Oh my lord-

ruby: *sleeping on the couch,suddenly asks/ dares start to appear and hits her*
Ouch! God dang it!
Classic: *is trying not to laugh*
Ruby: huh? I see we have a- holy mutts! Already?
Ink: it appears so.
Ruby: oh well,it's always fun to do the asks and dares!
Us!chara: yep^^
Ruby: let's get ready,gentlemen!

Lust: oh..I see, well in that case he may try to hide his sadness, that happens a lot.
But hey,try to open for him,I know that confession is kinda awkward but you'll get used to it,why not try and hang out with him more? Maybe eventually you will know the right decision ^^
And if you feel ready,just go and confess, we will be here to support you,sweethearts^^
Dust: I said I don't have a crush!
Horror: sure~~~

Lust: heh,I love when the tsunderes act like that
Ruby; mhm! *nods in agreement*

Ruby: I wanna cry and hug him forever ;^;
Ink: he is...okay? I mean his au is really sad,really REALLY sad
Glitch: what happened to him?
Outer: the only thing that I don't understand is why did frisk died?
Ruby: and how do these flowers appear randomly in her body?(I consider quantumtale frisk,echotale frisk and flowerfell frisk females,don't judge me =^=)
Classic: well,the reset button doesn't work with her,and everytime she dies she grows even weaker,and more flowers in her body appears.
Classic: i wonder why....
Ganz: I think it's some sort of illness?
Ink: maybe so.
Error: WeLl If wE tRiEd To gO tHaT aU tHeRe WiLl Be A lOt Of TeArS.
Fell: I mean he is me but..less edgy I guess? Because of his frisk.
Ruby: poor guy...
ink: hey!-
Killer: there is no way to revive her,idiot =_=
Ink: oh....right.
Dust: nope,I ain't tellin'. Sorry sis but not happening.
Ruby: noot noot and dream are currently in dreamtale,fixing everything and trying to grow a new tree,dreamstar is with them
Fell: AUGH! Get off!
Dust: tackle him with hugs,sis.
Fell: *raises middle finger at dust* F*** you!
Reaper: c'mon,it's just a hug no need to be all drama about it -__-
Fell: shut up,death! *tries to get out of the hug but couldn't* what the-?!
Ruby: XD suffer with hugs,fell!
Fell: ughhh I hate you!
Ruby: love ya too,fell XD

Geno: finally! I'm taller then you in some au!
Reaper: you know that doesn't change anything~
Geno: stfu reaper!
Tk: what's that game?
Blueberry; I heard a lot about it,I don't like the sound of that.
Ruby: does it have to be marry! I don't want to be married (true dat,I want to stay single as Pringle XD).
Ink: you know you had too.
Ruby: stop ruining da moment!!
*after explaining to everyone what is the game,the begin*
Ruby: so,who's gonna start
Ink: I guess I'll start?
Ink: I'd kiss error,even if I already did that XD
Error: ShUt Up, We dO nOt tAlK aBoUt ThIs!!!
Ink: *snickering* okay okay,kiss error, marry dream and kill ...I'm sorry but I think I'm going to kill nightmare
Ruby: *le gasp*
Ink: I'm sorry okay XD!
Error: KiSs My PuPpEtS,mArRy T.v aNd kIlL fresh
Fresh: Yo dats totes unrad yo!
Ruby: What XD???
Error: =w=
Ruby: b-
Error: hUsH,tHeY dIdN't SaY aNyThInG aBoUt ObJeCeTs
Ruby: killer,go next!
Killer: kiss *gags* dust,marry my knifes and kill chara.
Us!chara: ...
Killer: no,not you kid. I mean my chara.
Us!chara: oh.. phew ^^"""
Ruby: next?
Reaper: kiss geno cuz it'll be funny, marry tori in my au I guess? And I won't answer kill since I already reaped many souls cuz of my jobs
Geno: you WILL regret kissing me.
Reaper: nah,I'll enjoy it~
Geno: alright fine, kiss *making vomit noises* him.....marry ink and kill the player who kill everyone I love in my au.
Ruby: wow..
Reaper: h-
Geno: I only said that because I have no choice and I couldn't think of who.
Reaper: *shrugs* fair enough.
Us!chara: I...kiss blueberry,marry frisk and k-kill...
Carrot: who?
Us!chara: I guess I'll kill jerry?
Fell: yea,no one loves jerry
Ruby: *holds a sign that says "#jerryprotectionsquad"*
Carrot: kiss honey,marry hapstablook and kill that kid frisk.
Us!chara: but..
Carrot: that's the point of the game,you have to.
G!sans: guess I'll go,kiss chess (chesstale sans) and marry my frisk, and kill fatal
Fatal: =_=
Fatal: kIsS gLiTcH,mArRy mY bEd aNd kIlL gEnO
Glitch: that's gonna be gross
Fatal: I knOw,i RegrEt sAyInG tHe kIsS pArT *shivers* bLeH!
Glitch: kiss a brotherly kiss to my bro like the past~
Alpha: that was when I was a kid Ò////Ó!
Glitch: but you always ask for good night kisses when you were little~
Ruby: awwww sooo cute X3
Alpha: *covers his face with his hands* GLITCH I SWEAR!!!
Glitch: *laughs a little* then I'll marry my bed,and kill infected
Error: :,)
Error: wHy DoEs EvErYoNe wAnT tO kIlL mE??
Ruby: dunno, guess I'll go
does it have to be someone here?
Ink: yep.
Ruby: well...I'll kiss my mother (ya know,child and mother thing) Marry ice cream and kill who ever tries to take my ice cream :>
Ruby: I mean,who would I want to marry?
Ink: pfft- no one XD
Ruby: Exactly.
Outer: I'll go,kiss sci, marry grillby and kill fell =^=
Fell: kiss mustard,marry swapfell and kill error CUZ HE STEALS MY CHOCOLATE AND MAKES A MESS IN MY F***ING AU!
Error: ._.
Swapfell: ugh,kiss napstaton,marry fell and kill blueberry
Horror: kiss my butcher knife,marry my axe and kill lust
Lust: ;w;
Ganz: kiss frisk (a friendly kiss,frisk is a kid and that'll consider ganz a pedo) marry senzy and kill epic,sorry buddy
Epic: itz oki,bruh ;w;
Epic: kiss mah bruh *points to cross* marry memez and kill chara bruh in mah au,bruh.
Cross: well,kiss mah dude,marry chocolate and kill him *points to c!chara*
C!chara: k-kiss...*mumbles something* marry swap chara and kill cross.
Tk: kiss frisk in my au,marry my crush =/////= and kill my horror self (quantumscare I think? I dunno but that au exists .-.)
Little: kiss Undyne,marry toriel >//< and kill tk.
Tk: ;-;
Little: I'm sorry q_q.
Tk: it's alright.
Robin: kiss ruby I guess? That'll be weird, marry pizza and kill him(hacker,he means hacker)
Ruby: that would be like kissing your self,right?
Robin; yep,but it's hypothetical.
Sci: kiss dreamstar ,marry outer and kill glitch
Classic: kiss tori,marry ketchup and kill flo-I mean daisy (flowey's nickname XD)
Fresh: I'd kiss core! (Core!frisk) ,marry inky brah,and kill error,sorry brah.
Error: I dOn'T cArE.
Lust: I'd kiss ruby,marry grillby in my au and kill horror *shrugs*
Ruby: .w. *is speechless*
Dust: kiss killer,marry *mumbles name while blushing* and kill you-know-who.
Blueberry: kiss dream,marry tacos and k-kill...I guess I'll kill someone who kills my au.....
Alpha: kiss horror,marry....dreamstar? And kill error,
Ruby: guess that's everyone.

Ruby: fell,swapfell,nightmare,glitch,fatal,error,
dust,killer,horror,shattered!dream if it counts,c!chara and cross.
Dust: oh hell no!
Error: uGhGhH
Ruby: stop whining like babies and wear em'.
Horror: *sharp gasp* you dare to disrespect who's older then you?!?
Ruby: technically I'm older then you,undertale was "born" in 2015 I was born in 2005.
Horror: age matters,not when we were created =__=
Ruby: I know,but still what do you want me to call you? Uncle horror?
Dust: that will make me cringe
Ruby; honestly,same but c'mon!
~~~two hours later~~~
Error: *is in ink's clothes* InK!!! yOuR cLoThEs ArE rEaLlY gAy!!!!!!
Ink: *is dying of laughter*
Dust; *in blueberry's clothes* why do I feel so heavy...
Blueberry: because it's a battle body! You'll get used to it ^^
Killer: *in dream's clothes,hisses and takes them off* they're too bright!
*everyone hated the clothes and immediately took them off*
Ff! Sans (flowerfell sans): ouch! Where am i?!
Ruby: hi!
Ff!sans: huh? Why am I here?
~~after a whole explaining and everything~~
Ff!sans: do I have to stay?
Ruby: yea,but if you want to that is!
Ff!sans: *sighs* sure,whatever.
(++flowerfell!sans is available for asks and dares!!++)
Ruby: I already listened to it many times,almost cried ;-;

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ff!sans: heh,I really missed her....
Ink: I'm really sorry,buddy
Ff!sans: it's fine,maybe I'm not over her yet but....she wouldn't want me stay here and cry remembering her.
Ruby: *curled up in a ball,crying* ;--;
*everyone liked it,emotionally sad,crying internally*
Little: yes!
Tk: let's do this!
~~~later on~~~
Error: *is on his phone,bored*
*he heard hissing and screaming*
Error: ThE f***?
Tk: kill it kill it kill it!
Error: *goes to the room where tk is,but then a spider (AKA little) was behind him*
Tk: b-behind you e-e-error!!
Error: *looks behind him,looks at the giant spider and screams out of his non-existent lungs,glitches*
Tk: *is laughing* holy snap XDd
Little: *takes off the spider costume* thanks for the help,ink!
Ink: no problem!
Tk: *winks at little*
Little: *nods* ink! Look up! *jumps off of ink's back*
Ink: *looks up*
Tk: *he then pulls the rope that are attached to the glue*
Little: *throws glitter and confetti at ink*
Ink: *blinking twice trying to process everything happened* wow, you dorks XD
Tk: haha
Ink: You two better run~
Error: *wakes up,glitching furiously and is angry*
Tk and little: *sweating and runs away while ink and error and trying to catch them*

**~author note!~**
Hiiiii everyone :33
I have some good news,and bad ones 💔🌚

Good news: I published a new book
Go check it out if ya want :DDDD

Bad news: my right eye really itchy and hurts,so it took me a while to make this chapter less cringy, I don't want to put that stupid eye drops under my eye cuz it burns the living daylights outta me =~=

So yea,that's it :3
