More sanses,more chaos ;3

Ink,dream,blueberry: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!Classic: *falls out of couch* HOLY-
Error: W-WHAT T-T-THE HELL???!!?
Everyone else: *le run to da living room* WHAT HAPPENED??!! ......
F!( female)Ink: I don't know! We suddenly woke up and then we turned like this!!!

(Pretend that dream here is a girl skeleton)

Geno: I can tell what you're thinking about reaper =_=...*sigh* when did this happen?
f!Ink: yesterday I think
Ruby: soo...kinda curious how does it feel when you turned like....this
F!Blueberry: I Have mixed emotions right now
F!Dream: I don't really know how to feel but I'm pretty sure that everything will be fine...erm......right ruby?
Ruby: *nervously sweating* ehehehehe.....yeeaaaaaa..
F!Ink: will we be like that.....f-forever? O-O
Ruby: I don't know....but I doubt that it'll be forever but I think it'll be awhile until you're males again....Now you feel my pain when I was the only girl here TwT
F!Ink: -__-
F!Blueberry: oh well! It could've been worse!
Ruby: also you guys we are having more sanses that'll come
Nightmare: *annoyingly sighs* great =_=
F!Blueberry: YAY! More friends! *starry eyed and sounds so excited* I wonder who would it be?
Fell: mind: oh my god he sounds more noisy when he's like that....wait he? She?....I'm so *bark*-ing confused and I don't want to deal with this *bark*
Outer: aren't we enough?
Ruby: so far there is ink,dream,blueberry,nightmare,error,you,classic,fell,fresh,reaper,geno and swapfell....I think that's all of us.
Ruby: besides...more people equals more fun! Amirite???
Geno: you mean more chaos *glares at ruby*
Ruby: *looks at geno innocently* :3
Outer: when will they come?
Ruby: wait for it......

????,??!??!: *bursts through the door like de bosses (wonder who's that~)* WHAT'S UP BRUHS/DUDES :D!!!!
Nightmare: omg not these two idiots....
Fresh: ayyyy what's up epic brah?!!?
Epic (*ahem* da memelord has came): DA SKY XD,BRUH!
Fresh and epic: ayyyyy! Hehehehehe!
F!Ink: the mansion is going to be chaotic
F!Dream: huh...CROSS!!! You came! *runs up to him and tackle hugs him* >w<
Cross: WOAH!! *falls on the floor but looks at dream*: oh! *hugs back and chuckles* heya dream....WAIT WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?
(I made them close friends but not lovers :3)
Ruby: heya cross! Heya epic! Soooo we don't really know what happened they just woke up and turned into females
?!?!: anyone wanna headdog =)?
???: quit it horror no one wants your *bark* headdogs,also you can't kill anyone we are literally in a mansion that is in the middle of the anti-void
Horror: ughhhh fiiine....
Some sanses: what the hell?? =_=
Ruby: heya horror,Heya dust!
F!Blueberry: *humming happily as h- I mean SHE carries a tray of tacos* mweh hehe!! *sees dust and smiles widely* hiya dust! I didn't know you would come, do you want some tacos ^^?
Dust: sure blue......*takes one of her tacos whispers* what happened to him?
Ruby: don't question it =w=
Error: t-t-this place Is croUde-D
???: *smirks and taps error's shoulder*
Error: *turns around*
???: *jump scares him*
Error: *shrieks*
???: *laughing so hard*
Error:*glares at ???* k-k-killer I swear!!
????: are we late?
Ruby: nope and heya g!,lust,ganz!
G!sans: yo! We has been called!
Everyone else (except blue and dream): YOU CALLED LUST???!
Ruby: you guys! I already talked to him! Besides he already feels bad try to respect him at least he is a sans after all he's not that bad
Lust: thanks ruby ^^I'll keep it pg! *winks and thumbs up*
Ruby: *smilles* aw,your welcome and I know I can count on ya,buddy
Horror: he better or imma kick you back to your au so I can chop your head off!
Lust: QwQ okie...
Nightmare: why you guys here anyway?
Killer: heya boss
Cross: for some random *bark*,and also we have nothing to do
Ganz: man that's a lot of sanses
Ruby: hmm....where are they? I called three more sanses they should be here any minute
Ganz: could you explain to us what's going on,please?
Ruby: oh! I forgot! Hehe the name's ruby! You are ganz if I'm not wrong?
Ganz: yea...
Ruby: you guys are here for ask and dare...You can trust me I have no intentions to hurt anyone *gives ganz a friendly warm smile and holds hand for a handshake*
Ganz: *can't help but smile back and shakes my hand* heh,kk
???: *is panting* sorry.....that I'm late.... phew what the heck....
Ruby: you okay sci?
Sci: yea....where are they?
Ruby: *points to da female star sanses that are chatting with their "partner"*
Sci: thanks *walks past the star sanses*
F!ink: sci! I was wondering when are you going to show up!
Sci: ink....woah so sorry about yesterday
F!ink: it's alright I mean...yea it feels weird but it wasn't anyone's fault...soo when are we going to be normal?
Sci: I'm not sure....but I can't really work on my lab right now it's almost broken
F!ink: WHAT??
Ruby: it's alright! There is a lab in here that you can work there! Follow me,sci!
Sci: get the others,I'm just going to check up on you.
F!Dream and blueberry: *just showed up* hi sci!
Sci: WOAH!! *jumps surprised* phew you scared me..
F!blue: hehe sorry
Ruby: anyway follow me everyone
F! Star sanses and sci: *follows ruby*
+*skip the time tra la la~~~++
???,??: we're here!
Ruby: hey guys! It has been awhile!
Tk: yep it has! I brought little with me to help us with the plan.
Little: hi!
Ruby: pleased to meet'cha bud!!
Tk: so you called?
Ruby: oh yea! *gets everyone attention* for the ones who don't know why are they here or what's going on first I want to welcome you to the ASK OR DARE THE AU SANSES! You will be asked or dared by the humans,hope everyone enjoy their stay! Ink will lead you to where are your rooms but for now we will do nothing but we will play a game of our OWN!!! And that's all I have thank you very much if you want more information just ask me or ink or whatever
Dust: *bark* I knew it!
Swapfell: for short welcome to hell *bark*
Ruby: hm? Where is abyss? I thought he'll come since he usually is with ganz
G!sans: speaking of that,he said that he have a lot of business to do
Ruby: Kk I don't blame him,I hope we get a lot of asks/dares
Geno: I have a bad feeling about this
Dust: I can say the same thing
Ruby: c'mon you two! It'll be fun! Besides we can get to know each other more and more!
