew that she didn't graduate from elementary school. He looked at Chen Zhen, what did she say?

Looking at it again, Chen Zhen also looked surprised. So, didn't Chen Zhen say that?

Li Shuxin really knows this?

Li Shuxin was blunt: "Everyone is doing business in the same shopping mall. Harmony makes money. If you make money, I will make money. There is a lot of money in the world, and I can't make it all by myself. I welcome fair competition, but behind-the-scenes It's too disgusting to make such a cheap move to threaten to steal something. I've never caused trouble, but I'm not afraid of trouble. If you do this, then don't blame me for being rude!"

This is very reasonable, everyone is here to open a shop, there is always competition, but if you use commercial means, you can do whatever you want. But this instigation of stealing is really low, and today he can target Li Shuxin like this. So can we deal with them like this another day?

"Cutting one's fortune is like killing one's parents. It's too cheap for you to do business like this." A middle-aged woman folded her arms and looked at Boss Song coldly. This person is not someone else, but Li Shuxin's old acquaintance, the boss's wife in her previous life Miss Qiu.

Sister Qiu also had a crush on Boss Song.

It was the first time they met in this life, Li Shuxin gave her an extra look. Sister Qiu noticed it and nodded back.

"Yeah, we are all doing business well, isn't it too careless of you?"


Everyone said something to each other, and the tone was not very pleasant.

At this moment, Manager Zhang from the shopping mall also came over. To be precise, he was the director of the logistics department of the shopping mall, but he still liked being called Manager Zhang. In Pengcheng, the manager sounds nice.

He squeezed over, heard what happened, and immediately said, "Old Song, look at you, you are doing something wrong, how can you be like this."

He watched Lao Song being beaten into a pig's head, and looked at Chen Zhen, who was still holding on to him, the skinny one, curling his lips mockingly in his heart, what kind of man is this, a thin woman can be beaten like this by him , is too cowardly.

But he didn't show it on the face, and said: "A little girl doesn't hurt you even if she hits you twice, so don't worry about it with Chen Zhen, and besides, you are at fault for this matter, you can apologize to Boss Li. "

Manager Zhang also took the initiative to say to Li Shuxin: "Boss Li, it is true that he was wrong about this matter, but this is still an attempt after all. Ask him to apologize to you, do you think so? We are all in the same shopping mall. Harmony makes money, such trouble will also affect business..."

In fact, all the shops in their shopping malls are sold, so the shopping malls and offices do not have that much power. However, there are also quite a few shop owners who were engaged in investment back then, and it was troublesome to rent out their own shops, so they entrusted them to handle them together, plus some logistical work. They seem to have no rights, but they have rights.

So under normal circumstances, everyone still gives face to some extent.

Boss Song screamed: "I didn't do anything, why should I apologize, it was Chen Zhen who hit me!"

Manager Zhang frowned: "Old Song, it's meaningless for you to do this. Everyone is not blind, and they don't know what's going on with you?"

His tone was a bit more serious: "Old Song, hurry up and apologize to Boss Li. A big man has to admit his mistakes, so can he still pretend to be okay? People don't care about you, It's people being generous."

Manager Zhang always likes to make big things into small ones, so it's not surprising that he handles them this way.

He handled it like this, and secretly gave Li Shuxin a wink, but Li Shuxin was speechless.

Boss Song defended: "I didn't, it was that Chen Zhen talking nonsense, why did I order the goods to be stolen..."

What he said was true, but someone had to believe it.

No one believes this.

It's all in one shopping mall, who doesn't know who! And Li Shuxin's business looks really envious and jealous! It was no surprise that he played a bad trick.

"What's wrong?" A woman's voice rang out. Seeing Boss Song's pig-headed face, the woman screamed and rushed to hug him, calling, "Husband, what's wrong with you? Who did it!"

She had a high-pitched voice, like a strangled old hen.

When Boss Song saw his wife coming, his voice became louder: "I said I didn't do it, what evidence do I have? Why do you say I did it without evidence? You stupid woman, look at the woman you found from your hometown. The person who framed me before I have done anything, and can't do a little thing well, what use is it for me to ask you?"

Boss Song's daughter-in-law is Wang Yu. Wang Yu was not annoyed when her husband scolded her. She just said distressedly, "Who beat you? Does it hurt? I'll take you to the hospital."


Wang Yu looked around begging for help, and immediately someone started chattering. Wang Yu listened to the general idea and showed an embarrassed look. Don't look at the woman's shock and her voice is not pleasant, but after hearing what happened, she quickly apologized.

Boss Song continued to yell.

Wang Yu grabbed Boss Song with all his strength and said, "Stop saying a few words, let's do business peacefully to make money."

Then hurriedly: "I apologize for him, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I caused trouble for everyone."

Afterwards, he took Chen Zhen's hand and said, "My sister is sorry for you, but you can't beat your brother-in-law like this. Look at someone who beat you. What if it breaks you? Don't you want to beat yourself up?" Being held accountable?"

Then he said to Li Shuxin: "Big girl, you see, this is my fault, and I apologize to you on behalf of my man. He is a simple-minded person, and he can't do things with a brain, but he is really not a bad person. It's just that it's a bit stupid to do things. Even if he really did this, I won't let him do it. It's not easy for everyone to do business, so please forgive my man this time. "

Having said that, he even bowed to Li Shuxin, which was very sincere. Li Shuxin smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, and he said neither softly nor hard: "Who doesn't want to make money, don't do things to the extreme, you are right Right? Let's forget about this time."

She didn't say next time, but she knew there would be a next time just by looking at Li Shuxin, and she wouldn't be polite.

This person, temperament is very important.

Like Li Shuxin, she looks like a gentle person, but maybe it has something to do with her temperament, but she feels very difficult to mess with. This feeling of not being messed with came out from the bottom of his bones. Boss Song's daughter-in-law bit her lip and said quickly, "Don't worry, there will be no such thing in the future."

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Chen Zhen, I'll go back."

This kind of business dispute is inevitable, and it's meaningless to get entangled too much. Even if the sky broke, this matter would be like this, it was the same as what happened in their breeding circle, after all, it did not cause any loss.

But Li Shuxin thinks it's not a bad thing to have such a thing, at least she is picky and everyone knows that "she doesn't cause trouble and is not afraid of trouble". Sometimes, that's the only way to be safe. It is said that harmony makes money, and you think harmony is better than anything else. But there are always some people in the world who like to dance. If you are friendly, they will think you are easy to bully.

Although Li Shuxin didn't pursue anything, it also gave people a feeling that she was not easy to mess with, so that's fine.

It's the first time for a newcomer, and it's impossible to make a fuss.

Now that this happened, Wang Yu immediately said, "Honey, let's go back to the store."

Boss Song actually slapped Chen Zhen a few times. It wasn't serious, but his face was definitely swollen. He slapped his daughter-in-law who was about to help him upstairs with a cold face, and said, "Go back. Why go back, what am I doing upstairs like this, am I ashamed to go up? You woman, you will hold me back if you have nothing to do!"

As soon as he pushed his wife, he bypassed the escalator and went downstairs on the other side. Old Song's wife quickly caught up: "Then I will accompany you to the hospital..."

"Go away, bad luck! What kind of hospital am I going to!"

Li Shuxin watched from a distance and shook her head slightly.


"Go away! Look at your fellow countryman, who are you looking for, I said I can't find some country girls, ungrateful things..." Boss Song yelled at his wife, and shook her hand again, Cursing and getting on the elevator, coincidentally at this moment his daughter-in-law staggered and waved her arm for some reason, Boss Song was beaten so hard that she couldn't step on her foot: "Ah..."

Everyone didn't see it clearly, and felt that Boss Song had rolled down...

"Husband!!!!" A piercing cry!

"Oh my God!"

"My God, Lao Song asked his wife to get off the elevator?"

"You can't say that. She didn't do it on purpose. This is really a catch up."

"My God, does it matter!"

"Manager Zhang, Manager Zhang, come and take a look..."

"Damn it." Manager Zhang couldn't ignore this matter, he rushed forward to help.

There was a sudden chaos at the scene. Boss Song rolled down from the elevator and fell down the elevator to the next floor. His whole face was bloodied and he passed out instantly.

"Oh my god!"

"Call an ambulance..."

"Chen Zhen, don't just stand there, go to the hospital with your man."

This appearance is indeed a little scary, and Li Shuxin patted her chest in fear after seeing it: "I really can't play around in the elevator."

"Be careful when going up and down..."

"I usually speak carefully, but you still don't believe it..."

Everyone was discussing, Li Shuxin also said a few words of emotion, but Qiu Jie, who was standing not far in front of Li Shuxin, looked at the scene at the other end, sneered, cursed that she deserved it, turned her head and left.

This person still has to take care of his own business, so Li Shuxin went back to the shop with Chen Zhen. Along the way, Chen Zhen seemed a little worried, turned her head frequently, and finally sighed.

Chen Zhen came back with Li Shuxin, Wang Lingyu: "What's wrong?"

They naturally heard the voices outside, but they were far away and didn't know what was going on. There were customers and cash in their shop, so they dared not leave.

Li Shuxin shook her head: "It's okay, I met a mad dog."

Chen Zhen pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "Boss, I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

Li Shuxin shook her head: "It's nothing."

She looked at Chen Zhen and said, "Their husband and wife are not very good people, you should be careful."

Chen Zhen: "Sister Yu is a nice person, but it's a pity that she didn't marry a good person."

Li Shuxin smiled, and did not agree with such a view, she said with a smile: "Some things, you can't look at the surface."

Such a small episode passed quickly, and Li Shuxin didn't seem to pursue it. As for Boss Song and Wang Yu's personalities, Li Shuxin didn't want to make any more comments. She had worked here for several years in her previous life, so she was far more accurate than Chen Zhen.

Since Chen Zhen didn't think there was anything wrong with Boss Song's wife, Li Shuxin didn't argue. She actually felt that the incompleteness was discussed by the husband and wife. It's not that she has any evidence, but she knows that Boss Song and Wang Yu's two stores, Boss Song is the owner on the surface, but in fact the boss is both Wang Yu.

If it is said that Wang Yu is a little white flower, then Li Shuxin will not believe it.

The brief episode in the mall did not affect the customers, it is like this in this world, and people's sorrows and joys are not connected. But I heard that other stores don't have this one, so they want to engage in tricks to steal the goods. Instead, these wholesalers feel that they have come to the right place, and they still have to get the goods.

The goods in this store are indeed not available in other stores.

Li Shuxin had a quarrel with someone, but his family's business has improved a lot.

Speaking of which, besides the tops, almost all the people who bought the goods would also buy jeans. Mingmingli Shuxin's jeans were all matched by himself, but everyone would think that it was almost the same.

Their business here was very good, and Li Shuxin didn't have time to take care of other things. When it was almost evening, Manager Zhang came over and called Li Shuxin out.

He first gave Li Shuxin a wink, then he came over to explain, and said in a low voice: "Boss Li, you know, I just got the goods from you, and I'm for you. Today's major incident is reduced to a small one, it's not intentional to favor him ah."

Li Shuxin understood this, but she didn't expect Manager Zhang to say it so bluntly.

Manager Zhang: "I'm not against him, I'm just afraid that you'll get into trouble. That Wang Yu, she has a godbrother who is a bastard who usually comes here. I don't necessarily dare to do bad things like this kind of people's congress. It's enough to answer you. I'm also afraid that if you match up, you will suffer. We are porcelain, just asking for a fortune. There is no need for enmity."

Li Shuxin nodded with a smile, and said, "I see, thank you for reminding me."

Manager Zhang: "Bad, it should be."

He explained why he made big things into small things, and Li Shuxin also knew the kindness of others. However, she hadn't heard that Wang Yu had a brother? Sure enough, you can't rely on the experience of your previous life for everything.

However, she asked Chen Zhen to ask, and she had an idea in mind, they were all young girls in the store, so as not to suffer. Hearing this, Chen Zhen's expression was indescribable, as if she had stepped on shit.

Li Shuxin was curious: "What?"

Chen Zhen looked at the sky silently, and said, "The dry brother that Manager Zhang mentioned is my real brother."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Chen Zhen was quite annoyed, and said, "My brother is just impulsive and often slacks off at work, but he's not a jerk. He has a job!"

Li Shuxin: "..." Never expected that the rumors would come to the real master. The other waiters looked at each other and held back their smiles.

Yingzi is innocent, and asked curiously: "What is your brother doing, so that people may misunderstand him as a bastard?"

Chen Zhen hesitated for a moment, she was a little entangled in whether to say or not, but with her like this, everyone became more curious. Besides, I don't usually see Chen Zhen mentioning her brother. Doesn't this make people feel a little strange?

Everyone stared at Chen Zhen.

Chen Zhen took a deep breath, blushed and whispered, "The environmental sanitation department is digging up shit!"

"Pfft!" Yingzi didn't hold back.

No wonder I had time to stroll around, but was misunderstood.

Chen Zhen was in a hurry: "Don't laugh, don't laugh, what are you laughing at, what's wrong with picking shit? Serve the people!"

Li Shuxin suppressed a smile and said, "Well, Ah Zhen is right, that's fine, I know that this person can't come to our place to make trouble, so I'm relieved."

Chen Zhen immediately said, "Boss, don't worry, this is impossible."

Her brother knew the reason why she changed jobs. If she hadn't stopped her, her brother would have beat someone up.

Li Shuxin felt relieved and said, "Okay, everyone pack up and get ready to get off work."

After a pause, she said with a smile, "I might be a little busy recently, so everyone should spend more time with snacks. After being busy for a while, it might be a lot better."

The salesmen all laughed and chattered: "Boss, we can't wait to be so busy and make money!"

"Yeah, make money!"

They are all eager to keep their feet off the ground. You must know that they have a commission. Thinking about this month's salary, they feel happy. They come out to work for the sake of making money. Whether it's someone like Wang Lingyu who wants to support a family, or someone like Wang Di who escaped from home, or Yingzi and Chen Zhen, who doesn't need money?

They don't think being busy is a bad thing.

Li Shuxin thought so too, she said: "Then, I hope our business will continue to be as prosperous as it is today!"

"It's good to be daring."

"Auspicious words from the boss!"

To make money is to be happy!

Chapter 28

Some people are envious, some are admired, and some are jealous.

Li Shuxin's business here is doing quite well, and it lasted for nearly a week before other shops in the mall came out with the same style. Although there are other people who come out with the same style, it still doesn't delay Li Shuxin's business at all.

Their family was the first to sell this one, and many people came to their house.

Speaking of which, Li Shuxin's luck is really good, the stock here has just been sold out, and it only took half a day out of stock to replenish the stock. However, the wholesale market sells more, and the price drops a lot. There are also people who use the worst thread in order to reduce the cost, but whoever does this business knows that you get what you pay for.

Therefore, although Li Shuxin's price has dropped a lot, it still does not affect the sales volume. Some people want to be the cheapest, while others want to see the quality. But speaking of it, it is true that no one uses better wool. It can be seen that everyone does not want to increase the cost of clothes. But although it doesn't affect the sales, it's really not as big as it was at the beginning, but the sale of his jeans is also very good. Li Shuxin learned from the experience of jeans and paired them with windbreakers. Sure enough, the sales are still very good, and many people buy them.

In one August, Li Shuxin's sales were booming throughout the whole process, earning a lot of money.

The sales of this hot item not only made Li Shuxin a lot of money, but also quickly trained several waiters. Wang Di and Yingzi matured very quickly. At first, Yingzi was the most retarded, but these days are like chasing rabbits. The hot sale of is simply crazy bombing, but it made her get used to it very quickly.

Now that even Yingzi has the attitude of a gold-medal salesperson, Li Shuxin naturally feels a lot more relaxed. In the past, she had to stay in the store, leaving early and returning late, but now she doesn't have to. The four of them can be independent, and they have a lot more time for themselves.

Early in the morning, she was playing hide-and-seek with the little chubby boy at home. The little chubby boy was spitting bubbles, twisting his little buttocks to look for his mother everywhere. Li Shuxin hid behind the sofa, and the little chubby boy seemed to feel When it arrived, Li Shuxin ran over quickly, and quickly hid along the sofa. The little guy crawled over with a wheezing sound, but he didn't find anyone. He had big eyes, and was foolishly confused.

But soon, the little guy chased after her mother's breath, and Li Shuxin dodged again, hiding and hiding.

The little chubby cub couldn't catch his mother for a long time, so he sat on the ground angrily, waved his little claws, and shouted: "Mom, mom, mom!"

He was so loud, Li Shuxin smiled and said, "I'm here."

Yes, but without showing your face.

The little guy's puffy face became even more swollen, he muttered and couldn't make out what he said. Li Shuxin hid on the side, laughing fiercely, bullying her little cub, she is not unhappy at all.

Li Shuxin snickered, and at this moment, the chubby kid suddenly got angry and stood up while supporting the sofa. The little guy stood up, managed to hold onto the sofa, took two steps forward with his strong legs, and suddenly saw Li Shuxin who was hiding beside the sofa, he caught the person, and shouted happily: "Mother!"

Li Shuxin was snickering when she suddenly sensed the source of the voice, and when she looked up, she saw this little guy standing up. It seems, probably, maybe... How many more steps have I taken? Li Shuxin was shocked all of a sudden, his baby is too powerful, right? Are you going to leave? Can you walk by yourself at such a young age?

Li Shuxin looked at the little chubby boy, and the little guy walked three more steps while supporting the sofa, and he just walked to Li Shuxin's side.

At this time, the little guy stopped holding on to the sofa, so he boldly jumped forward and landed on his mother. Li Shuxin caught his son at once, and the little guy was hugged by his mother, kicking his legs happily, his little face The baby raised his head proudly, murmuring baby words at his mother.

Li Shuxin also laughed happily after a short moment of daze. She hugged her son, hugged him for a while, and said, "Baby, how can you be so good, this will all go away."

Xiao Jiaxi heard the praise in her mother's words, shook her head, and became happier, "Oh, blah blah blah..."

Li Shuxin laughed: "Cub, what are you talking about?"

She hugged her son and came to the window. The little guy looked out of the window condescendingly, and pointed out the window to his mother, Li Shuxin: "Baby, do you want to go out?"

As soon as you hear "get out".

The little chubby boy squirmed, Li Shuxin smiled: "But we haven't eaten breakfast yet, your father has gone out to buy delicious food, when he comes back and finished eating, we are going out."

Whether it's Shao Ling or Li Shuxin, they are all from poor families, and they don't have any elders to help them when they get married, so naturally they can do everything. But yes or no, it's not the kind of food that is so good that everyone praises it, or it's home-cooked food, which is just ordinary.

So now that they are busy, their husband and wife don't get too angry.

There is an old-fashioned tea restaurant outside their community. Shao Ling likes their shrimp dumplings and porridge the most, and buys them five days a week, seven days a week. Just as she was thinking about it, she heard the sound of the door opening. Li Shuxin patted the baby on the back and said, "Your father bought something delicious."

Shao Ling came back with breakfast and said with a smile, "There are a lot of people today, so I waited for a while."

He divided the porridge into two bowls, put the shrimp dumpling and bean paste buns on the plate, and said, "Come and eat."

The little chubby kid immediately ran to his baby chair, he was in a hurry, this is a greedy kid. Since eating a lot of delicious food, drinking grandma can't satisfy him. The little guy put his hands on the table, like a little swallow waiting to be fed.

Shao Ling opened the pot, and there were steamed eggs inside. The chubby boy loved it very much. Every time, Shao Ling put the fresh shrimps in the blender and beat them into minced shrimp, and then mixed them in the eggs to steam the eggs with the minced shrimp. , Delicious and nutritious, the favorite of the little fat boy!

Li Shuxin: "Give it to me, I'll feed him."

Shao Ling: "Okay."

Li Shuxin felt the temperature, it was just right, she scooped up a spoonful and fed it to the little fat boy, and sure enough, the little guy ate it in one bite, very happy. The little guy was originally brought by Li Shuxin when he was in the village. When he came to Pengcheng, it was Shao Ling who took care of him more, but the little guy didn't feel uncomfortable at all, he ate and drank every day, and he didn't lose weight at all, even though he drank less grandma now, he had already started to eat a lot Complementary food, but it is still chubby, and the little milk fat is not lost at all.

Li Shuxin fed him, and he ate happily.

A big bowl of steamed eggs, the little guy can still eat a little rice cereal after eating all, and can drink a bottle of milk after eating.

Although his children eat a lot, the good thing about this child is that he is not gluttonous. Although he is greedy, he will stop eating when he is full. Well, be good.

The little guy was hugging the baby bottle, and Shao Ling and Li Shuxin had breakfast together. Shao Ling talked about the things in the village and said, "Our old house will be demolished today. Do you want to go back and have a look?"

Li Shuxin: "Is this going to be demolished?"

"Yes." Shao Ling was also quite emotional, and said, "It was very hard when building a house, but it took half a day to dismantle it. It's a bit sad to think about it."

Regarding the house, Shao Ling and Li Shuxin have different feelings. After all, Li Shuxin lived here for a short time, but Shao Ling did live here a long time ago. To be precise, the old house they lived in was refurbished.

For example, the homestead approved by Shao Ling and the homestead of the chubby boy, Shao Ling has added it to his small hotel, but his small hotel is for business purposes, and once they sign it, they will pick it up. Lost. I'm afraid they will go back on their word again, and repeat it again.

What we have to deal with now is the residence of Shao Ling and Li Shuxin. Shao Ling lived here since he was a child, and he still has some feelings. He said: "When I was very young, my grandma said that they had nothing to give me. At that time, this house was for me to get married. At that time, I thought I could live in this house for the rest of my life."

Shao Ling seldom said these things, Li Shuxin looked at him sideways and said, "Then let's go back and have a look today."

Shao Ling's eyes flickered, he smiled, and said, "Okay, but it makes me a little sad to tear down the house, but it's nothing. A home is never a house, but a person. You are all here, and you are all there." is home."

Li Shuxin: "Of course we are all here."

Shao Ling laughed.

He said, "Okay, we're ready to go after eating."

Li Shuxin: "Okay."

Shao Ling looked up, looked at Li Shuxin with a smile, and asked, "Shall I help you?"

Li Shuxin: "..."

She snorted heavily and said, "You are not serious."

She asked very bluntly: "If you come to help me change my clothes, can we still go out in the morning?"

Shao Ling touched his nose, Li Shuxin sneered and said, "Look, look!"

This man's random thoughts can overwhelm the serious business. Li Shuxin made a face at him, and then went to change clothes, and then instructed Shao Ling: "You change the baby into something nice."

Shao Ling: "OK."

He laughed and asked teasingly, "Do you want to put the little gold bracelet on him?"

Li Shuxin poked her head from the room and said, "Yes."

She was confident and confident: "Since I'm going back to the village, of course I have to show off."

After thinking about it, Shao Ling took it for granted, and said, "That's right, if you don't show off, you feel something is missing."

Shao Ling looked at Li Shuxin with raised eyebrows, and said, "Daughter-in-law, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Li Shuxin said loudly: "Isn't it just to please you? I don't say that, but you must do the same. Didn't I save you from making excuses?"

Shao Ling snorted and said, "I still need to make excuses?"

Li Shuxin: "..."

After Shao Ling changed his son's clothes, he also found a suit for himself, but it was very casual. In the summer, if you don't dress casually, there is only one word - hot.

Shao Ling didn't want to suffer for himself, so he put on his undershirt and underpants. On the contrary, his daughter-in-law changed into a rare dress. Since she opened the shop, Li Shuxin usually wears a half-sleeve knitted top and trousers that are slightly booted, and basically rarely changes, and she rarely wears skirts.

But Shao Ling knows why Li Shuxin wears it like this. She often looks for goods in the store, and sometimes helps to move the goods, so that it is convenient to wear and will not be sold out.

Speaking of which, Shao Ling was a little used to it. He suddenly saw Li Shuxin wearing a long skirt with polka dots, and thought it was fresh and beautiful. He said with emotion: "Daughter-in-law, you really look good wearing it like this."

Li Shuxin poked him: "You think everyone is like you, you don't even clean up."

Shao Ling: "Don't everyone dress like this? What does it matter?"

It's hot here, so of course it's casual, and decent clothes are either bad or not so comfortable.

He also defended: "Look at the well-dressed ones on the street. Those who wear suits and leather shoes, seven out of ten are selling insurance, and three are intermediaries selling houses."

Li Shuxin: "You're just talking nonsense. Many old uncles would dress like this. In Yangcheng, there was a name called Miss Xiguan, Young Master Dongshan in the early years. What's the matter? They don't dress decently?"

Shao Ling spread his hands: "Then how can I compare? They have a bit of background, I am a demolition upstart from the village."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Shao Ling: "In this world, ordinary people are the most, so it doesn't matter."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Shao Ling: "Are you going?"

Li Shuxin: "Let's go!"

She called quickly: "Why are you going, Xiao Jiaxi's baby bag is not ready yet, there are diapers and milk powder..."

Husband and wife, everyone forgot to give their son something to go out. At this moment, little Jiaxi was sitting on the sofa, her little face puffed up, she waved her little hands, and complained.

How can you forget about your baby's stuff?

When the baby goes out, it is always necessary to bring a baby bag.

Although he is small and ignorant, he always brings him a big bag every time he goes out. He knows it because there are his delicious food in it!

When going downstairs, Li Shuxin suddenly said: "Ah Ling, tell me, don't we look like a typical example of three monks without water?"

This is really true, when Shao Ling goes out as a child, he can prepare everything.

When Li Shuxin took the little one out by herself, she also knew what to prepare for.

But when the two of them took their children out, you thought I would prepare it, and I thought you would prepare it, but... they all forgot!

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Shao Ling pulled Li Shuxin into his arms and kissed her face.

Li Shuxin put her arms around Shao Ling's waist and leaned lightly on his shoulder. She said, "It seems like we haven't been in the village for a long time."

Shao Ling: "It's been two months."

Since they moved out, they haven't returned to the village, but because they are busy, they don't feel much. It seems that time flies by.

"It's been two months, we've moved here for two months, I... Oh, yes, yes, it's been two months since we moved here, and your parents didn't show up!"

Li Shuxin was shocked, shouldn't her parents-in-law appear frequently?

The result is not there?

This is not in line with common sense.

Shao Ling smiled and said, "I called my parents."

Li Shuxin looked at him, and when he continued to talk, he always felt that this person was playing tricks. Sure enough, he heard Shao Ling say: "I said that they are welcome to visit often, but they misunderstood that I wanted them to clean up. Are you looking for an excuse?" Come."

Li Shuxin: "..."

She scratched her head: "Don't they want to benefit from you?"

Shao Ling: "Yes, but they don't want to work, and I'm still hostile to them. Even if they come to work, they may not get any benefits. So they naturally don't come."

He smiled: "I know them very well. They think about the benefits, but they don't want to pay at all. I have suffered a lot from this, so I always have to calm down."

Li Shuxin was speechless, but it was not surprising.

Such a topic is nothing to talk about. The family of three drove back to the village together. In fact, there was nothing they could do when they returned to the village. Li Shuxin thought, probably just a little bit of nostalgia, a little bit of nostalgia for the past.

"Shao Ling, we will have better days in the future."

Shao Lingkai Car, without looking at Li Shuxin, said: "I know."

His tone was much firmer than Li Shuxin's. Li Shuxin smiled in a good mood. She couldn't help showing off and said, "Do you know how much my store earns in two months?"

Shao Ling teased calmly: "My daughter-in-law is so powerful, it's not surprising how much she earns."

Li Shuxin got up proudly, laughed enough, and slapped her hand. Shao Ling was really surprised, and raised her eyebrows and asked, "Gross income or net income?"

Li Shuxin is proud: "Of course it is pure income."

Shao Ling was really surprised and said, "How much money does the clothing industry make?"

Li Shuxin: "That's not true. The main reason is that I came across a blockbuster, which at the same time led to other products. When I came out to get the goods, should I just take one? The other styles that drove it also sold a lot. In the future There must be no such good thing, but this opened up a great situation for me. Not only to make money, but also to open up the source of customers. I was a novice before, and not many people knew about my shop, although they are all in Shopping malls, but they may not be trustworthy. But now there are more people coming." Second-level wholesalers and wholesalers like them can meet big customers, but after all, big customers don't think so much. Many frequent contacts are still small wholesalers. business. It is very important to expand the customer base.

A hot item that his family first started to wholesale, not only made money, but also made her store famous. Li Shuxin was in a good mood and said, "It would be great if there are always such good things."

Shao Ling smiled and said, "You have a big heart."

Li Shuxin: "Of course, don't you want to?"

Shao Ling: "I think so too, but now I'm concentrating on eating soft meals."

"Daddy, daddy, rice!" The chubby boy opened his mouth, and Li Shuxin burst out laughing, and said, "Your son is hungry when he hears about it."

"Aren't all children like this? My son is already very smart." Shao Ling showed off in a tone: "I took him out, he is much smarter than other children, and other children are no match for our little Jiaxi."

When a father talks about his son, he feels extremely proud.

Li Shuxin understands this feeling very well, and she does too.

"Ah, Dad!" Xiao Jiaxi raised the big fat boy's smiling face, Li Shuxin felt her heart melt, hugged the baby, and said, "You are so cute, mom likes you the most."

Shao Ling muttered, Li Shuxin didn't care what he said, this person must be jealous.

She smiled and put her arms around her ears. The little guy's arms and legs were fleshy like lotus root joints. The little guy leaned on his mother obediently, kicked his little feet, and Li Shuxin said with a smile: "Baby is a baby Are you on your feet?"

He wears nice little sandals, but the little guy prefers to go barefoot. He dishonestly wants to kick off the little sandals, but he doesn't get discouraged when he can't do it, so he mutters.

Li Shuxin diverted the little guy's attention and teased him: "Baby, don't look at your feet, come and play with mom, mom will play with you and play with you, okay..."

The little guy immediately laughed like a silver bell, Li Shuxin: "You like it, come on..."

Shao Ling laughed and shook his head. The car drove all the way into the village. They hadn't come back for nearly two months. The village was still as lively as ever. Even after two months, most of the people hadn't moved out. However, there were two more money-making stalls at the entrance of the village. Several half-sized men were playing with money. When they saw the car coming in, they recognized Shao Ling's car.

"Second brother Shao!" He waved to stop the car.

Shao Ling pressed the car window and asked with a smile: "You guys are really not afraid of the heat, why are you still playing here in the hot weather?"

The boys all laughed and said, "When you are idle, you are idle. Wherever you are playing, you are playing. Why are you back at this time?" After asking, they responded. Said: "Oh yes, your family demolished the house today."

Shao Ling: "Yes, let's come back and take a look."

He looked at a few people, and they all held a few cards in their hands. Shao Ling took a look and was amused: "You are fourteen or five years old, and you still play Water Margin cards?"

"This is a blindfold!"

Shao Ling came to his senses: "The little bastard is really smart."

"We pay one yuan per game, and a card replaces it. Otherwise, what if someone makes trouble and calls the police to arrest us?"

Shao Ling: "How old are you playing?"

"One yuan for a game, and thirty or forty for a day's back and forth."

The corner of Shao Ling's mouth twitched, and he said, "Go ahead and play, I guess, I won't bother to pay attention to you when they come." Play for a day, win or lose thirty or forty, and no one will come to you if they catch a bet, okay? It's taking yourself too seriously. Even if they knew, no one would come to them.

"Then why ignore us? A few days ago, Grandma Chen and the others in the village played mahjong for a dime, and some people called the police saying that they gathered a crowd to gamble. I don't know which wicked ghost did it. But the police came to see, and the corners of their mouths It's crooked, Grandma Chen and his four old ladies, the youngest is seventy-eight, Grandma Chen is about to lie down on the ground immediately, and the police uncle is so frightened to comfort them. They all come for a dime, and we are all together. Be careful?"

Shao Ling was speechless and didn't know what to say for a while.

He waved his hand and said, "Okay, you're right, be careful. I'll go first."


Shao Ling exchanged a few words and drove over. Li Shuxin was sitting in the back seat of the car laughing fiercely. Shao Ling glanced at her: "You are enjoying yourself."

Li Shuxin said angrily: "Why, you can't even laugh?"

She was sitting in the back seat to be with her son, but at this time she stepped forward and put her arms around his neck, saying, "Look, you can fall into my hands so easily, but don't care if I laugh or not." ."

Shao Ling lowered his head and pecked her arm, Li Shuxin: "Ah!"

She quickly let go, widened her eyes, and said softly, "What are you doing?"

Shao Ling is innocent: "You're already hugging me, can't I hug the grass and hit the rabbit for a kiss?"

Li Shuxin: "..."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" At this moment, the chubby boy clapped his little hands and applauded excitedly.

Li Shuxin turned her head and rubbed her son's chubby face, and said, "You little brat, don't make fun of me."

The little chubby cub fell on his mother's body, his smiling eyes crooked, seeing the door of the house, Li Shuxin unbuckled his son's safety belt, the little guy immediately climbed onto his mother's lap, and lay down with a chirp, Li Shuxin poked his chin Little Rourou on the bus, said: "Isn't the baby getting out of the car? Mom is going to get out of the car."

The car was stable, Shao Ling got out of the car first, and after getting out of the car, he muttered something.

He opened the car door and took his son. The little chubby boy was taken by his father these days, and he was very used to his father. He opened his little hands and hugged his father to let him pick him up. The little one followed his father to get out of the car, and Li Shuxin got down now. As soon as she got out of the car, she knew what Shao Ling was complaining about.

It's early September and the weather is so hot. It seems to be a little bit hotter today. When I was in the car, I couldn't feel it when I turned on the air conditioner. When I got out, I was sweating all over my body. Li Shuxin: "I feel like I have entered a steamer."

Shao Ling: "Isn't it a salted fish that has been brine?"

Li Shuxin: "..."

The weather is very hot, but the workers have already started work. The eyes of the couple soon fell on the empty house. After they moved, all the things in the house were dumped. The eldest brother-in-law moved away some usable ones. The unusable ones were sold upside down.

Now the demolition is nothing but empty.

Seeing the dilapidated house that was so hard built back then, Shao Ling felt very uncomfortable. He said: "Although this is an old house, I refurbished it myself when I got married. At that time, I thought I could live in it for a long time. ."

Li Shuxin took Shao Ling's hand and said, "You said this morning that you are home when you are with me and the baby."

Shao Ling looked down at Li Shuxin. Her skin was fair and her eyes were clear. Shao Ling reached out and pinched her chin and shook it. He laughed softly and said, "Daughter-in-law, you are so kind."

"Hey, what did I see..." came the second aunt's voice.

Li Shuxin blushed instantly.

Second aunt: "I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything."

Shao Ling smiled and said, "Second Aunt, you wanted to see it, but we didn't do anything."

The second aunt smiled ambiguously, stared at the couple, and said, "If I don't make a sound, you still won't kiss?"

Shao Ling and Li Shuxin brushed it off together: "That's not true."

The second aunt laughed, "I don't know you youngsters?"

But she didn't argue with this thin-skinned man, and said, "Why are you husband and wife back?"

But he quickly said: "Oh, Ah Xin, you look so good in this dress, a bit like that so-and-so, that... Big Times, Long Jiwen in Big Times."

The second aunt kept thinking: "It's the same for you and your husband. You haven't come back for such a long time. What's wrong? You forgot everyone after you left? Let's go, the sun is shining outside, go, go Sit at my house."

Li Shuxin: "Second aunt, we won't go in and sit down, I want to see the old house for a while."

The second aunt wondered: "What's so interesting about this? It's all torn apart."

"There are always some childhood memories." Li Shuxin whispered softly. When the second aunt heard it, she understood that it was Shao Ling who felt bad. But this is not surprising, he has lived here with Grandpa Shao and Grandma Shao since he was a child, and now this last memory is gone.

But, she also said: "Just demolish it, you are going to live a good life, your grandma is also happy down there, they just hope that you can live a better life, you live a good life, they are the ones Really happy, things are dead, people are alive, live well."

Don't look at the second aunt who is gossiping, but what she said is very reasonable.

Shao Ling smiled and nodded.

It's been a long time since we saw each other, and I wanted to gossip a lot. The second aunt simply didn't enter the house. She stood with them and said, "Don't be too sad, it's better if this place is demolished sooner. It looks good."

There was a lot of meaning in what he said, Li Shuxin immediately asked: "What? What happened? Someone came to my house secretly?"

The second aunt curled her lips and said, "Who else can it be? Isn't it the Hu family kid? This kid is hopeless, and he sneaks around all day long. You know Mrs. Hu, she spoils her child so much. His child stole Things are not only uneducating, but I also have to say that my family treasure is really amazing. It's not that everyone has relocated recently and has a little money, and they are willing to spend money on themselves. They were targeted by his little bastard. They stole it the day before yesterday. I bought a chicken from Lao Li's house, so why don't I sneak to your yard to clean it up?"

Shao Ling and Li Shuxin looked at each other, they didn't understand why they came to his yard to do this. Shao Ling sold all his iron pots, so what are they doing here?

Second Aunt: "Isn't there a well in your yard? He plucked the hairs in your yard to fetch water and firewood for the fire. After packing up, he took it home to stew chicken. There are chicken feathers all over your yard."

Shao Ling: "..."

Li Shuxin: "That's not right, the well in my house was sealed by a big rock."

The second aunt looked at her as if she was looking at a little fool, and said, "Push it away? How can you say that a ten-year-old kid can push it away? My old man and I probably couldn't push the stone away." , I don't know how they messed with it. Maybe someone else did it, let alone them these days, several families in the village have come to your yard to fetch water."

Shao Ling and Li Shuxin really didn't know there was such a problem.

But it's really hard to say. The well in his yard is not the kind of good quality well. It can be used for domestic water, but not for drinking water. Who the hell is here to fetch water to save some water bills.

Li Shuxin: "They can really do it."

The second aunt: "That's right! I told your second uncle to my family that they really didn't see it when they came to the donkey, but they saw it when they came to the maggot. Then this matter has nothing to do with your husband and wife. The relocation office heard about it for some reason, and was afraid of accidents, so it came here today to demolish your old house. Did you see? The wells have been filled for you. "

Shao Ling: "I'm not surprised at all."

Li Shuxin smiled: "I'm still a little surprised."

The second aunt saw the couple singing together, and smiled: "You guys!"

After a pause, she smiled and said, "You don't know, doesn't this mean that your house will be demolished today? There was a queue to fetch water from the well in your yard last night."

She pouted and said, "Your old uncle Shao Ling, that is, Uncle Hai, carried more than a dozen loads of water and worked until midnight."

Shao Ling: "The old man is really strong."

The second aunt laughed: "Do you want to know why?"

Shao Ling and Li Shuxin shook their heads together, and the chubby boy beside them shook their heads when they saw their parents, and they also shook their heads, looking confused. The second aunt said: "Because he is in good health, I know why he is in good health." okay?"

Li Shuxin faintly felt that something was wrong, so she didn't dare to answer.

On the contrary, Shao Ling said with a smile: "Second aunt, you must have taken health care products, right? The one sold a few days ago was not for revival? Could it have something to do with good physical strength?"

Second Aunt: "Hi, it's not that, that's that, there's a specialization in surgery, that's about reviving the glory, it's not good for the body."

She said mysteriously and seriously: "Have you heard of... Amway?"

Li Shuxin: "Pfft!"

The second aunt was serious: "Amway, this is a good thing..."

Li Shuxin laughed, but she didn't expect that the second aunt made such a big circle, and the best thing to talk about was Amway. At this time, Amway is still a product.

She laughed and said, "Second Aunt, did you buy it?"

The second aunt nodded immediately: "Yes, I bought it. Their products are really good. You can eat their eggs, and you will be full of energy after eating. Don't talk about others, just your old uncle, then Anyone who saves knows that this is a good thing. You young people can't..."

"Second Aunt, Second Aunt." Shao Ling interrupted Second Aunt, and said with a smile, "Look, I'm coming back this time, so please let us husband and wife be quiet."

He said: "When the place where I grew up was demolished, I was in a low mood. I just wanted to stay with my wife for a while and take a look at the house."

Second aunt: "Hey, you young man, you just can't help it."

Shao Ling: "Yes, but you said that if I were as old as you, I would have been able to see everything? Isn't it because I am young that I feel uncomfortable?"

The second aunt looked at Shao Ling, then at Li Shuxin, and said, "That's okay, you can express your feelings here, Ah Xin, come to my house and sit for a while?"

Li Shuxin shook her head: "Second Aunt, next time, I want to accompany Shao Ling today."

The second aunt glanced at the couple, giggled, and said, "You little couple, this is too sticky."

Li Shuxin was not embarrassed when he heard this, instead he took Shao Ling's arm and said, "You are young!"

Oh, young is really a panacea.

Second aunt: "All right, all right, you guys are sticky, this young couple just have a good relationship. Would you like me to take care of your children? Give your couple some space for two of you?" She smiled ambiguously.

Li Shuxin: "No need."

Although the second aunt is a gossip and likes to do some weird things, but this is okay. Listen to the words, have eyesight and see, and don't make people disgusted. After she finished talking to Li Shuxin and the others, she turned around and went home without affecting their husband and wife.

Halfway there, he said, "You come to my house for lunch."

Li Shuxin: "Okay."

The two of them have been neighbors all these years, and Li Shuxin didn't refuse.

The second aunt left happily, and Shao Ling sat on the hood of the car and said, "If I don't stop her, can she talk until dark?"

Li Shuxin: "Can you?"

Shao Ling: "Hold the baby and get in the car. The air conditioner is turned on in the car. It's cool. I'll smoke a cigarette."

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling, she approached Shao Ling, and leaned her head on his shoulder, the corner of Shao Ling's mouth raised inadvertently, and said, "Are you worried about me?"

Li Shuxin was speechless, leaning against him quietly, Shao Ling patted her and said, "Go to the car."

"Nah la la."

The little fat cub followed suit.

Li Shuxin carried her son back to the car, and as soon as she got in the car, she felt that the inside was much more comfortable than the outside. The little one was placed on the car seat, and she also let out a comfortable sigh. The little one stretched a lot.

As soon as the little guy fell down, he lay down on the car, and his little feet kicked the car door to play. Fortunately, the little guy didn't walk at all, otherwise there would be little footprints all over the car. Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling, who leaned against the car to smoke, and lit another after smoking one.

In fact, Shao Ling doesn't have much of a cigarette addiction, so he can smoke or not. It is generally used as a means of talking and connecting feelings, and I never smoke at home. But in his previous life, after the accident, he was under too much pressure, and he was so worried that he smoked every day. In the years that followed, Shao Ling worked as a small foreman, and he had to keep smoking and drinking, except for "needs", which was more or less a solution.

But it is rare to see smoking so fiercely now.

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling, who was leaning on the hood of the car, his face was sharp and his mouth was pursed, obviously he had a pretty face, but he felt a little fierce. Li Shuxin raised her chin and stared at Shao Ling. As if he had noticed Li Shuxin's gaze, Shao Ling turned his head, and when he looked at the fierce face just now, his eyes were filled with smiles. Li Shuxin didn't move, and smiled at him.

Shao Ling stubbed out the cigarette, and came directly to get in the car. Instead of sitting in the driving seat, he came to the back seat of the car. He stretched out his arms to hug Li Shuxin and said, "What's wrong?"

Li Shuxin covered his mouth with his hand and said, "It smells like cigarettes."

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "You dislike me?" He was eager to try.

Li Shuxin immediately became vigilant: "If you dare to kiss me at this time, I will be angry."

Shao Ling smiled, and said innocently: "You see, I didn't say or do anything, so you can't accuse me."

Li Shuxin: "Then who knows if you will attack suddenly."

She pointed out the car window and said, "There are people coming and going, I don't want to be seen as a monkey."

Shao Ling thought for a while, then nodded: "It makes sense."

Li Shuxin: "Okay, you must have bad intentions~"

Shao Ling laughed until he coughed.

Li Shuxin also laughed when he saw how he was exposed.

Shao Ling leaned on the seat and said with a smile: "The house has been demolished, and my connection with this village has become even shallower. Grandma's graves have been moved to the cemetery, and there will be fewer visits to the village in the future."

Li Shuxin: "Okay, don't think too much."

She squeezed Shao Ling's hand comfortingly. While talking, she heard someone knocking on the car window. When Shao Ling opened the car, she saw that it was Shao Peng.

Although everyone has a estrangement from each other, but face is passable, Shao Peng: "Come down and chat."

He saw Li Shuxin, greeted him with a smile, and said, "Siblings are here too, little Jiaxi, do you recognize uncle?"

Xiao Jiaxi devoted himself to kicking down the car door with his little shoes, falling down again and again, not knowing that Shao Peng was talking to him. Li Shuxin took the little guy into his arms, grabbed his little hand and waved it, saying, "Come on, say hello to Uncle."

Little Fat Boy: "Oh!"

"Say hello uncle."

The little chubby kid blinked and imitated loudly: "Okay!"

"Hi Uncle."

Little Fat Boy: "Hello~"

The sound of milk is milky, but it is wrong.


"Pip, plop, papa! Uncle!"

"Yes, Uncle."

The little chubby boy carp stood up: "Uncle, good!"

Li Shuxin: "Phew~ I'm finally right."

Shaopeng looked happily and said, "Your house is so lively!"

Shao Ling smiled, and his pride was immediately obvious. This man was like a male peacock, and his favorite thing was to show off. He immediately said: "Of course, my family is not only lively, but also smart. Let me tell you..."

Shaopeng: "..."

Shao Ling: "He never made trouble. When he was a child, he didn't wake up very often at night, unlike other children who cry at night..."

Shao Ling was still saying: "You can swim with a swimming ring around your neck..."


The corner of Shao Peng's mouth twitched, and finally he couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Can we talk about something serious?"

Shao Ling looked at him in surprise, and asked with a soul: "Is it serious to talk about children?"

Shaopeng: "..."

Li Shuxin turned her head silently, her shoulders trembled suspiciously...

Sorry for wanting to laugh!

Chapter 29

When Shao Ling didn't go home, he thought about coming back to take a look, but seeing that it was being dismantled little by little when he came back, he didn't have any extra reactions, but he was silent for a while on the way back.

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling suspiciously, and said, "You're acting weird today."

Shao Ling raised his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

What's wrong? It's all strange!

Li Shuxin: "Stop talking."

She asked, "You don't want to part with the old house?" She didn't see any reaction from him when he moved out, and he was quite happy to move to a new house. Li Shuxin's thoughts were all on his face, and Shao Ling could see it at a glance. He smiled silently and said, "When I moved out, the house was still there. There is always a difference between moving out and demolition."

Then he said: "I don't talk much, not entirely because of the demolition of the house, but because I think about Shao Peng."

Not long after they arrived today, Shao Peng dragged Shao Ling over and muttered for a while, but he didn't know what to say. Later, they went to visit relatives together, and naturally they didn't mention anything.

Now that Shao Ling mentioned it, Li Shuxin had to ask.

Shao Ling: "Shao Peng wants to engage in investment and wants to invite me to join. Do you think it's new?"

Li Shuxin's eyes widened in surprise. This is really new. Their family has no contact with Shao Peng's family, and they are not very familiar with it. If there is a relationship, it is when the breeding circle is relocated, and these farmers get together, but if there is more to say, there is really no more.

"You certainly didn't say yes."

Shao Ling nodded: "I'm stupid, do I have money and no place to spend it? I promised him that? I asked, he invested the money in a financial company, and the financial management specialist of the financial company will handle it. The most important thing is stock futures. The reason why you called me is that you want to make me rich. Make me rich, can you believe it?"

Li Shuxin shook her head decisively: "I can't believe it!"

Shao Ling smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, and said: "He won't ask me to have a bite of hot food even if he eats shit. If there is such a good thing, can he care about me? I don't want to add bricks and tiles to other people's wealth."

"Pfft!" After hearing this description, Li Shuxin sprayed directly, complaining, "What you said is kind of disgusting."

"The words are disgusting, but the truth is true." Shao Ling shrugged and said, "Did you know about the World Cup last month?"

Li Shuxin nodded, then came to his senses and said, "He bet on this?"

Shao Ling nodded: "It's crazy gambling."

He concentrated on driving, but he didn't stop talking, and said: "Not only does he play this game, but also many people in the village are with him. Those who have money play big and those who don't have money play small. Anyway, many people participate. Shaopeng bet I won, and I made a lot of money."

Li Shuxin frowned, and said, "This atmosphere is not good." She didn't envy others to make money from this at all.

She told Shao Ling: "Don't follow them to get involved in this, this kind of thing is not good."

Shao Ling: "I know that."

Li Shuxin was still worried, thinking: "Gambling is an abyss. Once you step into it, it's hard to get out. Those who win want to win again, and those who lose want to make money. How many people are ruined? But please don't fool around with them."

She doesn't think there is any essential difference between gambling and gambling.

They are not far from Hong Kong and Macau. Don't talk about the old stories about gambling in Hong Kong, but don't hear too much about ordinary people gambling in Macau. So Li Shuxin is 120,000 disgusted with related things.

She said: "Although our money came from relocation, it seems easy, but it was also a lot of hard work in the past. We can't mess with them."

Shao Ling heard Li Shuxin's fear, and persuaded her, "Don't worry, I'm not that stupid person."

Li Shuxin let out a soft sigh.

Shao Ling: "I don't care about gambling."

Li Shuxin was serious: "You have to keep what you say!"

Shao Ling: "I promise."

Li Shuxin pursed her lips, and Shao Ling said, "Look, you're scared..."

Li Shuxin said angrily: "How can I not be afraid, this matter is not an ordinary matter."

"I won't do that. Besides, I don't think Shao Peng will come to me anymore." Shao Ling boasted, "I'm such a good person. Not only did I refuse, but I also told him that this thing looks good. It's unreliable, like a scam."

Li Shuxin stared at Diliuyuan'er: "Aren't you out to get angry with Shao Peng? If he doubted it, he wouldn't pull you in."

Shao Ling smiled: "It should be said that I always said it, and it has nothing to do with me anyway."

Shao Ling was deeply moved by the fact that he was such a good person, Li Shuxin couldn't help laughing again, the chubby boy didn't know what his mother was laughing at, but he also laughed along with his mother. Li Shuxin groaned, and hugged the baby in her arms. The little guy leaned back, and the whole body fell on the mother's body.

He was tearing off his little feet, very sad, he couldn't chew his feet because he was wearing shoes.

The little baby can't chew on his feet, so sad.


He pointed to his shoes, meaning to ask Li Shuxin to take them off, but Li Shuxin refused, rubbed his little fat face, and said, "You look so pretty, let's take them off when we get home."

The little boy puffed up his cheeks, "Ahhh" twice, Li Shuxin: "You can't take it off."

Probably because he realized that his mother really didn't know how to give him slippers, the little guy let out a breath and leaned against his mother with a helpless expression on his face. Li Shuxin laughed, and poked the little one's chubby face again, the little one dodged itchyly, and soon laughed again.

Going out for a while, don't look at it after running outside for a day, but it's really not more tiring than working. After returning home, Li Shuxin was quite interested in preparing for cooking.

The two of them are virtuous, the little fat boy took off his shoes, held his little feet and looked at them, and he leaned on the wall to walk away. After locking the "walking" skill this morning, this little guy But I can't wait.

As for Li Shuxin, she was also barefoot, ready to go to the kitchen.

Shao Ling called Li Shuxin to stop, and said, "You wear a pair of slippers, you're the only one like you, do you mind talking about me?"

Li Shuxin pointed to his upper body with his shirt off, and said, "You have the nerve to talk about me like this?"

The two blamed each other.

Shao Ling: "I'm going to change into an undershirt soon, you don't mean to wear shoes."

Li Shuxin let out a snort, but she still put on her slippers, and Shao Ling also went to put on the old man's shirt. These two people are really ordinary people with their small shortcomings. Li Shuxin was about to make dinner, Shao Ling carried the little one to the children's room to play, and he himself came to the kitchen, hugged Li Shuxin from behind, and said, "Daughter-in-law, let's make dinner together."

Li Shuxin: "Okay."

Li Shuxin looked through the refrigerator, and Shao Ling hung on Li Shuxin's body like a koala. There was a layer of wrapped ingredients in their refrigerator. Li Shuxin looked through them one by one, and asked, "What kind of soup are you cooking?"

Her hand stopped: "How about the yam ribs?"

Shao Ling: "Okay, that's it."

Li Shuxin directly took out the sealed crisper. Then he said, "What kind of food do you want to cook?"

Shao Ling: "Let me take a look."

There is a complete set of things in their refrigerator, everything is neatly arranged, and the dishes have been prepared, as long as they are put into the pot. Of course, such meticulous work was not done by Shao Ling or Li Shuxin.

Both the husband and wife have rough personalities, not the kind of meticulous people.

Since the family of three moved to Pengcheng, their family has found a housekeeping aunt in the housekeeping company, and that auntie did all these things.

In fact, it is more convenient for their family to find a live-in aunt or confinement wife, but neither the husband nor wife likes to have strangers at home all the time, and Xiao Jiaxi is also one year old, and they are used to taking care of them on weekdays, so there is no need Ask someone to live at home and take care of the whole process.

It is precisely because of this that their family only found Auntie Cleaning. Strictly speaking, Auntie Cleaning cannot be called Auntie Cleaning, because she not only does cleaning, but she also knows how to do other things. She comes every two days.

Every time I come here, I first clean the house thoroughly all day long, and then wash and dry the clothes that need to be washed. After all these are done, I will go downstairs to buy vegetables. Although I don't know what dishes Li Shuxin's family likes to eat, but they will listen to some Shao Ling's opinions, and then buy some ingredients and deal with them one by one. For example, they prefer to drink soup here, and everything can be made into soup. Auntie will put several commonly used soup ingredients in different crispers. Put them in the refrigerator together, mainly because the owner wants to drink soup, just take out a fresh-keeping box, no need to prepare dishes, you can directly put it in the pot.

In the same way, the dishes are prepared in the same way.

And she would occasionally make some shrimp dumplings according to the requirements of Shao Ling and his wife, and keep them in the refrigerator for breakfast. If Shao Ling and they were all at home, she would make lunch at noon, and naturally she would not need it if she was not at home.

It was afternoon after all this was done, she folded and hung up the clothes to dry, and after finishing all this, she left with the garbage at home.

Because they hired this part-time aunt, Li Shuxin's family really saved a lot of worry. The two of them quickly prepared dinner. In fact, cooking is not so slow in itself, but it also needs to wash vegetables. There is also a lot of preparation work to prepare, and a lot of time to clean up later, which is a waste of time. But if it's as easy as theirs, it will be very fast.

"Baby, baby is eating!" Li Shuxin called.

Shao Ling laughed and said, "What does he know if you call him that?"

Li Shuxin didn't think so, she thought his cub was so smart, and called: "Baby~"

"Da da!" The little baby made a sound and crawled out of the room. He showed his head like a little turtle and held a car in his hand.

Li Shuxin: "Look, look!"

The baby tilted his head, as if he didn't know what the mother was calling the baby for!

Li Shuxin: "Baby is going to have dinner."

Xiao Jiaxi pursed her mouth and smiled, then crawled forward a few more times, sat down and clapped her hands with her little butt pricked.

But even if he clapped his hands, his car didn't let go.

Li Shuxin: "Huh? Where did he get the car?"

Shao Ling: "I bought it for him."

He said with emotion: "Our father and son have the same hobbies, and we both love cars."

Li Shuxin thought about it for a while, and asked, "Aren't you going to buy a car? How do you see it?"

Shao Ling: "It's almost there."

He smiled and said, "I saw one that suits you, and you can drive a new one then."

Li Shuxin: "The one I'm driving now is very good. I haven't bought it for a few months. It's a new car. Besides, I don't like this kind of thing very much. I just have a transportation. It's you, since you If you like it, buy what you like."

Shao Ling looked at Li Shuxin and raised his eyebrows: "My wife really cares about me."

Li Shuxin: "Then I don't care who you care about?"

She answered a sentence, and Shao Ling really laughed happily.

Although the old house was completely demolished today, Shao Ling was a bit disappointed, but Li Shuxin was more considerate, which didn't make Shao Ling feel too sad. In the evening, my son went to play with toys by himself, and the husband and wife leaned together, snuggling up in front of the TV to watch TV. Probably because Huan Zhu Ge Ge was too popular, and it was re-broadcasting just after the broadcast, and it was the time when the show was lively.

Li Shuxin knew that Huanzhugege was remade later, and there was news just before her rebirth that it was going to be remade again. But the pearls and jades are in the front, and the subsequent splashes are really not good. Not to mention anything else, from Li Shuxin's own point of view, the old version of Huan Zhu Ge Ge is only as good as the first one.

The second part may be to prolong the plot, changing the playful and cute into uneducated and crazy. As for the third it definitely not the Qing Dynasty version of love, deep rain and mist? She remembered that she liked watching this drama very much back then, but watching it now, she didn't find it very interesting.

"You don't like watching?" Shao Ling sensed Li Shuxin's distraction, and Li Shuxin nodded: "Generally, let's see if there are any other interesting ones."

She randomly picked the stage, then suddenly stopped and said, "Look at this."

Shao Ling: "Senior Sister Tuoqiang?"

Li Shuxin: "Look at this!"

Their home can receive Hong Kong City's station, and it is playing Senior Sister Tuoqiang at this time. Li Shuxin has watched it before, but the plot is almost forgotten, but this drama was followed up one after another. Not as good as one.

It seems that many films are like this, the first step is very good-looking. So I was in a hurry to make a sequel, and it turned out to be a dog continuation. Obviously the first film was about an inspirational heroine, but the later filming was abysmal.

"Do you think their appearance looks like the time when we haven't broken the relationship?" Shao Ling looked at it for a while, commented with a smile, and chatted with his wife.

Li Shuxin watched the plot, laughed, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Hey, do you still remember how we met?" Shao Ling put his hand on Li Shuxin's shoulder and nodded gently.

Li Shuxin looked sideways at Shao Ling, and Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "You don't remember?"

Li Shuxin poked her head and said, "Do you think I am forgetful?"

The two of them laughed out loud.

is not that right?

The two of them are typical Hong Kong drama happy friends. When the two met for the first time, they confronted each other because of a misunderstanding.

It was the end of August in the school season of 1990, and the weather was hot. The weather in Lincheng was as hot as a stove. When the bus arrived, Li Shuxin got on the bus with a big red, white and blue plastic bag. Today was the report of their school's school opening. Days, and this bus is the only bus to their school. There are many people on the bus, and it is packed to the brim. The car smelled of sweat.

There were quite a few students and their parents in the car, but there were very few girls carrying a big bag. Li Shuxin tried her best in the voice of "Give way, make way inside, there is still space behind" The son squeezed back, causing a burst of cursing.

Li Shuxin didn't retaliate, and found a place to barely stand still. Compared to other children who were protected by parents, she was very thin by herself, but if Li's parents and Li's mother came to see her off, it would be unthinkable.

After graduating from junior high school, they thought that they had done their best and had nothing to do with their daughter. Li Shuxin went out alone with a bag, which was prepared for her by her eldest sister. The eldest sister's unit couldn't invite her for a vacation, so Li Shuxin went to school alone.

The weather was hot, and the sweat was running down her neck. Li Shuxin pursed her lips tightly.

The technical secondary school she was admitted to is a local school, located in Lincheng, but not in Lincheng, but in a county below Lincheng. It is fifty cents more expensive than the bus.

Li Shuxin was squeezed into the corner of the carriage, and when she was feeling uncomfortable and sad, she felt something touch her.

Li Shuxin cheered up. With the tuition and living expenses given to her by her eldest sister, Li Shuxin's scalp went numb instantly, and she immediately became vigilant. She turned her head immediately, and there were many people behind her, including students and adults, who couldn't see anything at all.

Li Shuxin pursed her lips and turned her head, but just as she turned back, she felt someone touch her again.

And this time, she clearly felt that someone's hand touched her butt, perhaps seeing that she didn't respond, followed closely, and again.

Li Shuxin became angry in an instant, her little face flushed with anger, she suddenly turned her hand back, and grabbed the hand touching her buttocks, and looked up along the arm, it was a tall, young boy.

Li Shuxin's eyes were full of anger, and she said fiercely: "Why are you touching me!"

This big boy is none other than Shao Ling. Shao Ling also came to report by himself. The car was swaying. He was surprised when someone grabbed his hand so suddenly. Hearing what the little girl said, he hurried Say, "Not me!"

Li Shuxin was fierce, she sneered, without any stage fright, and said bluntly, "You still deny it? I've already caught your hand! Than thought that there are too many people on the bus and you can grope, who is used to your problems? Believe it or not I chopped off your paw!"

Li Shuxin's voice was loud, emboldening herself.

She is not afraid!

She is not afraid of the little durian on the bus!

Shao Ling was aggrieved by her yelling, and argued, "The hand you caught was mine? You didn't look back, can't you grab it wrong?"

He was not happy about being wronged. After all, he was only sixteen years old. When his self-esteem was strong, his voice was also high: "If you don't prove it, you will wrong someone. Are you justified?"

"It's not who you are! I've already caught your hand!"

"It wasn't me in the first place!"

The two shouted at each other. In Li Shuxin's view, she had already caught it, of course it was this person!

As for Shao Ling, he confirmed that he did not do such a disgusting thing, so he was naturally annoyed when he was wronged.

The two of them quarreled in the car like this, "Dare to do what you dare!"

"It will wrong people!"

The two quarreled louder and louder. At this moment, a weak female voice sounded, whispering: "That... Big sister, you may have misunderstood this big brother."

Li Shuxin was taken aback, and looked at the speaker. The speaker was a girl in her teens, and beside her was a couple and another older girl. It looks very much like a combination of parents and younger sisters who came to send the older sister to school.

The little girl's face was flushed, and she whispered: "I don't have a handrail here, every time I step on the brakes, I will lean forward to support..."

Li Shuxin: "..."

The little girl's parents had a good time watching the play, but when they heard their little daughter's voice, they immediately reacted and said, "Ah, it's you kid who is groping!"

The little girl: "I didn't do it on purpose, I'm afraid I'll fall... I'm sorry." She leaned forward and it happened to be Li Shuxin's butt. , shrank back a little timidly, and opened his mouth to explain.

What else can Li Shuxin say about a little girl in her teens.

Li Shuxin: "...It's okay."

At this time, she looked up at Shao Ling, Shao Ling: "Oh."

Li Shuxin pursed her lips, looked down at her bag, finally mustered up the courage, raised her head and said seriously: "I'm sorry!"

Shao Ling looked down at Li Shuxin condescendingly, and Li Shuxin bowed seriously in the small space: "I'm sorry, I wronged you."

Although Shao Ling was annoyed in his heart, seeing that all her exposed places were red, he knew that she must be embarrassed, so he was silent for a while, and the adults said a lot: "Forget it, I don't care about you."

Li Shuxin breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know if it was because of the dispute between them. There was chattering in the car before, but no one spoke this way, and the car was extremely quiet. As if everyone was observing the awkward duo, Li Shuxin lowered her head silently, while Shao Ling behind her was even more exaggerated, "hanging" with both hands on the railing, for fear that she would be wronged if she put her hands down again . But every time he accidentally lowered his head, he could see her embarrassing red ears...

It wasn't until they got out of the car that they each carried their luggage and fled away.

That speed is like chasing a rabbit, I really wish I could never see him again.

However, things don't always go as expected. After the two of them had completed the enrollment procedures, when they were sitting in the classroom that night, they realized that "that person" was actually in the same class as me.

Enemy Road is narrow.

Oh, it's not an enemy, but it's just embarrassing.

Shao Ling was a little nervous. He was walking towards his place. When he staggered inadvertently, he fell towards Li Shuxin... Li Shuxin: "Ah! You, you, you, what are you doing!"

Shao Ling fell towards Li Shuxin, and even though he supported it with his hands, he still kissed Li Shuxin's face. Where did Li Shuxin encounter such a thing, she screamed all at once.

Shao Ling quickly got up: "...I said it was an accident, do you believe me?"

"Let's go, let's go!"


"I think you did it on purpose. Are you angry that I misunderstood you on the bus..."

"Oh no, if you think so, it's too much. I said forget it at the time, you think I'm the kind of person with a small belly..."

Before anything happened, the two quarreled again.

After these two incidents, the two of them were more or less tit-for-tat. Usually, when something happened in the class, the two of them used to argue... The memory came back a little bit, and Li Shuxin laughed softly, and silently covered it. He closed his face and said, "I was so naive at that time."

Shao Ling quickly defended himself: "I didn't target you at that time."

That said, Li Shuxin didn't believe it.

She said, "You're clearly targeting me and disrupting the situation."

Shao Ling firmly refused to admit it, pointed to the TV series, and said solemnly: "Now you are like the heroine in the TV series, and you have completely misunderstood the heroine. Actually, I didn't think about it at all. When I was on the bus, I I thought you were pretty."

Li Shuxin stared at him, not really believing this.

Shao Ling: "I really like you."

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows, questioningly: "Oh?"

Shao Ling: "Really, didn't I confess my love to you at the beginning of the second year?"

Speaking of this matter, Shao Ling felt very wronged and said, "You beat me!"

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

She quickly defended: "That's not intentional."

If a boy who has been having a little bit of trouble with you suddenly tells you that he has that kind of meaning for you, don't panic. When she was flustered, the lunch box in her hand flew out...

Shao Ling thought of how much he confessed in his confession back then, and felt that he was really wronged.

"I have to have a hundred relatives to forgive you."

Li Shuxin stared at Shao Ling and sneered: "You have a good idea. Over the years, you have tricked me into kissing me so many times with this matter. Stop dreaming."

She got up and was about to leave, but Shao Ling grabbed her and said with a smile: "If you don't kiss, then don't kiss, why are you running? Don't you want to watch TV?"

Li Shuxin: "I'll go see my son..."

Hearing the movement, the little guy poked his head out again, staring at his mother in a daze, so cute.

Shao Ling smiled: "Look, he plays pretty well by himself."

Probably seeing that there was nothing wrong with his parents looking for him, the little guy was dissatisfied with waving his little claws, baring his teeth and waving his paws for a while, then crawled away to play by himself. Li Shuxin watched the little guy crawl away quickly with his little butt twisting, and said with a smile, "He's so lively."

Shao Ling was proud: "You don't even look at who brought it."

The corner of Li Shuxin's mouth twitched, and she said softly, "I was the one who took care of the child before, okay?"

With a full budget, Shao Ling only took it for two months!

This is showing off!

Shao Ling: "Well, my wife is the most powerful."

Li Shuxin: "Slick-tongued, hey, I packed up my things and found the Jasper Fudou that grandpa gave to the little guy, let the little guy wear it."

Shao Ling looked at his son who was playing with the car, and shook his head: "It's better to say goodbye, this little guy is not honest, he will lose it at some point, you should keep it. That was my grandma's wish."

Li Shuxin thinks about it, this kid is extraordinarily lively, if he really puts it on, he will lose it if he doesn't keep it all together, Li Shuxin is not in a good mood when he thinks about the loss of Fudouer in his previous life.

However, Shao Ling grabbed Li Shuxin and let her lean on him. He said: "My grandma's most valuable is this Fudou. Although it may not be as good as others, but this is what they can do." Give me the best."

Li Shuxin couldn't help being curious: "How could grandma have such a thing?"

Shao Ling's family is not a rich family, and this Fudou is not like their family would have.

In her previous life, Li Shuxin didn't know much about those jaspers, so she wasn't interested after getting the blessing beans, and didn't ask any more questions. Later, because Fudou was lost, the word "Fudou" became a topic that they couldn't bring up, but there was no such thing in this life, Li Shuxin always wanted to ask.

Shao Ling: "That happened when my grandma was young, about 40 or 50 years ago, around 59 or 60, I don't remember which year my grandma was. If they don't have enough to eat, some people want to run to Hong Kong City to earn a lot of money. Generally, what else they can do is just risky swimming. But swimming also requires physical strength. Where there is physical strength if you don't eat enough, some people will take things out in exchange for food. Yes. At that time, there was a foreigner who exchanged a piece of raw stone for a little bit of food with my grandma. This stone was the rough stone of Biyu Fudouer. Later, when he went to the mountains and went to the countryside, an old gentleman from the capital sent him down. Come here, the old man is quite good at telling stories, and he didn't have much entertainment at that time, so he took the stories he told as a pleasure. He didn't suffer any crimes here. Later, I heard that he was engaged in carving, my grandfather Grandma remembered the rough stone that was exchanged with someone back then. The old man said that the color was quite good, but he didn't know what it looked like when he opened it. My grandma didn't panic after hearing this? So he gritted his teeth , asked the old man to open it, and sure enough, more than half of them were not very good, but there was one piece that was quite top-quality, and the old man helped to carve it into Jasper Fortune Douer when he was free."

Li Shuxin listened with relish, and she sighed: "It's quite a story, did that old gentleman return to the city later?"

Shao Ling shook his head: "No."

He said: "He was very old when he went to the countryside, and he died before returning to the city."

Li Shuxin bit her lip and fell silent.

Shao Ling: "Although he didn't make it back to the city, he didn't suffer at all when he went to the countryside. You don't know the people in our village? It's impossible to expect them to do good things, but it's also impossible to expect them to do bad things. They are not the people in Tangkou Village who don't behave well. Whether they are sent down or sent to the countryside, they didn't suffer any crimes in our village. "

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows: "Didn't your grandma give it to you? Otherwise, where did you get the blessing beans?"

Shao Ling smiled meaningfully: "That's two different things. Rescuing the emergency is not helping the poor. How can a meal be the same as being hungry all year round? Besides, people who usually have to swim will be exchanged for valuable things. One change. It's not free."

Li Shuxin and the others didn't experience those days. She and Shao Ling were both little tigers born in 1974. When they remembered, those days had passed, so they didn't know much about those days.

"Do you know why my dad's age group has more uncles and aunts than other villages? It's because our village is not mean. Back then, my dad and his children used to go to the cowshed where they were sent down. I listened to the stories there and learned a little bit of knowledge, so no matter what happened later, I was a bit promising. Didn't you read it? My dad's non-partisan can be admitted to the teacher's school."

Li Shuxin nodded: "That's true."

It was rare to talk about the origin of Fudou, and only then did Li Shuxin realize that this thing is really valuable.

This is impossible, and remembering that this blessing was attached to his nephew in his previous life, Li Shuxin wanted to scold him when he thought of this.

Shao Ling looked down at her frowning, wondering: "What's wrong?"

Li Shuxin: "It's nothing. Since Fudou is so good, we have to keep it well and put it on for the little chubby boy when he's older, or he might be stolen by that bastard."

Shao Ling smiled: "Bastard?"

He raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything, but his hands became dishonest. Li Shuxin snorted softly, and immediately grabbed Shao Ling's wrist. Shao Ling laughed softly and said, "What are you doing?"

Li Shuxin: "Should I ask you this?"

There was a program on the TV, and the son began to crawl all over the living room again, but the couple got up, Li Shuxin coughed lightly, and said, "The child is still there, be honest. Wait until he falls asleep..."

Shao Ling sighed faintly, and said, "This little bastard, you will really cause trouble for me as a father and ruin my good deeds."

Li Shuxin burst out laughing, hit him once, and said, "You are not allowed to speak of my baby."

Shao Ling snorted heavily, and said childishly, "Partial!"

"It was born by me. Of course I'm biased. Otherwise, would I still be partial to you?" Li Shuxin was confident, but the result of her righteousness was... Li Shuxin was "cleaned up" at night.

Early the next morning, I almost couldn't straighten my back, this person is too much toss.

At a young age, Li Shuxin felt that she had to nourish her kidneys.

That's what I said, but when I went to the store, I was in good spirits. The store was on the track, and Li Shuxin hardly arrived early in the morning like before. When Li Shuxin passed, it was almost noon, and she was about to go upstairs , I ran into Boss Song, his head was wrapped in gauze, like a braised egg, Boss Song gave Li Shuxin a hard look, and Li Shuxin stared back!

In fact, she is not a fighting cock, but Li Shuxin also knows that she must react, because some people, he is bullying and fearing hard. Sure enough, because Li Shuxin stared back without hesitation, Boss Song didn't make any more provocations, and left quickly.


When Li Shuxin returned to the store, Wang Di immediately gave an account to Li Shuxin. Although she was young and her experience was not as good as that of Wang Lingyu and Chen Zhen, she was the supervisor among the four because she came early and learned quickly.

When Li Shuxin was away, she was in charge.

Wang Di handed over the account to Li Shuxin, and felt relieved that the account is in her hands when the boss is not around. Their store does not keep cash. Although many people still use cash to buy goods, they will deposit it before leaving get off work and will never keep it in their hands or in the store.

After Li Shuxin paid the bill, she checked the account with herself for this month. The pay day set in their shop is the third of each month, and today is it. Originally, Li Shuxin was tortured by Shao Ling for most of the night yesterday, and wanted to take a break today, but thinking that today is payday, and everyone has been busy for a month, the happiest thing is to wait for this day, Li Shuxin naturally did not delay.

She has also worked as a migrant worker, and she knows that this day is the happiest day of the month as a migrant worker, and the most annoying thing is to procrastinate.

It is very annoying if it is delayed for one day; it is even more annoying if it is delayed for two days.

In short, it is the most annoying bosses who are in arrears with wages.

Li Shuxin didn't expect people to like her too much, but she could understand the feeling of beating a worker, so in this respect, she was not annoying.

So Li Shuxin rushed over, she sat at the counter and reconciled herself, Wang Di and the others were also very happy, Wang Di has worked for two full months, and this is the second time she has been paid. And the other three people's first month was not a full month, some were more than ten days, and some were half a month. This month is considered to be the official salary for the first month.

What's more, their sales are exceptionally good this month, and everyone is so excited.

When Li Shuxin didn't come early in the morning, they were very worried that if Li Shuxin didn't come today, they would delay getting paid for a day, and they were so anxious. Fortunately, the boss is here. Li Shuxin settled the accounts, seeing that it was time for lunch and there were no customers in the store, Li Shuxin said, "Let's pay the salary."

Several people immediately cheered up and winked at each other.

Li Shuxin: "Yingzi, you sell the least among several people. The basic salary plus commission is 5900."

Yingzi: "My mother!!!"

She stammered: "This, this the least?"

Her eyes were dull, and she was about to turn around in circles, and said: "My family farms, and there are often not enough of these left in a year."

Li Shuxin smiled: "This month there are hot items, but there may not be so many next month."

Everyone knows this truth, but they still can't help being excited, like Yingzi, when did she take so much money in her hand, and she trembled when she took the envelope. Li Shuxin warned: "You can save your money, it is best not to bring so much cash, the little girl's family is not safe."

"Yeah." Yingzi nodded frantically.

Li Shuxin distributed it to several other people, Wang Lingyu received 8,100 yuan, and Chen Zhen received 8,300 yuan. Among them, Wang Di is the one who sells the most, with a salary of 9,500.

Several people were speechless.

Although Wang Di has not worked for a long time, sometimes it is really important to have talent or not. For example, Chen Zhen and Wang Lingyu are veterans, but Wang Di cannot be sold at all, because she is the supervisor among the four, and she competes every month. Others have an extra base salary of 50 yuan, but it is impossible to cause such a big gap. It can be seen that Wang Di really sells a lot.

But Wang Lingyu and Chen Zhen are not jealous of Wang Di, but admire her very much.

This capable person, no matter what line of work he is in, will be admired by others.

Li Shuxin encouraged everyone: "You all work hard, and you will be on your own as soon as possible. I will also tell you that I will not only open such a store. Moreover, I want to open a clothing brand company by myself. When the time comes, we will open our own flagship store. !"

A few people instantly understood that when opening a store, they will inevitably be separated and go to other stores to be in charge. Thinking about it this way makes them even more excited. The bigger the boss is, the more they will earn!

"Boss, we will do well!"

Li Shuxin smiled and nodded.

She is really not a picture cake, she really has this idea!

Wang Di and the others were also blushing with excitement, and Li Shuxin gave a few more instructions, and they didn't even care about food, so they hurried to save money. You know, now the general monthly income is basically more than one thousand, but less than two thousand. Most people don't earn much at all. For example, Yingzi's hometown may not have a few thousand yuan left a year.

As for Wang Di, her hometown is not as good as Yingzi's hometown.

And who would have thought that selling things would make so much money.

But that's how it is in sales. If you sell well and get a high commission, the income will be considerable.

In fact, Li Shuxin can also pay her salary secretly, but at this time, unlike many years later, she pays more attention to privacy. What's happening now is that people don't mind speaking up. And there are a few of them living together, anyway, they will definitely know, so Li Shuxin didn't post it separately, but was very direct.

A few people came back from saving money together, and they were still so excited that they couldn't help themselves. When they sold things in the afternoon, it seemed like they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Li Shuxin: To be honest, I understand, I understand everything.

What is the purpose of beating workers, not for money?

if not?

for love?

Who would believe it.

So, be realistic! Be realistic!

Chapter 30

Li Shuxin's statement about starting a company is not to make a big deal.

She really has this idea. According to her original idea, first use the first few years to accumulate capital, then start a company, and take advantage of his Taobao's rise to enjoy the dividends of e-commerce.

Maybe this industry can't compare with those violent industries, but Li Shuxin feels that this is just right for her.

Rebirth will not increase IQ too much, at most it is because she knows some "future things", plus some life experiences, will bless her. This kind of blessing is very important, but it is not so important as to soar to the sky.

Just like someone described those people in the entertainment industry as "a small fire depends on a big fire to depend on their lives", so is rebirth. It is easy to get rich because you know too much, but if you say that you can become the richest man because of rebirth, then It is not very realistic to be on the Forbes list.

So Li Shuxin knew that the real estate industry made money these years and also knew that some industries made money, but she didn't think about rushing into it. She doesn't know anything about this industry, so if she rushes in, is she acting as cannon fodder?

She was reborn and didn't raise her IQ, EQ, and FQ to 180, so she still had to keep her feet on the ground, and planned to work in the industry she was good at.

However, the plan did not change quickly. She originally thought that she would need to accumulate for a few years, but a hot sale opened up her business at once. Li Shuxin now feels that the whole person is very relaxed, and has already made plans to open a second store. up.

On this point, Shao Ling agreed with her.

His opinion is also the same, since it is possible now, don't wait, Li Shuxin will soon open a second store in Pengcheng, she transferred Chen Zhen to be the store manager, and she led Yingzi. Four more people were hired on both sides and distributed to two stores.

In fact, the most suitable manager of the second store is Wang Lingyu, but because Chen Zhen has a bad relationship with Boss Song, Li Shuxin simply transferred her to the second store to save Chen Zhen trouble. On this point, Wang Lingyu has nothing to disagree with.

The second store has just opened, so it's hard to say whether it's good or not. For example, the store here always has stable customers. As a person with a family, she is not as hardworking as Chen Zhen, and she is a little more secure.

After opening two stores in succession, Li Shuxin got more goods and was already a major customer of Jixiang Garment Factory. At the same time, Li Shuxin also started to contact other factories. I opened a pretty good clothing factory.

In fact, it's not that the goods of Jixiang Garment Factory are not enough, but that Li Shuxin hopes to have more and more comprehensive goods. Moreover, it also lays the foundation for finding a foundry if you really start a company in the future.

It seems that everything is always difficult at the beginning. When the first store opened, Li Shuxin was very nervous, but the second store was fine.

However, she found that when she opened two stores, the wholesale was better than before, and the quantity increased, and the cost would naturally hit the lowest price. Speaking of which, the power of returning pearls is really great. I feel that the same style as the heroine is being sold everywhere now, and this style is still sold.

Pengcheng is not the only place in this world. There are always a lot of large and small garment factories all over the country. They sell so many here alone, and there are countless more in other places.

But even so, someone still took the goods, which is really unexpected. Just like Li Shuxin's store, they are still selling it now. Although there are more colors now, the quantity of goods is still good.

The business of the two stores is very good, and Li Shuxin doesn't do everything herself to stare at her. She knows that no matter what she does, as long as the business grows gradually, she always needs to be formal. If she is alone, then even if she lives better than her previous life, she will die early.

Li Shuxin could remember that she had cancer in her previous life, so in this life, although she was busy, she would not force herself to do something. Don't be so angry about everything, do what you can. Also spread things out appropriately.

There is a big difference between having money and not having money.

If she had no money, she would have to do everything by herself; but now that she is fine, she can naturally use her talents reasonably.

Li Shuxin went to the job market for interviews by herself and recruited two suitable girls.

One is a college student who just graduated this year. This girl majors in finance. When she saw Li Shuxin recruiting a cashier, she came to apply for the job. She is a bit introverted, but Li Shuxin thinks that she still has some honor in school, but because her school is really inconspicuous, her name sounds like a pheasant, and it is not a local school, so many people ignore her.

The other one is an office clerk and also a college student. There are not as many college students these days as there will be in the future. However, there are still quite a few of them in the territory of Pengcheng. It can only be said that each city has the characteristics of a city. Pengcheng is a special zone, and there are many businessmen. If one stone falls and kills ten people, eight of them will be "so-and-so bosses", attracting more talents. . Some good big companies have a lot of room for selecting candidates. Many people always say that education is not important, but when most companies interview, the first step is always to look at the degree; the second step is to look at the school.

For example, the two recruited by Li Shuxin are both college students, but they are also inconspicuous in the school, and they have never heard of them.

In addition to this, there is another reason, that is...the two of them are girls.

No matter when, there are always some people who want to engage in sexism, and there will be in twenty years, let alone now.

But Li Shuxin is quite optimistic about the two of them. The one who studies finance is called Xiaoding, and the one who works as a clerk is called Xiaotian. The two have their own characteristics, Xiao Ding is quiet and seldom talkative, while Xiao Tian is clever. The two followed Li Shuxin back to the office and looked at Li Shuxin in surprise.

No way, it's hard for them not to be surprised, this place is empty, almost nothing.

Although they probably knew the basic situation here when they applied for the job, they were still surprised to see the empty space when they came here, but they quickly regained their senses. In fact, Li Shuxin has been observing them all the time, and she is very happy to see them behave like this.

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Didn't expect it to be so empty?"

Both of them nodded, and Xiao Tian immediately said, "It's okay, we'll clean it up."

Li Shuxin: "There's nothing to clean up here now, just as you've joined the job, let's add everything."

The office that Li Shuxin rented was not too big, but they were small, so it didn't matter. Li Shuxin set up a manager's office for herself, and also prepared a financial office. She made a list and told the two girls to add things. Although the office usually doesn't store too much money, it is still necessary to put some, which is convenient for daily use. The two girls were not familiar with the work on the first day of employment, as if they had been shopping for a day.

Li Shuxin entrusted them with the shopping, including desks, chairs, cabinets, sofas, coffee tables, and some office supplies, and the two of them bought them all day. But it can be seen that although they are tired, they are very excited.

Everything is packed, and the office has a brand new look. As soon as you enter the office, there is a fortune tree. There is a row of cabinets on the left, a sofa and coffee table on the right, and a desk directly opposite the sofa. This is Oda's position. Walking in two rooms, one is the accounting room, which has desks and chairs, safes and lockers, and next to him is Li Shuxin's office, which is the same inside, but there is no safe here, and an extra With a small sofa, the whole office can be said to be small and complete.

In addition to checking everyone's daily inventory and sorting out everyone's sales, Xiaoding's work also includes going to two shops every day to withdraw the income and deposit it in the bank. These things were originally done by Wang Di and the others, but Now Li Shuxin is separated.

Wang Di and Chen Zhen are all focused on being salespersons without distraction, and the cashier will naturally do other things.

And Oda's job is to connect the supply of goods from various stores, and run the factory. In the past, Li Shuxin took care of everything about running the factory, but now it is handed over to Oda. In addition, there are some chores, sometimes like this, it seems that there is not a lot of work, but in fact there are quite a lot of chores.

Li Shuxin and the others are now holding self-employed business licenses. Now that they have manpower, Li Shuxin will naturally start the clothing company, and Oda has to go through this procedure. With Xiaoding and Xiaotian, Li Shuxin really felt a lot easier.

I have to say, one hero has three gangs.

Shao Ling went to Li Shuxin's company to take a look, and when he returned, he and Li Shuxin sighed: "You are a whole woman army."

is not that right?

Whether it's the salesperson or the two new girls in the office, there are ten people in Li Shuxin's clothing wholesale booth, all of whom are girls, and the biggest one is only Wang Lingyu, who is twenty-six years old. This is actually the biggest among their employees.

Li Shuxin: "What happened to the Detachment of Women? Let me tell you, girls are no worse than boys in doing things."

Shao Ling looked at her: "I didn't say anything, I just said something casually."

Li Shuxin smiled at him, tilted her head and asked, "Then do you want to be a green leaf in my Women's Army?"

Shao Ling glanced at her again and said, "Stop dreaming."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Shao Ling: "We agreed not to get involved with each other, we can help, but don't get mixed up, did you forget?"

Of course Li Shuxin didn't forget it, but she was still very emotional that Shao Ling didn't mean anything.

In fact, she just said it casually.

Unexpectedly, Shao Ling was quite persistent.

"Ring ring ring." Li Shuxin's phone rang, and she turned on the phone: "Hello?"

There was a crisp voice on the other end of the phone: "Hello, are you Li Shuxin?"

Li Shuxin: "I am."

The voice on the other end was a little more relaxed, and he said with a smile: "Hello, my name is Xu Jiabao, and I am a colleague of Li Shuyue who is abroad. I am returning to China now, and I have brought some things for you for her. I can see you." ?"

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling, and immediately said, "Yes, when are you free? I can find you."

"Today, I'm in Pengcheng."

The two made an appointment at an address, and agreed to meet in an hour. Li Shuxin tilted her head, a little happy: "It's Ah Yue's colleague."

It was said that something like this happened in the previous life, why is it "alleged", because it was her elder sister who was looking for this matter, and she was told by her elder sister later, but this time it was her who was looking for it. But it's not surprising at all, she must be more convenient than her elder sister in Pengcheng.

Although she was also in Pengcheng in her previous life, she had only been here for two months at that time, and she felt that her bones were about to fall apart when she left early and returned late. Naturally, her eldest sister would not delay her business, even if she just went to get things, she didn't want to delay For her time, let her ask for leave and deduct money.

But now it's different.

Now that she is living well, and she is in Pengcheng, the eldest sister will naturally not make a special trip by car just to pick up something.

"I'll go with you."

Li Shuxin: "Okay."

The husband and wife came to the agreed KFC together with the chubby kid. The place was reserved by Xu Jiabao. After Li Shuxin arrived, she saw a lot of people here. She scanned around and found that she was alone and seemed to be waiting for someone... She locked her eyes on a capable lady in her thirties, walked over and asked, "Hello, are you Xu Jiabao?"

She looked up, hesitated and asked, "Yes, you are Yueyue's third sister?"

No wonder she was hesitant, she knew about Li Shuyue's family situation, and probably heard her talk about the situation of her two older sisters. From Xu Jiabao's point of view, they were all ordinary families. And Li Shuyue's two elder sisters both married very early.

This third sister even gave up her registered permanent residence in the city and married in the countryside, so now seeing a lady in a fashionable dress, she felt somewhat hesitant.

However, if you look closely, you can see that the two sisters' eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar.

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Yes, I am her sister Li Shuxin."

She sat down, but Shao Ling did not sit with Li Shuxin and the others. He sat down with his son in his arms, and bought some food for himself. Rubbing his chubby face against his father's chin to please people, he just wants to eat.

Li Shuxin glanced at the corner of her mouth, then turned her head back and said, "Miss Xu, thank you for your help."

Xu Jiabao knew that since he made contact, there was nothing wrong, so he straightened his expression and said, "I've been transferred back to China, and Yueyue asked me to bring something to you."

She handed the bag that was originally on the chair to Li Shuxin, and said, "It's two Walkmans. Yueyue said they are for you and eldest sister."

Li Shuxin nodded: "I see, thank you very much for causing you trouble."

Xu Jiabao laughed and said, "You've said thank you several times. You're welcome. When Yueyue returns home, she will bring me something. We are all mutual, and we should."

Li Shuxin was still very concerned about her sister, and asked, "How is she doing over there? Has she adapted?"

Xu Jiabao: "She is very adaptable. When I first went there, I couldn't keep up with the language, but I got used to it very quickly. She is the one who adapted the fastest among them."

Xu Jiabao saw that Li Shuxin wanted to hear this, and said: "She lives in the dormitory of the unit over there. There are four of us in one room. The working hours are still very strict, but fortunately, the overtime pay for overtime work is quite generous, so we I really like working overtime, after all, we don't go out very much."

Li Shuxin nodded lightly: "Is it easy to get along with?"

Xu Jiabao: "Actually, it's okay. Those of us who leave our hometowns always report to the regiment to keep warm. As for the foreign parties, they will not bully others, let alone make you look bad. We can live on the surface. But we will arrange it in our hearts. It's hard to say. The people over there are like this. They look extremely polite and polite, but in fact they are extremely alienated and have clear boundaries. We don't care how they picture villains in their hearts, anyway, they pretend Harmony, it will not be difficult for us to get along."

She brought things to many people when she returned to China this time, and she also went to meet the family members of several colleagues, and she said something different each time. Some reported good news, some complained, and some like Li Shuyue, Li Shuyue's confession was just telling the truth.

"Ah Yue has adapted well, and your family members don't have to worry about her."

Li Shuxin: "That's good."

She asked, "Are you going back?"

Xu Jiabao shook his head and said, "I won't go back. We are assigned every three years. I am two years earlier than Ah Yue, and now I am due to return."

Li Shuxin: "So that's how it is."

In fact, Li Shuxin is not too worried about Li Shuyue. Ayue is a bit different from her and the elder sister. She is more independent, and she is not afraid of suffering or getting involved in anything that can make money. Always full of energy, even if she is also in her twenties, Li Shuxin cannot maintain energy all the time, but Li Shuyue can.

"Ah Yue is the strongest girl."

Speaking of this, Xu Jiabao smiled and agreed: "That's right, she is the most powerful among us. We have not been able to do this kind of work for several years. The foreign side also likes her very much. Every time we mention it, we are very polite." It's a polite comment, but every time Ah Yue is mentioned, I give it a thumbs up."

Li Shuxin laughed: "My sister is very capable."

Xu Jiabao also laughed, had enough, and said, "You guys are a bit alike. When I saw you, I felt that you also had energy in you."

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows.

Xu Jiabao immediately said: "That's it, your expression looks very strong, very similar to Ah Yue."

Li Shuxin almost took out the mirror to take a closer look at her face, when did she become so strong? Li Shuxin has always felt that with her very gentle appearance, she has an oval face and brows and eyes are not sharp, so if she can be said to be strong like this, it is too much nonsense, right?

Li Shuxin: "Where am I strong?"

Xu Jiabao smiled: "It's hard to say, it's just a feeling."

"Mom, mom, mom!" The child's voice sounded, and Li Shuxin saw that Shao Ling had placed the child in the children's playground at some point, and the child stood there holding on to the railing, with ocean balls under his feet, so small The little feet kicked and kicked, but they stood firmly and yelled at their mother. Seeing Li Shuxin looked over, she immediately twisted her little butt.

Li Shuxin: "Pfft!"

She laughed, stretched out her hand and waved at the little guy, this made the little guy even more excited, the little guy's little hand was about to fly up, and even walked a few steps while holding on to the railing, the little butt He paused slightly and bent his knees, as if preparing to jump forward.

Afraid that he would really come out, Shao Ling picked up the little guy and said, "Be honest and don't make trouble for me."

The little guy groaned and defended, the father doesn't care about those things, and he taught the little one: "If you don't obey me, go back and stop playing."

The little guy pursed his mouth and let out a muffled snort, the little baby will listen to good words too.

Shao Ling severely criticized the little one, the little guy puffed up his face, turned his head and ran to the ocean of the ocean ball, such a small cub was eager to try to play on the small slide, and moved again, being regarded as a father all of a sudden Found, caught out.

Li Shuxin looked at his son and smiled softly.

Seeing that they came together, Xu Jiabao asked curiously, "Is this your husband's child?"

Li Shuxin nodded: "Yes, we happened to be together when I received your call."

"The baby is very lively."

Li Shuxin: "It's so skinny."

Xu Jiabao glanced down at his watch, and was about to leave. She also made an appointment with the next company. Although it was troublesome, everyone who was sent out by their company did this, so they got used to it. It was convenient for others and convenient for themselves.

"Well, Sister Ah Yue, I have an appointment with the next family..." She said truthfully.

Li Shuxin: "Then you are busy, I will go first."

She said: "If you have something, you can call me. If you have my phone number, you can contact me at any time."

Xu Jiabao smiled: "Okay."

Li Shuxin returned to Shao Ling with the bag, and said, "Would you like to play for a while?"

Shao Ling pointed to the little chubby cub: "Look, it looks like a little turtle, as soon as it is pulled out, it flaunts its claws."

Li Shuxin: "Isn't it possible to play at home?"

There are some here and at home, but children are like this, they like to play outside and others.

Li Shuxin: "Baby!"

The baby turned around and grinned at its mother.

"Shall we go?"

"No!" He spoke clearly.

The little chubby cub can't speak many words, but it is quite clear.

Li Shuxin: "Mom will take you out to play, okay?"


"If you say no, I'll spank your ass!" Li Shuxin pretended to be fierce.

Shao Ling made up the knife at the side: "It hurts, spanking hurts."

The chubby cub got confused, Xu Jiabao was dumbfounded, is this how to take care of children? But then she laughed, she didn't have any children herself, so she didn't know so much, but it was quite interesting to watch sister Li Shuyue's family.

Li Shuyue's sister is really different from what she thought.

Sure enough, after a while, Li Shuxin and his wife pulled Xiao Budian out, and the family of three left.

Before leaving, they greeted Xu Jiabao, and when they got into the car, Shao Ling sighed, "How is it? Is Li Shuyue okay?"


She said, "Ah Yue can adapt."

No one doubts this, although Li's parents and Li's mother don't care much about them, but they have developed a good habit of being independent for their three daughters. On the contrary, it was the son, who was a bit useless because he was taken care of in every possible way.

This kind of waste is not the kind of waste that idles around, but a complete lack of work and indiscrimination of five grains.

Li Shuxin shook her head, not thinking of him, Shao Ling asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Shuxin: "Thinking of my second brother, it's really disgusting."

Shao Ling couldn't help laughing, and said, "Then we don't want this to be unappetizing."

As soon as the words were finished, Shao Ling's phone rang. Shao Ling looked down and said, "I don't want that disgusting person, this disgusting person is here again."

Li Shuxin probed and looked: Shaopeng.

She smiled silently, and said, "Go ahead."

Shao Ling answered the phone, and Shao Peng's voice came from the other end: "A Ling, let's get together?"

Shao Ling: "Gather together? Why do you get together this year?"

Shao Peng: "Why can't we get together after the Chinese New Year? There's no reason for that. I've settled down in eastern Guangdong. In the evening, you bring your wife with you. We demolition people get together."

Shao Ling looked at Li Shuxin, but Li Shuxin shrugged indifferently.


Shao Peng: "Don't dawdle, big man, don't be a mother-in-law, come here early, let's play cards together."

Shao Ling: "My son still has swimming lessons in the afternoon, we'll go there after the lessons."

"What about your daughter-in-law, let your daughter-in-law take care of the children, women who don't have children can use you? Are you too clingy to your wife?" Shaopeng's loud voice came over, and Li Shuxin said wordlessly Said "disappetite".

Shao Ling sneered and laughed, and said: "If I don't cling to my wife, do I still want to find wild women outside? Besides, didn't I tell you last time that my wife is now opening a shop? You still think I am joking, I Now you are eating soft rice, since you are eating soft rice, you have to look like you are eating soft rice, are you right?"

Shaopeng: "..."

Silence, endless silence.

He didn't even know what to say.

"Okay, you guys play first, I'll try to get there as early as possible."

"...Okay." Shao Peng's voice was very difficult.

He hung up the phone and said, "Shao Peng is really good. I've already said that I won't do anything with him, but he still doesn't give up."

Li Shuxin: "Maybe he just wants to get together?"

Shao Ling glanced at her: "Do you believe it?"

To be honest, I don't believe it.

Shao Ling: "Ghost knows what he wants me to do again. But although I don't know what he wants me to do, I know what I have to do."

Li Shuxin: "???"

Shao Ling: "Let's go shopping."

Li Shuxin was even more puzzled, and asked, "What are you buying?"

Shao Ling made an arrogant face: "My daughter-in-law is now a female boss, so of course I have to get something that matches the female boss's worth. Let's go buy you a bag."

He added, "I'll buy you another diamond necklace."

Li Shuxin: "That's not necessary, is it?"

"Why is there no need, of course!" Shao Ling said seriously: "Shao Peng said to bring his family, so his wife Zhang Yaxin must also go. This guy compares with you all day long, we can't lose."

Li Shuxin: "..."

She couldn't hold back, stretched out her hand to pinch Shao Ling, and said, "Why are you so naive, I didn't take her seriously."

What is there to compare with? To be honest, Li Shuxin is really not a personality to compare with others. Live well or not, have money or not, as long as you are comfortable. Comparing with others, if you win, you won't get three melons and two dates, and there is nothing embarrassing about losing.

She really didn't care much about these things, but Shao Ling was in a high-spirited state, with "my daughter-in-law won't lose" written all over her face.

"I don't even look at what I look like, showing off, and comparing myself with my wife. We must win!"

Li Shuxin was silent for a while, and said, "Then let's go buy it."

In fact, she can do whatever she wants, but Shao Ling has such a fighting spirit and wants her to gain the upper hand, what should a daughter-in-law do. Naturally, he wanted to satisfy this person. The corners of Li Shuxin's mouth curled up silently.

The corner of Shao Ling's eyes caught his daughter-in-law's smiling face, and he laughed too. He knew that his daughter-in-law was a duplicity, and she wanted to show off, but she refused to say it. He held Li Shuxin's hand and said, "Shall we buy that horse bag?"

Li Shuxin: "What horse?"

She looked at Shao Ling suspiciously, not knowing what this man was talking about.

Shao Ling: "Yes, the expensive one."

Li Shuxin suddenly realized: "Hermes?"

Shao Ling: "Yes, that's him!"

Li Shuxin joked: "You know quite a lot."

Shao Ling was very proud: "Although I'm stupid, I don't know anything. Anyway, I will buy it, so we will buy better ones."

Li Shuxin let out a chuckle, leaned on Shao Ling's shoulder, and said, "Okay, go buy one."

Anyway, if you buy this thing, you won't lose money. She remembers that she went to Hermes with Su Xuelian back then, and Su Xuelian ordered it until her head was bald. Bags, even the entry-level models have to match, let alone some popular models.

Not so now.

Moreover, this kind of thing is quite evergreen, so Li Shuxin did not refuse.

When the two came to the store together, a waiter immediately stepped forward. To be honest, the bigger the store, the more attention to credibility, there is basically no such thing as a dog who looks down on people and then slaps them in the face.

And these days, most people who don't know how to buy won't enter luxury stores, and there aren't too many people who buy luxury goods, far less exaggerated than twenty years later. So the attitude of the waiter is quite good. Almost all the more popular styles in the future are in stock now. Li Shuxin looked at the one that Su Xuelian wanted to buy back then...

Li Shuxin: "..." When it's over, I think of Su Xuelian's melancholy eyes again, poor delivery guy.

Shao Ling noticed Li Shuxin's eyes and said, "Do you like this one?"

Li Shuxin: "It's okay."

Li Shuxin took a look and chose a kelly28, milkshake white. She usually puts a lot of things in her bag, and the small bag is not suitable for her. Besides, she is tall and looks very big, and it is not suitable for this kind of bag to be too small, it will look very incompatible with him.

Shao Ling touched his chin and smiled: "It's really suitable for my wife."

The chubby cub hung on his father, and immediately said "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

How did the little fat boy know? He knew that his mother would look good in a sack, and said in a childish voice, "Okay~"

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Then pay the bill."

Shao Ling swiped the card immediately, and the chubby boy looked at the bag suspiciously, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and then he suddenly realized.

He knows, his baby bag needs to be replaced with a new one!

The little guy is going to grab the bag, this is his own, pack a lot of things for him to go out with.

Li Shuxin: "Oh baby, you are a steal."

The little one tilted his head and let out a cry, not knowing "grab" very well, Li Shuxin laughed and said, "Do you want the baby?"

Baby nods.

Li Shuxin said with emotion: "Shao Ling, look at your son, he is stealing things from me."

Shao Ling thought for a while, analyzed his son's thoughts, and said, "He probably thinks that you buy a bag to fill him with feeding bottles and diapers..."

Everyone around laughed, and the little chubby boy didn't know why everyone laughed, but when everyone laughed, he just laughed, leaned on his father with a smile, and clapped his hands. This kid is extraordinarily lively.

Li Shuxin: "That can't be done, baby, this is bought by my mother."

Little Jiaxi's big eyes are watery, these two girls have really similar eyes.

Shao Ling: "Don't fight with mom, okay, let's go."

Li Shuxin bought a new bag and used it immediately on the spot, not to mention... There are a lot of children's things in her bag, who told me... Her baby is still young, being a parent is not easy .

Li Shuxin changed the bag on the spot, and the couple went shopping again. Shao Ling: "Let's go to Hong Kong City again in a few days. I think you really need a good watch."

Li Shuxin: "Alright."

"Come on, let's go to the jewelry now."

Li Shuxin: "Is this unnecessary?"

Shao Ling: "Why don't we use it? Since we're going, we must be decent."

Shao Ling said seriously: "You don't have to wear it, but you can't do without it."

Li Shuxin: "..."

I'm speechless at what you said.

But this is really what Shao Ling can say. This person is like a peacock who loves to show off. He loves to show off, and he also wants Li Shuxin to be better.

She took Shao Ling's arm and said, "I guess, Zhang Yaxin is also shopping now. What she thinks is, tonight, I must overwhelm Li Shuxin, and I will definitely be better than her. Absolutely let She saw my strength and beauty."

Shao Ling smiled: "Don't worry, it's impossible."

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

She looked at Shao Ling suspiciously.

Shao Ling said firmly: "You can suppress her just by looking at her appearance. My wife is so beautiful, and all these other things are icing on the cake. But she is different. She is not as good-looking as you. She needs these decorations , my wife is the icing on the cake, what's the difference?"

Li Shuxin giggled, oh, I don't know why, she was so happy to hear such words.

Could it be that she also likes to show off in her bones?


Sure enough, she and Shao Ling are a match made in heaven.

Li Shuxin looked up at Shao Ling, who lowered his head: "What's wrong?"

Li Shuxin: "I was thinking how suitable we are."

When Shao Ling heard this, he was excited and happy: "Come on, come on, tell me how suitable we are, can we write a 10,000-word composition?"

The corner of Li Shuxin's mouth twitched: "..."

This person really can climb along the pole!

She couldn't hold back, and raised her hand to pinch his face: "Write, write, write, you still say you love me all day long, so write me one too."

Shao Ling: "Hey, daughter-in-law, take it easy, I'm your man, I can't pinch my face easily, you've pinched my face to relax, fortunately, I'm born with good bones, otherwise ordinary people really can't help you pinch."

Li Shuxin: "Hehe."

Shao Ling: "You're still sneering, look, I won't clean you up when I go back at night!"

Li Shuxin: "..."

Husband and wife, you look at me, I look at you, the eyes are a little sticky...

At this moment, two little claws approached slowly, pinching father's face with one hand and mother's face with the other, the husband and wife turned their heads together, the little chubby cub instantly showed his innocence Smile, halazi flowed down...

"Looking for a fight!!!"

Little chubby boy, you've learned badly.
