Meet my new fweind :DDDDD

Ruby: *is dragging someone* get.up!
??: NOOO YOU TRICKED ME !!!!!!!!!Q_______Q
Ruby: people want to know you! Geez!!!
??: HAVE MERCY Q3Q!!!!!!!!
Ruby: oh stop being a drama king,also sorry I may be merciful but I can go harsh if I want to *slams the door open and flies while carrying a male human*
??: how the...?!?!?!?!? *is clinging on ruby* RUBY YOU'RE INSANE
Ruby: just because guys are really strong doesn't automatically means all guys are stronger then all girls in the world (booooooom!!)
Everyone else: o~o
Ink: *was about to say something*
Ruby: *cuts him off* don't ask, *ahem* I want you guys to Meet my genderbend self! Robin! He came from underbend and he have his own ask blog! But he just in a break -w- (bet none of you readers except that~ >w> <w<,if you really want to know how he looks,he just looks like me but short and swagy hair,blue t-shirt,grey pants and blue shoes,aaand he's a bit taller then me,since I'm always shorter then guys =3=)
Ink: wait.......:ya have a male twin?!?
Classic: from that au?!?
Ruby: yep^^ that's why I didn't turned into a male! He looks just like me! And I was preparing for that moment but he was being a coward and doesn't want to show himself.
Robin (da mysterious person is not mysterious anymore :3): oh come on! You have the most stupidest fear ever,also you are talking to yourself so that means you are calling your self a coward =____=
Ruby: stop with the logic,god dang it xd!
Sci: soo....let me guess....we have our own female versions?
Ruby: well....all I know is classic, blueberry and fell and outer and pap and gaster are all females! Oh! And error and ink! But I haven't seen anyone else a female before *^*,anyways you guys!
(++robin is available for asks or dares++)
Robin: I didn't agreed to THIS-
(Just a short chapter to introduce my make oc,I drew how he looks but...I forgot my notebook in the apartment at the different country ;-; and I'm too lazy to try and draw again. Also I don't know how to draw boys' hair,well. Kinda >~>)
