Chapter 1-10

Chapter 1

"Come on, come on, let's meet in 1998, come on, let's meet in 1998..."①

The sudden music sounded, waking up the young woman who was sleeping on the bed. She opened her eyes and felt her body sink before she could react. looking at her.

Seeing her wake up, the little chubby boy was so excited, he crawled onto her head with his fists clenched, ho ho ho ho ho... showing a "toothless" smile, his chubby cheeks slapped up, his mouth The water dripped all over her face.

Li Shuxin stared at the little face in front of her in a daze, her eyes straightened and dazed.

When the little chubby boy saw his mother woke up, he arched his head and clicked his mouth.

Li Shuxin was startled, sat up with a grunt, his eyes widened immediately.

This is not her ward. In the old room with a sense of age, the TV with big buttocks is on. I don't want to think that the Goddess Taihong and Yehenara are shouting "Meeting in 98", and there are some yellowed wall stickers. "Four Heavenly Kings", on the old-fashioned high and low cabinets with log color lacquer, there are thermos bottles and milk powder jars and feeding bottles.

Li Shuxin's eyes looked around the room, and she saw the mirror attached to the wall with her side eye. Her face was also reflected in the mirror-ah!

She called out, the little chubby boy was startled by his mother, sat up on the bed, couldn't sit still, and fell on the bed, the little baby didn't cry, and groaned, and took advantage of the opportunity to lift up his little feet , gnawed up.

Li Shuxin didn't care about other things at this time, and her whole body was almost glued to the mirror. The woman in the mirror was in her twenties, with sleepy eyes, and her curly hair had been frizzed due to sleeping. She looked like a poodle, maybe she was young, Life is pretty good, and her face still has a bit of baby fat.

This is when she was young, twenty?

She couldn't bear to look away, although she looked embarrassed and funny now, but such a young self...

Li Shuxin was in a daze, her mind was in a mess. At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Shu Xin, Shu Xin, are you at home?"

When Li Shuxin heard the sound, she quickly put on her shoes and went out. As soon as she went out, she felt the scorching sun. She was a little dizzy, so she raised her hand to block it. Under the sun, she saw a face, which was the young second aunt.

Seeing her go out, the second aunt was beaming, with an unnatural blush on her face, and said excitedly: "Big news, we are going to move!"

Li Shuxin was taken aback, the second aunt enjoyed Li Shuxin's sluggishness, laughed, and said, "Someone came from the city just now, and the announcement has already been posted. I knew you were not well-informed, so hurry up and take a look. Post it It's at the gate of the village committee."

Li Shuxin was still a little dumb, but he responded reflexively: "Okay."

The second aunt was eager to spread the news, so she waved her hand and said, "That's fine, I'll go to Lao Chen's house to see." Without waiting for Li Shuxin's response, she left in a hurry.

Li Shuxin was standing under the eaves, two or three o'clock in the sun was enough, and she was dizzy. Li Shuxin raised her head to look at the sun. The sun was very dazzling, but the dazzling sunlight made her mind extra clear.

She, reborn.

"Ugh, huh, huh, huh!" The baby's voice sounded, Li Shuxin reacted, and immediately walked back to the room. She was startled when she just entered the door, her son had already moved to the bedside, half-stretched Outside, he was about to fall, and he was still unconscious, laughing and drooling.

Li Shuxin rushed over quickly, and caught his son the moment he fell.

The little guy was hugged by his mother, kicking his calf, very happy, waving his little arms and smiling at her.

Li Shuxin felt sour. Later, her son became a left-behind child and was not raised well. He never smiled, and was even colder with them. She couldn't remember such a lively and smiling appearance.

Li Shuxin hugged her son sourly, the little guy thought that Li Shuxin was playing with him, and the saliva smeared on his mother's face again.

Li Shuxin laughed softly, and she smacked the fragrance on the little guy's face. Only then did he carry him to Huang Li's head. The date on Huang Li's head was April 21st.

Sure enough, it was still the day.

In the previous life, the demolition was notified on this day. As soon as the news came out, the whole village erupted.

Their family is no exception. Speaking of which, Li Shuxin and her husband Shao Ling are relatively well-off in their village. Both of them are hardworking and willing to work. Shao Ling contracted the sea cucumber circle, and their family even ran a small hotel.

The business of the small hotel is hectic, but the sea cucumber circle is still quite good.

They are not far from Pengcheng and Yangcheng, and there is a market for high-end seafood.

This relocation, their family and the sea cucumber circle are both within the scope of the relocation. It can be said that if it is really counted, their family is considered to be the few big households that guarantee the most compensation. But this joy only lasted for a short period of nine days. Li Shuxin clearly remembered that on the night of the 30th of this month, three boys from the next door village went to their sea cucumber circle to "play" after drinking. It happened that night The person on duty in the circle was absent, and an accident happened.

All three drowned.

The next door to them is very particular about the same clan. The son of the patriarch led a group of villagers to make trouble. The trouble went on for several months. Seeing that Tian'er was carrying a "corpse" to block the door, a reporter was called to report. The news was constantly tracked and reported every day. People say that their family is rich and unkind, and they don't pay money if they have money. In the end, their family was overwhelmed. After all, each of them paid seven million plus a set of shops to settle the matter.

Everything their family got from the relocation was compensated, and the family property was gone.

Others' families had changed their appearance due to relocation, but theirs left Lincheng in despair.

Both Li Shuxin and Shao Ling were hit hard by the ups and downs.

In fact, they didn't owe any debts after compensating everything. Those people could just ask for compensation from the relocation funds, but the husband and wife couldn't hold back their breath.

The couple went to work in Pengcheng. Li Shuxin first helped people sell mobile phones, then sold clothes, and even worked as a waiter in a morning tea shop. And Shao Ling worked on the construction site with others, and later pulled up a small team and became a small contractor.

The city is developing fast, but they have done it.

And the child of their family has since become a left-behind child in her natal family. She is not the favorite child of her parents, and her parents are also careless. Even if her monthly salary is sent back to her hometown for living expenses for her son, it is spent on her son. Not many, her son is not well taken care of, weak and sick. He is often bullied by his cousins, and has a timid and cowardly personality.

At this time, their husband and wife also made money, and after thinking about it, they felt that it was not good. In addition, Li Shuxin's health was already very bad, so Li Shuxin quit her job and took her son to Pengcheng. Became a full-time housewife.

But over ten years have passed, and the child's character has been developed.

Don't look at their conditions gradually getting better, and their son has come to their side. Their life is better than many people who were relocated back then, but Xu Shi was too depressed when he was young. Before he was fifty, Li Shuxin found out that he had cancer.

Coincidentally, the patient she was hospitalized was from the next village back then, which also let Li Shuxin accidentally know an old incident twenty years ago. The accident back then was premeditated, and these three boys were from far and wide A bum who hates dogs, who has watched too many young and Dangerous kids, who is not clear-headed, causes troubles everywhere outside, beats parents and scolds mothers at home, and is very unpopular in the village. In fact, that night, the three boys got drunk because they were fooled by their patriarch's son. When they went to the sea cucumber circle, it was this man who tricked them into "stealing sea cucumbers". The purpose is to hope that accidents can be used to make money.

The three boys were tricked, and there was a man named Wang Axing in their village who was Shaoling's hired worker. He was on duty that night and was responsible for the internal response. People did fall down by themselves, which is not surprising. One person drank nearly two catties of white wine, and he was not poisoned by alcohol. It would be good if he could get over. They also wanted to go into the water to steal things and die in it, which was almost predictable.

They didn't do it directly, but they created very easy "accident" conditions.

No one knew about this matter at first, but who would have thought that after more than ten years, that insider Wang Axing would come out because of the uneven distribution of spoils...

When Li Shuxin knew the truth, she fainted from anger and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

When I woke up again, I went back to 1998.

before it happened.

"Ahhhhh." The little baby was lively and tight.

Li Shuxin regained consciousness from the memories, and looked at the little fat boy who was still babbling in his arms.

The little chubby cub was teething, and the saliva flowed out again, and he even blew a spit bubble, hummed, groaned and slapped Li Shuxin.

Li Shuxin finally realized belatedly that her son was hungry and her milk was not good. Her son stopped eating after half a year and switched to formula milk. It should be eight months now. She put the little guy on the bed and started to make milk powder for him. After not doing this for a long time, Li Shuxin was already a little rusty. She made a special trip to read the instructions on the jar.

Only then did I dig out five spoonfuls of milk powder, pour in another 200ml of water, and shake it gently.

She tested the temperature, and handed it to the little guy's mouth. The little guy was most familiar with the feeding bottle, so he immediately hugged it, gulped, and drank. Li Shuxin sat on the bed, leaning her son gently on her body, and the child raised his feet to drink grandma.

Li Shuxin also thought about it. In their previous life, their husband and wife were too aggrieved.

This time, she must not let this happen.

Thinking of this, Li Shuxin immediately ignited her fighting spirit, and she didn't believe it, if she did it all over again, wouldn't she be able to stop those unconscionable people from eating human blood buns? She clenched her fists, and immediately prepared to go to the beach to find Shao Ling.

It's just that when I looked down, I saw that my clothes were really useless. The little guy's saliva painted the clothes like a map.

She moved the little one to the pillow and opened the closet. The condition of their husband and wife is still very good at this time. She also has a lot of clothes and looks not bad. Although they are in a poor city, but because they are close to the rich Yangcheng and Pengcheng, they are still very fashionable.

She looked in the closet and found a dark red floral chiffon dress, which she bought when she got married, but she didn't wear it again because she was pregnant. She changed it silently, watching her look, her hair was too messy.

She doesn't have long hair, and her hair, which is a little shorter than shoulder length, is permed into wool curls, which is not at all neat.

Li Shuxin remembers that this was done after the child was weaned to dress herself up, but after the perm, it was true. The wool curly perm made her face rounder and her head bigger. Shao Ling always laughed at her as if she had been electrocuted, Li Shuxin Also got angry with him.

She thought about it, and found a rubber band to comb her hair. The hair is not long, and there is only a rabbit tail when combed, but it looks energetic and gentle.

In fact, in the past few years of marriage, Li Shuxin doesn't know how to dress up. She wears a plain face and buys whatever is trendy.

Her clothes don't look rustic, that's because this style is popular now.

It's not that she has much vision at this time.

Her aesthetics were cultivated after she left Lincheng to work. When she sells clothes, she always has to be well-dressed and energetic, so that people will be happy to buy things from you. Even if she didn't do it later, she still developed this habit.

Not to look good, but to make people more confident.

Li Shuxin finished tidying up, looked at the little guy who had already emptied his bottle, and said, "Baby, mom will take you to find dad, okay?"

The little guy couldn't understand at all, so he hiccupped a little and showed a big bright smile!

Li Shuxin found the stroller, put him in it, took a deep breath, and pushed his son out.

1998, here I come!

The author has something to say:

Start a new article.

Shuangwen, the heroine is the biggest!

①: Excerpted from the song "Meet Nine Eight"

Chapter 2

Li Shuxin pushed her son out.

Li Shuxin changed her mind just as soon as she went out. Their home is more than half an hour's drive from the beach. There are no taxis in the village, and they are all busy. This car is not safe. She still regrets her life.

But since it came out, she simply pushed her son to go to the village committee to have a look.

If you don't read the announcement with your own eyes, you will always feel uneasy.

The little guy swayed happily in the car because he went out and danced. Li Shuxin felt that the sun was shining a bit, so he squatted down to tidy up the stroller. As soon as she squatted down, she heard the sound of a car horn. Li Shuxin turned around following the sound and saw a white van.

The man poked his head out of the car window with a hippie smile: "Hey, little girl, do you want to take the car?"

Li Shuxin looked at this "long-lost" young face. At this time, he still had short hair and his skin was a little darkened due to busy work at the beach, but he had sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and was full of vigor.

The man in the car was none other than her husband Shao Ling. Seeing that she didn't respond, Shao Ling raised his eyebrows and said, "Hey, why are you talking to me? Why are you so dazed and sleepy?" Still laughing: "Did I marry a stupid daughter-in-law?"

Li Shuxin looked at him delicately, a little bit unable to remember when they played tricks like this.

She and Shao Ling were classmates in technical secondary school, and they fell in love since they were in school. Later, it was a matter of course to get married. However, with the ups and downs of life, the two of them were greatly stimulated to hold back their energy to make money. When they were too tired, they just wanted to rest when they went home, and they were exhausted and had no energy to maintain their relationship.

Little by little, the husband and wife had nothing to say.

In the end, their relationship was very weak, and they could speak clearly in one sentence, and never said two words.

It turns out that they still have such a time.

Li Shuxin was in a daze again, but now Shao Ling felt a little worried, leaned the car to the side of the road, and jumped out of the car.

He was wearing an undershirt, camouflage pants, and water boots. It was dirty and hot this season, but he raised sea cucumbers by the sea, so it was the most convenient way, and he was used to it. On the contrary, Li Shuxin, who had been "long time no see", looked sideways.

Shao Ling looked at her suspiciously, and muttered, "Why do you look at me like that? You're acting weird today. Are you okay?"

Li Shuxin slowed down and didn't respond. Instead, she said, "I'm a stupid wife, so wouldn't you be even more stupid if you married a stupid wife?"

Shao Ling laughed and said, "If you can talk back, it's fine."

Li Shuxin asked, "Why are you back?"

He smiled triumphantly, unable to suppress his joy, and said, "Why don't I come back for such a big event as relocation? Let alone the seaside, even if I'm on Mars, I have to fly back." He looked at Li Shuxin and said, "This relocation is a big deal." Stimulate you stupidly."

He concluded in his heart that Li Shuxin was because of this.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Mom and Dad kept talking, ignoring the little chubby boy. The little guy immediately made a sound, showing his sense of existence. He waved his little hands and kicked his legs, wanting to be hugged by his father.

Although he is still a baby, he still knows his father very well.

His little arms spread out like little wings, humming, bouncing, bouncing his little butt.

Shao Ling bent down to hug the baby.

Li Shuxin looked at his dirty clothes and was about to stop him when she saw that Shao Ling was about to bump into his son, so he suddenly withdrew his hand and said with a smile, "Just kidding you!"

Li Shuxin: "..."

The little baby was feinted by his father, and his little arms were shaking with teeth and claws, spitting out blisters, and chattering.

Shao Ling laughed and shared with his wife: "Hey, does he look like a little frog?"

Li Shuxin sincerely sighed: "You are really a dog."

Shao Ling looked at her with a half-smile, and said, "Daughter-in-law, it's not kind of you to say that. You obviously don't want me to hug him. I understand what you mean, and you still call me a dog? How can you Such people?"

Li Shuxin: "Didn't you see it now?"

Shao Ling didn't expect Li Shuxin to say that, he was slightly dazed, and then laughed again.

It can be seen that this person is in a really good mood today.

Shao Ling stopped driving, and they pushed the children to the village committee together. Shao Ling was proud: "This time the demolition, the sea cucumber circle was also moved, but few of them paid more than our family's compensation. We really made a fortune!"

Li Shuxin looked at him in high spirits, and said softly: "Let's not be too public. There are too many TV dramas about this kind of thing, we have a lot of houses, and we have sea cucumber circles. If we pay compensation, we will definitely be among the top few." If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. Our village has been relocated, but there are no villages around us." She said truthfully: "The house is easy to talk about, but the sea cucumber circle is not safe. When the time comes, people If you do something in your sea cucumber circle, if you want a big compensation, we will suffer."

Shao Ling was taken aback, and after thinking for a while in silence, he said, "What you said makes sense."

He listened without saying much.

Li Shuxin was a little surprised again, but after thinking about it, she understood. Indeed, the first few years of their marriage were the best time for their relationship as husband and wife, and everything was negotiated. Moreover, Shao Ling was not stupid in the first place. In their previous life, their husband and wife suddenly became rich, and they were too ecstatic. They didn't think too much about it, and they didn't take precautions. But this time, when Li Shuxin pulled a rope, Shao Ling reacted instantly.

Shao Ling teased: "You can do it, watching TV series is not in vain."

Li Shuxin smiled.

"The news of relocation is so big, it is estimated that other contractors have also gone to the village. I will contact them to see if we can take some measures together. Some of them are not from the village at all, so I must be more worried. Let's set up a patrol team together What, it can save a lot of worry..."

The two talked all the way, and soon arrived at the village committee, which was already full of people. Naturally, every household would come to see such a big event. The atmosphere at the scene was as if it had been pumped with chicken blood, and everyone was elated and talking loudly.

Seeing their husband and wife, Shao Ling was surrounded, and a young man from the same family immediately called out: "Second brother and second sister-in-law, you are here too. Don't you know? The shrimp rings and sea cucumber rings by the sea will also be moved. Your family is now on the mend."

Shao Ling was stunned as if he knew it for the first time, and asked in surprise, "The sea cucumber circle is also moving?"

"That's right, you're so lucky, right? Your family is really number one in our village." There was sourness in the words.

It's just that Shao Ling didn't smile at all when he heard this. Instead, he frowned and squeezed in quickly. He was a tall man in the village, and he could be seen before he got to the front. Seeing this, he smiled wryly and said, "It's hard for me to deal with this."


"Relocation is not a good thing?"

"Why do you still think there is too much money?"

Shao Ling wiped his face and said: "That's not what I said. It's good to relocate, but I just found a buyer a few days ago and talked about the seafood business. I promised to supply it for five years. What do you say? If it is moved, how can I tell others? I can't compensate others for their losses? And in my new circle, the sea cucumber seedlings haven't grown up yet. My seedlings are so small, so I don't think I'll be able to pay much. I'm happy to move the house. Sea cucumber circle, I really don't think so, the compensation is also a one-off, this is my meal business, what do I do after I close it?"

Uncle Aman, an elder in the village, nodded: "The second boy is right."

The boy from the family who spoke first, Baogen, was not convinced, and said: "With the money, what can I do? Even if I don't do anything, eating and drinking is enough."

The older ones shook their heads when they heard this, and they disapproved very much. An elder in the clan immediately grabbed Baogen and taught him a lesson: "Young people can't be so lazy, how can we live like this..."

No young man is willing to listen to the old man's rationale, so Baogen, like a monkey, let go all of a sudden.

On the other hand, Shao Ling quickly got together with a few people in the shrimp and sea cucumber circles. Speaking of the relocation, Shao Ling chatted with him, and Li Shuxin also went to the front to carefully read the announcement. There is no difference in the previous life.

The announcement is quite detailed. Apart from the scope of relocation and compensation standards, other items are also clearly listed.

When Li Shuxin was watching, several daughter-in-laws from several villages gathered together, and everyone envied Li Shuxin.

The house is big, and there is no mother-in-law looking after it, so it will be all yours by then?

"Axin, your family really has this kind of luck. The house and the sea cucumber circle were added last year, right? This time they can all be occupied. All the little daughters-in-law in our village count as one, and none of them are as lucky as you of."

Li Shuxin glanced at Sister-in-Law Chen who was speaking. In her previous life, she also said that she was a broom star. Was this a blessing again?

Sure enough, sister-in-law Chen said, "Then, does your house have anything to do with your husband's house? It should be a little bit, right? I remember that some houses in your house belonged to your man's grandma. How could you not Give everything to the son to the grandson?"

No one in the village didn't know about his family, and they all made a fuss to make a will. It was clear that she still wanted to ask, clearly because she had bad intentions and wanted to say something bad.

However, Li Shuxin wasn't angry, she knew who Sister-in-law Chen was, didn't being angry made her mad?

In her previous life, she got sick only when she got angry, but she is no longer stupid in this life.

She smiled and said: "Yes, it was left by my grandparents, but it was agreed that we will take care of the elderly, and the notarization was done before my grandparents passed away. I remember that I found three witnesses at that time. The patriarch village Chief, there is another lawyer who is hired. He is from the notary office. We are protected by law."

Her family's procedure was neat and tidy. At that time, she and Shao Ling thought it was really unnecessary, but they didn't expect that the old man really had foresight. Even if the person is gone, it will save them a lot of trouble.

"The three of us are from the village. My parents-in-law and they are not. Besides, they all said that they looked down on the three-acre land in the countryside." She smiled softly, and said something: "The situation of each family is completely different. , our population is simple, not as dense as that of Sister-in-law Chen's."

Sister-in-law Chen's family lives with her parents-in-law, and there are quite a few houses, but they also have many brothers. There are six sons in the family, and sister-in-law Chen's man is the fourth eldest. The family has not yet separated. Li Shuxin brought the topic to Sister-in-law Chen, and everyone naturally changed the subject, saying, "Sister-in-law Chen, your house is not small, how do you divide it up this time?"

Sister-in-law Chen was triumphant and sure: "Our family takes care of the most elderly people, and we must be the ones who take care of the most..."

Li Shuxin didn't think so. She knew that Sister-in-law Chen's family was not that simple. She listened for a while, saw her son drowsy, greeted others, and asked Shao Ling: "Baby is sleepy, will you go back with us?"

Shao Ling waved his hand: "Go back first."

He was talking here, the cigarette was on, and he was talking enthusiastically.

After walking a few steps, Shao Ling called again, "Ah Xin."

Li Shuxin turned around: "What's wrong?"

"I won't go back to eat at night."

"Okay." Li Shuxin nodded, looked at his pants and boots, and said, "Why don't you go home and change? What a pain."

After Shao Ling heard this, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he said, "It's okay."

When Shao Ling said this, Li Shuxin didn't force her. She smiled slightly and was about to leave. At this time Shao Ling suddenly said again: "Leave me a bowl of soup tonight."

Li Shuxin paused: "Understood."

She pushed the child away, and several contractors around Shao Ling laughed and teased: "Siblings are really gentle and gentle. My family doesn't know how hard it is for us to go into the water all day long."

Shao Ling's tone was somewhat smug, and Li Shuxin could hear the embarrassment in his tone from a distance-"My wife is indeed different from ordinary women! She is also gentler and more virtuous than other women. Be a little more considerate, look better, and care more about your man."

Li Shuxin: Heh~

Chapter 3

Shao Ling didn't come back until almost twelve o'clock in the evening. Regardless of the cold night, he stood by the well in the yard and took a shower for himself.

Li Shuxin came out when he heard the commotion, he was almost done washing, and stood naked in the yard, instructing Li Shuxin to find him clean shorts, and asked: "Find me a big red pair of shorts, our family has been lucky recently. You have to wear red pants."

Lai Shuxin: "I've only heard of Hongyun's head, but I've never heard of Hongyun's pants."

"Hey!" Shao Ling laughed, followed his daughter-in-law into the door, and said, "It doesn't matter whether you are lucky or not, anyway, we are lucky now."

He lay down on the bed indifferently, Li Shuxin patted his hand on it instantly, and said, "Get up, did you wipe it clean? You just lay down on the bed covered in drops of water, what's the matter with you?"

After all, she didn't hold back, and said, "Next time I go into the house to take a bath, the well water is too cold."

Seeing her like this, Shao Ling laughed softly. He pulled her hand, and Li Shuxin fell on the bed, "You..."

She struggled to get up, but was held down by Shao Ling, who said, "Lie down together for a while."

Li Shuxin pursed her lips and snorted.

Although it was already midnight, both of them were not sleepy, their eyes were wide open, they stared at the roof in a daze, the room was quiet and tight, for a long while, Shao Ling said: "I discussed with Shao Peng and the others today, Let's hire people together and organize a shrimp ring patrol by the sea."

He tapped Li Shuxin's arm lightly and rhythmically, and continued: "I went back to our circle and told the workers that everyone should work harder and don't rest. All of them are divided into two shifts. , one shift for the first half and one shift for the second half. The salary is tripled."

Li Shuxin stood up in surprise and looked at Shao Ling. She didn't expect him to do this.

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling steadfastly, and for a moment wondered if this man had also been reborn. Otherwise, how could such an arrangement be made?

This is something that he didn't have in his previous life.

But Shao Ling misunderstood. He thought that Li Shuxin was not willing to give up money, so he patted her and said, "Don't think it costs too much. We should spend this money. Buy it for peace of mind."

Li Shuxin bit her lip, Shao Ling pulled her into her arms again, and said: "This money really should be spent, I had dinner with Shao Peng and Yu Fatty at night, but I heard the terrible news. You know, right?" Fatty Yu and his family are coal diggers. He said that about ten years ago, small black mines were prevalent in their area. Some black-hearted people deliberately tricked their fellow villagers to go to those dangerous places for money. Then they disappeared. They raised the banner of justice and asked the miners for money. The mine owners usually pay a little bit in order to settle the matter. They also pick people up for doing this kind of unconscionable thing. They dare not make trouble with those who are vicious and unconscionable. Even if they want to blackmail people, they still look for those who have a little conscience, or those who are not prosperous... The reason is that the other party has a little conscience. How scary you say."

Shao Ling also knew why Fatty Yu was talking about this. There must be a lot of them in this relocation. If there were such poor and crazy people, it would be hard to say. So it would be much easier for those of them who also raised shrimp circles and sea cucumber circles by the sea to unite to attack and defend the alliance.

After all, Fatty Yu is a foreigner, so being able to bring Shao Ling and the others together is a guarantee for him.

Li Shuxin doesn't think about why everyone didn't unite in the previous life, the past is the past.

But I have to say that in their previous life, because they were locals, they were careless and let people take advantage of them. This time Shao Ling took care of her, and Li Shuxin felt a little more at ease.

She thought for a while and said, "You should also pay more attention to yourself."

Shao Ling looked at her: "I don't know about this? I'm going to make a fortune, so I can't let someone take advantage of it."

Fatty Yu didn't just talk about one thing, but also other things. Shao Ling was afraid of scaring his wife if he said it.

"These days, you have to take care of the family. Our small hotel cannot be closed for the time being. If it is closed, it will be a loss if it is not considered a business. Fortunately, the business is not good. It doesn't need to be too busy as long as it is open... "

"Shaopeng and the others are going to cover it, and I have to inquire about it tomorrow..."

"I guess tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, my parents should also receive news of the demolition. Whether they call or kill you, you don't have to pay attention, just let them find me." His tone was very cold.

Shao Ling has a bad relationship with his biological parents.

The affairs of their family can be described as a mess.

Shao Ling has four brothers and sisters. He is the second eldest, with an older brother at the top, a younger brother and a younger sister at the bottom.

He couldn't go up or down, and within three months he was taken to the countryside to live with his grandma. His parents excused that there were many children in the family, and they didn't give a penny of child support. Shao Ling lived closely with his grandma, and he knew how to pick up wires, paper shells, and toothpaste skins to sell for money when he was in elementary school.

My son doesn't give a cent of alimony, and my father doesn't give me a cent of alimony.

This made Shao Ling's grandparents very sad, and only Shao Ling was by their side when they died. Shao Ling has a deep relationship with his grandparents, because he cannot forgive his parents for this matter, and has a cold relationship with them. This is also the reason why their chubby cub was sent to Li Shuxin's family to be raised.

Shao Ling's parents were even more unreliable.

Li Shuxin knew, that family received the news tonight. Although they don't often go back to the village, there are always people who don't like others and act as a mouthpiece. Early tomorrow morning, these people will come to the door.

She laughed and said, "They can't wait until the day after tomorrow. Maybe they will arrive before we get up."

After thinking about it, Shao Ling really had this possibility, a great possibility, snorted, and said mockingly: "It's too early to get no benefit."

"Oh." The husband and wife were chatting, the son who was lying in the small bed groaned, Li Shuxin hurriedly got up, sure enough, the little guy twisted around, Li Shuxin hurriedly hugged him to "release the water", and told him without looking back : "You make milk powder for the baby."

There is no one around the young couple who can help, no matter what they have, they work together. Shao Ling was familiar with it, and the baby came back from urinating and lay on the small bed with the small bottle in his arms, taking a sip, and drank it up in a short while. The little guy didn't make a fuss after he finished drinking, he clenched his fists by his mouth, his eyelids became heavier each time.

Li Shuxin patted lightly, and the little guy quickly fell asleep.

Shao Ling lay sprawled on the bed, dozing off, and said, "Come up and sleep."


"Boom, boom, boom!"

Early in the morning, the sound of knocking on the door disturbed people's slumber. Shao Ling cursed and pulled on his slippers to open the door. His brows were so wrinkled that they could kill a fly: "Is the sky falling? Come knock on the door so early in the morning. It's really immoral."

He has a loud voice and can be heard clearly outside the door.

The door opens, yo ho, it's really well-equipped, everyone is there.

Shao's father, Shao's mother, the eldest couple, the youngest couple, and the younger sister Shao Zhi.

"What kind of wind brings you here?"

Shao Ling's father is Shao Guowei. He was assigned to work as a teacher in a county junior high school after graduating from a teacher's college in his early years. With his professional habits and being doted on since he was a child, he grew up smoothly. He thinks highly of himself and always says what he says at home.

He is a very typical patriarch, and none of his children are afraid of him.

However, except for this second child that he never raised.

"The village is going to be relocated, so naturally we have to come back. This is your grandma's ancestral property..." Before finishing speaking, Shao Ling interrupted: "What does the ancestral property have to do with you? You want me to get a notarization for you Can you find the village chief by the way?"

Shao Guowei stopped talking for a moment, and he secretly hated his parents for doing nothing and not giving him a chance!

He consulted his lawyer overnight last night, knowing that he would have no chance in a lawsuit.

Shao Ling's mother's name is Fan Lian. She didn't like it, so she quickly said, "Father Ah Cheng, why do you say this? Ah Ling, your father didn't mean that. Your father is just stupid. In fact, we just listened to him. Speaking of relocation in the village, I was afraid that you would be deceived when you were young, so I came here to see if I could help."

Shao Ling smiled, "I think the biggest liars are like you."

Shao Guowei's face turns blue and white.

Seeing him like this, Shao Ling could still laugh, calmly: "You don't have to worry about relocation, it has nothing to do with you anyway. Do you want to come in?"

Fan Lian was very kind: "How can we not come in when we come to see you? Look at your child. Your wife hasn't woken up yet? It's getting late."

Shao Ling didn't know his mother put on eye drops yet?

"Ham, isn't this relocation? We were so excited that we didn't sleep until dawn."

Shao Guowei's face was ugly again. Shao Ling admired his father's ugly face and said, "Sit in your yard for a while, and I'll call my wife."

Shao Jing, the third son of the Shao family, hurriedly said, "Second brother, what do you want to eat in the morning, let me and Ah Hui make some."

"Okay, just do whatever you want."

"Let me come and try my mother's handiwork, eldest daughter-in-law, you and the third daughter-in-law will help me. If a man enters the kitchen, the third daughter-in-law should stay there." Fan Lian led the two daughters-in-law into the kitchen.

Seeing the mess in the kitchen, he frowned dissatisfiedly, wanted to scold the second daughter-in-law for being lazy, but knew that the second daughter was not the eldest and the third, and would not listen to her, so he frowned sullenly, and immediately Directed the two daughters-in-law.

The eldest daughter-in-law and the third daughter-in-law looked at each other and curled their lips.

They are also women, the daughter-in-law has to work, and the daughter-in-law can do nothing.

At this time, Shao Zhi poked his head in the yard, feeling disgusted: "Isn't this place too dirty?"

Shao Jing has the worst relationship with this younger sister, and he hates her: "The difference is worth more than the city."

Shao Zhi gave him a hard look, the two of them looked like fighting cocks.

The little Jifeng in the yard is unknown to the people in the house.

As soon as Shao Ling went out to open the door, Li Shuxin got up. She was wearing a sea blue long dress. She likes to wear long skirts very much. She looks slender and tall. The velvet cloth was inlaid with pearls, and she put it on her little rabbit's tail without any hassle. After a brief tidying up, Shao Ling also came in.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, gave a smack, and said, "It would be nice if you tidy up like this."

He obviously just tidied up his hair briefly, but he could tell that it was quite different.

"My daughter-in-law is better than others."

Li Shuxin whitened him and said, "You've almost got it, I'm ashamed to brag like that."

Shao Ling: "Why did you blow it?"

He laughed, "I'm telling the truth."

Li Shuxin took a deep look at him, Shao Ling suddenly leaned forward, and kissed her on the mouth, like a mouse that stole oil, smiled triumphantly, picked up his son in one hand, hummed a little tune, and went out again.

Surprised, Li Shuxin put a finger on her lips, bit her lips, and smiled.

Chapter 4

The Shao family didn't dare to be tough when they came to the door.

What the two elders of the Shao family did before they passed away really didn't leave anything behind.

Shao Guowei and Fan Lian knew that their second son was not easy to get along with, so they originally thought about whether they could take the legal route. I visited three lawyers overnight yesterday, and the lawyers' fees were spent, but the news was very clear. No matter which one it is, it is concluded that they cannot win even if they go to court.

If you want to take advantage of this, you can only be courteous.

Li Shuxin was married for three years, and it was the first time she ate breakfast made by her mother-in-law.

Oh, no, I have eaten it in my previous life, but not many times, I can count it with one slap.

It is estimated that Shao Ling has never tasted his own mother's handicrafts. His "very honest" comment: "Mom, you are too fooling people. Preserved egg and lean meat porridge tastes delicious only if it is boiled for a long time. You this time It's not hot enough to eat."

Shao's eldest daughter-in-law and Shao's third daughter-in-law didn't need to look up at their mother-in-law to think how ugly her face was, and felt much happier. But when I looked up, I saw the kindness on the old lady's face, not dissatisfied at all, but with guilt, she said softly, "Mom has been doing really badly all these years, and she doesn't even know your living habits."

I'm used to seeing my mother-in-law being mean, so I seem to have seen a ghost.

Not to mention, they were quite shocked, but Li Shuxin was not shocked. What was there to be shocked about? I have seen it several times in my previous life, like a chameleon. People can't change for feelings, but they can change for money.

But they really underestimated Shao Ling, and Fan Lian put on a warm face, but Shao Ling didn't say anything, and said: "I only drink porridge in the morning, how can I be full? Feed the cat? I do physical work." son."

He still wanted to complain, but Li Shuxin didn't want to hear it anymore, and got up: "I'll go buy some fried ghosts."

Shao Ling immediately smiled and said, "It's still my wife who knows that she loves me."

Li Shuxin: "This is what I want to eat. What does it have to do with you?"

Shao Ling acted foolishly: "You are duplicity."

He smiled and said, "I don't know you yet? You love me the most and care about me."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Can this person twist the words into what he wants to hear the most?

She bent down to tease her son, and said, "Will the baby go with mother?"

Of course the little guy wouldn't answer, but as a lively little chubby kid who loves to go out, he immediately threw himself on his mother. Li Shuxin laughed and said, "Okay, okay, I'll take you, don't rush."

The little guy didn't understand at all, and kept twisting and turning in the small car.


Suddenly, there was a scream, followed by a burst of crying, accompanied by hysterical yelling, the little baby who was still twisting just now froze for a moment, seemed a little confused, and didn't know where to go coming voice.

Li Shuxin immediately picked up her son, shook her son gently, and said, "Don't be afraid, baby, it's fine."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." The little guy was comforted by his mother and started to "talk" again. His big eyes were shining and his little ears were pricked up. Gululu didn't know what he was talking about. He was a curious baby.

The noise became louder, and Shao Ling put down his job: "I'll go out and have a look."

"Second brother, I will go with you."

"I'll go with you too."

This person is curious, the Shao family is not familiar with the villagers and wants to watch the excitement. Even their little chubby cub was trying hard to go to the door.

Li Shuxin: "Let's not watch the fun, mom will take you to buy fried ghosts."

Although the little baby didn't know anything, Li Shuxin still thought about it and pushed the little guy out. As soon as I came out, I saw several families gathered around the door of the old Chen's house next door. Sister-in-law Chen, who had vowed yesterday that they would take a big share of the relocation, had messy hair, a swollen face, and a flushed face, entangled and scuffled with several women. together.

These are all her sisters-in-law, and when they fight, it's like a bullfight.

On the other hand, the men in the family stood aside, not making moves, but all of them stared at the brother with scarlet eyes, as if they could make a move in the next moment. Li Shuxin knew that they really did make a move, but she didn't want to watch this kind of excitement.

When the little guy saw his father, he stretched out his little hand and babbled to go there, Li Shuxin: "No, baby."

How can this person be sure to move his hands when he gets angry? Just as he was thinking about it, he heard an ouch. Li Shuxin looked back and saw that her mother-in-law was knocked and sat on the ground, oops, oops. She just glanced at it, didn't look back, turned a corner and went to the back street.

Shao Ling didn't even intend to be their filial son, and her daughter-in-law was even more incompetent. Something happened to the sea cucumber circle in their previous life, and they all hid eight hundred miles away for fear of being caught. But then their life got better again, and they started talking about "family affection" instead.

Li Shuxin came to the small stall, and the small stall here did not stop because of the relocation.

Aunt Cuifen, the proprietress, smiled and asked, "Eat here or take away?"

Li Shuxin: "Take it away."

"Then wait a minute, it sold out quickly this morning."

The news of the relocation just came out yesterday, and today everyone feels that they can't treat themselves badly. Early in the morning, she was very busy here, and she was very happy. His house was also relocated, but if he made a lot of money, he couldn't let go of the small money.

Who knows when the relocation will start.

"Over there, is the Chen family still making trouble?"

Li Shuxin nodded and said, "It's time to do it."

As soon as the words came out, everyone's eyes widened, and they asked, "Is it for demolition? How will his family be divided?"

The one mocked: "Sister-in-law Chen was still saying yesterday that she would definitely take the lead."

Others said: "The elder's house can be divided as she wants, and she can make up her own mind? I really don't know what to say."

Another said: "Which family is not for the sake of the children? Anyway, it will be given to them sooner or later, so it is better to give it to them early."

Li Shuxin listened with a smile on her face. Aunt Cuifen finished frying and put it on for her. She hiccupped and teased the little guy, saying, "Baby will come to visit my aunt in the future."

The little guy was lying on the car with his face upside down, showing a big smile to Aunt Cuifen.

Immediately, the little thing's eyes were attracted by the deep-fried ghosts carried by his mother, and he stopped looking at Aunt Cui Fen. He poked around with his little hands, trying to catch the golden yellow and fragrant delicious food. He can already eat a little complementary food now, and he smells the aroma of oil, which is very dishonest.

Aunt Cuifen also laughed: "What a lucky little guy."

This is true, and no one in the village would lament Shao Ling as a chicken thief, and why Shao Ling and Li Shuxin and his wife have two houses. The first is the part left by Shao Ling's grandma to his grandson; the second is the homestead that Shao Ling applied for when he got married. The last part is the homestead of their son Shao Jiaxi. Their local custom is that all male dolls have a homestead.

Shao Ling's household registration was in the village. As his son, Shao Jiaxi naturally also has a rural household registration and has a homestead.

Last year, their sea cucumber family made money. Shao Ling expanded the sea cucumber circle, and at the same time applied for his son's homestead to build a house. Come out and build a house.

Shao Ling is quick to move, but who would have thought that, he only built the house at the end of last year, and he will move out this year.

That's why, many people said that Shao Ling's chubby boy is a lucky child.

At this time, the lucky little chubby boy was still trying to hook his mother's food bag, but he hooked it several times to no avail, and the little boy angrily said to his mother, "Ahhh!"

Li Shuxin poked his fleshy little face and said with a smile, "Baby can't eat it."

She is much more patient with her son than men, Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Let's go home, mom will steam your eggs for you."

The little guy seems to have a feeling for "Dandan", and the little paw pats and pats, very anxious.

"Shu Xin, your child is so well taken care of, the little one is so cute, my one..." Aunt Cui Fen was exchanging greetings, when she saw people rushing towards her in a hurry, and before the people from far away came, she yelled: "Second brother Daughter-in-law, does the third uncle of your natal family dig wells?"

This is Shao Ling's uncle.

Li Shuxin was taken aback, thought for a while, and said, "It seems so."

"Great, please help me get in touch! I want to dig a well, and I'd better come here today. Oh no, I must come today..."

Li Shuxin: "But he hasn't done this for many years..."

"What's the matter, I don't want to use it! It doesn't matter if the quality is poor."

Li Shuxin thought about it, and said: "Uncle Wu, I don't know much about my third uncle's skills, so that's good, I'll let him contact you, and you can talk about it in detail, okay?"

"All right, hurry up."

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "I'll go home and call right now."

"Uncle Wu, why do you think of digging a well..."

"Ah, that's right, the water well also needs extra money!"

Uncle Wu was also unambiguous, and said, "I'm going to the suburban county to buy saplings tomorrow, which one of you wants to go with me?"

"I'll go, I'll go."

"My house has to go too!" Aunt Cui Fen also hurriedly said, "I'll call my boy, and he will be back this morning."

"Hey, my family plans to build two kennels. When my relatives move out, one kennel will be returned to 80."

"You don't have a dog at home?"

The young daughter-in-law who spoke smugly smiled and said, "I'll borrow two dogs from my mother's house, and I'll return them after the registration is over."

Li Shuxin burst out laughing.

The little daughter-in-law who spoke was called Hailan. Hailan was not annoyed when she saw Li Shuxin smiled, and said to her: "Axin, don't think that you have a lot of houses, so you don't care about these little money. Think about it, go What is the cost of picking some stones in the mountains and building a doghouse? But eighty may buy a pot of fried ghosts."

Aunt Cuifen: "I can't use it all up. If I fry this pot, I can sell it for thirty."

Hailan: "Look!"

Li Shuxin was taught, nodded: "Yes."

But she also said: "It's appropriate, but my family doesn't do it anymore. I'm too busy. My family doesn't have time to do this kind of small work, so it's not appropriate to hire someone."

"That's true."

"Second daughter-in-law, stop nagging, go back and make a phone call quickly. Don't let anyone preempt you."

Li Shuxin was pushed back, and Hai Lan said again: "The steps are also paid extra, we plan to pick up some flat stones and build a step for the house..."

"I regret it, it's too late. If I had known that my daughter would get married half a year later, the headcount fee, the relocation fee, and the settlement fee, how much less it is..." Heartbroken.

The small breakfast stall quickly gathered a group of people because of the relocation, Li Shuxin looked back.

Uncle Wu urged her: "Go, go!"

Li Shuxin: "..."


This place was in full swing, and when I got home, I heard Shao Ling say again: "Since you are willing to stay and help, that's fine, I plan to build another row of simple houses on the other side of the sea cucumber circle, it must be expensive to hire people now, you come to do small jobs Bar......"

Li Shuxin looked at the group of Shao's family, hey, hey, that face is so colorful.

The author has something to say:

There will be all kinds of strange flowers in front of you, but they won't affect Ah Xin, and they won't fight each other.

Chapter 5

When it comes to demolition, everyone wants to squeeze wool.

A well and a kennel, such a small business, will not care about it with the common people. But don't think about the house. Now that the announcement has come down, it will be a waste of effort to build it.

Li Shuxin knew that none of the houses that were added to their village this time were approved.

But at this time, she not only didn't mention the objection, but also said with a smile: "There is a shortage of people everywhere now. I met Uncle Wu just now. He looked for workers like robbery. Our family is doing well, with so many helpers."

Shao Ling glanced at his daughter-in-law, and said with a half-smile: "Ordinary people are not as active as my parents. By the way, parents, you don't have to help me with the work. I'm not sure about the sand, gravel, bricks and soil here." You can't start work even if it's fixed today, you'd better go to see your uncle and give him a hand. I remember Dad, when you were studying at the teacher's college, your uncle paid your tuition fees, right? You can't forget your roots."

"Those old calendars with old sesame seeds and rotten millet!" Shao Guowei was unhappy again. He wanted to get money with warmth, but he didn't want to really pay anything.

In this world, where is there such a good thing?

Shao Ling didn't care, and said, "Dad, because of what you did, I can't hold my head up in the village. Are you going? If you don't, then don't come!"

Compared with Shao Guowei, who is like a stone in a latrine, Shao Ling's mother, Fan Lian, can put on a show. When she saw Shao Ling's tone was serious, she immediately said: "You should go, your father is usually too busy. .Actually, I've wanted to see your uncle for a long time. It's not too busy. Besides, I'm also worried that your uncle won't understand..."

Pause and continue: "Since you think you should go, then go. Let your dad lead your elder brother and the others there, and mom won't go. Mom and Xiaozhi will clean up for you. You see, all your clothes are thrown in the yard. If you don't wash your clothes, how much effort would it take to wash some clothes? How can you live your life like this, your daughter-in-law... hey."

As soon as Li Shuxin finished speaking, she went into the house and called to contact the well digger. When she heard this as soon as she went out, she raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Shao Ling, your mother loves you."

Shao Ling also laughed, but it made people a little unclear what he was laughing at. He laughed enough, Shao Ling said: "Mom, don't make trouble for our house, we don't need you here."

"Brother, why are you talking to Mom!" Shao Zhi held back all morning, and said arrogantly: "Mom has a good heart, and you don't appreciate it and still say such things? You really married a wife and forgot your mother!"

Shao Ling withdrew his smile, looked at the younger sister coldly, and said, "This is my home."

Shao Zhi was not convinced: "What do you mean!"

Shao Ling lazily said, "It means, if I don't like it, you all get out!"

He has no relationship with his parents, let alone this sister. He still remembers that when he was a child, he went back to eat a meal during the Chinese New Year, just because he ate an extra fried spring roll. Shao Zhi stood on the stool, looked down at him, and scolded: "Where did you come from, the little beggar, there is not enough to eat, you Get out, don't come to my house for dinner, this is my house!"

At that time, his father frowned and said: "If you grow up in the village and have no education, you can't do it."

His mother smiled and said: "You see, our Xiaozhi knows how to protect food at such a young age, he is a clever child."

As for his elder brother and third younger brother, one didn't seem to see it, and the other didn't dare to look up...

Shao Ling heard this scene suddenly, his expression was a little cold, and he said: "I have to go to the beach, I don't have time to entertain you here."

He was not at home, and he would not let these people stay, saying: "This is my home, and it is not up to others to be the masters of the house. Whether you go to your uncle's side or go back to the city, you can decide for yourself, but don't stay with me." Add to the chaos."

He issued the order to evict the guests, and looked at several people with his arms crossed, with a very alienated expression.

Li Shuxin looked at this and that, and the little chubby boy in her arms also looked at this and that, but the expressions of the two women were similar.

This mother and son are two, let's watch the fun!

Fan Lian was angry, but she also knew that Shao Ling was not at her mercy. It was absolutely impossible to ease the long-standing grievances once. If it can be eased once, it will not be Shao Ling.

She immediately pressed Shao Guowei, and said softly, "Let's go to your uncle's house to sit for a while, but your father and the others both have to go to work, so we can't stay for long."

Shao Cheng, the boss of the Shao family, didn't talk much, but his wife echoed him: "Yes, your elder brother also has to go to work. I'm afraid I can't help you with these trivial matters here. But your elder brother is a college graduate, so he still has knowledge. Yes. You are starting to move here, and he can help you."

"The third child doesn't study that much, but it's okay to contribute. A good man and three helpers." The third daughter-in-law said with a smile.

Shao Zhi pursed her lips, very unconvinced. Among the children, she was the one who resembled Shao Guowei the most, she was the kind who wanted to take advantage of it. Seeing sister-in-law and third sister-in-law being so flattering, she snorted.

"Shao Ling, Shao Ling!"

This side was about to go out when they heard someone calling. Shao Ling went out and saw that it was Fatty Yu.

Fatty Yu drove a van, followed by another van, and when he got out of the van, he called someone, "Brother, are you home?"

Shao Ling went out immediately: "Brother Yu?"

Fatty Yu smiled a little, and said, "Our people have been found, but there is no place to live by the seaside. I think you run a small hotel here. I wonder if we can arrange for them to live here?"

He immediately added: "This is extra money, let's share it equally."

Shao Ling: "Okay."

Fatty Yu waved his hand, and soon there were more than 20 people coming out of the two vans. The vans were packed to the brim, and they jumped off one by one. Everyone looked tall and strong. When the Shao family went out to meet, the male comrades stared wide-eyed, and the female comrades shrank back silently.

Shao Ling: "Go, I'll take you there."

Shao Ling led the people away, Fan Lian immediately changed her face, and said sharply: "Second daughter-in-law, what's going on? Who are these people? Second child is so tired, you can't share it at all? "

This is not the daughter-in-law I chose, but I can't.

Li Shuxin's eyes were clear and innocent, she said: "Mom, you just say that without knowing anything, it's really sad to hear, we are a family of three, and the little fat boy needs to be taken care of, not me To share the burden with A Ling, could it be that he has three heads and six arms?"

"How dare you talk back!" Fan Lian was annoyed.

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Mom, you see that you are really angry. To be honest, how can you call it back. Besides, it's not the old society, so people don't talk anymore!"

She is really not angry. She has seen her mother-in-law's tricks in her previous life.

What's more, during the years she worked as a salesperson, she really saw a lot of strange things.

As for her mother-in-law, she can't even be ranked.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Shao Ling frowned when he came back and saw them.

Shao Jing, the youngest of the Shao family, hurriedly said, "We are leaving now, second brother, who are those people?"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows and said, "We hired security guards together to guard against the flies who came to the door after hearing about the relocation."

The Shao family seemed to be connoted, and Shao Ling didn't care about the ugly face he said. Instead, he grabbed the fried ghost and stuffed it into his mouth, saying: "You have to spend the money before you get the money." Money. By the way, I ran into my uncle on the street just now. Our superiors asked us to move the grave. Uncle asked you to come over and discuss with us how to deal with it."

When Shao Guowei heard this, he immediately stared: "Didn't you say that you are fully responsible for your grandma's affairs?"

Shao Ling's anger suddenly rose, and the rice bowl he had just picked up fell on the table with a bang, and said, "I will take care of my grandma, I don't need you! Uncle and the others are talking about grandpa and grandma. And the old man's generation! I know you don't talk about family affection, you go if you like, and you don't go if you don't like it, but don't think that others are fools, just be shrewd."

His grandfather gave birth to seven golden flowers before he gave birth to his father's son.

The uncle Shao Ling spoke of was actually his uncle.

A great grandfather.

"Second brother, you..." Fan Lian wanted to calm down again, but Shao Ling didn't want to listen anymore, so he got up directly: "Don't let me drive people away with a broom, get out!"

Shao Cheng, the boss of the Shao family, tensed his face, and said, "Second brother, you also..."

"go out!"

Shao Ling immediately picked up the broom. He was tall and had done a lot of physical work these years. Although he was not strong, he looked muscular and not easy to provoke. The eldest daughter-in-law immediately grabbed the man and said, "Why don't we go first."

"Yes, let's go first." The third daughter-in-law was also afraid of being beaten.

The second child is fierce enough, but she has not forgotten that there are more than twenty "thugs".

What kind of security guards, they think they are called "thugs".

"Mom, I'm afraid." Shao Zhi felt wronged.

It is said that other people's families are patriarchal, but Shao's family is worthless if there are too many boys. Shao Guowei and Fan Lian's favorite is this little daughter.

"You bastard, don't ask me if you have anything to do!" Shao Guowei pointed at Shao Ling and said harsh words, then pulled the whole family around and left.

Shao Jing didn't want to leave. He didn't have that bad relationship with his second brother, but he didn't dare to disobey his father. He made gestures and winks with Shao Ling as he walked.

The courtyard, which was still lively just now, suddenly became quiet, Shao Ling's face turned dark, and his heart was not in a good mood. Li Shuxin stepped forward and patted his back lightly twice, and said, "Why are you so angry? You should have known who they were long ago?"

Shao Ling: "I just can't understand what they did."

Li Shuxin comforted people: "You can't get used to it, they will do it, and they won't remember any old people. We just need to remember. Although your parents generally only recognize money, if you don't give it to them, you can't follow it. Take it out of your pocket. Besides, the grave will be moved recently, and they will definitely not come back for fear of spending money. You don't have to look at them."

Shao Ling looked up at Li Shuxin, hummed softly, embraced her with one hand, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and said, "Thank you too."

Li Shuxin: "That's it."

She laughed softly and said, "Everyone is arranged?"

Shao Ling nodded: "Well, they work in two shifts, but I didn't completely count on them. The workers in our own circle are also divided into two shifts. I have inquired about it, and the announcement is made. As long as we have no objection, we will definitely move within a month. Yes, we actually only spend one month's money."

Li Shuxin didn't dare to rest assured, she thought about it, and said: "Separate people, don't let those who are close to each other be in the same class."

She said: "We must guard against others."

Shao Ling leaned back and looked at Li Shuxin appreciatively.

Li Shuxin raised her eyes: "What's wrong?"

Shao Ling folded his hands on his chest, raised his eyebrows and said, "Daughter-in-law, you've been acting weird these two days."

Li Shuxin's heart skipped a beat, and she raised her eyes and asked charmingly, "What's wrong?"

Shao Ling couldn't say it well, but he just felt a little different.

After thinking for a long time, the man concluded: "You are cold to me."

When he talked about this, he was wronged: "You don't feel sorry for me anymore."

Li Shuxin chuckled, pushed him, and said, "You're not serious."

"What am I serious about with you?"

He put his hand on Li Shuxin's shoulder and said, "Tell me, why should I be serious with you?"

She was entangled by Shao Ling, and finally couldn't help but turned around and hugged his waist. She obviously didn't smile, but her big eyes were bent, smiling, and she said: "Okay, you are the most unscrupulous, okay right?"

The corners of her mouth also turned up, and she said, "Mr. Indecent, let's talk about something serious?"

Shao Ling: "Huh?"

Li Shuxin: "We don't want to add houses."

Shao Ling's eyes widened all of a sudden, and he said, "Is there anyone who thinks there is too much money? Everyone takes it. If we don't take it, it's not a loss..."

Li Shuxin didn't wait for him to speak, interrupted him, and said, "You think the fact that the notifications have come down will allow us to take advantage of this? If you go out and inquire about it, you will find out that there is no such thing. I don't approve of your wasting effort. Our family has few people, if you still build a house, you will be too tired."

At this time, Shao Ling was smiling, and looked at her ambiguously and said, "So, you still love me, don't you?"

Li Shuxin: "..."

She couldn't hold it back, reached out to pinch Shao Ling's face, and said, "You're being passionate!"

Chapter 6

Li Shuxin is not in favor of building a house.

Shao Ling didn't take it seriously, but before he could do anything, the demolition registration had already started. The first thing to talk about is that it is impossible for these farmers to build houses in the circle. There are about seven or eight farming households in their village along the seaside, and the demolition office will discuss with them.

Shaoling has two big sea cucumber circles, but not the most. His scale can only be regarded as medium, and the one with the largest breeding area is Shao Peng. Shao Peng is the nephew of the village director. No matter how he looks at this relocation, he is the "leader", which vaguely means "leader brother".

Almost half of the people in their village have the surname Shao, and they have relatives at every turn, and Shao Ling has to call Shao Peng a cousin even when he turns a corner. But this "cousin" is really far away.

This time Shao Peng took the lead, and Shao Ling followed. To put it bluntly, the reason for the large-scale relocation this time is mainly to build a port, and they can't help but open their mouths about such a project. Although Shao Peng took the lead, Shao Peng was not the first to sign. Yu Fatty was the first.

They live in groups locally, and outsiders are not greedy for fat people, so they just want to settle down.

Shao Ling saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart. He went home and discussed it with Li Shuxin, and the second one signed.

Shao Peng didn't say anything when he knew it, but secretly said that Shao Ling was not good at doing things and had no courage. These words inevitably reached Shao Ling's ears. The biggest thing in the village now is relocation, and the first thing they say when they meet is "relocation, relocation".

What news travels the fastest?

related to relocation.

Shao Ling was not happy in his heart, so he couldn't talk about it outside, but he felt wronged with Li Shuxin when he returned home. He said: "These people are really gossips, and each family has its own difficulties. Naturally, I have my reasons for signing the papers early. It's up to me." Are they talking behind their backs?"

This happened in the previous life, probably because Li Shuxin knew what might happen, so Li Shuxin was not so angry.

She comforted her man with a smile, and said, "What do you care what they say? Demolition is a good thing. If you get angry, it's not a good thing. You, you, you, look at how angry you are recently ."

He has a lot of anger this time.

Shao Ling also felt that he was a little angry, but he was not a good-tempered person in the first place. On the contrary, his daughter-in-law has been able to hold things together recently, and she is not angry at all. He said, "Then tell me, how can you not be angry?"

Li Shuxin leaned forward slightly, with a smile: "I have money."

Shao Ling: "Huh?"

Li Shuxin was confident and confident: "Whenever you want to get angry, you just think, I have money! And it's pie in the sky, so don't you get so angry?"

Shao Ling couldn't help laughing, he looked at Li Shuxin's bright face, suppressed his smile again, turned his head to look at his son who was sitting on the bed, leaning on the quilt and chewing his feet, and said, "Look at your mother, it's really A money junkie."

The little guy gnawed happily, spit out bubbles, and showed a big smile to his father. Shao Ling immediately said, "Look, our baby agrees."

Li Shuxin rolled her eyes, feeling that this person is really not worth comforting.

She turned to leave, but was stopped by Shao Ling and said, "Let's talk for a while."

Li Shuxin: "Why? Money fans don't want to talk to you."

Shao Ling laughed hard, pulled him onto his lap, and said, "Did you say you weren't angry just now? Are you petty?"

He shook his legs, hugged her and said, "The contract stipulates that the money will be paid within one month. After the money is paid, it will be buried. I have to deal with the sea cucumbers during this period. I may not be able to take care of it at home." Come on, worry about it. You should tidy up your things in the past few days, and you will have to move them when the time comes."

Li Shuxin nodded and said hello.

These are the little things, the most important thing is tomorrow, yes, tomorrow!

Tomorrow will be the day when something happened in her previous life. She pursed her lips, thought about it, and said half-truth and half-false of the excuse she had thought up before: "Is Wang Axing over there from Tangkou Village next door?"

Shao Ling didn't know why Li Shuxin mentioned this suddenly, but he nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, the one next door, what's the matter?"

Li Shuxin: "Be careful when you use him. People in Tangkou Village are quite jealous of what we can demolish this time, and they may not be reliable."

Shao Ling laughed and said, "He's been working here for two years, he's fine."

Li Shuxin reached out and grabbed Shao Ling's ear, and said, "You serve snacks, what's the matter for two years, you know people and faces but don't know your heart. You even guard against your parents, and you don't guard against outsiders? Seriously, there was still soup yesterday. Two boys from the village went to Uncle Zhao's field to steal things. Uncle Wu also said that when they stole things, they still hated that they couldn't sell them at a high price. It can be sold at a high price."

Shao Ling pursed her lips. After all, they have been husband and wife for so many years. Li Shuxin knew at a glance that he had listened. She said, "I'm afraid they will cooperate with each other. Although Wang Axing has been working with you for two years, it's not like seeing you Isn't he the boss? They are a village, so they must be closer to each other?"

Shao Ling nodded: "I know, I will keep it in my heart."

Li Shuxin breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

Shao Ling leaned against her head, stroked it lightly, and said, "Daughter-in-law~"

Li Shuxin blushed slightly, and said softly, "You..."


The little chubby cub was playing with his feet by himself, but for some reason he fell upside down on the bed, and the little guy wasn't afraid, but Ah Pu was spitting bubbles and laughing. Li Shuxin quickly pressed Shao Lingluanlai's hand and said: "The child hasn't slept yet..."

She quickly got up and picked up her son. The little guy sucked his little nose and shook his little hands.

Shao Ling: "This kid deliberately made trouble for me, he is not good at all."

Li Shuxin was unwilling to listen, so she gave him a look and said, "Don't talk about our baby."

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do I think that you love him the most now?"

Li Shuxin opened her eyes wide in surprise, and asked, "Could it be that you think I love you the most? What is this illusion?"

Shao Ling pursed the corners of his mouth, and quickly started: "Okay, you little villain, see if I don't deal with you."

Li Shuxin: "Ah! What are you doing, let go, puff, hahahaha..."

Li Shuxin was the most ticklish, Shao Ling moved her feet, she laughed itchy, and quickly moved away, Shao Ling clung to her. Li Shuxin: "Help, help!"

The little chubby cub was held in his mother's arms and dodged. He was so happy to play, drooling three thousand feet, and giggling when he laughed, his little hands hugged his mother's neck tightly. But, the room is so big, Li Shuxin and the chubby boy were quickly held in Shao Ling's arms, and each of them received two kisses.

Before the family of three had finished arguing, they heard someone knocking on the door calling Shao Ling, Shao Ling: "Fuck!"

"It's annoying!" he said.

There are a lot of messes in the village recently, they are used to it, Shao Ling: "I'll go and see, you don't have to wait for me, you lock the door and rest."

Li Shuxin nodded: "Okay."

Shao Ling went out quickly.

"Ahhh~" The little chubby cub watched his father leave, and hummed anxiously.

Li Shuxin patted his little butt lightly, and said, "Let's not follow, let's go, mom will make you apple puree."

The little chubby boy was impressed with the word "eat", and immediately pursed his lips, pattering. Li Shuxin looked amused, but still shook the little guy and said, "Sit down, baby, and mother will make you something to eat."


"Yes, give the baby fruit puree."


"Yes, mother knows that the baby loves to eat."

The two talked like chicken and duck, but the talk was very good, and there was back and forth.

In the previous life, their husband and wife owed their children, but the children did not owe them.

Although their son Shao Jiaxi was timid, cowardly and introverted, he looked like a gloomy child, but he never let them worry about it since he was a child. In this life, she hopes that her children will have a good growth environment and a happy childhood.

She didn't want to be a housewife all the time, but she would never send her children back to her natal family to be left-behind children.

"Baby, next time we go to the city, can mom buy you fruit puree? Some rice noodles too? Our baby can eat solid food now."


"Buy some fish floss for the baby too."

"Ah woo."

"The baby likes it, right? Mom knows that the baby likes to eat it." Li Shuxin fed the little guy apple puree one bite at a time, thinking about going to the city to buy food supplements for the baby, or to look at the house first. place to live.

She remembered that in her previous life, most of the people in the village lived not far away. Their side was originally a suburb of the city. Although it was a rural area, it was very convenient to live in. So everyone is not very happy to move too far. Basically, the choice is Shangyun Village, an urban village on the other side of the city.

Shangyun Village is closer to Lincheng than their side. Their village needs an intercity bus to go to the city, and there is a bus in Shangyun Village. If you like, you can ride a bicycle or a motorcycle. It is also convenient for Shangyun Village to go to and from their village, and they can come back at any time to watch the progress of the construction here.

The most important thing is that Shangyun Village is an urban village, most of which are old buildings or private houses, and the prices are relatively cheap.

Even though the demolition has money, the government also subsidizes the rent during the transitional period of the demolition, but people are still not willing to spend money on it, and prefer to save this part. If they rent a house in Shangyun Village, there will still be rent left.

But Li Shuxin didn't plan to rent a house in Shangyun Village. Although the couple left Lincheng very quickly, she still knew some things about relatives trapping relatives. The atmosphere in Shangyun Village was not very good.

Eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, cheating, cheating, and stealing, some people in Shangyun Village have nothing to do with it. So she doesn't plan to go there to find a house.

As for going to Lincheng?

Although she grew up in Lincheng, according to the memories of her previous life, she has been gone for more than 20 years and rarely came back. She doesn't know as much about Lincheng as she does about Shangyun Village. If you are looking for a house, you must look more.

She checked to see if there was a suitable one earlier... "Axin, are you at home, Axin?"

Li Shuxin was thinking about what to do when she heard someone call the door.

Now the output basically depends on roaring, and Li Shuxin recognized Hailan's voice.

She has been very busy recently, why did she come here at this time?

Li Shuxin hurried out to answer the door: "Hailan? Why are you here at this hour?"

Hailan was not alone, there was a middle-aged woman beside her, she seemed to have cried, her eyes were red, she was a little embarrassed when she saw Li Shuxin, but she still smiled.

"I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing." Hailan is a straightforward person, she said: "Go, go in and talk."

Hailan entered the door familiarly, saw the little guy lying in the small bed, stepped forward to hiccup to tease him, and said, "Little guy, do you recognize Auntie?"

The little baby Hei Putao looked at Hailan with big eyes, twisted his fleshy little body, turned his little face away, and smiled at his mother.

Hailan: "Hey, little guy..."

Li Shuxin smiled and beckoned the two of them to sit down, and then looked at Hailan. At this time, she was quite familiar with Hailan, but it was the other one, and she couldn't remember who it was, as if she had no impression.

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows and turned around to pour tea, Hailan quickly hugged her and said, "No, no, don't worry about it, I'm here on business this time."

Without waiting for Li Shuxin to ask further questions, she said, "Sister-in-law Xiuchang wants to find a place to live. Doesn't your family have a small hotel? I want to ask if there are any rooms available."

She said: "There are rooms, but you also know that there are a lot of strange big men living there... Sister-in-law Xiuchang lives in the past, isn't it convenient? Besides, why doesn't sister-in-law Xiuchang live at home?"

Speaking of this, the woman burst into tears, and Hailan said angrily, "Isn't Second Brother Zhu losing his conscience? Now that he's about to be relocated and rich, he wants to kick sister-in-law Xiuchang out of the house!"

Li Shuxin glanced at the middle-aged woman again, and suddenly remembered who she was.

The author has something to say:

Lincheng, a fictional city.

Chapter 7

Li Shuxin remembered who she was.

Xiuchang's sister-in-law is the daughter-in-law of the second brother Zhu in the village. She has been married for more than ten years, and her relationship has not been very good. It is said that Brother Zhu had a first love when he was young, but because Brother Zhu's family was too poor, they did not get together.

Later, Brother Zhu's family decided to marry his sister-in-law Xiuchang. Although the relationship between the husband and wife is average and they are stumbling, but the couple are hardworking people, and their days are prosperous. However, with this demolition, this "stability" was broken.

Brother Zhu rekindled his old relationship with his first love before he got the money.

Not only did the old love rekindle, but also wanted Xiuchang's sister-in-law to leave the house. Xiuchang's sister-in-law is a weak woman, but fortunately her two older brothers seem to be very difficult to mess with. In the end, it seemed that all the property was divided equally.

Li Shuxin glanced at the crying woman in front of her, and said, "Sister-in-law, don't cry, it's inconvenient for you to live in my hotel. If you get into trouble with Brother Zhu, you'd better go back to your mother's house. It's good to have family members to advise you Some."

Xiuchang shook her head: "How can I go back to my mother's house after a quarrel..."

Li Shuxin sighed slightly in his heart: "If you don't go back to your mother's house, living outside won't solve the problem? Now our village is relocated and it's in a mess. Who can rest assured that you live outside alone? If you go back, they can help you take care of yourself." After all, we are a family, so we know more about your family's situation and how to reconcile conflicts for your husband and wife. What do outsiders know?"

If this person doesn't ask her natal family to help, she is so weak that there will be no bones left after being eaten.

But that cannot be said.

Xiuchang's sister-in-law was red-eyed again, with tears in her eye sockets. Hailan, who was on the side, patted her hand and said, "Why are you crying! I think Ah Xin is right. This matter Or I was wrong, I was still thinking about you coming out and calming down, our husband and wife are helping you reconcile, if you don't make sure, you will reconcile..."

Xiuchang's sister-in-law immediately nodded, she also thought so in her heart.

Where did you go back to your mother's house?

Hailan: "Oh, my sister-in-law, you still nod your head. Think about it carefully. We are not someone like Brother Zhu, so what's the use of talking? How can we persuade him!" She was carefree and warm-hearted, and said directly: Let's go, I will accompany you home to pack your things, and then send you back to your mother's house."

"This..." Xiuchang's sister-in-law got confused again.

Li Shuxin saw her like this, and said: "If you don't go back, it's good to ask your mother's family to persuade you."

Hailan: "Yes, you are still right..." She was speaking, glanced at the drowsy little guy, and immediately said: "Come on, let's go back and talk, I think the child is sleepy too, let's not bother You rest."

Xiuchang's sister-in-law became envious again. She looked at the little guy enviously and said, "If our husband and wife had a child, it wouldn't be like this. It's my fault..."

Li Shuxin's eyes flashed, and said: "It's not necessarily a matter of one person not having children, you go to the hospital for a checkup."

Xiuchang's sister-in-law shook her head miserably, sighed and went out first, Hailan followed helplessly and said, "Then let's go first."

There is no need to worry about the child in the crib, Li Shuxin: "I will see you off."

Several people walked to the door together, Hailan: "I'm causing you trouble today, I'll find you tomorrow..." Speaking of which, she paused for a while and said with a smile: "I really don't have time tomorrow."

Li Shuxin let out a chuckle, and said, "You are honest."

Hailan: "Isn't that right? I recently built a pigsty."

She waved her hand and said, "Let's go..."

Li Shuxin watched them leave, and as soon as she turned around, she heard the Li family on the front street yelling, "You bastard, you don't do anything when your wife is being bullied... Ah! Ahh!" followed by hysterical Scold.

Li Shuxin stood at the gate of the yard, pricking up her ears.

"I paid for this house to support my parents' retirement. It would be boring if you did this, little brother. At that time, you were pushed back and forth when you were asked to pay for it. Now you want a house? Don't even think about it!"

"Shut up, whose house won't be given to the son?" This is the voice of an elderly man.

"Dad, don't say that, I know you're against my little brother, but we have a written record, and the big deal is a lawsuit!"


The slap was loud.

Li Shuxin pursed her lips. This is Li's house on Qianjie Street. The old couple lived in the house. The daughter paid for the house, but after the demolition, they had to give everything to the son. The son and daughter-in-law even got into a fight with his sister.

Just as he was about to turn around and go home, he heard that the Chen family next door was arguing again, and passers-by could hear the loud quarrels of the daughters-in-law. shook his head.

On weekdays, she felt that all the households were quite harmonious, but this relocation really taught her a lot.

The money has not been received yet, how many people have become red-eyed rabbits in order to fight for property.

But this is where it is, and when the relocation funds are in hand, I am afraid that there will be no more cleansing.

Not to mention other people's homes, even their homes are actually the same. Fortunately, their family's affairs are quick, which saves their husband and wife a lot of trouble. The biggest pitfall now is tomorrow night.

"Ah Xin, why are you standing at the door?" Shao Ling came back and raised his eyebrows to look at her, "Wait for me?"

Li Shuxin: "No."

"Listen to the wall?"

Li Shuxin rolled her eyes: "Who are you, do you say that about your own wife? Not at all, not at all!"

She asked, "Why did you go?"

Mentioning this, Shao Ling twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, and said, "Daughter-in-law~ will you go to the village meeting for me tomorrow? Let's discuss about moving the grave."

Li Shuxin was puzzled: "Why don't you go by yourself?"

Shao Ling: "It didn't work out today. I'll still have sea cucumbers tomorrow, so I don't have time to mess with them. Anyway, you go over and discuss it."

What he said was very reasonable, but based on Li Shuxin's understanding of him, he still didn't believe it.

"What's the matter?"

Shao Ling said righteously: "Of course not."

Oh, that's for sure.

The husband and wife closed the door and entered the room. At this time, the little guy was already lying on the small bed and fell asleep. Covered with a towel and said, "Hai Lan and sister-in-law Xiuchang came over just now."

Shao Ling didn't ask what was going on, but just hummed, took off his clothes and went to the yard to take a shower.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Li Shuxin guessed that this person knew about the affairs of Xiuchang's sister-in-law's family, heh, man!

She followed out, saw him taking a bath in the yard again, frowned and said, "Why don't you listen?"

The weather here is very hot at the end of April, but it is not good to take a cold bath in the yard at night. In another twenty years, this person's arthritis is quite serious. In addition to being tired, it was also because of his bad living habits.

"Hey, I'm not a daughter-in-law. Didn't you still persuade me not to be so angry? You are just as good."

Shao Ling is used to taking cold showers like this, hot water?

No need, man.

But seeing that Li Shuxin's face was not good-looking, he joked again: "Wash together?"

Li Shuxin really didn't know what to say about this person, she took a deep look at Shao Ling, and turned back to the room without saying a word. I don't care about him. To be honest, Shao Ling was the one she didn't know how to deal with when she was reborn.

It's not that she and Shao Ling have no feelings for each other. On the contrary, they have been in love since they were students, and they got together naturally, because they have a deep relationship. But deep feelings cannot escape the hardships of life.

Li Shuxin thought that she had faded away, but once again, seeing Shao Ling who was more than 20 years ago again, and still loving her, the passionate and sincere Shao Ling, Li Shuxin didn't know what to do.

She sat on the sofa blankly, pressing the position of her heart.

She felt that every time she got together with Shao Ling, her heart beat so fast.

Li Shuxin covered her face, and fell on the sofa with her head up. So, could it be so easy for her to fall in love with Shao Ling again?

"Bada!" Shao Ling didn't know when he came closer and pecked her on the face. Li Shuxin came back to her senses and looked at Shao Ling's messy hair with a hearty smile. She pursed her lips and Shao Ling hugged her up : "Go back to the house and sleep!"

Li Shuxin murmured in a low voice, "Why don't you wipe it off in the shower?"

"No! You bite me!"

Li Shuxin: ""

The morning sun shone on her face, Li Shuxin slept soundly and drowsily, she felt something patting her face, she rubbed her eyes, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a big fat face .

The little guy laughed wheezingly, saliva dripping onto Li Shuxin's face.


Early in the morning, Li Shuxin felt the baptism of saliva.

With a grunt, she hugged her son and sat up.

"Where's your dad?"

After asking, I laughed, he is so young, what does he know.

Li Shuxin got up and skillfully made milk powder for her son, and the little guy was holding the bottle and gurgling.

Shao Ling called someone in the yard: "Ah Xin has dinner."

When the little chubby cub heard "rice", he immediately stopped the movement of the baby bottle, and made a sound of ah, as if responding to his father, and was about to crawl out while holding the baby bottle.

Li Shuxin: "Oh my God."

She hurriedly stopped her son who was about to fall off the bed, and then came out with the little guy in her arms. The little fat boy didn't know his mother's worry, so he smiled happily. His little arms spread his teeth and claws and ran to the dining table. There were shrimp dumplings and red dates on it. The longan porridge, presumably Shao Ling went out to buy it.

Li Shuxin complained: "Look at your son, if he hears eating, he rushes."

Shao Ling was proud: "That's because my son is smart."

He took his son in one hand, hugged him in his arms, and said, "Don't forget to go to the village for a meeting this morning."

Li Shuxin glanced at him, sure that this person must have something to say, but...he didn't tell her and she didn't ask, anyway, she would know after going to the meeting today.

But Li Shuxin didn't ask, Shao Ling was not used to it, and said, "Hey, why don't you ask?"

Li Shuxin raised her head and said, "Didn't you say it was because you were busy?"

She had a half-smile, but Shao Ling suddenly coughed and fell silent.

After a long time, Shao Ling still spoke.

"Su Xuelian is back."

Chapter 8

"Su Xuelian is back."

Li Shuxin was stunned by one sentence, and then she smiled, she was very happy: "She's back? Why didn't you say it earlier?" She glared at Shao Ling coquettishly.

Shao Ling hurriedly said: "I'm not afraid that you will be jealous?" Then he said: "I can declare that I didn't mean to hide it from you. I didn't know she was back until I saw her yesterday."

In order to avoid suspicion, others are not prepared to go there.

Shao Ling was a little puzzled about her joy, and looked at her strangely: "I see how you seem to be very happy."

Only then did Li Shuxin realize that in this life, she and Su Xuelian are far from being friends. Speaking of which, Li Shuxin and Su Xuelian are vaguely rivals in love, so she is happy now, really a bit confusing?

Looking at Shao Ling again, sure enough, he looked at her with an extra vigilant expression.

Li Shuxin didn't think too much, and said directly: "If it wasn't for her, how could we be so relaxed? Your parents, siblings, and sisters are not in order, and you will bite off a piece of meat from us. Besides, you are nothing, why should I be jealous? I am that species?"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows to the sky, and sneered.

She is not jealous?

If she said that she was not jealous, she would be putting money on her face.

Shao Ling's face was so obvious, Li Shuxin blushed slightly, and stared at him, but her staring was not intimidating, like a cat, her round eyes were cute in Shao Ling's eyes.

With a smile, he leaned forward and clicked, and said, "I plan to salvage everything that is almost salable today. I guess I will come back later at night. Don't wait for me to eat dinner."

This man loves to use his hands and feet.

Li Shuxin nodded slightly, and said: "My right eyelid kept twitching this morning, so be careful in the circle, and tell everyone to be careful. At night, I have to tell everyone to be more careful."

Something happened in the previous life, it was tonight.

Shao Ling nodded and said, "I understand, I understand, housekeeper!"

Li Shuxin rolled her eyes at him.

When Shao Ling went out, Li Shuxin immediately packed up and went out. To be honest, she really wanted to see Su Xuelian.

Su Xuelian was Shao Ling's childhood sweetheart, and the grandmothers of the two families were old sisters, who verbally made a baby kiss when they were young.

After graduating from junior high school, Shao Ling got mediocre grades and went to a technical secondary school; Su Xuelian got into the city's No. 1 High School with a high score. There is a big gap between the two of them, so Su Xuelian's parents are naturally unhappy when they see it. Their daughter seems to have a bright future, so what does Shao Ling have?

They look down on Shao Ling, so naturally they don't agree with the "agreement" made by the elders back then, it was just a verbal agreement, nothing, how could it be taken seriously? In this case, they talked a lot in the village. It made Shao Ling's grandparents very angry, and the relationship between the two families was broken.

In fact, Shao Ling and Su Xuelian didn't take this matter seriously at first. Shao Ling met Li Shuxin after he went to technical secondary school, and fell in love at first sight and pursued fiercely; Su Xuelian also had an affair in high school. At first they didn't take it seriously, but because of what Su Xuelian's parents did, the friendship between the two young people ended.

Later, Shao Ling and Li Shuxin were going to get married, and Su Xuelian also went to Pengcheng to study in university.

However, although the Su family and the Shao family no longer communicate, Su Xuelian will come to visit Shao Ling's grandma every year when she comes back during the Chinese New Year. The two families know each other well, they know each other's situation, and they know more about Shao Ling's parents. Su Xuelian studied law, and it was her suggestion to Shao's grandfather and grandmother that the two old people specially made a will and notarized it.

Otherwise, a pair of old people with little education and little experience in the countryside would never have thought of doing this.

In their previous life, something happened to their sea cucumber circle, and Su Xuelian was also busy running around, but in that situation, what she could do was really limited. Don't look at what the village pays attention to all the time. But when something happened, Su Xuelian didn't work harder than Su Xuelian.

Also because of this incident, Li Shuxin and Su Xuelian became friends. Later, because of their relationship in Pengcheng, they also gradually came and went. Su Xuelian's husband is also her son's high school teacher.

Three years ago, Su Xuelian was transferred abroad due to work. She has been abroad for the past few years and is extremely busy, so she has no time to come back. The two haven't seen each other for several years. Although Su Xuelian is not Su Xuelian now but Su Xuelian will be many years later, Li Shuxin is still very happy to meet.

But... Li Shuxin couldn't help laughing when she thought of the current situation. In the first few years of her marriage, she was often jealous because of some rumors in the village. No wonder Shao Ling would say that.

She turned out to be a vinegar bucket!

No matter what, she didn't delay, and went to the village committee very quickly. It was strange to say that she had discussed the matter of moving the grave twice but there was no result, and she didn't know where the problem was.

As soon as Li Shuxin entered the village committee, she saw Su Xuelian among a group of people. Compared with the women in the village, she was a bit more capable, with short hair and professional attire, and she looked like a TVB professional drama heroine. Li Shuxin tweeted Leading the child directly to Su Xuelian, she asked kindly, "I'm not late, am I?"

Su Xuelian was quite surprised that Li Shuxin would talk to her, she shook her head and said, "It hasn't started yet."

Removing graves is a very serious matter from the perspective of the older generation. Basically, the elders of various families come here, not many young people. But there are always exceptions, Li Shuxin and Su Xuelian are one of the few young people.

Probably because Li Shuxin took the initiative to talk to Su Xuelian, the people in the village committee who were chattering in twos and threes stopped abruptly, and the scene fell silent instantly. Don't look at the people who come to the meeting are basically uncles, but when it comes to gossip, these people are no less than lesbians, and they all prick up their ears.

Everyone knows why Shao Ling didn't come.

Li Shuxin didn't care, she was very natural: "I was busy with the children early in the morning, and I thought I was the last one."

Su Xuelian noticed that Li Shuxin was easy-going, and felt a lot more at ease.

She smiled and said in a low voice: "That can't be, there are always people who want to be the finale."

Li Shuxin burst out laughing, and when the baby heard the mother's laughter, he immediately huh huh laughed too, and his little hands started to slap. Su Xuelian looked at the baby curiously, and said, "Is your child so old?"

Li Shuxin: "Yes, it's been eight months now."

Su Xuelian smiled and teased the child twice, and asked, "What's his name?"

"Jiaxi, Shao Jiaxi."

"The little baby is quite like you, with big eyes."

The two exchanged pleasantries, but the others were dumbfounded, so they couldn't understand! Is it plausible that you two can still chat? But no matter what everyone thought, Li Shuxin and Su Xuelian were quite kind.

While the two were chatting, another person arrived.

It's just that, when someone arrives, they find a sense of presence.

"Hey, isn't this her second sister Xuelian? Why are you back?" An old lady with a cow licking her hair came into the yard, and she blah, and her eyes went back and forth between Su Xuelian and Li Shuxin You Zou, with a chuckle, said maliciously: "Shao Ling's daughter-in-law, don't you know her? She is your family's former daughter-in-law of Shao Ling."

After finishing speaking, she looked smug, waiting for them to turn around.

Su Xuelian didn't want to disturb the restlessness of the family, and was about to explain, when Li Shuxin said with a smile: "Ms. Hu, you become forgetful when you get older. We have known each other for a long time. When I got married, Su Xuelian was still here. It's been. Aren't you joking about baby kissing? You really mean it, their own family members don't remember it, but you remember it clearly."

In fact, she didn't know about the past between Su Xuelian and Shao Ling at the time, so she didn't think much about it at all. Later, she was very unhappy when she found out, and even pinched Shao Ling a few times. Otherwise, Shao Ling couldn't always say that she was jealous.

But this matter is not important.

But Aunt Hu is the biggest shit-stirring stick in the village.

This strange person has not been seen for decades, but Li Shuxin can still recognize him at a glance, which shows his power.

Mrs. Hu glanced at her eyes, smiled and said, "Shao Ling's daughter-in-law, you don't understand your little wife? In the past, your Shao Ling had no money, and people looked down on you, but now it's different. But I think you are more blessed than Su Erya."

She smacked her lips, and when she said this, she looked at Su Xuelian again, feeling sorry for her: "You girl is not lucky, this demolition, Shao Ling's family really got a lot of shares, you said that if you marry Shao Ling, it's posted! You see, your family didn't like Shao Ling back then, do you regret it now?"

What he said, if he changed to someone with a bad temper, he would be able to give her a big mouth directly.

After all, Su Xuelian is an intellectual, and she didn't say anything harsh, but she also said with a cold face: "Ma'am, you are really old-fashioned. I have nothing to do with Shao Ling. In the early years, the two families were joking around. Everyone in the village knows this. Yes, if you take this matter to deliberately provoke Shao Ling's daughter-in-law by making irresponsible remarks, you will be a little uneasy and kind."

After a pause, she added: "A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. It's not good to stare at other people's wallets."

She had something to say.

"Hey girl, what are you talking about?"

Su Xuelian said stiffly: "What I'm telling is the truth."


"Okay! Aunt Hu, what are you doing. This time I came here to study the business, not to watch you gossip, and put away your tricks." At this moment, the village chief spoke, and he frowned, staring at Looking at Mrs. Hu, her tone was not very good.

Aunt Hu was taken aback, then patted her thigh and yelled: "Old man, you died so early, look at how your good brother treated me! I'm having a hard time..." The yelling was not good After enjoying it, Aunt Hu sat down on the spot and kicked her legs sloppily.

Li Shuxin's eyes widened when she saw it. If she had a deep memory of Aunt Hu, how could she still not remember her nonsense? Otherwise, she would say that her mother-in-law's tricks are nothing, this is the number one vicious old lady in the village.

The old lady pretended to cry, kicked her legs, and grabbed her hair with her fingers, with a look of extreme pain: "Old man, look at how people bully us..."

The little baby in the stroller tilted his head to look, and soon, the little guy seemed to have learned something, wobbling his little butt, kicking his legs like an old lady, yelling, drooling with joy up.

Li Shuxin: "..."

She knelt down, gently wiped her son's saliva with a handkerchief, and said, "My treasure, it's not easy for us to learn this."

The little guy's big eyes were wide open, he smiled at his mother, his little teeth just erupted, and his little hands struck with precision, grabbing his mother's hair all at once, Li Shuxin said, "Oops."

She stretched out her hand and slapped the little baby's paw lightly, the little guy was in pain, and with a groan, he quickly retracted and looked at his mother aggrieved.

Li Shuxin poked his little cheek and said, "Don't grab Mommy's hair!"

She said seriously: "If you learn these bad habits again, Mom will spank you!"

The little baby didn't understand, but was hurt by the beating, and he looked at his mother with his little hands, pitifully.

"It's no use pretending to be pitiful, if you learn bad habits, you will be beaten!"

Villagers: "..."

The crowd silently looked at Aunt Hu who was still spitting on the ground. Indeed, looking at this old lady did not teach her any good. The grandson of her family was called by everyone in the village to beat the little thieves. This child can't be led in front of this old shrew, it's easy to learn bad things!

"Shao Ling's daughter-in-law, who are you talking about!" Aunt Hu stood up and stared at Li Shuxin.

"saying you."

"Oh, you talk about others... Ah, you talk about me! You little bitch, how dare you talk about me!"

Li Shuxin's face was light, and she said calmly: "Ms. Hu, old age is not a reason for you to be domineering and scolding others. If you say more, I will not be polite."

"God, look at this little..."

The village head couldn't bear it anymore: "Enough, have you had enough of your mischief? Hold the meeting if you can, and get out if you can't. It's embarrassing here." He looked at Mrs. Hu with disgust. Her man has been dead for thirty years. Also use this set to speak out.

The village chief's voice became louder: "Is everyone here! Is there anything serious to do!"

He became serious, and his tone became serious. Mrs. Hu wiped away tears that didn't exist, and didn't dare to howl...

"It's still worse than Old Li."

"Go ahead, he dawdles when it comes to the meeting, he thinks he is the mayor, and he's making appearances at the end of the day, what's wrong!" Recently, the whole village has been demolished on a large scale, and the village head has a lot of troubles in his own house, and things in the village are even more serious. Quite a few, as the village chief, he was physically and mentally exhausted.

There were repeated meetings about this matter, and those who cried and made troubles, and those who insisted on "finale", his temper was naturally not much better, and he was very angry.

"I'm not late, am I?" Lao Li stepped out as soon as the village chief got angry.

The village head almost roared: "Next time you are late, don't come! If you don't discuss the results today, don't take the money for moving the grave!"

He snapped.

"Not at all, this is really not at all."

"Village chief, don't be angry, we all listen to you."

"Yes, yes, the result will definitely be discussed today."

"Old Li, you are too, why are you late every time..."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Sure enough, people are different when it comes to money.

The village head let out an unceremonious snort, responded with a sneer, and said, "A meeting!"

Chapter 9

The relocation of the village is comprehensive.

It includes not only residences, orchards, seaside farms, but also graves in the village.

Although some people have entered the cemetery one after another over the years, more people still choose to be buried in the cemetery, and every family is no exception.

This relocation, the policy given by the government is also very favorable. Not only do they not have to pay for it themselves, but they even have surplus. So Li Shuxin was really puzzled, why did he have to hold meetings again and again.

The village chief also seemed to be very speechless about this matter. He glanced around, paused on a few important people, and said at the beginning: "We have a meeting today, mainly about the relocation of the grave. We have also discussed it twice. What do you think, just tell me."

Li Shuxin is a junior. When she came to the meeting, she must have followed the crowd and had no right to speak, but after all, she finally understood why everyone had talked several times but failed to agree. After all, it was money.

Yes, it's about money.

The government has compensated for this grave relocation, but the handling of this grave relocation can be big or small. You can do it for a thousand dollars, and you can do it for ten dollars. Then it's hard to say.

Some people want to make a big fuss out of respect. But there are also people who want to save the money.

Like their generation, family planning, every household is a little doll, so there is really no need to worry. One can call the shots. However, in their previous generation, the previous generation, and the previous generation, there were many such children. If there are more people, there will be more ideas. If you want to have a big burial, I want to have a light burial. If you want to spend all the money, I want to share the extra money.

It's not that they can't reach an agreement after going back and forth.

Why didn't Shao Ling's father, Shao Guowei, dare to take over? Just afraid of spending too much money!

This is not something he can decide on his own.

In fact, at the beginning, the village also thought that it would be enough for each family to discuss and sign the agreement, but the mediation could not resolve the quarrel between your family and my family. The village head had to get representatives from each family to the village committee for a meeting. Ready to unify it.

But obviously, it's not that useful.

The village chief looked around, and directly clicked on Lao Li, who appeared in the finale, and said, "Lao Li, can you tell me?"

Old Li was blowing his pipe. Hearing this, he raised his head. Before retiring, he worked in an agency and didn't become a big leader. But because he served in the army in his early years and was senior, his words carry a lot of weight.

It is precisely because of this that after retiring, he takes himself seriously, and looks down on these old folks in the village who do not have pension insurance.

He coughed and said, "Since the village head said so, as a veteran in the village, I will also say it."

He paused, and continued: "I think this matter, the village chief, you did not handle it properly."

The village chief looked at Lao Li coldly, and Lao Li also knew that he could not offend the village chief too much, so he immediately continued: "This is not very pleasant to say, but it is what it is. Every household has its own ideas. How can you force every household to be the same? It's better to go back to the original, and each family should discuss it themselves. Whoever has discussed it can come to the village committee to sign it. no."

A retired old man like Lao Li is most willing to have a meeting. Only in a meeting can he show a little bit of his own authority. But, that's the original, not recently.

Seeing that they have been relocated, his family is still busy building a house.

After all, money is the most important thing.

"Old Uncle Li is right. It's too late for us to have a meeting like this. Anyway, my second brother and I are the only ones in my family. We have discussed it a long time ago. I don't have the time to accompany you all to the meeting all day long." ah."

The village chief spat and looked at the others.

Everyone spoke one after another, and one of the thin old men said: "Yes, each family has different ideas, and it is unnecessary to force unification. Money must be spent wisely, there is no need to spend money for face."

Li Shuxin looked at the thin old man and recognized that it was Shao Ling's uncle, Uncle Hai. The old man was wearing a white shirt - patched. Look at his shoes again, the patches on the sneakers are piled on top of each other.

The corner of Li Shuxin's mouth twitched. You know, although it is not as developed as it was 20 or 30 years later, it is still 1998.

Ninety-eight years!

Not in 1988!

Their village is indeed not rich, but it is far from the level of patch upon patch.

They are close to Yangcheng and Pengcheng, and many young people go out to work. They have many advantages over many inland cities. If you are not rich, you don't need to wear patched clothes. Dressed like this, the whole village can't find a second one.

Besides, the old man is not poor either.

He just picks.

Sure enough, I heard Uncle Hai make a high-level statement. He said: "We discussed together in the village, and everyone said it was based on what grade, so who knows if you, the village chief, have made any money from it?"

The village chief roared angrily in an instant: "You fucking fart!"

Seeing his attitude, Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows subtly.

It seems that Uncle Hai was right?

Uncle Lao Hai doesn't care whether the village chief is angry or not, it doesn't matter if he offends the village chief, but spending more money won't do!

He continued: "Let's talk about hiring a car, why do you need to spend this money? Why do you need to find this professional funeral? Can't we ask the young people in the village to help?"

The one who spoke first spoke up: "Old Uncle Hai, if you're looking for someone, you're looking for someone. Don't look for me. I'm sure I won't pull the urn."

Their boss is more particular about these things, and this is considered a "unlucky" thing. Generally, the car used at home will never run such trivial matters. Even tricycles on the street are rejected.

"Give you two dollars, and you won't make a trip?"

"Don't run. It's not about the money."

The village chief was speechless: "Two yuan? If you take a tricycle to the cemetery, the fare is not enough."

They took a taxi to the cemetery, and they couldn't get off without five yuan.

Not to mention you still hold an urn.

Generally, taxis will never pull.

Uncle Lao Hai said: "Don't go? If you don't leave for two yuan, three yuan is enough! If you don't leave, you can change! I don't believe that if you have money, you can still make it. For three yuan, someone must be willing to make such a trip of!"

The village head Youyou: "So you just waited for the bus by the side of the road holding the urn in the middle of the night?"

Li Shuxin couldn't hold back, and almost sprayed!

is not that right?

The custom here is that the graves are moved in the early morning, and they can't wait for dawn.

It is early in the morning on their side, basically the relocation will be finished at one or two or two or three in the morning.

In the middle of the night, it was pitch black, and an old man was standing on the side of the road holding an urn to stop a taxi... Thinking about it, Li Shuxin felt that this situation was a bit scary! She suppressed her laugh and silently looked at Old Uncle Hai.

Uncle Hai was very calm: "What's the matter? Don't do anything wrong in your life, and you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night!"

He added: "There is still this urn, why do you have to change it? What are you using this money for?"

"Some old people have been dead for decades. We used wood in the early years, and we couldn't carry it. What's wrong with changing it?" The village chief felt wronged, even if he was making money from this matter. , but also to earn a little bit, generally speaking, it is for the good of everyone.

Uncle Hai: "It's just a box, what's the difficulty? Can't I nail one myself?"

The village chief inhaled and exhaled, exhaled and inhaled.

Aunt Hu rolled her eyes and said quickly, "Oh, Lao Hai, since you know how to do it, it will save us trouble. In this way, you can send it to our house after you finish it."

She had a good plan and wanted to take advantage of it, but Uncle Hai was not someone who could take advantage of it, so he didn't get angry and asked directly, "How much will you give?"

Aunt Hu was taken aback, and immediately howled: "My God, Lao Haitou, you have no conscience. We orphans and widows also want to take advantage of us, God, why are you so unfair to me. My man is gone, my son is gone, and I don't have a single helper. There are still people who want to take advantage of us, it's really unconscionable."

Old Uncle Hai: "If you give money, I'll dig the grave for you. If you don't give money, neither will Mao."

Aunt Hu was still howling, but Lao Li on the side said a sincere word: "If you can pull a hair from Hai Lao'er, I will also call you "big sister" in admiration. If you don't believe me, ask Shao Ling's wife, they will all agree They are relatives, can they take advantage of something?"

Li Shuxin was enjoying watching the excitement, and was called out suddenly.

Everyone looked at Li Shuxin in unison, Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile: "I didn't take advantage of the old uncle..." Seeing that everyone was about to talk, she continued: "But the old uncle didn't take advantage of us either. , When we communicate with others, we don't always want to take advantage of others. We always want to take advantage of others, who would want to associate with you."

Upon hearing this, Uncle Hai nodded approvingly: "Look, she's the daughter-in-law of our family, Ah Ling."

Aunt Hu curled her lips unhappily, snorted meanly and said, "What's the big deal, it's not about picking up unwanted men."

Li Shuxin's smile narrowed, she looked at Aunt Hu, and said, "Does it have anything to do with you? If you have the time to spread rumors here, why don't you take care of your own affairs."

"What do you mean!" Mrs. Hu frowned all of a sudden.

Li Shuxin said lightly, "It means you take care of your own thieves and don't meddle in other people's business."

"You little slut, who are you calling a thief, you..." Aunt Hu rushed forward, but Su Xuelian stood in front of Li Shuxin before she could meet her, and she was also grabbed by Uncle Hai Clinging to the collar of her collar, she made a hard push back, and the old lady staggered.

Old Uncle Hai put his hips on his hips: "Who are you bullying! It's easy to be bullied when we are family members, right?"

Aunt Hu quit now, and howled her teeth and claws: "His father, my son, look at this bullying on my old lady, you have to be taken away by these ungrateful bastards! "

Li Shuxin was not surprised or even angry when she saw Aunt Hu's hoarse "performance".

If you are going to be angry with this kind of person, then you really have to get angry with yourself.

Aunt Hu's surname is not Hu, but her husband's surname is Hu. It is said that since she got married, she has only allowed people to call her the Hu family. It is said that since she is married, she will be born as a member of the Hu family, and will die as a ghost of the Hu family.

A man died when she was young, and a son died when she was middle-aged. She guarded her only grandson and doted on her very much.

That kid is only in his teens, and he has already stolen all over the village with invincible hands.

Li Shuxin was not guilty of saying this, she returned home on the third day of her marriage, and the child was only six or seven years old at that time, at such a young age, she dared to break into his house to steal gifts by picking the lock while no one was at home. Grandpa Shao and grandma Shao caught him and beat him up.

Just like that, his grandma, Mrs. Hu, came to make a fuss.

The angry Shao Ling almost fought with Aunt Hu when he came back, probably because Shao Ling was too aggressive, since then this kid has never "visited" their house again. However, many people in the village have been "patronized" by him.

All in all a bad reputation.

Li Shuxin was not polite, she was reborn, not to swallow her anger for the sake of coming back.

She was not at all happy to see Mrs. Hu's vigorous old face, and ignored her crying at all, who was it scaring.

Li Shuxin stepped back, and said to the village chief with a smile: "Village chief, what Shao Ling and I mean is that Shao Ling's grandma, we will definitely have a decent burial. We will listen to everything about the previous generation." Uncle's. Our family doesn't have any complaints about the others. My family is not as powerful as other families, and there are only three of us in my family."

She lowered her head and rubbed the little chubby boy's head, and said: "This is still completely useless. The family is really too busy... Besides, my child is still young and always looks at these things. It's not good to be scared." gone."

All the elders in the village watched the little chubby boy open his eyes wide to watch the excitement, and happily shook his little paws with puffs and bubbles. I thought silently in my heart, this one of yours, but I don't see anything frightened.

But anyway, the village chief also made these people's heads hurt, and said: "Okay, I know the situation of your family. Since you are all settled, I won't say more. When Shao Ling comes back, let him come Sign in the village."

He paused and asked, "Are you looking for someone yourself or..."

Li Shuxin: "Just use the one given in the village."

The village head immediately smiled: "Okay!"

It would be a lot easier if they were all like this young couple.

Seeing that no one took her seriously, Aunt Hu was about to crawl in front of Li Shuxin crying and screaming like an old ghost: "You can't go, tell me clearly, who are you calling a thief?" !"

Li Shuxin looked at her scalp-numbing behavior, and said unceremoniously, "Aren't you thinking about it yourself?"

After finishing speaking, he walked away.

Never mind!

Chapter 10

Li Shuxin left the village committee, but Su Xuelian followed.

She apologized a little and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Li Shuxin waved her hands indifferently, and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you, and you don't have to take it to heart."

She was so magnanimous, Su Xuelian was even more embarrassed, she smiled awkwardly, and then said: "I've been in the village these days, if there's anything I can't do, call me. Anyway, I'm fine."

Li Shuxin wanted to befriend her, but she was not too polite and said, "Okay."

But she also asked: "Don't you have to go back to class? I remember, are you still in graduate school?"

Su Xuelian was surprised that Li Shuxin knew that she was studying for graduate school, but she also thought that there was no secret in the village, and said, "Yes, I am studying, but our courses are not closed, so I asked for leave. They were about to be relocated, and the old secretary also thought that someone who understood the law would be more at ease, so he called me back..."

Li Shuxin nodded knowingly.

Although their village is very patriarchal, but learned people are respected wherever they go.

Su Xuelian is like this. Even though she is a young girl, the old secretary who no longer cares about things will still make a special trip to call people back to fight the battle. It can be seen that she is capable and knowledgeable. "more important.

Li Shuxin thought of this, and said with a smile: "Are you busy after you come back?"

Speaking of this, Su Xuelian smiled helplessly and said, "I didn't sleep much last night."

This person comes and goes, everyone has their own ideas.

To be honest, Su Xuelian was really impacted by her return this time. She already knew that the people in the village were not as good as they appeared on the surface. But I didn't expect that they were not just rude to outsiders. For his own family, he also has a lot of calculations.

Because Su Xuelian is a law student, and she has a "record" of instructing Grandpa Shao and Grandma Shao.

So this time when she came back, there were quite a few people who came to ask for advice. The words that were asked one by one really impacted Su Xuelian's three views. Although she is studying the Fa, she is still studying, so she is not really on the job. In addition, these people are people she has known since she was a child, and she doesn't even know that these people have so many schemes behind their backs.

And this calculation is all aimed at his own family.


I can't touch others, it's all my own business.

Thinking of this, she felt a headache. Naturally, she would not tell other people's privacy, but it was really a headache.

"If you can use me, do call me. I'd rather do some manual work."

Li Shuxin laughed. Although Su Xuelian didn't say anything, Li Shuxin understood everything. She patted Su Xuelian's shoulder sympathetically and said, "This is where you are. You will see more in the future."

Seeing her like this, Su Xuelian also burst out laughing, and said, "You seem to understand very well. I grew up here and dare not say that I know anyone very well, so don't..."

"Second sister."

Su Xuelian was talking, when she heard someone calling her, she turned her head and pursed her lips: "Eldest sister?"

The one who came was none other than Su Xuelian's cousin, Su Xuejiao, and she was also the daughter-in-law of that Mrs. Hu who was messing around with her just now. She looked at Su Xuelian and Li Shuxin suspiciously, as if wondering how they could walk together.

She quickly said tentatively: "Ah Xin, are you also asking about our Xuelian?"

Li Shuxin smiled: "I have nothing to ask."

As soon as these words came out, Su Xuejiao's eyes flashed with jealousy. Indeed, the most relaxed person in the village is Li Shuxin. The benefits of this relocation are real, and even the parents-in-law can't hold her. Unlike her, life is miserable.

She sighed aggrieved and sadly, and said, "You are having an easy life."

Still wanting to say something, Su Xuelian was probably afraid that what she might say would be unpleasant, so she grabbed her arm and said, "Sister, are you looking for something? Let's go back and talk about it."

Turning his head and saying goodbye: "Ah Xin, let's go first."

Li Shuxin nodded, watching Su Xuelian dragging Su Xuejiao away quickly.

She drooped her eyes, showing a mocking smile, then turned and walked back. In her previous life, she had a good relationship with Su Xuelian, so she naturally knew who Su Xuejiao was. Her son was sneaky when he was a child, but when he grew up, he became more and more courageous, and he became more and more bottomless in doing things, so he had to ask Su Xuelian for help.

But don't think that people will be happy if you help out. Both Su Xuejiao and her mother-in-law, Aunt Hu, think that this is what Su Xuelian should do, and they are very dissatisfied when they fail to do anything. Helping here and there, it didn't help well, but it turned into hatred.

Li Shuxin wanted to mention Su Xuelian, but now she and Su Xuelian are casual acquaintances, and the relationship is delicate. And the two of them are cousins, so it's inappropriate for her to say more now. It's better to go and see.

And, honestly, there's nothing more important than what happened tonight.

For other things, I won't be in a hurry, but tonight... Li Shuxin is actually quite calm. I don't know if she has seen a lot in her previous life, but she is not so easily influenced in this life.

As for whether those three bastards will come?

Although their sea cucumber circle has increased manpower and has become more cautious, Li Shuxin feels that they will still be fooled. After all, the two of them are just tool people. The person behind the scenes wants money and wants to be jealous. Even in the face of their defenses, he must want to fight.

Shao Ling...

Li Shuxin squatted down, held the little chubby boy's little paw and said, "Do you think someone will come to plot something wrong tonight?"

She added: "I told you specifically this morning, your father should take it to heart, right?"

She shook her son's little hand, and continued: "Your father is quite calm and shrewd, so there shouldn't be anything wrong, right?"

She murmured: "In our previous life we were drifting, but in this life we are very cautious. There shouldn't be any problems, right?"

Li Shuxin couldn't stop thinking about it, the little chubby boy was held by his mother, his big eyes were dark and dark, he didn't know what his mother said, he thought his mother was playing with him, his little butt was bouncing, ahhhhhhh , Raising my chubby little face to respond to my mother.

Li Shuxin: "You also believe in your father, and your mother also believes in him."

After thinking about it, Li Shuxin asked: "Say, should we go to the sea cucumber circle? If something happened tonight, if your father didn't find out, I can remind you..." But at this point, she shook her head slightly: "Yes No, mom will take you, neither of us has much fighting power, it would be bad if we made trouble in the past."

Li Shuxin sighed softly, and said, "Baby, your mother is really in trouble."

Li Shuxin followed his son Suizianian at this end, while Shao Ling at the other end was busy at the seaside, and he was hurrying to get things out in a short time, some of which he could barely sell, Hurry up and make the first move.

Otherwise, when everyone signs up to buy sea cucumbers, the price will inevitably be lowered. Shao Ling is well aware of this truth, and it is precisely because of this that he signed the contract early, and spent almost all of these days on it.

As for what Shao Peng and the others were talking about behind their backs, Shao Ling really took it to heart. These idiots, do they think they can hold the government? Isn't that a dream?

He can also see that this really smart person is like Fatty Yu, and he accepts him as soon as he sees it.

No, Fatty Yu is also working hard on things in the circle!

It seems that they thought of it together.

This is a busy day.

After much deliberation, Li Shuxin still didn't come, she could trust Shao Ling.

"Boss, it's getting dark, can we still leave the boat?" At this moment, a dark man stepped forward, he was in charge of the affairs here, usually when Shao Ling was not around, he was the one who made the decision.

Shao Ling looked at the sky and said, "Come here today."

He also knew that everyone was very tired recently, so he confessed: "I will make you something good to eat in the evening. Everyone insists on picking up the sea cucumbers for a few days. I will not let everyone work in vain."

The swarthy man nodded and smiled honestly: "Don't worry, boss."

Shao Ling warned again: "Erhei, don't drink at night, work in two shifts, and work hard for me. Although there are security guards, they are hired by the big guys after all. They go back and forth, and there are always times when they can't take care of them. I still People who trust us more. Keep an eye on them."

The swarthy man is called Erhei, of course he doesn't call it that, it's a nickname, but everyone is used to calling it that. Among the people in their sea cucumber circle, Shao Ling trusted him the most. He patted his chest and promised: "My boss, don't worry, I will watch over everyone and never drink. Anyone who doesn't listen to me, I will beat him!"

Shao Ling laughed and said, "Can you still beat someone?"

Erhei: "What's wrong with that? I can hit three or five."

He said: "Don't look at us like to drink a little wine, but we haven't had any drink recently..."

While the two were talking, they saw Baogen from the village passing by on a motorcycle. Shao Ling shouted, "Baogen!"

Baogen stopped the car when he heard the voice, and greeted him with a smile: "Second brother."

He looked at Shao Ling's dirty body and said, "Second brother, I didn't mean you, you said how much your house was relocated this time, why are you still working like this. If I were you, I would have stopped Done, how nice to find a place to play cards. You are planning to earn a fortune."

Shao Ling scolded with a smile: "Fuck off, what nonsense are you talking about, how can you do nothing about the relocation? It's you, why are you here?"

Baogen: "I'm delivering the goods. No, Wang Axing in your circle ordered some cases of beer, and my mother asked me to deliver them." His family runs a small shop in the village.

Shao Ling's expression changed, and he said, "Wang A Xing decided?"

Baogen nodded: "Isn't it? This kid is lucky. He won 3,000 yuan in a lottery ticket. No, he said he wanted to buy a few drinks. Look at the luck. Oh no, you guys are crazy Is it all gone? Everyone is lucky."

Erhei scolded the bastard, and said: "I told you not to drink, did he get drenched in horse urine? He just knows to drink, and he won't die!" He immediately said: "I'll go back and talk about him! You bastard!"

Seeing Shao Ling's unsightly face, Baogen was a little afraid of the second brother, so he said in a nonchalant manner, "Then what, I'll go back first."

As soon as he pedaled, Chi Liuer slipped away.

Shao Ling asked: "Do you usually drink something?"

After asking this question, Erhei hurriedly assured: "Boss, really not. Recently, the salary has been tripled. I'm very strict. This bastard Wang Axing won the lottery today. I'll talk about him when I go back."

Shao Ling was silent for a moment and said, "Needless to say."

Erhei: "Ang?"

Shao Ling tightened his jaw and said, "You don't need to say anything when you go back."

Erhei: "Ang Ang?"

Shao Ling's face turned black: "I want to see what he wants to do!"
