Chapter 41-50

Chapter 41

The New Year's Eve is lively and lively.

The sound of crackling firecrackers continued during the New Year, and Shao Ling and Li Shuxin cooked glutinous rice balls. The chubby cub is still young and can't eat glutinous rice balls. Li Shuxin steamed his favorite balls for him. The little guy opens his mouth wide when he sees the spoon reaching his mouth, like a little cat waiting for food Like a sparrow.

After a while, he was full, and the whole family went out for a walk together.

Regardless of the New Year's Eve, the streets are bustling on the New Year's Eve. The lanterns prepared for the fifteenth day of the first lunar month have already been hung up. Li Shuxin and the others don't go far, just go to the small park near their home. .

Because of the beautiful scenery, the small park here is quite lively with colorful lights. Although usually only the elderly come here to exercise, but this night is very lively, it is simply decorated with lights. There are many small businesses.

This can show the characteristics of this city. I am afraid that in other cities, they are all at home for the holidays, so they have to take a rest. But there is none here, and there are quite a few people setting up stalls. In addition to snacks, they sell some festive things for the New Year.

The little chubby boy was hugged by his father, looking around, Shao Ling hugged the little chubby boy tightly with one hand, and held Li Shuxin with the other, so as not to be pushed apart.

Shao Ling: "Why are there so many people at night?"

Li Shuxin: "Maybe everyone wants to come out and hang around."

When they went to the flower market in the afternoon, there were a lot of people, but they didn't expect that there were still a lot of people when they came out at night. They didn't go far and saw the zodiac headbands for sale. It's glued to it and doesn't move.

Li Shuxin: "Do you like it?"

The little chubby boy nodded immediately and said loudly, "I like it."

Li Shuxin: "Go, I'll buy you one."

The little chubby boy immediately became happy. There are twelve signs of the zodiac here. The little chubby boy chose a little tiger to wear on his head, and pointed at his mother
"Aww" like a big tiger.

Li Shuxin scratched his little face, took out the mirror and let him see for himself, the chubby boy smiled softly at the mirror.

He looked up and told his parents: "It looks good."

Li Shuxin nodded: "Yes, it looks good."

The little chubby boy was happy, and the family of three continued to walk forward, but Li Shuxin suddenly stopped and let out a cry of surprise.

Shao Ling: "What's wrong?"

Li Shuxin: "I saw Wendy."

Shao Ling: "Who?"

Li Shuxin: "Just Wang Di."

Shao Ling: "Oh, I remember, the one in your shop escaped from home."

Shao Ling nodded and said, "It's her."

At this moment, Wang Di was setting up a stall. In fact, she didn't know where Li Shuxin's family lived, and it was a coincidence that she chose this place. She actually looked for several places, but almost all the stalls were robbed, so she finally found this park.

The brooches Wang Di sells, she has a lot of ideas. The brooches she buys are all festive, such as red bow brooches, and bronzing red "good luck", which are usually tacky and no one would buy them, but Chinese New Year.

It seems that all the tackiness is gone, and everyone just loves this kind of festive stuff.

Wang Di is selling: "Auntie, look, if you think it's not worth buying one just for the Chinese New Year, you're wrong. You can put it on the TV set or on the curtains on weekdays. You say it's violent. Fu, no matter where it is, it is a good meaning. Where is the disposable product? It can be used for a lifetime, and it is a good meaning for a lifetime, right?"

The aunt thought about it carefully, and nodded, "It makes sense, bring me a pair."


Li Shuxin looked at Wang Di's sales. There were many people in her booth, and the sales were very good. However, it could be seen that Wang Di was very suitable for sales. No matter what time it was, she was able to sell things.

Li Shuxin thinks that Wang Di has this ability.

Shao Ling also observed it and said, "She is very good at selling things."

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows: "Of course, I knew about it early on."

But, Wang Di is more powerful than she thought.

"Let's go, don't affect other people's business."

Shao Ling: "Okay."

When the little chubby boy saw Wang Di, he let out a wow, and pointed at Wang Di, oh oh.

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Okay, little Jiaxi, you still know Aunt Wendy."

In fact, Shao Ling didn't take the chubby boy to the store very often, but they had dinner together on New Year's Day, Wang Di and the others played with the little chubby boy for a while, and this little guy recognized Wang Di.

Li Shuxin patted her son lightly and said, "Aunt Wendy wants to do a small business, we won't affect her."

Wang Di was the only one in their store who didn't go home for the New Year. Unexpectedly, she didn't stay in the dormitory alone, but came out to do business instead. Li Shuxin knew about Wang Di's situation, and deeply felt that Wang Di really had some tenacity.

She is capable.

Suddenly, Li Shuxin said: "A Ling, do you know why I keep talking about starting a clothing company, but I never do it?"

Shao Ling looked down at her, and Li Shuxin said softly: "I always find a lot of reasons, but I think, I know why, I should still be afraid of failure. I'm afraid I can't do well. Opening three stores now, this is I think I can do it with ease, so I am very calm when I do it, but for the clothing company, I am not sure, so I am afraid..."

Shao Ling laughed and said, "Aren't you afraid now?"

Li Shuxin: "I'm afraid now, but I think Wendy can keep going forward if she has nothing. What can I do? I still have your backing."

It has to be said that such a chance encounter made Li Shuxin a little more determined, she said: "I will work hard."

Seeing that her eyes were bright, Shao Ling burst out laughing, and said, "When people go out for a walk during the Chinese New Year, they just watch the excitement and celebrate it. You come out and cheer yourself up."

Li Shuxin snorted softly and said, "Can't you?"

Shao Ling: "Okay, of course, what's wrong with that?"

Li Shuxin raised her chin and smiled confidently. She turned her head to look at Wang Di's stall. Her stall was small, but she was very busy with sweat on her forehead. Don't think this is Pengcheng, but it's still a winter evening, no matter how warm it is, you have to wear a thin padded jacket.

But this time she was really hot.

Li Shuxin clenched her fists and said, "I can do it too."

Shao Ling understated: "Of course you can, you are better than others. You think you are inspired by others, but you don't know that other people are also inspired by you."

Li Shuxin took Shao Ling's arm and said, "Why are you so good at talking? Did you put honey on your mouth?"

Shao Ling glanced at her and said, "Aren't you the most clear about whether my mouth is sweet or not?"

Li Shuxin's face was slightly rosy, and she said, "You can shut up."

She snorted, but turned around and laughed again. The two of them walked for a while, when they heard the sound of gongs and drums, a boy shouted: "Darts hit balloons, and there is a gift!"

Li Shuxin dragged Shao Ling over to watch the excitement. In fact, this, just twenty years later, is also a must-have item in the scenic spot.

On a par with it, there are ferrules, which are courteous in shooting.

It is comparable and called the "three major pits in the scenic spot".

In fact, at this time, everyone knows that this is not very reliable, but there are still people watching the fun and getting on top.

This kind of thing, knowing it is one thing, encountering it is another.

A boy quickly won the second prize, shouting: "I won, I won, I won a big bear!"

To'er's anger and resentment were obviously slapped in the face.

But there were still people who couldn't see through it and couldn't help but stepped forward. Li Shuxin and the others were about to leave, but the chubby boy grunted and refused, clapped his hands and said, "Look, look!"

Li Shuxin: "Okay, take a look, baby."

The little chubby cub loves to watch the excitement the most. He stands out from the crowd when he is hugged by the baby, and he can see clearly. His little hands are clenched into fists, and he twitched excitedly: "Play, play!"

Li Shuxin laughed: "You just want your dad to send money, don't you?"

Her intention was to say that this kind of small stall is a scam.

But unexpectedly, Shao Ling immediately looked at Li Shuxin and asked, "Do you think I can't hit?"

Li Shuxin: "...???"

Hey, no, this kind of darts are all tampered with, it's not light, it definitely won't work.

You have to be brave at times like this.

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling eagerly, and Shao Ling immediately understood her eyes and said, "Come on, let me show you my ability."

He began to roll up his sleeves and said, "You hold the child, and I'll show you your true strength."

Li Shuxin: "Oh no..."

Knowing that this is a pit and still stepping on it?

You can't prove yourself!

Li Shuxin took his son according to his words, Shao Ling: "You order this way, there are many people here, I don't feel relieved that you are a woman holding the child."

Li Shuxin nodded.

Shao Ling: "Boss, give me ten."

The boss smiled: "Okay."

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling's eagerness to try, and suddenly remembered an incident many years ago.

A few years ago, when the two of them had just met, two poor students went to a small park together and saw a game of darts. At that time, when the game was very popular, Shao Ling and Li Shuxin watched it for a long time, but neither of them mentioned to play together, because both of them knew that they had no money.

Shao Ling said that when he was a teenager, he often went to scenic spots to pick up plastic bottles and sell them for money. At that time, he saw other parents taking their children to play games. He was looking forward to it at the time, hoping that one day his parents would take him there, but later he learned that some people have a relatively shallow relationship with their parents. If you can't get it, you can't get it.

He has always wanted to play, and it has almost become an obsession.

He also once vowed that if one day he has a child, he must bring his child to play, whether it is a boy or a girl, he will be a good father and bring the child to play darts and balloons .

For some reason, Li Shuxin suddenly remembered this incident, such an ancient incident, she still remembered it after "decades of rebirth". And the impact is profound. She looked at Shao Ling, who was gesticulating with a dart, and said to the little fat boy seriously: "Look at Dad, Dad is very powerful."

Little Fat Boy: "Ahhhhh."

I don't know whether to believe it or not.

But the excitement is really exciting, and I don't know how the little guy can be so happy.

Li Shuxin: "Come on, baby, let's watch Dad play."

Little Fat Boy: "I'll play!"

He announced loudly, Li Shuxin looked at the little guy and asked, "Would you know it?"


Li Shuxin laughed: "Okay, you play, Shao Ling, you give your son a dart."

Shao Ling was gesticulating excitedly, and laughed when he heard this, and then pouted: "Can he do it?"

Li Shuxin: "It's okay, it's just for fun."

Shao Ling: "Okay, listen to you."

Enough of Shao Ling's earnest gestures, finally a dart flew out, whew, the dart landed on the ground.

Everyone around laughed, and the little chubby boy also clapped his hands and laughed.

Shao Ling: "..."

Li Shuxin raised the corner of her mouth and said, "Keep up the good work."

Shao Ling: "I don't believe I can't."

Humans are always too confident when they shouldn't be. Shao Ling has fully demonstrated this. He is very bragging, but the truth is that the reality is cruel. The darts flew out one after another, but not a few of Shao Ling's balloons were broken, and Li Shuxin was overjoyed.

Shao Ling glanced at her: "You little villain."

Li Shuxin snorted and said, "Here comes the baby. It's up to you."

Look at you, come on.

It's quite right to say that, but the little fat cub...a dart went out, and it landed on the ground with a bang.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Li Shuxin finally couldn't help it, and burst out laughing, neither of these guys can do it.

Shao Ling was melancholy, but the stall owner was happy and asked enthusiastically, "Do you want another one?"

Shao Ling: "..."

Does he look like a fool?

Shao Ling: "Stop playing, stop playing."

The chubby cub imitated his father's words: "If you don't mess with me, don't mess with me."

The little guy shook his head, but his big eyes looked at the darts on the ground, as if he still couldn't understand why he couldn't do it.

He looked at the dart and then at the balloon.

I wonder why I didn't hit it.

Li Shuxin kissed her son's cheek all at once, it was so cute.

Shao Ling: "Me too."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Her face was flushed, and she whispered, "I can't afford to lose that person."

Shao Ling: "Then go home and make up for it twice."

Li Shuxin snorted, but she also let Shao Ling hold her waist. The husband and wife were defeated in the darts event. Shao Ling seemed to want to leave this "sad place", and pulled Li Shuxin away quite quickly, saying: " I thought it was easy."

Li Shuxin raised the corner of her mouth again.

Shao Ling: "I'll go home and practice, and I'll come to him for a decisive battle next time."

The corners of Li Shuxin's mouth curled up even higher.

Shao Ling: "Just look at mine."

Li Shuxin burst out laughing.

"Huh? That's..."

She was smiling when she saw a familiar figure again.

I don't know what happened today, I can always meet acquaintances, it seems that the whole world lives near his house, the acquaintance I met this time is none other than Su Xuejiao.

Li Shuxin didn't expect to meet Su Xuejiao here, Su Xuejiao, cousin Su Xuelian, the most beautiful widow in Shaojia Village, but at this time, she was actually walking with a man, and the two of them were holding hands, looking like a couple couple.

That man... that man's back was facing Li Shuxin, but this man, he looked very familiar.

Li Shuxin: "Shao Peng?"

She still saw it.

Shao Ling had already killed the little fat boy at this time, and was holding the baby to play with him. Hearing this, he said, "Where is it?"

Ok, saw that too.

On the night of Chinese New Year's Eve, Shao Peng was not at home with his wife and children, but instead he took the most beautiful widow in Shaojia Village, and the two of them wandered in the sticky park.

Yes, it was Zhang Yaxin.

The top of Zhang Yaxin's head was shiny green.

"How did they fool around together?"

Li Shuxin couldn't understand it. You know, Zhang Yaxin and Li Shuxin are the same age, but they are much smaller than Su Xue.

Li Shuxin, Zhang Yaxin, and Su Xuelian are in the same age group, with a difference of one or two years; while Su Xuejiao is over 30, and her child is almost ten years old, much older than them. No matter how you look at it, I can't understand how Shaopeng Get together with Su Xuejiao.

And it's New Year's Eve.

"Let's turn around there." Shao Ling was decisive.

But Li Shuxin frowned.

Shao Ling: "We don't care about his family."

Shao Ling didn't want to get involved in this muddy water, but Li Shuxin was very worried about it.

The men in their village don't know their surnames when they have some money, and they all want to change their wives immediately. Suddenly, she thought of another man and asked, "How are the second brother Zhu and his wife doing now?"

That is also a person who is rich and ready to kick his wife and turn her back.

Shao Ling: "Not sure, I have nothing to do with him."

Li Shuxin stared at Shao Ling, gritted her teeth and said, "If you dare to learn from these bastards, I will let you leave the house."

Shao Ling smiled: "Do you think I look like that kind of person?"

Li Shuxin: "Know people, face, but not heart."

At this time, Su Xuejiao was complaining to Shaopeng, and said softly: "Apeng. You know, the demolition of my house is not as much as yours, and there is only a small amount of cash. That's it, my mother-in-law is still in her hands. Why? She also refused to give me a cent. She even took my salary and relocation expenses in her hands. I didn't blame her for being poor before, but it's much better now. Why does she still do this? I Now that she is married to their family, she is a member of their old Hu family. She doesn't treat me as her own at all. I am not greedy for money. I am sad. I am sad why she can't understand my good intentions, and I am even more sad that she is so Beware of me. If it wasn't for taking care of her elderly mother-in-law, if it wasn't for taking care of her son, why would I stay at Hu's house? I would have left long ago. It's a pity that no one can see what I have done. She just thinks that I It's for money."

Shaopeng: "I know you are wronged."

In fact, Shao Peng also met women, but among so many women, Su Xuejiao was the best. No matter how much she wanted to leave and remarry, she didn't leave, and she still guarded her mother-in-law and son. It was this persistence that Shao Penggao took a look at.

Also being a mother of a child, his daughter-in-law knew that she would buy, buy, and leave the child at his mother's place, but looking at Su Xuejiao, she really took care of the child in an orderly manner. Both are women, Su Xuejiao is really better.

He held Su Xuejiao's hand and said, "Where is your mother-in-law, may I help you?"

Su Xuejiao immediately shook her head, said softly, "No, please don't, I'm just complaining, and I know it in my heart. My mother-in-law feels uncomfortable after losing her son, and she just thinks that money is the only way to be safe. This is her I shouldn't break her sense of security."

She looked up at Shao Peng and said, "I didn't really think about it, but I was suffering. I wanted to find an executor to talk about what I was really asked to do. I couldn't."

She said softly, "A Peng, you know, I'm not a greedy person..."

Shao Peng: "I know, you are just soft-hearted, you have always been soft-hearted. You were soft-hearted when you married into their family, and after so many years, you are still soft-hearted. You are a good woman." He hugged Su Xuejiao and said: " Don't worry about the money, since you don't want your mother-in-law's, I have it here, you can take some and spend it."

Su Xuejiao: "Ah, I can't ask for your money..."

"Are we two outsiders? Just take it if you give it to you, as long as you know my heart..."

"A Peng, you are so kind." Su Xuejiao's eyes turned red from being moved.

Li Shuxin was not far from them. Hearing this, the overnight meal was tumbling in her stomach. She pouted and signaled Shao Ling to look at the two people ahead. Neither Shao Peng nor Su Xuejiao saw Shao Ling and his wife. The two were as tired as a husband and wife, Su Xuejiao took a cotton candy, ate it while walking, and even fed a mouthful to Shao Peng. Shaopeng's hands went up and down even more.

Anyway, I understand everything.

More, dare not describe.

Li Shuxin: "Spicy eyes."

Shao Ling reached out to cover Li Shuxin's eyes, Li Shuxin bit her lip, and Shao Ling said, "Listen to me, let's go."

The family of three bypassed the crowd and walked to the other side.

Li Shuxin drooped her eyes and said, "Do you think Zhang Yaxin knows?"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "I'm not at home on New Year's Eve, do you think Zhang Yaxin knows?"

Zhang Yaxin must know, but she just doesn't know, how much does she know.

Shao Ling: "Leave this matter alone, and don't meddle in it. It won't go well."

Li Shuxin: "Let me watch Zhang Yaxin in the dark?"

Shao Ling: "She must know, if you don't believe me..."

He smiled and said: "Tomorrow we will go back to the village to pay New Year's greetings. Let me try it out and see the result. If she knows, then you can leave it alone. Shao Peng's affairs are not so easy to manage."

Li Shuxin nodded, agreeing.

She turned her head to look at Shao Peng and Su Xuejiao. Su Xuejiao leaned on Shao Peng's shoulder and smiled sweetly. Her appearance is very soft, with a little "pure" in her softness. How can I describe this?

After more than 20 years of Internet development, this style is called "good marriage style".

But no matter what the wind was, Li Shuxin felt uncomfortable all over, and she was worthless for Zhang Yaxin, why did she find such a thing.

Li Shuxin: "Shao Peng's character is really bad."

Shao Ling nodded and said, "That has nothing to do with us. We have already left Shaojia Village. We will go back once during the Chinese New Year. Don't worry about their nonsense."

Li Shuxin was speechless.

Seeing that she was not in a good mood, Shao Ling thought for a while and said, "Su Xuejiao is actually trying to trick Shao Peng again. You see, Shao Peng seems to be a shrewd person who doesn't suffer at all, but he will suffer from the widow's fault. "

Li Shuxin: "How do you say?"

She asked curiously.

Shao Ling sneered: "Do you think Su Xuejiao is really complaining about her mother-in-law? She just wants to ask Shao Peng for money, and she is ashamed to say that she will not leave because of the Hu family. You listen to her fart, she does not leave because she is going home It's even more pitiful. It's good now. There is a younger brother in her family. His parents are very patriarchal and don't take her seriously. If she dares to go home, his parents will definitely accept the bride price. Marry her once. She is a second marriage who gave birth to a child. She must not be able to find particularly good conditions. If she is not guaranteed, she will marry into a more embarrassing family. Of course, she can also resist and disagree, just like Wang Di But she is not Wang Di's kind of self-reliant person. She has never worked since she got married. If you ask her to leave home to be self-reliant, don't even think about it. So the best way is to stay at Hu's house now and have a good life. Reputation, which of the foolish men in the village won't say good things about her? She relies on this, and if she catches a few more fish like Shao Peng, she will be able to get a lot of money in her hands. Don't talk nonsense about her. The family was relocated and she had a share. The Hu family's money was earned by her sister-in-law in Hong Kong City. The houses they built were all made with this money, and she didn't earn it. She said something nice."

Li Shuxin fell silent.

"Okay, let's not talk about these unlucky people, let's go around again, and then go home to watch the Spring Festival Gala."

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Okay."

"Yes." While they were talking, the little chubby boy was looking around, staring at a little Jade Rabbit lantern, his little hand was bluffing, shaking his father: "Dad, the baby wants it. "

He looked at the little jade rabbit, stared with big eyes, and said, "It's beautiful!"

Shao Ling took off the little tiger on his head and said, "Look, don't you have one?"

The little chubby cub looked at his little tiger's shiny headband, then at the little jade rabbit's lantern, and told his father clearly, word by word: "It's different."

Obviously, it's different.

Although, they are all bright.

However, it is different.

Shao Ling: "Hey, do you know the difference?"

The little chubby boy nodded, and said softly and milkily, "Baby wants it."

The little baby stared at his father with big eyes, almost capturing the adult's heart, Shao Ling: "Okay, I'll buy it for you."

The little chubby boy immediately laughed.

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling: "You are too unprincipled, aren't you?"

Shao Ling laughed: "My family, what principle do you talk about? It's the New Year's Eve."

Li Shuxin: "That's right."

Soon, the little guy put on the little jade rabbit lantern, wore a little tiger on his head, and held the little jade rabbit in his hand. He was very proud.

The family of three bypassed the crowds and walked home together. It was always said on the Internet that the South does not watch the Spring Festival Gala, but in fact, it still does. There are not many entertainment activities in this era, the Internet is very unpopular, and very few people have computers at home.

The mobile phone is completely unable to access the Internet.

So everyone will still watch the Spring Festival Gala, and watch the excitement.

Of course, there are people who hang out like this, but when they go home after enough shopping, they will still watch it more or less.

Shao Ling and Li Shuxin were not very far from the small park. The family of three walked back to the community after a stroll. Their community was also decorated with lights and festoons to welcome the New Year. It looked very festive, and the family of three went home together.

As soon as he entered the door, the little chubby cub ran away, stood in front of the changing mirror, looked left and right, looked at his little tiger and little rabbit, and shook his head and tail happily.

Shao Ling turned on the light, and the house suddenly brightened.

Little Fat Boy: "Wow."

Shao Ling: "Turn on the lights at home, it's bright."

Li Shuxin: "I'll cut the fruit."

But before cutting the fruit, she turned on the TV, the Spring Festival Gala has already started, and the TV is singing "Go home and see, go home and see..."

Li Shuxin recalled in a daze, this year this song is quite popular.

"...Even if it's brushing the chopsticks and washing the dishes..."

There was still singing on the TV, but Shao Ling laughed and said cheerfully, "If my parents hear this, they won't agree. They don't want people who wash dishes and chopsticks."

"My parents are too. If you don't talk about money, don't come to the door."

The two of them happened to meet such parents, but well, there are others who are not.

Shao Ling: "Do you remember Uncle Sun? He's from our village."

Li Shuxin nodded.

Shao Ling: "Uncle Sun paid 600,000 in compensation for the relocation, and he didn't keep any money. He divided it equally between his two sons."

Li Shuxin frowned slightly, and she said, "Equal split? Doesn't he keep some money for himself?"

Shao Ling: "If he didn't keep it, it's all divided. If he is smart, he can't divide it when the house is down. Keep something in his hand, and it will always be a safe place to live. If he is stupid and makes the house crazy, you see Let it go, there will be no good results for him when he is old."

Their relocation is basically divided into several situations.

The first situation is the old scalper type like Uncle Sun, who distributes the money to the children of the family as soon as he gets it, and serves his children wholeheartedly.

The second type is the old man who divides a part, hides a part, and vomits out a little.

The last part is the type of Aunt Hu. All the relocation funds are held in her hands, and she doesn't give out a cent.

Of course, the last type is very rare, and the first and second types are evenly divided.

But even the first and second types have many problems. Many families have more than one child. Then you have more and I have less, you have less and I have more, and there are countless fights between those who are partial and not partial.

Everyone feels that they are at a disadvantage.

It's really hard for people to keep a bowl of water level, and eccentricity is the norm, just like the Uncle Sun mentioned just now, he only divided his two sons equally, but forgot that he had a daughter... His family If this is the case, there are still a lot of people, even if they have a few sons, there are good and bad, making a lot of trouble.

Although Li Shuxin and the others moved out early, they were all aware of the nonsense of a month's work.

For example, the two daughters of Uncle Hai's family are not exempt. They both think that their parents' money must be given to each other, so the two sisters' noses are not noses and eyes are not eyes. Neither did.

"A Ling, we only have one child, and we won't have a second one, okay?"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

Li Shuxin said seriously: "I have another child. I really dare not say that I am completely equal. I think I am fair, but the child may not think it is fair, so I only want to have one child. This way I will not be partial. No matter whether it is a boy or a girl, I dare not say that I am not partial at all. So we only have one child, and it is only good for Xiao Jiaxi, okay?"

Shao Ling laughed: "Of course."

He rubbed Li Shuxin's head and said, "Are you confused? Family planning didn't let you have two."

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

She even forgot that this is not the era of two and three children, and it is still in the family planning process.

Thinking of this, Li Shuxin laughed, patted her forehead and said, "Look at my brain."

Shao Ling: "Okay, okay, I see, you are influenced by the people around you."

This is true, their side is close to the port city, and some people secretly went there to give birth. So it was normal for Li Shuxin not to react.

"We only have one," he said.

Li Shuxin hummed lightly.

"I love little Jiaxi the most!"

The little chubby boy heard someone calling Xiao Jiaxi, and came over with his little lantern.

He tilted his head and said, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

Li Shuxin immediately picked up the child and said, "Baby, Mom loves you the most."

The little chubby cub laughed, and croaked sweetly at his mother.

Li Shuxin: "My treasure, what are you talking about?"

The little chubby boy also noticed that he was speaking too fast, organized his words, and said, "Baby loves mother."

Li Shuxin was overjoyed: "Oh, my cute baby, you're so smart."

Shao Ling: "Don't you love Dad?"

He is jealous.

The little chubby boy said loudly: "Love!"

Shao Ling laughed: "That's about the same."

He hugged Li Shuxin directly, Li Shuxin: "What are you doing?"

Shao Ling smiled: "Guess?"

Li Shuxin gave him a hammer.

"Ring, ring, ring." The two of them were getting tired, when Shao Ling's phone rang, Shao Ling: "Fatty Yu?"

He picked it up, and sure enough, it was Fatty Yu who called to pay New Year's greetings in advance. Shao Ling smiled heartily: "Happy New Year..."

Speaking of which, on the evening of this year's 30th, there are a lot of calls for New Year's greetings. Shao Ling's phone started to ring, and Li Shuxin's phone was also very fast on the other side. After a while, the husband and wife are the only one you Give me a call.

Many of Shao Ling's phone calls were from former classmates, so it is a must to send a greeting to Li Shuxin as well.

Speaking of which, their husband and wife were not so popular before. After all, they were not children when they were in technical secondary school. They were generally relatively poor at this time, and the children of the poor had already started their own families. Everyone knew the importance of being rich.

It is precisely because of knowing that Shao Ling and his wife are not very rich, and the family is relatively difficult. Everyone knows. There are not many people who really associate with them. Even when they got married, not many classmates came.

But now and then, at that time, Shao Ling and Li Shuxin were hiding because they were poor, but now the news of their demolition came out. This classmate naturally effervescent. For example, Li Shanshan, who borrowed money years ago, called Shao Ling again this time.

The sticky voice of New Year's greetings made Li Shuxin on the side scratch his ears and hum heavily.

If it's normal, it's really not.

But who let Li Shuxin just see Shao Peng's dog poop.

Just, when I heard that Li Shanshan was tired of Shao Ling, she could hang a bottle of oil with her mouth.

Shao Ling quickly hung up the phone and raised his hand: "I blocked her, but she called from another number..."

Li Shuxin: "Block the black again!"

Shao Ling: "Obey!"

Chapter 42

No one cares about the poor in the busy city, but the rich has distant relatives in the mountains.

Shao Ling and Li Shuxin are like this, usually they don't think so, but since the demolition, old classmates have appeared, and there are not a few borrowers like Li Shanshan, but Shao Ling and Li Shuxin are both "hard-hearted" , No matter who put it aside, there is no one sentence.

Even if people say "If you have money, you don't recognize your old classmates", the two of them don't care.

After all, I was not familiar with them in the past. It depends on the people you get together when you have money, so what if you associate with them or not.

Of course, when it's Chinese New Year, if someone calls to pay New Year's greetings, they will definitely say nice things, even if they know how the relationship is with each other, they won't say bad things. The chubby boy watched his mother and father answering the phone constantly, blinked his big eyes, and ran to his own playground.

Little Claws rummaged through the carton box and found a plastic phone. The little guy happily picked it up, put the plastic phone to his ear, and talked into the phone like his parents.

As soon as Shao Ling turned around, he saw his little boy strolling out, poking his wife with a smile, and Li Shuxin laughed.

Although many people called her, she also made a round of phone calls. At this time, she finally became a little quieter. She leaned against Shao Ling's body as if she had no bones. As soon as her son came, she hooked him Hook your fingers.

The chubby boy threw away the small phone in his hand, and ran to his mother's side. The two mothers lay on Shao Ling's lap, one on each side.

The little chubby cub was lying on his father's lap, gnawing on his little feet, Shao Ling: "Oh, I'll go~ let me go, you were walking all over the ground just now, and now you're going to gnaw, you're going to be dirty, I'm Right?" Even a rough guy like Shao Ling couldn't stand it anymore.

He lowered his head and poked the little one's cheek, not allowing him to gnaw on his feet.

Unconvinced, Xiao BuDian waved his little hands to defend: "Uh la la..."

It seems that even though he made an excuse, the child also knew that he couldn't make any sense. Well, for a long time, Zheng Bajinger didn't say a word, but he made a strange sound.

Shao Ling took out a baby sausage, and the chubby boy immediately calmed down, showing the sweetest smile to his father, Sunshine loves to smile, good baby.

Shao Ling: "Do you want to eat your feet again?"

The little chubby boy's eyes wandered for a while, but he quickly shook his head and said, "Don't eat!"

So decisive.

At such a young age, he is a child who knows the current affairs and is a hero.

Shao Ling opened the baby's intestines and handed it to the little one, who immediately started eating happily.

Li Shuxin: "Children's taste is really strange."

She ate one secretly. This kind of deep-sea fish intestines eaten by babies has a bland taste and tasteless. But his family's little Jiaxi loves food very much. It is simply Nanbowan in the snack list, and nothing else can compare.

Li Shuxin: "It's obviously not delicious."

Shao Ling: "Children have a mild taste."

He lowered his head to look at Li Shuxin's face, she was very close, and at a glance, it was almost impossible to break her. His daughter-in-law is pretty, she is really pretty.

Shao Ling lowered his head and gently pinched Li Shuxin's face, it was also very elastic.

Li Shuxin's eyes widened and said, "Shao Ling, what are you doing!?"

This is very good, but also pinches people.

Shao Ling smiled: "I just want to see you look good."

The corners of Li Shuxin's lips curled up. Of course Li Shuxin knew that she was not a peerless beauty, but she still felt very happy to be praised for her beauty. Who doesn't like to hear good things. Li Shuxin hooked Shao Ling with her backhand, giggling.

Shao Ling: "Smile as you please, why are you still laughing?"

Li Shuxin: "I want you to take care of it."

Shao Ling silently looked at Li Shuxin. Li Shuxin was about to speak when he was suddenly embraced by Shao Ling. He scratched his itch unceremoniously and said, "Just do it..."

Li Shuxin: "No!"

She was so ticklish, she dodged it with a smile, Shao Ling laughed loudly, and said, "You know you're scared, don't you?"

The little chubby cub was eating and watching the fun, giggling.

Li Shuxin: "Okay, you guys bully me together!"

Shao Ling: "Just bully you."

The two were messing around in the living room, and they were having a good time, when Li Shuxin's phone rang, Li Shuxin reached out to stop Shao Ling, and said, "Telephone, stop making trouble."

She came and picked up the phone with a smile, her eyebrows jumped up in surprise, and said, "Is it Mrs. Wang?"

Shao Ling: "Who?"

He picked his ears, but he couldn't remember who this person was.

Li Shuxin: "Just before Shaopeng treated me to a treat, that Mrs. Wang who took a fancy to my bag."

At that time, two people took down Li Shuxin's phone number, one was Cui Tao, and the other was Mrs. Wang, but the two families had no contact after that. Shao Ling didn't have much contact with that Mr. Wang, and Mrs. Wang naturally wouldn't contact Li Shuxin too much, but she always had to answer the phone calls for New Year's greetings.

Li Shuxin answered the phone and said with a smile, "Mrs. Wang, happy new year."

The other end of the phone paused, smiled and said, "Happy New Year."

This Mrs. Wang didn't look like a jerk at first sight, so she got straight to the point: "Are you husband and wife together?"

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows, wondering what kind of question this is.

She smiled and said, "Yes, it's Chinese New Year, where else can we go? Mrs. Wang, you...?"

There was a bit of doubt in her voice, Mrs. Wang: "My old Wang is a bastard. The family is not together during the Chinese New Year. Instead, he said that he wants to go out to play cards with Shao Peng and the others. I don't think it's wrong? I just want to check the post." Unexpectedly, he really told me nonsense."

Shao Ling: "..."

Li Shuxin looked up at Shao Ling, and said with a smile: "Then we don't know about these things, and Shao Ling doesn't usually hang out with them. It's completely useless for you to ask our Shao Ling."

Mrs. Wang: "I'll ask each family!"

Li Shuxin: "...Oh."

Mrs. Wang: "I wish you an early New Year's greetings in advance, and we will go shopping together after the new year. This time it can't be like last time, just let it go. You have to come with me and give me my staff."

Mrs. Wang is a very familiar person, and she is a bit outspoken. But Li Shuxin did not refuse, and said: "Okay, let's talk about it after the new year."

She quickly hung up the phone, spread her hands, and said, "It's all about me."

Shao Ling: "Don't worry about their shit."

Whether it is Shao Ling or Li Shuxin, they are all like a mirror, playing cards is a fart.

If it was really playing cards, they would not have met Shao Peng, and Shao Peng would be able to mess around outside behind Zhang Yaxin's back. The old king is probably the same.

She put her hips on her hips and said angrily: "Shao Ling, you are not allowed to have more contact with them!"

Shao Ling glanced at her.

Li Shuxin: "Good people will learn badly."

Shao Ling: "What kind of person am I?"

Lai Shuxin: "I take precautions before they happen."

Shao Ling said meaningfully: "Then I will prove myself every day?"

Li Shuxin: "..."

Seeing her fierce look, Shao Ling laughed, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not that kind of person. I also promise to get out of the mud and stay clean. Oh no, bah! I didn't get into the mud either! We don't get along at all. together."

In fact, he didn't play with Shao Peng and those people very much before. If it wasn't for the relocation of the breeding circle together this time, they really didn't have much contact with each other. Shao Ling felt that it would be really pitiful if he was angered because of Shao Peng.

Dou E did not wrong him.

It really can snow if it is not guaranteed.

He said: "No, I still have to prove myself every day. If I don't even have any physical strength, I can't do bad things..."

Li Shuxin couldn't help laughing, and poked him: "Go away."

Shao Ling hugged his daughter-in-law and didn't let go.

"Why should I go away? My daughter-in-law is so worried, so I naturally pester you more to prove myself."

Li Shuxin giggled, and when she had laughed enough, she suddenly thought why her son hadn't moved, and turned her head again. I saw that the little one was already lying on the sofa and fell asleep, okay? It's getting late. Li Shuxin pushed Shao Ling away and said, "Take the child back to the house to sleep."

Shao Ling was satisfied: "The little guy is finally asleep, and we adults can play some adult games."

Li Shuxin blushed: "Shut up!"

Shao Ling: "..."

He asked sincerely: "Why are you shy? Are we considered an old couple?"

Li Shuxin choked: "That's how I am, how about it!"

Shao Ling: "That's how you are, you..."

Li Shuxin hurriedly stopped him, and said with a smile: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, my son is sleeping. Don't wake him up."

Shao Ling stared at Li Shuxin for a long time: "It's cheap for you."

"I hug him..."

Li Shuxin held Shao Ling back: "Wait a minute, we're playing a sketch."

Shao Ling: "Uncle Zhao? He's the only one who is interesting every year, and I can still see some excitement."

The two snuggled together and watched TV: "My name is Baiyun, and my name is Heitu..."

Shao Ling: "Pfft!"

Li Shuxin: "Why did you start laughing at the very beginning?"

Shao Ling: "You have a low laugh."

He bowed his head and pecked at his wife, then looked at the sketch again.

Every year, a few golden sentences can be born in the sketches, and this year is no exception. After watching Uncle Zhao's sketches, firecrackers sounded one after another outside the window. Shao Ling carried his son back to the room. The child slept very well , The sound outside was so loud, it really didn't affect him at all, and he slept soundly.

Shao Ling looked at Li Shuxin...

Man, you just have to prove yourself.


The morning sun was particularly bright, and the first day of the new year was a good day. Shao Ling and his wife drove back to Lincheng early in the morning. Although they had already moved to Pengcheng, after all, many relatives were there. It would be unreasonable for them not to go back. .

Actually, let's talk about it carefully. Li Shuxin knew that they didn't go back very often in their previous life, and they didn't hang out often when they went back to celebrate the New Year.

It's not that people in the village have made trouble, that's not the case, but seeing the people in the village, they have to mention the relocation, which is a huge sad thing for the husband and wife. Li Shuxin knew that she was very evasive.

She knew that it was useless to be a human being to escape, and it was even worse to be depressed, but how could she control it.

Uncomfortable is uncomfortable, if not for too long, she would not be sick and die.

But in this life, there is no such thing. Since there is no such thing, it is natural to go back and pay New Year's greetings.

Shao Ling's aunts are all in the village.

In the early morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, the husband and wife set off by car, Shao Ling drove, and Li Shuxin sat in the back seat with the chubby boy. The chubby cub was sitting on the child safety seat, looking like a tiger.

Li Shuxin: "Many people in the village have moved out, right? How can we celebrate the New Year?"

Shao Ling: "Basically they all live in Shangyun Village, and a few live in Tangkou Village. But we don't need to travel here and there. The old secretary has arranged for people to cook reunion porridge in the village, and everyone will return to the village. "

This is an annual event. Every family will pay some money to the village. On the first day of the new year, the village will buy a firecracker and set it off, and then cook a big pot of reunion porridge. Everyone has a bowl Yes, lively and lively.

Their villages are relatively simple, and some villages even have running water mats and dragon dance teams.

This is a habit developed in the early years. There are big and big ways to do it; small and small ways to do it. But it must be lively and lively. In the past, when the village was not demolished, they could do it well. Now that everyone has money after the demolition, it will naturally be even more so.

Li Shuxin: "Where did you pay the money?"

Shao Ling: "Two hundred."

Li Shuxin nodded, two hundred is not a lot, after all, it is still the 1990s. Even though it was the late nineties. But two hundred is really a lot, and it's too much to catch people's favors, let alone the New Year's gathering.

"Tell me, is there anyone who doesn't pay for this reunion dinner?"

Shao Ling: "Yes?"

He sneered, and said, "Aunt Hu will definitely not pay. If people don't pay the money, they are ashamed to come to eat and drink. She can come here if she doesn't pay the money."

Speaking of Aunt Hu, people naturally thought of Su Xuejiao who appeared in Pengcheng yesterday.

Li Shuxin was very gossip, and said, "What reason do you think Su Xuejiao came out yesterday?"

Shao Ling shook his head: "I really couldn't think of that."

Although Aunt Hu's son is gone, she is determined not to allow Su Xuejiao to remarry. Because she holds the family's economic power, Su Xuejiao is particularly concerned about it. Su Xuejiao can come out, or come out on such a special day, it is completely unpredictable.

Both husband and wife were a little puzzled, and Shao Ling was in high spirits: "Wait, I'll inquire about it, and I'll tell you when the time comes."

Li Shuxin: "Okay."

The two parents-in-law of gossip.

The two of them were talking, and the car drove into the village. Then Li Shuxin thought of something. She asked, "Will your parents come back?"

Shao Ling: "I guess, 8-9 out of 10 will not."

They never came back before, let alone now.

Li Shuxin: "Then we have to go to the city again."

Shao Ling: "It doesn't matter if you don't go, let's see when the time comes."

While speaking, the car drove to the compound of the village committee. Don't look at them going out early in the morning, but it's not too early for them to come. Many people in the village are there, and the scene is very lively.

As soon as a few people got off the car, some juniors came over to pay New Year's greetings, and Li Shuxin sent out red packets.

The red packets on their side are usually very small, and Li Shuxin has not changed because of the relocation. After all, twenty years later, they still have a package of ten yuan, just for auspiciousness. So now they don't take the lead, just as much as they should.

The children received a circle of red envelopes, which scattered like a low tide.

Hai Lan waved at Li Shuxin: "Ah Xin, Ah Xin, come here."

The little chubby cub quickly hugged his mother's leg.

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling and said, "I'm taking my son there."

Shao Ling also rushed over to the gay man's side.

Men and women, a big New Year's greetings.

The New Year is so lively. The women in several villages are making reunion porridge. The so-called reunion porridge is similar to Laba porridge.

And only with a higher status can such a person do it, and of course it's not in vain. There will be a red envelope in the village.

So every year there are quite a few people vying for this job.

A young daughter-in-law like Li Shuxin and the others is completely out of luck. Of course, Li Shuxin really doesn't want to be in the wheel. She doesn't care, but there are many people who care.

Li Shuxin also knows that in the past two years, in a few years, the economic development is getting better and better, but people and people are getting weaker and weaker. This kind of activity gradually disappeared, and it seemed that there was no need to cancel it deliberately, it just disappeared silently.

But now it's very lively.

Li Shuxin leaned over and said with a smile: "You guys came early."

Hailan: "That's because we live close. I came here early in the morning."

Li Shuxin and the others entered the village all the way, and saw that many houses had been demolished, including Hai Lan's family. She asked curiously, "Is your house demolished? I remember you said that the added houses have not been dealt with yet."

Hailan: "You see that your news is not well-informed, right? There is new news."

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows: "Huh?"

"The new policy issued on the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, the houses that will be built later will be paid at the cost price. Although it was a waste of effort and not making money, my family still signed it." Hailan was beaming. This is natural, so many houses have been demolished Yes, his house is not there yet, can she not be in a hurry?

Really anxious.

No, as soon as the twenty-ninth policy of the twelfth lunar month came out, the whole family made a calculation and agreed to sign it. She thinks it's too much to get something more from the added house. If it was really that easy to agree, it wouldn't take half a year.

Hailan has already accepted this policy.

"The twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month? Then your house hasn't moved, right? I saw that the walls of your house were pushed down."

Hailan: "That's right, the outer wall is pushed down after signing the contract. The one-month moving deadline, isn't it just in time for the Chinese New Year? It can be an extra month. I even got the moving fee." She was triumphant, I think I'm doing this smartly.

She signed on the same day, and she could get the moving fee and rent fee. And because of the Chinese New Year, they have an extra month of buffer, two months, one month more than others. She was happy: "As soon as the policy came out that day, a dozen or so households signed it, and everyone was in a hurry. I still live in the original house. Although I don't have a yard, I plan to live there for two months before leaving."

Li Shuxin suddenly realized that the day when Shao Ling sent the pig was not yet the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, so he didn't know the new news.

She looked at Shao Ling in the distance. This man was puffing out clouds and mist in the distance, with a smile on his face and eyes, and he could tell at a glance that he was probably listening to gossip. Li Shuxin thought that when they go back tonight, they can exchange gossip information with each other.

"By the way, you know, Old Uncle Hai hasn't moved yet."

Li Shuxin: "What?"

She remembered that Uncle Hai three or four months ago, before the weather was cold, the old couple signed the contract.

"The relocation office will let them leave?"

Hailan: "Of course not. The relocation office will definitely not let them live. However, there are policies and countermeasures. Let me tell you, if old uncle Hai dares to say that he is second in terms of saving, No one dares to say number one. This is really the strongest man in the universe."

Take a look, even a rural woman in Hailan can say this, which shows how shocked she is.

Li Shuxin immediately cheered: "What?"

Hailan: "..."

Li Shuxin noticed the excitement in his tone, adjusted his tone, and said, "Old Uncle Hai is also Shao Ling's old uncle, we still care about him."

Hai Lan gave her a look of "I understand". To tell the truth, every time she went back to her natal home, talking about Uncle Hai was the main topic of conversation.

He's a new money-saving trick every day.

It's breathtaking.

Hai Lan: "Old Uncle Hai's house was relocated. He moved in a month. He left on the last day. However, he didn't rent a house. He moved to the neighbor Lao Huang's house."

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

Hai Lan: "Old Huang's family signed the contract half a month later than him, but Lao Huang's family moved out a day earlier than Lao Haishu. In fact, most of the village is like your family, and basically they will not live for a full month. After staying for a while, I will move when I find a place. Isn't there a gap in the middle? Uncle Hai seized this gap. Lao Huang's family moved out. He discussed with others and moved in. .Old Huang's house has not yet arrived, and there are people living in it, so the demolition unit will naturally not be demolished. Then when the time comes, Lao Hai will find another house..."

Li Shuxin's eyes widened in shock, and her mouth became an "O" shape.

"Then, it's impossible for everyone to move away one by one? There will always be a break, right?"

Hailan nodded: "Yes. Go to a relative's house to borrow. Several relatives in your family have taken turns. But old uncle Hai didn't live in vain. He said that he cleaned the house to pay the rent. For dinner..." Hailan paused After a while, say: "He always does some simple things in the yard."

Li Shuxin: "..."

It's a good thing they moved, or is it one of them?

Hailan also had a look on her face, "You are glad you moved away."

Li Shuxin: "Uncle Hai is really a god."

But thinking about it, it's not surprising.

When she and Shao Ling were going to get married and renovate the house, Shao Ling's grandparents had to go out temporarily and live in the homes of Shao Ling's aunts.

That's his father-in-law and mother-in-law. They keep accounts every day, and they have to review them every night. The two old people who are angry don't want it.

Although, I didn't ask the old couple for money.

But Shao Ling didn't let his grandma live in the homes of his aunts for nothing. He went fishing every now and then, but he gave a lot to his aunts. Speaking of which, at that time, Shao Ling had a better relationship with his aunts than with his parents.

But Li Shuxin felt that it was enough to have superficial feelings with them, and there was really no need for deeper feelings.

She has memories of her previous life. In her previous life, something happened to their family. When they heard that so much money was needed, these people didn't dare to take the lead. It was the old secretary who led Su Xuelian and Shao Jie to help them out.

The old secretary is getting old, so Su Xuelian is mainly in charge of negotiations.

So even if she was reborn and had no relationship with her, Li Shuxin would still be close to Su Xuelian when she saw Su Xuelian.

People, you can't look at what he said, but what he did.

At that time, the husband and wife didn't expect others to be able to help them, but they were too scared to show up for fear of being stained, and they avoided meeting each other, which was also chilling. She understands it intellectually, but not emotionally.

So when she was reborn, Li Shuxin was separated from these people. There is politeness, but there is no communication. But fortunately, she wasn't very familiar with these people, and she didn't have much contact with them.

Don't look at her being married for several years, but she had to go to work when she first got married, and she went out less when she became pregnant.

"The village is really lively." Li Shuxin felt sincerely.

"Of course, oh yes, there is another good thing."

Speaking of this, Hai Lan smiled and told Li Shuxin: "There is a great news."

Li Shuxin smiled meaningfully: "What a great deal?"


Or a medicine for strengthening yang, tonifying kidney, beautifying and beautifying skin?

Although she was not in the village during this time, Li Shuxin also experienced sincere sales.

"What are you selling?"

Hailan: "Where is it selling things, no."

While the two were talking, the second aunt also came over and said, "Ah Xin, it's old calendars to sell things, so you don't want to buy them now."

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

She raised an eyebrow.

Hailan lowered her voice and said with a smile: "Everyone has nothing to buy now. We think it's a scam to sell this or that. It's like the Walkman we bought. The quality is poor. It's not a few days It's broken. There are also health products I bought, and I can't sleep after eating. It's not good anyway. We don't buy these things now. Listen to them, don't try to cheat me. What we are looking at now is pretty good. It's not this, the good thing I'm talking about is free travel."

Li Shuxin: "Free travel?"

Is there anything else going on?

Hailan: "It's just such a good thing. It doesn't happen often. If it's not an acquaintance, they wouldn't take us there."

Li Shuxin looked at the second aunt, and the senior patient who was deceived immediately nodded hurriedly and said, "Don't think we are talking nonsense, it really is. You know Aunt Hu, right?"

The corner of Li Shuxin's mouth twitched, and said, "I don't know anyone, and I have to know her."

The world's number one naughty old lady is talking about her.

Li Shuxin: "Oh, by the way, did his family sign it?"

"No, where can he sign at will? The old lady opened her mouth like a lion, saying that her family is old and young, her man left early, and her son left early. She must take care of their family. If you don't pay three times, you won't agree." Walk."

Li Shuxin: "..."

All right, as long as she's happy.

"Now the demolition office goes around their house."

Hailan added: "She sees Tian'er blocking the demolition office. The first time she meets someone, she rolls over and cries. She calls the man her son, saying that they are bullying her. They say it's a normal policy, but she doesn't Agree, it must be three times. It is really the number one shit stirrer in the world. But don't look at this shit stirrer, there are good people in his family, and her daughter-in-law is a good person."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Is Su Xuejiao a good person?

She doesn't believe it.

Su Xuejiao's rank of Bai Lianhua is not low, Li Shuxin asked: "Does the good thing you said have anything to do with her?"

Hailan nodded: "Yes."

Before she finished speaking, the second aunt snatched the conversation and said: "This Gillian is really a good person, don't look at me in front of you, but I have to say the same thing, these little daughter-in-laws in our village have One by one, they are not as good as her. Look at her, did she say anything bad to such an evil mother-in-law like Mrs. Hu? No! She really takes care of her mother-in-law, even if all the men are gone, she is still guarded by others , resolutely not to remarry. And now that she has found a job, she is working for the welfare of our village as soon as possible, which is really impossible for ordinary people..."

Li Shuxin: "Did she help matchmaking?"

"Isn't it?"

As soon as the words were said, someone called "Come here!" Li Shuxin looked over and saw two vans driving into the village committee, and Su Xuejiao was the first to get off from the car.

Second Aunt: "Huh? Why is it Gillian?"

Another little daughter-in-law next door lived next door to Aunt Hu Su Xuejiao's house, and she helped to explain: "A-Jiao really broke her heart for our village. She didn't come back until 11 o'clock last night, and she went out again at four o'clock this morning. Busy Not one of them."

"It's not easy for her."

Li Shuxin thought: "It turns out that Su Xuejiao went out for this reason."

At this time, the village head had already raised the horn and said: "Every family should send a representative, and each family should send a representative to step forward, and the others should try to retreat as much as possible."

Li Shuxin hugged her son, and the chubby boy stretched out her little hand, whimpering to move forward. Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling standing to the side. She made a gesture and walked a few steps forward with her son in her arms. At this time, the people who followed Su Xuejiao also got out of the car one by one. There were a dozen people, men and women, all wearing suits and white shirts, and they all looked like insurance salesmen.

Tables and chairs were quickly set up in the village, and a group of people sat down in a row, including Su Xuejiao.

Aunt Hu didn't know when she arrived, and she said triumphantly: "You people, even if you meet my daughter-in-law, if you change someone, it won't give you such a big benefit. I don't see you treating me like this on weekdays." How nice, our family repays evil with kindness."

"Be quiet, everyone be quiet." The village chief smiled: "Now let us welcome Mr. Wang, the branch of the beautiful country Kamasi Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. in my country, to speak."

The leading middle-aged man stood up, gestured with his hand, and said with a smile: "Hi everyone, my surname is Wang, and I am the general manager of the Pengcheng Branch of Pretty Country. Our company was born in Pretty Country a hundred years ago. It has its own branches in Tokyo, Seoul, Bangkok and Singapore. In China, Pengcheng is the third branch, the first and the second, respectively in the capital and Shanghai. Over the years, our company has developed Very fast and widely acclaimed. Our company relies on investment first, supplemented by tourism. While enriching your wallet, it also enriches your horizons and takes you to appreciate the great rivers and mountains. Originally, we did not plan to come to our village. I believe that in Pengcheng, our activities will be carried out better. But Ms. Su Xuejiao, a staff member of our company, tried her best to recommend it, so we are here, and we are coming with sincerity."

Little Fat Boy: "Ahhhhhh."

He couldn't understand it either, but he was very happy to hear it. This uncle is good at acting.

The chubby boy giggled and smiled, Li Shuxin watched the excitement silently, and in the distance, her man hugged his chest happily, watching happily.

In short, neither of them believed in this.

Li Shuxin is a member of the Rebirth Party, and this kind of routine has been seen a lot; as for Shao Ling, Li Shuxin also believes that Shao Ling will not be fooled. When he was a mess in his early years, he had seen many more deceitful things than this.

At this time, Mr. Wang was still babbling: "Our company adopts the investment tourism method, which is divided into several grades of investment. If you deposit your money in the bank, the bank will only give you a small amount of interest. But you By depositing money with us, you can not only reap high interest, but also a rich spiritual world. At the same time as high interest, our company will guarantee to organize a trip to other provinces every quarter and an outing every month. These , are all sincere feedback to everyone. Yes, this word runs through our activities from beginning to end, that is: feedback. Our company organizes this activity for the purpose of giving back, which is sincere feedback, so that everyone can feel that our company The strength and sincerity of our company. So this time, our first activity is... free travel! In the first round, we don't charge money, and we will take you on a tour for free! Let everyone have a taste of our company's culture and experience our company's strength."

He shouted excitedly: "Yes, no money, no nine-nine-eight, no six-eight-eight, not two-eight-eight and one-eight-eight, we don't engage in routines, we are sincere and free. Only sincerity can let everyone see It is a great determination to come to our company to enrich the spiritual world of ordinary people. However, I believe everyone understands that such a good thing cannot be given to everyone unconditionally anytime and anywhere. Although our company is very strong, after all, our branch is just Opening, the energy is still limited. Therefore, we may control the number of people in organizing everyone's travel this time. According to the original plan, our company planned to have 60 people in the first round, but under the hard work of Ms. Su Xuejiao. We increased This is what Ms. Su Xuejiao won for everyone. Everyone should thank Ms. Su Xuejiao. But the number is limited, in order to allow more families to experience the sincerity of our KAMAZ. We try to disperse as much as possible, one family, we only recruit one person , We can only support 100 people in this group, and 100 people is full. If the remaining people want to join in the future, they can only join our company's big family to have a chance."

The scene was buzzing immediately, and a shrewd person immediately shouted: "I sign up, I want to sign up."

"I'll sign up too, I'll go first!"

"Why did you come first, I came first, I must be..."

Although everyone is an ordinary citizen in the countryside, they can hear clearly that there are a hundred people in this free tour, and if there is any excess, they will not have this opportunity. What is more attractive than free travel.

These days, it is not government agencies, but there are very few units that organize outings. As for ordinary people, there is no such opportunity.

Of course, you can also spend your own money, but who is willing to do so.

Everyone knows that going out for a trip costs a lot of money.

For a moment, the crowd was so excited that Li Shuxin was almost knocked down, she hurriedly backed away with the child in her arms, and let out a deep breath. This is too scary, right?

"Calm down, everyone calm down!" Mr. Wang was still yelling: "This time we chose the capital city for a seven-day tour! If someone has already been there and doesn't want to go again, there is no need to sign up. The whole family has discussed it before For registration, our family will give at most one place, until one hundred people are full."

The mention of the capital made everyone even more excited, and the second aunt rushed forward frantically: "I haven't been to the capital yet."

Uncle Hai is even more like a wild bull, rushing forward crazily: "I am old, whoever touches me will have to pay!"

As soon as the words came out, several people got out of the way, and Lao Haishu took advantage of the opportunity to get to the front. Some of the other older ones saw what Uncle Hai did, and learned a lot. These old people usually work like old scalpers, but at this time they are very weak, and they will fall if they touch them.

One by one, they all successfully got the places in front of them.

Li Shuxin looked at the fiery atmosphere, and felt that it was the first day of the new year, but everyone seemed to be more interested in traveling, but I thought so, who wouldn't like free ones. She didn't show it on her face, but she was tsk tsk tsk in her heart.

At this time, she suddenly opened her eyes wide, and instantly her eyes were round, and her almond eyes were round, and she saw Shao Ling also squeezed to the front.

Li Shuxin: "...?"

My husband, what are you doing!

Li Shuxin watched in bewilderment as Shao Ling enthusiastically mailed it to the front and signed up. The whole person was like a dull little rabbit, looking at Shao Ling in a daze. Shao Ling squeezed out and smiled at Li Shuxin.

Li Shuxin: "Are you signing up?"

Shao Ling smiled: "Didn't I just want to take advantage of the advantage?"

The corner of Li Shuxin's mouth twitched, and she lowered her voice: "We are not short of such a few money, what are you doing? Going with them must be very painful."

Even if it was free, Li Shuxin didn't believe how good it would be.

After all, if the conditions are too good, then the investment is too big, and who knows how many of these people can become their potential customers. So don't even think about it, the conditions must be very poor.

"Besides, there is only one person in the family. If you leave, what will I do with the little fat boy?"

Li Shuxin raised her head and said, "I can't do it alone."

Seeing her acting like a baby, Shao Ling smiled and touched his daughter-in-law's face. As soon as Hai Lan squeezed out of the crowd, he saw the greasy look of their husband and wife, uh, it's so greasy. She shook her shoulders and moved away.

Shao Ling pulled Li Shuxin to the side, lowered his head against her forehead and said, "I'm curious, do you want to see what's going on?"

Li Shuxin pursed her lips, speechless.

Why didn't she know before that Shao Ling was so curious.

She shook Shao Ling's sleeve coquettishly, and said, "You are willing to leave us at home, don't go."

Shao Ling blinked and said, "Okay then. If you promise me one condition, I won't go."

He smiled, stared at Li Shuxin, and said quietly: "Do you want to agree?"

Li Shuxin: "Have you said anything yet?"

Shao Ling whispered a few words in her ear, Li Shuxin: "..."

Her face gradually turned red, she looked up at Shao Ling, and said, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Shao Ling shrugged and smiled, with an innocent face: "You don't want me to go, so I have to put forward conditions."

Li Shuxin snorted: "Go, go, then go."

She muttered: "You're plotting against me on purpose! I don't want to eat it... Ahhh!"

Chapter 43

Li Shuxin and Shao Ling have been married for a long time, but she didn't know that Shao Ling still had such an interest.

She looked Shao Ling up and down, and said, "You're not a cheap eater, what are you doing?"

Soon, she whispered: "You play with me, don't get involved in these things."

This kind of scam is really accurate at first glance, why bother to get involved and let people "kill pigs". Although Shao Ling is very shrewd, Li Shuxin dare not say that Shao Ling will not be deceived. After all, now is not the time when the Internet is developed, and everyone has not yet fully exposed the tricks of the scam.

Li Shuxin was very afraid that her man would be scammed. This kind of "investment incentive travel" model is still common after more than ten years.

This kind of scam is to put down the capital first, and after you enter the game greedy for cheap, you will quickly build trust and get a large investment. What high interest, what tourism, don't look at it several times a year. But after all, people have set a long-distance journey once a quarter, and it is estimated that when a quarter arrives, people will run away.

Li Shuxin: "Don't go."

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "Are you worried that I will be cheated?"

Li Shuxin nodded: "Yes."

She didn't hide it, and directly expressed her worry, "I just don't worry, those who enter the pyramid scheme still think that they will not be brainwashed, and the result? It is estimated that one out of ten will be sober from."

Li Shuxin was really worried, Shao Ling didn't want to scare her anymore with her appearance like this.

He took Li Shuxin's hand and came to the side. The little fat boy babbled and picked out his ears, as if he wanted to listen.

Shao Ling: "...this kid."

He rubbed the little chubby boy's face and said, "You little brat."

Li Shuxin: "Tell me, don't be a fool, okay?"

Shao Ling smiled, lowered his voice, and said, "The old secretary asked me for help just now, and asked me to go with him and keep an eye on it."

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling in surprise, and said, "The old secretary asked you to go?"

Their village secretary is not young, and basically doesn't care about things. The village chief is the first to charge in everything. Like just now, when Mr. Wang and his party were received by the village head, Li Shuxin was surprised: "The old secretary doesn't care about things? Besides, even if you just keep an eye on it, you must be looking for someone from the village. Why would you look for you? Isn't Shao Jie It's more suitable than you, he is a policeman."

Shao Ling: "Shao Jie is going to work. Besides, if he really wants to go, he probably won't be able to take him with him. The more tricky he is, the more he is on guard against people like him. As for the others, because they are stupid, they will see the benefits I rushed forward crazily, even if I suspected something tricky, I thought I was smart, and I thought I would never be the one who was cheated. But I am different, I can see that I am really shrewd and capable."

Li Shuxin: "..."

She pouted.

Shao Ling pinched Li Shuxin's face, her face was really easy to pinch, it was full... what was it, oh yes, collagen. It's really tender like water tofu.

Shao Ling was still lamenting the feel of his daughter-in-law's face, but Li Shuxin raised her head and said, "Then what if you go, if they are really tricked into joining, how can you stop them? People still think you are meddling Son, stop people from getting rich."

Shao Ling laughed softly, and said: "That's what I told the old secretary. The old secretary said, I don't need to worry about anything, just follow to see what's going on, remember who is in what situation, and just tell him when you come back. ."

The corner of Li Shuxin's mouth twitched, speechless: "He made it look like a spy movie."

But soon, Li Shuxin suddenly realized, looked at Shao Ling suspiciously, and said, "You're not such a kind person, are you?"

Shao Ling laughed, raised his eyebrows, and said with emotion: "This is the one who knows me, Ah Xin also."

Li Shuxin: "What benefits can you get?"

Shao Ling: "I contracted the small barren hill to the east."

Li Shuxin was taken aback, and said, "Little Barren Mountain?"

Shao Ling: "Yes."

He smiled: "Although I am a househusband and take care of the children at home, it is boring to be idle all the time. I plan to raise some chickens, ducks and geese on the small barren hills. It is natural and pollution-free. How about it?"

Li Shuxin stared blankly at Shao Ling.

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "You don't agree?"

Li Shuxin swallowed her saliva, and said, " did you come up with the idea of contracting the small barren mountain?"

This small barren hill is located at the easternmost edge of their village, and the foot of the hill is the village boundary of another village, because there are lush forests on the hill, and the current national policy still places great emphasis on forests. Therefore, it is not acceptable to cut down rashly. It is precisely because of this that this barren mountain has always been empty, and no one has come here.

It's nothing more than someone going up the mountain to check mushrooms after the rain.

This time, the relocation spread out from the seaside in an arc shape, mainly to build a small port, but even a small port would require a lot of space, so their village was demolished on a large scale. But don't look at the large-scale demolition of their village, but the small hill here cannot be demolished.

This is the farthest place from the village.

For example, the planning of the wharf this time does not include this piece of land.

Shao Ling's willingness to contract is actually a good thing for the village. But even so, the old secretary shrewdly made his request. He hoped that Shao Ling could help keep an eye on this group of people this time. It is said that people become mature when they grow old, and there is always some truth to it.

He is older and has more knowledge than others, so he naturally knows that there is no free lunch in the world.

But although he has prestige in the village, he doesn't say what he says, what he says is what he says, maybe it is useful to talk about some parents' shortcomings. But this kind of thing that cuts off people's wealth is really no one listens to.

It was for this reason that he held back.

He knew that he couldn't stop the big guys, but he had been the village secretary in the village all his life. Basically, half of the children in Shaojia Village have the surname Shao, and he is the same. Naturally, he doesn't want to see everyone being cheated. Even if he really encounters a liar, he hopes to learn more, figure out what's going on, and recover the money early.

Maybe it's useless, but that's all there is to it.

Because in this state, no one can stop others.

It's like since they demolished the village, there are a lot of people in this village who come to sell things, give lectures and sell medicine, and come to cheat and play cards. He didn't agree to let these people enter the village, but he couldn't stand the other people agreeing.

The village is not his monopoly, and everyone else agrees, and it's useless for him, an old secretary who doesn't care much to object, to object.

So this time when Shao Ling came over, he happened to talk to the old secretary about the contract, and the old secretary made his request.

Shao Ling looked at his daughter-in-law and said, "I can't do any big things. I don't want to participate in what Shao Peng and others do. Anyway, I just find a small thing to do by myself. It's okay to contract a small mountain. It takes a lot of money."

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling and didn't move for a long time. She was really surprised, she didn't expect Shao Ling's hands to be so "red".

Is this too small?

Shao Ling actually planned to contract Xiaoshantou.

The moment Shao Ling mentioned the hill, Li Shuxin thought of the value of the hill in a daze.

Because she left the village early back then, she really didn't know many things clearly, and she occasionally heard about the later things... But! just now! The moment Shao Ling mentioned Xiaoshantou, Li Shuxin thought of it.

In his previous life, their village head was imprisoned.

The reason for being in jail was that they falsified the contract. No one in their village thought about the small mountain, but seven or eight years later, now in 2006, an underground hot spring was found in this small mountain.

At that time, some developers obtained formal procedures through bidding, auction and listing. Of course, even if there were formal procedures, they had to follow the procedures to relocate. In the past life, no one contracted this small mountain. It is a very simple matter, but who would have thought that their village chief was more courageous than a cow, and he used his own status to forge a contract. The term of the contract is exaggerated to write a hundred years.

This contract fell under the name of his wife, and the husband and wife insisted on the contract for many years.

At that time, several people in the village took advantage of it and would not poke it out, but they didn't know that the developer was not a fuel-efficient lamp. In the end, both husband and wife went in... Li Shuxin thought of this, looked at Shao Ling, and thought that Shao Ling was really lucky.

If they can really contract this mountain through formal procedures, then after a few years, whether they are relocated or they have money to go through the procedures to develop, they will be able to get huge profits.

Li Shuxin stared at Shao Ling.

Shao Ling: "I didn't mean not to discuss it with you. I met Uncle Guo when I was chatting just now, and his family has already signed the contract this time. He also said that the whole family lost their jobs all of a sudden. I am full of emotion. This No, I happen to be a bare-bones commander? I have nothing to do all day long, so I thought about contracting a barren hill, and hired Guo Ershu and Guo Bin to raise chickens on the hill. I also knew many customers when I was in the sea cucumber circle. You Looking at the sea cucumber and the chicken are two different things, but in fact, it's not too bad. If you raise it well, I can sell it. I just thought of it on the spur of the moment, and I just saw that the old secretary was also there. , I just talked about it directly, but I didn't expect to let this old fox handle it."

Li Shuxin took a deep breath and said, "Can he guarantee that we can contract it?"

Shao Ling smiled: "Do you think, who is okay to contract the mountain to play? No one wants it except me. If I want it, he will help me fight with everyone. Although it is impossible to stop everyone from getting rich, but in this matter It's okay to use a little bit of strength."

Li Shuxin took another deep breath and said, "Contracting is pretty good, but the procedures must be formal."

She didn't imagine that the village chief in her previous life would end up in the end.

Of course, they are now formally contracting, so naturally there will be no such situation. I'm afraid that when the time comes, money is touching people's hearts, and the village chief will make a fake, but he will not recognize them...Anyway, after a lot of experience, you will know that money is really touching people's hearts.

Maybe, 10,000 yuan won't let you give up your principles.

But one million ten million.

That's hard to say.

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling and said, "It's possible, but you must go through all the formalities."

Shao Ling looked at her: "You think I'm stupid? Of course I know."

He smiled and said, "I have to raise chickens properly."

Li Shuxin blinked.

But soon, Li Shuxin's almond-shaped eyes widened, and she complained: "Shao Ling, you wicked bastard, you have clearly agreed with the old secretary, and you fooled me just now. You are a big liar. If I agree you......"

Shao Ling suppressed a smile and said, "If you promised me, I'll go back on my word with the old secretary? How can his affairs be more important than my lovely wife?"

Li Shuxin: "Bah!"

Shao Ling was very innocent, and said: "Look at you, how can you still use the matter between husband and wife?"

Li Shuxin: "Hehe!"

She turned around and walked away.

Shao Ling: "My Ah Xin~"

Li Shuxin: "What are you doing?"

Shao Ling: "You are so indifferent to me."

Li Shuxin: "Hehe."

Shao Ling: "This is not funny."

Li Shuxin: "I want you to take care of it."

The two played tricks and went back to the yard of the village committee together, where it was as lively as a vegetable market. Like a bullfighting bull, Aunt Hu stood closest to the table with her head held high and her chest proud.

She was proud: "It's all thanks to our family's Gillian that you have such a good deed. If this child is not kind, this good deed will not reach our village by the roadside."

"I know, I know, Mrs. Hu, you have said it a hundred times!"

Aunt Hu sneered: "You know? I don't think you know, and you don't forget the well digger when you drink water. You are doing nothing right now."

Well, this is the direct benefit.

Everyone laughed and said nothing, Mrs. Hu has always been hated by people in the village. Although it is indeed a good thing this time, everyone should thank Su Xuejiao and not really thank Aunt Hu.

She really takes herself seriously.

Seeing that everyone was laughing and not telling the truth, Aunt Hu hated it so much, she wished she could just slap her on the spot, but anyone who didn't give her a gift was not allowed to go. He thought so, but the bosses of his daughter-in-law Su Xuejiao were all there, and she knew that even if she was pissed off, they would not recognize her.

Thinking of it this way, I really hate it.

Just thinking about this matter, can't you give full authority to their family, Su Xuejiao?

The old lady had a really mean look on her face: "Is the number exceeded? Surely it must be exceeded? Who will go and who won't? I can give you some reference opinions."

She still wants to hold this right in her hands.

President Wang glanced at Su Xuejiao, and Su Xuejiao immediately said, "Mom, what are you talking about, our company has its own rules and regulations."

"Shut up you little bitch! I'm your mother-in-law!"

The village chief scolded: "Ms. Hu, what are you talking about. This is not your kangtouer, and this is not a place for you to run wild. You should get out of the way quickly. This is the business of the whole village. You can't let yourself be fooled."

The old lady Hu gritted her teeth with hatred, she sat down on the ground and was about to throw a tantrum, the village chief gave her a wink, and the two strong young men in the village were picked up and dragged away.

Aunt Hu: "Little bastard~"

When she came out, Li Shuxin was really amazed.

You say that shameless people can live happier lives. Look at this old lady, she really is like that.

Li Shuxin stood on tiptoe to watch the fun, like her, there was also the little chubby boy. He waved his little hands and kicked his calves, imitating Mrs. Hu, ahhhhhh.

Shao Ling's face darkened: "Don't learn this!"

The little chubby boy looked at his father and nodded: "I don't want to learn."

Shao Ling: "Yes, I won't learn."

The chubby boy looked at Li Shuxin, pointed at Li Shuxin and said, "Mom."

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

As soon as she responded, the chubby cub immediately opened his arms and looked for his mother to hug him.

Li Shuxin said decisively, "Let your father hug her, my mother won't have the strength."

Little Fat Cub Tilting His Head , oh, and lay on Dad's shoulder, there are so many people here, he was very happy to watch the excitement.

"Daddy, baby is hungry!"

The little guy wiggled his little butt when he saw others eating.

Shao Ling: "Let's go, Dad will get you a milk bottle."

Little fat cub: "Baby wants to eat fish intestines."

Shao Ling: "Okay, okay, I'll eat it for you."

When eating and drinking, their husband and wife are still very spoiled with their children.

"Shao Ling!"

As soon as Shao Ling took out the fish intestines, he heard someone calling him. He looked up and saw that it was Shao Jie.

Shao Jie stepped forward to poke Xiao Jiaxi's fat, and asked, "Do you know Uncle?"

Little Jiaxi tilted her head, everyone had to ask this question when they met, if they didn't know, they thought little Jiaxi was a little genius.

Shao Ling shook his son and said, "Uncle."

The little guy said loudly: "Uncle."

He thought for a while, hugged his two small fists together, and shook: "Hello, Uncle."

No one taught Xiao Jiaxi this, but as soon as Xiao Jiaxi arrived in the village, he saw many children greeting his father like this. Now is the time for him to imitate adults, so he learned it immediately, "Congratulations."

After the little guy finished speaking, his little tongue came out to sweep it, and took a bite of his own fish intestines.

Shao Jie laughed happily: "You are so smart, ah, what a good baby."

He quickly took out the red envelope and said, "Come, buy candy for the baby."

Little Jiaxi showed her big face: "Sugar."

"Yes, I'll buy you candy."

Xiao Jiaxi frowned with a smile.

Shao Jie said with emotion: "I said Ah Ling, your son looks better than you, he looks good and has a sweet mouth, how many little girls have to be fooled when he grows up."

Shao Ling: "My son is a four-good young man, don't talk nonsense."

Shao Jie laughed out loud.

Just as they were talking, a car drove in and honked at them. Shaopeng poked his head from the cab: "I'm not late, am I?"

Shao Ling and Shao Jie both smiled and said no.

Shao Peng got off the car directly. He glanced at the village committee, but didn't go in. Instead, Zhang Yaxin walked in with the child in his arms. Shao Peng lit a cigarette and asked with a smile, "What do you mean? It's so successful."

Shao Jie: "It's not about little Jiaxi, the little one is very smart, and he will pay New Year's greetings. You said that this child will be very smart when he grows up."

Shaopeng's eyes flickered, and he said with a smile, "What did I think you were talking about? You didn't go in?"

Shao Ling: "I'm not here to get something delicious for my little Jiaxi. This little thing can be eaten now."

Xiao Jiaxi snorted unconvinced, well, I learned from his mother.

Shao Ling: "Look, look! You're still flirting with me."

As soon as the words fell, I saw the little guy smiling.

Yo this kid.

Shao Ling: "It organizes free tours. I signed up. If you want to sign up, go there quickly. I don't know how they screen. It's good to go out and see the excitement."

Shao Jie: "Free travel? Is it real or fake? It can't be a liar, right? I'll take a look."

He walked in immediately, but Shao Peng said with a smile: "There are so many liars there, and they all take money from you. This is for your benefit."

He said to Shao Ling: "Look at Ajie, he is suspicious."

Shao Ling: "Ham, don't care if it's true or not, since it's free, I'll follow along to see the excitement."

He said, "You didn't know it when you first came here, so go in and have a look."

Shaopeng: "OK."

Seeing that Shao Jie and Shao Peng walked away, Shao Ling lowered his eyes slightly, then raised his head, and smiled vaguely.

The little chubby cub lay on his father's shoulder, his little face beeping: "Dad, I still want to eat."

Shao Ling: "You have already eaten one."

The chubby boy looked at his father innocently, patted his belly, and said, "Baby is hungry."

Shao Ling reached out to touch his belly, and the chubby boy nodded to himself and said, "Really, the baby is hungry."

Shao Ling: "Okay, Dad will bring you another one."

Shao Ling took care of his son during this period of time, so he knew him better. It would be impossible to say that the little chubby boy was really hungry, but he was not to the point of being full, and it was okay to eat a little.

He brought another fish sausage for the chubby boy, and the two came back together.

Li Shuxin was not worried about the chubby boy following Shao Ling. She was chatting with some women in the village, and Zhang Yaxin was also with everyone. Compared to Li Shuxin, Zhang Yaxin was really jeweled.

Her make-up was extraordinarily heavy, Li Shuxin glanced at her, then looked at her again, frowning slightly.

Zhang Yaxin: "What's wrong?"

Li Shuxin's gaze fell on Zhang Yaxin's cheek, and Zhang Yaxin said immediately: "I'll go and pay New Year's greetings to all the elders."

She avoided Li Shuxin's sight, and quickly left with her son in her arms.

It's just that as soon as the person left, Hailan grabbed Li Shuxin and whispered, "Is her face hurt?"

Even though Zhang Yaxin's makeup is very heavy and covers up a lot, it can be seen if you look closely.

Li Shuxin nodded slightly. She wanted to persuade Zhang Yaxin a few words, but she knew that it would be useless to persuade Zhang Yaxin. Zhang Yaxin deliberately competed with her, so it would be good if she didn't play against her tune.

She looked at Hao Peng, who was talking at the side, and she was really disgusted by this kind of dog who beat women.

Hailan followed Li Shuxin's line of sight and whispered, "Zhang Yaxin probably wasn't beaten by Shaopeng."

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

Hailan obviously knew a little more, she said: "I guess, Aunt Shao has done something to her again."

Li Shuxin was taken aback, and said, "Aunt Shao?"

Hailan nodded and said in a low voice: "Zhang Yaxin's mother-in-law is very fierce. About half a year ago, I passed by his house once and saw that Zhang Yaxin was a little late for breastfeeding. Aunt Shao dumped her with big ears. Hit without making a sound."

When the second aunt heard this, she nodded and lowered her voice: "I saw it once, and I advised Aunt Shao not to bully her daughter-in-law like this. No one would do that. If you treat someone else's child like this, you will be punished." As a result, Aunt Shao didn't listen, and she thought we were meddling in other people's business."

Li Shuxin: "What era is this, and there is such a wicked mother-in-law."

Li Shuxin sighed softly.

What kind of family is her grandma? The man is messing around outside, and the mother-in-law beats people like an old Buddha at home, and she still insists on not getting a divorce?

Li Shuxin: "Let me talk to her later."

Hailan and the second aunt shook their heads: "Don't go, it's useless."

The second aunt: "She doesn't live up to her expectations. Shaopeng's conditions are good, so her bones are soft."

She said: "If my daughter is bullied like this, my mother will kill him with a knife! Her mother's family is not strong, and she is a weak bone. It is useless for you to help her."

Don't look at the second aunt who is obsessed with various health products and her parents' faults, but she still has the three views of justice, she sighed, it's not worth it for this girl.

Li Shuxin didn't know what to say.

Hailan clapped her hands and said, "Okay, look at you, you are all happy on the first day of the new year. It's not good to have a sad face."

"That's true."

Hailan: "Sometimes outsiders really can't control the matter between husband and wife. Look at how many times I have persuaded sister-in-law Xiuchang, but it was useless. She would rather share a room with Second Brother Zhu and that third son. , refused to divorce. I don't bother to care about it. We are just neighbors and cannot be someone else's home. "

"That's true."

Li Shuxin: "...the three of his family live in the same room?"

This kind of anecdote is also rare.

Hailan: "Here, I don't even bother to talk about their family now, and I feel disgusted when I see them."

Li Shuxin wondered when did Xiuchang's sister-in-law get divorced in her previous life?

Anyway, finally left.

She thought it would be very fast, but she didn't expect to experience a lot in the middle.

She was silent.

Hailan didn't want to talk about these people anymore, so she changed the subject and said, "Do you want to go to the capital?"

Li Shuxin shook her head: "I can't go, Shao Ling wants to go for a walk, if I can, I'll let him."

Hailan: "You're worthless! I thought we'd go and play together."

Li Shuxin laughed and said, "I want to start the company in the next year, but I don't have the time."

Hailan looked at Li Shuxin, and felt that Li Shuxin was not what she used to be. Although Li Shuxin was married in Lincheng City before, she looks like a little local girl. But now, on the contrary, she has a little more temperament, and the style of dressing and dressing has changed a lot. She looks quite capable, just like a strong woman in a Hong Kong drama.

Hailan said with emotion: "Seeing that you have changed so much in the city, I also want to wait for a change."

Li Shuxin smiled: "Actually, I think that women should have their own careers. Even if it's not a career, they can still find something they can do. What's the point of always being around the house, cooking and playing mahjong for nothing?" ."

Hailan nodded thoughtfully.

The second aunt on the side also nodded, and said, "That makes sense. When I was young, I always paid attention to women holding up half the sky."

Li Shuxin laughed: "So you are different from others."

The second aunt felt very ironic when she heard this, and smiled.

They chatted enthusiastically here, Li Shuxin looked at Zhang Yaxin in the distance, and saw that she was showing off her jewelry to the little sister with proud eyebrows, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Just, really incomprehensible.

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and everyone came to the village for group worship and New Year greetings to each other. But because of the travel, it seems that the reunion porridge is not very important. Everyone is thinking about whether they can participate in this trip.

That's basically what's being discussed.

Fortunately, this list was discussed very quickly, and it will be finalized soon. Mainly, if there is no repetition of each family, it will follow the list.

In fact, Li Shuxin thinks this is not inoperable. When everyone registered, it was a mess, and the records were all from Mr. Wang's side. It is normal for them to change people. Li Shuxin knew that they must have a focus.

As Shao Ling said, Shao Jie, they will definitely not let him go.

But for Shao Ling, Li Shuxin thinks it is more likely.

Sure enough, Shao Ling was among them.

Similarly, Hai Lan and her second aunt were also among them.

Although a family can only choose one person, in fact, there are seven or eight hundred households in their village, and the number of one hundred places is really not much. However, because some people did not come to the village today, they were naturally not included.

Shao Ling also noticed that basically those who could go were those with good economic conditions. In other words, those who can control financial power.

It seems that the old Li Tou in the village has distributed all the relocation funds to his three sons, although this time he rushed forward early. But it wasn't for him. Of course, Old Li also clamored, and Mr. Wang came out and explained angrily, saying that he heard that Uncle Li was in normal health, because this time he was going to the capital by car, and the journey took a long time, so he was afraid of his health. Can't stand it, they dare not take this risk.

It is true to say so, but there are also older people who can go.

Like the second aunt, she is only a few years younger than Lao Litou, and the other one has Lao Haishu, who is about the same age as Lao Litou, and he can go too. Mr. Wang also took the initiative to bring up Uncle Hai, saying that they were not afraid because the old man was in good health. But don't be discouraged if you can't go this time, next time they go closer, they will definitely arrange more people.

This operation is very convincing. Li Shuxin knew that these films can speak well and are more filial than her own children. Now it seems that this is really the case. This one is Mr. Wang, and the one who speaks is pleasant to hear.

After some reassurance, those who could do it and those who couldn't do it nodded their heads again and again.

Their trip started on the sixth day of the lunar new year, lasted seven days, and returned on the twelfth day. It will not delay the reunion on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

They are warmer in the south. Even though it is still winter, there is definitely no way to compare it with the winter in the north. Su Xuejiao and her team softly reminded everyone to bring more thick clothes. This won everyone's favor again.

Hailan couldn't hold back, and said in a low voice, "Vixen."

Li Shuxin looked at Hailan in surprise, and Hailan said, "She is not a good person."

Although many people in the village liked Su Xuejiao very much and thought she was a good wife, it did not prevent some people from seeing her true nature. Besides, the average woman understands women best. Anyway, Hailan saw what was going on with her.

She lowered her voice: "This is a vixen, don't worry, my second aunt and I will help you watch Shao Ling when we go out this time. We will definitely not let them have any contact."

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Thank you."

Hailan: "You are my sister."

Li Shuxin smiled, put her arms around Hailan, and said, "Sister, do you want to go to my place to choose two thick clothes? I'll give them to you!"

Hailan laughed: "Look at you, look at you, I don't usually see you being so kind to me. This will help you look after your husband. I'm the best person in the world."

Li Shuxin took it for granted: "That's right, you are righteous, and I can't be unyielding. Besides, do you have thick clothes at home?"

Hailan: "...Not really."

She scratched her head and said, "I don't know what the temperature is in the north."

Cantonese like them have never been to the north.

Li Shuxin: "It must be very cold!"

Of course Li Shuxin has been there, yes, in her previous life.

In her last life, she went to the capital around March. They already wore unlined clothes here, and they would wear half sleeves at noon when the firepower was high. She wore her own little padded jacket to go to the capital, and she almost froze like a dog. The family of three almost ran away in minutes. Find a shopping mall to buy clothes on the spot.

This is her.

Very poor.

So Li Shuxin's memory is still fresh. The temperature difference between their side and the north is too far. After all, this side is very south.

Li Shuxin: "The thickest clothes in your home should not be enough. I have unfinished thick feathers over there. Fleece suits, you come with Second Aunt, I will choose for you. Believe me, if you go in your padded jacket at home, you are guaranteed to come back crying. "

Hailan laughed: "It seems that you have been there before."

Li Shuxin thought to herself, of course I have been there.

But she couldn't say it directly on the surface, but said with a smile: "I haven't been there, but I have sold northern clothes."

Hailan and her second aunt looked at each other, and both believed Li Shuxin's words. It sounds like the north is really cold.

Hailan: "That's fine, we'll leave on the fifth day...can I go and see you on the fourth day? I'm leaving relatives tomorrow, and I'm going back to my mother's house the day after tomorrow."

A little daughter-in-law like her is also very busy, and she has to take care of Li Shuxin's time.

Li Shuxin: "Okay, you guys call me."

Both Hailan and the second aunt were happy, of course not because they were happy to get a piece of clothing for nothing, but because they were happy to have a certain point. Otherwise, the two of them would have no idea how to prepare. It is true to say that it is cold, but how cold is it?

Besides, it's not too cold here, if you want to buy thick padded jackets or down jackets, you can't find them!

No one wears them when they enter the store, so they won't sell them locally, and only second-hand dealers like Li Shuxin who engage in wholesale will have them.

"Ah Xin, it's great to have you."

Li Shuxin: "Help me watch Shao Ling."

Hailan and the second aunt couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay, I see."

Just at this time, Shao Ling came over with the baby in his arms, and everyone was overjoyed.

Shao Ling: "???"

Li Shuxin said angrily: "I've got someone to watch you, don't mess with me when you go out."

Shao Ling looked up at the sky and said, "I am more wronged than Dou E."

Li Shuxin snorted, and the little chubby boy immediately learned and snorted.

Shao Ling: "Look, your son has learned from you badly."

Li Shuxin: "..."

She poked Xiao Zai Zai and said, "Don't learn."

Xiao Zai Zai let out an oh, showing a sweet smile, agreed on one side, snorted on the other side, and turned his head.

Shao Ling burst into laughter instantly.

Li Shuxin: "It's unreasonable!"

What is the majesty of being a mother!

Li Shuxin acted angry, and the chubby cub immediately yelled at his mother, "Mom is the best!"

Oh little horse fart.

Hailan said with emotion: "Why is your child so smart?"

Shao Ling: "Like me."

Li Shuxin: "Like me."

Husband and wife are like elementary school students, you come and go...

Hailan looked at it and winked at her second aunt, which actually made Li Shuxin blush.

New Year, it is so lively.

Li Shuxin and Shao Ling stayed in the village until the afternoon, and then drove to Lincheng to pay New Year's greetings from house to house. When Li Shuping heard that Shao Ling was going out, she immediately decided to take her daughter to Li Shuxin's house to stay with her for a few days.

Anyway, she doesn't do business here during the Chinese New Year.

Li Shuxin was naturally happy, no matter what time it was, the three sisters had a very good relationship. Although the younger sister is still abroad, she is also happy to be with her elder sister. When Shao Ling was at home, it was always a little inconvenient for her elder sister to come over.

But it's good that Shao Ling is not here.

On the way back to the city, Li Shuxin was still humming a little song with boundless joy.

Shao Ling: "I'm going out now, you're quite happy."

Li Shuxin hummed, proudly: "My eldest sister is coming to accompany me."

Shao Ling smiled: "Then I or your eldest sister is more important?"

Li Shuxin: "Aren't you childish?"

Shao Ling: "I have to say, if you don't tell me, let's see how I punish you!"

Li Shuxin: "..."

She blushed slightly and said, "Offline!"

Shao Ling: "I don't think it's important to be off-line or not, but to be undressed."

Li Shuxin: "...Who are you?"

That's what he said, but the man leaned on Shao Ling's body. Shao Ling held his wife's hand, Li Shuxin: "Drive seriously."

The little chubby boy sat on the safety seat at the back, and imitated: "Driving seriously."

Shao Ling smiled: "Okay."

Li Shuxin: "A Ling, don't be fooled when you go out."

Shao Ling looked at her and said, "In your heart, am I such a stupid person?"

Li Shuxin: "Then as your wife, I always have to tell you?"

Shao Ling raised the corner of his mouth, patted her hand, and said, "Don't worry."

He said with a smile: "The people who went this time are all from the village. I'll hang out with everyone. It's no problem."

Li Shuxin: "That's not necessarily true."

After a pause, she said, "I feel that Shao Peng will also go. I'm not very worried about this person's character."

Shao Ling smiled.

"Stop contacting Shaopeng." Li Shuxin urged again.

Shao Ling: "I know."

After a pause, he said, "I also think Shao Peng will go back. Guess why?"

Li Shuxin looked up at Shao Ling, thought for a while, and guessed: "This time the investment in tourism has something to do with Shao Peng."

Shao Ling looked at her in surprise, and asked, "How did you guess it? All right, daughter-in-law, your brain is fast enough."

Li Shuxin smiled triumphantly, and then said seriously: "If I hadn't met Shaopeng and Su Xuejiao yesterday, I wouldn't have thought about it, but I did. It so happens that Su Xuejiao is one of the staff today, so it's hard for me not to think about it. "

She said disgustedly: "If it is true that he and others came to steal money from the villagers, then he really lacks great virtue. How can there be such a shameless person."

Shao Ling said coldly: "Know people, know face, but don't know heart!"

Li Shuxin nodded, and then thought of Zhang Yaxin's mother-in-law, Shao Peng's mother, who usually looks very kind to an old lady, who would think of beating her daughter-in-law behind her back.

So, man, it's hard to say!

Chapter 44

The New Year is like this, although it is lively, it passes quickly, as if it passed by in the blink of an eye.

Shao Ling promised the old secretary that he would follow the tour group to see the situation, and Li Shuxin packed his luggage for him. It is said that they are going to take a bus this time. Li Shuxin deeply doubts that even if they go to the capital, they will not be able to go anywhere. After all, a lot of time is spent on the road.

Shao Ling didn't prepare many things, mainly for light weight, but he still knew the difference between the north and the south, so he prepared warm clothes. There are a total of 100 people in Shaojia Village traveling this time. The KAMAZ company has chartered two buses, and one bus holds 60 people, and ten of them are KAMAZ staff.

In the car of Shao Ling and the others, Shao Peng was there, the village chief was there, and Brother Zhu and the others were also there.

Unexpectedly, Second Brother Zhu's youngest son was also there. The KAMAZ company entertained people from their village this time, and everyone was very unconvinced by this woman. But at this time, Su Xuejiao jumped out and explained seriously to everyone that this Yumei paid for it at her own expense.

She didn't occupy the quota of KAMAZ, and she paid 5,000 yuan to participate in this tour. Everyone was speechless when they heard this.

The second aunt was shocked: "So much money at your own expense?"

Su Xuejiao nodded and said, "Of course, our company has arranged for you a travel project worth 5,000 yuan."

Hearing this, the people present were even more excited, and all of them were extremely proud. They took advantage of five thousand yuan for nothing, how could they not be shocked? This trip really felt that I had made a lot of money, and I was so happy that I wished I could jump on the spot.

Shao Ling smiled, believe me!

Li Shuxin sneered infinitely in his heart when he came to give it away. It is only 1999, and the purchasing power is still just now. The salary of ordinary people is about 1,000 yuan. It costs 5,000 yuan to go to the capital? Five thousand yuan can be used as a plane, but what about here? As for the bus, I can tell by looking at it that eight out of ten out of ten for the first night will spend the night on the bus.

That's it, five thousand yuan!

No one really believed it.

But no matter how you go, it's free, which is already an advantage, and Li Shuxin didn't say much. He just told him through the window: "You are away from home, pay attention to safety."

Shao Ling: "I know."

Li Shuxin scanned the car, and when she glanced at it, she was surprised! She saw a strange yet familiar face, a bony face, a simple and honest appearance, four-six-quarter hair and a pair of glasses. At first glance, she thought this person was an honest person, but in fact, this person was a cannibal. Spit bones.

She froze for a moment, then narrowed her eyes slightly, she knew this person even when he turned into ashes!

This person is none other than the reporter who helped Tang Yaozong in Tangkou Village back then.

She never imagined that the reporter who helped Tang Yaozong in the past was also there, and Li Shuxin's expression became ugly. She bit her lip and asked Shao Ling in a low voice: "Is that person strange? He's not from our village."

Shao Ling also looked at that person, and asked loudly: "Su Xuejiao, there is more than one stranger here, this is..."

Su Xuejiao explained: "This is Reporter Wang. Reporter Wang works for the Evening News. This time, I was deeply inspired and shocked when I heard about this good event we organized to benefit the people. I came to follow up and interview. Reporter Wang is still from Tangkou Village. We can be regarded as half of our fellow countrymen."

She smiled and said, "This time, the event can be published in the newspaper."

"Huh? Can it still be published in the newspaper?"

"Is there such a good thing? Reporter Wang, are you following this time for an interview?"

"Reporter Wang, you have to give this Kabayan company a good write-up. This company is good. They take us on a trip for free. I've never seen such a good thing. It's really a bodhisattva."

"What kind of Kabayan company, people call it Kamas."

"Whatever it's called, it's about Lao Ka's family anyway."


"Reporter Wang, do you think I can be published in the newspaper?"

"You still want to be in the newspaper? You can't tell the difference between the card and whatnot."

"This is what you said. If I can't tell the difference, I can't be published in the newspaper? I just thank this company for doing it for us."

"Yes, yes, thank you too."

Reporter Wang said with a simple and honest smile: "Don't worry, everyone, I will report truthfully. If such a good thing is not written, how can more people know?"


When everyone talked, Li Shuxin raised his eyebrows, not sure if this person came to investigate because of suspicion, or to brag for the KAMAZ company platform. Based on Li Shuxin's understanding of this person, she thinks it should be the latter.

In the previous life, someone drowned in their breeding circle. This person rushed forward immediately. Under his comprehensive report, he asked every day, which was shocking. He described Shao Ling and Li Shuxin as A demon that eats people without spitting out their bones.

Not only did he force their husband and wife, but he also went to interview Shao Ling's parents and Li Shuxin's natal family, really trying to make things worse.

Why did Li Shuxin send the child to her natal family to be raised? It was because she felt that although her parents didn't love her and only recognized money, at that moment, they didn't say anything bad, and even drove her away with a broom , so Li Shuxin felt a little relieved about her family.

But unexpectedly, the little fat cub had a bad life.

Sometimes people are really the most complicated animals.

It can protect you, or it can hurt you.

People can't see clearly.

Don't talk about these old people, just talk about this reporter Wang, who described them in the most vicious language, and even followed Tang Yaozong to lead a group of people to encourage them. In the end, he also got a lot of "rewards for meritorious deeds".

This is not because Li Shuxin was aimless, but because she heard about it before she died in her previous life.

It is because Tang Yaozong, Reporter Wang, and the others get more, while Wang Axing, who is an internal correspondent, gets less, they turned against each other.

Under such circumstances, Li Shuxin would not believe it at all if it was said that Reporter Wang knew nothing and had no inside information. As a reporter, he has seen a lot of things, and he is definitely not a simple and honest person.

A simple and honest appearance is nothing but deceiving.

But now, this person is using his simple and honest appearance to pretend to be a good person here, Li Shuxin still doesn't believe it at all. As for his integrity as a reporter, Li Shuxin didn't believe it either. So she was more inclined that this person came to stand for KAMAZ.

With the reporter's large-scale reports, this KAMAZ company will definitely be more trusted by people, and it will absorb more deposits...

Li Shuxin thought a lot from a little bit, she bit her lip, hooked her fingers, and Shao Ling poked her head out of the car window, "What's wrong? Can't bear to let me go out?"

Li Shuxin nodded: "I miss you."

She leaned into Shao Ling's ear and whispered, "That reporter doesn't look like a good guy. Bao Buqi is with Kamaz, don't trust him."

Shao Ling: "Well, good."

He reached out and rubbed Li Shuxin's head, and said, "My wife is really smart."

Li Shuxin was really worried, and said: "You have to be good, let's just listen and don't get involved."

Shao Ling: "Okay."

He saw the worry in Li Shuxin's eyes, pinched her little ears, and said, "You and the little chubby boy are fine at home."

Li Shuxin: "Hey, we're fine. I'll pick up Eldest Sister and Yong Ni later. There are too many of us."

Shao Ling nodded and said, "I'll buy you something delicious when I come back."

Li Shuxin: "I want roast duck, I want pastries from Daoxiang Village, I want..."

As she thought about it, Shao Ling laughed and said, "Okay, I'll bring it to you when my husband comes."

Li Shuxin smiled at him.

Why don't you bring gifts when traveling at this time?

Because of the distance, these special products are not so easy to buy. It's not like you can shop on Taobao in the future. If you want to buy now, you can buy what you want no matter when you want, and you can buy special products from all over the world.

But now, that won't work.

If you want to buy some special products from distant cities, it is not so easy.

Li Shuxin didn't like pastries that much, but when she heard that Shao Ling was going to the capital, she felt compelled to buy them.

"I need to buy more, I have to share some with my eldest sister."

Shao Ling: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The couple's whispering was finally discovered, and Hailan called out, "What are you talking about?"

Shao Ling: "Our Ah Xin asked me to buy food."

Hailan laughed loudly: "Ah Xin, why are you like my baby? My baby also asked me to bring food."

Li Shuxin: "You go out for a while, why don't you come back empty-handed."

"That's true."

Everyone laughed, and Li Shuxin and Shao Ling agreed not to mention Reporter Wang.

Everyone's pleasantries ended quickly, everyone was here, and the car was about to leave. Shao Ling turned his head back and blew a kiss to Li Shuxin. The blown kiss was seen, causing boos.

Shaopeng couldn't put it into words: "You are too responsive."

Baogen agreed and said, "That's not it!"

This time Baogen and his family, Baogen has the opportunity to go. He has always admired Shao Peng the most, who drives a famous car, smokes good cigarettes and drinks famous wine to find Xiaomi. So I can go this time too, he sat beside him early in the morning as a dog's leg.

Shao Ling didn't have the same knowledge as these half-grown children, so he took out the blindfold and put it on, ready to sleep.

other people:"......"

An older uncle asked curiously: "A Ling, what do you do here?"

Shao Ling: "Blindfolder, I'll sleep for a while."

"Yes, blindfolds, I've seen them in TV dramas."

"You've done it... don't even say that you can make one for everyone..."

Shao Ling: "I deserve you!"

Really, hit it off.

The second aunt laughed loudly and said, "Old Huang, look at you, why did you learn from Old Haishu? You want to take advantage of it."

Old Huang blushed: "I didn't say that."

Wanting to come up, but not admitting it, this kind of person is not as refreshing as a really stingy person like Uncle Hai.

Shao Ling was unhappy about leaving his wife, so don't poke him, everyone simply stopped joking with him, and talked about this trip instead. Almost all of them are traveling for the first time, how can they not be excited?

"It's the first time I've been to the capital in such an old age. I want to go to the capital to take a good look."

"The Great Wall, I want to climb the Great Wall..."

Reporter Wang listened cheerfully, and said, "This kind of good thing doesn't happen often. We are catching up with good times and good people. It's a pity, it's just this one time."

"Reporter Wang, that's not what you said." Su Xuejiao stepped forward and said with a smile: "Who said there is only one event like this? Our company has more than one event like this."

After saying this, everyone became excited, and immediately started to ask, Su Xuejiao: "I think everyone knows that our company is an investment company, which is the same as a bank. But it is the same, but it is different. Because our interest rate is better , the activities are more intense. We invest in foreign stocks. As you know abroad, they are very developed. It is also easy to make money. As long as you join our company's big family, you can enjoy four tourism activities every year. Of course, there is also a monthly outing. Food, accommodation and play are included, which makes everyone feel the most sincere sincerity. Maybe you have to say, the activity is so good, so will the interest be returned? Don't worry, everyone. Our interest is still high. The annual interest rate is ten. Yes, everyone heard it right, it is ten!"

"so much!"

At this time, Mr. Wang immediately added: "Of course, because the investment channels are different. If we earn more through this channel, we will naturally give more..."

He smiled: "The invitation to reporter Wang this time is also to allow reporter Wang to conduct a more in-depth report on us, let more people know about our company, and let everyone know that our company is real..."

Before the car drove Lin Cheng, the publicity on the car started.

Shao Ling leaned on the car seat, as if he had fallen asleep.

Sitting next to Shao Ling was Uncle Guo. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Shao Ling told Uncle Guo about raising chickens. Uncle Guo felt that he was closer to Shao Ling and sat directly with him. At this time, a girl came over and said softly, "You are Uncle Guo, right? This is Brother Shao next to you?"

She squatted on the ground and said with a smile: "I am Zhou Ru, a KAMAZ customer consultant. You can call me Xiao Zhou or Xiao Ru. I am the exclusive consultant of the two of you. What's the matter with you when you go out for a few days?" Feel free to find me. No matter what you can handle or what you can't handle, I can handle it for you."

Her voice was gentle and gentle, and she was squatting on the ground in a professional attire. She looked really sexy. Uncle Guo quietly hid from Shao Ling and said, "Girl, thank you. I will definitely call you if I have anything to do." ."

Xiao Zhou also saw that Uncle Guo was uncomfortable. As for Shao Ling, he had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Xiao Zhou smiled and said, "That's fine, I'll go see other people."

Probably at the beginning, although the staff of KAMAZ came together, they did not introduce the company and products too much. Instead, they cared in every possible way. These service staff are all good at talking, and there is constant laughter in the car .

The second aunt and Hailan and other women surrounded a young man. The young man's kowtowing set made the women smile.

Shao Ling didn't know how long he had been asleep, so he took off the blindfold. He looked back, thinking that the second aunt and Hailan were still helping Ah Xin to watch him, and it would be good if he wasn't deceived. Just in time to rest in the high-speed service area at noon, he also got off the car to go to the toilet.

I don't know if it was because I stayed in the car for a long time, Shao Ling shook his arms and legs, and Guo Ershu came over with a smile and said, "Are you tired?"

He said: "I used to love riding in a car, but today I sat all morning, but it's not so comfortable."

Shao Ling nodded: "No, I'm too tired."

He scanned around and saw that someone was eating boxed lunches. Uncle Guo followed his gaze and said, "This company is really good. You don't have to worry about anything when you travel, just take care of the food."

Shao Ling: "Yes."

"Second Uncle Guo, Second Brother Shao, it's really yours

meals. "Xiao Zhou also came over at this time.

She stared at Shao Ling, and said softly, "Second brother Shao, are you tired? I can massage. I'll give you a massage when you get in the car later."

Shao Ling: "That's not necessary. If this reaches my daughter-in-law's ears, I won't be able to tell."

Xiao Zhou bit his lips, and said softly, "Which family is not headed by a man. A man can't be ruled by a woman."

She raised her eyebrows, glanced at Baogen, who was having a hot fight with a female staff member, and said, "Look how enthusiastic this guy is."

As he spoke, he secretly glanced at Shao Ling, the meaning was very obvious, but Shao Ling didn't look at her much, instead he said in a daze, "Can I be the same as him? He is a single dog, even if he has a hundred girls Friends are fine."

He directly took Xiao Zhou's boxed lunch, found a corner and squatted on the spot, very careless.

Xiao Zhou scolded a fool in his heart, knowing in his heart that he should not act too hastily, as being too eager would make people guard against. She said softly, "That's fine, if you eat here, it's not enough to call me."

Uncle Guo and Shao Ling squatted together and said, "It's really good."

He said, "What do you think of this?"

Shao Ling: "What's the matter?"

Uncle Guo: "Just invest."

He did the math for Shao Ling himself: "The minimum investment is 10,000 yuan, and you can earn 1,000 yuan in interest a year, and you can play around with me. I think it's good. But let's..."

Shao Ling looked at him sideways, and Second Uncle Guo said in a low voice, "It's a good thing, but I'm a little worried about it."

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

Uncle Guo is serious: "That's great, but it makes me feel uncomfortable."

Naturally, he has his own ideas. He has lived such an old age, and he has not seen much in the world, but he always has the wisdom of his own life. He really wanted to believe such a good thing like a pie in the sky, but he couldn't believe it. How could there be such a good thing in this world that could be repeated over and over again.

He received a large sum of money for relocation, and this kind of thing can still happen.

"It's really worrying."

Shao Ling: "If you're worried, just think about it. The wind doesn't blow someone's money. Perhaps, what you are looking at is the interest, and what others are looking at is your principal."

Uncle Guo clapped his hands: "Isn't that the truth."

He is an honest man, and he felt really sorry for such a free trip, feeling that he was taking advantage of it. I really want to believe in this company, but subconsciously I can't believe it completely.

"It would be great if Shao Jie was here, and I can still listen to his analysis." Uncle Guo said with emotion, but he was embarrassed when he finished speaking, and said, "A Ling, I don't mean you can't do it..."

Shao Ling: " don't need to emphasize it."

Uncle Guo smiled honestly.

The same simple and honest appearance, Guo Ershu is really simple and honest, but some people are fake and simple and honest.

After Shao Ling finished eating a boxed lunch, he simply found a place to sit down and chatted with Uncle Guo.

But even though he was talking, Shao Ling concentrated on chatting without saying a word. What should be paid attention to was not bad at all. For example, Shao Peng was talking to reporter Wang without knowing what to say, and the two of them were very happy talking. Baogen on the side is like a dog's leg.

As for the people from the KAMAZ company, basically one person serves five people, and they are extremely considerate.

When the women here still have troubles, these people are more considerate and take care of them than their children. Even when Uncle Hai goes to the toilet, he is accompanied by a young man. After Shao Ling saw it, he really had to sigh with emotion.

Sure enough, if you want to cheat money, you have to give your heart.

For the elderly, emotional sustenance is also very important, and these people are mainly older. But it's not surprising that most of the money for their demolition is in the hands of the elderly. Some elderly people have worked hard all their lives for the sake of their children, so they divided the money early in the morning. But there are still some old people who are born with a sense of insecurity. They have worked hard all their lives and have not earned so much money, so naturally they will not leave easily.

There are a lot of the former, and the latter is still no longer a minority.

Elderly people accounted for half of Shao Ling's group. In order to make everyone more chatty, the distribution was roughly arranged in this way. The older people were basically in the same car, so that everyone could communicate together. So Uncle Hai and Aunt Hu are in another car. But Su Xuejiao, the daughter-in-law, was not in Mrs. Hu's car.

Aunt Hu originally wanted to use her daughter-in-law to boss her around, but Su Xuejiao was not assigned to this car, which made her very disappointed. Of course she wanted to fool around, but no one paid any attention to her.

She is not the leader of KAMAZ, but KAMAZ has a few more staff members in their car.

Shao Ling was very curious: "Aunt Hu and Su Xuejiao are both out, where is that little thief in his family?"

Uncle Guo knew about this. After all, he lived in the village. He said: "I heard that Mrs. Hu insisted on taking care of the child, but no one paid any attention to her after several quarrels. There was no other way. She didn't want to miss this opportunity, so Send the child to Su Xuejiao's cousin."

Shao Ling was surprised: "Su Xuelian? Why did it get sent to Su Xuelian? Aren't Su Xuejiao's parents in the village?"

Second Uncle Guo: "Her parents are partial to her younger brother, so how could they take care of his child. Besides, who doesn't know that his child is a thief, so there's nothing wrong with it. Only someone like Su Xuelian who doesn't live in the village will be kind."

Mentioning Su Xuelian, Uncle Guo was somewhat embarrassed. But Shao Ling didn't say anything, just shrugged and didn't talk about this topic again.

They got into the car again, and this time President Wang went to another car. In this car, Su Xuejiao was mainly communicating with everyone. A young man in a suit and leather shoes was standing in front with a microphone, talking endlessly.

The words are not very complicated, but enough to inspire people.

"Many people have money but they don't know how to invest or do small businesses. They only save money in the bank. Is this rate higher?"

"People live a lifetime, and they should walk around and see. The great rivers and mountains, the magnificent scenery, who doesn't want to take a look? But when we go out for a trip, we are not willing to live frugally for the rest of our lives. You see, it's so good now. Yes, this project of our company has solved the urgent need for everyone."

"Auntie, does your leg hurt after sitting for a long time? Come on, let me give you a hammer..."

"Uncle, are you motion sick? I have motion sickness medicine here. Give me your hand and press the acupuncture points for you. It will improve a lot..."

"We've worked hard all our lives, and now we should enjoy it, so it's not a waste of time in this world, are you right?"


Just as Shao Ling thought, in order to save money, the tour group didn't stop at night, but continued to drive, sleeping in the car for the first night. But Kamasi said it very thoughtfully: "Tonight, we won't get out of the car to rest, why? In order to hurry on the road faster, I believe that everyone travels the same way as I do, hoping to arrive in the capital earlier. Our drivers will take shifts and try to drive as fast as possible, so that everyone can arrive in our beautiful capital earlier. Next, I will send you a blanket..."

Second aunt: "Young man, are we going to cover the blanket like this all night?"

Young man: "Yes, let's overcome the difficulties and go to the service area. Try to put on thick cotton jackets and cover them with blankets. In fact, it won't be cold. Our drivers and masters can take shifts, just because everyone arrives earlier. I Do you believe you can do it too?"


"What's wrong with that?"

"Get there sooner."

Everyone kept talking, and Shao Ling looked at reporter Wang again.

Reporter Wang got in the car this time and sat next to Shao Peng. They were still chatting. Shao Ling lowered his head, his eyes flickering slightly.

Shao Ling was on his way in the dark, wrapped up tightly and ready to sleep in the car, while Li Shuxin at the other end had brought his elder sister and niece home. The little chubby boy led his eldest cousin for a walk from room to room, showing off his small expression, and Zhou Yongni laughed hard.

But soon, the little guy stopped being squeamish. He turned around a few times, as if he had thought of something, he searched for his father from room to room, but he couldn't find him, so he sat down on the ground, pursing his mouth unhappily.

He wasn't so clingy to Shao Ling before, and it was because Shao Ling took him with him all day in the past few months, the little guy missed his father.

He looked up at Li Shuxin and asked, "What about him?"

Li Shuxin: "Are you looking for Dad?"

The little chubby boy nodded and asked, "Where did dad go?"

Li Shuxin: "Your father is away. He won't be back until a few days later. Let's be together these few days, okay?"

The little chubby cub pursed his mouth, his face full of reluctance, he wanted to find his father.

Li Shuxin: "Father is away from home, and he will buy you delicious food when he comes back."

The little chubby cub clicked his mouth, but soon shook his head and said, "I miss Dad."

Li Shuxin acted aggrieved and said, "Baby doesn't want to be with mother? You used to be with mother, have you forgotten?"

The little chubby boy tilted his head.

Li Shuxin poked his little flesh and said, "In the past, mother and baby were always at home, and the baby was very happy at that time, but now it's only the father who doesn't want the mother? Mom is so sad."

The chubby boy quickly climbed onto Li Shuxin's lap, hugged her neck, and said, "I like mom."

Li Shuxin: "Then how about we get together these few days?"

Little Fat Boy: "Okay~"

He answered in a childish voice, then patted Li Shuxin and said, "Take a shower."

Since Dad is not at home, there is nothing the little chubby can do. The little chubby is about to take a bath and go to bed at this time, and the little guy swayed: "Little duck."

Li Shuxin: "Okay, let's go, I'll take you to take a bath."

Li Shuping hurriedly helped to release the water, and Li Shuxin put a few duckling toys in the water. Sure enough, the little chubby cub couldn't remember his father when he played.

To be honest, dad's magic power may not necessarily be as big as that of a duckling.

Li Shuping was helping to take care of the child, and asked curiously: "A Ling, do you really not want money when you go out this time?"

Li Shuxin: "No money."

There must be no tour fee, but Li Shuxin estimated that there should be some routines involved.

Just like investing, this must be constantly brainwashing everyone in class. But the cost of this trip is not low, and there are still a lot of staff there. I guess I will still find a way to dig out everyone's pockets.

As for how to pick out pockets, Li Shuxin's mind flashed a few common scams...

"I hope Ah Ling will not be deceived." Li Shuxin said with emotion.

Li Shuping glanced at her sister strangely, and said, "Are you telling the truth? Your Ah Ling is smarter than a monkey, how could he be deceived."

She didn't believe that this brother-in-law would suffer.


When Li Shuxin thought about it, it was the same reason.

Generally being deceived, in fact, what is caught is people's trust. Shao Ling made it clear that he was a "little traitor" in the past this time. Then he is always vigilant, the possibility of being fooled is really small. This is often the case. When people are full of defenses, the film still has no way to start.

Li Shuxin: "Anyway, we are taking advantage of it, so it would be nice to take a trip."

Zhou Yongni came over at some point and said, "Free travel, it's a piece of cake from the sky."

Li Shuxin shook her head: "I'm afraid that the pie will kill people, Yong Ni, think about it, if there are really so many good things in this world, the world will already be as warm as a big family, is it possible?"

Zhou Yongni: "That's true."

Zhou Yongni was very naive before, but she spent 20 days in the third aunt's store. Although she only went there for a short time every day, she really learned a lot because she lived in the dormitory.

Experience is richer than others.

She said, "Then what are these people doing this activity for?"

Li Shuxin: "Absorb investment, absorb investment from these people. In addition, it is a big publicity. This time, it is going to a hundred people, and these hundred people have relatives and friends, and slowly spread out... This is a It's a good publicity. When enough money is absorbed, it's really hard to say whether this company will still exist."

Zhou Yongni: "It's really good enough."

She asked, "Why didn't you call the police?"

Li Shuxin: "They haven't done anything yet."

Zhou Yongni: "That's right."

In fact, Li Shuxin didn't quite understand these things. But she felt that since these people dared to do this, they must have improved a bit.

But he didn't want to say more. Seeing that the little chubby boy had finished washing, Li Shuxin took out a towel and folded him a cute little ball cap on top of his head, and wrapped the little guy in a bath towel. The child smiled sweetly.

Zhou Yongni: "Little cousin is so cute."

How can this fat baby be so cute?

Big smiley face, big smile.

"Cousin is the cutest little baby I've ever seen."

The little chubby kid was praised, and he wanted to stretch out his little hand to applaud, but the little claw was still wrapped in the towel, he struggled a bit, Li Shuxin: "You are good."

She put the child on the sofa, wiped the water beads well, and put on diapers for the little guy. Then the little guy jumped on his mother happily. Li Shuxin took his two little hands and said : "Do you want to sleep with mom?"

The chubby cub usually sleeps in the crib in the bedroom, but he also knows that sleeping together is a bed.

The little guy nodded immediately, and said in a childish voice, "Yes~"

Li Shuping smiled and said with emotion: "Xiao Jiaxi is so easy to take care of. My Yong Ni was a night cry girl when she was a child. At that time, she didn't let me and her father toss her crazy. She is fine during the day, but she makes trouble at night. Just be alone It's fine if it's just crying, she still wets the bed. Every time I don't give us any hints, I will wash her sheets every time.

Zhou Yongni: "..."

This is with the parents, it is the old calendar that will be turned out all the time, all kinds of shameful childhood past events, the parents can vividly remember, and poke them out from time to time, shame !

Zhou Yongni: "...Mom."

Zhou Shuping: "They're all from my family, why can't you say it? Your third aunt doesn't know you yet?"

Well, the parents' second greatest speaking skill is not that of outsiders, so why can't they say it.

Zhou Yongni looked melancholy at the sky and said, "My mother."

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this."

She said: "Sister, you and your wife are staying here for a few days. By the way, Sister, we are opening soon. Would you like to come and see my shop?"

Zhou Shuping: "OK."

She heard that her sister's business is good here, so she naturally wanted to take a look. In the past, I always heard that self-employment is good, but Zhou Shuping didn't understand, but now that she has started to set up a stall, she can be regarded as self-employed.

Only then did she know that this industry is really making money.

"I have set up a stall in the past few months, and the business is also good."

Li Shuxin said with a smile: "As long as you save money, you can open a store."

Li Shuping didn't object, but thought about it for a while, giggled, and said, "If that's the case, that would be great."

She said to her sister: "You don't know how profitable this food stall is. I really never thought of it."

Li Shuxin listened with a smile.

Zhou Yongni on the side also pricked up her ears, she also wanted to know.

But the mother glanced at her and said, "Go, go, go to bed first."

Zhou Yongni yelled, "It's only nine o'clock!"

"Then watch TV."

Zhou Yongni: "...why didn't you tell me."

Li Shuping: "What do children do when they know these things? Your task is to study hard. You don't need to participate in these adult affairs. No matter how much your parents earn, if you study hard, we will support you!" "

Zhou Yongni: "...Oh."

Li Shuxin snorted: "I won't tell you, tell me."

Zhou Yongni: "..."

Third aunt is so embarrassing!

Chapter 45

There is an old saying that it is all good at home, but it is extremely difficult to go out.

Li Shuxin always appreciates all kinds of good things. The nanny and aunt at home come every other day, and the eldest sister Li Shuping is there to help, life is naturally very easy. But Shao Ling and the others didn't have such a good time traveling.

They took a bus all the way to the capital. The journey took such a long time, and they slept in the car at night, so they didn't have a good rest at all. Even a strong man like Shao Ling feels tired, let alone an elderly person.

Besides, being tired from driving is not the worst thing. The worst thing is that the further north you go, the colder you get. The weather in Lincheng is very warm, but it is getting colder every day when driving towards the capital. Shao Ling was fine, but most of the clothes were not warm enough, and one was uncomfortably cold.

But at this time, the customer service is reflected. All the boys and girls donate their clothes. When they meet the service area on the road, they pour hot water for everyone and beat everyone's shoulders. They are meticulous. Even so, it should be cold.

After all, Lincheng is really the south, how cold the coldest weather can be.

It is precisely because of this that even after wearing the last clothes, everyone still does not keep warm, and none of them is very energetic. Shao Ling is fine, his family Li Shuxin prepared a thick down jacket for him, and also prepared down cotton pants for him. I have to say that he is the least afraid of the cold.

If we talk about the more savvy ones, there are only a few of them. Some of them really know how cold it is in the north, so they prepared thick clothes. There are also Hailan and the second aunt. They really said eight hundred times on the way, thank you Li Shuxin is gone.

If they hadn't taken thick clothes from Li Shuxin, the cotton-padded jackets at home would not be able to carry them.

But the thick and warm clothes are not ostentatious, and the money is not exposed. At this time, it is not good to wear thick clothes, so as not to be kidnapped and borrowed by others. But it's really cold.

Shaopeng's padded jacket was not good either. He only wore a very thin padded jacket when he got into the car, and shouted: "Team leader, think of a way, it's really unbearable cold. We can do whatever we want in the car. When we arrive in Beijing, the weather in late February is also very cold. How can we stand it here? What if we catch a cold?"

He bluffed: "We are not short of money, why don't you find a shopping mall and take us shopping, or buy a thick down jacket. I am too cold here."

Baogen also nodded when he heard it: "Yes, we also carry money when we go out. Why do we pretend that someone has no money? At worst, let's buy clothes. You have to find a place for us."

"Yeah yeah."

Everyone, you talk to me, it's really cold.

Mr. Wang was in another car, and the person in charge of this car was a young man named Xiao Zhao. The young man also looked embarrassed and said, "Brother, I also want you to find a place to buy down jackets, but you look We can't buy it because we don't go in front of the village or shop in the back. We can go to the capital to buy it, but the price in the capital is not low. Besides, I'm a real person, and I just don't want you to waste money. We are all from the south. Even if you buy thick clothes, you can't wear them when you go back. If you buy an expensive down jacket, you won't be able to wear it a few times when you go back, thank you."

"You are real enough."

"This lad is nice."

"That's the truth."

"What's the reason? The reason is good, and people are also good people, but we can't bear it..."

Shao Ling looked at the young man, saw him depressed, and said, "Brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, wait a moment, I'll call our boss to see if I can find a way for everyone. Since it is arranged by the company When we come out, we can't ignore everyone, it's not good if we get sick from the cold."

"That's the reason."

"I'll ask again."

The young man turned around and took out his mobile phone. Turning around, the voice was very quiet, and after a while, the voice gradually became louder: "What, find a nearby store for them to buy one? No! Where can you find such a thick down jacket? It's not cheap. They can't use it after buying it... No, manager, that's not what I said. Since we lead people out, we have to be more serious... No, no, I don't agree with you if you say that, we are in the same car for more than a day Yes, they are all like a family. I want to try my best to fight for everyone... What, you say it's free? It's free for people to enjoy. If everyone makes them sick, then what's the point? You think of a way, if it doesn't work, then they will deduct my commission after investing... Yes, I said this, I have to be responsible to others when I bring them out, okay, I don't fight for the money, I have to think about everyone. Yes ,that's all!"

His voice fluctuated from loud to soft, and Shao Ling sat in the middle, watching his expression serious and anxious at times, watching with relish.

Sure enough, the little brother turned his head and said happily: "I have good news for everyone. I have won a good benefit for everyone. Everyone persists, and we will arrive in the capital soon. After arriving in the capital, let's go to a store first." , our company's office in the capital arranged for us a batch of military coats. Although they are not new, they are all warm. We have been in the capital for the past few days, and the military coats are not cold. We will return them when we leave Just do it."

"Ah, that would be great."

Shaopeng said loudly: "Did you take out the money yourself? Did you? I heard it all."

Xiao Zhao smiled: "I'll take you out, it should be, our company is not in the clothing business in the capital, these clothes are actually rented, but don't worry, we don't want your money."

Shao Peng gave a thumbs up: "Your character is good, so I think you are a good person. I, Shao Peng, make you a friend. You are talking about the investment you mentioned. I will invest a little. It doesn't count. Others, it must be counted on you, I can't let you share it for us."


Baogen shouted, like a fanboy, saying hello.

Shao Ling: "..."

He looked at Shao Peng, and smiled vaguely.

Second Uncle Guo said, "Shaopeng is so refreshing."

Shao Ling also applauded: "Brother Shao Peng is awesome!"

Shao Peng smiled slightly, looked at Shao Ling, and said, "I think this financial management is pretty good, and Xiao Zhao is also a loyal person, so it's okay to join."

Shao Ling nodded: "Show loyalty!"

He smiled and said: "Xiao Zhao, come to Pengcheng to find me in the future, and I will treat you to dinner!"

Second Uncle Guo: "You come to our village, and my Second Uncle Guo will take care of the meals."

"Hey, Uncle Guo, are you the only one who can take care of the food? We can't? Xiao Zhao, you come to my house, and I see that you are a good guy. The daughter of the second uncle's daughter in my third brother's family is about your age. Then I'll introduce you to someone."

"Oh no, what's the matter with you? I'm optimistic about this Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhao, you will be my son-in-law!"

The scene was full of laughter and laughter, and it really arrived in the capital. A shipment of second-hand military overcoats was sent.

Shao Ling: "..."

The cotton was all leaking out, and it looked dirty, even a rough man like Shao Ling felt that the clothes were really dirty. Shao Ling didn't like it, but he didn't say much, how could he ask for free things?

No matter what people plan, this is already very good.

Not only he thought so, but other people also thought so, and said so to each other.

Of course, there are also those who don't dislike it and think it's quite good, each has its own idea.

In fact, their village is not considered rich. In the past, they would definitely feel that such a cotton overcoat is not good, but this is not the case in the past six months. Everyone has moved, and the mentality of the rich and the poor is different. Naturally, I don't like it a bit, but I don't like it anyway. Everyone knows what's going on with this dress, so everyone is beaming,

After all, they were cold enough.

In this northern sky, I feel the cold wind blowing into my bones.

"How can it be so cold today?"

"The wind is also strong!"

"The wind is strong, but it is dry and cold, which is different from ours."

"This capital is colder than the cold wave we experienced more than ten years ago."

"That's for sure. If we don't call it the North, why should we call it the South?"

Everyone put on their overcoats, including Shao Ling. Although he was wearing a padded jacket, it was warmer, so why not.

"We just arrived today. Let's go to □□ Square and go back to the hotel to rest later. It's not that we don't arrange more schedules, but that we just arrived on the first day. Everyone is not used to the climate, and we are afraid that everyone will fall ill. We Let's go back to the hotel together, drink some hot water, take a rest, feel the warmth of the north, we've recovered, and we'll fight the Great Wall again tomorrow."


"This is the first time for me to go out of the province."

"Who says it's not..."

When everyone arrived in the capital, they had thick coats again, and everyone was beaming. When they arrived at the first scenic spot, Shao Ling followed in the crowd and walked to Shao Peng, who also had the reporter Wang beside him. After walking a short distance, Shao Ling could tell that what Reporter Wang said was in line with Shao Peng's wishes, and his flattery was quite high-grade.

Shao Ling originally thought that it was Shao Peng holding Reporter Wang, but he didn't expect it to be the opposite.

Reporter Wang is full of smiles, and his simple and honest appearance is very popular, which makes people trust him just by looking at it.

Shao Peng was delighted to hear that, slightly proud. He looked at Shao Ling and said, "A Ling, don't you know him? This is reporter Wang from the Evening News."

Shao Ling: "Hello."

Reporter Wang's eyes flashed, and he greeted with a smile: "Hello, hello."

He said: "You are Shao Ling. I often hear Brother Peng mention you, saying that you are the youngest in the sea cucumber circle in Shaojia Village. When I saw you today, you are indeed young and promising."

Shao Ling: "Damn, why are you young! I am now a house-husband, and I am responsible for taking care of the children at home."

Reporter Wang is still very good at talking, and he is also very pleasant to listen to: "If you have money, you can do whatever you want. Besides, you have worked hard for many years, so you should take a break."

He looked at Shao Ling and saw that he was holding his sleeves and looking ignorant, he curled his lips and said, "Actually, a man should have his own career. Even if he doesn't do anything, it's good to invest some money. After all, a man will be more attractive if he has money and ability. I have been a reporter for many years, and I have met many rich people. I have to say that money is the blessing of a man's charm."

Shao Ling smiled and nodded, thinking that it was natural, if Shao Peng had no money, wouldn't he be called Brother Peng? You look much older than him.

He smiled and said, "It makes sense, but, I don't have much ambition."

He smiled and walked forward.

There were quite a lot of people in the square, Shao Ling took out his camera and took pictures everywhere.

The second aunt stepped forward and said, "A Ling, can you take a picture for me?"

The second aunt sighed and said, "I bought a camera, but I forgot to take it with me when I left."

I'm really sad.

Shao Ling smiled: "It's okay, I brought it, you take pictures and look for me."

The second aunt sighed, cheered up, and said, "Thank you."

Shao Ling: "It's okay, they all belong to the same village."

He directed the second aunt: "You point this way, yes, point this way."

He continued to direct: "You can't do this movement, I told you to swing it, um, this way, professional take-off movement, not bad."

Shao Peng was speechless, nodded Shao Ling from the air, and said, "You are really good."

Shao Ling laughed loudly and said, "I'm a professional."

"Did not see it."

Shao Ling shrugged and continued to take pictures of them. The second aunt and Shao Ling were neighbors, and they were old acquaintances. She even called Xiao Zhao to take a photo with her. Xiao Zhao shook his head with a smile and refused. He smiled and said, "Second aunt, right? There's no need to take a group photo. You can play by yourself. I don't like taking pictures."

Second aunt: "Look at you young man, there are still people who don't like to take pictures?"

Xiao Zhao: "That's me, I get camera dizzy."

"Is there still this disease?" The second aunt was shocked.

Xiao Zhao smiled: "In the evening, I will go over to tell you about my illness."

"Okay, come here."

The two agreed, and the second aunt said, "This young man is really a good man."

Shao Ling burst out laughing. In the matter of stepping on thunder, the second aunt dared to say that she was ranked second, and no one dared to say that she was ranked first.

She bought home appliances from outside, but the quality was not up to standard.

She came to sell health care products outside, and she bought them. Not only did she buy them, but she also developed them offline, and she ran away.

She came outside to sell Amway, and she was excited again.

This investment and financial management, she still rushed to the front line without hesitation, for fear that she would not be fooled.

When the people left, Shao Ling kindly reminded: "Second aunt, investing in this kind of thing is not about buying things. Even if you buy something junk, at least you still have something. This is not the case for this investment. It's okay, there is nothing to invest in."

The second aunt gave him a wink and said: "I am the kind of person who can be deceived? After I listen to him in detail, I will vote if I am reliable, and I will not vote if I am not reliable."

Shao Ling smiled and didn't say any more.

Anyway, what should be said, neighbors for so many years, he also mentioned something, but if they don't listen, he won't say more. On the contrary, Hailan nodded and said, "I also think this is false."

Even though Hailan is not an educated and smart person, she also has her own wisdom in life. She is the type of person who has hardly been deceived in the village.

"Come out to play is to come out to play, don't think so much, come here, I will take pictures for you."

Xiao Zhou came over and said softly, "Do you want my help?"

These two days she was quite close to Shao Ling, but Shao Ling was extraordinarily indifferent, he waved his hand: "No, no, no."

Xiao Zhou bit her lip, and Hai Lan said directly, "A Ling, you should stop talking to lesbians, we are looking at you instead of Ah Xin, otherwise you will be sorry for my clothes."

Shao Ling laughed: "Alright, alright, Miss Zhou, go get busy. I don't need to take care of anyone here. You take care of me a lot. They want to spread the word."

Xiao Zhou bit his lip, showed a weak smile, and said, "That's fine."

She turned and left to attack several other people.

The second aunt had piercing eyes and said, "She's interested in you."

Shao Ling shook her head: "She's not interested in me, she's interested in my money. If I don't have money, she won't be interested in me. Her thoughtfulness, enthusiasm and consideration are based on my ability to invest, if I can't invest. These don't exist. And whether they exist or not, I'm not interested in other women. My daughter-in-law is so beautiful, why should I look at others? Are you not tired? And investing... I have no money."

"Fart, in our village, you can at least rank in the top five!"

Shao Ling: "Yes, I paid compensation, but it was all spent."

Second Aunt: "What!!!"

She looked at Shao Ling in shock, unbelievable, she remembered that Shao Ling paid eight figures in compensation, right? His family's breeding circle paid a lot of money for sea cucumbers alone. Not to mention that Shao Ling handled the sea cucumber himself.

"Are you serious? Don't fool your second aunt."

Xiao Zhou, who was talking to someone not far away, had his ears pricked up.

Shao Ling: "I lied to you that you are a puppy."

After a pause, he said, "I am what you say I am."

The second aunt was even more shocked, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

Shao Ling: "My daughter-in-law does business, and it doesn't cost money to do business. There are three stores in my family. In addition to the storefront, there are also warehouses. You don't know that."

The reason why Shao Ling said it was also discussed with Li Shuxin.

Others don't care if they know they spent their money.

The second aunt stammered: "But, but your house is not rented..."

Shao Ling: "That's right, my house is rented, but I also bought a shop, but it's an off-plan house that hasn't been handed over yet. Besides, Ah Xin buys a lot in order to keep the cost down."

The second aunt and Hailan have both been to Li Shuxin's warehouse, Xiao's place is really not small.

Both of them sighed with emotion: "You spend everything..."

Shao Ling: "Let's put it this way, I bought the house I live in, two cars, and a shop for all the relocation funds of my family, and I spent them all."

Second Aunt: "You guys are too bold."

She really didn't expect that the young couple would be so fierce.

Shao Ling: "What's so bold about that? We're still young. Even if we really can't do anything well, my family still has shops. Not only do my houses have shops, but also houses for relocation. I also need three rooms for relocation. It's not like you don't know that the shop is a residence."

The second aunt pinched him and said, "You brat is really bold. Even if you still have a house, you wouldn't dare to do that. You can sell that stuff if you say so?"

Shao Ling: "Why are we selling it? Isn't it good for us to rent it out?"

Second Aunt: "..."

She was speechless, glared at Shao Ling, and said, "You husband and wife really can go to heaven."

Shao Ling hehe said, "I've thought about it, my family's money is now on the shop, and I can't do any business. It just so happens that I have a good chat with Uncle Guo. When the time comes, I will contract a small barren hill. Anyway, I don't have much money. At that time, I will hire Uncle Guo to raise chickens for me. I used to have a way to sell sea cucumbers."

Second Aunt: "..."

She glanced at Shao Ling again, and said, "All people go to high places, you can really do it."

Shao Ling: "Hey, it's not like you don't know what works or not. I haven't studied in any university, and I haven't learned any more powerful knowledge. I can't do those complicated ones. I bought it a while ago. I plan to study and buy stocks, but after reading and reading, I know him, but he doesn't know me. So I thought, let's be honest, I'd better do something I can do. It doesn't cost much ."

Second aunt: "If you contracted the small barren mountain, you really didn't have much money in the year, but this job..."

Shao Ling: "Why do you still look down on the working people?"

Second Aunt: "Get out of here."

Shao Ling and Second Aunt spoke in a low voice, everyone was in the square, taking pictures, tears filled their eyes, but no one came here to listen to the excitement. But there is one exception, that is Zhou Ru.

Although one of their staff members is in charge of five people, but Zhou Ru took the initiative to "rob" Shao Ling. They almost know everything about each family's situation. If they don't know the basics, how can they make money.

Zhou Ru originally thought that Shao Ling should be easy to "catch", after all, he is a young man in his twenties!

She is not bad looking, and she can definitely coax him to invest with a few good words, which should be much better than those assigned to the elderly, but she never expected that Shao Ling would not pay much attention to her. She was getting more and more courageous the more frustrated she was, after all, Shao Ling was not bad looking.

However, he never expected that the eavesdropping actually overheard something crucial.

His grandma has such a leg, this person has no money.

If it was this person who told her that she had no money, she would always wonder if it was nonsense, but this person told the old lady. And she also heard that he was a dog when he lied. This makes people have to believe it.

Even if you lie, you won't scold yourself for no reason, right?

She wasted all her efforts, and she was so angry that she thought about changing people, they were looking at the commission for this job. This person has no money, so she has no need to contact him. However, she was ready to change, and it was estimated that she would be spotted immediately. Thinking about it this way made me more and more annoyed.

In the following time, Shao Ling hardly paid any attention.

Shao Ling: "Sure enough, without the blessing of money, I have no charm at all."

But Shao Ling was clean.

Can it be unclean?

No Money.

Shao Ling himself couldn't help laughing. Sure enough, almost everyone knew that Shao Ling had spent all the money at night. The second aunt, she's really not a bad person, she's a nice person, and she's warm-hearted, but she's really snarky.

But Shao Ling originally wanted to spread the word through her mouth, so it didn't matter.

At night, Shao Ling shared a room with Second Uncle Guo, and Second Uncle Guo asked curiously, "I heard you spent all your money?"

Shao Ling nodded and said, "Why do you even know about it?"

Second Uncle Guo smiled: "You should also know about Second Aunt's mouth."

Shao Ling also smiled and said, "Yes."

Uncle Guo sighed: "You are too bold."

Shao Ling: "I don't think it's anything."

"House is money too," he said.

As for more, there is not much to say. Uncle Guo is not a curious person either, the two turned to talk about this investment, Uncle Guo: "What do you think?"

Before Shao Ling could answer, Xiao Zhou came over, but this time it was obviously aimed at Second Uncle Guo more, she first asked for warmth, and then said: "Everyone go to the banquet hall on the second floor, we will have a meeting tonight. "

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "A meeting?"

Zhou Ru: "Yes, let's have a tea party, it will be lively."

Uncle Guo: "It's good to be kind."

As soon as Zhou Ru left, Second Uncle Guo and Shao Ling came to the second floor together. They almost didn't delay, but they were still behind when they came. At this time, the venue was very lively, and Aunt Hu was sitting at the front, because Su Xuejiao was also a staff member, so she couldn't be more proud.

The voice was loud, showing off her might, and several people surrounded her to compliment her.

The more important people sat in the first row. Shao Peng got up to go to the toilet and sat beside Shao Ling. He turned his head and said, "Brother Peng, don't you want to go to the front?"

Shaopeng: "Sitting there is not sitting. By the way, I heard that you bought a store?"

Shao Ling nodded: "I bought it, why are you interested? If you are interested, you can go to the salesperson who can help me deal with it. She is very professional. I bought the house with Ah Xin from her."

Shao Peng smiled: "I'm not interested. If I have money, I can do more and earn more. Buying a house is meaningless. Although there is some increase, it's only a few dollars. You, you , I just don't have any aggressiveness, and I wanted to ask you to make a fortune together, but I don't think you have any chance of getting rich."

Shao Ling half-truthfully said: "I want to be safe, and I pay more attention to safety."

Shao Peng pouted.

Shao Ling looked at Reporter Wang at the front and said, "Brother Peng, how do you know Reporter Wang? He is from Tangkou Village. I really don't like the people in Tangkou Village. What happened to Wang Axing last time was really shocking." I got hurt."

He said with a smile: "I have sequelae. When I see people in Tangkou Village, I naturally take precautions."

Shao Peng: "You are a good person. Reporter Wang is very good. He has nothing to do. Although he is from Tangkou Village, he is not in the village. Didn't something happen almost? I was worried here, so I found some people to watch, and arranged people to watch Tangkou Village. This reporter Wang is Tang Yaozong's old cousin. When he went to visit Tang Yaozong, he bumped into my people. Now, we get to know each other after coming and going. He is very nice. In fact, he has always wanted to apologize to you face to face on behalf of Tang Yaozong. They are really not targeting you, they just want to clean up those three little bastards. Who knows, but let you misunderstood."

Shao Ling laughed, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Such words are fooling the devil.

Shao Ling believed that the way Shao Peng and Reporter Wang met was not fake. After all, they were all from the same village, and the breeding circles were also very close. Shaopeng probably didn't know this person before.

He said that Shao Ling met reporter Wang after an accident in the sea cucumber circle, and Shao Ling believed it.

But, he said that the sea cucumber circle was a misunderstanding, and Shao Ling absolutely couldn't believe it. Even the three punks couldn't believe it, let alone other people. Moreover, although Shao Peng was crazy in the past, he was not like this now. Now, Shao Peng is walking on the road of stepping on the line everywhere, almost bouncing back and forth on the ground line of the law.

Shao Ling wouldn't believe it if it was said that reporter Wang's methods were not involved.

Of course, Shao Peng is not a three-year-old child, it is impossible to push everything to hurt others, and he is innocent. It can only be said that fish look for fish and shrimp look for shrimp.

As for Reporter Wang, Shao Ling thought, this person should have an "idea" about himself, this idea, the idea of defrauding money. If Tang Yaozong and him hadn't agreed to persuade people to come to their breeding circle, he wouldn't believe it at all.

Even if you want to eat human blood steamed buns to blackmail people, you have to discuss how to do it step by step.

So he estimated that Reporter Wang knew about it early on. So when he first saw his weird expression, it was fleeting, but Shao Ling could still see it. In a short period of time, he thought a lot, then laughed and said, "It's a misunderstanding, it's over anyway."

He said, "Hey, do you think this investment is reliable?"

Lectures have already started at the scene, what kind of tea party, it's just a brainwashing conference.

Sometimes, it is really impossible to say that the deceived people have no brains. In such a hot and crazy environment, many people will be affected unconsciously. However, Shao Ling was not included.

But when he asked this question, Shaopeng came to his senses: "I think this is a very good investment project. What's wrong with it? It's a big foreign company, so what can they do to lie to you? We are really lucky, and others may not have such good luck."

Shao Ling smiled and raised his chin: "It's useless, I have no money."

Shaopeng blinked his eyes and said, "You know I also have an investment company. If you are interested, you can borrow a little. Others borrow 20. I will give you 8. If you don't make money, it is enough for brothers. You see, although you Earn less, but travel many times a year chance to swim. Besides, Miss Xiao Zhou is taking such good care of you, so why don't you repay her? You don't buy it for a penny, how sad it is. "

Shao Ling: "If you say that, I can't even buy it. I still want to stay away from her. What if my Axin misunderstands me? Besides, why should I repay her? I admit that I am very grateful for this trip, but I Not interested in little girls."

Shaopeng frowned slightly and said, "You."

For a moment, he didn't know what to say, he just said, "You just love your family too much, you're a real man..."

Shao Ling interrupted him: "Family is more important to me than anything else."

Thinking of Shao Ling's situation, Shao Peng secretly scolded Shao Guowei and his wife for not being human, and then said, "I can understand you." He had no interest in chatting and didn't invest.

He patted Shao Ling on the shoulder and said, "I'm going ahead, next time I want to play with you, I'll take you to Macau."

He was very proud: "I didn't play in the hall in the past."

Shao Ling smiled: "I don't understand that." Yiyi turned to Wuhua and settled down to Tianya

This is the rejection, Shao Peng pursed his lips, got up and stepped forward.

At this time Shao Ling also got up and went to the door to smoke. He smoked one after another. Uncle Guo saw him leaning against the window when he came out, wondering what he was thinking. To be honest, Second Uncle Guo didn't have much contact with juniors like Shao Ling, but in just two days, Second Uncle Guo felt that Shao Ling was a little different from what he thought, what should I say?

This person seems to have a carefree personality, very rough. But in reality, he felt that this person was not easy to understand.

"Why don't you listen?"

Shao Ling: "I miss my wife."

Uncle Guo: "..."

He felt a little embarrassed when he missed his wife, and said, "Look at this..."

Shao Ling handed the cigarette to Second Uncle Guo. Second Uncle Guo laughed, took a look and said, "I remember you didn't smoke much before, why do you smoke so much now?"

Shao Ling smiled slightly, and said, "I used to smoke too, so I don't smoke in front of my wife. My children are young, so you should always think about them."

Uncle Guo: "That's true."

He murmured: "Back then we raised our children casually, but now it's not so much more particular."

Shao Ling smiled and nodded, both of them were leaning against the window, Second Uncle Guo: "This capital city doesn't look so prosperous."

Shao Ling: "This is the outskirts of the city."

Uncle Guo suddenly realized, and said, "Let me just say, the capital shouldn't be like this."

"I don't know what my daughter-in-law is doing at home." Shao Ling muttered, what is Li Shuxin doing at this time, chasing the little fat boy in Manjia.

The little chubby cub hugged a big bag of potato chips, ran forward screaming, da da da ran very fast. Two little short legs, they move fast.

This child is like this, a few months ago he walked tremblingly, but within a few months he ran as fast as a bunny. It's not that Li Shuxin couldn't catch up with a kid, but because he was afraid of chasing him too quickly, he fell.

Li Shuxin: "Baby! Give it back to Mom!"

The little chubby cub didn't agree, his little head shook like a rattle, he was firm: "No! Eat! Baby wants to eat!"

Li Shuxin: "Baby can't eat this."

The little chubby cub refused and continued to flee.

Zhou Yongni: "Baby, return the potato chips to the eldest cousin."

She bought the potato chips. Who knew she went to the toilet and was carried away by the little cousin. The little guy was also tired at this time, leaning against the door, like a frightened little animal , looked at her mother with big round eyes, and asked: "Baby wants to eat!"

Li Shuxin: "Baby can't eat this, it's too salty, can mom cook you something else delicious?"

The chubby cub looked at his mother hesitantly.

Li Shuxin: "Mom can make delicious food. Mom will bring you fish intestines and steamed double skin milk for you, okay?"

The little fat cub swallowed.

Li Shuxin raised her hand: "Mom promises not to lie to the baby."

The chubby boy looked down at the potato chips and then at his mother. Li Shuxin continued his efforts: "Auntie Lin will come tomorrow morning and bake you egg tarts, okay?"

The chubby boy swallowed a bit, Li Shuping said with a smile: "What tomorrow morning, Auntie will make it for you now. Okay?"

After hearing this, the little fat boy finally surrendered. The little fat boy handed over the potato chips and said loudly, "Eat egg tarts!"

"Okay, eat egg tarts!"

"Eat grandma!"

"Yes, Shuangpi Nai!"

The little chubby cub was finally happy and smiled with a double chin.

Li Shuxin took the chubby boy by the hand, and leaned forward: "Sister, I want to eat too."

Zhou Yongni: "I want it too, I want it too."

Li Shuping: "...You guys are really promising."

Chapter 46

Opened a year later.

Shao Ling wasn't there, and Li Shuxin took care of it herself. Fortunately, all the salesmen in their store came back, which saved Li Shuxin a lot of trouble. In fact, their business is like this. Every time they go back to their hometowns during the New Year, some people will never come back, and the turnover is particularly large.

However, more than a dozen salespeople from Li Shuxin's three stores all came back. It's really rare.

As soon as Xiao Tian and Xiao Ding came back, they helped Li Shuxin handle the recruitment. Yes, it was recruitment again. Li Shuxin planned to start a clothing company, so there was no delay, and he started recruiting almost immediately after the year.

She not only recruited, but also transferred Wang Di and Chen Zhen from the store to the company's sales department.

In fact, their company can't be any smaller, but it has to be formalized anyway. Li Shuxin understands that Wang Di is suitable for sales, and Wang Di is also willing to come, and Chen Zhen will be her assistant.

Both Wang Di and Chen Zhen were transferred to the sales department of the company, and Wang Lingyu served as the general manager of the three stores.

Li Shuxin also has her own ideas for this arrangement. Wang Lingyu is a local, and she prefers to be safe. She is not the kind of pioneering person, but because she has been a salesperson for several years, she is safe and comfortable in this line of work. .

Li Shuxin is very relieved that she will be the head of the three stores.

Every department of a company is important and essential. But as their clothing company, the design department and sales department are the most important. Li Shuxin from the sales department can transfer Wang Di and Chen Zhen, but the design department cannot.

After all, Li Shuxin has the experience of rebirth, she has some knowledge, and she knows the general trend of fashion. But in a company, she is not the only one who can handle all the things alone, so designers must be recruited. But Li Shuxin also knows that it is impossible for a small company like theirs to find a good designer who is famous.

What's more, she can't afford to hire people who are famous for a long time, and such people are also arrogant, so Li Shuxin wants to hire young people.

The market they are targeting is young girls who are new to the workplace, youthful and energetic. So under such circumstances, young designers are naturally more suitable. how to say? Their company can have several brands, and each brand can have a different style, which has nothing to do with each other. But a brand promises to have its own positioning.

Positioning is too confusing, but it is not a good thing.

This is the positioning of Li Shuxin's first brand of Shuling Clothing.

Before Shao Ling returned to Pengcheng, Li Shuxin was already working hard here, she was an activist. The same goes for the staff around them. They acted very quickly, and when the lease expired in one year, another company had to withdraw the lease. Li Shuxin simply rented out their entire floor.

These are all offices. Although they don't need much decoration, they still need to have a unified style. Li Shuxin found their usual decoration team. Although the overall work is not a big job, it is always auspicious to have work at the beginning of the new year.

Everyone is happy.

Sometimes, people need to know others and make good use of them. Li Shuxin has a relatively new vision, so she can naturally handle everything by herself, but she understands better that everyone has their own role. If she handles everything alone, then I'm afraid she will hang up earlier than in her previous life.

So Li Shuxin understands very well, this time she didn't have the full power to deal with it herself, but handed it over to Xiaotian.

People, the potential is always infinite. After discussing with a few girls, the general organization of the company is in line with Li Shuxin's wishes. The whole is simple and grand, with a simple style but full of vitality.

The whole is white and gold.

Gold is mainly used on edging and some personal items in the office.

The local people are still very particular about auspiciousness. Gold always gives people a very rich feeling. White and gold are not very lively, but because there are many green plants in the office area, this neutralizes this cold and clean feeling.

On the contrary, it has a bit of vitality.

In short, Li Shuxin was very satisfied with the design.

Even more satisfying. In fact, most of the current decorations belong to the acquired configuration, which is the style of soft decoration. On the contrary, the overall frame has not been moved very much, which also saves money for their company.

Even Li Shuxin would give a thumbs up after seeing it.

And precisely because the overall frame was not moved, the construction period was also saved. On the day Shao Ling came back, the decoration was completed here, which can be seen quickly.

Shao Ling went out for a trip, and when he came back, Li Shuxin drove to pick up her man. The car went directly to the village. As soon as Li Shuxin entered the village, she happened to meet the bus, so she simply followed the car into the village.

Communication is very convenient now, and many people in the village have come out to pick them up. It was a coincidence that Li Shuxin did not drive near the bus, but parked a little further away. Zhang Yaxin was also here, she came much earlier than Li Shuxin, and she was still a famous brand.

Zhang Yaxin seemed to hesitate for a while, and came to Li Shuxin's side, and said, "Are you coming to pick up your husband too?"

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Yes."

The two of them started talking nonsense, if they didn't come to pick up their family, who else could they come to pick up?

Zhang Yaxin was silent for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Ah Xin, you told me last time that there are risks in being a legal person, do you still remember?"

Li Shuxin looked at her in surprise, she thought Zhang Yaxin didn't take it to heart, but it didn't seem to be the case. But since Zhang Yaxin asked, Li Shuxin must have something to say, she nodded: "There is definitely a risk, and I don't think this is a trivial matter, you'd better find a lawyer and ask. Su Xuelian just came to see the child, you ask she."

Zhang Yaxin looked at Su Xuelian who came to see off the child, then shook her head resolutely, and said, "I'll ask someone else."

She didn't want the people around her to know more. Seeing that the bus had stopped and everyone got off one after another, Zhang Yaxin suddenly said, "Thank you."

Li Shuxin looked at her in surprise, but at this time Zhang Yaxin didn't say anything more, instead she went forward with a smile on her face, met Shao Peng who was getting off the car, and greeted her with care. Shaopeng enjoyed Zhang Yaxin's gentleness contentedly.

Baogen and the boys are all feeling: "Sister-in-law, you are too kind, aren't you?"

"Let's go, let's go."

Baogen was flattering, Shao Ling and Uncle Guo finally got out of the car, and they were the last to get out of the car. The two of them were like migrant workers returning home. Of course, they didn't say anything bad about the migrant workers, but the two of them staggered with heavy luggage.

Baogen stepped away for a second, stretched out his hand to hit the handle, and said brokenly: "Second brother Shao, I told you not to buy these, you won't listen."

Shao Ling: "How is this too much?"

He pointed: "Half of them belong to Uncle Guo."

Second Uncle Guo smiled honestly: "My family has more relatives than yours. It's rare for me to go out. I'll always buy some."

Baogen rolled his eyes and said, "I'm just saying you don't understand, right? Buying such food, no matter how much you eat, it won't turn into shit. If you want to buy it, you have to buy it like mine."

He lifted the padded jacket, revealing a jade pendant hanging around his neck, and said triumphantly: "Look, have you seen this? This is Hetian jade, old pit jade, good thief."

Everyone gathered around, and the second aunt quickly squeezed Baogen away, and said: "What are you, look at me, I am good, I am Huang Yu, and now Huang Yu is not very bright, if it is not for my sharp eyes, it can be It's going to be stolen."

She glanced at Aunt Hu who got off from another car. Aunt Hu snorted coldly and immediately showed off: "What is yours? I don't want that. Why did you just snatch it? Mine is really good, I This is a phoenix, it can bless me!"

She was very proud: "I am the only one in the store."

Everyone really didn't expect that Mrs. Hu, who has always been stingy, was willing to spend money. There are really many stingy people in this village. But this is not to say that the feng shui of their village is good, and they only raise stingy people.

It's that these old people came from the 1960s and 1970s. They are used to living in poverty. Everyone is used to not spending money and saving money if they can. But this time when they go out, this is not the case. bought some.

Aunt Hu was showing off, Second Aunt was showing off, and even Baogen was showing off, as if everyone had bought something. Li Shuxin didn't care about Shao Ling. She silently looked at her ancestor, Uncle Hai, who moved the grave and dug the player himself. Sure enough, Uncle Hai didn't say a word.

"Sure enough, the ginger is still old and spicy."

Li Shuxin secretly sighed in his heart, and then stepped forward to pick up Shao Ling. Shao Ling hugged his wife and said with emotion: "I miss you."

Why doesn't Li Shuxin miss Shao Ling? People who are at home can see the recycling all day long, and don't think there is anything at all, but if people are not at home, they feel that there is something missing everywhere. Li Shuxin took Shao Ling by her arms, but soon, she whispered, "Why do you have a strange smell?"

Shao Ling: "?"

He raised his eyebrows and said, "You despise me?"

Li Shuxin giggled, and Shao Ling was sure: "You really despise me."

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows: "Is it impossible?"

Shao Ling: "Okay, but..."

He lengthened his voice: "I want to punish you."

Li Shuxin secretly pinched Shao Ling, really, in public, what nonsense.

But don't say that Shao Ling has a strange smell, it feels like everyone has it, they can feel it a little when they get off the car and get close. But this is really not surprising. After all, they came all the way from the capital by bus.

People are not rotten, it is already blessed by God.

Li Shuxin: "Tsk."

"Everyone, we arrived at Shaojia Village safely, and this journey has ended smoothly!"

There was a groaning sound at the scene, and Mr. Wang led Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhou, Su Xuejiao and others to stand side by side, bowing to everyone, "Thank you for taking care of us all the way."

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

"Our company will hold a financial management lecture in our village tomorrow. It will last for a month. There will be good gifts every day, and there will be a lottery on site. Everyone is welcome to participate."

"Very good."


"I didn't go on a trip, but I can't let go of this good thing."

"Me too."

The scene was so lively that Shao Ling and Li Shuxin had already put their things into the trunk. Shao Ling stretched his waist and said, "Let's go, no matter what, I have to go home and sleep first, and then I'll talk about everything else."

Li Shuxin: "Okay."

She looked at Su Xuelian who was frowning not far away, and said, "Su Xuelian."

Su Xuelian: "Li Shuxin."

She came over and greeted politely: "Second Brother Shao."

Shao Ling nodded slightly, and Li Shuxin asked her with a smile: "Are you going back to Pengcheng? Taking you with you?"

Su Xuelian hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

The three of them got into the car together, Li Shuxin drove, Shao Ling: "I'm really exhausted from this journey, I slept in the car last night."

Li Shuxin: "Didn't we arrange accommodation for you at night?"

Shao Ling: "Usually there are, but when you go back and forth to talk about saving time, it's actually saving two days' room fees. Whoever let us take advantage of it, it's already pretty good."

He looked around and asked, "Where's my son?"

Li Shuxin: "The eldest sister is taking care of her at home. I'll pick you up. I don't want to take him with me."

Shao Ling nodded: "It's right if you don't come, I think we're all going to be rotten, so don't smoke my son."

He asked curiously: "Su Xuelian, why are you here?"

Su Xuelian: "..."

She said: "I'm here to deliver the child. The child of my cousin's family has been placed with me these days."

Having said that, Shao Ling remembered that he had heard about it in the regiment, but he didn't care about it at the time. But at this time, he smiled and said, "Then you are out of luck."

Su Xuelian was a little embarrassed.

But I also know that Shao Ling is telling the truth. These days, she is really exhausted, and she doesn't even want to say a word. She even thought that she must not have children when she gets married in the future, children are really annoying.

"That brat from your cousin's family has unclean hands and feet, and bad character. What good things can your cousin and his mother-in-law teach? Su Xuejiao's own parents don't care, but you have become a good person."

Su Xuelian was even more embarrassed.

Li Shuxin: "You can shut up, what are you talking about."

Shao Ling: "That's true, it's none of my business."

Su Xuelian sighed softly and said, "I really didn't expect this child to be like this."

It seemed that she really couldn't carry the child.

It stands to reason that she shouldn't speak ill of others, but everyone in the same village really knows each other. Everyone knows who that kid is. Su Xuelian: "If you don't care about this child, it will be over in the future."

"I don't think anyone cares."

Su Xuelian was speechless for a moment, yes, her cousin didn't care about the child at all, and Aunt Hu doted on the child unconditionally... Unless some major incident happened, it would be difficult for this child to change.

She said: "I still have to persuade."

Li Shuxin: "You can't persuade me."

It's true that it's on fire.

Su Xuelian sighed.

But soon, she said again: "I think this financial management seminar in the village is very unreliable. You don't want to participate, wait until I talk to the old secretary."

Shao Ling and Li Shuxin looked at each other, and Li Shuxin thought, yes, Su Xuelian is like this, even if she has nothing to do with her, she is willing to meddle in her own business. She still has a sense of justice.

Two of Su Xuelian's three boyfriends broke up because of disagreements.

The husband she married later was also a man with a strong sense of justice.

"The old secretary knows what's going on. Don't get too involved and cause trouble for yourself." Li Shuxin said: "The village naturally has its own opinions on these matters. Besides, if you take too much care, people don't appreciate it. You. You only think that you prevent others from getting rich."

At this moment, Su Xuelian asked, "What happened to that jade pendant?"

Shao Ling: "Hey, it's just a scam. I don't think it's worth much, but they are all happy to buy it. Do I still block it with a knife? I'm not their father. I can buy it if I like it. At that time we went to I opened a jade shop, the price is fucking expensive, and then the boss came out

He came and said that the boss's father celebrated his 88th birthday and wanted to celebrate it. We just caught up with him and wanted to give us a discount. Then we chatted and talked, and mentioned that everyone is from the same place. The boss said that he is from Lincheng, and this quickly drew the distance. The boss patted his thigh happily, claiming that he was bleeding heavily and wanted to make friends, so he bought the jade pendant at a 50% discount. "

Li Shuxin: "This is a tourist shopping shop that has been used for thousands of years."

She asked curiously, "Then, how much is 0.50% off?"

Shao Ling: "The minimum is a few thousand yuan. For example, Aunt Hu said that it is the treasure of the town store. It is very expensive, it seems to be 30,000 yuan."

Li Shuxin was speechless.

She didn't think they'd be able to buy anything genuine on this trip.

Besides, the capital is not the place of production. If you talk about the south of Caiyun... Uh, even in that kind of place, the shops you go to when you travel are probably unreliable. Let's just go with a group tour. It seems that jade, jewelry and tea are sold all over the country.

Li Shuxin: "It's really a big hole."

She said with emotion: "I thought your trip was mainly to sell wealth management products, but I didn't expect other wool to be spared as well, and it was just a slap in the face."

Shao Ling smiled: "That's for sure. If you have money, you don't want to be a bastard. We didn't go to many scenic spots this time. We have classes every day when we go back to the hotel. We have to go to class to learn about financial management. At night, some consultants run from room to room. Deep brainwashing. The few scenic spots are mainly selling things. Can you believe it? Our visit to the Great Wall is all fake."


Li Shuxin was very surprised and looked at Shao Ling in shock.

Su Xuelian, who was listening in the back seat, was also shocked, wondering: "Is there a fake of this thing?"

"Yes, that's the one we went to. Everyone didn't realize it, but they couldn't escape my eyes. We went to a wild Great Wall. It can't be said to be completely fake, but it can't be completely true."

Li Shuxin: Understood.

"I also bought some tea."

Li Shuxin: "!!!"

She hit it off.

Sure enough, there are three artifacts that must be cheated by tourist groups.

"You will buy it."

Shao Ling: "Actually, I know that this thing just asks for a lot of money, but if I don't buy anything, it will look very different. You don't know, there is no one in the group who doesn't buy it. Anyway, it's either jade pendant or tea. .I don't want to be too special."

Li Shuxin: "???"

Su Xuelian: "You shouldn't buy it. You buy it knowing it's fake. This will only fuel the arrogance of these people. We should let them know that we are not easily deceived."

Shao Ling: "..."

He couldn't communicate with Su Xuelian. Su Xuelian: "I must tell the old secretary about this matter, so that no one in our village can be cheated. Everyone's money is hard-earned. become."

Shao Ling: "..."

Li Shuxin smiled.

The car drove all the way to Pengcheng, Li Shuxin put Su Xuelian downstairs in the company, Su Xuelian: "Thank you."

Li Shuxin waved her hand: "It's okay."

The two parties bid farewell, Li Shuxin drove away, Shao Ling sat in the passenger seat and smiled, and said, "Is Su Xuelian stupid in reading?"

Li Shuxin did not agree with what he said, she sincerely said: "There is nothing wrong with her like this, and it is always better for a person to have a kind sense of justice than to be a bad person, are you right?"

Shao Ling shrugged.

Li Shuxin looked at him sideways and said, "What do you buy tea for?"

Shao Ling smiled meaningfully, and said to himself that his wife really understood him very well. Know that he will not waste money to let others take advantage of. I didn't ask just now because Su Xuelian was in the car.

She said: "Do you want to laugh so weirdly? What do you want to do?"

Shao Ling: "I plan to give it to the old secretary and the village chief."


Li Shuxin sprayed.

She said, "You can do it."

Shao Ling was confident: "Didn't I want to contract the barren mountain? Although I followed the formal procedures, it is always faster to give them some tea to drink? Besides, the old secretary asked me to help take a look at what's going on. Don't I want him to actually feel it? I'm buying things for real money for his sake."

Li Shuxin: "..."

She didn't know how to answer.

The husband and wife finally drove home. Li Shuxin entered the house but did not see the eldest sister and the little fat boy.

Zhou Yongni should have gone to class. Her cram school has started again recently. She should go to class at this time every day. Li Shuxin looked around and found a note on the table. It turned out that Li Shuping took the child out to buy things.

Shao Ling and Li Shuxin had nothing to worry about. Shao Ling threw the things on the ground and immediately hugged Li Shuxin up.


Li Shuxin screamed.

Shao Ling: "I'm so sour, take a bath, and you can help me rub my back."

Li Shuxin yelled, "Just rub your back, why are you hugging me?"

Shao Ling smiled: "I didn't say that taking a mandarin duck bath is already good, come on!"

Li Shuxin: "Shao Ling, you really..."

Shao Ling didn't care what Li Shuxin called, and carried her to the bathroom. After a while, there was a sound from the bathroom...

You have to take a shower, but other things don't delay, right?

Shao Ling went out for seven days, and the two were tired of being together, lying in the bathtub, Li Shuxin poked his muscles and said, "Sit up. I'll rub your back."

Shao Ling was lazy, but he was obedient. He said, "I'm such a good husband."

Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows: "What?"

Shao Ling: "Listen to you? You don't know, Shao Peng Baogen and the others, tsk. Go out... Needless to say, you understand."

Li Shuxin understands, but this is not from his family, so she doesn't talk too much.

Li Shuxin: "Then what happened this time?"

It doesn't matter to her to mess around, she cares more about it.

And...Reporter Wang.

Shao Ling: "Whether it's the boss or not, Shao Peng is definitely involved. He hangs out with Wang Zongwang and reporters, and even acts as a trustee in the middle. He is the first to rush out of the shopping mall several times. I guess some sensible people can see it, but more people can't see it and follow the trend. But you know, this tour is free, so you don't spend any money, basically sometimes you can see it, and you can They will buy a little bit. They have managed the financial management, and one-third of them have signed a letter of intent, and more than one-third of them are also very tempted, but they have to come back to discuss it with their families."

Li Shuxin was surprised: "So many?"

Shao Ling: "When I go out, I ask for my health. People in such an environment have a high degree of trust in them. And they really behave like a good person in every way. There is also an incident of renting a military coat in the middle. Believe it or not, the people who went this time, there are many people who believe their words and don't believe mine. That's why I almost laughed when Su Xuelian said it just now. You are kind, but People think you have evil intentions. I am not a bad person. What does it matter to me whether others are cheated or not? I have mentioned it, but no one listens. It is hard to persuade the damn ghost. They are willing, so I will not talk about it. Anyway, what I promised the old secretary has already been done."

Li Shuxin: "What are you talking about?"

Shao Ling: "I don't care about them. When there is a windfall, there will naturally be sharks swimming towards them. It's up to you whether you can catch them."

He turned his head and said, "You need to work harder. There's no strength in rubbing your back."

With a black face, Li Shuxin patted him, and said angrily, "Why do I have no strength? Isn't it you who mess around as soon as you enter the door? Now you're still complaining about me."

Shao Ling laughed, stretched out his arms to embrace her, and said, "It's my fault, do I miss you so much?"

Li Shuxin pouted at him, Shao Ling smiled: "Besides, isn't it a good thing that your husband is strong?"

Li Shuxin blushed slightly, and said, "You can shut up."

The two took a greasy bath, and then changed into comfortable home clothes. Shao Ling stretched his waist and sighed: "It feels like I finally came back to life."

Kick away the clothes thrown on the ground with one kick.

Li Shuxin: "Shao Ling!!!"

She put her hands on her hips: "If you don't pick it up, you kick it."

Shao Ling raised his hand: "I'll clean it up right away, you said I behaved so well just now, why are you still so angry..."

Lai Shuxin: "One size is one size."

Shao Ling shrugged, he picked up the clothes and threw them in the bathroom, and asked, "How is your company?"

As soon as Li Shuxin said this, she became very energetic. She said proudly: "It's very good. I sincerely invite you to take a look. It's really great."

Seeing her smiling face, Shao Ling laughed and said, "It seems that you are very satisfied."

Li Shuxin nodded: "Of course, the environment is better than before, and there are more people than before."

Shao Ling was surprised: "Didn't you say that the person hasn't been interviewed yet?"

They called last night, and Li Shuxin hadn't interviewed a suitable designer yet.

Li Shuxin laughed loudly, feeling very proud: "I'm lucky. I interviewed two girls this morning. I thought they were pretty good, and they've already stayed. I transferred Xiaotian to be my secretary, and the office hired two more girls. girl."

Shao Ling: "Hey, aren't all the women in your company?"

Li Shuxin was taken aback, and said, "That's right."

In fact, she didn't think about men and women when she recruited, but now it seems that all the recruits are young girls.

Li Shuxin: "That's pretty good. I'm a girl myself. Of course, I have to give girls more opportunities. But to be honest, I didn't pay attention to it. Whether it's a boy or a girl, I'll take it when it suits me. It's just that They just happen to be girls."

Shao Ling: "Actually, I really hope you have more girls."

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

Shao Ling: "My daughter-in-law is so pretty, I'm worried about recruiting male colleagues."

Li Shuxin: "Bah!"

Shao Ling laughed out loud.

The husband and wife were chatting and laughing when they heard the door open. Li Shuxin turned her head and saw the elder sister entering the door with the little chubby baby in her arms. Little Jiaxi looked at her father, was taken aback for a moment, then let out a wow, and went straight to the door. Shao Ling rushed forward, and Xiaozui kept yelling, "Dad, Dad..."

It was immediately obvious that Shao Ling took the child.

Li Shuping put the little chubby boy on the ground, and little Jiaxi immediately ran to his father. Shao Ling immediately picked up his son and said, "Do you miss your father?"

The little chubby cub said loudly: "I want to!"

The white and tender little face was pressed against the father's face, and the baby's voice said, "Baby misses Daddy, Daddy is not at home."

Yo, this is so fluent.

Shao Ling laughed even harder and said, "Daddy misses the baby too."

He poked little Jiaxi's little cheek and asked, "Did the baby take good care of mother at home?"

Xiao Jiaxi nodded heavily: "Yes!"

"Did the baby make mother angry?"

Xiao Jiaxi shook her head decisively and said loudly, "No!"

It's quite clear.

"Did the baby upset my aunt at home?"

Shao Ling pointed at Li Shuping.

Xiao Jiaxi: "Auntie likes babies."

He patted his chest proudly and said, "I like babies the most."

Li Shuxin said with a smile: "Eldest sister dotes on him, she won't criticize him when he makes trouble."

Xiao Jiaxi frowned slightly, shook her head, and said firmly, "Baby won't make trouble."

Shao Ling laughed loudly, and said, "Baby is right, our baby is so good, how could he be mischievous? You are the cutest, right?"


Shao Ling: "The baby is doing so well, so dad bought him some snacks."

When talking about snacks, the little guy almost drools, his mouth is pursed and his big eyes are shining.

Shao Ling: "I bought dim sum from Daoxiang Village."

He raised his head and said, "Sister, I bought a lot, and you can take some back when the time comes."

Li Shuping didn't refuse, Shao Ling quickly led his son to look through the bag, Li Shuxin warned: "Don't feed him too much, he won't eat if he eats too much."

Shao Ling: "How can I not know this?"

Li Shuxin said faintly, "If you knew, why did you feed him so many egg rolls last time?"

Shao Ling: "..."

did not hear it!

Li Shuxin snorted and said, "Anyway, remember it for me."

Because of Shao Ling's return, the house was indeed more lively. Zhou Yongni came back from get out of class to play with her little cousin, while the adults went to the kitchen. Shao Ling had to tell them about the big and small of the trip.

Li Shuxin came here many years later, and naturally knew about this and that scam, but neither Li Shuping nor Zhou Yongni had heard of it. Li Shuping was overwhelmed with surprise, and Zhou Yongni, who was playing with the chubby boy, also opened her eyes wide, deeply feeling that she had too little experience.

Li Shuping: "A Ling, you mean, the owner of the jewelry and jade shop is not from Lincheng at all, and he has nothing to do with his 88th birthday?"

Shao Ling: "Of course it's all fake."

"But didn't you say that they mentioned it first?"

Shao Ling smiled: "They said it first, but they must have said that to every tour group."


Shao Ling: "Oh yes, on the way back, we didn't know where we went halfway, and we went to a temple. There was no money for lottery drawing, but money was required for unraveling the lottery. That can fool you, look at my old uncle, As for Old Uncle Hai, he's been cheating all the way. He didn't spend a penny, but he was still cheated at this stop."

Li Shuxin was shocked: "Uncle Lao Hai was deceived?"

She didn't expect that Uncle Hai was cheated at this stop, and said, "What's going on?"

Shao Ling: "Is it what he said? So he invited a jadeite Ruyi and wore it on his body."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Li Shuping: "Are you sure?"

Shao Ling smiled: "Yes, even his family members, what he is worried about, and his physical condition are all clear, are you sure?"

"Ah, that's really accurate, where is this temple? I will also go and have a look. Burning incense sticks bless our Yongni to enter a good university. "Zhou Shuping said immediately.

Zhou Yongni: "..."

Li Shuxin hurriedly interrupted her elder sister and said: "Elder sister, this is a lie. They can tell it right, not because of how powerful they are, but because someone in the regiment sent the news."

Li Shuping: "What the hell?"

Li Shuxin: "They must have passed on each other. In fact, there is no need to inquire. You can see that Su Xuejiao is their staff member, and she knows a lot. Oh no, you said that Su Xuejiao and Su Xuelian are two sisters. How can they be of bad character? So much."

Shao Ling shrugged and said, "How would I know? I'm not familiar with them."

Li Shuxin narrowed her eyes slightly: "Really?"

Shao Ling immediately said louder: "I'm not familiar with her at all. Even if there are some rumors, they were all messed up by the elders back then. Isn't it true that no one recognizes them now? You can't wrong me."

Li Shuxin: "Let's just trust you."

Shao Ling: "What is temporary? I am really wronged."

Li Shuxin laughed, Shao Ling stretched out his hand and patted her, Li Shuxin gave him a coquettish look, and said, "Be quiet for me."

Li Shuping: "... you should pay more attention."

Really, there are children at home.

Shao Ling and Li Shuxin both had innocent faces.

Seeing them like this, Li Shuping couldn't help thinking of the past, she laughed, she was the first to know that these two were dating. That time she went to school to deliver food to Ah Xin. She knew that Ah Xin was embarrassed to always come to their house to eat and drink, so she passed by every now and then, only to see these two people playing tricks somewhere, you pat me, I pinch you. Just like two children, but they are extraordinarily greasy.

It was really about to kiss, and she caught her. At that time, these two people also had such innocent faces.

Actually, fart, not innocent at all.

Looking at it now, people who fall in love freely are sweeter than their blind dates.

She and his old Zhou can do this.

"Sister, what do you think?"

Li Shuping looked at the two of them, and said for a while, "I was thinking, if it wasn't for family planning, would you have ten or eight children?"

This sweet energy.

Li Shuxin said loudly: "No way!"

Chapter 47

Although Shao Ling is back, he is not at home very much recently. He has to go to Shaojia Village almost every day, intending to finalize the contract. And this matter is indeed not difficult, Shao Ling took care of it very quickly.

He is not more greedy, he has contracted for fifty years, of course, the contract fee is paid every year.

Because it is a barren mountain, the contract fee is not very high, so Shao Ling has finalized it. After it was finalized, Shao Ling would rather spend a little more money to go through all the formalities. After finishing this, he went to find Uncle Guo.

Don't look at the investment and financial management in full swing in the village recently, but Uncle Guo is tempted and hesitant. He is actually tempted to travel all the way. Listening to the brainwashing of Mr. Wang and Xiao Zhao while riding in the car during class, my heart was surging. But after going back to chat with Shao Ling at night, he calmed down.

Again and again, in such a repeated mood, Uncle Guo also returned to Shaojia Village.

After coming back, there were various lectures, even Guo Bin, the son of Guo Ershu, was tempted, but Guo Ershu didn't really believe it. Women are always cautious, Aunt Guo always thinks such a good thing sounds false, and they know women best. Su Xuejiao doesn't have a good relationship with the people in their village, so why introduce such a good thing to them.

Just, tangled anyway.

In such a mood of repeated ups and downs, Shao Ling's contracting procedures were completed, and Uncle Guo regained his spirits all of a sudden. He didn't know much about investment and financial management, but he knew a lot about raising chickens and pigs. Their family has been relocated, and it is not easy to raise pigs on the mountain, but it is no problem to raise chickens.

They still like to make soup very much, whether it is a big rooster or an old hen, they are all very good. So Second Uncle Guo immediately put investment and financial management behind him, and soon joined Shao Ling's team.

Shao Ling hired Uncle Guo's family of three to raise chickens together. They were free-range, so Uncle Guo immediately prepared to fence the entire foot of the barren mountain with thorns, so as not to lose the chickens. After all, you don't dare to think highly of other people's character.

In fact, Second Uncle Guo still has a young daughter, but she is studying in Yangcheng, and she won't come back unless she is on vacation.

Now the village is bustling with activity, but since their style of painting is different from that of the village, one part is diligently engaged in breeding; the other side is lively and engaged in investment. It's totally different.

In fact, Shao Ling had already seen this matter clearly when he went out this time, and he had a detailed discussion with the old secretary alone when he came back. It was precisely because of this that the old secretary stopped him several times, but his small arms couldn't twist his thighs. Don't worry, but I can't hold back the damn ghost.

Everyone didn't listen at all.

Probably because of the extreme disapproval of the old secretary, this event is now held in Tangkou Village, where Reporter Wang contacted.

Shao Ling knew what was going on with them, but he didn't meddle too much.

He only cares about this and that when he has nothing to do. He's done almost everything here, living his own life. Compared with others, Shao Ling and his wife's painting style is really different. Shao Ling returned to the village quite a long time ago, but Li Shuxin did not. Her company has just been established, but it is not making any money.

Now the entire clothing company relies on three wholesale shops for supplies, but she has already contacted the foundry. After much deliberation, she still found Jixiang Garment Factory. She has cooperated with Jixiang Garment Factory for the longest time, and the quality of Jixiang Garment Factory has always been excellent.

Although, in the past, when she bought the goods, they would disclose them to others, but there is nothing to say about this kind of thing. Because every household is like this, this is not a unique style for any one person, and she, Li Shuxin, did not buy it out. Others take goods according to her vision, and they can't tell why.

However, the formal OEM is different.

The price will be slightly higher, but if they make their style to others, then they will be in breach of contract. And no one is a fool, Li Shuxin still believes in Chen Liling's character in this regard.

After all, in her previous life, Chen Liling had been a junior for ten years, and she had never heard of her being restless in this regard.

So Li Shuxin can still trust her. Of course, even if she does, the contract is clear and clear. Professionals do professional things. Li Shuxin found Su Xuelian's law firm.

Su Xuelian can actually do very well, but as an intern, she still introduced her senior brother, Lawyer Guan, to Li Shuxin.

Li Shuxin also leased shops in the shopping malls. In addition to the flagship store, she also rented shops in three shopping malls. As a newcomer in this industry, Li Shuxin must first build her own brand before introducing investment agencies.

Then there is the next step of export or the development of new brands.

Li Shuxin is very busy here, it is in full swing, and she also has the full authority to participate in the first batch of clothing styles. After all, she knows the fashion trends better than others, so she has done a lot of pointers in this regard.

Li Shuxin is very busy here, but she also has more contacts with Su Xuelian.

They were old acquaintances and "neighbors" upstairs and downstairs. Now, Li Shuxin's company's contract will be handled by Su Xuelian's law firm. Although the work is not too much, they have more contacts. But slowly they became friends.

Yes, not the same village, not neighbors, but friends.

Sometimes, this is how people communicate with each other. Although they will become friends because of the external environment and other reasons, they will not heat up faster than the consensus of the three views. Li Shuxin and Su Xuelian are like this, they really get along quite well.

It can be said that the three views are consistent.

Don't think that Li Shuxin was a housewife in her previous life, but she didn't become a housewife from the beginning. Later, it was because of her poor health. In her bones, she was a very strong person. And so is Su Xuelian.

So in the previous life they could be friends.

But in this life, it will be easier. Even if Su Xuelian doesn't understand clothes and Li Shuxin doesn't understand laws, their personalities are pretty much the same in their bones.

It is a rare afternoon to have a leisurely time, and the two of them can go downstairs to have an afternoon tea together. They Pengcheng is relatively close to Hong Kong City, and many Hong Kong businessmen came to invest in the early development, so some styles here are closer to Hong Kong City.

For example, everyone likes afternoon tea, and there are quite a lot of coffee shops and tea restaurants, and they have a coffee shop downstairs. Li Shuxin doesn't pay attention to any style, just come down to take a rest when you have nothing to do, and it feels quite relaxing.

And Su Xuelian, as an intern, is actually not extremely busy.

The two were drinking coffee together downstairs, and Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Your boss doesn't think I kidnapped you, does he?"

Su Xuelian: "If you really kidnapped me, our boss would probably be very happy, and feel that there is one less person to worry about."

Li Shuxin: "How come, you are so good."

Su Xuelian laughed and said, "As long as you think so, I'm not a fast learner. And the more I learn, the more I realize that I still have many shortcomings."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Are you polite?

You, a graduate student, said that in front of me, a technical secondary school student?

Li Shuxin silently covered her face and said, "I'm going to be sad."

Su Xuelian couldn't help laughing even harder, and said, "I didn't mean that at all, but oh~"

She looked at Li Shuxin and said, "I found that many of your movements are very childish."

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

This is really not Li Shuxin pretending to be tender, in fact, if there are children in the family, it will be like this unconsciously. Especially small children, when getting along with babies, they will always be more childlike. Some habits are hard to change.

Just like just now, normally Li Shuxin would never cover her face to act cute, but she just confiscated it all at once...

Li Shuxin: "I really..."

Su Xuelian laughed and said, "I understand."

She said: "My neighbor's eldest sister also often does this. She is a kindergarten teacher and often interacts with children. She usually talks like this. The last time, when I went back to the village, I also felt the same way when I saw Shao Ling."

Li Shuxin thought for a while, then nodded: "You're right, Shao Ling and I are always together, so it really doesn't feel like much. But to be honest, if you think about it carefully, he is really a little different from before. But I am very grateful to Shao Ling, without him taking care of the little chubby boy, I can't concentrate on running the company at all."

Sometimes there is really no way. If there is no personal care at home, it is really difficult for husband and wife to start a business at the same time.

They could hire a nanny, but this is a choice that has no choice. Shao Ling said at the beginning that he would take care of the little chubby boy, but it solved many problems for Li Shuxin. She said: "I actually thought about taking the child to work. If you don't care about Xiao Jiaxi at all, it will definitely not work. The child is still young and it is time to take good care of him. This time is very important to his character."

Su Xuelian: "I understand."

When it comes to children, she thinks of her cousin's son, that dead boy, who she took care of for a week, really exhausted. That child is ignorant and sneaky, it's really disgusting.

These are children who are not well educated.

At this time, Li Shuxin also laughed, and said: "Look at me, how did you turn the topic on to the child? This is how mothers are, and they always keep their children in words."

She smiled, then asked, "What happened to my previous contract?"

Su Xuelian: "Brother has gone through it for you, and it's almost done. He will add a few more detailed terms for you. I guarantee that you will be safe."

Li Shuxin: "That's really great."

She sighed: "It's really not easy to start a business. I actually underestimated this industry. I used to think I understood it quite well, but what I understood was actually wholesale, and wholesale is nothing."

Su Xuelian didn't think so. She said, "I think you've done a good job. I don't understand these things, but I think you're walking steadily every step of the way."

Li Shuxin: "One hero has three gangs."

Su Xuelian laughed. Soon, she hesitated and asked, "Is the investment and financial management in the village still in full swing?"

In fact, to put it bluntly, this is called collection-funding.

But Su Xuelian didn't say that directly.

Li Shuxin nodded and said, "It's still there. It's so lively that it's like Chinese New Year. The old secretary can't persuade you."

Su Xuelian said softly: "I have looked for the old secretary several times, but it was useless."

Of course, the old secretary didn't believe in such a good thing at all. Although they did travel to the capital and there was no charge, they didn't believe it, but they didn't believe it. Su Xuelian was also quite depressed.

"Why do you say that people don't believe it?"

Li Shuxin shook her head and said, "I don't understand these things either."

Su Xuelian sighed and said, "It's really sad."

Li Shuxin kindly persuaded her: "Actually, you don't need to worry too much. You have done what you should say and do. Everyone should be responsible for their own life. They are happy with themselves. What can you do? Then How do you put it, the emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuchs? Why should you?"

Su Xuelian: "I understand, just think of it as a village..."

Li Shuxin: "As long as people are responsible for themselves, you can't bear the lives of others."

Having said that, Su Xuelian was silent for a while, then nodded: "You are right."

Li Shuxin smiled softly and said, "Okay."

She stretched out her hand and patted Su Xuelian on the shoulder, and said, "My family, Shao Ling, said this a lot, but no one listened, and you, who left the village early, no one would listen."

Su Xuelian: "..."

She sighed again.

But soon, her face turned slightly rosy, and she said, "I'm in love."

Li Shuxin: "Huh?"

Su Xuelian: "He's an alumnus from the same school as mine, but he doesn't study law, but finance. I'll introduce him to you someday."

Li Shuxin said yes, but when she lowered her eyes, she was a little weird. Li Shuxin also knew Su Xuelian's boyfriend, his name was A Xuan, and he was Su Xuelian's first boyfriend. She also knew that it was because of this man that Su Xuelian hadn't dated for four years in college.

She has always been secretly in love with this campus male god, but she didn't open her mouth because this guy has a girlfriend. Su Xuelian will definitely not pry the corner of the wall.

In fact, this person was not a woman during college. Of course, it doesn't mean that he stepped on a few boats, but that this person fell in love as fast as a tornado. After the end, you can find a new one the next day. Su Xuelian has known him for a long time, but this person has never been in contact with Su Xuelian.

I have to say that no matter how sensible a person is, they are more or less blind when they encounter love, such as Su Xuelian, who knows that this person is flirtatious, and even witnessed his flirtatious heart, but she is still willing to be with him Together, they were together for two years before breaking up.

The reason for breaking up is because of the disagreement of the three views. Yes, it is such a simple reason, but it makes people feel very normal.

Su Xuelian studies the Fa, no matter what her profession is, she herself has a sense of justice.

But Ah Xuan is studying finance, and what he has seen more is the world of luxury and money, and the two of them did not get together in the end.

But they didn't come together, but they didn't turn against each other either. After all, Ah Xuan's fund company also hired Su Xuelian and her law firm as legal consultants. But this one is not against each other, that is, nodding acquaintances, no more.

They don't have a chicken feather, but they can't be called harmonious.

But now it seems that Su Xuelian is still very happy, and she is sharing the joy of love with her newly warmed up friends.


Su Xuelian blushed and said, "Hey, I didn't expect that he would confess his love to me, but I'm very happy."

Li Shuxin: "When you are in love, you have to be happy. When you get married, you have to cook rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea."

Li Shuxin knew that Su Xuelian would break up, but she didn't say anything. It wasn't because she was ungrateful, but because she felt that Su Xuelian had been secretly in love for so many years, and now her dream had come true, so naturally she could enjoy the joy of love.

It's never a bad thing to fulfill one's own wishes.

She smiled and said, "What does your boyfriend do?"

Su Xuelian: "He works in a fund company, a high-investment , very powerful, I first fell in love with him because of his lectures at school, I thought this brother was really good and capable. "

Li Shuxin's expression became weird again, uh, capable? sharp?

She knew about Su Xuelian and this man from falling in love to breaking up. After the breakup, Su Xuelian had no contact with him. Li Shuxin also knew his situation well. Because Shao Ling has a good relationship with him, and because he is a professional, Shao Ling also traded stocks with him, both at home and abroad.

In short, this dear friend is like the reincarnation of that broom star.

It's not a curse, he really is. With this kind of luck, what he buys will not work. He is not optimistic about what is soaring. It's like a barometer of that industry. In their previous life, the husband and wife didn't earn much money at that time, and they didn't pay much for buying a little bit. Later reverse purchase, hehe.

But, they really have seen how many people lose money to this man.

He can't.

Li Shuxin even wondered if Su Xuelian broke up with this dear brother, is it because the filter of the excellent senior brother at the beginning was shattered. People say that out of ten bets, nine losers. This man is in the investment field, which is an eternal barometer of the reverse.

None of them worked.

Nine times out of ten bets, there is always one success.

This one, no.

He just really didn't.

But before she passed away in her last life, Shao Ling was still in contact with him, and it was not bad, that is, the two families could make an appointment to get together during the holidays. Shao Ling even made some money in the stock market through anti-buying.

Well, this is the tragic story of this dear friend.

However, he is such a bastard in this industry, but because he has been in this industry for a long time and the packaging is good, he is sought after by many people. This person also often participates in TV shows and talks freely in it.

This is really too gossip.

Li Shuxin recovered, and said slowly: "When did you introduce your boyfriend to our husband and wife? I don't know why, but I think she and Shao Ling must get along."

Su Xuelian: "Okay, in a few days, he's on a business trip these days, we'll have a get together when he comes back."

Li Shuxin: "Okay."

She joked half-truthfully, "My family, A-Ling, bought a lot of financial management and study books before, and read them at home when I have nothing to do. When the time comes, ask your boyfriend for advice."

Su Xuelian: "No problem, but..."

She asked curiously: "Can Shao Ling see it? I remember that he doesn't like learning very much."

Li Shuxin smiled: "He said Shu knew him, but he didn't know Shu."

Years ago, the batch of books she and Shao Ling went out to buy were all piled up in the study. On weekdays, I also saw Shao Ling flipping through it, but Shao Ling didn't quite believe how much knowledge he had absorbed. He used it as a hypnotic tool every time.

Su Xuelian smiled, and said, "Shao Ling is right. In fact, he was pretty good at studying in elementary school, but he couldn't do well after a little bit. It's really hard to say how to learn this kind of thing."

Li Shuxin: "There is nothing difficult to say. When I was young, the content taught was simple, as long as the brain is fast; but when I grow up, the original intention or the upward direction, not only the brain must be fast, but people must also be diligent. He doesn't have so many With time and hard work, it will naturally get worse."

Su Xuelian nodded slightly. agree with this statement.

"Boss Li." The two of them were talking, when they heard someone calling her.

Li Shuxin turned her head and saw a lady with big waves. She was wearing sunglasses and couldn't see her face. Li Shuxin: "Who are you?"

Da Bo took off his glasses.

Li Shuxin was surprised: "Sister Qiu?"

This whole life, Li Shuxin and Sister Qiu also knew each other. They both opened a store in a shopping mall and had no contact with each other in private, but they were nodding acquaintances, let alone Sister Qiu, even Boss Song and Sister Qiu who had a bad relationship with Li Shuxin. Wang Yu and Li Shuxin will also nod and say hello when they meet.

She smiled and said, "What a coincidence."

Sister Qiu nodded: "That's not true."

Her eyes fell on Su Xuelian, and Li Shuxin introduced: "This is my friend, Ms. Su Xuelian, from the law firm upstairs. Xuelian, this is Miss Qiu, whose shop is in the same shopping mall as mine."

Su Xuelian: "Hello."

Sister Qiu also stretched out her hand: "Hello."

She smiled and asked, "Can I do it?"

Li Shuxin looked at Su Xuelian, Su Xuelian said, "I can do it."

Sister Qiu met Li Shuxin here by chance, but she didn't sit down because she was familiar with Li Shuxin, but because of something else. She smiled and said, "Boss Li seldom goes to the shop recently."

Li Shuxin: "Yes, you are looking for me?"

Sister Qiu nodded: "Yes, actually I'm not looking for you more. I think Wendy no longer works in your store, so I wonder if I can ask you for her contact information?"

When she spoke, she looked at Li Shuxin without blinking.

Li Shuxin smiled softly and said, "Isn't it polite for you to ask me like this? Why didn't you ask the people in our store? It's better to ask them than to ask me directly?"

Sister Qiu was quite straightforward, she spread her hands and said, "Actually, I asked, but..."

She spread her hands again: "No one told me."

Li Shuxin looked at Sister Qiu in surprise, and Sister Qiu nodded: "What I said is true, the little girls in your store are very loyal. I asked about Wendy's whereabouts, but none of them paid attention to me."

Li Shuxin laughed. Although this kind of thing doesn't affect anything, it always makes people happy.

"Then I'll have to give them a raise," she said.

Li Shuxin laughed enough, and said directly: "Wendy didn't leave the job, I established a company, and I transferred Wendy to the sales department."

Sister Qiu is such a good person. Although she also competes, she doesn't engage in unscrupulous methods, and she comes directly to anything. In fact, Li Shuxin has been a salesperson in this industry for several years in her previous life. Although she is not a boss, she has seen a lot as a bystander. It can be said that female bosses do things no worse than male bosses. How can I put it, it is more difficult for women to succeed than men, so a woman who can start a business is generally quite generous, more open-minded and open-minded.

On the contrary, some male bosses do not follow the rules and engage in petty tricks. They are often petty.

Let's just talk about Wendy. Although she is a newcomer in this industry, she is really talented and hardworking. So after working for half a year, everyone familiar with her in the mall knows that her level is good.

At this time, someone is poaching corners, but don't think that this line of work has no poaching. If you do well, it's the same in every line of work.

But Wang Di has no intention of leaving no matter what other people offer. First, it was because Li Shuxin hired her when she was in the most difficult time, so that she could have a place to stay and make money, and also taught her sales skills. She is a person who knows how to be grateful; It's not higher than the price offered by Li Shuxin. The business in their shop is good, and the commission is higher than others'. Although the basic salary has been raised a little, but overall, there is no blessing at all.

Not to mention Miss Qiu, even Wang Yu, who didn't have a good relationship with them, came here. Wang Yu is the daughter-in-law of Boss Song. The couple wanted Chen Zhen to get her back, but Chen Zhen refused.

Li Shuxin more or less knew about these things, even though she didn't go to the store very often, but Xiao Ding and Xiao Tian went there almost every day, these little girls were chattering, and they couldn't help but talk a lot.

Sister Qiu asked so directly, it was already very candid.

Li Shuxin: "I don't think she will leave."

Sister Qiu looked at Li Shuxin in surprise, quite unexpectedly, she said, "You set up a company yourself?"

Li Shuxin nodded: "Yes."

"I can't always do wholesale clothing either," she laughs.

Sister Qiu looked at Li Shuxin in surprise, and then said, "You really don't look like a newcomer in this industry."

When Li Shuxin's store sold hot items, these "old guys" had already inquired about Li Shuxin. It is said that this person has never done this business before, but he is such a person who has never done it, but he is very experienced.

"You are really talented in this line of work."

Li Shuxin shook her head, she did not admit it.

I know my own affairs best.

Sister Qiu heard that Li Shuxin had started a company, so she didn't ask any more about Wang Di. Why should she be annoying, she just smiled and said, "Then I wish you a prosperous business."

Li Shuxin: "Everyone is the same, I also wish you a prosperous business."

Sister Qiu came and went in a hurry, Su Xuelian said with emotion: "She looks like a strong woman."

Li Shuxin smiled: "Yes."

Li Shuxin's afternoon tea was a bit long, but she didn't continue, and soon went upstairs with Su Xuelian, and went back to the company separately. In fact, the reason why Li Shuxin had time to drink afternoon tea was also because they had already made a lot of progress, and now it was all finishing work.

The next step is to fully distribute the goods. Don't look at it sounds very fast, but it is almost three months since the end of the new year.

Time is like this, fast like a gust of wind.

It seems like it was yesterday that Shao Ling and the others went to the capital to travel, but now it is already spring and May.

Thinking about it carefully, it has been a year since the demolition of the distance.

Over the past year, Li Shuxin and the others have changed a lot, but such a change is always better than no change.

Li Shuxin held a small meeting with the people in the company, and temporarily settled the affairs of each shop before returning home from get off work. As soon as he got home, he saw Shao Ling holding a book and reading, but he looked drowsy, and the chubby boy was holding a car, chug around the house.

As soon as he saw his mother coming home, the little guy immediately ran over and said softly, "Mom."

Just call Sun Wukong "Master", that is the same tone.

Li Shuxin held him with a smile and asked, "What did the baby do today?"

The little chubby cub said in a milky voice: "Eat, sleep, play with cars, and went to see the chicks."

Li Shuxin understood now that Shao Ling went to Lincheng today, she walked up to Shao Ling, embraced him from behind through the sofa, and said, "You went back to the village today?"

Shao Ling would go there every few days, probably because he hired Uncle Guo's family. Shao Ling didn't seem to care too much, and he wouldn't go there every day.

In fact, Li Shuxin really didn't understand at first. Since Uncle Guo and his family wanted to raise chickens, why didn't they contract a place themselves. But after Shao Ling's analysis, Li Shuxin understood.

Because of the risk.

Uncle Guo naturally knows how to raise chickens, and because he knows how to raise chickens, he knows that raising chickens is risky. There is an old saying in their farming, which is called "the family is rich, but the hair is not counted", which shows that this thing is not so safe.

If you contract the land, it costs money, and raising chickens also costs money.

Second Uncle Guo dared to do this before because his family depended on it for a living, but now that they have relocated a sum of money and have more money in hand, they want to be safer. Shao Ling hired them, and they got a fixed salary.

Although this is not as much as their own income, but no matter how you look at it, when there is something, they will not lose money.

As people get older, they always want to be more secure.

This is their mentality.

"Well, I went to the village. The village is really clean now."

Li Shuxin hugged Shao Ling and did not let go. Shao Ling also took her hand and played with it: "Now there are more people who have been relocated in the village, and there are not too many households left in the village. Everyone has moved away. It feels really good." It's very cold."

Li Shuxin: "Has Uncle Hai moved away?"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "Of course not, he must take advantage until the last moment."

Li Shuxin: "..."

Shao Ling laughed: "My old uncle will not change."

Let's just say that he wears sneakers all the year round, which is outrageous. The weather here is not in the north, where it is very hot most of the time, and many people wear slippers, especially the elderly. I don't pay much attention to those things, but Uncle Hai is not. He always wears sneakers, and he would rather patch them if they are broken.

Why is this.

It's not that he doesn't want to wear slippers, but because his second daughter works in a shoe factory, and often substandard sneakers are eliminated and distributed to the employees. This is what Uncle Hai wears. Shoes that don't cost money are always better than spending money.

Shao Ling: "He put it together and saved half a year's rent."

Li Shuxin: "..."

With all his strength, Shao Ling pulled Li Shuxin to the front, and fell on Shao Ling's body. Shao Ling hugged her and said, "Many people in the village have rented houses in Tangkou Village."

Li Shuxin was very surprised: "Didn't it say that many people rent houses in Shangyun Village?"

Shao Ling: "Tangkou Village has built a lot of houses because of false information about the relocation. Naturally, this house cannot be left empty. Their rent is lower than that of Shangyun Village, so many people have moved to Tangkou Village. For this , Shangyun Village and Tangkou Village had a quarrel."

Li Shuxin really didn't know what to say for a while.

Sometimes you really don't think that rural people are simple, but in fact there are quite a lot of farts.

"Besides, the KAMAZ financial management lectures are now held in Tangkou Village, and many people also took advantage of it."

Li Shuxin: "I really don't cry when I see the coffin."

Shao Ling: "Don't worry about them."

He hugged Li Shuxin and shook her gently, Li Shuxin smiled lightly: "What are you doing, you treat me like a child, let me down."

"Let go of Mama!" The little chubby cub wandered to the front at some point, he stared at his father with his little face upturned, fiercely: "Hold me!"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows, heyed, and said, "You little bastard, you still care about your father. Is it important that you have your mother?"

He bowed his head and pecked, and said, "This is my daughter-in-law. I want to hug her, but I won't hug you."

The little chubby boy tilted his head, unhappy, and said, "You are bad!"

Shao Ling: "Hey, am I bad? What's wrong with me, is it bad if I don't hug you?"

The little chubby boy pouted, Li Shuxin couldn't help laughing, and said, "What are you two doing?"

This guy is so childish up.

She said, "Stop playing."

She looked at the book Shao Ling threw on the sofa, and said, "Do you understand it? By the way, I had afternoon tea with Su Xuelian today. She is in a relationship. Her boyfriend is in finance. She said she introduced her to her. We know each other."

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "Okay."

Li Shuxin couldn't help laughing, she really couldn't help it.

In his previous life, Shao Ling bought stocks with that dear friend, and after many times, he felt that the situation was not right. What's the situation? It's so green. Later, he resolutely opposed the purchase, and instead made money. From then on, Shao Ling also "convinced" this level.

I just don't know how long it will take for Shao Ling to react in this life.

I hope you don't have to pay too much tuition. Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling, who pinched her face and asked, "What kind of smile is that?"

Li Shuxin: "No."

Shao Ling: "Look at you, with a snickering smile on your face, you don't look like a nice person."

Li Shuxin: "Who are you? How can someone say that about his wife? Why am I not a good person? I am a very good person."

The little chubby cub supported his mother from the side: "What a good man."

"Yes, good man."

Li Shuxin stared at Shao Ling, who raised his hands in surrender: "I was wrong."

"punish you!"

Li Shuxin reached out and messed up Shao Ling's hair. He used to have a crew cut for convenience, but now it's a little longer. Li Shuxin messed up his hair and laughed.

The little chubby boy looked at it, his big black eyes flickered, and he said "I want it too".

Shao Ling saw through the little brat's thoughts at once, and said, "If you dare to mess with Dad, Dad will spank you."

The little chubby cub covered his butt all at once, and widened his eyes: "Daddy, you're bad!"

Bullying fat cubs, bad!

Chapter 48

The weather in May and June is already hot.

Li Shuxin's several stores are also open normally, because the advertisements are well done, and the clothing styles are relatively new, and the sales are booming as soon as they open.

It was a coincidence that Su Xuelian's boyfriend, Zhang Xuan, had a good relationship with the local TV station, so he helped them contact the advertisement. And the price of advertisements on local stations is much cheaper than that on star stations. But I didn't expect the effect to be very good.

Now is not the era of advanced Internet, so the media publicity is quite good.

In fact, it is not easy for a brand to be established. Compared with Li Shuxin and the others, it has been very smooth. Even Li Shuxin would say that she was very lucky. Of course, it is also because she has done a good job in all aspects.

The styles they launched in the first season are also in line with the current fashion trends, which is why the effect is so good.

I heard that Li Shuxin's directly-operated clothing store opened, and Cui Tao and others came to support her. Every time Cui Tao looked at Li Shuxin, she felt as if she was overwhelmed. As a housewife, she was relatively sober, but Every time I saw Li Shuxin, I was quite surprised.

To Li Shuxin's surprise, Zhang Yaxin also came to join in.

She always felt that Zhang Yaxin was secretly competing with her, but she really didn't expect Zhang Yaxin to come. To be honest, Zhang Yaxin didn't know what kind of mood she came here with, but she still couldn't hold back. I have to say that Li Shuxin's store is much better than she thought.

She has seen a little bit of the world, and because of this, she thinks the clothes here are actually pretty good.

Li Shuxin didn't care about Zhang Yaxin's mood at all. After all, she was not the same as before. Since she was reborn, she had never competed with Zhang Yaxin. It was all his unilateral showing off and unilateral jealousy and comparison.

Li Shuxin has no time to care about what other people think. She has done well in several stores, and she has also started attracting investment. It is impossible for her to open all directly-operated stores, so investment must also be done. Now Wang Di is busy with this matter. Although Li Shuxin transferred Wang Di and Chen Zhen to the company's sales department, they are not the only two in the sales department, they have also recruited others. But the department head in charge is Wang Di.

Wang Di led the people in the sales department to attract investment, and there was some progress, but it was not too fast. This girl gets dizzy every day, but she is resilient. Compared to others, Li Shuxin herself was not under so much pressure.

Their shop was handed over, and Shao Ling took over the house, leaving a shop for Li Shuxin, and then rented out all the rest of the shop. Although this is a new pedestrian street, it is quite easy to rent and sell outside.

Even if the subway here is not open to traffic, the ground here is very good. There is never a shortage of discerning people in this world, and their renting went smoothly.

Speaking of which, Li Shuxin herself felt that the inertia of fate is so great. In the previous life, Shao Ling and Zhang Xuan became friends, and it is the same in this life. Su Xuelian introduced Zhang Xuan to Li Li Shuxin and his wife, and Shao Ling got acquainted with Zhang Xuan very quickly.

It has to be said that although Zhang Xuan's professional ability is not good, his communication is really broad. In the words of decades later, this person is a bit socially obsessive. If it weren't for his good personality, he would definitely not be able to make it to this point if he focused on his professional ability.

Shao Ling also made many friends with Zhang Xuan.

Even though Shao Ling and Shao Peng have known each other since they were young, they really can't be called close friends. But he and Zhang Xuan had a pretty good relationship. They hit it off right away, and the two often got together. The chubby boy knew that this was "Uncle Xuan" when he saw Zhang Xuan.

The young couple Zhang Xuan and Su Xuelian had dinner, and they would also call Shaoling and Li Shuxin's family.

Li Shuxin didn't even think that her first order was introduced by Zhang Xuan. How should I put it, it wasn't introduced by Zhang Xuan, but a friend of Zhang Xuan's was having a party. Zhang Xuan called Shao Ling. Unexpectedly, Shao Ling got in touch with a friend of Zhang Xuan's friend. This man is from the capital. We talked about Shao Ling's trip to the capital, and Shao Ling moved him. He is a rich second generation who came back from abroad. He is a bit ignorant and wants to do something for his family to see. He came and went again and again, but he was persuaded by Shao Ling.

He signed a contract with Li Shuxin's company and became a distributor of their company background.

Li Shuxin was a little unbelievable. She actually believed that she could do it, but she didn't expect it to be so fast, let alone the first deal was negotiated by Shao Ling, but after thinking about it again, Li Shuxin became indifferent.

Or say that things of a kind gather together and people are divided into groups.

Zhang Xuan is a little socially aggressive, and Shao Ling actually has this potential.

Don't talk about what happened in the previous life, just say in this life, Shao Ling dumped waste products in the earliest days, and later raised sea cucumbers, and negotiated almost all sales by himself. The middle is never a problem.

Even though Shao Ling stopped raising sea cucumbers later, the relationship was not completely broken, so now he started selling big roosters and old hens again?

So Li Shuxin believed that Shao Ling had some abilities.

In fact, Li Shuxin invested a lot in this company. Even though her business was good in the early stage, she didn't make money. Not low.

But she didn't expect Shao Ling to give her a big surprise. This dealer can be said to make Li Shuxin's business rush out at once. She got the franchise fee, and with more money, she can do more things.

I don't know if it was Shao Ling who stimulated Wang Di. Shao Ling's side was able to negotiate, and Wang Di's side also got angry and worked harder. After half a month of business trips, the negotiation was finally concluded.

Of course, Li Shuxin knew that it would be better to open all directly-operated stores, but she also knew that if she wanted to develop faster, it would be better to recruit dealers. Sometimes it is better for the development of the company to be fast than to have everything in hand.

What Li Shuxin has been most worried about is whether the clothing company can break through, so she keeps a close eye on all aspects, but she did not expect that there will be no problem when the clothing company starts to do it.

But something went wrong with her clothing wholesale booth.

Li Shuxin has three wholesale stalls. Although her company has started, these companies have not stopped, but continue to do so. After all, no one despises more money. Although these three stores are also in the wholesale shopping mall, they are not in one place.

Also, the interest is different.

The first house was leased from the owner. At that time, the owner also had his own requirements. The house he could rent was not Li Shuxin's family, but why did he choose both ways? Because Li Shuxin was willing to sign a longer contract, in order to save trouble, he would rather give up the profit and sign a long-term contract, just because he didn't want trouble.

But the second one and the third one are not. Li Shuxin leased the stalls directly from the mall. She did not expect that there was a problem with the second store, and the mall notified them that the lease would not be available. caught off guard.

Their contracts with the shopping mall are signed once a year. In fact, Li Shuxin wants to make it longer, which is more convenient. But general shopping malls don't do it. They also have to follow the market conditions to raise prices. But I didn't expect that the mall would quit directly. Of course, Li Shuxin and the others could change to other positions.

But the location she is using now has been leased to other people by the mall.

If it wasn't for the agreement in the contract to notify in advance, presumably the mall might not have notified.

Xiaotian got the news, and quickly bumped into Li Shuxin, saying: "Manager, the mall is determined to let us change positions. They said that this position has been fixed, and there is no need to discuss it. .I went to have a look, and most people would not go to a good location, but now the location they can give us in the mall is pretty bad. It's obviously a bad location, but the price hasn't changed."

Li Shuxin: "What position can they provide now?"

Oda: "Near the toilet, near the safety passage, there are some corners. I went to see it, and it's really not good. Either the smell is too bad, or I won't go there at all."

Xiaotian is very meticulous in her work. She said: "I asked someone, and they said that someone took our position through the relationship with the manager of the mall, and the position given to us now is also deliberately trying to scare us."

Li Shuxin looked at Xiaotian in surprise, and said, "Someone did it on purpose?"

She didn't expect this point, after all, it's normal in this industry to grab a position, but if you say you deliberately try to annoy someone, it's basically a contradiction. But Li Shuxin didn't think they had conflicts with anyone.

If it is the first store, Li Shuxin thinks it is possible. Because they sold a hot item, they became famous all of a sudden. Their store's business is good, but other stores' business is naturally not good.

This is a trade-off.

But the first store was fine, but it was surprising that the second store had a problem.

Li Shuxin: "Did you find out who did it?"

She always has to ask carefully to know who did it on purpose, right?

Oda: "I asked someone to inquire, but there is no result yet. They should give me news soon."

At this time, Li Shuxin had to sigh with emotion. Sure enough, people with social arrogance are very suitable for the workplace. Like Zhang Xuan's poor professional skills, he is still a male god in the eyes of many people. There is also their family, Shao Ling, who can get online after just one meal and get her a client. Then there is Oda, obviously a girl from out of town. She has been working for less than a year, but she can handle many things decently, and she can find contacts and inquire about other shopping malls, which shows her ability.

She said: "Okay, you should inquire first, I need to know who is not pleasing to me. In addition, we can communicate with the mall again. It is good to be able to change to a good position. If it is a bad position, we Just cut this store down. All the waiters will be retrained and join the directly-operated store of our clothing company."

Oda: "Okay."

If we say that when their clothing company first started, this would really make them a little "hurt". After all, they still used three wholesale shops to support the development of the clothing company at the beginning, but now, Li Shuxin is not so worried.

Because their clothing company grew up quickly in a short period of time, and Shao Ling brought in a distributor, and Wang Di developed another one, which was equivalent to propping up their company all at once.

Then the lack of a wholesale store seems dispensable. It was precisely because Oda knew this that she was not so flustered.

Xiaotian was reporting when the phone rang. She looked down at the incoming call and said, "There should be news."

Li Shuxin gestured for her to answer the phone, and Xiaotian answered the phone very quickly. She communicated, then hung up the phone and said, "Boss Song is behind the scenes."

Li Shuxin was surprised: "It's him?"

Li Shuxin is actually not very familiar with this person, but if there is a festival, it is really a festival. Chen Zhen on Li Shuxin's side was the first to switch from Boss Song. But I can't blame others for this. Boss Song is dishonest, who can stand up to his hands-on tricks?

But it's just a job as a salesperson. It's not difficult to find it here. Even if there is no suitable job, there are many jobs like Yangcheng. So who cares about his problems. There is a high turnover of salespeople in their store.

After Chen Zhen left, many others also left.

The conflict between Li Shuxin and him was that time when he harassed Chen Zhen.

This person was jealous of the booming business in their shop, and tried to get Chen Zhen to do some tricks, but he didn't succeed. Not only did it fail, but it was also discovered by Li Shuxin, and in the end he accidentally fell off the elevator.

But the matter of falling off the elevator really had nothing to do with Li Shuxin and the others. But there is no return, but Boss Song doesn't think so, but resents them. Usually, he sells the same clothes as them in order to grab business, and he is quite capable of jumping around. This time, he made a small move.

Xiaotian said: "I asked someone to inquire. Boss Song and his family are very close to the manager of that shopping mall, and this time the store we let out was also rented by them."

Li Shuxin: "Will their family open a branch there?"

Oda nodded: "I heard that's the case. I asked their store staff. It is said that Boss Song is very dissatisfied with our store and has always wanted to run on us. But they sell the same clothing styles as ours, so they can only say yes Follow the trend, they can't sell as well as us. This is a rare opportunity, and they really want to seize it. Originally, they wanted to notify us three days before our expiration date. This would catch us off guard. But then The manager of the side shopping mall didn't dare to do anything. After all, we have a contract, and the contract clearly states that we need to notify him three months in advance. He was afraid that we would pursue it afterwards, so he didn't dare. But he didn't dare to return, this disgusting person There are also endless tricks, which deliberately give us a bad position selection."

Li Shuxin sneered and said, "My brain is sick."

Li Shuxin didn't take this person seriously, let alone regard them as competitors.

But I didn't expect this person to be really obnoxious, and this came up again, and he did such a dirty thing. Li Shuxin thought about it and asked: "The manager of the shopping mall is also quite interesting. , but doing so much for them."

"Then we..."

Oda thought for a while, and said, "Then should we complain to the superiors of their mall again?"

Li Shuxin shook her head and refused, saying: "No need, this situation is actually not easy to deal with. And what if we targeted the manager of the mall, Boss Song and his wife are also unharmed."

After a pause, Li Shuxin said, "Follow my advice first. For the company's affairs, these are trivial matters."

When Oda thought about it, this was indeed the case. Although the lack of a wholesale booth would cause their income to suffer, but in the long run, if their clothing company grows bigger. These stores are bound to close down gradually.

"You go out first."

Oda: "Okay."

Although Li Shuxin didn't take any measures, it's not like she didn't get annoyed by this kind of person. She had to complain to Shao Ling after she got home. But to be honest, Li Shuxin wasn't that angry either. It is precisely because she was too angry in her previous life, but Li Shuxin is quite calm in this life. fixed.

She complained, Shao Ling listened to her and said, "Did they do it on purpose?"

Li Shuxin: "That's for sure."

Shao Ling's eyes flickered. Li Shuxin was really familiar with Shao Ling. She immediately said, "You don't want to do something, do you?"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "Why do you say that?"

Li Shuxin: "Don't mess around."

Although it's appropriate, this kind of person is not as important as he thinks, Li Shuxin simply doesn't bother to pay attention to this kind of clown jumping up and down. She didn't want Shao Ling to do anything because she was angry, she said, "Did you hear that?"

She pinched Shao Ling's face, and Shao Ling smiled: "Don't worry."

Li Shuxin said with emotion: "How can I rest assured?"

Shao Ling laughed and said, "In your heart, who am I? I am obviously a very good person."

Li Shuxin: "Oh."

"By the way, I'll go back to the village tomorrow." Shao Ling said.

Li Shuxin: "Go."

Shao Ling raises chickens there, basically once every four or five days, not too often but not too often.

Shao Ling looked down at Li Shuxin, his eyes flickered, bullying his wife?


When Shao Ling went back to the village, he would naturally take the little chubby kid with him. The little guy was happy to be with his father all day long. It's not that father is better than mother, but Li Shuxin used to take care of children, so she wouldn't go out so often. After all, the chubby boy was young at that time, so he was basically at home. But Shao Ling often takes this little guy out.

Children like to be honest, every time they go out, the little guy is very excited.

Going out can not only let the wind go, but also have children playing together, the little ones are very happy.

Shao Ling led the little guy back to the village, and as soon as he arrived, he met a group of people at the entrance of the village, each of them beaming with joy and looking extremely happy. Shao Ling stopped the car: "Uncle Huang, what are you doing?"

The old Huangtou looked at Shao Ling, raised the corners of his mouth proudly, and said, "We are going to Nantian to take a bath in the hot spring today, and we are waiting to leave."

Shao Ling snorted, and said with a smile: "Then you guys have to have fun, come back today?"

"Two days, come back tomorrow afternoon."

Shao: "That's not bad."

"It's not good for KAMAZ company. If it's not good for the company, we don't have such a good opportunity."

Shao Ling: "..."

He smiled and said, "You joined too?"

Uncle Huang was immediately excited: "Then why not join? Such a good thing, after passing this village, there will be no such store. How can you save so much money in the bank? But it is different here, he has high interest rates, and he also carries Let's play together, it's great. Let me tell you, it's still your loss if you don't participate, so you can cry secretly, and there will be no such good things in the future. We are lucky this time. I can't stop it. If you don't follow up, then I'm sure this good luck won't come to you in the future. Forget it, forget it, what do young people like you know."

Another uncle echoed: "Isn't it? But Ah Ling, you don't have any money, right? If you want to join, I'm afraid you can't do it. Just a few old people in our village have distributed the money to their children. What happened in the end? If you don't have money, you can't participate? Now Watching us play every day, I am very envious and jealous."

"You guys, you just spent your money too fast, but now you have a good opportunity and you can't join in."

"Not really."

"Oh, that's right, the old grandson distributed the money to his two sons, but what do you think of the result? After taking the money, he doesn't care about his parents at all. Parents like old scalpers are all for their children. After the distribution is over, the children don't take them back. It's okay. You see, I'm not. I put all my money in KAMAZ and earn interest every year. I have the opportunity to go out to play every month. My life is comfortable. My son knows that I have money and goes to the pole nice to me......"

"You're still smart."

"Of course, otherwise, would you listen to the old secretary? The old secretary is old and doesn't understand these new types of financial management. He is just old-fashioned. This is not good. Don't think I am old, but I really understand."

"Yes, you are absolutely right."

Seeing what they were talking about, Shao Ling seemed to be possessed by a demon, and shook his head silently in his heart.

Instead of exchanging pleasantries, he drove into the village instead.

He didn't go directly to the chicken farm, but drove to the village committee. Since these things have happened a lot recently, the old secretary has come to the village committee every day. The old secretary was very worried about this frenzied investment boom in the village, but even if he was worried, he really couldn't persuade him.

When Shao Ling came over, the old secretary was sitting in the courtyard of the village committee in a daze. He saw Shao Ling and waved: "A Ling, you are here, come and sit."

Shao Ling sat down and said, "Old man, what's the matter? Are you sad?"

The old secretary rolled his eyes: "Don't talk nonsense."

He stretched out his hand, and the little chubby cub ran to the old grandpa, and said in a childish voice, "Grandpa."

The old secretary burst out laughing and said, "Our little guy is so smart, come, grandpa hugs you."

The little chubby boy was not polite, and his little butt sat on the lap of the old secretary. This little guy, don't look at the grandpa and grandpa around him. There are no old people around, but he treats the old very well. Very familiar.

This is more or less like his father, a little lively.

He sat on the old secretary's lap, raised his head and said, "Grandpa, I miss you."

This child has a clever mind and a clever mouth. He can learn to talk and can speak.

The old secretary smiled all over his face: "Oh, my treasure is so good, let's go, grandpa will take you to get some delicious food."

The little chubby cub pursed his mouth, swallowed, and looked at his father. Shao Ling smiled: "You go."

The chubby boy immediately smiled, but Shao Ling didn't follow him in, but sat on a bench in the yard. The village head led accountant Xu out, and when he saw Shao Ling, he smiled and said, "It's really early for you!" .Let's go to the hot spring. Are you going?"

Shao Ling waved his hand: "I didn't participate here either, what am I going to do?"

That being said, the brows were frowning.

The village chief was puzzled: "You are not in a good mood, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

Shao Ling: "It's okay, it's just about my Axin's shop."

"Didn't your Ah Xin start a company?"

Shao Ling: "The company has just started, and I'm talking about the clothing wholesale stall. My family used to have three stores, but someone pried one of them away. Can you worry about it?"


Shao Ling sighed: "Who makes people richer?"

Village head: "Is there more money?"

Shao Ling: "That's not true."

The village chief's eyes flickered: "What kind of person?"

Shao Ling: "A man who was in the clothing wholesale business in his early years..."

He said a few simple words, but the village head listened very seriously. Shao Ling gave some key words and said, "This person's conflict with our shop is because of a waiter. He has no shame in harassing others, and he doesn't allow them." Job hopping? Then..."

The village head: "Hey wait a minute, Lao Zhao, you go first, I will have a chat with Shao Ling."

The two sat down and chatted. The village head listened for a while, and the old secretary came out before he left.

The old secretary was not happy: "What are you talking about? He tricked you into investing again?"

The old secretary really didn't understand. Everyone who used to be a good person is now deeply trapped in this investment curse, so he just wants to believe. Besides, because there are rewards for pulling heads. These people also spare no effort to pull people.

Let's just talk about the village chief. Although he was a little selfish at first, he was also wholeheartedly for the good of the village, but now he is no longer, and hangs out with Mr. Wang and others all day long. It's like being brainwashed.

The old secretary wanted to persuade him, but he didn't listen at all.

"You can't listen to him."

Shao Ling: "No, I complained to him about the store."

He smiled and clapped his hands: "Little fat boy, come here. What delicious food did you bring? Give it to Dad."

The old secretary: "...this is for you."

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he said, "You are really annoying."

Shao Ling made a look of grievance: "Oh no, why am I so choked up? You can't wrong people."

The old secretary: "... Ah Ling, why are you getting older and less stable now?"

Shao Ling: "I'm not stable anymore."

The old secretary: "There is no stability anywhere."

After a pause, he stopped talking about it, and instead said seriously: "But there is one thing, Ah Ling, you have to know that you must not participate in the financial management over there. The uncle will not lie to you, This is really unreliable."

With a half-smile, Shao Ling said seriously, "Master, you forgot, I was the one who checked your news for you? I won't be tricked."

The old secretary paused and nodded: "It's good that you know."

The old secretary: "I'm an old man, and I only want to be safe, but it seems that everyone doesn't think so."

Shao Ling: "You can't manage your own family, so don't worry about other people."

The old secretary: "Hmph."

The chubby boy sat on the small bench, watching them chatting, while he ate a big peach, which was on his clothes, but he was serious about eating.

Shao Ling asked, "Is it delicious?"

Xiao Jiaxi nodded, crisply: "Good time!"

Shao Ling laughed.

Three generations of old, middle-aged and young people were chatting here, and the village head and the others got on the bus, and the village head and Mr. Wang sat in the last row. He also talked about Shao Ling, saying: "This kid has big ideas since he was a child. He spent the money early when he got it. You say he is true. If the money is not spent, it would be great to invest it."

Mr. Wang said with a smile: "That's not true, but I heard from Shao Peng that his wife runs a company. Does she have some money?"

"Hey, we just talked about it. His family's business is running out. It is said that there is a surname Song..." The village chief told Mr. Wang everything he had heard, and Mr. Wang touched his chin with a lot of meaning: "Then this person should be quite rich."

Moreover, there is also a weakness, he likes this kind of lecherous person, it is best to deal with such a person.

He asked: "Then where is this person from? His family..."

Mr. Wang immediately asked in detail, and the village chief naturally knew everything.

In fact, no one is a fool, but in a more fanatical mood, it seems that everyone is easily agitated. Mr. Wang asked the news about Boss Song in detail, and kept it in his heart, and then asked: "Oh, yes, I have never been clear about the Shao Ling you are talking about. It is reasonable to say that his family has no money, so how can he have money to contract? It's from the sea cucumber circle."

They now know that Shao Ling's wealth is due to the relocation of his sea cucumber circle, but contracting the sea cucumber circle is not a small amount of money. If his family is in such a difficult situation, where will the money come from?

The village chief: "He is also a capable person. In fact, in the early years, twenty or thirty years ago, and even forty or fifty years ago, there were quite a lot of people who ran from our side to Hong Kong City. They wanted to swim there. , You need to have physical strength, usually rest here for a few days, and then eat something good to build up your strength. Many people take out valuable things in exchange for food. Many people in our village have changed Stuff. At that time, there were antiques and gold and silver jewelry, which were considered valuable anyway. But those bottles and jars, we didn't know such things, so we definitely couldn't believe them. So everyone basically had gold and silver jewelry. But although most people don't want it, there are always some people who are willing. Later, life was difficult, and the years were difficult, and things like gold and silver were slowly exchanged for food. But although everyone Some people don't know how to change bottles and cans, but there are still a few occasionally. After a long time, the family members don't know whether this thing is valuable or not. It's almost sold. Let's talk about Shao Ling again. , Shao Ling had a very difficult time when he was a child. He always picked up scraps and sold them to save money for tuition fees. Later, when he got older, he was shabby. That thing looked really ugly. But to be honest, it really made him earn money. The money. I don't know who he bought the bottles from. He saved a big basket and carried it to other places to find experts. The old professor was sent to our village back then, and everyone was not familiar with him. But he still talked to the little kids in the village. But when he grows up, we don't get in touch with them anymore. It stands to reason that most people would not have any contact with them. There is no contact. Shao Ling didn't have any. This guy has a thick skin. He just carried a basket of things to look at others, not to mention, one of them was really valuable. After he sold it, he contracted the sea cucumber circle. You say this luck."

Mr. Wang was amazed: "Damn it, it turned out to be like this."


But soon, Mr. Wang rolled his eyes and said, "Then you still have this kind of thing in your village? I want to find out what I said."

The village head: "Who knows. When Shao Ling sold the money, everyone didn't know what it was worth. After all, it was a large number of bottles and cans. Some of them were collected by him in the village, and some were collected outside. So everyone I don't even know which one is worth the money, but he's out. He doesn't admit it, and others can't say that his one is definitely the valuable one. But because of this incident, every household in the village has old-looking bottles and cans. Don't sell it out. If you say now, don't think about it, Shao Ling has only been in the breeding circle for a few years, and everyone still remembers that, no one will sell it."

"I said that he is quite ordinary and young, how can he have the money to contract the breeding circle. This person is a bit lucky."

The village chief smiled: "Isn't it? But speaking of it, he's actually not making money. Many people say he's still losing money. If he doesn't sell it, it will definitely become more valuable. After all, who doesn't know gold and antiques in troubled times? But because he was in a hurry to sell, he didn't actually sell for a big price. He sold it four or five years ago, not very far away. It is said that if it is now, it can be doubled. So you can't say, what is his price? Win or lose."

"I really don't know."

"Yes, who said no. But at that time his family was in trouble, and he wanted to get married again, so he was short of money."

"That can't be sold anymore. I still have no long-term plans."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

They were discussing what happened to Shao Ling back then. The old secretary here also talked about this incident with Shao Ling. The old secretary said with emotion: "Fortunately, you sold your pot at that time. Otherwise, how could you contract the breeding circle and move so much money?"

So there are some things, from different people's mouths Speaking out, this view is different.

The village chief felt that Shao Ling had lost money, and it was more valuable to sell it now.

But the old secretary felt that it was more worthwhile for him to do so.

Shao Ling laughed and said, "Why do you think of these old sesame seeds and rotten millet?"

The old secretary glared at him: "Isn't this a chat? By the way, I found a jar at home, and I'll wait for you to look it up for me."

Shao Ling was speechless: "If I can understand it, I will specialize in this job. You should find an expert."

He said: "I don't dare to talk nonsense about this kind of thing, it's a lot of money."

The old secretary: "That's true."

He was actually quite curious, and asked, "Back then, which one did you sell the most valuable?"

He had no other thoughts than pure curiosity.

Really curious.

Shao Ling was silent for a while, then smiled suddenly, and said, "Actually, it's none of them, I'm talking nonsense."

The old secretary: "Huh???"

He looked at Shao Ling in surprise and said, "Are you really fake?"

Shao Ling: "Really, why do I say it's fake. In fact, what I sold back then wasn't a jar at all, what it was... I won't tell you."

The old secretary: "... Bah! You little bastard!"

Chapter 49

When Shaojia Village talked about Shao Ling's picking up children, many people would say that he was lucky.

But in fact, it's really not such a thing. Back then, Shao Ling did sort out a basket of jars and went to Yangcheng to find someone to look at them, but none of these jars was worth a damn, but the basket in which the basket was placed was actually valuable. of.

Shao Ling himself was speechless. He sold the basket not because he was worthless, but because of the situation at that time, Shao Ling really wanted to get more money to contract the breeding circle and get married. What's more, this thing needs to be well maintained and preserved, otherwise it will have to be finished after a few years. Shao Ling knew he didn't have this skill, so he sold it anyway.

A basket with a bit of a reputation, and it's not very good. If you really want to sell it for a lot of money, you know it's impossible. Although it is true that there is a large sum of money, it is not enough to contract the breeding circle.

Shao Ling has actually saved some money these years, and Li Shuxin has also saved money in the past two years. When other people fall in love, they walk along the road, go to the park and watch movies together. The two of them went to sell things together when they fell in love, and saved some money.

The sum of these funds is enough for the contract.

But people are more willing to believe what they want to believe, and no one believes that Shao Ling can make so much money picking up junk, so naturally they think it's all money from selling antiques. Shao Ling's grandma only said that they sold it for a little money, but since they happened to be in touch with the contract, everyone concluded that they had sold it for a large sum of money. Shao Ling explained twice, but no one believed it.

Since no one believed it, Shao Ling simply didn't say much.

Others said that he had no foresight and foresight, Shao Ling also followed others, and he also said a few nonsense, no, now when it comes to the events of the year, it is necessary to say that Shao Ling has no foresight. Shao Ling didn't expect that, after several years, when everyone mentioned the contracting of the sea cucumber circle back then, this matter was brought up again.

Shao Ling didn't know that those who went out to take a hot spring were discussing him on the bus. His boss and the old secretary also happened to mention this, made a few jokes, and didn't say anything more.

But unexpectedly, he hadn't been doing anything yet, and unexpectedly received a call from Shao's family. The caller was Shao Guowei, and his tone was very strong: "Second brother, come back."

Shao Ling: "What?"

Shao Guowei: "Come back when I tell you to come back. Why do you talk so much? I, a father, can't command you anymore, can I? You..."

Before finishing speaking, Fan Lian answered the phone. Fan Lian was not as brainless as Shao Guowei, and said in a good voice, "A Ling, there is something at home, can you come over?"

When Fan Lian said this, Shao Ling felt a little strange. In his opinion, Shao Guowei and Fan Lian would not be looking for him at this time. During the Chinese New Year, they should have seen what Shao Ling meant. Shao Ling's attitude was not good, and he was not easy to provoke. Under such circumstances, if it was not a last resort, Shao Ling did not believe that they would find someone.

His father Shao Guowei can be stupid, but his mother Fan Lian can't.

So this time they were looking for him, Shao Ling was a little more confused.

But he asked very directly: "What's the matter, just say it directly. In fact, there is no need to hide it like this. Also, let old Comrade Shao Guowei speak politely to me. Not everyone is so easy to talk about." ."

He sneered, and Fan Lian immediately said: "Your father is just too anxious, it's Shao Zhi's business, something happened to Shao Zhi, and I want to ask you for advice."

Shao Ling laughed even harder now: "What kind of friendship do I have with her? Don't ask me to make decisions about her affairs. Whether it's making decisions or asking for money, I don't want to get involved."

Shao Ling was about to hang up the phone while talking, Fan Lian immediately said, "Wait."

She hurriedly said, "Ah Ling, you can't be too selfish. You are brothers and sisters. Even if your sister did something wrong, she is still a child after all."

Shao Ling hung up the phone directly, feeling extremely ridiculous.

A girl in her twenties is still a child. He, Shao Ling, didn't even have any living expenses for a child. At that time, did someone say that he was still a child? He said slowly, "You guys are trying to find fault, aren't you?"

As soon as Fan Lian heard this remark, she knew that she couldn't say it anymore, so she hurriedly said, "A Ling, look at me, it's my mother who didn't treat you well, but Ah Zhi is innocent..."

beep beep.

The phone was hung up immediately.

Fan Lian was taken aback, and immediately wanted to call Shao Ling again, but this time, she couldn't get through.

Fan Lian: "What's the matter? Why can't I get through?"

Shao Zhi, who was standing by the side, turned pale, stomped his feet and shouted: "He must have blacklisted you, it must be like this, I knew this bastard is not a good person. Parents, you must say him, you must say him ah."

Shao Cheng and Shao Jing looked at each other without saying a word.

Shao Cheng pursed his lips and said, "Mom and Dad, don't you see that if the second child doesn't come to participate, it's just us, isn't it appropriate? The second child is not here, and the third child and I can't afford that much money."

Shao Jing nodded at the side. He has no status in the family. When the eldest brother spoke, he quickly echoed: "Yes, Ah Hui and I are ordinary workers, and we don't earn a lot of money. We live a normal life. It's not easy anymore, we still plan to have children. How can we give Shao Zhi any money."

Shao Zhi cursed: "You poor ghost."

Shao Jing retorted: "It seems that you are not the same, you have the ability..."

"Shut up! Why are you talking to your sister?" Fan Lian called out. He gave the third child a hard look, and said, "Your sister is already in a hurry, and you still say such sarcastic remarks, you should call the second child."

Shao Jing shrank his neck and said, "Why am I calling?"

Fan Lian: "Talk to your second brother carefully, let your second brother come back, if you rely on you, there is no trust in A Zhi's dowry."

Shao Zhi puffed up her chest and said, "That's right, I married into a good family. If I bring more dowry, why would they take me seriously? Look at you, everyone has no money, man What a shame for a real man."

Shao Jing glanced at the silent elder brother, then at Shao Zhi who was jumping on the spot, and muttered with his mouth curled up, "It's like you are a good person, you are ashamed, and we despise you as shameful. Pregnant before marriage, It's only people who pick on you."

"shut up."

Seeing that Shao Zhi was staring at him like he was going to eat someone, Shao Jing made a call.

Shao Ling's boss saw that the call was from Shao Ling, and decisively pulled him into the blacklist again.

He really didn't answer.

Seeing him like this, the old secretary said, "Why are you doing this, Ah Ling? As a family, how can there be any overnight feuds? Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted, let alone family members. You will regret it when you grow older."

Shao Ling looked at the old secretary, for a long time, smiled meaningfully, and said, "I'm sure, I don't know."

He got up and said, "I never thought of them as family."

He picked up the little chubby boy and said, "I'll go first."

The old secretary: "You..."

Shao Ling turned around and said with a smile: "Don't persuade me, I know you have good intentions, but sometimes good intentions do bad things everywhere. Every family has a hard-to-read scripture, so it's not good to meddle in other's business."

The old secretary was startled, and then scolded: "You little bastard."

But he wasn't angry, he poked Shao Ling and said, "You are stubborn."

Shao Ling smiled and said, "Yes."

"Wait a moment."

Seeing that Shao Ling was about to leave, the old secretary stopped him, Shao Ling: "What's the matter?"

The old secretary: "I guess Shao Jie will be able to find you soon."

Shao Ling: "Okay, I know."

He said sincerely: "Old Secretary, I know that you and Shao Jie are good people. But, you can also see the current situation..."

Shao Ling didn't say any extra words.

The old secretary sighed: "Why don't I know, but let me ignore it completely, I can't bear it..."

Don't look at Shao Ling's conversation with the old secretary seems to be the same, but Shao Ling respects the old secretary very much. To be honest, the old secretary helped him more than his good parents. Just because he was of the same family, the old secretary supported him a lot when he was a child.

He is not a person who doesn't know what to do, the old secretary has helped him sincerely, and now he doesn't want to see others go into this vortex, Shao Ling always understands him.

But what can they do.

Shao Ling just made a point: "I know you don't believe it very much, and you don't want the villagers to be hurt, but everyone is stunned now. Be careful when you deal with things, and don't let people bear grudges."

The old secretary: "OK."

He laughed and said, "You."

"Shao Jie, you bastard, why do you say that KAMAZ is not good. Do you know him? Do you know him? Have you listened to the class carefully? You just say it is not good."

While talking here, Shao Ling heard a sharp female voice, this voice was not someone else, the number one shrew in the village was Aunt Hu.

"We can get high interest and go out to play. Are you very jealous? If you are jealous, join in instead of talking bad things about KAMAZ behind your back. What does it mean to be deceived? I don't care who is deceived." I might be deceived, how smart am I? My daughter-in-law works there, can she come and fool us? It's impossible!"

Little Fat Cub: "Fight!"

His eyes were wide open, and he said to his father cutely, "It's because of a fight."

The baby was being hugged by the father, and the soft little body started to run away. There was a quarrel, and the baby wanted to watch the excitement.

Shao Ling was also very curious, and immediately went out. To be honest, Aunt Hu's location is still a little away from the village committee, but this person's voice can't be stopped. Shao Ling heard him yelling and scolding, he really knew it clearly.

The old secretary also came out: "Ms. Hu, what are you doing!"

Aunt Hu sat down on the spot and scolded: "You white-eyed wolves, you took advantage of our family, and said that my KAMAZ is unreliable. KAMAZ is unreliable and you are reliable. Look at what you are all about. ."

She looked at Shao Ling, who was holding the child, pointed her finger at him, and said, "Shao Ling, you bastard, you can't take advantage of it. You don't know how good KAMAZ is. You still don't know how good it is." Don't understand? You traveled to the capital with me. But you didn't spend any money. You took such a big advantage and didn't join KAMAZ. Are you still human? Do you still have humanity? Are you worthy of KAMAZ? ?"

She screamed so loudly that Shao Ling silently looked at the old secretary.

The old secretary was a little embarrassed. The reason why Shao Ling went to this event was because of his pleading. Otherwise, Shao Ling might not have gone at all. Now it's all right, and he was scolded for this matter.

He himself felt very embarrassed, and scolded: "Old Mrs. Hu, pay attention to what you say. Why are you talking? How do people care about your business? Kamasi is your father! I just talk about this thing It's unreliable, I just don't let Shao Ling participate, do you have an opinion? You are an idiot, so don't blame others for being too smart. Ah Ling is listening to me, you don't want to listen, you have no place to cry when you are cheated !"

"You, old secretary, don't think that you are an old secretary, so I dare not scold you. Blocking people's money is like killing parents. Are you lacking in morality?"

"Am I immoral? I think you are really immoral."

The two old men scolded.

Shao Ling and Shao Jie, who were caught in the vortex just now, looked at each other and smiled wryly.

What do you say?

In fact, there are some smart people in this village. At least they can see that Kamaz is unreliable, but the only ones who have been telling everyone not to trust it are the old secretary and Shao Jie.

Therefore, as the "family members" of Kamaz, Aunt Hu hates them the most.

She felt that it was fine if these two dogs didn't participate, and it was too much to tell others not to participate. She had always wanted to find a reason to get angry, but after all the old secretary had some status, and Shao Jie didn't live in the village, so she couldn't find fault.

It happened that Shao Jie came to the village today, and she didn't rush out all at once.

Of course, she was also angry when she saw Shao Ling.

Shao Ling, Uncle Guo, these people who joined the tour group and took advantage of it but refused to pay to join KAMAZ. From Aunt Hu's point of view, they all took advantage of her. If it wasn't for these people occupying the quota, she could arrange for someone to go, and whoever goes there will not be able to give her a gift?

In fact, this is impossible at all, but Aunt Hu is a nonsense old lady in the countryside, so she just thinks so.

She just felt that she was at a disadvantage.

"You are all wolf-hearted things. You really took advantage of it and didn't know how to be grateful. I have never seen such a white-eyed wolf like you..." Aunt Hu was still singing and calling, and Shao Ling finally couldn't bear it anymore. He said: "Shut up, it's none of your business? Why are you everywhere? Whether we participate in the tour or not, how we think about it, what does it have to do with you? Who are you?"


Aunt Hu didn't expect Shao Ling to dare to talk back.

Facts have proved that Shao Ling is more than just daring to talk back.

"What are you? I didn't spend your money when I went, and you are not some kind of staff member of KAMAZ, so I don't need you to meddle here? Who do you think you are? Earth police?"

"you you you!"

Shao Ling: "Ms. Hu, for the sake of the same village, everyone politely gave you a little face and called you Mrs. Hu, but in fact, who are you! Who doesn't know who you are? If you only look at it from the perspective of character, let alone calling you Mrs. Hu, calling you Mrs. Hu is an insult."

The old secretary and Shao Jie: "..."

The little chubby boy opened his eyes wide, his long eyelashes flickering, and he tilted his head to look at his father.

Aunt Hu didn't expect Shao Ling to be so fierce and even talk back to her, who is she!

She is the most vicious shrew in the village. Normally, no one wants to offend her, and basically never contradicts his words. She has always been flaunting her might, but she never expected that since Shao Ling dared to speak loudly to her.

She froze for a moment, then yelled: "You little bastard, you dare to say me, I'll fight you!"

She almost seemed to be charging into battle, with her arms folded, she leaned forward and rushed over, ready to bump into Shao Ling and stumble. Shao Ling still doesn't know what this old lady is? Almost without any hesitation, he just ran away. This person is terrified, terrified, and very annoying, "Let me tell you, I am 800 miles away from you. If you have something, it has nothing to do with me. I think you are too old for you, no Let's fight with you. Don't think that I ran away from you. If you break your arms and legs, I won't be the one who is unlucky. But seeing that you are such a bad person and so wicked, you can really break an arm and a leg if you don't keep it together... ..."

Old lady Hu was so angry that she wished she could grab Shao Ling immediately, push him to the ground and beat him up.

Shao Ling: "If you can't hit it, you can't hit it."

He ran quickly with the little chubby boy in his arms. The little chubby boy was not yet two years old, and he didn't understand such a complicated thing at all. He simply didn't understand, the child who didn't understand shook his head, was hugged by his father, and ran around.

Seeing that there were still people chasing him, he blinked his eyes in confusion, and then let out a giggle.

The little guy giggled so much, he was very happy.

He lay on his father's shoulder, looked at the old lady who was chasing after them, and said in a small mouth: "I can't catch up, I can't catch up!" He thought he was playing.

Old Mrs. Hu was so angry. She was already full of anger, but now she vowed to beat Shao Ling.

The old secretary and Shao Jie were dumbfounded.

Originally, Shao Jie thought it would be fine to ignore the old lady, but the old secretary thought that after all, he was the one who caused Shao Ling the trouble, so he would naturally take over. But never expected. Shao Ling quickly filled up Aunt Hu's hatred with her own strength, and she was chasing each other.

The two of them paused for a while and then reacted.

The old secretary: "Don't chase, don't chase, Aunt Hu, you are not too young, don't fall so badly."

He shouted at Shao Ling again: "Shao Ling, you are still holding the baby, be careful!"

Shao Ling ran quite fast. He used to do physical work, and the work at the seaside is really not easy. Shao Ling naturally has good physical strength. Although it was a year off, the state has not only not become loose, but has become better.

He still had time to wave his hands and said, "Don't worry, old secretary, this wicked old lady can't catch up with me."

He laughed hard and said, "It just so happened that I took my son to exercise."

Shao Ling ran ahead quickly with the baby in his arms, the little chubby cub giggled loudly, like a silver bell. It was the first time for the little guy to experience such happiness, and he waved at Mrs. Hu from a distance.

The old lady was even more angry. She was only very angry at first, but now she is 100%.

Oh no, it's 10,000 points.

She vowed to beat this bastard and let him know how powerful she is.

The two ran abruptly from the village committee to the entrance of the village. Although some people in the village moved away, some people went to participate in some hot spring activities, but in fact there were still people in the village. They ran and chased all the way. Instead, it attracted people all the way to watch.

The old secretary patted Shao Jie and said, "Hurry up and help hold him back. Shao Ling is holding the child, and our little Jiaxi was thrown."

The old secretary actually didn't care at all whether Aunt Hu fell down, this old godly woman is not a good thing, and she deserved it if she fell. But the cute little guy Jiaxi can't fall.

Shao Ling brought little Jiaxi to the village every now and then. The old secretary and little Jiaxi were familiar with each other. Who wouldn't like a lively and cute little chubby kid who didn't like to cry or make trouble.

"Be careful, kid!"

Shao Jie looked at it for a while and said, "It's okay, Shao Ling's physical strength is really good. I don't think I can outrun him. This old lady can't do it."

The old secretary: "..."

Are you still here to compare your physical strength?

"What's the matter? Why is this old lady chasing Shao Ling like crazy?"

"Did Shao Ling offend her?"

Shao Jie "kindly" popularized science for everyone, saying: "Aunt Hu scolded Shao Ling, saying that he would be a white-eyed wolf if he didn't join KAMAZ. Shao Ling replied, and the old lady went crazy and wanted to beat him up."

Well, what he said was a bit biased.

However, in general, there is nothing wrong with this statement?


So Shao Jie felt that he was still very sincere: "She can't buy and sell by force, and she is so angry that she wants to beat someone."

With that said, everyone will understand.

"This old lady just doesn't know what to say. A few days ago, she went to Xiaohuangshan to scold Second Uncle Guo. What does it matter to her whether he participates or not? Does she need to be like this?"

"I think it's just for the performance of his family, Su Xuejiao, right?"

"How much money do you think these salesmen make? This is going crazy."

"It must be a lot."

"Oh, no, their company has high interest rates, tourism, and high commissions for salesmen. Isn't all this money included? Why do they make so much money? I don't think this investment depends on Spectrum."

This is a shrewd person. After a little calculation, he knows that the cost is so high, and the wool must always come from the sheep.

He really didn't dare to invest.

"It makes sense."

Those who are still in the village, either they haven't moved yet and they don't have so much money to invest and can't invest, or they are relatively calm, so they don't invest more. You don't always go to the lectures, but you won't be "poisoned" so deeply, and you can listen to them.

As soon as these words came out, several people nodded their heads one after another, thinking that it made sense.

The old secretary and Shao Jie were a little relieved, they were afraid that too many people would be deceived, so it was good now.

It's not that Aunt Hu didn't hear everyone's comments, but now she's focused on Shao Ling wholeheartedly, and has no time to care about these people: "Shut up, you bastards, and don't speak ill of Kamasi."

She shouted again: "Shao Ling, don't run away, little brat, if you have the ability, don't run away."

Shao Ling: "I'll run. If you have the ability, you can catch up with me. You are a wicked old lady with no qualities. You are sinister and shameless. If you have the ability, you can chase me."

"Fuck, Shao Ling is too brave, isn't he?"

"Is it Shao Ling who is not brave? He doesn't even give Shao Guowei and his wife face."


Several people chased and ran, but they didn't pay attention to a motorcycle coming. Although Shao Ling was running, his eyes were easy to use, and he just ran past the car. And this motorcycle also saw someone passing by, and immediately slowed down, and it was about to stop, but bumped into Aunt Hu with a bang.


"Ah, fuck you!"

The person riding the motorcycle was really not someone else, but a person Shao Ling knew. This person was the reporter Wang whom he had met at the beginning. But Aunt Hu didn't think so, she had no strength at all, and this man hit the muzzle of the gun herself, so she grabbed Reporter Wang at once.

Clap clap!

Opening the bow left and right is two slaps in the face.

"Fuck you old lady, what are you doing! Are you looking for death and hitting me?" Reporter Wang has been pampered all these years, and when he goes out to show his identity, others always look up to him. He didn't expect to be beaten. No way.

He was angry, and Mrs. Hu was also angry.

"Fuck, you came here on your own, God, is there any reason? This bullying old lady has been bullied to the top. You little bastard, an outsider dares to bully me like this in our village, you should be damned Yeah. You have to take me to the hospital, you crashed, you have to take me to check..."

"Are you shameless? I still need to check? You hit someone when you come up... Ah, you still do it!"

Mrs. Hu took all her anger out on Reporter Wang and hit him right away. This man was not a good person and she was thrown away by the old lady all at once, and the two became entangled.

Shao Ling hugged the child and panted, and said, "Ms. Hu, you are already old, so don't let anyone beat you for being so arrogant."

Aunt Hu: "Hey, who dares to beat my old lady, I will blackmail him, and I am worried that no one will take care of me."

"This is a reporter from the newspaper, don't you remember? You are a good friend of KAMAZ!" What Shao Ling said didn't sound like serious persuasion. Sure enough, this kind of persuasion couldn't be persuaded, and the old lady didn't let go.

She didn't recognize it just now. I remembered it all at once.

That's right, this person is Reporter Wang. Since he is a reporter, he must be rich.

Then if he bumped himself, he could always demand more compensation.

"Ah, this Reporter Wang is going to beat someone after bumping into someone. It's unreasonable. I'm going to your unit to look for it, and you have to pay me compensation..."

Reporter Wang is actually a very shrewd person, and he has always been able to grasp the scales, but he ignored who this is in front of him, an old rural lady who has no education, no culture, no moral bottom line.

The old lady grabbed him and said, "You don't want to run away."

Reporter Wang: "You let go, you let me go."

"Slap!" Aunt Hu slapped her face again. The anger she had accumulated on Shao Ling just now was going to be directed at Reporter Wang.

Shao Ling shouted: "Reporter Wang, run away, or she will kill you. This old lady is not a cheap lamp."

The old secretary: "..."

Shao Jie: "..."

You are just adding fuel to the fire.

But Reporter Wang didn't know what to think, he really broke free and ran away.

It's no wonder that he would do this, who made Mrs. Hu really do it again and again. Reporter Wang himself was afraid of being beaten up like this, and it was really hard for him to fight back. After all, this old lady is not young, if she fights back and causes trouble for herself, then this is giving herself multiple mothers.

Reporter Wang ran forward, and when Aunt Hu saw it, she ran away again.

It's a new round of chasing after me.

Reporter Wang was not Shao Ling after all, and he still didn't know much about Shaojia Village, so he ran to the back of the abandoned elementary school not far away in a panic. Although he is not from Shaojia Village, but as a local, he is from Tangkou Village not far from Shaojia Village.

Reporter Wang knew that this elementary school was abandoned, so he ran quickly, seeing the old lady following, followed by a group of onlookers. He secretly scolded the people in Shaojia Village as real dogs.

I don't know how these unqualified dogs can get a lot of money from demolition. God has no eyes.

He is not a very strong person, and he couldn't bear it after running for a while. Seeing that the old lady was still catching up, he rushed to a row of prefabricated boards and said, "You old lady, you speak well. You do not come!"

Usually eats and drinks a lot, but this person is not as strong as an old lady.

If it weren't for Aunt Hu and Shao Ling running around in advance, reporter Wang would have caught up with her long ago. Now the two are not far behind. The old lady made a bold move, and jumped onto the prefabricated slab first, and shouted: "You little thief who bumped into someone and still wants to run away? I won't give you shit today. No one really takes my aunt Hu's reputation seriously." Son! Don't run away."

She lunged forward vigorously, and before everyone could react, they heard a click.


With a cry, the prefab, broke.

The two fell straight down, plop!


I don't know who yelled, and then the scene fell into a deathly silence. It was as if time had been frozen.

"Puff puff, help!"

"Oh my God!"

"He who kills the sky knife..."

Soon, the earth-shaking duo "woke up" everyone.

Soon, Shao Jie shouted: "They fell into the cesspit!"

"My God."

"Oh my god, how could they fall into the toilet?"

Reporter Wang and Aunt Hu both thought that this was an abandoned school and didn't take it seriously at all, but they forgot that although the school was abandoned, the toilets were still in use. If they fell before the relocation, I am afraid that there is nothing wrong with them, and there is no danger.

After all, at that time, the latrines were almost completely emptied, so it was very empty.

But now, that's not the case anymore.

Ever since the news of their village's relocation came, their village has been so lively. Almost every day, people rent the playground of the village committee for activities. There is no one who can't use the toilet, and this toilet is used the most.

It is conceivable that the cesspit has a lot of "content".

When two people fell just now, they both splashed a lot of dung.

No one expected that things would develop in this way, that such a miraculous thing could happen on such a sunny day-falling into a cesspit.

The old secretary: "Hurry up and take a look!"

He stepped forward immediately by himself, and almost vomited when he stepped forward.

He immediately covered his mouth, took a few steps back, and the others did the same. At a glance, he felt that today's meal was too much to eat.

This is too disgusting, right? Both fell. But if they were drowned, that would not be the case, but the feces and water were all on their upper bodies, because they were brushed down, and the two of them could see that they were very "magnificent" from head to toe.

Even if she fell into the cesspit, Aunt Hu was afraid that this person would run away, and she wanted to win the battle. She grabbed the reporter Wang's hair in the cesspit and shouted: "Help! Help, pull me up quickly!" !"

He also added: "Let this murderer drown in the hut!"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. It's really hard to say who is going to do it.

Shao Ling took a step forward and took a look. The chubby boy hurriedly probed, his round head and big eyes were full of curiosity.

But oh, soon, the child vomited.

At such a young age, he has already seen such a breathtaking and rare scene.

Just a well-informed little doll.

But the little doll couldn't bear it, although she was small, she tightly covered her little nose.

Shao Ling hugged his son silently and quickly backed away. He said righteously: "I'm still taking the child with me. I can't do this. I'll withdraw first, I'll leave first..."

The old secretary: "You..."

He frowned, and then said, "Where are you going, go to the village to find a rope, and help pull people up."

Shao Ling's head was shaking like a rattle, and he was resolutely refusing, who could do that.

Although he is careless on weekdays, this cesspit is absolutely unacceptable.

"I dont go!"

Shao Ling was very decisive, the little chubby boy waved his little hands, and said in a childish voice, "No, no, no!"

After he finished waving, he seemed to feel that it stinks, and silently covered his nose again, his little face was full of disgust.

Shao Jie: "Let me go and get it. Don't leave, young and old. Let's help drag it out later. We don't care about anything else. Let's drag him out first. The personal grievances between the two of them will be dealt with individually."

"Ah? This..."

"All right, all right."

"Hurry up."

Shao Jie moved quickly, he quickly brought the rope, threw one end down, and the other end was pulled by a few men from the village. Shao Ling successfully escaped this labor by "taking care of the children".

He didn't leave either, just stood aside silently, watching the fun with his head lying down.

His little chubby boy was even more round-eyed.

Aunt Hu: "Pull me, pull me, and let this unlucky creature drown in the toilet. Don't let him come up."

Where did Reporter Wang suffer such grievances? He was so angry that he yelled, "You vicious old lady, I want to write about you in the newspaper, so that everyone will know your vicious true face."

"Bah! You are still a good thing? You run away after bumping into someone."

"Who told you to hit someone, besides, you didn't fall down, why did you just hit someone..."

The two faced the dung water and shouted at each other.

At this time, even the old secretary was convinced. Could it be that the cesspit is a good place? How could these two people be so kind. They didn't care about the stench at all, and the two of them could still yell at each other down below. This kind of grand occasion was really unheard of.

Not to mention other people, even the more than 70 well-informed old secretaries saw this kind of thing for the first time.

Sure enough, as long as people live for a long time, they can see many strange things. It is really unheard of for people to fall into a cesspit and continue to quarrel and fight.

Unheard of ah!

The two came and went, yelling and scolding each other, pulling each other's hair.

Shao Jie couldn't stand the wait anymore, so he asked the old secretary with a bitter face, "Can we save people?"

Although it is interesting to watch the excitement. But this is a tasteful "lively", people can't stand it after watching it for a long time.

It's so disgusting.

Don't talk about today, just say three days in a row, Shao Jie felt that he couldn't eat anything.

Everyone is really suffering, and they want to watch the fun, but they feel too disgusting. This kind of contradictory mood, most people don't understand.

Shao Ling was alright, relying on the advantage of standing far away, he probed and looked around, and the chubby cub followed his father word for word and said: "Fall and cause trouble."

Shao Ling nodded and said, "Yes, it fell."

"Ouch." The little chubby boy was very disgusted.

Shao Ling: "It's so fucking dirty."

The little chubby boy nodded: "Dirty."

Shao Ling said with emotion: "You said that our father and I are very lucky to be able to see such a lively show, but your mother is not so lucky. You said that if she comes here this time, she can still watch the excitement. When she returned to the village head, she lost a lot of knowledge."

The little chubby cub didn't understand such complicated words, but he still nodded seriously, and said in a childish voice, "Mom didn't see it."

"Yeah, your mother didn't see it."

"Baby saw it."

"Yes, the baby hasn't seen it, has it? It's the first time your dad has seen such a weird scene."

The two men were still chatting, and at this moment, the two people in the cesspit finally ended their fight. Shao Jie and others took the lead in pulling Aunt Hu: "One two, one two, hey, come on!"

"Hard, hard! Come on!"

"One-two, pull! One-two, pull!"

"Fuck me, why is Mrs. Hu so heavy?"

"She's not skinny, besides, who knows how much dirt is on her body."

"Why don't you say she drank?"

"It's not impossible!"

Aunt Hu was furious: "You little bastards. How dare you speak ill of me. I won't deal with you when I go up!"

This is scary everyone, usually you are not afraid of returning home, but who dares to mess with Mrs. Hu now. He is covered in "gold", if it gets on, he will spit out the disgusting overnight meal.

"Ms. Hu, we were wrong."

"Yes, yes, we were wrong, you can stay away from us."

"If you do this, we won't be able to save people..."

The scene was so lively that almost the whole village came. Usually, it feels like everyone in the village has moved away. There are not many people, but this time it can be seen.

People, there are still.

Shao Ling has been squeezed out of the circle, and everyone is scrambling to be the first.

This is so lively, you can't help but watch it.

"Ms. Hu, please calm down. If you dare to act recklessly, we will not save people if you go down again..."

He was finally dragged up, followed by Reporter Wang.

At this moment, Reporter Wang couldn't bear it anymore, and jumped into a rage in the cesspit: "Don't talk so much nonsense, save people quickly! Hurry up! Fuck it! You Shaojia Village is a bad luck, a bunch of bastards ,you......"


I don't know who it is, let go.

Or, everyone couldn't stand it and let go of it, people, and went down again.

Chapter 50

Aunt Hu and Reporter Wang, neither of these two people is skinny.

It was really hard for two people to climb onto the prefabricated slab that had been left unused for many years without breaking.

In fact, when Reporter Wang rushed up, he also knew that it was covered with a latrine, but who made the school deserted. It never occurred to him that there was something in this cesspit. So if you don't notice it for a while, or be careless for a while, people will go down.

It was a great crime for two people to go down at the same time.

Reporter Wang is pampered and pampered. He can't beat Aunt Hu. Aunt Hu is the strongest in the universe. She dares to attack him with gold. ball.

Finally, their conflict ceased, and Aunt Hu was pulled up first.

For this matter, no matter from the perspective of respecting the old and loving the young or closeness and closeness, you have to pull Aunt Hu first.

Reporter Wang is very clear about this. This is Shaojia Village, so we must save Aunt Hu first. Another one, Aunt Hu is old, so people must save her first. But unexpectedly, Aunt Hu talked a lot of nonsense. It took a long time to be pulled up, and Aunt Hu was finally pulled up. She lay on the edge of the cesspit and retched non-stop.

There were quite a lot of onlookers, but everyone didn't dare to talk cheap at this time, and they all took a step back silently. After all, if Mrs. Hu went crazy, she couldn't do it! Seeing her like this is really nauseating to the point of retching.

At this time, I wanted to vomit and couldn't vomit.

Reporter Wang: "There's still me, there's me!"

The old secretary: "Ms. Hu, help throw the rope down."

They are all golden ropes, they don't want to touch them too much, only Aunt Hu is the most suitable.

Aunt Hu raised her head and asked loudly: "Why, let him die inside!"

She is fierce.

The old secretary still knows people, he said: "If you don't drag him up, how can you talk about compensation? He hit you with a motorcycle."

After saying this, Aunt Hu nodded immediately: "Yes, that's right, then hurry up and drag someone up."

Reporter Wang is so angry, he swears that he must make these people look good.

He is a dignified reporter, when has he ever been wronged like this.

You know, if he goes to some factories to find faults, he can get benefits, and he has always been treated as a guest of honor. But I didn't expect that these people didn't take him seriously. He said loudly: "Hurry up, you guys hurry up."

He wanted to say something harsh, but he thought that he was on someone else's territory, so he didn't dare to say anything more.

If these people really ignore him, they will suffer.

Aunt Hu sneered, took the rope over, held the gold in the condescending position, and said arrogantly: "You waited for you to come up. If it wasn't for compensation, I would definitely not agree to help you. How dare a foreigner mess with me?" The aunt yelled. Tell me, you are right!"

Reporter Wang feels so aggrieved, but he has to bow his head under the roof, even though he has thousands of hatred in his heart, he can only bear it.

"I was wrong, aunt, I was really wrong, I shouldn't have counted, I accidentally bumped into you, you throw the rope down first, and pull me up first. As long as you pull me up. I Haosheng will talk to you about compensation, and you will be satisfied."

Hearing this, Aunt Hu smiled triumphantly, and said, "Boy, I thought you were so stubborn, isn't it okay? Everyone has heard what you said. If you dare to go back on my word after you come up, I will go to your house to make trouble, go to your unit to make trouble. Yes, throw dung, I will throw dung at your house!"

Reporter Wang trembled with anger.

All the onlookers were speechless, but was it unexpected? It's not surprising, after all, this is Mrs. Hu, the best Mrs. Hu in the world!

"All right, all right, if I dissatisfy you, you can go to my house to find me, and you drag me up first."

Although Aunt Hu also made herself sick enough, she was like a victorious rooster at this time, kicking the rope down triumphantly, one end of the rope fell down, and a little dung flower gradually rose.

Shao Ling: "Ugh."

The little chubby cub covered his chubby little face with his hands, wanted to look but didn't dare to look, the little person already understood what entanglement was. It's super confusing!

The little one is uncomfortable with his little mouth flattened, but his eyes are exposed for a while and released for a while, all in all he is very entangled.

At this time, Reporter Wang finally caught the rope and was pulled up under the voices of everyone. Aunt Hu was proud: "Really, you dare to be arrogant in our village. Who do you think you are, don't think that Shao Peng and the others Treat you as a person, and I will take you seriously, ah bah. You are a fart."

"Ms. Hu, why are you so powerful, you dare to sacrifice your life to blow up cesspit together with others."

"Hey, where is this reporter Wang? He doesn't seem to have enough brains. Look at him, he is so stupid, he can fall into the cesspit with Mrs. Hu."

"Eighty percent think it's been hollowed out? Then I know it's impossible, my brain is not working."



Everyone, you talk to each other, this time is about to come up, Reporter Wang has already helped him to the edge, he couldn't bear it all of a sudden, and jumped into a rage in the cesspit: "Don't talk so much nonsense, save people quickly! Hurry up! Another Just put in the effort and I'll come up, damn it! You Shaojia Village is a bunch of bad luck, a bunch of bastards, you..."

Sometimes, people can't be too arrogant. People are helping him. Isn't it a decent thing to fish people out of the cesspit? This person was still very arrogant, and he even cursed at others. I don't know who was angry and let go of it.

If some people let go, others will have to work harder, but at that moment, several people are not happy.

Who is willing to help and get scolded!


Just look at this person. The person who was about to come up suddenly went down again. Shao Ling was amazed at this scene, and said directly: "Damn it!"

"Oh my God!"

This time the splash of dung was bigger.

Reporter Wang finally couldn't take it any longer, and burst into tears, yelling and cursing crazily, whatever was unpleasant.

A few short-tempered boys threw the rope straight away: "I don't care! Who the hell is that?"

"I don't care anymore. I help him and still curse at him. What's wrong with him? I should blame him."

"This is too shameless."

"Didn't he scold our Shaojia Village? I'm putting my words here today. Any spineless person in Shaojia Village who goes to help is not my friend!" Zhang Fan, who has been helping to drag people, is not happy now.

He yelled: "Whoever cares about him in the past will just put his face on him! Is it cheap!"

"Yes! Cheap or not!"

Shao Ling was chattering beside him.

The old secretary: "Xiaofan, look at this person..."

Zhang Fan: "Then we don't care!"

"Yes, don't care!"

"Why! Let the people from Tangkou Village come here."

The old secretary saw that this person had provoked public anger, and was also worried.

Shao Ling said kindly: "Old Secretary, do you have a phone number for Tangkou Village in your office? I'll call their village and ask them to come from the village. Anyway, the distance is close, and the depth can't drown people. People from their village come to help. Our village will definitely fail."

The old secretary: "Okay, you can go there. It's in the phone book on the desk."

Shao Ling took the initiative to go to the village committee. The little chubby cub was being hugged and ran, so happy that his saliva flowed down. It can be seen that he had a lot of fun "playing" today.

"Dad, Dad..."

Shao Ling smiled and said, "Father will take you Feifei."


Shao Ling is really a good person. He came to the village committee quickly and finally found the phone book. In fact, he had a mobile phone in his hand, but none of them had a phone number in Tangkou Village. Moreover, Shao Ling didn't mind letting Reporter Wang "play" in the cesspit for a while.

When the phone was connected, Shao Ling made it clear in a few sentences.

He made it clear on one side, but Tangkou village on the other side was dumbfounded when he answered the phone.

"What's wrong?"

Someone asked, and the village clerk who answered the phone looked at the village head who was asking the question, and said: "Reporter Wang from our village hit an old lady on a motorcycle at the entrance of Shaojia Village, and the two fell to the school together. in the cesspit."


"Then what are they calling for?"

"Let's go over there to save people. Reporter Wang is cursing and cursing all over his ancestors. Naturally, he won't help anyone." After a pause, he added: "Another thing, many people in their village followed Kamasi went to the hot spring, and there were not many people left."

"It's really easy to find something, call a few boys, go..."

Shaojia Village can ignore it, but Tangkou Village can't ignore it. After all, they are their own people.

Besides, the phone calls have come, if they don't go, they will offend Reporter Wang. This kid is not a good bird, he will take revenge if he fails to keep everything. Of course they're going to help. Anyway, you don't have to do it yourself, the village chief said, "Call a few more boys over, don't suffer."

"Okay, that's not the case. Then, I'll call Brother Yaozong."

This brother Yaozong is Tang Yaozong, the son of their clan chief in Tangkou Village.

Although the patriarch is not the head of the village, he still has a lot of status in the village. Although the two villages are very close, the influence of their ancestral hall is much more serious than that of Shaojia Village.

"Okay, you call Tang Yaozong, and call Wang Axing. He used to work in Shaojia Village and is familiar with it. He still has energy."

"It's nothing, we often go there to play."

That's what I said, but I still called someone.

Soon someone was ready at this end, and everyone took the van to go there. As soon as we arrived, we saw dozens of people gathered around the school.

The leader, Tang Yaozu, turned dark all of a sudden: "Aren't there many of them saving lives?"

A woman in the outermost circle was unhappy when she heard this, and said: "Why don't we save people? We are going to be dragged up by others, and he is cursing, we are cheap, and we continue to drag people? Look, See for yourself how much gold is sprayed out, is it easy for us? Besides, he is a big man, not a three-year-old child, and he ran on the toilet cover, not knowing that there was big dung in it. Our village has also been bad for eight lifetimes You look, you go and look over there, we don't know what to do. It's summer, it's stinky..."

Tang Yaozong and his party were robbed by others, so they were speechless.

A large group of lads squeezed in. Seeing this, they almost spit out.

Sure enough, it stinks.

Not only that, but there was also a couple who were scolding each other. One was sitting by the cesspit screaming in gold, and the other was underneath. Needless to say, it was Reporter Wang. The two quarreled very fiercely.

Tang Yaozong: "Hurry up and save people, Brother Wang, are you down here?"

He didn't even dare to approach, Reporter Wang: "Yaozong, hurry up, pull me quickly. These unlucky ones..."

Everyone quickly moved their hands, and the people of Shaojia Village backed away silently, fearing that they would gradually climb up, they all moved away.

"One two, use your strength!"

"One two hey one two hey!"

Everyone moved quickly, Tang Yaozong was also shrewd, he stood at the last, but an idiot like Wang Axing stood in front, Shao Ling looked at them, squinting his eyes slightly.

In fact, it is quite easy for a few young men to pull a person, but it is also because it is too disgusting, and the smell is too strong, can this not be a big deal? Their forest city is thirty-five or sixty degrees this season. After such a long time, reporter Wang has marinated and the taste has fermented.

Everyone endured their nausea and dragged him up. Tang Yaozong stood at the end, and Shao Ling looked at him and sized up this person.

This person is about 27 or 28 years old, looks young, has a long melon face, is very thin, tall and thin, does not look very honest like reporter Wang, has a shrewd appearance, and is quite sophisticated in doing things Yes, something will happen. In fact, so many of them didn't need to be together, but he still stood at the end holding the rope, looking like he was trying his best.

But in fact, can more than a dozen big men still afford to drag one person?

Shao Ling couldn't see these people, and curled the corner of his mouth as if there was nothing, and following the shouts of "Come on, one or two", reporter Wang was about to be dragged up, and he was at the position where he was about to come up last time. Suddenly, Tang Yaozong felt a force, and he rushed forward...

When he bumped like this, the ropes of the whole group of people slipped, and they all rushed forward. A dozen or so people couldn't hold back their strength, and their hands slipped in unison. Wang Axing at the front fell directly, and a few loose flashed away.

But this Tang Yaozong didn't have it, he rushed forward, everyone dodged, he bumped into the person in front of him, and went straight down...

Out of ten or so people, four fell down, plopping, just like dumpling.


"Mom, what's the matter?"

"Why do they still have such a hobby!"

Tang Yaozong almost fainted at that moment, and roared: "Who the hell pushed me!"

"Are you out of your mind? There is no one behind you, no one to push you. If you don't catch yourself, you can blame others."

"Farting and looking at others, that's the kind of person you're talking about."

"There's no one behind you."

"You are talking nonsense. There is no one behind you. You didn't hold on to it, did you?"

"Damn it, he fell in this position just now. This is too wicked."

"Not really."

Although everyone huddled together to watch the fun, but if it was said who pushed someone, everyone would not admit it, and they all sighed: "Why do we have nothing to do?"

"That's right, you can't rely on us because of your slippery hands. Don't we want to see you like this? Isn't it smelly enough?"

"Not really."

Seeing that the situation was going too far, the old secretary said, "Boys, hurry up and help drag people. First, drag reporter Wang. He's been in there for too long..."


Tangkou village is not happy to come here, this smell, I really regret it, why did I come.

But now, I can't ignore it.

At this moment, everyone had no choice but to carry them to death, pulling people up one by one, but this time everyone was more cautious, and finally pulled people up one by one, but just after they were pulled up, Aunt Hu Rushing over, regardless of each other's situation, they slapped each other directly: "You bastards, you are still falling in, look, spray me all over, you all spray me all over."

No wonder Aunt Hu collapsed like this, she was already miserable, she was standing by the cesspit all the time, and when Tang Yaozong and the others fell down, she just felt the splash of "happiness".

"You shrew, what are you doing!"

"What am I doing? You have lost me, so you have to compensate me."

"You fart! You don't even look at your own body."

There was a fight like this at the scene. None of the irrelevant personnel dared to step forward. Everyone watched the excitement from a distance. This excitement was really full of flavor, but this kind of excitement. It really hasn't happened once in decades.

An old lady is still feeling: "Those of them who went to the hot springs are really at a loss. Missed, missed!"

Shao Ling asked curiously: "Aunt Li, how old are you this year?"

Aunt Li: "I'm eighty, this is the first time I've seen such a thing."

Shao Ling laughed and said, "Me too, I can't bear the smell and don't want to leave."

Aunt Li: "No."

The little chubby cub covered his nose and leaned against his father's shoulder sullenly. Shao Ling shook his little butt and said, "What's wrong? You can't resist anymore?"

The little chubby boy gave a compliment, and he wanted to see it curiously, but he was really flustered.

Aunt Li: "Come on, hurry up and take the child away. Your child is still young, but he can't bear this smell."

Shao Ling: "Yes."

The old secretary looked at Shao Ling and said, "Hurry up and leave, the child can't bear it anymore and can't see it. It's so exciting to watch."

Shao Ling smiled and said, "All right, I'll go first."

He hugged the child and withdrew from the crowd, and the father and father walked to the village committee and got into the car. Shao Ling watched his son let go of his little paw, and asked, "Doesn't it stink?"

The little chubby cub sucked his little nose and said, "Smelly!"

He looked at the crowd from a distance, and pointed with his little finger: "Dirty!"

Shao Ling nodded: "Yes, it's dirty and smelly."

The father and son finally got into the car. Shao Ling turned on the air conditioner and started the car. When the car was driven out, the little chubby boy let out a soft whimper.

Shao Ling smiled, nodded, and said, "Yes, they are really dirty, our baby can't be so dirty."

The little chubby cub shook his head like a rattle and said, "No!"

He patted his chest and said, "The baby is clean."

Shao Ling nodded: "Yes, the baby is clean, our baby can really talk."

The chubby boy tugged at his clothes, and said disgustedly: "Change it, take a shower."

Shao Ling: "Okay, I'll change it when I get back."

Although it didn't get sideways at all, but staying in that stinking place for a while longer, people couldn't bear it anymore. Shao Ling felt that there was something vague about him. He said, "Dad will take you to take a bath, okay?"

Little Fat Boy: "Okay!"

Milky voice.

The father and son tossed around for a while, and when they got home, it was already evening. At this time, both father and son changed into newly bought clothes and took a bath.

Li Shuxin unexpectedly returned home earlier than them. Seeing that Shao Ling's clothes had changed, Li Shuxin raised her eyebrows in doubt, "What did you do?"

She stared at Shao Ling, and Shao Ling immediately explained: "I'm not messing around outside."

Li Shuxin: "I didn't say you were fooling around."

Shao Ling smiled: "Daughter-in-law, I don't know you yet. You didn't say that, but your eyes mean so much. We went back to the village, and I told you that you are really at a loss. Aunt Li has never seen such a scene in her eighties..."

He happily described the situation to Li Shuxin. Today's event is really rare in a hundred years, and his wife must have missed it after all.

Li Shuxin was dumbfounded: "Is it true?"

Shao Ling raised his eyebrows: "What's the truth? When I left, they were still playing. If I didn't see the child couldn't take it anymore, I could still watch it for a while."

Li Shuxin thought about the scene for a while, then silently vomited, and said, "That's really disgusting."

Shao Ling smiled and said, "What is this? You don't know that Reporter Wang was beaten so badly that Aunt Hu would turn him into a pig's head."

Li Shuxin's eyes lit up, and said, "Oh, did you beat me hard?"

"That's not true."

Shao Ling smiled and said: "Let me tell you, just like Mrs. Hu is such a mess, this time he won't be able to get away easily this time. Mrs. Hu will definitely break up with him about falling into the cesspit. nonsense."

Li Shuxin: "Can she break Reporter Wang?"

I always feel that I can't.

Shao Ling: "Reporter Wang is a cultured person after all, and Mrs. Hu is a good thing. You don't know it for so many years. What kind of person is she? I don't think Reporter Wang is good."

Shao Ling said seriously: "Aunt Hu can even get her own daughter to do that job in Hong Kong City. This kind of person is poisonous. Reporter Wang is not a good person, but he really may not be Aunt Hu's opponent."

The scene of the dog biting the dog is always a favorite.

Li Shuxin said with emotion: "You said it would be great for me to go with you today, and I can also watch the excitement."

The little chubby boy heard it, nodded, and said, "It's lively."

Small people, quite capable of talking.

Li Shuxin smiled and said, "Oh, don't you feel sick after watching it. It's still lively."

The chubby boy blinked, Li Shuxin lowered his head and kissed his son's chubby cheek, and the chubby boy smiled sweetly at his mother.

Li Shuxin: "My son is so cute, he really deserves to be born by me."

Shao Ling laughed.

"Oh, by the way, your mother called me today."

Shao Ling frowned slightly and said, "Did they look for you?"

He blocked the phone, and this family is looking for Ah Xin?

Shao Ling's face was not very good-looking, but Li Shuxin said directly: "Your sister recently talked to someone and bragged to him that she has a second brother who has been relocated. No, your sister is pregnant and says she is going to get married. But no The house doesn't have a car, so they expect you to buy it. It doesn't need to be very big. Buy a 100-square-meter house in Lincheng, give them a car as a dowry, and lend them another one million for business, and get married here. The happiness of your younger sister Shao Zhi is in the hands of you, the second brother. It depends on whether you can help me or not, as I said, I don't make decisions about the family affairs, I'm only responsible for conveying them, regardless of the results."

Shao Ling's face turned dark.

He said coldly: "This is treating me like a fool."

Li Shuxin shrugged, she said, "You can figure it out."

Shao Ling calmed down and said, "Okay, don't worry, they won't look for you again in the future."

Li Shuxin smiled, poked his son's face, and asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"

Shao Ling: "Do you think I'll talk to them?"

Li Shuxin: "Probably not."

She felt that she knew Shao Ling quite well. Although Shao Ling was a shrewd person, when it came to his parents, brothers and sisters, he was particularly prone to anger and mania. She took a step forward, hugged Shao Ling's waist from behind, and said, "A Ling."

Shao Ling: "What?"

She said, "I'm with you."

Shao Ling reached out to hold her hand, and Li Shuxin laughed softly.

He dragged Li Shuxin like a little koala, and the chubby cub immediately hugged his mother's leg from behind Li Shuxin, hugging each other like a little train.

"Little train, rumble."

"Rumble~" Xiao Jiaxi imitated her mother's words and swayed along.

The childish family of three just ran around in the living room, Shao Ling: "I am the locomotive."

Li Shuxin smiled and lay on Shao Ling's back, and the chubby cub followed his mother's example and stuck to her mother's lap...

"Ring ring ring."

At this time Shao Ling's phone rang, Shao Ling glanced down and picked it up, his expression didn't change, he said directly: "If you want to die, just say so."


Shao Ling: "I think you all forgot what I said during the Chinese New Year and regarded me as a soft persimmon that is easy to bully, right?"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and he said eagerly, "But Shaozhi..."

"I don't care about her! Who does she think she is? Her life has nothing to do with me, and I won't give her a penny. I'll treat you as you do to me. It's my character to take care of you. Mom, I think you still think I'm too good-tempered, don't you? Why don't I let you see it starting tomorrow? "

"It's not Ah Ling, don't mess around, we have no other intentions..."

"Then get out of here."

Shao Ling didn't say anything more, and hung up the phone without saying anything.

He sneered and said, "Believe it or not, they won't look for me again?"

Li Shuxin hummed softly.

Shao Ling: "They are actually trying to test my attitude. If you speak well, they will dare to push your nose to the face, but if you become fierce, they will not dare to do anything. This is them."

Li Shuxin looked at Shao Ling distressedly, and said, "Don't be angry, it's not worth it."

She was sympathetic to Shao Ling, and said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry. Let me tell you, many diseases come from anger. Don't be angry, and your health will be much better."

It seems that in her previous life, she was really angry and something went wrong.

This time, she will definitely not be like that.

"We are better than anything else, right, little Jiaxi."

Xiao Jiaxi tilted her head, and said in a childish voice, "Yes~"

Li Shuxin: "Look, even the baby is right."

Shao Ling laughed and said with emotion: "If you can do it, you will be able to draw an alliance."

Li Shuxin: "Of course."

The two hadn't spoken a few words, Shao Ling's phone rang again, and Shao Ling was speechless: "Who is this, why is this going on forever?"

He looked down, and it was really not his parents, the person calling turned out to be Fatty Yu.

Shao Ling: "Brother Yu?"

Fatty Yu's voice was full of joy: "I heard that you witnessed the horrific cesspit battle today?"

Shao Ling: "Isn't your news coming too soon?"

Fatty Yu was so excited that he really wished he could be there and said, "What's the matter? Let me tell you, everyone knows about it now. Tell me, are they disgusting and they fell into the toilet?" Interesting?"

Shao Ling picked out his ears and said, "What's the point of falling into the toilet?"

"Then why not?"

Fatty Yu: "Don't lie to me, I'm very happy to hear your tone."

Honestly, yes.

Shao Ling is really happy, who knows, he can't see these people.

He smiled and said, "Well, I was discovered by you. Today is really... Let me tell you, you won't be able to eat after the lecture."

Fatty Yu: "It's time to lose weight."

He was excited: "How did they fall?"

Shao Ling: "What a shame!"

The two chatted happily, Li Shuxin: "..."

She took her son by the hand and said, "Go, Mommy will take you to see the Teletubbies."

The chubby boy immediately showed a bright smile, the mother and daughter nestled on the sofa, and Shao Ling went to the window, and began to paint with great interest.

Fatty Yu was at the head: "Ah, it's so disgusting. My God, how many times in a row? It took more than an hour to catch it? Is it marinated? It's too embarrassing. What happened in the end? What happened? ?"

Shao Ling sighed and said, "I really don't know in the end. My son was so smoked that he couldn't bear it. The old secretary let me go. I can't just ignore the child... It's a shame, I didn't I saw the end of the cesspit series. But when I left, Aunt Hu was still beating people. You didn't see the strength of the hand, it's really big, Reporter Wang was slapped like a pig's head."

Fatty Yu was excited: "Oh my god, this old lady is really good at fighting."

But soon, he also sighed. He didn't hear the ending, and he really felt that something was missing: "Oh no, Shao Jie is at the scene? Then I will ask Shao Jie."

Shao Ling: "I still want to ask Shao Jie, that's fine, you can ask, you can ask him. I'll ask Zhang Fan, he hasn't left when I leave."


Those people who are doing good things, they are really watching the fun and not afraid of big things.

Shao Ling dialed the phone again without hesitation, and began to inquire here as well. Li Shuxin pricked up her ears silently, wishing she could sing "I'm so happy today", how did you sing that song, we common people, I'm so happy today...

Li Shuxin wasn't gloating, she wouldn't care if it was someone else, but these few people are different.

Reporter Wang, Wang Axing, Tang Yaozong... These bastards were all people who blackmailed their family in their previous lives. Of course, she was happy to see how these people were doing well. Although falling into the cesspit will not cause them any harm.

However, it is extremely insulting!

Anyway, Li Shuxin was super happy.

For Tangkou Village, those three little bastards are the bastards who deserve to die, but for Li Shuxin, they are not.

These few are the ones who really deserve to die. They play with human lives and waste other people's lives for money. This is the crime that deserves death. Li Shuxin is happy when they are not doing well. Even if the punishment is not great, this kind of thing is too insulting, they must have been unable to raise their heads to see people for a long time, Li Shuxin thinks about it, and feels like he can wake up laughing when he sleeps.

She hummed a little tune, and the little chubby boy looked at his mother and let out a huh.

Li Shuxin pinched his cheek and said, "Is the baby hungry?"

Xiao Jiaxi shook her head, but quickly nodded again.

Li Shuxin smiled and asked, "Then are you hungry or not?"

Little Jiaxi said in a milky voice, "I'm not hungry, but the baby wants to eat apples."

He pursed his mouth and swallowed, looking like a little greedy cat.

Li Shuxin: "Then you wait for mom, mom will bring a spoon and give the baby fruit puree."

The little chubby boy is sweet: "Okay~"

Li Shuxin found a spoon, scraped the apples, and fed the scraped fruit to the little guy. Shao Ling also called at this time, and came over happily: "Daughter-in-law, I'm here to report the latest progress."

Li Shuxin let out a chuckle and said, "Then what's the latest development?"

Shao Ling: "Aunt Hu is really strong, she has blackmailed people."

Li Shuxin blinked, her eyelashes flickering.

Shao Ling: "Reporter Wang was extorted 2,000 yuan."

He was so happy that he closed his mouth from ear to ear, and said: "It is said that Mrs. Hu will not let go if Reporter Wang refuses to agree, and she will not wash off the gold on her body. , for fear of getting it on me. Reporter Wang is no match for Aunt Hu. Tang Yaozong and the others will each pay Aunt Hu five hundred."

Li Shuxin's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it: "Why did they lose money?"

Shao Ling: "Did Aunt Hu splash all over when they fell? Aunt Hu said that if they don't pay compensation, she will go to these houses to throw dung every day. Others really can't bear it anymore, and she will be punished I was fainted by the smoke, and Mrs. Hu was still messing around. And this old lady's notoriety is well known in all places. I guess she is capable of doing it. So I spent money to eliminate the disaster."

Li Shuxin: "My God. As expected, only the wicked grind the wicked."

Shao Ling: "There's something even more disgusting. The old lady didn't go home, so she went directly to the river to wash off. It is estimated that everyone will not be able to go to the river to wash in the short term. This time I thought of this golden body , I feel like a whole river has been polluted, but everyone dares to be angry and dare not speak out. If the old lady is upset by talking too much, they will find fault with gold..."

The corner of Li Shuxin's mouth twitched, speechless, and asked again: "What about those people?"

"Reporter Wang and them?"

Li Shuxin nodded.

Shao Ling: "...they took the gold back to the village to deal with it."

They wanted to deal with it on the spot, but where else could they go besides washing by the river?

And Mrs. Hu stripped naked all at once, and they really couldn't bear it, so they had to leave.

Li Shuxin: "..."

She would like to sigh again, indeed, the wicked have their own way.

Li Shuxin: "Our knowledge is really not enough."


The husband and wife felt that their knowledge was not enough at this time. Look, the old lady is so calm when encountering such a thing.


Shao Ling's phone rang again and again.

Li Shuxin: "Okay, you can answer the phone, I see you are busy tonight."

Are you busy?

This time it was Shao Peng calling, also asking about today's affairs.

It seems that when this man starts to gossip, the woman doesn't give way too much. Let's talk about Li Shuxin, she didn't receive a call from a woman, but Shao Ling's place was as lively as New Year's Eve. After Shao Ling hung up the phone, Li Shuxin said in surprise, "Shao Peng also asked about this?"

Shao Ling nodded.

Li Shuxin: "Their KAMAZ is active again today. Speaking of which, they have been around for a long time. I thought they would have to run away in less than three months."

Shao Ling actually thought so at first, but this KAMAZ was more supportive than they thought.

Shao Ling: "I guess they have a bright future, and they can persist? But I don't know when the thunder will explode. Sooner or later. The old secretary and Shao Jie are worried, but I don't care. Anyway, we don't invest."

He asked curiously: "By the way, you are in contact with the second aunt and sister-in-law Hailan. Have they invested?"

Li Shuxin: "Second aunt invested 10,000 yuan, but sister-in-law Hailan didn't invest."

It has to be said that the second aunt is never absent when it comes to being deceived.

Shao Ling wondered why he didn't see his second aunt today. He should have gone out to take a bath in the hot spring. He vaguely remembered that there was a second aunt among the people at the entrance of the village. He didn't pay much attention at the time, but now that he thought about it, he should be there.

"She invested 10,000 yuan, which is okay, not too much."

Li Shuxin: "It's not a lot, I hope she can go out to play with her a few more times, and return some money."

Shao Ling smiled and said: "You can't stop Second Aunt, but it's okay. Although she is deceived every time, she doesn't go deep and doesn't do much. Sister-in-law Hailan, she is quite Sober."

Li Shuxin smiled: "Sister-in-law Hailan is also tempted, but fortunately his children can pour cold water on them. Every time someone pours cold water on them, they will naturally calm down."

Therefore, as long as there is a clear-headed person in a family, it is not easy to be deceived.

"Oh, that's not right, Aunt Hu believes in KAMAZ so much, why didn't she go to the hot spring today? If she didn't go, it means that she didn't invest in it."

Li Shuxin suddenly remembered this episode, and found a blind spot.

Shao Ling was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Ah, that's right, wait for me to inquire about it."

The gossiping couple went online again, and Shao Ling went to call again...

The little chubby boy looked at his father, then at his mother, tilted his little head, smiled softly, said something to his mother, and opened his mouth wide: "Ah..."

Li Shuxin: "Oh, mom forgot that my baby is still eating fruit puree. Come~"

The little fat cub ate it in one bite.

With a sweet smile on the fleshy little face, he said softly, "Good time!"

Li Shuxin remembered a slogan and said with a smile: "Eat more if it tastes good!"

She lowered her head and kissed the little chubby boy's chubby face.

The little chubby cub is shaking his little butt, happy~
